HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1989.11.07 - 2420MANUFACTURED BY FARMINGTON COMMUNITY LIBRARY CANVASS OF VOTES CAST GENERAL AT THE ' ELECTION SPECIAL HELD ON I XX NOVEMBER 7, 1989 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN DONLEDIN 'ALL: ga, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN FARMINGTON COMMUNITY LIBRARY SPECIAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 1589 STATEMENT OF VOTES, , H-------'-'— -'' 1 i TARM1NGTON COMMUNITY LIBRARY 1 FARMINGTON COMMUNITY LIBRARY ' BONDING PROPOSITION MILLAGE'PROPOSITION , , , - --------- , I , TI 1 ! PRECINCT 1 NUMBER , L: ,, 1 1 ,FITY OF I I fY IN,t,i Total Yes1No IYNo Total Yes No Total ' FARM 1 NG -mit_ es N° _ T°' " 2 _ 3 m [ : 1 I 2 II °I a 21 1 4 b1,0 i / yb 1 1i'. /7 1,la i 5 __-1,1 ta?-3.,..4 / D _I_ ii) ! 29/ --- 6 I 7 3 1 IJ-7 1110' 5-31y,3-.J., I AVCB 12_43-i2a7 il 3 , :/”.... 3G I, '6 3 x . , 7 i ./111 ../ +._ 1 i . ; 1 ; 1 ! j I , I . STIY-0,E ' i I pl HILLS 1 I 1 i,37,/tz_ ::-/jik_, ta IL Lc .c.31n2.,-____ 2 q(If _471 111 . D I il . p " „ 11 5 I 273 1-3-1 ; 6 t 7 ' 1 6 bal, 0 ,:3 ) I , : •?9 1 a i7 3Q il 7 I 30 4 _.3_bL2(iI2 fi ,c,.q i,f9.2 7f 8 3 i 0 LOI, y-524 .A.iaL 2;z) 9 LAY_,...1.4L3iii MI --24-tarth I 1 , 10 Lo Yi 3‘..1 773 1 17i, p-. 7c7 I - WY 3-77I1D01 A 391 47 lio 12 S12 I 7 A I 'Ili 1 c/7-- i 7 ,. ., 13 )11 2) ign 1 3_.q.h TI 1 1 14 /1? 12-(t1 ,..1-P1I !27-Vr7 1 „ 15 ../_Iab.4 i Li i . ,bbig.32..ilify , I v , 1 ;19..., 2, , ,217137.7 Jo Il - I; {/ '2I7h 1/,,3 L A17! 516, 61 19 L r 2,0 it r 20 1 7 w2 I Olt : i 1 1,j ita —1 • ___Ji 21 4, ; .1- sb , 22 o , 01 111. 23 Miiiiiiinted.W—o i 11 , . 24 0 1 , 1111111111111MILVIM. 1 6 i 25 mow i 10 I P,A 26 1 00 CIESKIMI ' 7 ME 0 I , :="0./- 7 4,,tor /IN/ _ It !/1103 ta7s• Iiaiu t RAND TOTAy9.5-3 ? ply 1 19J 111111 WS" ,,24,17 1949)-€ 2-P FARMING STATEMENT OF VOTES FARMINGTON COMMUNITY LIBRARY SPECIAL ELECTION-NOVEMBER 7, 1989 -- ----. — — FARMINGTON COMMUNITY LIBRARY 1 Put figures ' The whole number of votes given for and against the BONDING PROPOSITION iti this toluesh :1 .41 I 1 I 1 I 1! !Shall the Farmington Comunity Litlrary....bOtrOw_the_slinLatna.t_to exceed Flairl 1 JM1 1 1 1 on Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($14,500,000) and issue its general obl igat ion I V —I -- ounlimited tax bonds in one or more series for all or a portion of that amount for the 1 ;!purpose of erecting, furnishing and equipping a new main library building; purchasing', ildeve1opin2, and improving the site for the new building; and making necessary repairs [r--- l' [pd cafilliiid improv .mants at the branch I ibrary_in the_City ofEarmington.— 1 . WaS Ul of which number , VOteS were marked YES 1 A-•-,-'. i9Ti 7 , and i q votes were OL-1 7 if, i TOTAL VOTES, FARMINGTON COMMUNITY LIBRARY The whole number of votes given for and against the OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSITION I I I:I I [Shall the Farmington _Community Library levy taxes against property in the Farm n. on 1 II , Community Library District in an amount not to exceed 1.5 m ill s ($1.50 on each $1,000) I ,--r ' 11 lof state equalized valuation for a period of 20 years in order to provide funds for I the purpose of operating the Farmington Community Library. I ,--- : I : [ W35 , ."--'''' tIT , ii I of which number I . - votes were marked YES _4e c/i„..„0,1 ,-,?-4-1--c-- 7 el I/ .., •1 and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 9 0 0 _ 6.P Having Received Passed Sufficient votes was ----- Not Received Defeated 6 NONE In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto. set our hands and affixed the Seal of the County of Oakland (COUNT,. LIT, TOWNSHIP OR VH.L.P.O4) ICOSINTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP ON VILLARE I this / 4 day of November the year one thousand nine hundred and dy- BOARD OF CANVASSERS ATTEST: Received Having Not Received Received Not Received Received Not Received Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated 3 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 4 NAME OF PROPOSITION 5 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION Having Having CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION COUNTY OP OAKLAND STATE OF MICHIGAN. 55. COUNTY OP OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of the ___C_Qunty of Oakland iGOONTY, GITY, TOWNSHIP OR V11.1.16.0S1 IGOONYY. OITY, YOWNSPnP OR VILI.A14C) — — having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said Farmington Community Libr a ry . frounorr, cirv, TOWNSHIP ON VILLARS1 at the .— Spec i a I Election, held on the 7t h day of November _....._ one thousand nine hundred and eighty7nine Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME Of PROPOSITION FARMINGTON COMMUNITY LIBRARY 1 BONDING PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION FARMiNGTON COMMUNITY LIBRARY 2 °PRATING MILLAGE PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION ri`auzIrveu Not Received Sufficient votes was Defeated Having Not Received Sufficient votes was Defeated Having