HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1994.12.08 - 24054REPORT (Misc. 1 94363) December BY: Personnel Committee - Marilynn E. Gosling, Chairperson TO: The Oakland County Board of Commissioners II RE: NEW POSITIONS FOR HOME & COMMUNITY-EASED SERVICES WAIVER PROGRAM. TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Personnel Committee, having reviewed the above referenced resolution on November 30, 1994, reports with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE •-• MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #94363 December 8, 1994 BY: General Government Committee - Donald Jensen, Chairperson IN RE: HUMAN SERVICES/CMH- NEW POSITIONS FOR HOME k MmmTTN-1-Tv -RAgyri SERVICES WAIVER PROGRAM. TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Community Mental Health has received funds from the Michigan Department of Mental Health through Medicaid's Home & Community-Based Services (HACH) Program to provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities; and WHEREAS these funds are in the form of waivers which are approved on a case-by-case basis, and provide funding for individuals in group homes and those living with natural families who need additional support to maintain desired living arrangements; and WHEREAS obtaining approval for these waivers, and providing the level of services and assessments required through the strict demands of Medicaid regulation is highly labor-intensive; and WHEREAS this proposal would provide additional revenues, which can be used to provide services for other individuals wait-listed for CMH Services; and WHEREAS the staffing for HACB Waiver Programs operated by other CMH Boards have been reviewed to determine the personnel needs of this service enhancement; and WHEREAS this proposal involves the creation of four (4) new r-!1gAifications titled Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Speech Pathologist, and Dietician, and a total of sixteen (16) additional SR positions. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the creation of the following four (4) new ol.qqqificatinnq to support the Home & Community-Based Services Waiver Program: Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist Speech Pathologist Dietician (1000 hr/yr PTNE) Salary Grade 11, No OT Salary Grade 12, No OT Salary Grade 12, No OT Salary Grade 10, Reg OT BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following sixteen (16) SR positions be created in the D.D. Case Management unit of Community Mental Health (16622): 1 Case Management Supervisor 3 Case Management Coordinator 3 General Staff Nurse 1 Mental Health Clinician 1 Occupational Therapist 1 Physical Therapist 1 Speech Pathologist 1 Dietician-PTNE (1000 hr/yr) 1 Psychiatrist/Part-time (1000 hr/yr) 2 Typist I 1 Account Clerk I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that future existence of these positions be contingent upon continuation of state funding. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE December 8, 1994 FISCAL NOTE (Misc. 194363) BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE - JOHN P. MCCULLOCH, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES/COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH - NEW POSITIONS FOR HOME & COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES WAIVER PROGRAM Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies, and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XI-G, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above- referenced resolution and finds: 1) The Department of Mental Health has awarded 104 Home & Community-Based (HACB) Waiver slots to the Oakland County Community Mental Health Board, which will provide approximately $1,006,265 in additional Federal Medicaid revenue for Fiscal Year 1994195 and $1,613,212 on a full-year basis. 2) An additional 14 full-time positions and 2 part-time positions are requested to support implementation of the waivers and the ongoing assessment requirements (attached Schedule B). As detailed in attached Schedule A, for FY 1994/95, the additional ongoing cost is estimated to be $590,142 plus start- up cost of $90,665 for a total of $680,807. The excess of revenues over expenditures of $325,458 is recommended to be budgeted in a miscellaneous account for FY 94/95 in anticipation of increased contractual service costs not yet identified for increased services to HACB waiver clients as well as to provide services to developmentally disabled clients on the prioritized waiting list. As these costs are identified, a budget amendment will be brought back to the Finance Committee to adjust from this miscellaneous account into accounts specified at that time. 3) The FY 1994/95 Spending Plan will be amended with one comprehensive budget amendment upon receipt of the State Authorization for Fiscal Year 1994/95. FINANCE COMMITTEE • FINANCIAL ANALYSIS HOME AND COMMUNITY BASED WAIVERS SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE A Positions at Maximum FY 94/95 Full Year Step (a) (b) (0) Projected Revenue (104 Waiver Slots) ----- Gross Medicaid Reimbursement 1,770,347 2,838,163 2,838,163 Less Medicaid-State Share (764,082) (1,224,951) (1,224,951) Medicaid Reimbursement-Federal Share $1,006,265 $1,613,212 $1,613,212 Expenditures Personnel Salaries & Fringe Benefits* $554,132 $738,842 $893,214 Contracted Physician 8,967 11,956 11,956 Mileage 4,875 6,500 6,500 Travel & Conference 2,600 2,600 2,600 Office Supplies 3,000 3,000 3,000 Telephones 3,068 4,090 4,090 Computer Services-Operations 13,500 18,000 18,000 Ongoing Expenditures 590,142 784,988 939,360 One-time Stark-up Costs Facility Conversion 50,000 Furniture 25,000 Telephone Installation 1,925 Computer Installation & Software 13,740 •n•n••••n•••••n••nn°-.m.....M....IN Subtotal 90,665 ...... TOTAL INITIAL EXPENDITURES $680,807 $784,988 $939,360 Reserve for Contractual Service Increase 325,458 828,224 673,852 ,.••n 4/. GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,006,265 1,613,212 1,613,212 6n•nnn Am. .,ar IMIM *Positions budgeted at one-year step for calculation columns (a) & (b). However, for comparison purposes, calculation column (c) shows cost at maximum step for each position. FY 94/95 Full Year (a) (b) Each Position One-Year Step •••••n•••••=.n..•••••••n Positions at Maximum Step (c) 36,337 27,081 33,038 31,056 32,736 34,490 34,490 17,702 20,198 $27,253 60,932 74,336 23,292 24,552 25,868 25,868 26,553 15,149 $36,337 81,243 99,114 31,056 32,736 34,490 34,490 35,404 20,198 $44,774 99,750 120,069 41,948 40,184 42,416 42,416 43,790 24,811 303,803 405,068 500,158 12,152 16,203 20,006 315,955 421,271 520,164 165,244 220,325 272,046 $481,199 $641,596 $792,210 ••••n•n•n:. 63,236 2,529 84,315 3,373 65,765 87,688 7,168 9,558 ....... $72,933 $97,246 ----- -- $554,132 $738,842 17,574 70,000 87,574 3,503 91,077 9,927 - $101,004 •NM.MO $893,214 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS HOME AND COMMUNITY BASED WAIVERS DETAILED PERSONNEL COSTS SCHEDULE B Full-time Positions: 1 Case Management Supervisor 3 Case Management Coordinator 3 General Staff Nurse 1 Mental Health Clinician 1 Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist 1 Speech Pathologist 2 Typist I '1 Account Clerk I Subtotal Full-time Salaries Anticipated 1995 General Salary Increase (4.00%) ubtotal -ringe Benefits (52.3%) -otal Full-time Salaries & Fringe Benefits WM. 'art-time Positions PINE Dietician (1,000 hours) PINE Psychiatrist (1,000 hours) 'iubtotai Part-time Salaries inticipated 1995 General Salary Increase (4.00%) z3ubtotal -inge Benefits (10.9%) )tal Part-time Salaries & Fringe Benefits 3TAL PERSONNEL COSTS 14,315 70,000 $14.315/hr. 10,736 $70.000ihr. 52,500 "ositions budgeted at one-year step for calculation columns (a) & (b). However, or comparison purposes, calculation column (c) shows cost at maximum step or each position. 110.00 343.61 104-24/94 238 Pm • OT Evaluation 1 in 90 days 1 per year 48 09 48.09 35 07 56,494.19 43,871 10 12 inriorne Non VoclAab 2975 1920 riours per year 17.30 33.500 00 2529000 Respite Cars 960 480 Hours per year 1300 4,50000 3.60000 • Psychologicai Test I in 90 days 1 par year 166.70 118.70 140.03 . OT Evaluation 1 in 90 days 1 per year 46.09 48.011 36 07 36.534.79 28,976 to 13 innome Non Voc Hab 2976 00 Hours per year 17.50 8.400.00 6,300.00 • Psychological Test In 90 days 1 per year 156.70 146_70 140.03 'CT Evaluation I in 90 days 1 Per Yost 48.09 48.09 3607 8.934.79 6.47'6.10 14 Worm Non Vco f450 2976 1200 Hours per year 17.50 21.000.00 15,750.00 Personal Assistance 2976 1200 Hours per year 10,00 12.000.00 9.000.00 " Psychological Test I in 90 clan 1 per year 185.70 186.70 140.03 • DT Evaluation I in 90 days 1 per year 48,09 48.09 38.07 33,234.79 24,926,10 15 Inhorne Non Vac Hat 2976 1200 Hours per year 17.50 21,000.00 15,750.00 Respite Cats 960 300 Hours per year 10.00 3,000.00 2,250.00 Private Duty Nuns Visits -4110 12 Visits per year 71.85 46220 644.65 Personal Asentarve 2976 1200 Hours per year 10.00 12,000.00 9,000.00 • Peychokniool Test 1 -in 90 days I par year 186.70 166.70 140.03 'OT Evaluation 1 in 90 days 1 PM' Yew 46,09 46.09 36.07 37.046.99 27,322.75 10 Morns Non lip: Nab 2976 1200 Hours per year 17.50 21,000.00 15.750 00 Personal Assistance 2976 1440 Hours AS( year 10.00 14,400.00 10,600.00 Respite Cart 960 600 Hokin pet year 10.00 6.000.00 4,500.00 • Psychological Ms! 1 in 90 days 1 Per Year 186,70 160,70 140.03 • OT Evaluation 1 in 90 days 1 per year 4609 44.09 38.07 41,834.70 31,226.10 17 Inhofe) Non Voc Nab 2976 2400 Hours per year 17.50 42,000,00 31.500.00 Rest*, Care 960 575 Hours per year 10.00 5,760.00 4,320.00 'Psy011010gical Test 1 in 90 days 1 per year 1116.70 186.70 140.03 'OT Evaluation 1 in 40 days 1 per year 411.09 46.09 36.07 47,994.79 35,996.10 17 GRAND TOTAL - GROSS MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT FOR ENHANCER SERVICES ;420..047.2Z Nine Month: 1112,23141 • Services billed under Clinic Services HOME AND COMMUNITY BASED WAIVER - PER DIEM SERVICES 30 Group Home Relic/en% 10950 6700 per year 2 Foster Home Residents 730 554 per year 32 GRAND TOTAL - GROSS MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT FOR PER DIEM SERVICES 983,600.00 21.413.33 722,700 00 16.060.00 1#111,113.3a Nine Month: 171112114.21 Annualized: 43 GRAND TOTAL GROSS MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT FOR MEM GRAND TOTAL NET MEDICAID Average for Encrianced Sarvices (Groin): Avenge for Enchenced Services (Net): Prolected Gross Misclicatd Reirnbursainant for additional SS waiver Mots: Projected Net Medicaid Ftairriburserrient foe additional 55 waiver slots: Projected Not Roirnbursernont for 104 Wain( Slots: LIMAN= Mine Month: $7911_631.4Z Nine Month: 121.17:1.21 124,701.64 514,044.40 S1.433 162„,24 Six Month: 3716.551-.14 1.1114.111.11 Six Month: 5401.257-61 1 #13 211,7( kinoiSix Month; S,L#21.211,121 Resolution 094363 December 8, 1994 Moved by Jensen supported by Gosling the Personnel Committee Report be accepted, A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by Jensen supported by Gosling the resolution be adopted. AYES: Palmer. Pernick, Powers, Schmid, Taub, Crake, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Johnson, Kaczmar, Kingzett, Kramer, McCulloch, Moffitt, Newby, Oaks, Obrecht. NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I. Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on December 8, 1994 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. #1949( In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and a ed .the seal,..„1.1nle County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 8th day of 1.11.10e/1"119Trr Lynn,. Allen, County Clerk