HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1994.12.08 - 24053MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION # 94362 BY: PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - LAWRENCE A. OBRECHT, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT - EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DIVISION BUDGET - PROGRAM YEAR 1994 TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS notice of allocation of Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) and other training funds has been received from the Michigan Jobs Commission for program periods and funding sources as outlined in Attachment A; and WHEREAS the funding sources as shown in Attachment A for the total amount of $6,953,260 serve as an estimate of Program Year 1994 fund availability, subject to finalization of carry-forward funds from the previous year; and WHEREAS the JTPA and other employment and training programs identified in Attachment A are totally supported through federal and state funds and require no financial match support from the Oakland County General Fund; and WHEREAS Article ll of the Balance of Oakland County Private Industry Council's By- Laws stipulates that the Council shall "provide policy guidance for, and exercise oversight with respect to, activities under the Job Training Plan for the Balance of Oakland County Service Delivery Area in partnership with the Government of Oakland County"; and WHEREAS the Balance of Oakland County Private Industry Council has approved the Employment and Training Division's Administrative Budget for Program Year 1994, as shown in Attachment B. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Employment and Training Division's Budget for Program Year 1994 be adopted for the total amount of $6,953,260, as follows: 1. to establish an Administrative Budget of $861,582 for staff salaries, fringe benefits, and related operating costs; 2. to establish an Administrative Budget of $408,969 for the contractors' administrative operating costs; and 3. to provide for an appropriation of $5,682,709 for JTPA program operations. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Employment and Training Division will prepare and present a written status report to the Public Services Committee on a yearly basis. Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. • ,7 p)3LIC SERVICES ...._ __._, MMITTEE , , Attachment A OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DIVISION ESTIMATE OF TOTAL JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT AND OTHER FUNDS FOR PROGRAM YEAR 1994. I. Administrative Funds Funding Source Amount JTPA Title HA Adult Program $ 277,045 JTPA Titre 11B Summer Youth Program 225,540* JTPA Title IIC Youth Program 227,202 JTPA Title 111 Dislocated Worker Program 147,941 JTPA Title III TARGET Program 3,316 JTPA Title III Profiling Project 6,354 JTPA Incentive Award 121,206* JTPA 8% Education Program 17,625 Michigan Opportunity and Skills Training Program 5,225 Work First Program 233,493 Community Corrections Employment and Training Program 5,604* Total Administrative Funds $1,270,551 Program Funds Funding Source Amount JTPA Title IIA Adult Program $1,287,148 JTPA Title JIB Summkr Youth Program 1,231,865* JTPA Title IIC Youth Program 866,612 JTPA Title Ill Dislocated Worker Program 840,713 JTPA Title Ill TARGET Program 72,812 JTPA Title III Profiling Project 57,191 Michigan Opportunity and Skills Training Program 85,938 Work First Program 1,139,994 Community Corrections Employment and Training Program 50,436* Total Program Funds $5,682,709 Total Funds Adm inistrative Funds Employment and Training Division's Portion Contractors' Portion Total Administrative Funds Program Funds GRAND TOTAL *This is an estimated figure. $ 861,582 408,969 $1,270,551 $5,682,709 $6 953 260 N ACCOUNT E NUMBER LINE ITEM 105 LEGAL EXPENSES 1,500 128 PROF .SERVICES 90,500 130 - PUBLIC SERVICES - 10,850 _ 201 ACCOUNTING SERV - 55,828 203 SUECtaiTRACTORS 274,633 204 ADVEfir-ffit46 3,709 278 - - COMMUNICATIONS 500 302 DATA PROCESSING 1,088 _ . . . 342 EOUIPMENT REPAIR 250 347 --EXPENDABLE EQUIPMENT 275 6-9 INDIRECT COST 28,463 PY•93 ADMIN 378,047 00 250.00 145 853 00 524,150.00 0. 7,500. 7,500. 134,336 0 0 (1,088 0 0 (151 (852 0 2 147,245.00 0. (1.9ao .11! 0.! ! I cfoo - 0.1 1 (9a. 56. (1,4-64.1 ir 1100. II 0. 7,176.00 171,007.00 BASE' 0 EST BASE' 0 EST FOR C• EE BASE II -0 EST BASE' P EST 13.,•8E• • EST BASE'S EST BASE' E EST BASE' I EST ACTUAL 994B BASED ON EST ATE OF 3,485 PER MON t H ATE OF 50.00 PER MONTH S,PAPER TOWEL S ETC TE-OF 1,583:00 PER MONTH TE OF 12.50 PER MONTH 4E, OF 161.00 PER MONTH TE OFti5,196 COPIES PER MO G It or 217.00 PER 'MONTH ATE OF 208.00 PER MONTH INO RECEIVED TE OF 817.00 PER MONTH 9.00 SUPPLIES FROM PETTY CASH 0.00 - STAMPS FOR DIRECT MAIL (1,000),EXPRESS MAIL (200),MAILROOM (150 PER M 0.00 H _ BUDGETED FOR FULL YEAR, AT CURRENT RATE PENDING PIC APPROVAL. SUBJECT I0 ADJUSTMENT BASED ON 1995 INCENTIVE AWARD 150.00 3.000 ,00 3,150.00 41,822 600 150 19:1300 150 2,004 6,200 2.604 2,496 4,900. 9,800 89,726.00 1,275,551.00 OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING DIVISION PY94 ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET ATTACHMENT B 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 .5 6 .9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 7.0 : 2 :43 310 . .OFFICE SPACE RENT .. 311 MAINTENANCE 330 . CENTRAL STORES T-MISC .360 COMPUTER SERV , 10 LEASED VEHICLES 640 EQUIPMENT RENTAL - .... . :5 641 CONVEN COPIER ... :6 70 STATIONERY STOCK _ ..._ . . . 1:7 72 PRINT SHOP :.8 . . 735 INSURANCE Für-iD :.9 750 - COMMUNICATIONS-- 40 INTERNAL SERVICES SUB-TOTAL 41 42 GRAND TOTALS 43 44 45 CONTRACTOR PORTION 46 EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING PORTION 47 TOTAL 1001 SALARIES/SUMMER 1002 OVERTIME _ 2075 FRINGE BENEFITS SALARIES/FRINGE BENEFIT SUB-TOTAL 4898 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4909 POSTAGE/MAIL ROOM COMMODITIES SUB-TOTAL 1,099,544.00 3,955. 4,600. 489,694.00 150.00 3,000.00 3,150.00 41,822. 2756d- 150. 8,000. 150 1,920 6,700 2.548 3.960 5,000 9-6-00 82,550.00 274,633.00 25% 408,969.00 32% 824,911.00 75% &51 582.00 68% -1,099,544130 100% 1,270,55100 100% PY-94 ADMIN. 375,889.00 250.00 164 597.00 540,736.00 1,500 98,000 10,850 63,328 408,969 3:16b 500 0. 250 275. 26,312. 0. 7,300 3,200. 4,200 3,955. 4 600 636,939,00 LaLANATLON (2,158 00) BASED ON SAT ARIES CHARGED 0.00 _ 1 _8 744 00 BASED ON FRINGE BENEFITS CHARGED 16,546.00 HEARING OFFICER AND COURT REPORTING SERVICES (1,500) TECH. ASST;(30,000ICRA (65,0001,GRIEV OFF. (3,000) CEO STAFF CHARGES18„956).BNA PUBLICATTON (684LCONFERFNCES (1 2001 OAKLAND COUNTY ACCOUNTING DIVISION STAFF COSTS / CC. AUD1T(7,500) CONTRACTOR ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS RFPNEETING NOTICES (600), PLANS (3,100) TELEPHONES - OAKLAND COUNTY PORTION (JOB 2000 CENTER) LINE ITEM DELETED • MAINTENANCE FOR TYPEWRITERS AND CALCUL MOPS (250) EQUIPMENT PURCHASES LESS THAN $500 . STAFF SALARIE---(2 7% . LINE ITEM DELETED COST OF NAB BUSINESS CUR RENTS_(160),MISC (140),Mi CHIGAN WORKS 1(1 000) RECORD STORAGE (225 PER hip), OTHER (500)_ ESTIMATED MONTHLY EXPENSE OF 350.00 MEETINGS (368),CONFERENCES 0,1370111ER (450) LOCAL, STATE AO-RATIONAL CONFERENCES FOR STAFF INCREASE (DECREASE) • . THE OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DIVISION'S PROPOSED BUDGET 'FOR PROGRAM YEAR 1994 A narrative for the Oakland County Employment & Training Division's proposed Program Year 1994 budget follows: 1. Introduction - The Oakland County Employment and Training Division administers the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) and other employment and training programs for the Balance of Oakland County Service Delivery Area (SDA) under the joint policy direction of the Private Industry Council (PIC) and the County Executive/Chief Elected Official (CEO). The JTPA establishes programs to prepare youth and adults who face serious barriers to employment for participation in the labor force. These programs provide job training and other services that will result in increased employment and earnings, increased educational and occupational skills, and decreased welfare dependency, thereby improving the quality of the workforce and enhancing the productivity and competitiveness of the nation. The Michigan Employment Security Commission's "Annual Planning Information Report for 1994" indicates that 45,466 JTPA eligible individuals reside in the Balance of Oakland County SDA. The SDA's 1994 JTPA funding level of over $6.9 million will serve approximately 7% (or 3,170) of these eligible residents, During Program Year 1993, programs funded under JTPA Titles 11A and 11C, which serve economically disadvantaged adults and youths, were evaluated according to six performance standards. These standards measured such outcomes as the adult long-term employment rate, the youth entered employment rate, and the adult long-term weekly wage rate. The Title III Program, which serves dislocated workers, is measured by the number of participants who enter employment. In 1993, the SDA achieved and exceeded all of these performance standards. (A Fact Sheet that provides additional information on the JTPA and the Balance of Oakland County SDA follows this narrative.) 2, Funding - Attachment A to the Resolution provides an estimate and breakdown of the Balance of Oaklarttl County SDA's total JTPA and other fund availability for Program Year 1994. Significant points about the Attachment follow: a. Section I. of Attachment A identifies and delineates administrative funds, which are appropriated from a number of sources, including the following JTPA programs: the Title IIA adult program, the Title IIC youth program, the Title III dislocated worker program, and the Title IIB summer youth program. b. Section II. of Attachment A identifies and delineates the program funds available for Program Year 1994. These dollars will fund the various training programs (e.g., on- the-job training, occupational classroom training, work experience, etc.) into which participants from the Balance of Oakland County SDA will be enrolled. c. Section III. of Attachment A indicates that the SDA's total funding for Program Year 1994 is $6,953,260, which represents a $223,628 (or 4%) increase from the Program Year 1993 funding level of $6,729,632. The increase is primarily due to a new source of funding, the Work First Program, which will train Oakland County public assistance recipients and place them in unsubsidized employment. This additional funding offsets the SDAis 25% reduction in JTPA Title 11 funds. 3. Budget - Attachment B to the Resolution delineates the Oakland County Employment and Training Division's proposed Program Year 1994 Administrative Budget. Significant points about the budget follow: a. The Division's proposed budget is tunded entirely with administrative/ coordination dollars; no program (Or training) dollars, in other words, supplement the budget. This is in marked cotitrast to the Division's 1988 budget, which appropriated over $100,000 in training funds. b. The Division's proposed Program Year 1994 budget is funded at $861,582. This amount represents a $36,671 (or 4%) increase from the $824,911 level at which the Division's 1993 budget was funded. c. The Division's proposed Program Year 1994 budget includes a $408,969 administrative allocation for the SDA's service provider contractors, who need administrative funds to operate JTPA programs. Although it is charged to the administrative budget, this allocation will not fund any Employment and Training Division operating expense. d. Of the total Program Year 1994 dollars available for administration ($1,391,597), $121,046 (or 9%) has been converted to fund programmatic training activities (e.g., on-the-job training, work experience, etc.). The Division's proposed budget does not, in other words, utilize the entire amount of available administrative dollars. e. Attachment B divides the budget into four sections: "Salaries and Fringe Benefits" (Lines 1-4), "Contractual Services" (Lines 6-23), "Commodities" (Lines 25-27), and "Internal Services" (Lines 29-40). The Attachment also provides an explanation for each of the line items in each of these sections and indicates whether the Program Year 1994 amount proposed for each line item represents an increase or decrease from the amount allocated in Program Year 1993. A summary of the line items that have been significantly increased follows: Line Item 3 (Fringe Benefits) - This line item has been increased by $18,744, which reflects a 6% raise in the Oakland County employee fringe benefit rate. Line Item 7-(Professional Services) - This line item includes the costs the SDA's certified public accounting firm incurs as it monitors contractors for fiscal and programmatic compliance with the JTPA. Because the firm must also monitor the SDA's new Work First Program during Program Year 1994, the Professional Services line item has been increased by $7,500. Line Item 9 (Accountinq Services) - This line item has been increased by $7,500 to cover the costs of the Employment and Training Division's audit. This cost was previously charged to the Professional Services line item. Line Item 10 (Subcontractors) - As noted above, most of the SDA's service provider contractors need administrative funds to operate JTPA and other employment and training programs.Thus, line item 10 has been increased by $134,335 to cover the additional administrative costs contractors will incur as they operate the new Work First Program. Line Item 32 (Computer Services) - This line item has been increased by $11,000 to reflect the costs of technical assistance and equipment the Employment and Training Division will need as it networks with its JTPA Career Centers and implements the new Work First Program. JOB TRAINING 'PARTNERSHIP ACT FACT SHEET ON. THE BALANCE OF OAKLAND COUNTY PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL/SERVICE DELIVERY AREA AND THE OAKLAND COUNTY EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DIVISION CONTACT PERSON: John Almstadt, Division Manager TELEPHONE #: 81ID) 452-2256. Oakland County's Telecommunications Device for the Deaf telephone number is (810) 858-5511. FUNCTION OF THE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DIVISION: The Oakland County Employment and Training Division administers the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) for the Balance of Oakland County Service Delivery Area (SDA) under the joint policy direction of the Private Industry Council (PIC) and Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson. PIC MEMBERSHIP: A majority of the PIC's members must be from the private business sector. Other representatives are from labor, education, rehabilitation agencies, and community-based organizations. JTPA'S PURPOSE: The JTPA prepares economically disadvantaged individuals and dislocated workers for the labor force. THE SDA'S BOUNDARIES: The Balance of Oakland County SDA includes all of Oakland County except the cities of Pontiac and Auburn Hills and the townships of Independence, Orion, Waterford, and White Lake. JTPA TRAINING SERVICES: JTPA training options include Occupational Training (computer accounting, data processing, etc.); On-the-Job Training (skills training in a specific occupation in an actual work setting); Work Experience (short-term subsidized employment at non-profit worksites); and Limited Student Internships (short-term subsidized training in the private sector). JTPA SERVICE PROVIDERS: The PIC/Oakland County Executive contracts with school districts, community-based organizations, and private training institutions to provide training services. JTPA ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for the JTPA, an individual must be economically disadvantaged or laid off from employment. JTPA is an equal opportunity program/employer. JTPA FUNDING: The Balance of Oakland County SDA's JTPA funding level for 1994 is approximately $6.9 million. JTPA EVALUATION STANDARDS: The JTPA is evaluated according to six standards, including the adult long-term employment rates, the youth entered employment rate, and the long-term weekly wage rate. JTPA PERFORMANCE: In 1993, the Balance of Oakland County SDA met -- and exceeded -- all six of the JTPA performance standards. • December 8, 1994 FISCAL NOTE (Misc. 194362) ' BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, JOHN P. MCCULLOCH, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT-EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DIVISION BUDGET-PROGRAM YEAR 1994 TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-G of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed Miscpilanprms Resolution #94362 and finds: 1) The Employment and Training Division has requested to amend its 1994/1995 Budget to reflect the Program Year grant award in the amount of $6,953,260 (Administration- Employment and Training $861,582; Administration- Contractor's portion $408,969; Program Operations $5,682,709) for the period July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1995; 2) The proposed budget amendment in the attached schedule is recommended to reflect the awarded amount for the 1994/1995 Program Year Budget of $6,953,260. FINANCE COMMITTEE EMPLOyMENT AND TRAINING OiVlSiON PROPOSED 8u4GET AMENDMENT SCHEME COUNTY EXECUTIVE EMPLOYMENT I TRAiNING ADm 1904 1994/1995 1994f1995 AMENDED PROPOSED PROPOSED BUDGET AMENDMENT BUDGET GROUP 1 - SALARIES MI SALARIES/SUMMER HELP $375.047 152 158) $375 8-89 002 OVERTIME 250 $4 $254 TOTAL 1375,297 32.1581 53/6.1139 GROUP 2- FRINGE BENEFITS 075 FRiNOE BENEFITS 5156.675 17,922 5164.597 TOTAL SALARIES & FRINGES 1534,972 55.764 5540.736 GROUP 3 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 105 LEGAL EXPENSE 51.500 50 51,500 128 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 90.500 1/500 98.040 130 PUSLIC SERVICE ADMIN 10.850 $0 10,850 201 ACCOUNTING SERVICE 55,829 17.500 83.328 204 A0vER1'ISING 1700 50 3.700 278 COMMUNICATIONS 930 $0 504 302 DATA PROCESSING 1,068 (11.056) 0 342 EQUIPMENT REPAIR & MAINT 250 $o 250 347 EXPENDABLE EQUIPMENT 275 so 275 409 iNCIRECT COSTS 26,463 15151) 26,312 430 5110-CONTRACTS 274,633 1134,336 408,969 502 MAINT CONTRACT (COMPUTER REP) 852 (1852) 0 514 MEMBERSHIP DUES & PUB 7,300 30 7,300 526 MISCELLANEOUS 3.200 $0 3,200 574 PERSONAL MILEAGE 4.200 $0 4,200 654 RENT 9 $00 0 727 TRAINING 3,955 80 3,955 752 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE 4,600 50 4,600 TOTAL $489.694 $147,245 5636.939 GROUP 4- COmMOOITIES 898 OFFICE SUPPLIES $150 $0 $150 909 POSTAGEMAILRROM 3,000 $0 3,000 TOTAL $3,150 $0 $3,150 GROUPS- INTERNAL SERVICES 310 BLDG SPACE ALLOCATION /41,822 $0 $41.822 311 MAINT DEPT CHARGES 2,5013 151.900) 600 330 CENTRAL STORES-M150 160 $o 150 360 COMPUTER SERVICES. OPER 8,000 $11,000 19,000 610 LEASED VEHICLES 150 $0 150 640 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,920 $84 2,004 641 coNVENIENCE COPIER 6,700 455001 6_200 670 STAT,LONARY STOCK 2,548 $56 2504 672 PRINT SHOP 3,960 C11,4641 2,496 735 INSURANCE FUND 5,000 31001 4,900 750 TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS 9,003 $0 9,500 TOTAL 582.550 17.176 5139.726 TOTAL pROGRAm-ADMIN 51 110.166 1160.165 51 270 55' GROUP 3- CONTRACTUAL 595 PROGRAm-ADmiNiSTRA.TION $1,110,366 $150,185 51,270.551 210 PROGRAM-OPERATING 5619.266 563.443 5,682.709 01VISION TOTAL 16,729,632 $233 620 56353,260 .. ... Prnimsd by Buchlel IlliveSempatrnp yokl 11121,94 Resolution #94362 December 8, 1994 Moved by Obrecht supported by Huntoon the resolution be adopted. AYES: McPherson, Newby, Obrecht, Palmer, Pernick, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Crake, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Kaczmar, Kingzett, Kramer, McCulloch. (20) NAYS: None. (D) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. I HEREBY Ar E TH , I GO1NIC; RESOLUTION 4.411111‘i111146 //04 L. Brooks Patterson, C. ty Executive Date STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on December 8, 1994 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimopy Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 8th day ocember 1994. _ Lynn D. Allen, County cre7rk