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Resolutions - 1994.03.10 - 24156
March 10; 1994 IMISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #94046 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, JOHN P. MCCULLOCH, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT & BUDGET - 1993 YEAR-END REPORT AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS all accounts have been posted and final adjustments made for 1993; and WHEREAS Restatement #1 of the Government Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting Standards requires that encumbrances and appropriations carried-forward be treated as a designated fund balance at year-end and that such amounts be reappropriated in the subsequent year in order to be available for expenditures; and WHEREAS the results of operation after consideration of expenditures, accruals, encumbrances, appropriations carried forward, transfers, adjustments, and closing entries produces an excess available resources over total charges as reflected in the attached schedules; and WHEREAS certain designations of the resulting Year-End Fund Balance are needed to provide for: future increases in retirement contributions due to the Early Retirement Program, future wage and benefit increases not included in the 1994-1995 Biennial B,Aget, and supplementary funding for the Operational Improvement Fund. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the report of operations is accepted and the results of operations by line-item after inclusion of expenditures, accruals, encumbrances, appropriations carried- forward, transfers, adjustments, and closing entries are approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that various line items in the 1994 Budget be amended to include $527,647.28 in encumbrances and $2,266,760.62 for appropriations carried-forward as detailed in the attached schedules. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED adjustments to the fund balance be approved as follows: Balance Before Adjustment $ 4,134,390.87 Adjustments to Undesignated General Fund Balance: Add to General Fund Balance: Repayment of Advance for: Lake Charnwood Bunny Run Lake Level 18,071.99 12,579.37 Reduction of Revenuc from Prior Year Balance M.R. #93082, APPROVAL OF REDUCTIONS TO 1993 SUMMER PROGRAM, Adopted 05/31/93 116,000.00 . . 1 , ..,u , V Close Solid Waste Management Fund M.R. #93249,TERMINATION OF EFFORT OAKLAND COUNTY SOLID WASTE MGT SYSTEM, Adopted 11/04/93 361,931.38 Adjusted Total Including Additions $4,642,973.61 Deduct from Undesignated Fund Balance: Increase in Petty Cash Fund Future Retirement Contribution Increases Provision for Future Operating Recuirernents Increase in Operational Improvement Fund (26,125.00) (750,000.00) (3,000,000.00) ( 1,000,000.00) Adjusted Total Including Additions and Subtractions $(133,151.39) Undesignated General Fund Balance at Beginning of Year $ 168,961.15 Undesignated General Fund Balance at End of Year $ 35,09.76 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board accepts the Accounting Report on bad debt write offs and approves those in excess of $1,000. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE I:\LYND\FORECAST\YEAREND.MR 2 4 8 13 23 58 63 . , COUNTY OF OAKLAND, 1993 YEAR END RE-PORt TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER MISCELANEOUS RESOLUTION Authorizes Encumbrances, Funds Carried Forward and Appropriation of Funds from 1993 SCHEDULE OF ENCUMBRANCES AND FUNDS CARRIED FORWARD Lists outstanding purchase orders for goods and services to be recieved and paid in 1994 and funds carried forward to the 1994 budget STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS Accounting Division Report of Recieipts (Revenue) by Department as compared to Adopted and Amended Budget STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES Accounting Division Report of Expenditures, Encumbrances, and funds Carried Forward by Department as compared to Adopted and Amended Budget ACCOUNTING SCHEDULE OF ADDITIONS AND DEDUCTIONS TO 20 DESIGNATED FUND BALANCE SUNDRY REVENUES 21 List of Non-Departmental Sundry Revenues SUNDRY EXPENDITURES 22 List of Non-Departmental Sundry Expenditures 1993 YEAR-END REPORT Budget Division Report of Revenues and Expenditures by Department as compared to Adopted and Amended Budget with explanation of variances BUDGET AMENDMENTS Lists Miscellaneous Resolutions authorizing amendments to the Adopted Budget INTERNAL SERVICE FUND REPORTS Summary of Revenue and Expenditures with explanation of variances from budget SUMMARY OF DONATIONS 67 BAD DEBT WRITE-OFFS 68 8,518.98 3,118.00 1,434.00 652.50 250.00 GENERAL FUND 4-10100 COUNTY OF OAKLAND ' OUTSTANDING PURCHASE ORDpzi EKUMBRANCES AND CARRY FORWARD 1993 OUTSTANDING PURCHASE CARRY ORDERS FORWARD TOTAL CULTURAL AFFAIRS 118-05-00-3704 SPECIAL PROJECTS 8,152.00 TOTAL CULTURAL AFFAIRS 8,152.00 PURCHASING 124-01-00-3204 ADVERTISING 124-01-00-3347 EXPENDABLE EQUIP. 765.00 2,477.25 TOTAL PURCHASING 3,242.25 EQUALIZATION 125-01-00-3582 PRINTING 125-01-00-3752 TRAVEL & CONF. 125-01-00-6672 PRINT SHOP TOTAL EQUALIZATION 13,070.98 REIMBURSEMENT 127-01-00-3347 EXPENDABLE EQUIP. 69.23 TOTAL REIMBURSEMENT 69.23 FACILITIES ENGINEERING 148-01-00-4937 TESTING MATERIALS 205.00 TOTAL FACILITIES ENGINEER. 205.00 MEDICAL EXAMINER 169-01-00-3347 EXPENDABLE EQUIP. 169-01-00-4875 LABORATORY SUPPL1E TOTAL MEDICAL EXAMINER 902.50 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 191-01-00-3380 GRANT MATCH 191-01-00-3128 PROFESSIONAL SVS. 50,000.00 16,402.00 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 66,402.00 3,458.29 25,729.59 5,376.05 1,623.98 905.00 14,787.61 1,877.50 12,215.00 PLANNING , 19-01 -0Q-3128 PROFESSIONAL SVS. 195-01-00-3204 ADVERTISING 195-01-00-4827 DRAFTING SUPPLIES 195-01-00-4908 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUP. 195-01-00-4909 POSTAGE 195-01-00-6540 MICROFILM 195-01-00-6640 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 195-01-00-6670 STATIONERY STOCK 195-01-00-6672 PRINT SHOP 195-01-00-6750 TELEPHONE COMM. TOTAL PLANNING CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS 212-05-00-4898 OFFICE SUPPLIES 212-10-00-4898 OFFICE SUPPLIES TOTAL CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS 221-01-00-3528 MISCELLANEOUS 221-01-00-4898 OFFICE SUPPLIES TOTAL TREASURER , 1,203.00 , i 97.00 sr_ . & 21,324.00 29,159.00 1,324.00 600.00 1,005.00 1,838.00 8,974.00 683.00 66,207.00 3,705.80 277.58 3,983.38 511.65 1,403.60 1,915.25 CIRCUIT COURT 311-01-00-3347 EXPENDABLE EQUIP. 311-05-00-3347 EXPENDABLE EQUIP. 311-05-00-9998 CAPITAL OUTLAY 311-06-00-3347 EXPENDABLE EQUIP. 311-09-00-3352 FAMILY COUNSELING TOTAL CIRCUIT COURT DISTRICT COURT - DIV I 322-01-00-9998 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,055.27 51,880.52 TOTAL DISTRICT COURT - DIV I 1,055.27 DISTRICT COURT - DIV. III 324-01-00-4832 DRY GOODS 324-05-00-9998 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL DISTRICT COURT -DIV. III DISTRICT COURT - DIV. IV 325-01-00-4898 OFFICE SUPPLIES 261.05 TOTAL DISTRICT COURT - DIV. IV 14,092.50 261.05 PROBATE COURT 341-03-00-3582 PRINTING 344-01-00-9998 CAPITAL OUTLAY 301.05 2,795.00 TOTAL PROBATE COURT 3,096.05 500.00 , 369.00 7,065.00 '- 45.00 5,134.55 11,578.00 4,000.00 22,530.61 13,310.17 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY 41)-01-GO-3128 PRC rE3SIONAL SVS. 411-01-00-3347 EX. 1BLE EQUIP. 411-01-00-3582 PRINTING 411-01-00-4898 OFFICE SUPPLIES 411-05-00-3050 DEFENSE ATTORN/FEES 411-05-00-3100 JUROR FEES/MILEAGE 411-05-00-3128 PROFESSIONAL SVS. 411-05-00-3152 REPORTER/STENO SVS. 411-05-00-3180 WITNESS FEES/MILEAGE TOTAL PROSECUTING ATTORNEY SHERIFF 432-01-00-3347 EXPENDABLE EQUIP. 433-10-00-4806 BEDDING & LINEN 433-10-00-4832 DRY GOODS/CLOTHING 434-15-00-3342 EQUIP. REPAIRS 434-16-00-3347 EXPENDABLE EQUIP. 436-15-00-3347 EXPENDABLE EQUIP. 439-01-00-3347 EXPENDABLE EQUIP. 439-10-00-4820 DEPUTY SUPPLIES TOTAL SHERIFF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 511-02-00-3293 COUNTY ANNUAL AUDIT 511-02-00-3456 LEGAL EXPENSE 513-01-00-6672 PRINT SHOP TOTAL BOARD OF COMM. NON-DEPARTMENTAL 901-01-00-9121 DRAIN ASSESSMENT 901-01-00-9125 WTE CONTRACT TERMINATION 901-01-00-9920 OFFICE AUTOMATION 64,532.33 176.00 3,200.00 2,074.56 320.28 290.05 176.00 474.60 14,452.92 21,164.41 189,050.00 94,431.00 225.00 283,706.00 233,456.98 367,692.50 161,277.00 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 762,426.48 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 91,362.78 1,275,001.42 1,366,364.20 97 46% 100.13% 100 25% 115.42% 97.16% 100.00% $21,509,050.00 $126,605.00 521,635,655.00 $21,244,303.18 521,244,303 18 ($391,351 82) 98 19% COUNTY OF OAKLAND . STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER_31. 1993 TOTAL BALANCE ELAPSED BUDGET BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE OF ESTIMATE 100 00% AS BUDGET AS THRU AND TO BE PERCENTAGE ADOPTED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED 42/31(93 TRANSFERS TRANSFERS COLLECTED COLLECTED . . .= .. .. ====sr.sr.= =ma= • a st. S. . -ftal SC =====. ($788,208.00) PROPERTY TAXES 1993 TAX LEVY LESS: ALLOWANCE FOR TIFA ALLOWANCE FOR LDFA" DELINQUENT TAXES TAX TRIBUNAL APPEALS 5128,659,549.00 (1,300,000.00) (40,000_00) (850,000.00) 5128,659,54900 (2,088,208.00) (40,000.00) (850,000.00) 0.00 $126,469,549.00 ($786,208.00) $125,651,341.00 CURRENT COLLECTIONS $117,560,792.83 $117,560,792.83 $0.00 DELINQUENT TAX REVOLVING 7,947,16621 7,947,186.21 0.00 . NET CURRENT PROPERTY TAX $126,469,549.00 ($788,208.00) $125,681,341.00 $125,507,959 04 $125,507,959.04 (5173,381_96) 99.86% OTHER TAXES DELINQUENT TAXES PRIOR YEARS $600,000.00 $600,000.00 $646,565.51 5646,565 51 $46,565.51 107_76% TRAILER TAX 89,000.00 89,000.00 95,266_50 95.266.50 6,26650 107.04% $689,000.00 10.00 5689,000.00 $741,832.01 $0.00 $74163201 552,832.01 107 67% TOTAL PROPERTY AND OTHER TAXES 5127,158,549 00 ($788,208.00) $126,370,341.00 $126,249,791 05 50.00 5126,249.791_05 ($120,549.95) 99.90% BUDGETED RECEIPTS OTHER THAN TAXES GENERAL FUND STATE AND FEDERAL CIRCUIT JUDGES SALARIES $562,000.00 9562.000 00 $547,721.03 PROBATE JuDGEs SALARIES 333,675.00 333,675.00 334,124.50 DISTRICT JUDGES SALARIES 364,900_00 364,900.00 365,822_50 MARINE SAFETY 190,000.00 190,000 00 219,300.75 STATE INCOME TAX 14,700,000.00 14,700,000.00 14,282,030.46 STATE REIMB. - P.A. 228 2,181,700.00 (15,585 00) 2166,115.00 2,186,114.68 CONVENTION PAC TAX PA 106107 412,941.00 32,804.00 445,745.00 445,745.39 CIGARETTE TAX DISTRB 2,040,158.00 2,040,158_00 2,006,736.22 INDIRECT cosT RECOVERY 723,676.00 109,336 00 833,062.00 876,707.65 $547,721,03 ($14,278.97) 334,124_50 449.50 365,822.50 922.50 219,300.75 29,300.75 14,282,030.46 (417,969_54) 2,166,114.68 (0_32) 445,745 39 0 39 100_00% 2,006,736.22 (33,421 78) 98.36% 876,707.65 43,645.65 105.24% Prepared by AccOUnting as of January 21, 1993 2,445.00 151.32 291.67 11,903.00 880.00 654.50 240,224.00 137,145.20 15,000.00 408,694.69 FRIEND OF THE COURT, FUND.4-21500 312-01-0Q-6750 TELEPHONE COMM. 499.00 . TOTAL FRIEND OF THE COURT FUND 499.00 HEALTH FUND 4-22100 162-01-00-3528 MISCELLANEOUS 162-01-00-3682 SATELLITE CENTERS 162-14-00-3582 PRINTING 162-20-00-4937 TESTING MATERIALS 162-32-00-4892 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 162-33-00-3322 EDUCATION. PROGRAM 177-01-00-3128 PROFESSIONAL SVS. 177-05-00-3278 COMMUNICATIONS 177-10-00-3278 COMMUNICATIONS TOTAL HEALTH FUND COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH FUND 4-22200 166-01-00-3347 EXPENDABLE EQUIP. 166-01-00-4818 166-01-00-9993 166-01-00-9998 166-07-00-3347 166-08-00-3347 166-09-00-3347 166-12-00-3347 166-12-00-9998 166-22-00-3347 166-23-00-4892 166-24-00-3347 166-24-00-4896 166-24-00-4898 166-24-00-9998 166-26-00-3347 166-27-00-3042 166-35-00-3347 166-36-00-3347 166-36-00-9998 166-37-00-3347 166-38-00-3347 166-39-00-3347 166-41-00-3347 DATA PROCESS. SUPP. COMPUTER EQUIP. CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDABLE EQUIP. EXPENDABLE EQUIP. EXPENDABLE EQUIP. EXPENDABLE EQUIP. CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDABLE EQUIP. MEDICAL SUPPLIES EXPENDABLE EQUIP. OCCUP. THERAPY SUPP. OFFICE SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDABLE EQUIP. CLIENT SERVICES EXPENDABLE EQUIP. EXPENDABLE EQUIP. CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDABLE EQUIP. EXPENDABLE EQUIP. EXPENDABLE EQUIP. EXPENDABLE EQUIP. 14,956.36 180.00 355,640.00 1,915.65 812.90 1,775.16 2,255.16 4,404.67 1,010.00 2,334.20 1,178.00 4,536.37 690.80 387.00 5,314.25 2,059.22 606.19 769.94 1,931.54 638.55 1,826.98 1,140.56 2,433.32 718.25 TOTAL CMH FUND C.R.I.M.P. 4-26900 162-01-00-8101 GENERAL FUND 324-01-00-8101 GENERAL FUND TOTAL C.R.I.M.P. MEDICAL CARE FACILITY FUND 4-52100 163-01-00-4898 OFFICE SUPPLIES 163-05-00-4730 MED. SUPP./MATRESSE 163-05-00-4732 MED. SUPP./OTHER 163-60-00-3347 EXPENDABLE EQUIPME 163-60-00-9998 CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL MEDICAL CARE FACILITY FUND 409,515.07 412,483.00 186,907.00 599,390.00 198.54 156.00 439.00 1,999.40 7,152.00 9,944.94 TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS 527,647.28 2,266,760.62 2,794,407.90 WALYNDWECF 23,300.00 12,000 00 (90,000.00) 45,692 00 6,000.00 1,691,800 00 265,359.00 408,803.00 (85,000,00) (25,000 DO) (50,000.00) (205,000.00) 1,012,778,00 (60,000.00) -- $2,970,723.00 $51,459,356 00 $49,519,041.71 $2,636.985.44 COUNTY OF OAKLAND . STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1992 TOTAL BALANCE ELAPSED BUDGET BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE OF ESTIMATE 100 00% AS BUDGET AS THRU AND TO BE PERCENTAGE ADOPTED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED 12/31/93 TRANSFERS TRANSFERS COLLECTED COLLECTED 2.3 letta AI ifi i =a CHARGES FOR SERVICES SOLID WASTE ADMINISTRATION COUNTY EXECUTIVE AUDITING 560,000.00 CULTURAL AFFAIRS 15,600 00 ACCOUNTING 40,000_00 EQUALIZATION 746,004.00 REIMBURSEMENT 141,000.00 MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 14,500.00 SUPPORT SERVICES 90,750.00 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS 100,000.00 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN. 72,484.00 FACILITIES ENGINEERING 19,500_00 SOLID WASTE 400,838.00 PERSONNEL - EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 10,100.00 MEDICAL EXAMINER 34,800.00 PueLic SERVICES 9300.00 SOC. SVCS. - HOSPITALIZATION 5,000.00 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION 8,550_00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 126,800.00 PLANNING 190,000 00 CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS 8,209,300.00 TREASURER 4,932,966 00 CIRCUIT COURT 2,973,480.00 FRIEND OF THE COURT 5,954,025.00 DISTRICT CT. I WALLED LAKE 2,379,037.00 DISTRICT CT. II CLARKSTON 1,045,4513.00 DISTRICT CT_ Ill ROCH. HILLS 2,587,301. 00 DISTRICT CT, IV TROY 1,484,200_00 PROBATE COURT 922,289.00 PROSECUTING ATTORNEY 94,158.00 SHERIFF 12,657,457.00 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 20,500,00 LIBRARY BOARD 93,320. 00 DRAIN COMMISSIONER 3,069,916.00 148,488,633.00 $665.00 $665.00 6665 00 660,000.00 35,990.26 35,990.26 (24,009 74) 5998% 15,600.00 15,702.51 15,702.51 102.51 100 66% 40,000.00 38,597.46 38,587,46 (1,412.54) 96.47% 769,304.00 827,050.25 827,050_25 57,746 25 107.51% 153,000.00 228,843.72 228.843.72 75,643.72 149,57% 14,500,00 12,011.74 12.011.74 (2.468.26) 82.84% 90,750.00 66,348.41 66,348.41 (24,401.59) 73.11% 10,000_00 0.00 (10,000.00) 0.00% 118,176.00 118,423.68 118,423.68 247.68 100.21% 19,500.00 3,959.39 3,959.39 (15,540.61) 2030% 400,838 00 175.00 175.00 (400,663.00) 0.04% 10,100.00 12,195.29 12,19529 2,095.29 120.75% 40,800.00 46,336.50 46,336.50 5,536.50 113 57% 9.300.00 7,931.62 7,931.62 (1,368.38) 85.29% 5,000.00 2,660.78 2.66078 (2,339_22) 53.22% 8,550.00 9,001.40 9,001 40 451,40 105.28% 126,800.00 15,492_29 15.492 29 (111.307 71) 12.22% 190,000 00 177,746.14 177,746.14 (12,253.86) 9355% 9,901,100.00 10,557,285.71 10,557,285 71 656,185.71 106 63% 4,932,966.00 3,043,814.93 2,607,957.19 5,651,7721? 718,606.12 114.57% 3,238,830_00 2,958,069.42 2,958,069.42 (280,760.58) 91.33% 6,362,828.00 6,426,480.87 6,426,480.87 63,652.87 101_00% 2,314,037.00 2,208,879.17 2.208,879.17 (105,157.83) 95.46% 1,020,458.00 967,720.48 967,720.48 (52,737.52) 94.83% 2,537,301.00 2,262,530.81 2,262,530.81 (274,770.19) 89.17% 1,259,200.00 1,199,924.92 1,199,924.92 (59,275_08) 95.29% 922,289_00 1,039,875.97 1,039,875.97 117.586.97 112.75% 94,158.00 74,114.00 74,114.00 (20,044.00) 78.71% 13,670,235,00 14,124,634_64 14,124,634.64 454,399.64 103_32% 20,500 00 21,190_00 21,190.00 690.00 103.37% 93,320.00 55,884.31 29.028.25 84,912,56 (8,407.44) 90.99% 3,009,916_00 3,089,515.04 3,089,515 04 79,599.04 102_64% 552,286,027.15 6626,671 15 27. 55 Prepared by Accounting as of January 21, 1993 92,253,535.00 $2,290,789.00 20,185 00 22,878.11 4,100,00000 4,436,924.33 85,565,087.00 84,605,881.47 24,500.00 31,888 26 92,290,789 00 $37,254.00 22,878 11 2693.11 4,436,924 33 336,924 33 84,605,881.47 (959,205.53) 31,888.26 7,388 26 101.65% 113.34% 108.22% 98.88% 130.16% ($12,239.00) 60,674,944.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND . STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS FOH_THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1993 TOTAL BALANCE ELAPSED BUDGET BUDGET REV.NUE REVENUE OF ESTIMATE 100 00% AS BUDGET AS THRU AND TO BE PERCENTAGE ADOPTED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED 12/31193 TRANSFERS TRANSFERS COLLECTED COLLECTED .=.= M .... .z==.. .... ......=...-,..z......... ....==__ ......... === ..==== . *Ai.= REVENUES OTHER FUNDS STATE AND FEDERAL HEALTH - STATE SUBSIDY $2,265,774 00 DISASTER CONTROL 20,185.00 CHILD CARE SUBSIDY 4,100,000.00 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH 24,890,14300 SOCIAL SERVICES - FOSTER CARE 24,500.00 931,300,602.00 960,662,705.00 991,963,307.00 991,388,361.17 $91,388,361.17 ($574,945.83) 99,37% CHARGES FOR SERVICES FRIEND OF THE COURT 9437,461.00 $437,411.00 $472,617.24 $422,617.24 ($14,863.76) 96.60% HEALTH 1,637,500.00 88,003 00 1,725,103.00 1,900,034.21 1,900,034.21 174,931.21 110.14% EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE 191,290.00 191,290.00 164,919 07 164,919.07 (26,370 93) 8621% ANIMAL CONTROL 833,600.00 833,600.00 615,637.59 815,637.59 (17,962.41) 97.85% CHILDREN'S VILLAGE 3,147,035.00 (876,100.00) 2,270,935.00 1,849,497.00 1,849,497 00 (421,438 00) 81.44% JUVENILE MAINTENANCE 620,000.00 263,300.00 883,300.00 982,562 32 982,562 32 99,262 32 111.24% MEDICAL CARE FACILITY 5,714,121,00 1,802,161.00 7,516,28200 7,256,714.22 7,256,714 72 (259,567.78) 9655% • • 912,680,827.00 $1,277,364.00 $13,857,991 00 913,391,981.65 $13,391,981.65 (9466,009.35) 9664% $43,1381,22000 961,940,069.00 $105,821,298.00 9104,780,342.82 $0.00 9104,780,342.82 ($1,040,955.18) 99.02% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE INVESTMENT INCOME $10,596,708.00 ($3,981,846.44) 96,614,861.56 $3,982,725.09 $2,306,251.04 $6,288,976.13 ($325,885.43) 9507% SUNDRY 400,000 00 2,475,978.00 2,875,978.00 455,966.14 2,478,959.52 2,934,925 66 58.947 66 102.05% $10,996,708.00 ($1,506,888.44) $9,490,839.56 94,438,691.23 94,7135,210.56 $9,223,901.79 (9266,937.77) 97 19% RESOURCES CARRIED FORWARD BUDGETED PROJECTS $83,528.00 $83,5213.00 583,528.00 $83,528 OD $000 10000% PRIOR YEAR'S BALANCE 5,150,000.00 2,207,819.68 7,357,819,68 7,357,819,68 7,357,819.68 000 10000% $5,223,528.00 $2,207,819 68 $7,441,347.68 $7,441,347.68 $7,441,347.58 $000 100.00% TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS $257,267,697.00 564,951,14024 9322,218,8,37.24 9713,803,517.67 97,422,196 00 9321,225,713.67 (9993,123.57) 99.69% Prepared by Accounting an 01 January 21, 1993 COUNTY OF OAXLAND STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1993 TOTAL BALANCE ELAPSED BUDGET BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE OF ESTIMATE 100.00% AS BUDGET As THRU AND TO BE PERCENTAGE ADOPTED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED 12)31193 TRANSFERS TRANSFERS COLLECTED COLLECTED SPECIAL REVENUE AND PROPIETARY FUNDS lb E. PROPERTY TAX PARKS AND RECREATION 57,035,19000 57,035,19000 57061,053 46 $7,061,953 46 826,763 46 100 38% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT S6,250,346.00 $387,151.00 $6,637,447.00 $5,208,488.14 $5,208,488.14 ($1,429.008.86) 78_47% FAMILY PLANNING 371,172.00 32,138.00 403,310.00 347,597.38 347,597.38 (55,712.62) 86.19% MCH. BLOCK GRANT 131.603.00 131,603.00 128,068.52 128,068.52 (3,534.48) 97.31% W.I.C. GRANT 851,534.00 26,165.00 577,999.130 854,857.61 854,857.61 (23,141.39) 97.36% NON-COMMUN1TY WATER 39,500.00 (39,500.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.1.0.P.H 0 S.A.S. 4,018,317.00 4,015,317.00 4,112,125.90 4,112,125.90 93,808 99 102.33% MPASS 30,000 00 30,000_00 10,705_50 10,705_50 (19.294.50) 3569% CHILDREN'S HEALTH SERVICES 258,695. 00 (7,770.00) 250,926.00 236,044.55 236,044.55 (14,881.45) 94.07% MMEDICAID SCREENING 26,573.00 576,399.00 603,272 00 596,667.29 596,667 29 (6,604.71) 9891% INFANT MORTALITY 159750.00 3,844.00 157,594.00 154,460.63 154,460 63 (3,133.37) 98.01% MINORITY LOW INCOME 35,246 00 35,246.00 3,950.63 3.950 63 (31,295 37) 11.21% T.B. OUTREACH GRANT 50543 50,543.00 46,423.25 46,423,25 (4,119.75) 91.85% PROSECUTOR COOP, REIMB. 1,067,337_00 101,458.00 1,1613395.00 1,113,796.74 1,113,796 74 (54,998.26) 9529% SECONDARY ROAD PATROL 511,818.00 31,385.09 543,203.00 619,909,54 619,909 54 76,706.54 114.12% JOBS TRAMING PARTNERSHIP ACT 7,027,881.00 (357,401.00) 6,670,470.00 7,066,630.06 7,066,63006 396,160 06 105.94% SKILLMAN TRUST 165,000,00 165,000.00 167,486.80 167,486 80 2,48680 101 51% AUTO THEFT PREVENTION-SHERIFF 697,373.00 (25,194.00) 672,179.00 588,411.67 586,411.67 (83,767.33) 8754% AUTO THEFT PREVENTION-PROSECU. 168,56500 168,565_00 160,518_35 160,518.35 (8,046 65) 95,23% NARCOTIC TASK FORCE 352,210.00 (52,210.03) 300,000 00 258,481,49 258,481,49 (41,518.51) 86.16% AIDS TESTING 211,978.00 211,978.00 204,022.56 204,022.56 (7,955.44) 96_25% WORKSITEJCOMMUNITY 214,017.00 214,017.00 225,882.78 225,882.78 11,865.78 105.54% INMATE SUBSTANCE ABUSE 138.489.00 138,489.00 93,130.31 93,130.31 (45,358.69) 67.25% NARCOTICS ENFORCEMENT 482.079.00 482,079.00 111,756.66 111,756.68 (370,322.32) 23.18% CRIMINAL JUSTICE 56,050.00 56,050.00 73,144.72 73,144.72 17,094.72 130,50% CMH HOMELESS ASSIST 164,310,00 164,310.00 90,850.18 90,850.18 (73,459.82) 55.29% CLERK SURVEY/REMONUMENTATION 345.786.00 345,786.00 255.220.37 255,220.37 (90,565.63) 73,81% HIV SURVEY GRANT 35,000.00 35,000.00 19,249.53 19,249.83 (15,750.17) 5500% MIC/114IP LOCAL 99,161.00 99,161.00 96,089.61 96,089.61 (3,071.39) 9690% CIRCUIT COURT ADJUDICATION 173,33300 173,33300 123,151.45 123,151_45 (50,151.55) 71.05% VETERANS TRUST 337,848.00 337,848.00 244,645.50 244,645.50 (93,202_50) 72.41% CIRCUIT COURT SCAO 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 0.00 100_00% BREAST CANCER CONTROL 104,756.00 104,76600 87,333.72 87,333_72 (17,422.28) 83.37% TREATMENT PRISONS JAIL 183,67800 183.676.00 35,226.17 38,2213,17 (145,449.83) 2081% C.M.H. - FAIR !PROGRAM 10,30700 10,307.00 0.00 (10,307.00) 000% PRENATAL COORDINATION 68,000,00 68,000.00 67,856 98 67,85698 (143.02) 99.79% 24,119,752.00 51,403,557.00 825,523,30900 $23,419,184.91 523,419,184 91 (52.104.124 09) 91 76% Prepared by Accounting as of January 21. 1993 COUNTY OF OAKLAND STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS FDR_THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 199I TOTAL BALANCE ELAPSED BUDGET BUDGET REVENUE REVENUE OF ESTIMATE 100.00% AS BUDGET AS THRU AND TO BE PERCENTAGE ADOPTED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED 12131/93 TRANSFERS TRANSFERS COLLECTED COLLECTED CHARGES FOR SERVICES PARKS & RECREATION $5,128,524,00 $5,128,524.00 $5,221,043.24 $5,221,043.24 $92,519. 24 101 BO% REFERENCE LIBRARY 65,760.00 65,760.00 36,247.38 36,247.38 (29.512.62) 55,12% "TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS 232,853.00 232,853.00 412,900.18 412,900 18 180,047.18 177_32% 'MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS 1617,509.00 1,617,509.00 1,389,480.21 1,389,480.21 (228,028.79) 85.90% 'MARKETS 268,300 00 268,30000 295.815.15 295,815.15 27,515.15 110.26% `LEASED VEHICLE OPERATIONS 196,00000 196.000,00 170,889.65 170,889.65 (25,110 35) 87 19% 'MICROFILM & REPRODUCTIONS 119200.09 119,200.00 223065,00 223,065.00 103,865.00 187_14% PRINT SHOP 52,710.00 53,710.00 40,762.31 40,762.31 (12.947.69) 75.89% 'RADIO COMMUNICATIONS 28,555.00 28,555.00 22,107.08 22.107.08 (6,447.92) 77.42% WATER & SEWER EQUIPMENT 738,111.00 738,111.00 828,238.18 828,238.18 90,127.18 112,21% 'MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 218,700.00 218,700,00 211,568_73 211,568.73 (7,131 27) 96.74% 'COMPUTER SERVICES 1,105,000.00 1,106,00000 1,457.604 72 1,457,804.72 351,804.72 131.81% 'COMPUTER SERVICES - RENTAL 400,000.00 400,000.00 382,009.00 383,00000 (17000.00) 95.75% *EQUIPMENT 0.00 4,835.18 4,835.18 4,835.18 . COMMISSARY FUND 337,175_00 337,175.00 319,870.64 339,670.64 2,695,64 10080% SEWER ENTERPRISE FUNDS 26,411,560.00 25,411,560.00 23,193,092.03 23,193,092.03 (2,218,467.97) 91.27% DRAIN COMMISSIONER 18,547,727.00 18,547,727.00 17,906,996_64 17,906,996.64 (640,730.36) 96.55% AVIATION 2,019,392,00 2,019,392 00 2,154.578.07 2,154,578.07 135,186.07 406 69% SOLID WASTE 0.00 0_00 0.00 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES $56,489,076 00 $55,499,076.00 $54,292,294.39 $54,292,294 39 ($2,196,781.61) 96 11% TOTAL. SPECIAL REVENUE AND PROPRIETARY FUNDS $87,644,019 00 61,403,557.00 II39,047,575.00 $84,773,432.76 $84.773,432.76 ($4,274,142.24) 95.20% GRAND TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE - ALL FUNDS $344,911,715.00 $66,354,697.24 $411,266,412 24 $398,576,950 43 $7,422,196 00 $405,999,146 43 ($5,267,265 81) 98,72% 'INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS - REVENUE FROM OUTSIDE SOURCES Prepared by Accounting 99 of January 21, 1993 DISTRICT COURT DIVISION I (WALLED LAKE) DIVISION II (CLARKSTON) DIVISION III (ROCI-IESTER HILLS) DIVISION IV (TROY) PROBATE COURT $2,425,259_00 1,162,00200 2,560,599.00 1,788,372.00 $7,936,232.00 $17,108,360.00 TOTAL AOMIN OF JUSTICE 544,814,328.00 (55,558513) 27,975.03 88,410_65 (151,542.46) ($62,713.36) $721,180 52 $1,310,182.03 TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT $63,252,370_00 $1,218,014.72 $64,471,284.72 COUNTY OF OAKLAND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES INCLUDING ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1993 BUDGET BUDGET EXPENDITURES APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL AS BUDGET AS BEFORE TOTAL CARRIED APPROPRIATIONS UNENCUMBERED ADOPTED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED ADJUSTMENTS TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES ENCUMBRANCES FOR vVARD UTILIZED BALANCE DEPARTMENTS & INSTITUTIONS ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE CIRCUIT COURT ADMINISTRATION 512,763,597.00 $473,574.71 513,237,171.71 $12,752,685.54 FRIEND OF THE COURT 6,806,139.00 178,160.16 6,984,299.16 6,913,939.30 — $19,569,736.00 $651,734.87 520,221,470.87 519,666,624.84 $81,300.00 512,833,9135.54 537,092.91 514,787 61 512,885,666 06 5351,305 65 6,913,939 30 499.00 6,914,438.30 69,860 66 $81,300.00 $19,747,924.84 $37,591.91 514,787.61 $19,800,304.36 $421,168_51 $2,419,702.42 1,189,977.03 2,827,009.65 1,638,829 54 57,873,518.64 57,622,701.62 $17,829,520.52 $17,945,883.47 $45,924,510 03 $45,235,209.93 $2426842.60 $1,055.27 $2,427,897 87 ($8,195 45) 1,147,233 11 1,147,233 11 42,743.92 88,000.00 2,542,655.21 1,877.50 12,215 00 2,556,747.71 70,261.94 1,593,970 70 261 05 1,594,231.75 42,597.79 $8800000 $7,710,701.62 $3,193.82 512,215 00 57,726,110 44 $147,408.20 $17,945,883.47 $3,096.05 517,948,979 52 (5119,459 00) 5169,300.00 545,404,509.93 543,861 78 527,002.61 $46,475,394.32 5449,115.71 $2,428,842.60 1,147,233.11 2,454,855.21 1,593,970.70 LAW ENFORCEMENT PROSECUTING ATTORNEY $11,349,414.00 SHERIFF 51,902,958.00 ($104,484.83) $11,244,929.17 1,323,399 55 53,226,365,55 510,596,879.88 52,791613.09 563,388,492 97 $10,596,879 88 57,979 00 556,553.33 510.661,412.21 $583.516 96 89,981.00 52,881,594.09 21,164.41 52,902,758.50 3113197 0; $89,961 00 563,478,473 97 529,143.41 556,553 33 563,664,170 71 5907,114.01 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CLERKJFIEGISTER OF DEEDS $5,731,1132.00 5612,872_34 $8,344,034.34 56,062,446_62 58,062,446.82 53,983 38 56,066,430_00 $277,604_34 COUNTY TREASURER 2,801,800.00 57,035, 48 2,858,835. 48 2,771,787.05 2,771,787.05 1,915.25 2,773, 702 30 85133.18 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 2,001,421_00 198,571.89 2,199,992.139 1,821,037.60 1,821,037.60 283,481 .00 2,104,518_80 95.474.29 LIBRARY BOARD 1,338.259.00 1,923.73 1,340,182.73 1,347,725.75 1,347,725.75 225 00 1,347,950.75 (7,768_02) DRAIN COMMISSIONER 4,827,324.00 73,802.04 4,901,128,04 4,657,715,62 4,857,715_62 4,887,715.62 13,410.42. ------ _ -- TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $16,699,9613.00 $944,205.48 $17,644,171.48 $16,800,712134 $0.00 $16,890,712.64 $5,898.63 5283.706 00 517,180,317 27 $483,854.21 ... COUNTY EXECUTIVE SOLID WASTE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION $369,199.00 ($976.93) $368,222.07 5338,261.76 $338,261,76 $338,261 76 $29,960.31 $1,0135,999.01 580,774.85 84,018 21 92,37980 1,081,631.78 EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION $1,033,395.00 561,306 24 AUDITING 638,495 00 (64_47) COMM & MINORITY AFFAIRS 85,519 00 2,540.00 PUBLIC INFORMATION 89,303.00 7,96300 CORPORATION COUNSEL 1.187,137.00 (38,593 25) $1,094,791.24 636,430.53 88,059.00 97,268_00 1,148.543.75 $1,065,999.01 51,065,999 01 528,792 23 560,774.65 560,774 85 75,655 68 84,016 21 84,018 21 4,04079 92,379.60 92,379 80 4,686 20 1.081631.78 1 ,081 .631_78 66,911 97 Prepared by Accounting as of January 21, 1993 5114,438.56 929.811.55 5,410.261.57 661,16386 4,552_00 3,966,759.31 1,321,20940 $15,696.44 12,046_43 283,219.21 4,664.57 66,929.99 26,695.68 3,24225 8,51895 69 23 $000 $000 52,267 531 14 017440 0.6 5370,2113.41 1.248,757.93 $0 00 $161897634 $46,734.59 (15,892 77 $3,841.82 205.00 $20500 $205,854.36 1,462,324.71 1,648,639.53 $0 00 $3,316,818.60 $401.21 - 68,876.29 (34,284.53 $35,072 97 $0.00 94,287.81 7,000.00 11,212.45 $2,712,696.45 20,449,694.12 7,401,562.64 10,759,910 77 92,592,054.12 775,054 00 1,161,673 67 16,325.49 392,36920 9,94494 409,515 07 $2,712,696.45 ($88,8913.45 20,858.388.81 852.827.36 7,411,507 58 295,361 21 10,759,910 77 C118,251 21 93,001,569 19 967,402 91 775,054 00 000 1,181,673 67 (28,273 67 COUNTY OF OAKLAND STATEMENT OF EXPEND/TURES INCLUDING ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH APPROPRIATIONS FORThE_YEAR_ENDED DECEMBER 31-1993 SOUTH OAKLAND COUNTY LIAISON STATE & FEDERAL AID COORD CULTURAL AFFAIRS BUDGET BUDGET EXPENDITURES APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL AS BUDGET AS BEFORE TOTAL CARRIED APPROPRIATIONS UNENCUMBERED ADOPTED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED ADJUSTMENTS TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES ENCUMBRANCES FORWARD UTILIZED BALANCE 69,411.00 69,411.00 60,286_33 60,286_33 60,286.33 9,12467 82,840.00 1,963.00 84,603.00 77,126.32 77,126.32 77,126.32 7,676.66 142,859.00 12,039.79 154,898.79 128,324.20 128.324.20 13.152.00 136.476.20 18422S9 $3,257,548_00 $116,655.31 $3,374,203.31 $3,150,540.50 $0.00 $3,150,540.50 $000 $8,152.00 $3,158,692.50 5215,510.81 MANAGEMENT & BUDGET ADMINISTRATION $12617500 $3,960_00 $130,135_00 5114,438.56 $114,438.56 BUDGET DIVISION 929,339.00 12,518,98 941,857.98 929,811.55 929,811.55 ACCOUNTING DIVISION 5,482,345.00 211,135.78 5,693,480_78 5,410,261.57 5,410,261 57 PURCHASING DrvisioN 626.292.00 39,536.43 665,828.43 657,921.61 657,921_61 EQUALIZATION DIVISION 4,079,356.00 (25,696.70 4,053,689.30 3,973,688.33 3,973,688 33 REIMBURSEMENT DIVISION 1,277,493.00 70,412.08 1,347,905.08 1,321,140.17 1,321,140.17 5409,252.32 $12,521,030.00 5311.866.57 512,832,896.57 $12,407,261.79 50.00 512,407,261 79 $11,830.46 $4,552.00 $12,423,644.25 CENTRAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION $125,861 00 481.00 $125,800.00 $124,229.10 $124,229 10 MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 223,524.00 (61.00 223,44300 222,970.40 222,970 40 SUPPORT SERVICES 1,949,274 00 10,454.20 1,959,728.20 1,273,081.64 647,250.00 1,920,331.64 $2,298,659.00 $10,312.20 52,308,971 20 $1,620,261 14 $647,250 00 $2,267,531.14 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION $379,571.00 $10,382.00 $389,953.00 5370,218.41 5370,218.41 FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIV. 1,215,754.00 17,111.16 1,232,865.16 1,154,872.93 93,680 00 1,248,552 93 $1,595,325.00 327,493.16 51,622,818.16 51,525,091.34 $93,680 00 $1,618,771 34 $124,229 10 772,970 40 1,920,331 64 $1,570 90 472.60 39,396.56 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION $125,957.00 $80,378.57 $206,335.57 $205,654.36 $205,854.36 HUMAN SERVICES 1,506,704.00 24,497.00 1,531,201.00 1,462,324.71 1,462,324.71 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 1,588,203,00 26,152.00 1,614,355.00 1,648,639.53 1,648,639.53 $3,220,864.00 $131,027,57 53.351691.57 $3,316,818 60 50.00 53,316,818 60 INSTITUTIONAL & HUMAN SERVICES ADMINISTRATION $2,400,845 00 $222,953.00 $2,623,798.00 $2,712,696.45 HEALTH DIVISION 21,403,065.00 307,351.17 21,711,216 17 20,355,406 31 MEDICAL CARE FACILITY 7,759.639.00 (52,770 21 7,706,868.79 7,394,562.64 CHILDRENS' VILLAGE 11,231,669 00 (590,009.44 10641,659.56 10,748,698.32 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH 33,220,911.00 60,748,061.10 93,966,972.10 92.592,054.12 HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY 775,05400 775,054.00 775,054.00 SOCIAL SERVICES 1,294,300 00 (140,900.00 1,153,400.00 1,181,673 67 Prepared by Ateouniing at of Januery.21 , 1993 COUNTY OF OAKLAND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES INCLUDING ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH APPROPRIATIONS FOR_THE_YEAR ENDED,DECEMBER35z199 BUDGET BUDGET EXPENDITURES APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL AS BUDGET AS BEFORE TOTAL CARRIED APPROPRIATIONS UNENCUMBERED ADOPTED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED ADJUSTMENTS TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES ENCUMBRANCES FORWARD UTILIZED BALANCE a a a MEDICAL EXAMINER 1,617,184 00 34,70S 68 1,651,890.68 1,646,569.01 13,003_00 1,659,569.01 902.50 1560,471 51 8,58083 $7970346700 $60,529,392.30 $140,232.859.30 $137,406,714 52 $125,500.26 $137,532,214_78 $436,688.00 $392,369.20 $138,361,271.98 $1,671587.32 PUBLIC SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 5117.569.00 ($55.00 $117,514_00 $108571.13 $1013,871.13 5108,871.13 $8.642.87 VETERANS' SERVICES 1,362,900.00 5525.68 1,36842588 1,329,130.82 282.00 1,329,412.82 1.329,412.82 39,013.06 DISTRICT COURT PROBATION 65.72 65.72 65_72 65 72 65.72 0.00 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION 705,911100 (11,516_76 694,401.24 662,221.55 662,221.55 662,221.55 32,179 69 EMS & DISASTER CONTROL 1,052,598.00 64,505_26 1,117,103.26 1,132,521.77 1,132,521.77 1,132,521_77 (15,418 51 ANIMAL CONTROL 1,459,192.00 25,319.13 1,484,511.13 1,443,159.02 . 1.443,159.02 1,443,159 02 41,352.11 CIRCU/T COURT PROBATION 499,166.00 32,270.79 531,436.79 516,060.62 516,060.62 516,060.62 15,376.17 $5,197,343.00 $116,115.02 $5,313,4513.02 55.192,030.63 $282.00 55.192,312.63 $0.00 $0_00 $5,192,312_63 $121,145.39 COMPUTER SERVICES $3,915373.00 ($1,278,362.08 $2,637,010.92 $2,245,015.78 $42,790.00 $2,207,805.78 $2,287,805.78 $349,205.14 COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEV. ADMINISTRATION $166,793.00 $45,800.39 5212,593.39 $139.186.20 $13910620 $66,402.00 5205,588.20 $7,005.19 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1,161,889.00 5,595.81 1,167,484.81 1,095,928.39 1,095,928 39 1,095,928.39 71,556 42 PLANNING DIVISION 1,427,910.00 56,171_80 1,484,081,80 1,309,992.91 1,369,992.91 66,207.00 1,456,199.91 27,881_89 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 250,150.00 210,150 00 206,648,00 206,648.00 2065413_00 *tf,502.81) $2,966,742.00 $107,560.00 $3,074,310.00 52,831,755.50 50.00 52,831,755 50 $0.00 5132.609 00 $2,964,364.50 $109,945.50 TOTAL COUNTY EXECUTIVE $115,045,550.00 $60,071,091.12 $175,116,641.12 $170,033,771.56 $909,502.26 $170,943,273.02 $4413,723.46 $537,682 20 $171,929,679 48 $3,1136,951 64 TOTAL DEPT & INSTITUTIONS 239.612,21400 63,544,393.35 303,156,607.35 295.548,187.10 1,168,783.26 296,716,970 36 527,647 28 904,944_14 298,149,561.70 5,007,045.57 NON-DEPT. APPROPRIATIONS DocroRsmosprrALs $3,650,000.00 $3,650,000.00 $3,650,000.00 53,650,000.00 53,650,000.00 $0.00. STATE INSTITUTIONS 175,000.00 175,000.00 382,614.79 382,614.79 382,614.79 (207,614.79 VACCINES 46,7013.00 46,700.00 46,700.80 46,700.60 46,7130.80 (0.80 BUILDING FUND 948,000.00 948,000.00 948,000.00 948,000.00 940,000.00 13.00 CAPITAL UTILITIES 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000_00 500,4300. OD 0.00 BUILDING AUTHORITY 4,771,805.00 1,000.000.00 5,771,805.00 5,664,589,33 5,664,589.33 5,664,569.33 107,215.67 C ETA AUDIT - MISC. EXPENSE 127,590.00 127.590.00 107,999.00 107,999.00 107,999.00 19.591 00 COMPUTER SERVICES DEVEL. 336,663.60 336,663 60 335,705_10 335,705.10 335,705.10 958 50 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,353.00 2,353.00 2,353.00 2,35300 2,353.00 000 RADIO COMMUNICATIONS 3,260.00 .3,260.00 3260.00 3,26000 3,260.00 0.00 AMBULANCE 12,000.00 12,000.00 17,583.50 17,583 50 17,583.50 (5,583.50 INSURANCE & SURETY BONDS 70,856.00 70,856_00 70,856.00 70,856.00 70,856.00 000 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS 1,000,000 00 34,262.33 1,034,262 33 1,007,7113_30 1,007,718 30 1,007,718.30 26,544 03 TAX TRIBUNAL APPEALS 200,000 00 200,000_00 1,344,845.60 1,344,845 60 1,344,845.60 1,144.845.60 Prapated by Accounting as of January 21, 1993 BUDGET AS ADOPTED $0.00 $198,147.03 599,390.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0_00 105,401.00 000 45,437 00 000 000 0,00 60,312_00 0.00 0,00 161,277.00 000 000 100,000 00 000 13,569 87 0.00 576,230.08 0.00 (576,230 08 599,390 00 161,277.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES INCLUDING ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH APPROPRIATIONS FOR.THEYEAR_ENDED.DECEMBER31-1993 BUDGET EXPENDITURES APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL BUDGET AS BEFORE TOTAL CARRIED APPROPRIATIONS UNENCUMBERED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED ADJUSTMENTS TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES ENCUMBRANCES FORWARD UTILIZED BALANCE NON-DEPT APPROPRIATIONS- CONTD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 100000.00 85,000.00 185,000.00 185,000.00 185,000 00 185,000_00 0.00 ROAD COMM. -DRAIN ASSESSMENT 726,664 00 145,800.87 872,464.87 639,007.89 639,007.89 233,456_98 872,464.87 0.00 WTE CONTRACT TERMINATION 367,692_50 367,692.50 0.00 367,692.50 367.692.50 0.00 FUTURE SPACE NEEDS 461,512.00 461,512_00 0.00 000 461,512 00 NATIONAL ASSOC. OF COUNTIES 17,023.00 17,023.00 17,023.00 17,023.00 17,023 00 000 COUNTY BUILDINGS 2,484,857 00 (576,054.26 1,908.602.72 1,568.651.00 253.340.40 1,821,991.40 1,821,991.40 86,811.32 COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS 319,108.00 39,633.00 358,741.00 358,740.09 358,740 00 358,740.00 1.00 AREA WIDE WATER QUALITY 42,000.00 4,090.00 46,090.00 51,270.00 51,270.00 51,270.00 (5,1130.00 MICHIGAN ASSOC. OF COUNTIES 36,000.00 2,270.00 39,170.00 39,170.00 39,170.00 39,170.00 000 SANCTUARY 15,000_00 15,000.00 3,001.60 3.001.60 3,001 60 11,998.40 4-H PREMIUMS 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,00000 3,000.00 0.00 HISTORICAL SOCIETY 19,030.00 19,000.00 19,000_00 19,000_00 19,000.00 0.00 TOURIST it CONVENTION BUREAU 49,500.00 (37,125.00 12,375.00 12,375.00 12,375.00 . 12,375.00 000 TRAFFIC IMpROVEMENT ASSOC. 25,000.00 25,000.09 25,000_00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 AREA AGENCY ON AGING 41,200.00 41,200.00 41,200.00 41,200.00 41,20000 0.00 CLINTON RIVER WATERSHED 1,00000 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,00000 1,00000 000 HuRoN RiviER WATERSHED 1,030.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,00000 1,000.00 000 SOIL CONSERVATION 10,135.00 10,135.00 10,135.00 10,135.00 10,135.00 000 ROUGE RIVER WATERSHED 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,030.00 1.000.00 0.00 OAKLAND COUNTY 4C COUNCIL 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,000 00 0.00 RETIRED SENIOR VOL. PROGRAM 5,000.00 5,030.00 6,250.00 6,25000 6,250.00 p,50.o) VETERANS' CONVENTION 5,0190.00 5,00000 4,00000 4,00000 4,000.09 1,000.00 CHILD ABUSE a NEGLECT 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,0019 00 60,000.00 0.00 SUNDRY 400,000.00 400,000.00 137,855.35 137,855.35 137,855_35 282,J44,65 EMP. DEFERRED COMPENSATION 31,000.00 31,000.00 46,699.88 46,699.66 46,699_88 (15,699 88 $16,246,520.00 $1,532,176.02 $17,778,696.02 $10,208,401.61 $7,371,542.73 $17,579944.54 $0.00 $60114948 $18,161,094.02 (5402,398.00 RESERVED FOR TRANSFERS TRANSFER TO RESERVES CONTINGENCY $187,603.00 $10,544.00 $198,147.00 $0.00 C.R.I.M.p. 599,390.00 599,390.00 0.00 SALARY ADJUSTMENT (108,313.00 108,313.00 000 0.00 CLASS, a RATE CHANGE 119,243.00 (13,642.00 105,401.00 0.00 OVERTIME 75,000.00 09,563.00 45,437.00 000 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT 464,000.00 (464,000.00 0.00 0.00 EMERGENCY SALARIES 450,000.00 (389,688_00 80,312.00 000 FRINGE BENEFIT ADJ. (46.849.00 48,649.00 0.00 0.00 OFFICE AUTOMATION 161,277.00 161,277.00 0.00 FEDERAUSTATE PROJECT MATCH 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,002.00 4,567.87 13,569 87 000 DISABILITY INSURANCE 925.000.00 (348,769.92 576,230.08 000 DISABILITY RESERVE (925,000.00 348,769.92 (576,230.06 0_00 Prepared by Accounting as of January 21, 1993 51,113,796.74 619,909.54 588.411_67 160,518 35 93,130.31 73,144.72 258,481.49 38,226.17 123,151.45 111,756 613 315,709_90 $54.998_26 (76,706.54 83,767.33 8.04666 45,358 89 (17,094_72 41,518.51 1457449.83 50,181.55 370,322.32 14,764_ 1.0 $000 $000 $3,496,237.02 $740,605.98 $17,906,996.64 223.065 00 12,807 98 $640,730.36 (103.865 00 . 52,952 02 $4,835.18 ($4,835.18 COUNTY OF OAKLAND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES INCLUDING ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE_YEJSELENDEODECEMI3ER 3t. 1993 BUDGET BUDGET EXPENDITURES APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL AS BUDGET AS BEFORE TOTAL CARRIED APPROPRIATIONS UNENCUMBERED ADOPTED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED ADJUSTMENTS TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES ENCUMBRANCES FORWARD UTILIZED BALANCE ..--- --- - -- $1,408,963.00 ($125,429.13 $1283533 67 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $76065700 $760,667.00 $52286687 TOTAL NON-DEPT APPROPRIATIONS 517.655,483.00 $1,406,746.89 $19,062,229.89 $102013, 401. 81 $7.371,542.73 $17,579.944.54 $000 51,361,816 48 $18,941,761 02 $120,468 87 TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS $257,267,697.00 $64,951,140.24 $322,218,837 24 $30575658891 $654032599 $314,296,914 90 $527,647.28 $2.266,760.62 $317.091.322.60 55127.514.44 PROPRIETARY & SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE S1OLLMAN FOUNDATION $16500000 $165,000.00 $167,486.80 $16748680 $167,486.80 (52.488130 TOTAL ADMIN OF JUSTICE $165,000.00 $165,000.00 5167,486 80 $16746680 $16748680 ($248580 LAW ENFORCEMENT PROSECUTOR - COOP. RE IMB. $1,067,337.00 $10145800 $1,168,795 00 $1,113,796.74 51,113,796 74 SECONDARY ROAD PATROL 511,818 13(3 31,385.00 543,203.00 619,909.54 619,939.54 AUTO THEFT PREV_ - SliERIFF 697,373.00 (25,194.00 . 672,179.00 588,411.67 588,411 67 AUTO THEFT PREV. - PROSECUTOR 168,565 00 168,565 00 160,518 35 160,518 35 INMATE SUBSTANCE ABUSE 138,489.00 138,489_00 93,130 31 93,130 31 CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING 56,050.00 56,050.00 73,144.72 73,144_72 NARCOTIC TASK FORCE 352,210.00 (52,210.00 300,00000 258,481.49 258,4.91.49 TREATMENT PRISONS JAIL 163,67600 183,676.03 38,226.17 38,226 17 CIRCUIT COURT ADJUDICATION 173,333.00 173,333.00 123,151 45 123,151 45 NARCOTIC ENFORCEMENT 482,079.80 482,079.00 111,756.68 111,756.68 COMMISSARY FUND 350,474 00 350,474.00 315,709.90 315,709.90 - TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT $3,824,395.00 $412,448.00 $423684300 $3,496,237.02 $000 $3,496,237.02 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DRAIN COMMISSIONER $18,547,727.00 518,547,727.00 $17,906,996.64 $1190699664 • MICROFILM & REPRODUCTIONS 119,200.00 119,200.00 223,065.00 223,065.00 LIBRARY BOARD 65,760.00 65,760.00 12,807.98 12,807.98 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $18,732,687.00 $0.00 $18,732,687 DO $18,142,869.62 $000 $18,142,869.62 $0.00 $000 $18,142,869 62 S589,817 38 MANAGEMENT & BUDGET • EQUIPMENT FUND $000 $4,835.18 CENTRAL SERVICES PARKS & RECREATION AVIATION DIVISION • MATERIAL MANAGEMENT LEASED VEHICLES • PRINT SHOP $9,559,775.03 2.010,175.00 216,700.00 196,00000 53,710.00 $9,559,775.00 $8,915,156.56 2,010,17500 1,673,438_16 218,700_00 211,568.73 196,000.00 170,889.65 53,710.00 40,762.31 $483518 $8,915,158 56 1,873,438 16 211,568 73 170,889 65 40,762 31 $891515656 1,873,438.16 211,568.73 170,889.65 40,762.31 $644,6113.44 136,736 84 7,131.27 25,110.35 12,947.69 Prepared by ACCOUNIIIIII as of January 21, 1993 ' RADIO COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC WORKS • MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS • MARKETS WATER & SEWER OPERATIONS WATER & SEWER - EQUIPMENT APPROPRIATIONS CARRIED ENCUMBRANCES FORWARD TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS UNENCUMBERED UTILIZED BALANCE $000 $000 $11,233.922.49 $832,992.51 51,389,460 21 5228,020 79 412.900 18 (180,0.47.18 261,965 15 11,656 85 23,193,092.03 2,218,467 97 828,238 18 (90,127.18 22,107 08 6.44792 (39,500 00 10,307.00 345,786.00 14,000.00 $337,848.00 5337,848 00 7,027.881.00 (357,411 00 6,670,470.00 $7,365,729.00 (5357,411.00 57,008,316.00 5220,143 98 7.066,63006 $7,286,774.04 $0.00 5000 COUNTY OF OAKLAND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES INCLUDING ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE_yEAR ENDED DECEMBEIL31-1_993 BUDGET BUDGET EXPENDITURES AS BUDGET AS BEVORE TOTAL ADOPTED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED ADJUSTMENTS TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES = x=z = = = 28.555.00 28,555_00 22.107.08 22,107.08 $12,066,915.00 $000 $12,066.915.00 $11,233,922.49 $0_00 $11,233,922.49 $1,617,509.00 $1,617,509.00 $1,389,480.21 51,389,480.21 232,853.00 232,853.00 412,900.18 412,900.18 273,622.00 273,622.00 261,965.15 261,965.15 25,411,56000 25,411,560.00 23,193,092_03 23,193,092.03 7313,111,00 738,111.00 828,238 16 828.238.18 $28,273,655.00 50.00 $28,273,65500 $26,085,675.75 X 50.00 526,085,675.75 $2,187,979.25 50.00 526,085,675 75 $000 $26,873.00 371,172.00 851,834.00 4,018,317.00 214,017.00 258,696.00 153,750.00 50,543.00 131,603_00 211,978.00 35,000.00 99,161.00 68,000.00 35,246.00 39,500.00 30,000.00 INSTITUTIONAL & HUMAN SERVICES MEDICAID SCREENING FAMILY PLANNING GRANT W.I.C. GRANT M.0.P.14. 01.&S. GRANT WOF2KSITE COMMUNITY CHILDRENS HEALTH SERVICES INFANT MORTALITY T.B. OUTREACH GRANT MCH BLOCK GRANT AIDS TESTING HIV SURVEY GRANT MIC8HIP GRANT PRENATAL COORDINATION . MINORITY LOW INCOME NON-COMMUNITY WATER CMH-MPASS C.M.H. - FAIR PROGRAM CLK. SURVEY REMONUMENTATION CIRCUIT COURT S. C.A.O. BREAST CANCER CONTROL HOMELESS ASSISTANCE PUBLIC SERVICES VETERANS TRUST JOB TRNG PARTNERSHIP ACT $603,272.00 $596,667.29 403,310,00 347,597.38 877,999.00 854.857.61 4,018,317.00 4,112,125.90 214,017.00 225,882.78 (7,770.00 250,926.00 236,044.55 3,844.00 157,594.00 154,460.63 50,543.00 46,423.25 131,603.00 128,068.52 211,978_00 204,022.56 35,000 00 19,249.83 99,161.00 96,089.61 68.000.00 67,856.98 35,246.00 3,950.63 0.00 30,000.00 10,705.50 10,307.00 345,786_00 255,220.37 14,000.00 14,0190.00 104,756.00 67,333.72 164,310.00 90,650.18 $7,826,125.00 $7,551,407.29 5596,667.29 347,597.38 854,857 61 4,112,125.90 225,882_78 236,044 55 154,460 63 46,423.25 128.068.52 204,022.56 19,249.83 96,08961 67,856.98 3,950.63 000 10,705 50 0.00 255,220.37 14, coa ao 87,333.72 90,850 18 50 00 57,551,407.29 $220,143.98 7,066,630 06 $0.00 $7,286,774 04 $0.00 $596,667 29 347,597_36 854.657 61 4,112,125.90 225,882.78 236.044.55 154.460.63 46,423.25 128,068.52 204,022 56 19,249.83 96,089.6/ 67,856.98 3,950.63 10,705.50 000 255,220 37 14,000 00 87,333_72 90,850.18 ----- -- $7,551,407 29 $220,143 96 7,066,630 06 $0.00 $7,286,774.04 $6.604 71 55,712 62 23,141.39 (93,808.90 (11,665 78 14,881.45 3,133.37 - 4,119.75 3,53448 7,955.44 t5750. 17 3,071.39 143 02 31,295_37 000 19,294_50 10.307.00- 90,565.63 000 17,422 20 73,459 82 5274,717 71 $117,704 02 (396,160 06 ----- ($278,456.04 $576,399.00 32,138.00 26,165.00 104,756 00 164.31000 — $6,864,756.00 $961,369.00 Prepared by Accounting as of January 21, 1993 $17.000 DO 1351.804 72 $383,000.00 1,457,804 72 n••nn•n• 51,506,000 00 5000 $1,506,000.00 51.P40,804.72 $0.00 51,840,804.72 $000 $184080472 15334,804 72 $O . 00 $0.00 EQUITY AND OPERATING TRANSFERS 52,594,535 00 $2,594,535 00 $000 $2,594,535.00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES INCLUDING ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH APPROPRIATIONS 811F-NIDELLDECEMBEEI BUDGET BUDGET EXPENDITURES APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL AS BUDGET AS BEFORE TOTAL CARRIED APPROPRIATIONS UNENCUMBERED ADOPTED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED ADJUSTMENTS TRANSFERS EXPENDITURES ENCUMBRANCES FORWARD UTILIZED BALANCE .n as =miss ...A.m. = = . COMPUTER SERVICES • RENTALS $400,000.00 $400,000.00 $383,000.00 $303,000.00 - OPERATIONS 1,106.000.00 1,106,000 00 1,457,804.72 1,457,804 72 $5,200,488 14 COMMUNITY 8 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $6,250,346_00 $307,151.00 $8,637,497.00 55,208,4138_14 55,208,488.14 51,429.008 86 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE 8, PROPRIETARY FUNDS $8504948300 $1,403,557.00 $86,453,040.00 $81,018,501_05 woo $81,018,501.05 50.00 50 00 $81,010,501_05 55,434,538.95 GRAND TOTAL -ALL FUNDS $344,911,715.00 $66,354,697.24 $411,266,412.24 $386,775,089.96 $8,540,325.99 $395,315,415.95 $527,647.20 $2,266,760.62 8398,109,823.85 513,156,588 39 dr. Prepared by Accounting as of January 21, 1993 COUNTY OF OAKLAND SUMMARY STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR GOVERNMENTAL PROPRIETARY AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS LORIBE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1991 REVENUE COLLECTIONS AND TOTAL TOTAL REVENUE BUDGET BUDGET EXPENDITURES REVENUE/ APPROPRIATIONS REVENUE/ UNCOLLECTED/ AS BUDGET AS BEFORE EXPENDITURES CARRIED APPROPRIATIONS UNENCUMBERED ADOPTED ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED ADJUSTMENTS TRANSFERS AND TRANSFERS ENCUMBRANCES FORWARD UTILIZED BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS: REVENUES 1257,267,697.00 664,951,140 24 5322218.837.24 5-313,803517.67 $7,422,196.00 8321.225,713.67 $321,225,713.67 4993.121571 EXPENDITURES $257,267,867.00 $64,954,140.24 $322,215,837.24 $305,758,556.91 $8,540,325.99 $314,298,914.90 8527,847.28 $2,288,760.62 $317,091,322.80 85,127,514.44 EXCESS REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $8,048,928.76 (51,116,129.99) 15926,798.77 (5527547.28) (12,286,760.62) 54,134,390.87 $4,134,390.67 ADJUSTMENTS TO UIVDESIGNATED GENERAL FUND BALANCE: ADD TO GENERAL FUND BALANCE: REPAYMENT OF ADVANCE FOR: LAKE CHARNWOOD BUNNY RUN LAKE LEVEL REDUCTION OF REVENUE FROM PRIOR YEAR BALANCE PER COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION 893082 DATED 5-31-93 CLOSE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FUND PER COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION 893249 DATED 11-4-93 ADJUSTED TOTAL INCLUDING ADDITIONS DEDUCT FROM UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE: INCREASE PETTY CASH FUND FUTURE RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION INCREASES PROVISION FOR FUTURE OPERATING REQUIREMENTS INCREASE OPERATIONAL IMPROVEMENT FUND ADJUSTED TOTAL INCLUDING ADDITIONS AND SUBTRACTIONS UNDESIGNATED GENERAL FUND BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR UNDESIGNATED GENERAL FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR PROPRIETARY AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: REVENUES 587.644,018.00 31,403,557.00 669,047,575.00 384,773.432.76 $0.00 $54,773,432.75 $64,773,432.76 EXPENDITURES 85,045,483.03 1.403,557.00 86.453,040.00 81,015,501.05 0.00 81,018,501.05 81,018.501.05 $16.071.99 12,579.37 116,000 00 381,931.35 $4,842,973.51 ($26,125.00) ($750,000.00) (R000,00000) ($1,000,000.00) ($133,151,39) 3168,961.15 $35,509.76 ($4,274,142.24) 5,434,538.95 EXCESS REVENUES OVER8UNDER) EXPENDITURES $2,594,535.80 $0.00 $2,594,535.00 83,754.931.71 1000 63,754,931.71 63,754,931.71 $1,180,395.71 TOTAL ALL FUNDS: EXCESS REVENUES OVER/UNDER) 32,594,535.00 50.00 $2,694,535.00 $11,801,880.47 ($1,116,129.99) $10,883,730.48 EXPENDITURES ($527,647.28) ($2,288,760 62) $7.889,322.58 $5,294,787.58 333Z Se•le3=3333333 Prepared by Accounting of January 21, 1993 County of Oakl d Detail of Non-Departmental L.undry Revenue For the Year Ended December 1993 Refund Prior Years Expenditures: Closures of prior years Work Projects $65,641.81 Reimbursement Postal Permit #269 for Circuit Court Assignment Clerks Office 22,930.00 Overestimate of amount due to Juvenile Maint. for juveniles committed to DSS by Circuit Court 3,549.47 Past due amount received from Oak Park which were previously written off. 11,200.00 Past due amount received from the Palace which were previously written off. 15,046.92 Amount due from secondary Road Patrol Grant for radio rental costs which were paid by General Fund but should have been paid by Grant. 1,422.60 To reverse accrual of rent for Oakland Troy District Court, charge was paid in Dec. 1992 65,390.70 Amount due for Housing & Community Development Disability Charges 6,732.40 'Reduction of 1992 Sundry Accounts Payable 20,383.76 Sundry (12) Items 2.850.35 Subtotal $215,148.01 Adjustment of Prior Years Revenue: (reflects payments for Board and Care from prior years which were previously written off) 115,128.50 Cancelled Checks (outstanding checks not previously cashed) 54,806.63 Garnishment Fees 441.00 Interest - Sundry 42,419.34 Miscellaneous 1,659.36 Prior Years Revenue (additional monies due from Auburn Hills/Palace for deputy services not previously billed 1,765.74 Refunds - Miscellaneous (i.e. NSF checks, Reimbursement: blood tests, extradition fees, etc.) 10,388.06 Reimbursement of Compensation of Employees (Jury and Witness Fees) 5,736.37 Reimbursement for Medical Examinations 4,448.13 Sale of Abandoned Automobiles 500.00 Sale of Equipment 3.525.00 Subtotal 240.818.13 TOTAL $45.5-96.5,14 Fees and Mileage (Per Diem) Boundary Commission Local Tax Refund Miscellaneous (GFOA) Reimbursement of Cash Shortage Reinstatement of Prior Years Check 2,133.00 421.34 555.40 2,181.03 320.00 7.693.81 TOTAL Subtotal 13.304.58 $137.855.35 County of Oakland " Detail of Non-Departmental Sundry 5;:penclitures For the Year Ended December 31. 1993 Refund Prior Years Revenue: 1992 Tax Levy Adjustment-Delinquent Tax Revolving $116,075.08 Refund of Overpayment of Collection Fee for Inheritance Tax 4,814.85 Sundry (12) Items 3.660.84 Subtotal $124,550.77 $4,134,391 3,754,931 $7,889,322 Governmental Funds Special Revenue and Proprietary Funds TOTAL COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 TEAR END RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR GOVERNMENTAL, SPECIAL REVENUE AND PROPRIETARY FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1993 BUDGET BUDGET 1993 AMOUNT AS AS ACTUAL FAVORABLE/ ADOPTED ADJUSTED EXPENDITURE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT REVENUE Governmental Funds Special Revenue and Proprietary Funds TOTAL REVENUE $257,267,697 $322,218,837 5321,225,713 (5993,124) -0.31% 87,644,018 89,047,575 84,773,432 (4,274,142) -4.80% $344,911,715 $411,266,412 $405,999,146 (55,267,266) -1.29% EXPENDITURES Governmental Funds Special Revenue and Proprietary Funds Equity & Operating Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES $257,267,697 $322,218,837 $317,091,323 $5,127,515 1.59% 85,049,403 86,453,040 81,018,501 5,434,538 6.29% 2,594,535 2,594,535 2,594,535 100.00% 5344,911,715 5411,266,412 5398,109,824 $13,156,588 3.20% EXCESS REVENUES OVER! (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Prepared by: Budget Division 25-Feb-94 (120,550) (391,352) 826,671 $314,769 -0.10% -1.81% 1.61% 0.16% 0.63% 1.5 9% 1993 YEAR END REPORT . REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT ' 1943 BUDGET AMOUNT ADOPTED AS 1993 FAVORABLE/ BUDGET AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT REVENUE GENERAL FUND Taxes 127,158,549 125,370,341 126,249,791 Intergovernmental 21,509,050 21,675,655 21,244,303 Charges for Services 48,4E8,631 51,459,356 52,266,027" SUB -TOTAL GENERAL FUND $197,156,222 $199,465,352 $199,760,121 OTHER FUNDS Inergcvernmental 31,300,602 91,963,307 91,385,3E: (574,946) -0.63% Charges for Services 12,580,627 13,857,991 13,391,98: (466,010) -3.36% Miscellaneous Revenue 10,996,708 9,490,640 9,223,927 ,(266,937) -2.61% SUB -TOTAL OTHER FUNDS 54,877,937 115,3:2,138 114,004,245 (1,307,893) -1.13% TOTAL BUDGETED FUNDS $252,034,159 $314,777,490 $313,784.346 ($993,124) -0.32% Resources carried forward 5,233,526 7,441,348 7,441,345 0 0.00% TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES $257,267,697 5322,216,837 $321,225,7 :3 ($993,124) -0.31% EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Circuit Court 52nd District Court Probate Court TOTAL ADMIN. OF JUSTICE LAW ENFORCEMENT Prosecuting Attorney Sheriff TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT 19,569,735 20,221,472 19,600,313 421,167 2.08% 7,935,232 7,873,519 7,725,1:0 147,408 1.87% 17 106 3 4 2 17 8)9 521 17 9'. 9 9 9 3 (...---L=. —_t_.1.--c--- --E.—.._ (119,459) -0.67% 44,614,326 45,924,511 45,475,395 449,116 0.98% 11,349,414 11,214,929 10,661,4:2 583,517 5.19% a 51,902,955 53,226,355 52,902,7 52, 00' 7'; L 323 597 0.61% --.----..... ---...----- ....-.='- --- 63,252,370 64,471,284 63,564,171 907,114 1.41% GENERAL GOVERNMENT Clerk/Register of Deeds 5,731,162 6,344,034 6,066,430 277,604 4.38% Treasurer 2,601,800 2,858,835 2,773.702 85,133 2.98% Board of Commissioners 5,339,660 3,540,176 3,452,469 87,707 2.48% Drain Commissioner 4,827,324 4,901,126 4 ,887,716 13,410 0.27% TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 16,699,965 17,644,171 17,180,3:7 463,855 2.63% COUNTY EXECUTIVE Solid Waste 369,199 368,222 338,262 29,960 County Executive Admn. 3,257,546 3,374,203 3,158.632 215,511 Management and Budget 12,521,030 12,832,897 12,423,644 409,253 Central Services 2,298,659 2,308,971 2,267,531 41,440 Public Works 1,595,325 1,622,810 1,618,975 3,842 Personnel 3,220,864 3,351,892 3,316,819 35,073 Institutional and Human Svs. 79,703,467 140,232,859 138,161,272 1,671,587 Public Services 5,197,343 5,313,458 5,192,313 121,145 Computer Services 3,915,373 2,637,011 2,287,605 349,205 Community & Economic Dev. 2 966 742 3 C74 310 2 964 1 65 ....L.—L..— -..i---1-....... -.1.-....a.z- 109,945 TOTAL COUNTY EXECUTIVE 115,045,550 175,116,641 171,929,683 3,186,961 TOTAL DEPARTMENTS $239,612,214 $301,156,607 $299,149,552 $5,007,045 NON-DEPARTMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTALS $17,655,483 $19,062,230 $18,941,761 $120,469 TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES 5257,267,697 $322,218,837 $317,091,323 $5,127,515 Excess Governmental Revenue Over/(Under) Expenditures 63 $0 $4,134,39: $4,134,391 8.14% 6.39% 3.19% 1.79% 0.24% 1.05% 1.33% 2.28% 13.24% 3.58% 1.82% Prepared by: Budget Division deptsum.wkl 25-Feb-94 EXPLANATION -40.02%-Completion of Community Development audit delayed by special audit requirements; revenue will be realized in 1994. 0.66% -3.53% 7.51% -Fay, due to new contracts. 49.57% -Fav, due to Departmental Reorganization. -17.16% -Unfav. County Auction ($2,489). -26.89% -Unfav. Oakland Room Meals ($21,300). -100.00%-Un(av. Tower Space Rental. 0.21% -79.70% -Reduced activity from outside agencies. -99.96%-Repayment of Host Community Fees to the County after termination of Solid Waste Management Program has not begun. 20.75% COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT REVENUES BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT PROPERTY TAXES 1993 Tax Levy LESS: Allowance For TIFA Allowance For LDFA Delinquent Tax Tribunal Appeals Current Collections Delinquent Tax Revolving $128,659,549 $128,659,549 (1,300,000) (2,088,208) (40.000) (40,000) (850,000) (850,000) $117,560,793 $7,947,166 NET CURRENT PROPERTY TAX $126,469,549 $125,681,341 $125,507,959 (173,382) OTHER TAXES Delinquent Taxes Prior Years 600,000 600,000 646,566 46,566 Trailer Tax 89,000 89,000 95,267 6,26 7 689,000 689,000 741,832 952,812 TOTAL PROPERTY AND OTHER TAXES$127,158,549 $126,370,341 $126,249,791 ($120,550) BUDGETED RECEIPTS OTHER THAN TAXES GENERAL FUND STATE AND FEDERAL Circuit Judges Salaries 562,000 562,000 547,721 (14,279) Probate Judges Salaries 333,675 333,675 334,125 450 District Judges Salaries 364,900 364,400 365,823 923 Marine Safety 190,000 190,000 219,301 29,301 Slate Income Tax 14,700,000 14,700,000 14,282,030 (417,970) -0.14% 7.76% 7.04% 7.67% -0.10% -2.54%-Vacant Judicial position during year. 0.13% 0.25% 15.42% -2.84%-Actual Distribution Rate realized (513.195 per capita), less than projected ($13.57 per capita) • - State Reimb. - P.A. 228' 2,181,700 2,166,115 2,166,115 (0) 0.00% Convention Fac Tax P.A. 106/07 412,941 445,745 445,745 0 0.00% Cigarette Tax Distribution 2,040,158 2,040,158 2,006,736 (33,422) -1.64%-Actual recieved slightly less than projected. Indirect Cost Recovery 723,676 933,062 876,707 43,645 5.24%-Turnover, especially in FOC, was lower than in prior years': lower- ' turnover results In higher Indirect Cost Recovery because it is based on salaries expended. $21,509,050 $21,635,655 $21,244,303 (391,352) -1.81% CHARGES FOR SERVICES County Exec Administration 665 665 Auditing 60,000 60,000 35,990 (24,010) Cultural Affairs 15,600 15,600 15,703 103 Accounting 40,000 40,000 38,587 (1,413) Equalization 746,004 769,304 827,050 57,746 Reimbursement 141,000 153,000 228,844 75,844 Materials Management 14,500 14,500 12,012 (2,488) Support Services 90,750 90,750 66,348 (24,402) Radio Communications 100,000 10,000 (10,000) Public Works-Administration 72,484 118,176 118,424 248 Facilities Engineering 19,500 19,500 3,959 (15,541) Solid Waste 400,838 400,838 175 (400,663) 'Personnel-Employee Relation 10,100 10,100 12,195 2,095 Prepared by Budget Division 25-Feb-94 AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT REVENUES BUDGET BUDGET AS AS ADOPTED AMENDED SOC SVCS- Hospitalization Medical Examiner Public Services Cooperative Extension Economic Development Planning Clerk/Register of Deeds Treasurer Circuit Court Friend of the Court District Ct. I Walled Lake District Ct. It Clarkston District Cr. III Roch. Hills District Cl. IV Troy Probate Court Prosecuting Attorney Sheriff Board of Commissioners Library Board Drain Commissioner REVENUES OTHER FUNDS STATE AND FEDERAL Health-State Subsidy Disaster Control Child Care Subsidy Community Mental Health Social Services-Foster Care 1993 ACTUAL 5,000 5,000 2,661 34,600 40,800 46,337 9,300 9,300 7,932 9,559 8,550 9,001 126,800 126,800 15,492 190,000 190,000 177,746 8,209,300 9,901,100 10,557,296 4,932,966 4,932,966 5,651,772 2,958,069 5,954,025 6,362,829 6,426,401 2,379,037 2,314,037 2,208,879 1,045,458 1,020,458 967,720 2.587,301 2,537,301 2,262,531 1,464,200 1,259,200 1,199,925 922,289 922,289 1,039,976 94,158 94,158 74,114 12,657,457 13,670,235 14,124,635 20,500 20,500 21,190 93,320 93,320 64,913 3,069,916 3,009,916 3,089,515 $40,488,633 $51,459,356 $52,286,027 2,265,774 2,253,535 2.290,789 20,185 20,185 22,870 4,100,000 4,100,000 4,436,924 24,890,143 65,565,087 84,605,881 24,500 24,500 31,888 (2,339) 5,537 (1,368) 451 (111,30B) (12,254) 656,186 718,806 (280,761) 63,653 (105,156) (52,738) (274,770) (59,275) 117,587 (20,044) 454,400 690 (8.407) 79,599 $826,671 37,254 2,693 336,924 (959,206) 7.386 -46.78% -Inability to collect from indigent clients. 13.57%-Increased request for reports. -14.71% -Actual hours spent on JTPA Administration lower than anticipated. 5.28% -Increase In number of mall outs. -07.78%-Unfav. due to Econ.Dev. Fees not invoiced until Jan. 1994 ($107,000). -6.45%-Decreased sales of aerial and miscellaneous maps. 6.63% -Fey. in Register of Deeds attributed to continuation of mortgage refinancing due to low interest rates. 14.57%-May Tax Sale fee. $276,200 due to default increase from higher sEv; TIFA-DDA recovery $157,800; Industrial Facilities fav. $104,900; Tax Statements fay. $112,800 from increased real estate financing. -8.67%-Court Costs unfav. ($175,000) & Defense Acc'y Fees Reimbursement unfav. ($138,000) both mainly due caseloads increased at a rate less than projected. Unfav. variances partially offset_ by Mediation Fines fay. $63,000 due to increased utillzatin of Civil Mediation Process. 1.00% -4.54% -Divisions I and III unfav. Ordinance Pines and State Lew revenue -5.17% estimates were formulated based on historic caseload trends; actual -10.63% caseload increased at a rate less than projected. Division II revenue -4.71% from Ordinance Fines and State Law higher than projected. Also, In Divisions II, III and IV Probe' ton Assessment and Evaluation unfav. due to continued use of outsid , assessment services. Overall, revenues from District Court P: ',Dation operations exceed expenditures. 12.75%-Addifinnal defense attorney re eursement, $41,800, and new clinical evaluation fees, $16,900, vier rights revenue $29,800, certified copies $22,900, due to fee in uses, State-County agree reimbursement $19,200, partially offset by . • •r probation fees (S18,400) -21.29%-State reduction in funds issw or victim's Rights. 3.32% -Increase in Board & Care $125, e and Operating Under the Influence (QUID) 3rd Offense $275,000; Dit-ferred Offender, $100,000, Reimbursement of salaries S75,070. 3.37%-Additional per diem revenue and revenue from renting auditorium. -9.01% -Reduced request for computer research, copier machines and misc. services at the Law Library. 2.64% 1.61% 1.65% 13.34%-Federal Support from prior year. 8.22%-Additional payments from redistributed State funds. -1.12%-Reduced revenue reflects reduced expenditure related to delay in full management implementation. 30.16%-Additional payments from redistributed State funds. 2,973,480 3,238,830 $31,300,602 $91,963,307 $91,388,361 (574,945) -0.63% Prepared by: Budget Division 25-Feb-94 CHARGES FOR SERVICES Friend of the Court Health Emergency Medical Service .Animal Control Children's Village Juvenile Maintenance RESOURCES CARRIED FORWARD Budgeted Projects Prior Year's Balance 83,528 83,528 83,528 5,150,000 7,357,820 7,357,820 COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END.REPORT REVENUES Medical Care Facility BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION 437,481 437,481 422,617 (14,964) -3.40% 1,637,100 1,725,103 1,900,034 174,931 10.14%-Increased revenue from billing third parties for vaccines, $323,000 partially offset by reduced billings for Cancer detection, ($110,000) and reduced enviromental reimbursement, ($21,800). 191,290 191,290 164,919 (26,371) -13.79%-Encumbrance (1992) of salary reimbursement at 100% instead of 95% from hospital contracts. 833,600 833,600 815,637 (17,963) -2.15% -Reduction in pound fees ($22,400). Increase sale of current licences instead of deliquent licenses, also actual number of doga to be licensed was lower than anticipated ($23,300): offset by increase in service fees $25,400 and claimed Animanls $4,300. 3,147,035 2,270,935 1,849,497 (421,438) -18.56% -Reduced Out -County Board/Care (5474,000) due to full facility; partially offset by increased school meal reimbursement $40,500. 620,000 883,300 982,562 99,262 11.24% -Fey, reflects refund of prLor years expenses, 571,300, which reimburses the County for foster care overpayments to Department of Social Services (DOS). Board and Care revenue Inc. 533,300 due to increase in fees, number of residents and lengh of stay. 9,714,121 7,516,282 7,256,714 (259,568) -3.45%-Dlucounts for ancillary services greater than anticipated ($322,000) partially offset by positive settlement of medical audit, $64,000. $12,580,627 $13,857,991 $13,391,981 (466,009) -3.36% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Investment Income 10,596,708 6,614,862 6,288,976 (325,885) -4.93%-Lower interest rates. Sundry 400,000 2,875,978 2,934,927 58,949 2.05% $10,996,708 $9,490,840 $9,223,903 (266,937) -2.81% $5,233,528 $7,441,348 $7,441,348 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS 257,267,697 322,216,837 321,225,713 (993,124) -0.31% SPECIAL REVENUE AND PROPRIETARY FUNDS PROPERTY TAX Parks and Recreation $7,035,190 $7,035,190 $7,061,953 26,763 0.38% 6,250,346 371,172 131,603 (1,429,009) (55,713) (3,534) INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE Community Development Family Planning MCH Block Grant 6,637,497 5,208,488 401,310 347,597 131,603 128,069 -21.53%-Variance reflects difference between Grants' and the County Fiscal -13.81% Year; Revenues match expenditures. -2.69% Prepared by: Budget Division 25-Feb-94 COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END.REPoRT REVENUES BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION W.I.C. Grant 44.0.P.11.-0.S.A,S. Children's Health Services Medicaid Screening Infant Mortality Minority Low Income T.H. Outreach Grant Prosecutor Coop. Reimb. Secondary Road Patrol Jobs Train. Partnership Act Skillman Trust Auto Theft Prey. -Sheriff Auto Theft Prey. -Prosecutor Narcotic Task Force AIDS Testing Worksite/Community Non Community Water Breast cancer Control Wags Illesid Substance Abuse Cootd. Narcotics Enforcement Criminal Justice Training CMH Homeless Assist HIV Survey Grant Circuit Court Adjudication Circuit Court S.A.C.O. Clerk Survey/Remonumentation MIC/IHP Local Veteran's Trust Treatment Prisons Jail C.M.H.-Fair Program Prenatal Coordination 851,834 4,018,317 258,696 26,873 153,750 35,246 50,543 1,067,337 511,818 7,027,881 165,000 697,373 168,565 352,210 211,976 214,017 39,500 104,756 10,000 118,489 482,079 56,050 164,310 35,000 99,161 337,848 68,000 877,999 854,858 4,018,317 4,112,126 250,926 236,045 603,272 596,667 157,594 154,461 35,246 3,951 50,543 46,423 1,168,795 1,113,797 543,203 619,910 6,670,470 7,066,630 165,000 167,487 672,179 588,412 168,565 160,518 300,000 258,481 211,978 204,023 214,017 225,881 104,756 87,334 30,000 10,705 118,409 93,130 482,079 111,757 56,050 73,145 164,310 90,850 15,000 19,250 173,333 123,151 14,000 14,000 345,786 255,220 99,161 96,090 337,848 244,646 181,676 38,226 10,307 68,000 67,857 (23,141) 93,809 (14,981) (6,605) (3,133) (31,295) (4,120) (54,998) 76,707 396,160 2,497 (83,767) (8,047) (41,519) (7,955) 11,866 (17,422) (19,295) (47,159) (370,322) 17,095 (73,460) (15,750) (50,182) (90,566) (3,071) (93,203) (145,450) (10,307) (143) -2.64% 2.3)% -5.91% -1.09% -1.99% -88.79% -8.15% -4.71% 14.12% 5.94% 1.51% -12.46% -4.77% -13.84% -3.75% -32.75% 30.50% 44.71% -45.00% -28.95% -26.19% -3.10% -27.59% -0.21% 824,119,752 $25,523,309 523,419,184 (2,104,124) -8.24% CHARGES FOR SERVICES Parks and Recreation Reference Board *Telephone Communications *Maintenance & Operations *Markets *Leased Vehicle Operations *Microfilm & Reproductions *Print Shop *Radio Communications *Water & Sewage - Equipment *Materials Management 5,128,524 5,128,524 5,221,043 92,519 65,760 65,760 36,247 (29,513) 232,853 232,853 412,900 180,047 1,617,509 1,617,509 1,389,480 (228,029) 268,300 268,300 295,815 27,515 196,000 196,000 170,890 (25,110) 119,200 119,200 223,065 103,865 53,710 53,710 40,762 (12,948) 28,555 28,555 22,107 (6,448) 738,111 738,111 828,238 90,127 218,700 218,700 211,569 (7,131) 1.80% -44.88% 77,32%-Fav. Public Telephone commissions revenue from increased usage. -14.10%-Reduced services to outside agencies including Oakland Schools . 10.26% -Pay, stall rentals at markets. -12.81%-Fav. Leased Vehicle charges. 57.14% -One-time purchase by title company for duplication of microfilm. -24.11%-Reduced outside prEnt1nu. -22.58% -Reduced repair charges. 12.21%-Additional Equipment rented to systems and municipalities. -3.26%-Increased sales to District Courts & Municipalities. Prepared by: Budget Division 1,106,000 1,106,000 1,457,805 351,805 31.81% -Increased service to outside agencies resulted in additional 0254,000; reversal of 1992 accurred expenses in the amount of $70,000; adjustment of prior year interest of $15,000 as result of savings related to refinancing of loans; other refund of prior years expenses is $11,400. 400,000 400,000 393,000 (17,000) -4.25%-Reflects actual contracts with outside police agencies for mobile data terminals. 4,835 4,935 337,175 337,175 339,871 2,696 0.80% 25,411,560 25,411,560 23,193,092 (2,218,468) -8.73% -Reflects lower volume levels. 10,547,727 18,547,727 17,906,997 (640,730) -3.45% -Reflects lower volume levels. 2,019,392 2,019,392 2,154,578 135,186 6.69% $56,489,076 $56,489,076 $54,292,294 ($2,196,7e1) -3.99% $87,644,018 $89,047,575 584,773,432 (4,274,142) -4.80% $344,911,715 $411,266,412 $405,999,146 (5,267,266) -1.28% COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END-REPORT REVENUES BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION *Computer Services *Computer Services - Rental •Fguipment Commissary Fund Sewer Enterprise Funds Drain Commissioner Aviation TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE AND PROPRIETARY FUNDS GRAND TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE ALL FUNDS 'internal Service Funds - Revenue from outside sources wAAgtrly\firstrev.wki Prepared by: Budget Division 25-Feb-94 COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Circuit Court BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL UNFAVORABLE PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Snlary & Fringe $5,150,083 $5,146,868 5,008,821 $138,047 2.69% - Vacant Judicial positinn, turnover, and ondertilled position. Overtime 0 0.00% Operating Expense 7,613,514 8,009,004 7,795,745 213,259 2.66% - Defense Att'y Fees fav. $132,115; the balance of Inv. various Transfers 81,300 81,300 0 0.00% operating line items. $12,763,597 $13,237,172 $12,885,866 $351,306 2.65% Friend of the Court Salary & Fringe $5,157,456 $5,176,969 5,114,293 $62,676 Overtime 16,380 41,380 34,766 6,614 1.21% - Turnover. 15.98% - Fav. due Co change in overtime procedure by FOC management. Operating Expense Transfers 1,632,303 1,765,950 1,765,379 571 0.03% 0 0.00% $6.806,139 $6,984,299 $6,914,438 $69,861 1.00% Department Total Salary & Fringe $10,307,539 $10,323,837 $10,123,114 $200,723 1.94% Overtime $16,380 $41,300 $34,766 $6,614 15.98% Operating Expense ' $9,245,817 $9,774,954 $9,561,124 $213,830 2.19% Transfers $0 $81,300 $81,300 $0 0.00% $19.569,736 520,221.471 519,800,304 $421,167 2.08% OTRLY\31.WK1 22-Feb-94 Prepared by: Budget Division -0.22% 10.57% -0.60% - Psych. & Med. Exams unfav. (519,372) due to increase use of contracted assessment evaluations in Probation Unit; Probation Program revenue greater than expenditures. -0.34% 1.25% - Turnover. 40.62% - Usage lower than expected. 6.57% - Various operating line Item favorability. 2.67% 1.40% - Turnover. -14.79% - Additional weekend hours required. 6.33% - Rent fav. $23,615 balance of expansion funding and various other operating fav. partially offset by Professional Services unfav. ($11,091) due to the addition of armored car services 2.60% and probation assessments. 1.58% 36.03% 1.63% 1.87% COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES District Court BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL UNFAVORABLE PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Division 1 - Walled Lake Salary & Fringe $1,798,890 $1,290,306 1,293,199 ($2,892) Overtime 9,500 13,250 11,850 1,400 Operating Expense 616,869 1,116,146 1,122,850 (6,703) Transfers 62,425,259 $2,419,702 $2,427,998 ($8,195) Division 2 - Clarkston Salary & Fringe $722,405 $724,336 715,255 $9,081 Overtime 9,000 9,000 5,344 3,656 OperatIng Expense 430,597 456,641 426,634 30,007 Tianafuls $1,162,002 $1,189,977 $1,147,233 $42,744 3.59% Division 1 - Rochester Hills Salary & Fringe $1,739,966 $1,750,568 1,695,382 $55,186 3.1515 - Turnover. Overtime 30,000 30,000 8,403 21,597 71,99% - Operational improvements (i.e. Night Court; Shifting Workload). Operating Expense 790,633 758,442 764,963 (6,521) -0.86% - Psych. & Med. Exams unfav. ($19,372) due to increase use of contracted assessment evaluations in Probation Unit, partially offset by postage fey. $10,021. District Court Probation reve.nme • greeter than expenditures. Transfers 08,000 88,000 2,560,599 2,627,010 2,556,748 70,262 Division 4 - Troy Salary & Fringe $1,167,672 $1,1 7 1.997 1,155,564 $16,433 Overtime 9,900 15,400 17,677 (2,277) Operating Expense 610,800 449,433 420,991 28,442 Transfers $1,788,372 $1,636,830 $1,594,232 542,598 Department Total Salary & Fringe $5,428,933 $4,537,207 $4,859,399 $77,808 Overtime $58,400 $67,650 $43,274 $24,376 Operating Expense $2,448,899 $2,780,662 $2,735,437 $45,224 Transfers $0 $88,000 $88,000 $0 57,936,232 57.873,519 $7,726,110 5147,408 QTRLY\32.WK1 23-Feb-9, Prepared by: Budget Division Judicial/Administration Salary & Fringe Overt ime Operating Expense Transfers Estates and Mental Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Probate Court 1993 ACTUAL BUDGET AS ADOPTED BUDGET AS AMENDED AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Juvenile Maintenance Salary & Fringe Ove/timu Operating Expense Transfers Transfers 2.13% - 4.98% 3.12% - 0.00% 0,00% -7.71% - 0.00% 5.60% - 81.57% - (95,427) -12.04% - $4,312,687 $4,219,524 4,129,693 $89,841 11,500 11,500 10,927 593 1,558,848 1,647,706 1,596,338 51,368 0 0 0 0.00% $5,883,035 $5,878,730 $5,736,948 $141,782 2.41% $0 SO 0 $0 0 0 0 o 2,714,170 3,420,170 3,683,832 (263,662) o o o 0 $2,714,170 $3,420,170 $3,683,832 ($263,662) -7.711% $1,613,642 $1,617,597 1,526,974 $90,623 3,000 3,000 553 2,447 775,326 792,433 887,1362 a 0 0 0 0.00% $2,391,968 $2,413,030 52,415,389 ($2,357) -0.10% Fav. reflects vacant Pooitic.3n and turnover. Reduced use in Judicial Support Unit. Defense attorney fees fay., $29,300, due to new payment schedule, reduction In use of professional services $6,800, visiting ludges $8,000, stationery stock $9,900, misc. capital outlay $4,700; partially offset by unfav. postage ($3,100) and computer services operations ($2,400). Increased cost of state institutions, ($196,400) due to increased fees and length of stay, as well as increased private residential placements, ($95,150), particularly to the boot camp, which was never budgeted; partially offset by reduced foster care $24,100 and pre-adoptive care, $6,500. Few, reflects turnover. Fav, reflects filling of vacancies and use of more efficient equipment. Nigher guardian ad litem fees ($136,100) as the Court experiemcps the full impact of the 1990 Probate Code changes, as well as additional copier ($10,300), postage ($6,000) charges related to increased cases, and use of professional services ($18,500); partially offset by reduced guardian review cost (adult/minor) $45,600, savings in defense attorney fees $22,300 and microfilm & reproductions $9 ,1 00 . Training & Clinical Services Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers 5697,833 5697,468 5707,681 ($10,213) 73 (73) 119,156 119,156 141,661 (22,505) -1.46% - Due to underbudgeted salary and fringes. 0.00% -18.89% - Professional services unfav. due to increased 0.00% judicial requests for evaluations. $816,989 $816,624 $849,415 (532,791) -4.02% Prepared by: Budget Division QTRLY\34.W1(1 24-Feb-94 DATE DIVISION DONOR DONATIONS ESTIMATED VALUE $ Liz Clairborne Foundation Various 1993 Health Health 4/29/93 130.00 472.19 COUNTY OF OAKLAND SUMMARY OF 1993 DONATIONS Funds for education and detection of breast cancer 8,645.00 (Donations received 1/26/93, 3/21/93, 5/3/93, 9/7/93, and 10/20/93) Various 1993 Animal Control La Petite Flour Catering Various individuals or groups Refreshments for National Preschool Immunization week Memorial Donations OAKLAND COUNTY , INTER - DEPARTMENTAL MEMO ,IT L FROM: Fred Poinsett TO: Mr. Jeff Pardee •..-+ • 1 - DATE: January 6, 1994 RE: Miscellaneous Resolution #93135 "Bad Debt" write-off There are no administrative write-offs for the fourth quarter 1993. In compliance with resolution, the following require specific Board action: -Computer Service Fund (1-63600-084-278) k Vendor: Washtenaw County - charges invoiced in December 1986 for "1985 Contract" and "Equalization". All past efforts to collect on the part of Computer Services and Accounting have gone unanswered. Washtenaw denies any liability and we have no information on file to support the charge. Director of Computer Service recommends a write-off. -General Fund (1-10100-070-200) Vendor: Pontiac Downtown Development Authority - charges stem from a June 1980 loan made to the vendor under Resolution #9472 which was due and payable within two years. Based on available records, the County made no attempt to collect until 1992. The Authority (now known as Pontiac Growth Group) denies repayment based on the statute of limitation for recovery of a loan. Corporation Counsel supports that legal opinion. -General Fund (1-10100-082-010) Vendor: Drug Enforcement Agency, Detroit - charges were for housing a prisoner for 36 days and invoiced in February 1993 in the amount of $3,228.92. Subsequent to billing, the Sheriff entered into an agreement whereby we accepted drug forfeiture money in lieu of payment of the invoice. Forfeiture money may only be used for specific law enforcement purposed and cannot be used to credit the board and care revenue account. Forfeiture money received was $2,750.60. Write-off requested for the board and care revenue $26,642.89 $15,000.00 $ 3,228.92 (MEMO: While the above transaction is technically not a write-off of a "bad debt" we suggest handling it in this fashion in order that we may properly remove the receivable from our books.) Details of above are on file in the Accounting Division. cc: R.J. Daddow AMENDED 1943 VARIANCE BUDGET ACTUAL AV/(UNFAV COMMENTS ADOPTED BUDGET $1,617,509 16,397,361 $1,617,509 16,366,261 TOTAL EXPENSES 451,246 0 (1,000,000) (548,754) $77,000 $77,000 $87,085 $10,085 -Favorable stall rental based on recent 79,286 79,286 80,985 (1,699) years' activity (2,206) (2,286) 6,100 8,386 3,320 29,320 29,320 0 0 (26,000) (13,256) 12,744 -Return of Work Project balance upon completion of projects $1,034 $1,034 $22,164 $21,130 (3,036) (3,036) (2,002) OAKLAND COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INTERNAL SERVICES 1993 YEAR END REPORT FACILITIES MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS REVENUES - OUTSIDE REVENUES - INSIDE 18,014,870 17,963,770 17,561,624 17,532,524 NET PROFIT (LOSS) BEFORE TRANSFERS 451,246 OPERATING TRF-IN 0 OPERATING TRF-OUT (1,000,000) REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENSES PONTIAC MARKET $1,304,480 ($228,024) -Reduced services to Oakland Schools 16,678,522 $312,261 Fav. Special Projects revenue (offset • by Oper.Transfer Out) and MaInt.Dpr.. 18,068,002 84,232 Charge revenue, offset by unfav. Other County Agencies rental revenue. 16,865,848 666,676 -Fay. Salaries a fringe for vacant and undertilled positions; Unfav. operating for Maintenance Supplies offset by fay. for Natural Gas, Computer DeveloPmen"•, Fuel, 011, Leased Vehicles, Depreciation and Electric Utilities. 1,202,154 750,908 93,680 93,680 -Transfer from Facilities Engineering for administrative services. (1,150,0001 (150,000) -Transfer to Project Work Order Fond Non-Departmental Spectal Protects. 145,814 694,588 (540,754) $191,300 194,336 (3,036) (1,036) (2,002) REVENUES - OUTSIDE EXPENSES NET PROFIT (LOSS) BEFORE TRANSFERS OPERATING TRF-IN OPERATING TRF-OUT REVENUE OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENSES ROYAL OAK MARKET REVENUES - OUTSIDE EXPENSES NET PROFIT (LOSS) BEFORE TRANSFERS OPERATING TRF REVENUE OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENSES TOTAL MARKETS $191,300 $200,730 $17,430 -Favorable flea market rental based on recent years' activity 194,336 180,980 13,356 -Favorable salary and fringes for Market Master position 27,750 30,786 27,750 30.786 49,913 51,915 fmkofore 25-Feb-94 Prepared by: Budget Division - SS ADOPTED AMENDED 1993 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL FAVPUNFAV) COMMENTS OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNAL SERVICES DRAIN COMMISSIONER 1993 YEAR END REPORT WATER AND SEWER EQUIPMENT FUND (#63800) REVENUES - OUTSIDE REVENUES - INSIDE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NET NON-OPERATING REV (EXP) NET REVENUES OVERPUNDER) EXPENSES $700,854 $700,854 $828,238 127,384 -Fav. rental equipment revenue is due to 221,000 221,000 283,802 62,802 increased use. 921,854 921,854 1,112,040 190,186 959,111 959,111 1,100,585 (141,474) -Unfav. increased depreciation, maintenance, supplies and leased vehicle expenses due to (37,257) (37,257) 11,455 48,712 additional equipment. 37,257 37,257 18,632 (18,625) -Unfav. Revenue for investment income due to lower interest rates. $0 SO $30,087 $30,087 [DRAIN EQUIPMENT FUND (#63900) REVENUES - OUTSIDE REVENUES - INSIDE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NET NON-OPERATING REV (EXP) NET REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES $0 $0 $0 $0 301,300 301,300 321,809 $20,509 -Fav. rental equipment revenue is due to increased use. 301,300 301,300 321,809 20,509 287,634 287,634 286,674 960 13,666 13,666 35,135 21,469 0,585 8,585 3,962 (4,623) -Unfavorable non-operating due to investment „ income and Gain on sale of equipment. $22,251 $22,251 $39,097 $16,846 qtrfore 23-Feb-94 Prepared by: Budget Division - SS 'TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS REVENUES - OUTSIDE REVENUES - INSIDE TOTAL COST OF SALES GROSS MARGIN OPERATING EXPENSES 2,553,658 2,553,658 2,753,794 1,773,568 1,773,568 1,924,541 780,090 780,944 780,090 780,944 829,253 669,462 OAKLAND COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INTERNAL SERVICES 1993 YEAR END REPORT ADOPTED AMENDED 1993 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL FAV/(UNFAV) COMMENTS $232,853 $212,853 $412,900 $180,047 -Favorable Public Telephone Commission revenue caused by increased usage 2,320,805 2,120,805 2,340,894 $20,089 -Favorable Non-Centrex and External Centrex revenue 200,136 (150,473) -Unfavorable COS for Non-Centrex and External Centrex as reflected in 49,163 higher revenue. 111,482 -Operating favorable due to turnover and Depreciation costs. OPERATING INCOME (LOSE) ($854) ($854) $159,791 $160,645 NET NON-OPERATING REV (EXP) 0 0 0 0 NET OPERATING TRANSFERS 0 0 1,645 1,645 NET REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES ($854) ($854) $161,436 6162,290 foretele 13-Feb-94 Prepared by: Budget Division - SS OPERATING REVENUES: Out Inside Total OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NET NON-OPERATING REV (EXP) INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS OPERATING TRANSFERS IN OPERATING TRANSFERS (OUT) NET REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES* $10,232 (80,719) $10,232 (80,719) ($70,487) ($70,487) 12,000 (12,000) ($70,487) ($70,487) 0 0 OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNAL SERVICES COMPUTER SERVICES 1993 YEAR END REPORT ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED 1993 VARIANCE BUDGET ACTUAL FAV/(UNFAV) COMMENTS [FUND 63600, OPERATIONS REVENUES $1,106,000 $1,106,000 $1,457,804 $351,804 -Increased service to outside agencies 254,000; 9,617,233 9,627,185 8,898,961 (728,224) adj. of prior years' exp. 97,600. -Unfavorable ($974,000) for operating costs $10,723,233 $10,733,185 $10,356,765 ($376,420) charged to County divisions; partially offset by $246,000 favorable General Fund $10,713,001 $10,722,953 $10,234,136 $488,817 revenue from CLEMIS activity. $122,629 $112,397 EXPENSES (71,712) 9,007 -Salaries and fringes favorable $237,700 due to turnover. Overtime unfavorable (13,500). Operating expense is net favorable 264,600 $50,917 $121,404 primarily from reduced professional services, equipment rental, and data processing supplies, 54,790 42,790 partially offset by unfavorable communications, (12,000) parts & accessories, maintenance charges, and telephone expense. -Operating transfer favorability represents the $93,707 $164,194 transfer in the third quarter to reimburse for interest expense not allowed by the State. FUND 63700, IN-CAR TERMINALS OPERATING REVENUES: Outside Inside Total $400,000 $400,000 S383,000 231,632 231,910 179,176 $631,632 $631,910 $562,176 ($17,000) -Based on actual contracts with outside agencies. (52,734) -Reduced support from General Fund for "base station" costs as a result of reduced operating ($69,734) expenses. OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) NET NON-OPERATING REV (EXP) INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS NET REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES* $387,910 $388,188 $340,406 $47,782 -Fav. salaries & fringes of 5,800. Unfav. overtime of (1,300). Operating expenses $243,722 $243,722 $221,770 ($21,952) fair. 43,200 due to lower than estimated equipment maintenance costs and computer (61,806) (61,806) (68,554) (6,748) services operations and development charges. $181,916 $181,916 $153,216 ($28,700) $181,916 $181,916 $153,216 ($28,700) Prepared by Budget Division - LV 25-Feb-94 csqtrvar I.R. # 93270- 12/09/93 993 THIRD QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS: INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS ALLOWANCE FOR TIFA/DDA SUNDRY - BUILDING AUTHORITY EAST WING DRAIN COMMISSIONER - REIMBURSEMENT OF SALARIES DRAIN COMMISSIONER - REIMBURSEMENT OF MILEAGE FRIEND OF THE COURT - CRP DISTRICT COURT - DIVISION I - WALLED LAKE ORDINANCE FINES & COSTS DISTRICT COURT - DIVISION IV - TROY ORDINANCE FINES & COSTS SHERIFF- MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE SHERIFF - BOARD & CARE SHERIFF - DEFERRED OFFENDER SHERIFF - O.U.I.L. 3RD OFFENSE SHERIFF - REIMBURSEMENT OF SALARIES ACCOUNTING - FRIEND OF THE COURT - CRP INDIRECT COST RECOVERY REIMBURSEMENT - 25% COURT ORDERED BOARD EQUILIZATION - EQUILIZAT1ON SERVICE CHILDRENS VILLAGE - STATE AID CHILDRENS VILLAGE - BOARD & CARE JUVINILE MAINTENANCE - REFUND-PRIOR YEARS MEDICAL CARE FACILITY - MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL CARE FACILITY - DAILY PATIENT SERVICES MEDICAL CARE FACILITY - PHYSICAL THERAPY MEDICAL CARE FACILITY - TUBE FEEDING MEDICAL CARE FACILITY - SC DIFFERENCE MEDICAL CARE FACILITY - MEDICAID AUDIT MEDICAL CARE FACILITY - REIMBURSE PHARMACY (1,150,000) (1,150,000) (788,208) (788,208) 2,348,388 2,348,388 (117,000) (117,000) 17,000 17,000 25,000 25,000 (40,000) (40,000) (155,000) (155,000) 640 640 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 195,000 195,000 155,000 155,000 29,200 29,200 10,000 10,000 12,000 12,000 23,300 23,300 (685,600) (685,600) (190,500) (190,500) 113,300 113,300 34,800 34,800 81,000 81,000 120,000 120,000 130,000 130,000 257,700 257,700 216,200 216,200 29,900 29,900 1993 BUDGET AS AMENDED $322,218,837 $89,047,575 $411,266,412 (37,914) (37,914) 183,676 183,676 M.R. #93260 - 11/04/93 CIRCUT COURT - 1993/94 DRUG ADJUDICATION GRANT ACCEPTANCE CIVIL MEDIATION 10,556 10,556 75,611 75,611 111.R. #93205 -.11/07/93 CIRCUT COURT - USE OF MEDIATION FUNDS 51,520 51,520 I.R. #93213 - 11/07/93 IS/HEALTH DIVISION - 1993/94 NON-COMMUNITY WATER GRANT APPLICATION DJUSTMENT FOR NON-COMMUNITY WATER GRANT 72,200 WESTMENT INCOME (18,187) JR. #93216 -11/21/93 LERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS -INCREASE VITAL RECORDS FEE 22,000 ICOME FROM INVESTMENTS (22,000) #93224 - 11/21/93 IRCUIT COURT - 1993 FAST TRACK ADJUDICATION GRANT (28,571) (39,500) (39,500) 72,200 (18,187) 22,000 (22,000) (28,571) A. R. #93193- 10/21/93 .30MMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - REORGANIZATION NVESTMENT INCOME (20,287) (20,287) A.R. #93233 - 11/04/93 HS/MEDICAL CARE FACILITY - CONTRACTING OF HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES NTEREST INCOME 1.R. #93239 - 11/04/93 HERIFF - ACCEPTANCE OF 1993/94 INMATE SERVICES SUBTANCE ABUSE COORDINATOR PROJECT GRANT #93240 - 11/04/93 ROSECUTOR - 1993 COOPERATIVE REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM CONTRACT BUDGET AMENDMENT 101,458 101,458 1.R. #93257 - 11104/93 HERIFF - 1993/94 SECONARY ROAD PATROL-ACT 416 (50,942) (50,942) GRANT/APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE M. R. #93258 - 11/04/93 PROSECUTOR - ACCEPTANCE OF 1993/94 NARCOTICS TASK FORCE GRANT (52,210) (52,210) A.R. #93134 =08/05/93 AANAGEMENT & BUDGET - MEDICAID INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFER FOR THE MEDICAL CARE FACILITY INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS 139,366 (139,366) 139,366 (139,366) I.R. #93148, 93149, 93150- 08/26/93 HER1FF POLICE DISPATCH FOR CITIES OF LAKE ANGELUS CLARKSTON, AND OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE 10,011 10,011 A.R. #93176 - 09/09/93 HS/HEALTH DIVISION - 1992/93 COMPREHENSIVE, (12,239) (12,239) PLANNING, BUDGETING AND CONTRACTING (CPBC) ACCEPTANCE HS/HEALTH DIVISION - V.D. REIMBURSEMENT (3,944) (3,944) NFANT MORTALITY 3,844 3,844 A.R. #93177 - 09/09/93 HS/HEALTH DIVISION - 1993 MOBILE HOME PARK 16,449 16,449 INSPECTION AGREEMENT NVESTMENT INCOME (16,449) (16,449) A.R. #93092 - 05/27/93 HS/COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH - 60,674,944 60,674,944 "FULL MANAGEMENT" CONTRACT M.R. # 93196 - 09/23/93 1993 SECOND QUARTER BUDGET AMENDMENTS: JUVENILE MAINTENANCE FUND - BOARD & CARE 150,000 150,000 MEDICAL CARE FACILITY - PHARMACY REIMBURSEMENT 800,000 800,000 CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS - STATE REIMBURSEMENT 1,461,800 1,461,800 FOR SPECIAL ELECTIONS CIRCUT COURT - CIVIL MEDIATION PAYMENTS 194,000 194,000 FRIEND OF THE COURT - INDIRECT COST RECOVERY 99,386 99,386 DISTRICT COURTS - REVENUE ADJUSTMENT (150,000) (150,000) SHERIFF - CIVIL UNIT FEE INCOME, CIVIL ACTION, 320,000 320,000 BOARD & CARE, WORK RELEASE, & O.U.I.L. RADIO COMMUNICATIONS - MISCELLANEOUS (90,000) (90,000) NON-DEPARTMENTAL - INVESTMENT INCOME (2,060,000) (2,060,000) M. R. #93197 - 09/23/93 MANAGEMENT & BUDGET - REDUCTION INVESTMENT INCOME (20,267) (20,267) M.R. #93158 - 08/26/93 10,307 10,307 M.R. #93167 - 08/2693 PUBLIC SVS - EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING 1993 PROGRAM YEAR (357,411) (357,411) M.R. #93199 - 11/07/93 INS/MEDICAL CARE FACILITY - FOOD SERVICES CONTRACT (6,805) (6,805) INTEREST INCOME (47,246) (47,246) IHS/CMH - 1992/1993 F.A.1.R. PROGRAM GRANT (116,000) 7,000 92,575 180,503 180,503 (116,000) 7,000 92,575 M.R. #96063 04/29/93 3UNDRY - CLOSE OUT OF CETA RETIREMENT FUND 127,590 127,590 M.R. #93065 - 04/29193 MEDICAL EXAMINER - REVENUE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TO OUTSIDE JURISDICTIONS 6,000 6,000 M.R. #93053, #93078, #93079 - 04102 AND 05/07 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - GRANT NET ADJUSTMENT M.R. #93082 - 05/16/93 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REDUCTION IN 1993 SUMMER PROGRAM POSITIONS M.R. #93097- 05/27/93 SHERIFF - CIVIL DIVISION UNIT SALARIES EXTENSION I. R. #93094 - 06/10/93 HERIFF - ANTICIPATED SAVINGS FROM JAIL HEALTH CLINIC M.R. #93100 - 06/10/93 1993 FIRST QUATER AMENDMENTS AS FOLLOWS: DRAIN COMMISSIONER - REIMBURSEMENT OF SALARIES 40,000 40,000 CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS - DEEDS/ADMINISTRATIVE 200,000 200,000 FRIEND OF THE COURT -FEDERAL INCENTIVE PAYMENT 354,603 354,603 STATE REIMBURSEMENT- P.A. 228 (15,585) (15,585) CONVENTION FACILITY TAX PA. 106/07 32,804 32,804 INVESTMENT INCOME (260,732) (260,732) M.R. #93102 - 06/10/93 SHERIFF - REIMBURSEMENT OF SALARIES FOR SIVERDOME 46,467 46,467 HEALTH GRANT JOURNAL ENTRIES ADJUSTMENTS 626,932 626,932 M.R. #93116 - 07/15/93 SHERIFF - USE OF AUTO THEFT FORFEITURE FUNDS 4,049 4,049 M. R. #93152- 08105/93 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - FY 1992 HOME INVESTMENT 206,648 206,648 PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM AMENDMENT M.R. #93119 - 08/05/93 IHS/MEDICAL CARE FACILITY - NURSE POSITION AND NURSE (20,440) (20,440) RATE CHANGE M.R. #93133 - 08/05/93 MANAGEMENT & BUDGET - RECAPTURE OF UNSPENT APPROPRIATIONS CARRIED FORWARD AND REDUCE INVESTMENT EARNINGS SHORTFALL (168,958) (168,958) 1993 BUDGET AMENDMENTS ' • 4 • GOVERNMENTAL SPECIAL TOTAL FUNDS REVENUE AND FUNDS PROPRIETARY 993 BUDGET AS ADOPTED 12/10/92 $257,267,697 $87,644,018 $344,911,715 IUDGET AMENDMENTS: A.R. #93006 - 02/11/93 1EALTH - 1992 MOBILE HOME PARK INSPECTION AGREEMENT 3,298 3,298 A.R. #93015 - 02/11/93 3HERIFF - ADDITION OF PATROL SERVICES OF ORION TWP. 56,878 56,878 A.R. #93016 - 02/11/93 ;HERIFF - USE OF AUTOMOBILE THEFT FORFEITURE FUNDS 25,158 25,158 A.R. #93005 - 02/11/93 3HERIFF - AUTO THEFT PREVENTION AUTHOTRITY GRANT (25,194) (25,194) A.R. #93008 - 03/04193 PUBLIC WORKS - REIMBURSEMENT OF SALARIES 45,692 45,692 M.R. #93026 - 03104/93 PRIOR YEAR 'S BALANCE ENCUMBRANCES 175,546 175,546 APPROPRIATIONS CARRY-FORWARD 1,802,494 1,802,494 APPROPRIATIONS ADJUSTMENTS 345,780 345,780 M.R. #93033 - 03/18/93 :.;IRCUT COURT - STATE ANTI -DRUG ABUSE GRANT A.R. #93049 - 04/01/93 3IRCUT COURT - CIVIL MEDIATION 9,274 VI.R. #93049 - 04/01/93 2.IRCUT COURT - DRUG ADJUDICATION GRANT A.R. #93050 - 04/01/93 3LERK SURVEY/REMONUMENTATION - STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE SURVEY AND REMONUMENTATION GRANT 14,000 14,000 9,274 126,293 126,293 345,786 345,786 A.R. #93050 - 04/01/93 "..:LERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS - REIMBURSEMENT OF SALARIES 8,000 8,000 FOR REMONUMENTATION GRANT A.R. #93060 - 04/01/93 3ECONDARY ROAD PATROL - STATE POLICE SECONDARY ROAD PATROL GRANT 82,327 82,327 EXPLANATION Disability Insurance Disability Reserve 925,000 576,230 (925,000) (576,230) $1,408,963 $1,283,534 576,230 (576,230) 100.00% 100.00% $760,667 $522,867 40.74% COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES BUDGET BUDGET 1993 MOUNT AS AS ACTUAL FAVORABLE ADOPTED ADJUSTED EXPENDITURE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT RESERVED FOR TRANSFERS Contingency $187,603 $190,147 198,147 100.00%- Fay_ of items RESERVED FOR TRANSFERS due to conservative fiscal C.R.I.M.P. 599,390 599,390 posture in reviewing needs and requests. Salary Adjustment (108,313) 0 0.00% Classification & Rate Change 119,243 105,401 105,401 100.00% Overtime 75,000 45,437 45,437 100.00% Summer Employment 464,000 0 Emergency Salaries 450,000 60,312 60,312 Fringe Benefi t "1' (48,849) 0 0.00% Office Automation 161,277 161,277 161,277 Federal/State Project match 100,000 100,000 100,000 62.01% Capital Outlay 9,002 13,570 13,570 13.57% TOTAL NON-DEPT. APPROPRIATIONS $17,655,483 $19,062,230 $18,941,761 $120,469 0.63% Prepared by: Budget Division 23-FOD 9 BUDGET AS ADOPTED BUDGET AS ADJUSTED 1993 ACTUAL EXPENDITURE AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION 0.00% (207,615) -118.64%- Increase in number of permanent wards. 0.00% 0.00% 959 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 107,216 1.86%- Difference between estimated and actual costs associated with bond refunding and new level of principal and interest payments for Computer Services Building and Law Enforcement Complex. 0.00% (5,584) -46.53% - Increase In number of indigent claims. 0.00% 26,544 2.57% (1,144,845) -572.42%- Increase In number of appeals. 0.00% 19,591 15.35% 0.00% 0.00% 461,512 100.00%- Dist. Court expansions not completed; funds are appropriated in 1994. 06,011 4.55%- Fewer requests for maintenance department services. 0.00% 0,180/ -11.24%- Adjustment of billing cycle to match County fiscal year. 0.00% 0.00% 11,998 79.99%- Billed on services rendered. 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (1,250) -25.00%- includes 1992 4th quarter payment. 1,000 20.00%- Appropriations for five organizations' conventions budgeted; 0.00% four actual requests received. 262,145 65.54%- See detail of Sundry Expenditures included in Year-End Report. (15,700) -50.64%- Increased level of participation; expenses are a function of the number of participants. COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES NON-DEPART. APPROPRIATIONS Doctors/Hospitals State Institutions Vaccines Office Equipment Fund Computer Services Development Building Fund Capital Utilities Building Authority Radio Communications Ambulance Insurance & Surety Bonds Road Improvements Tax Tribunal Appeals Economic Development CETA Audit - Misc. Expense Road Commission Drain Asaeasment WTE Contract Termination Misc. Capital Outlay Future Space Requirement County Buildings Council of Governments Area Wide Water Quality Bd. National Assoc. of Counties . Michigan Assoc. of Counties Sanctuary 4-H Fair Premiums Historical Society Tourist & Convention Bureau Traffic Improvement Assoc. Area Agency on Aging Clinton River Watershed Huron River Watershed Soil Conservation Rouge River Watershed Oakland County 4C Council Retired Seniors Vol. Program Veterans' Convention Child Abuse & Neglect council Sundry Employees' Deferred Compensation $3,650,000 $3,650,000 175,000 382,615 46,700 46,700 2,351 2,353 336,664 335,705 948,000 948,000 500,000 500,000 5,771,805 5,664,589 3,260 3,260 12,000 17,584 70,856 70,856 1,034,262 1,007,718 200,000 1,344,845 185,000 185,000 127,590 107,999 872,465 072,465 367,693 367,693 461,512 461,512 2,484,857 1,908,803 1,821,991 319,108 358,741 350,741 42,000 46,090 51,270 17,023 17,023 17,023 36,900 19,170 39,170 15,000 15,000 3,002 3,000 3,000 3,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 49,500 12,375 12,375 25,000 25,000 25,000 41,200 41,200 41,200 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 10,135 10,135 10,135 1,000 1,000 1,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 5,000 5,000 6,250 5,000 5,000 4,000 60,000 60,000 ' 60,000 400,000 400,000 137,855 31,000 31,000 46,700 $3,650,000 175,000 46,700 948,000 500,000 4,771,805 3,260 12,000 70,856 1,000,000 200,000 100,000 726,664 $16,246,520 $17,778,696 $18,101,094 ($402,398) -2.26% Prepared by: Budget Division 23-Feb-94 COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Community and Economic Development BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers $104,631 $104,576 9102,335 $2,241 62,162 108,017 103,253 4,764 2.14% - Salaries and Fringes fay. due to turnover 4.41% - Operating fay. due fewer conference trips 5,500, reduction in Memberships 500. Economic Development Salary & Fringe Overtime Operat1ng Expense Transfers $166,793 9212,593 205,587.81 7,005.19 3.30% $734,446 $716,366 722,370 ($6,0041 -0.84% - Unfav. due to Departmental reorganization. See Planning 0 Division favorability. 427,443 451,119 37 3,559 77,560 17.19% - Fav. Advertising 34,800. Savings from reduced monthly charges for Data Processing 25,800. lay. Travel & Conference 6,300, Printing 4,500, and Supplies 4,000. $1,161,809 $1,167,405 $1,095,929 $71,556 6.13% Planning Salary & Fringe $1,098,759 $1,108,023 1,075,322 $32,701 2.95% - Fav. due to underfilled positions and Departmental reorganiza.tipn , Overtime Operating Expense 329.151 376,059 380,878 (4,819) -1.20% - Unfav. Printing (5,2003. Transfers $1,427,910 $1,484,082 $1,456,200 $27,882 1.88% Community Development Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers 210,150 210,150 206,648 3,502 1.67% - Savings reflects actual grant match needed for the 1993 NOME Investment Partnership Program. $210,150 $210,150 $206,648 93,502 1.67% Department Total Salary & Fringe $1,937,836 $1,928,965 $1,900,027 $28,938 1.50% Overtime . 0 0 0 0 Operating Expense 1,028,906 1,145,345 1,064,337 01,009 7.07% Transfers 0 0 0 0 $2,966,742 $3,074,310 $2,964,365 $109,946 3.58% QTRLY\19.WK1 25-Feb-94 Prepared by: Budget Division 3,915,373 $3,915,373 $3,915,373 2,637,011 $2,637,011 $2,637,011 COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Computer Services BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS . 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration (General Fund) Operating Expense Transfers Division Total Department Total 2,287,806 349,205 13.24% - Lower than estimated development charges for governmental 0 fund divisions partially offset by increased expenditures for Clemis. $2,287,806 $349,205 13.24% $2,287,806 5349,205 13.24% QTRLY\18.W1 23-Feb-f- Prepared by Budget Division COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Public Services BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Circuit Court Probation Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers $14,624 917,073 13,255 484,542 514,364 502,809 $499,166 $531,437 $516,064 $3,817 22.36% - Fay, due to Student positions vacated earlier than anticipated. 11,559 2.25% - Operating reflects savings in outside medical exams with increase usage of breathalysers 7,800, savings in computer services operations 7,200 and telephone communications 3,700; offset by $15,376 2.89% unfav. stationery stock (9,500). Department Total Salary & Fringe $2,999,189 $3,051,980 $2,971,234 $80,745 34.19% Overtime 23,500 23,500 46,840 (23,340) -258.26% Operating Expense 2,174,654 2,237,696 2,173,957 63,804 65.68% Transfers 0 282 282 0 0.00% $5,197,343 $5,313,458 $5,192,313 $121,209 2.28% OTRLY\17.WK1 25-Feb-94 Prepared by Budget Division $117,569 $117,580 $108,937 $8,706 7.40% Cooperative Extension Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers Emergency Med. - Disaster Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers Animal_Control Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers $1,362,900 $421,711 284,207 $705,919 $499,815 3,500 549,263 $1,052,598 $999,078 20,000 440,114 51,016,704 988,006 $28,698 20,000 36,320 (16,320) 2.82% - -81.60% - COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Public Services BUDGET AS ADOPTED BUDGET AS AMENDED ----- 1993 ACTUAL AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Public Services Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers $104,880 102,231 $2,649 12,634 12,700 6,706 6,057 2.53% - Fay. due to turnover Operating is fav, due to unclaimed personal mileage. Also reflects reduced travel and conference and use of leased vehicle. $104,935 47.69% - Veteran's Services Salary & Fringe $959,006 $960,987 931,399 $29,588 3.08% - Fav, due to turnover. 2.48% - Overtime Operating Expense Transfers 677 (677) 403,094 407,157 397,054 10,102 282 282 0,00% Unfav. due to short-term disability and retraining. Fay. Soldiers burial, 8,900 and Commodities, 1,552. $1,368,426 $1,329,412 $39,013 2.95% 2.11% - Fax, due to turnover. 9.36% - Operating is fay, due to vacancies In Professional Services contract 5,400 and savings in related expenses: leased personal mileage 2,000; printing 2,900; print shop 6,200; leased vehicles 1,700: and telephone communications 3,800. $502,014 495,522 56,492 1.29% 3,500 9,683 (6,183) -176.66% 611,589 627,316 (15,727) -2.57% $1,117,103 $1,112,521 ($15,418) -1.38% Fav. due to turnover. Unfav. overtime due to significant number of calls regarding loose or injured animals. 6.47% - Operating fav. due to reduction in Veterinarian contract charges 7,900 and leased vehicle adjustment 21,400. 5450,322 440,821 $9,501 160 (150) 244,079 221,240 22,839 $694,401 $662,221 $32,180 4.63% - Vacant Positions- - Due to vacancies and short-term disahilliles. - Operating unfav, primarily due to radio communications rate adjustment (25,800), offset by savings In Maintenance Contracts 2,900 and Misc. Capital Outlay 8,500. 447,007 418,833 28,974 $1,459,192 $1,494,511 $1,443,159 $41,352 2.79% QTRLY\17.WK1 25-Feb-94 Prepared by: Budget Division COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Institutional and Human Services BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Community Mental Health Salary & Fringe $12,331,051 $12,106,352 12,042,276 $214,076 1.74% - Fav. reflects delayed implementation of full management Overtime 0 10,200 10,111 89 0.00% due to the timing of the actual contract (August 1993) and Operating Expense 20,009,860 91,652,420 80,899,182 753,238 0.92% necessary planning efforts. Transfers 0 0 0 0 0.00% annual allocation. $33,220,911 $93,968,972 $93,001,569 $967,403 1.03% Human Service Agency Salary & Fringe $0 $0 0 $O 0.00% Overtime 0 0 0 0 0.00% Operating Expense 775,054 775,054 775,054 0 0,00% Transfers 0 0 0 0 0.00% $775,054 $775,054 $775,054 SO 0.00% Social Services Salary & Fringe , $5,000 $5,000 6,237 ($1,237) -24.74% - Payment of required fringe benefits. Overtime 0 0 0 0 0.001, . . Operating Expense 1,289,300 1,148,400 1,175,437 (27,037) -2.35% - Increased use of independent living program (S59,700), partially offset by reduced foster care usage, 524,500, and clothing Transfers 0 0 0 0 0.00% expense $7,500. $1,294,300 $1,153,400 $1,181,674 ($28,274) -2.45% Medical Examiner Salary & Fringe $989,315 $998,015 996,102 $2,713 0.27% Overtime 28,000 27,700 20,544 (844) -3.05% , Operating Expense 599,869 618,376 628,825 (10,449) -1.69% - Increased Ambulance expense. Transfers 0 7,000 7,000 0 $1,617,184 $1,651,891 $1,660,471 ($8,580) -0.52% Department Total Salary & Fringe $41,551,116 $43,367,324 $41,9t0,731 $1,456,593 3.36% Overtime $322,443 $428,445 $506,441 ($77,946) -18.20% Operating Expense $35,829,908 196,140,390 $95,847,400 $492,990 0.51% Transfers $O $96,700 $96,700 $0 0.00% $79,703,467 $140,232,959 $138,361,272 $1,871,597 1.33% OTRLy\16.wK1 25-Feb-94 Prepared by: Budget Division COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Institutional and Human Services BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Salary & Fringe $185,541 $185,444 177,439 $8,005 4.32% - Vacancy in Director position. Overtime 0 0 0 0 0.00% Operating Expense 2,215,304 2,438,354 2,535,257 (96,903) -3.97% - Unfov. reflects increased use of Camp Oakland Day Student, Work Education and Community Living programs, ($200,000) as the number of committed youth continue to rise. This expanded use more than offsets the reduction in residential programs, $103,000. Transfers 0 0 0 0 0.00% as case loads shift to in-home care. $2,400,845 $2,623,798 $2,712,696 (588,898) -3.39% Health Salary & Fringe $17,498,952 $17,603,744 16,655,357 $948,387 5.39% - Fav. reflects turnover. Overtime 6,500 44,000 53,798 (9,798) -22.27% - Increased overtime use to cover vacancies in jail health clinic. Operating Expense 3,898,413 3,992,972 4,078,734 (85,762) -2.15% - Unfav. professional services, ($182,200), for contracted nurses Transfers 0 70,500 70,500 0 0.00% to staff vacancies in the 1511 health: partially offset by Personal mileage, $45,400 due to staff efficiencies as well as reduced TB Cases, $37,900 and Medical Supplies, $14,000, $21,403,865 $21,711,216 $20,858,389 $852,827 3.93% Medical Care Facility Salary & Fringe $5,597,675 $5,371,513 5,048,320 $323,193 6.02% - Fav. reflects turnover. Overtime 102,943 112,545 104,840 7,705 6.85% - Reduced overtime due to changed staffing configurations rendering more effective utilization of staff. Operating Expense 2,059,021 2,215,311 2,251,349 (35,538) -1.60% - Increased use of professional services ($L19,300) due to expanded pharmacy and dietary needs; partially offset by reduced medical commodities expenses, $53,100 and uniform Transfers 0 7,000 7,000 0 expenses, 521,700. $7,759,639 $7,706,869 $7,411,509 $295,360 3.83% Children's Village Salary & Fringe $6,943,582 $6,896,456 6,935,000 ($38,544) -0.56% - Additional use of emergency salary funds. Overtime 185,000 234,000 309,148 (75,148) -24.31% - Increased need to fill vacancies and staff the overcrowded detention facility. Operating Expense Transfers 4,103,087 3,499,004 3,503,563 (4,559) -0.13% 0 12,200 12,200 0 0.00% $11,231,669 $10,641,660 $10,759,911 ($118,251) -1.11% Prepared lay: Budget Division OTRLY\16.WK1 25-Feb-94 COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Personnel BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT Administration Salary & Fringe $114,229 $112,160 111,525 $643 0.57% Overtime 0 Operating Expense 11,720 94,168 94,329 (161) -0.17% Transfers 0 $125,957 $206,336 $205,854 6482 0.23% EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Human Resources Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers Employee Relations Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers $912,216 $947,23.4 938,853 60,301 0.88% 500 500 63 437 07.40% 593,988 583,467 523,409 60,058 10.29% 0 $1,506,704 61,531,201 $1,462,325 $68,876 4.50% $1,598,203 61,614.355 $1,648,640 ($34,285) -2.08% -Fav due to turnover -Fay doe to savings In Training, Medical EXMM5, Postage, Recruitment Expense, Examination Material, and Stationery Stock $1,151,778 $1,166,134 1,107,576 ($21,442) -1.84% -unfav Fringe cost associated with overtime and early retirements and unfav Emergency Salaries 3,500 11,000 17,652 (6,652) -37.68% -Unfav Overtime due to preparation of Biennial Budget 432,925 437,221 443,412 (6,191) -1.40% ' -Unfav Computer Services Operations -_ 0 Department Total Salary & Fringe 62,170,223 $2,225,536 $2,237,954 ($12,418) -0.38% Overtime $4,000 $11,500 $17,715 ($6,215) 49.72* Operating Expense $1,038,641 $1,114,856 61,061,150 $53,706 8.73% Transfers $O $O $0 SO 0.00% 63,220,864 $3,351,092 $3,316,819 $35,073 1.06% OTRLY\15.WK1 24-Feb-44 Prepared by: Budget Division COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Public Works BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SPINTFICANT VARIANCES Administration Salary & Fringe $192,238 $207,620 205,803 1,817 0.88% Overtime 0 26 (26) 0.00% Operating Expense 187,333 162,333 164,389 17,944 9.84% -Pay. remaining balance after completion of Microfilming project, Transfers 0 0 0 0 0.00% fav. variance for Water & Sewage advanced engineering work, Advertising and Appraisal Fens. $379,571 $389,953 $370,218 $19,735 5.06% Facilities Engineering Salary & Fringe $1,006,674 $1,008,598 1,005,710 $2,888 0.29% Overtime 10,000 10,000 10,769 ($769) -7.69% Operating Expense 105,400 120,587 138,599 ($18,012) -14.94% -Unfav. variance due to Professional Services preliminary project Transfers 93,680 93,680 93,680 SO 0.00% planning costs to vendors and final project costs for Work release conversion project. $1,215,754 $1,232,865 $1,248,758 ($15,893) -1.29% Department Total Salary 6 Fringe Overtime Operating Expense • Transfers $1,198,912 $1,216,218 $1,211,513 $4,705 0.39% $10,000 $10,000 $10,795 ($795) -7.95% $292,733 $302,920 $302,986 (568) -0.02% $93,680 $93,680 $93,680 $O 0.00% $1,595,325 $1,622,818 $1,618,976 $3,842 0.24% OTRDY\14.WK1 22-Feb-94 Prepared by: Budget Division COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Central Services BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT Administrative Salary & Fringe $114,229 $114,166 113,977 $191 0.17% Overt1me 0 0.00% Operating Expense 11,632 11,632 10,254 1,379 11.85% Transfers 0 0.00% $125,861 8125,800 $124,231 81,570 1.25% Materials Manaoement salary & Fringe $160,702 $160,621 160,568 $54 0.03% Overtime 0 0.00% Operating Expense 62,922 62,022 62,403 420 0.67%- Transfers 0 0.00% $223,524 $223,443 $222,970 $473 0.21% EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Fay. Travel & Conference 1,400, Personal Mileage 380 F8V. Travel & conference 600 Support Services Salary & Fringe $570,103 $576,217 565,001 $11,217 1.95% Reduced fringes due Co turnover. Overtime 10,000 10.000 10,035 (35) -0.35% Operating Expense 721,921 726,260 698,045 28,216 3.89% - Pay. Microfilm\Reproductions 28,300 Transfers 647,250 647,251 647,251 0 0.00% $1,949,274 $1,959,728 $1,920,331 839,397 2.01% Department Total Salary & Fringe $845,034 $851,006 $839,545 $11,461 1.35% Overtime $10,000 $10,000 $10,035 ($35) -0.35% Operating Expenae $796,375 $900,714 $7 70,7 01 $30,014 3.75% Transfers $647,250 $647,251 $647,251 $0 0.00% $2,298,659 $2,308,971 $2,267,531 841,440 1.79% 4 QTRLY\13.WK1 23-Feb-94 Prepared by: Budget Division COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Management and Budget BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Equalization Salary & Fringe $3,434,175 93,444,525 3,365,710 $78,816 2.29% - Fav. due to turnover, vacancies and early retirement. Overtime 12,805 26,105 26,158 (53) -0.20% - Operating Expense 632,406 583,059 594,891 (11,832) -2.03%- Unfav. due to postage expense, of which $24,800 will be billed Transfers 0 0 back to municipalities during 1993. $4,079,386 $4,053,689 $3,986,759 $66,931 1.65% Reimbursement Salary & Fringe $953,813 $997,456 968,660 $28,796 2.89% - Fav, du p to turnover. Overtime 24,976 25,404 (428) Operating Expense 323,680 325,476 327,146 (1,673) -0.51% - Increased use of credit reporting services. Transfers 0 $1,277,493 $1,347,907 91,321,209 626,695 1.98% Department Total Salary & Fringe $9,983,198 $9,972,147 $9,571,660 $400,688 4.02% • Overtime 16,705 95,468 98,137 (2,669) -2.80% Operating Expense 2,521,127 2,765,082 2,753,847 11,232 0.41% Transfers 0 0 0 0 912,521,030 $12,832,897 $12,423,644 6409,251 3.19% QTRLY\12.WK1 25-Feb-94 Prepared by: Budget Division $714,722 1,200 213,417 $714,359 9,219 210,280 4.97% 0.76%- Fav. due to turnover. 97.93% -0.54% - Unfav. Computer Services Operations (2,500). 0.70% COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Management and Budget BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers $112,538 $112,530 104,932 $7,606 6.76*- Fay, Fringe Benefits 5,900; employee does not have O 0 hospitalization coverage. 13,637 17,597 9,507 8,090 45.97% - Fay. Prof. Services 4,000, Travel & Conference 2,900, 0 0 Leased vehicles 2,900. Unfav. Copier Fund (1,200). $126,175 9130,135 5114,439 $15,696 12.06% Budget Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers 700,158 $14,201 1.99%- Fay, due to turnover 8,130 1,000 11.72% 221,516 (3,236) -1.4815- Unfav duo to Computer Services - Operations ($2,100), O 0 Copier Fund (1,100), PrInt :Mop (1,100) $929,339 $941,857 9929,812 912,045 1.28% Accounting Salary & Fringe 94,292,192 $4,225,491 3,957,831 $267,660 6.13%- Env. due to turnover, vaCanCies and underfllls & early retirement Overtime 600 33,069 38,394 (5,325) -16.101s- Unfav. Overtime due to Early-Retirement. Operating Expense 1,189,553 1,434,921 1,414,037 20,884 1.46%- Fay. Postage 7,500, Bank Charges 7,800 and Printing 6,900. 0 Transfers Purchasing Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers $5,482,345 $5,693,481 $5,410,262 $293,219 $475,758 9477,979 474,370 $3,609 2,100 2,100 43 2,057 140,434 185,749 186,750 (1,001) O 0 $626,292 $665,828 $661,163 $4,665 QTRLY\12.WCI 25-Feb-94 Prepared by: Budget Division EXPLANATION OF flINIF/CANT VARIANCES F4V Fringe Benefit costs Fav Printing and Regranting Administration costs Fav Fringe Benefit costs Fav Travel & Conferenrn and Mcmlbership, Des 6 Pub11cat!ons $3,257,548 $3,374,203 $3,158,692 $215,511 6.39% COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES County Executive BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT Cultural Affairs Salary & Fringe $104,827 $104,776 96,971 $7,805 7.45% Overtime 0 0.00% Operating Expense 38,032 50,123 39,505 10,618 21.18% ' Transfers 0 0.00% $142,859 $154,899 9136,476 918,423 11.89% South Oakland Co. Liaison Salary & Fringe $62,861 57,782 $5,079 8.08% Overtime 0 0.00% Operating Expense 6,550 2,504 4,046 61.77% Transfers 0 0.00% r, $0 $69,411 960,286 $9,125 13.15% Department Total Salary & Fringe $2,726,984 $2,771,533 $2,595,287 $176,246 6.36% Overtime 600 3,100 2,103 797 25.71% Operating Expense 529,964 599,570 561,102 38,468 6.42% Transfers 0 0 0 0 0.00% OTRLY\11.WK1 07 -Feb -94 Prepared by: Budget Division EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Underfnled posItIOns Pay Professional Services for Legislative Agent cost Vacant Manager position Unfav Computer Servicen Opr,V.IonS and Stationery Stock variances Fav Professional Services and Personal Mileage Pay Fringe Benefit costs Vacant Corporation counsel position and turnover Fav Leased Vehicles, Office Supplies, Travel & Conference, Postage and Telephone Communications Fall Fringe Benefit costs COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES County Executive Administration Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABI,E) PERCENT $795,324 $750,394 757,259 $23,125 2.96% 600 1,600 1,028 572 35.75% 247,471 312,907 307,712 5,095 1.63% 0.00% $1,033,395 $1,094,791 $1,065,999 $28,792 2.63% Auditing Salary & Fringe $570,276 5575,914 497,565 $78,349 13.60% Overtime 0 1,500 1,275 225 0.00% Operating Expense 66,219 59,016 61,935 (2,919) -4.95% Transfers 0 0.00% $636,495 $636,430 $560,775 $75,655 11.89% Community & Minority Affairs Salary & Fringe $74,070 $76,613 75,245 $1,368 1.79% Overtime 0 0.00% Operating Expense 11,446 11,446 8,773 2,673 23.35% Transfers 0 0.00% $85,519 588,059 $84,018 $4,041 4.59% Public Information Salary & Fringe $73,147 $73,110 69,346 $3,762 5.15% Overtime 0 0.00% Operating Expense 16,156 24,156 23,032 1,124 4.65% Transfers 0 0.00% $89,303 $97,266 $92,300 54,8116 5.02% Corporation Counsel Salary & Fringe $1,046,628 $1,025,203 974,790 550,413 4.92% . Overtime 0 0.00% Operating Expense 140,509 123,341 106,042 16,499 13.38% Transfers 0 0.00% $1,187,137 $1,148,544 $1,081,632 $66,912 5.03% State & Federal Coordinator Salary & Fringe 672,709 $72,672 66,327 $6.345 8.73% Overtime 0 0.00% Operating Expense 10,131 12,131 10,799 1,332 10.98% Transfers 0 0.00% $82,840 $84,901 $77,126 $7.677 9.05% QTRLY\11.WK1 07-Feb 34 Prepared by: Budget Division $299,468 1,000 69,731 $298,313 1,000 68,909 $369,199 $369,199 $368,222 $368,222 COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Solid Waste Services BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMEMDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers Division Total Department Total 297,857 $456 0.15% 315 $685 68.50% 40,090 $28,819 41.82% $338,262 $29,960 8.14% $338,262 $29,960 8.14% -Fall. Legal Expense, Professional Services, Travel & Conference and Advertising for Act 641 Plan update. Enginering services for the Act 641 Plan update provided by in -house staff rather than outside vendor. QTRLY\10.WK1 22-Feb-94 Peepared by Budget Division COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Drain Commissioner BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1992 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Salary 6, Fringe $4,284,392 $4,132,287 4,145,981 (913,654) -0.33% - Unfav. variance in fringe cost assochated with the early Overtime 100,000 245,000 236,241 $8,759 3.58% retirement program. Operating Expense 442,932 523,839 505,494 $18,345 3.50% - Fay. variance due to Consultants and Infrastructure Maintenance Transfers 0 0 $0 Division Total $4,027,324 $4,901,126 $4,887,716 $13,410 0.27% Department Total $4,827,324 $4,901,126 $4,887,716 $13,410 0.27% OTRLY\61.WK1 22 -Feb -54 Prepared by: Budget Division COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Board of Commissioners BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1.993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Salary & Fringe $1,490,887 $1,490,167 1,432,377 $57,790 3.88% - Vacant position. Overtime 600 600 846 (246) -41.00% Operating Expense 509,934 709,226 671,295 37,931 5.35% - Fay. Legislative Expense, 56,500, Annual Audit, $15,500, Travel Transfers 0 0.00% and Conference, $5,900 and Leased Vehicles, $4,700. $2,001,421 $2,199,993 $2,104,518 $95,475 4.34% Library Board Salary & Fringe $481,347 $484,458 478,512 $5,946 1.23% Overtime 18,363 (18,363) 0.00% - Overtime incurred because of preparation for moving the Operating Expense 856,912 855,725 851,076 4,649 0.54% Libraries. Transfers 0 0.00% $1,338,259 $1,340,183 $1,347,951 (57,768) -0.58% Department Total Salary 6 Fringe $1,972,234 $1,974,625 01,910,609 $630736 3.23% Overtime $600 $600 $19,209 ($18,609) -3101.50% Operating Expense $1,366,046 $1,564,951 $1,522,171 $42,580 2.72% Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% $3,339,680 $3,540,176 $3,452,469 $87,707 2.48% OTRLY\51.n1 21-Feb-94 Prepared by Budget Division $85,133 $85,133 0.00% 2.90% 2.98% COUNTY OP OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Treasurer BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $2,184,447 1,000 616,353 Administration Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense 52,185,792 2,121,380 $64,412 2.95% 1,000 4 996 99.60% 672,043 652.310 19,725 2.94% Turnover Twp. 4, City Treas. Bonds fav., $9,200, as well ns reduced expenditures for Computer Services-Operations, $6,600 and Leased Vehicles, $4,500. Transfers 0 Division Total $2,801,800 $2,858,835 82,773,702 Department Total $2,001,800 $2,058,835 $2,773,702 .11 *—r QTRLY\22.W61 23-Feb-94 Prepared by: Budget Division COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Clerk/Register of Deeds BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED FORECAST UNFAVORABLE PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Jury Commission . Salary & Fringe $14,478 $14,469 14,408 $61 0.42% Overtime 0 Operating Expense 118,092 165,806 168,693 (2,897) -1.74% - Velem. postage (55,450) due to increase in juror questionnaires . at District Courts partially offset by various operating fey. Transfers 0 $132,560 $180,275 $183,101 (52,826) -1.57% Department Total Salary & Fringe $3,657,981 $3,783,190 $3,651,895 $131,295 3.47% Overtime $50,000 $134,294 $110,066 524,228 19.04% Operating Expense $2,023,181 $2,426,550 $2,304,469 $122,081 5.03% Transfers $0 $O $0 $0 $5,731,162 $6,344,034 $6,066,430 5277,604 4.38% QTRLY\21.WK1 21-Feb-44 Prepared by: Budget Division Administration Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers County Clerk Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense $280,823 $282,975 189,224 225,741 $470,047 $518,716 $2,004,053 $2,027,404 $1,973,665 27,000 27,000 21,483 1,170,325 1,247,942 1,202,301 ($2,921) (327) (11,637) ($14,885) $53,739 3,517 45,641 $285,896 327 247,378 0 $533,601 n•• COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Clerk/Register of Deeds BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED FORECAST UNFAVORABLE PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT vAR1ANCES -1.03% - Overtime to assist in Elections Division. -4.94% - Binding unfav. $15,000; funds were appropriated in Register of Deeds. -2.87% 2.65% - Turnover. 13.03% - Fey, attributed to use of emergency salaries instead of overtime. 3.66% - Fay.: office supplies, $28,293, due to bar code labels not used hy Prosecut Intl Attorney's Office; court transcripts, $24,011; and binding, $11,000. Vail. partially offset by Computer Services- Operations untav. (516,2531- Transfers 0 $3,201,378 $3,302,346 $3,199,449 $102,897 3.12% Elections Salary & Fringe $270,372 $272,534 $259,855 $12,679 4.65% - Turnover. . Overtime 1,000 1,000 935 65 6.50% Operating Expense , 80,952 238,094 214,011 24,083 10.11% - Pay. Election Supplies, $21,278 and Convenience Copier, $3,655. Transfers 0 $352,324 $511,628 $474,801 $36,827 7.20% Register of Deeds Salary & Fringe Overtime $1,088,255 $1,185,808 $1,118,071 $67,737 22,000 106,294 85,321 5.71% - Turnover. 19.73% _ Fay, attributed to use of emergency salaries instead of overtime. 20,973 Operating Expense 464,598 538,967 472,086 66,881 12.41% - Fay, binding $15,000, expenditure charged to AdministratIon Unit Transfers 0 and Microfilm, $33,944. $1,574,853 $1,831,069 $1,675,478 $155,591 8.50% IDTRLY n21.WKI 23-Feb-04 Prepared by; Budget Division Technical Services Salary 6 Fringe Overtime Operating Expense $4,758,674 209,110 1,719,9)6 $4,518,717 298,921 1,603,281 4,576,017 276,768 1,592,728 COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 THIRD QUARTER FORECAST EXPENDITURES Sheriff's Department BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Protective Services Salary & Fringe $11,416,337 $11,636,591 11,634,393 92,208 0.02% Overtime 935,620 910,837 865,955 $44,882 4.93% Operating Expense 1,632,787 1,643,659 1,531,513 $112,146 6.82% - Fav. Leased Vehicles due to reduced miles driven Transfers 0 0 $0 0.00% $13,984,744 $14,191,087 S14,031,851 $159,236 3.12% $1,900 0.04% - Fav. due to turnover. 922,153 7.41% $10,553 0.66% - Fav. in Equipment Repairs & Mlintenance, Microfilm and Leased Vehicles offset by Unfav. Telephone Communications and Central Stores - Housekeeping Supplies. Transfers 5,257 0 0 $0 0.00% $6,692,957 $6,490,919 $6,446,313 $34,606 0.53% Department Total Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers $37,111,124 $37,139,108 937,064,692 $74,417 0.20% $2,101,567 52,161,546 $2,118,576 $42,970 1.99% $12,658,008 513,860,901 913,654,691 $206,210 1.49% $32,257 $64,800 $64,000 90 0.00% $51,902,956 $53,226,355 $52,902,759 $323,597 0.61% OTRhT\43.WK1 25-Feb 31 Prepared by: Budget Division Administrative Services Salary & Vtinge Overtime Operating Expense 81,086,792 28,645 751,603 $1,115,091 24,645 934,903 1,068,904 28,2L2 877,832 46,987 (3,567) 57,071 ($48,764) ($64.214) $44,112 $12,936,277 $12,842,683 588,875 597,375 6,593,313 7,659,660 12,891,447 661,589 7,615,548 4,500 4,500 SO 0.00% Corrective Services Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers -0.38% - Unfav. In fringes due to early retirement program. -10.7514 - Hospital watch and vacancies related to early retirement. 0.58% - Fay. Medical Services - Physicians, Hospitalization of Prisonet* Outside County Prisoner Housing and Provisions offset by Unfav. Medical Supplies COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 THIRD QUARTER FORECAST EXPENDITURES Sheriff's Department BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED- ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF STGNIF/CANT VARIANCES Sheriff's Office Salary & Fringe Overtime Operating Expense Transfers $599,290 $603,068 570,147 25,721 4.26% - Fey. from turnover. 2,000 4,000 2,452 1,548 38.70% 1,339,127 1,373,756 1,376,607 (2,851) -0.21% - Fav. Professional Services and Grant Match offset by Unfav. 27,000 27,000 27,000 0 0.0015 Insurance, Microfilm and Radio Communications. $1,967,417 $2,008,624 $1,984,206 $24,418 1.22% 4.21% - Fnv, from underfill in Trnlning and Admin. Services -14.47% 6.10% - Fay. Uniform Replacement and Stationary Stock offset by Unfav. Equipment Rental. Transfers 0 18,000 18,000 0 0.00% 91,867,040 $2,093,439 $1,992,948 $100.491 4.00% $20,119,465 $21,104,218 $21,173,084 ($68,866) -0.33% Corrective Services -Satellites Salary & Fringe $6,313,754 $6,361,358 6,314,993 $46,365 0.73% - Regular salary and fringe fav, due to turnover Overtime 337,317 325,760 283,600 $42,168 12.94% Operating Expense 621,262 645,642 660,463 ($14,821) -2.30% - Unfav. due to Equipment Repairs and Maintenance Transfers 0 15,100 15,300 $O 0.00% $7,272,333 $7,348,068 $7,274,356 $73,712 1.00% OTRLY\43.wK1 25-Feb 91 Prepared by Budget Division 4ar, COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Prosecuting Attorney BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1991 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Salary $8,586,294 88,159 ,747 7,675,892 $483,855 5.93% - Due to underEilled and vacant positions. Overtime 60,000 110,000 92,772 17,228 15.66% - Usage lower than anticipated. Operating Expense 2,703,120 2,975,192 2,892,748 82,434 2.77% - Operating fay. primarily due to savings in rent 51,300, grant Transfers 0 0 match 39,400, outside equipment rental (Lexus) 15,900, telephone communications 19,400, and misc. capital outlay 9,000: offset Division Total $11,349,414 $11,244,929 $10,661,412 $583,517 5.19% by unrav. witness tees & mileage (47,220). Department Total $11,349,414 911,244,929 $10,661,412 9583,517 5.19% OTRLY\41.WK1 22-F,A,94 Prepared by Budget Division COUNTY OF OAKLAND 1993 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES Probate Court BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS 1993 FAVORABLE ADOPTED AMENDED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Field Services Salary & Fringe $4,885,702 $4,881,309 4,881,604 S1,704 0.01% Overtime 6,900 6,900 3,934 2,966 42.99% - Reduced Youth Assistance useage. Operating Expense 409,596 410,757 377,858 32,899 8.01% - Reduced use of professional services 520,100, due to staff Transfers 0 o o 0 0.00% efficiencies and savings in misc, capital outlay $8,200. $5,302,198 $5,300,965 $5,263,396 $37,569 0.71% Department Total Salary 4, Fringe $11,509,864 $11,417,897 $11,245,942 $171,955 1.51% Overtime $21,400 $21,400 $15,487 $5,913 27.63% Operating Expense $5,577,096 $6,390,222 $6,687,551 ($297,127) -4.65% Transfers $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% $17,108,360 817,829,519 $17,948,980 (8119,459) -0.67% • OTRLY\34.WK1 24-Fet 94 Prepared by: Budget Division 41. A. Resolution #94046 March 10, 1994 Moved by McCulloch supported by Jensen the resolution be adopted Moved by Dingeldey supported by Jensen the resolution be amended in the fourth WHEREAS paragraph to change the words "future wage and benefit increases" to read: "future operating requirements increases." A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the motion to amend carried. Discussion followed. Vote on Resolution. asamended: AYES: Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Gosling, Huntoon, Jensen, Kaczmar, Kingzett, Law, McCulloch, McPherson, Miltner, Moffitt, Oaks, Obrecht. Palmer, Pernick, Powers, Price, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Aaron, Crake. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution, as amended, was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on March 10, 1994 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 10th day 4Ltearch-19a4_, , -1 Lyn, D. Allen, County Clerk