HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1995.12.07 - 24386MISCELLANEOUS RESOLU7ICN 495294 BY: FINANCE COMM=EE, JOHN P. MCCULLOCH, CHAIRMAN IN RE: 1996 GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS in accordance with the provisions of Public Act 139 of 1973 (as amended by P.A. 100 of 1980), the Unified Form of County Government Act, and Public Act 621 of 1978, the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act for Local Government, it is the responsibility of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to establish and adopt the annual County Budget and work program; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee received budget requests from a.L. County Departments, and has reviewed in detail the County Executive's 1996 Budget Recommendation; and WHEREAS the '..7'inance Committee, after due deliberation, has formulated a Recommended General Appropriations Act balancing total appropriations with available resources at $476,640,529 for calendar year 1996, a summary of which was included in the Notice of Public Hearing published in newspapers of general circulation; and WHEREAS the further intent of this resolution is to maintain a budgetary system for the County of Oakland on the same basis of accounting generally accepted accounting principles) as the actual financial information is maintained; to define the powers and duties of the County's officers in relation to that system; to designate the Chief Administrative Officer and Fiscal Officer; and Co provide that the Board of Commissioners and comT:AtLees thereof, as well as the Fiscal Officer, shall be furnished with informat_ion by the departments, boards, commIssions and offices relating to their financial needs, revenues and expenditures/expenses, and general affairs; to prescribe a disbursement procedure, to provide for an allotment system; and Lc provide remdies for refusal or neglect to comply with the requirements of this resolution; and WHEREAS the Circuit ',:ourt Mediation Fund (Misc. Resolution 090177) is used to cover the total cost of Attorney Mediators, with the balance to be used 1:or enhancement of Court operations as requested by the Court and approved by the Board of Commissioners. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Oakland County Board of Commissioners does hereby adopt and :mend the 1996 General AppropriatIons Act reccmmended by the Finance Commtttee as advertised and placed in the Clerk's Office for public inspection. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $703,000 of Cigarette Tax Revenue distributed by the Etate to Oakland County under the authority of the Health and Safety Fund Act, P.A. 264 of 19A7, be divided between the Health (11/17 or $452,941) and the Sheriff's Department (6/17 or $247,C59). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE: that funds from the Civil Mediation Account (1 10100-201-011) be utilized to cover the total costs incurred in 1996 for the Civil Xediation Progra-rn and that an additional $71,800 be transferred to the Circuit Court and the Friend of the Court for expendable equipment, capital outlay and judicial membership expenses. RE IT FURTHER RESOLVEE that Road Improvement Funds may be released to the Road ComTission upon approval of the specific projects by the General Government Committee of the Board of Commissioners. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following policy be established rcardina administration of the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund: The Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund (=RE) was established in acccrdance with the provisions of Public Act 206 of 1993 (as amended) for the purpose of paying local taxing units within the County their respective shares of delinquent ad valorem real property taxes, in anticipation of the collection of those taxes by the County Treasurer. This policy statement, which encompasses the precept cf self-funding, ensures that utilization of ,mrestricted DTRF funds does not impair the functional intent or operational success of the DTRF as originally established. MISCELLANEOUS RESOL",:TION 495294 BY: FINANCE COXMITTEE, JOHN P. MCCULLOCH, CHAIRMAN IN RE; 1956 GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS=ONERS Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAE in accordance with the provisions of Public Act 139 of 1973 (as amended by P.A. 100 of 1990), the 'inified Form of County Government Act, and PuLlic Act 621 of 1978, the Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act for Local Government, it is the responsibility of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners to establish and adopt the annual County Budget and work program; dEd WHEREAS the Finance Ccmmittee received budget requests from all County Departments, and has reviewed in detail the County Executive's 1996 Budget Recommendation; and WHEREAS the Finance Committee, after due deliberation, has formulated a Recommended General Appropriations Act balancing total appr2priations with available resources at $476,640,529 for calendar year 1996, a sunmary of which was included in the Notice of Public Hearing published in newspapers of general circulation; and WHEREAS the further intent of this resolution is to maintain a budgetary system for the County of Oakland on the same basis of accounting (generally accepted accounting principles) as the actual financial information is maintained; to define the powers and duties of the County's officers in relation no that system; to designate the Chief Administrativ.:t Officer dnd Fiscal Officer; and to provide that the Board of Co=issioners and COM7iCt:e0 thereof, as well as the Fiscal Officer, shall be furnished with informa•Lion by the departments, boards, co=issions and offices relating to their financial needs, revenues and expenditures/expenses, and general affairs; to proscribe a disburser:I.:Et procedure, to provide for an allotment system; and to provide remedies for refusal Cr- neglect to comply with the requirements of tnis resolution; and WHEREAS the Circuit Court Mediation Fund (Misc. Resol -,;tion #6U177) is useo to cover •,:he total cost of Attorney Xediators, with the balance to be I• • 4. used for enhaement of Court operations as requested by the Court and approved by the Board of Commissioners. NOW TliEREFORE a: IT RESOLVED the Oakland County Board of Ccm:tissioncus does hereby adopt and amend the 1996 General Appropriations Act recommended by the Finance Committee as advertised anj placed in the (.:lerk's Office for public inspect on. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $700,CU of Cigarette Tax Revenue distributed by the State to Oalcland County under the authority of the Health and Safety Fund Act, P.A. 264 of 1987, be divided between the Fieatth Division ;11/:L7 or $452,D41) and the Sheriffs Department (6/17 or $247,05Y). DE IT F=NER RESOLVE:, that funds from the Civil Mediation Account 1-1C1C3-2Ci-317 be utilized to cover the total costs incurred in 1996 for the Civil Xediation program and that en additional $71,800 be transferred to the 2ircuit Court and the Friend of the Court for expendable equipment, capital outlay and judicial membership expenses. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Road Improvement Funds may be released to the Road Cossion upon approval of the specific projects by the General Government Com:r.ittee of the Hoard of Commissioners. :7 FURTHFR RESOLVED that the following policy be established regarding administration of the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund: 1) Ohe Delirquent Tax Revolving Fund (DTRF) was established in at'curdance with the provisions or Public Act 236 of 1893 (as w-ended) fcr the purpose of paying local taxing units wtthin the Co-„In':.y their respective shares of delinquent ad valorem real property taxes, in anticipation of the collectLion c toose taxes ay the County Treasurer. This policy statement, which encompasses the precept of self-funding, ensures that utilization of unrestricted nTRF funds does not impair the functional intent or operationa., success of the DTRF as oricinally established. 2) To that end, at no t17ne shall funds be diverted tr= the DTRF t'nat wo',T.id cause he urrestrictod balance to fall below a level that would assure a prompt payment of aL, current and future outstanding General Ob.j.gation Limited Tax Notes, as well as assure the contin'„Ied operaton of the DTPF as specified in the preceding paragraph. Penalties anc investment interest generated by the DTRF -,T.ay be tsferred, in whole or in part, to the General Fund of the Ccuhty upon majority vote of the Board of Co:riaistcners so long as such transfor(s) meet the provisions of paragraph #2 curve. 4) Any and all appropriations from unrestricted CTRF fands, excepting penalties and investment interest, shall be li=Lted to one-time expenditres, as opposed to recurring operations. 5) Unless otherwise FTecified, appropriations from the CTRP shall be considered long- or short-term advances (with specific time frames detailed in the authorizing resolution), to be repaid with int.est as specified below. 6) Any appropriations from unrestricted DTRF funds, excepting penalties and investment interest, not considered advances to be repaid within a time certain shall require a two-thirds malorLty vote of the Board of Commissioners. All appropriations from unrestricted DTRF funds considered to be Erdvances to be repaid within a time certain shall require a maiori:]y vote of the Board of Commissioners, 8) Terra and conditions of any and all advances from Lhe DM:7' shall be specified in the authorizing resolution, including interest obligatins detailed as follows: a, Interest on each payment will be based on the average mc"nthly ta:..e paid during the term of the agree:rent by the agent of the DTRF for that year's outstunding borzowina,or b. In the event no borrowing occurs for the DIRF, principal and interest payments will be made in accordance with the previously established "Loan of County Funds Policy" (Misc. Resolution #89276) which requires Board approval of repayment ...erms at an interest rate no less than the prevailinc six .month Treasury Bill rate and that such rates shall be computed and .compounded quarterly. BE :T FURT:IER RESOLVED that one Assistant Prosecuting Attorney position, or the equivalent thereof, shall be utilized by the Prosecutor lz the Warrants Division located in Rcyf2,1 Oak. BE :T FURTHER RESOLVED that $437,500 (or one-half of the $875,00C convention facility tax revenues distributed by the State to Oakland County under the al.,:.thcrLty of the State Convention Facility Develop:nent Act, P.A. 106 of 1965, be aarmarked for s .,:tstance abuse programs. BE IT F:RTEER RESOLVE: that the Oakland County 3oard of Commissioners, in accordance with the requirements of Public Act 214 of 1899, as amended, authorizes that .,2004 mills Current Property Tax Levy be designated for the purpose of funding Veterans Services Soldier Relief. B:7; :T FURnER RESOLVED that: 1. The County Executive is hereby designated the Chief Administrative Officer ot the County of Oakland and, furthar, that the Director of Managent and Budget shall perform the duties of the Fiscal Officer as specified in this resolution. 2. The Fical Otficer shall provide an orientation session and written instructions for preparing department budgetrequests. Tnese instructions shall include information that the Fiscal Officer determines to be useful and necessary to assure that the budgetary estimates of the agencies are prepared in a consistent manner and the needs of the Board of Commissioners and Committees are met. 3. Any cffices, departments, commissions and boards of the County of Oakland financ!dd in whole or in part by the Count y of Cakland all transmit to the Fiscal Officer their estimates of the amouhts of money required for each activity in their respective agencies, as well c7,3 their estimate of revenues that will be generated from charges for services. They shall also submit any other information deemed relevant by the Fiscal .2,1-ficer and/or the Bcard of Commissioners and Ihc.K':,mittees tne:1-eof. 4. The Fiscal Officer snail prescribe forms to be used by the offices, departrbnts, =77issions and boards of the County of .1)akland in s -,.bmitting their budaet estimates and shall prescribe the rules and reglilations :he Fiscal Officer deems necessary for the guidance of officials in prepariho7 such budget estimates. The Fiscal Officer coy require that the estimates be calculated on the basis of various assuAptions regarding level of service. The Fiscal Officer nay also require a statement tor any proposed expenditure and a justification (:.,f the services financed. The Fi5r:d: Officel - shall prepare estimates of revenue for each budgeted fund, classified to shw on detail the amount: expected to be ;.-eceived from each source. Estimates of expenditures and revenue.i shall also he classified by character, object, function and activity consistent with the account inct system classification. 6. 'The 17 1',!ca: Officer shah rcview the agency estimates with a represe:7tative from each agency of the County of 0a.cland that has subi'ited suchestimates. The purpose of the review shall be to clarify the cstmates, ensure the accuracy, and to determine their adherence to the p icOes previously enumerated by the Fiscal Officer and the Board 0t-'.:c!---issioners or committees thereof as herein required. 7. The Fiscal Officer shall consolidate the estimates received from the various agencies togetner lArth the amounts of expected revenues and shall make recommendations relating to those estimates which shall assure t.!lat the total of estimated expenditures including an accrued deficit coca act exceed the total of expected revenues including an ,..:napprcTrat.:ed srplus S. The rem7,enileJ budget shall include at least the tollowng: (a Expenditure dat...a for the Most recently completed fiscal year and estimated expenditures for the current fiscal year, An estimate of the expenditure amounts required to conduct, the government of Oakland County, including its budgetary centers, ;cRevenue data for the most recently completed fiscal year and estimated revenues for the current fiscal year, (cU An estimate of revenues, by source, to be ruised or received by Oakland County in the ensuing fiscal years, The amount of surplus or deficit from prior fiscal years, together with an estimate cf the amount of surplus or deficit expected in the current fiscal year., An estimate cf the amount needed for deficiency, contincrent or emergency purposes and the amounts needed cc pay and discharge thc principal and interest of the debt of Cakland County due in the ensuing fiscal years, (.9) The ar-olmt of proposed capital outlay expenditures, except those financed by enterprise, capital projects , or internal service funds, including the estimated total costs and proposed method of financing of each capital construction project and the projected additional annual operating cost and the method of financing the operating costs of each capital construction project for three (3) year-Li beyond the fiscal year covered by the budaet. An informational summary of projected revenues and expenditures/expenses of any capital projects, internal service, and ...ntrercr.ise funds, (i) A comparison of the revenue and expenditure amounts in the recommended bi_lget to the budget previously adopted by the Board of Criurl.sioners with appropriate explanation of the variances, (j) Any other data relating to fiscal conditions that the Fiscal Officer or the Board of Commissioners or committees thereof consider to be useful in evaluating the financial needs of the County. 9. Not less than ninety 00) days before the next succeeding fiscal year, the County Executive shall transmit the recommended budget to the County Board of Commissioners. The recommended budget shall be accompanied by (a) A proposed general appropriations measure, consistent with the budget, which shall set forth the anticipated revenue and requested expenditure/expense authority in such form and in such detail deemed appropriate by the Board of Commissioners or committees thereof. No appropriations measure shall be submitted to the Board of Commissioners in which estimated total expenditures/expenses, including an accrued deficit, exceed estimated total revenues, including an available surplus. (13 A budget message which shall explain the reasons for increases or decreases in budgeted items compared with the current fiscal year, the policy of the County Executive as it relates to important budgetary items, and any other information that the County Executive determines to be useful to the Board of Commissioners in its consideration of proposed appropriations. (c) A comparison of the recommended budget to the current year adopted budget, together with an analysis and explanation of the variances therefrom, such variances being divided to show the portion attributable to the current year budget amendments and the portion resulting from the recommended budget. 10_ The County Board of Commissioners, or any committee thereof, may direct the County Executive and/or other elected officials to submit any additional information it deems relevant in its consideration of the budget and proposed appropriations measure. The Board of Commissioners or t!-..e co=ittees thereof may conduct budgetary reviews with the Fiscal Cfficer, andk:r County departments and divisions or agencies, etc., for the purpose of clarification or ..istification of proposed budgetary items. 11. The County 2oard of Commissioners may revise, alter, or substitute for the proposed general appropriations measure in any way, except that it may not change it in a way that would cause total appropriations, including an accrued deficit, to exceed total estimated revenues, including on unappropriated surplus. Ar, accrued deficit shall be the first item to be resolved in the general appropriations tteasue, 12. The County B3ard of Commissioners shall fix the time and place a public h•arina to be held on the budget and proposed appropriations neasure.'he Clerk/Register shall then have published, in a newspaper of q•neral circulation within the County of Oakland, notice of the hearing and an indication of the place at which the budget and proposed appropiat'_ons measure may be inspected by the public. 'his notice must be published at least seven days before the data of the hearing. 13. co later than December 31, the Board of Commissioners shall pass a genz,ra: appropriations Treasure providing the authority to make expenditures and incur obligations on behalf of the County of Oakland. ae SuppOftinq budgetary data to the general appropriations measure shall include at least the following: („a Expenditure data for the most recently completed fiscal year, The expenditures budget as originally adnpted by the Board of .:c.mmissioners for the current fiscal year, The amended current year appropriations, !,d) An est.Imate of the expenditure amounts required to cond .....c:t, the quvernment of Oakland County, including its budgetary centers, Revenue data for the most recently comp)eted .4.-sca1 year and estimated revenues for the current fiscal year, (f 2udgetec Revenue Estimates as originally adopted by the of Commissioners for the current fiscal year, The amended current year Budgeted revenu es, Yn) An estimate of revenues, by source, to be raised or received by Oakland County in the ensuing fiscal year, The amount of surplus or deficit fi-L3m prior fiscal years, together with an estimate of the a".Tount of surplus or deficit expected in the curIent fiscal year, ;j) An estimate of the amount needed for deficiency, contingent on emergency purposes, and the amounts needed to pay and to discharge the principal and interest of the debt of Oakland County due in the ensuing fiscal year, (k) The amount of proposed capital outlay expenditures, except those financed by enterprise, capital project, or internal service funds, including the estiated total costs and proposed meofnod of financing of each capital construction project and the projected additional annual operating cost and the method of financing the operatLng costs of each capital construction project for three (3) years beyond the fiscal year covered by the budget, 1: An informational summary of projected revenues and expenditures/expenses of , capital projects, interne:1 service, and entl:prise funds, Any other data relating to fiscal conditions that the Board of Commissioners considers to be useful in considering the financial needs af the County, Printed copies of the Board of Commissioners Adopted Budget, Financial Plan or any facsimile thereof shall contain all of the above data unless otherwise approved by the Board of Commissioners, 14. The Doaid of Commissioners may authorize transfers between appropriation ite:T.s by the County Executive or Fiscal Officer within units stated in tbe appropriations measure. In no case, however, may such limits exceed those provided for paragraph #21 of this resolution. 15. A deviation from the orig7Lnal ueneral appropriations measure shall not L e made without first amending the generai appropriations measure thrcunn action by the Board of Commissioners, except within those limits provided for in paragraph #16 of this resolution. 16. Apprcpriations accumulated at the following three summary levels of expenditure wfthin each County Division will be deemed maximum auttcrizatin to incur expenditures: Controllable Personnel Expenditures, Controllable Operating Expenditures, and Non-Controllable 1)peratir.(1 Expenditures.Internal Service Funds). The County Executive or the Fiscal afficer shall exercise supervision and control of all budgeted expeaditLzres within these limits, holding expenditures below individual lone-item appropriations or allowing overruns in individul line-iters providing that at no time shall the net expend±tures exceed the tot:11 appropriation for Controllable Personnel and Operating Expenses, respectively, for each division as originally authorized or amended by the Board of Commissioner. The Fiscal Officer Ehall submit to the Finne Co=ittee a quarterly listing of new governmental funded appropriatLons and internal service fund line items created administratively which were not properly classifiable. Line-item detail, divis i on, unit or cost center detail and allotments, which proviie a monthly calandarization of annual appropriations, as deemed necessary by the Fiscal Officer shall be maintained and utilized as an administrative tool for management information and ccst control. The Fiscal Officer shall not approve any expenditure beyond that necessary to acoplish stated proa.ram or work objectives authorized in the general appropriation measure as originally approved uniess amended, in which case the f:mend.-r.ent Oases precedence. 17. The Fis!cal Officer shall maintain, for ell budgeted funds, appropriation ledger accounts in whi.:::11 are to he recorded such expenditure enc:umbrances and cbliaarions tor the future payment of appropriated funds as the Fi.'zcal Officer may approve. 18. Each purchase order, voucher or contract of Oakland County shall Rpecffy the funds and apprcpriation designated by number assigned in the accounting system classification from which it is payable and shall be paid from no otner fund or appropriation. The necessary amount of the appopriation from such acc3unt shall be transferred pursuant to the provisions of this resoluLion to the appropriate general appropriation account and the expenditure then charged thereto. 19. No obligation shall be incurred against, and no payment shall be made from, any .ppropriation account unless there is a sufficient unencumbered balance in the appropriation and sufficient funds are or will be available to meet the obligation. All capital projects funded from the Capital Improvement Fund shall require approval of :he Elard of Commissioners W.; recommendation of the appropriate liaison committee (Planning and Building Committee) prior to initiation of the project. Any obligation incurred or payment authorized in violation of this resolution shal: be void and any payment so made illegal except those otherwise ordered by court ludgment or decree. 20. The Fiscal Officer, after the end of each quarter, shall transmit to the Board of a)mmissioners a report depicting the financial condition of budgeted operatons, including, but not limited to: (a) A forecast of actual revenues by major source compared wi"zil budgeted revenues accompanied by an explanation of any significant variance a» A forecast of actual expenditures and encumbrances ay department compared with authorized appropriations accompanied by an exptanatio,71 of any significant variances, and A forecast of actual expenditures, encumbrances and transfers from each of the everal non-departmen:al appropriations accounts compared with authorized appropriations accompanied by an explanation of any significant variances. 21. Direct expenditure and/3r transfers of any unencumbered balance or any portion tliereof Ir. any apprcpriation for transfer account to any ot'::er appropriatdons account may no: be made without amendment ot the general appropriation measure as provided for in this resolution, except that transfers within and between nudgeted funds and departments may be made by the Fiscal Officer in the following instances: Transfers may be made from the non-departmental overtime account and fringe benefit adjustment account to the appropriate departmental budget as specific overtime requests are reviewed and approved by the Budget nivision. Additionally, overtime appropriations may be transferred between divie.ions within a department at the request of the Department Head, if authorized by the Fiscal Officer or his designee. Transfers may be made from the non-departmental appropriation accounts for Xaintenance Department Charges and Miscellanes Capital Outlay to the appropriate departmental budget as specific requests for these items are reviewed and approved by the Fiscal Officer. Transfers may be made from the non-departmental appropriation accounts Emergency Salaries and Summer Help as specific requests for these items are reviewed and approved by the Personnel Department. Fringe benefit rates shall be established annually in t]-:e budget process to charge all Governmental, Special Revenue and Proprietary fund;=: for actual employer -fringe benefit costs. Such rates shall be sufficient to meet all fringe benefit costs including sick leave and annual leave accumulations, tuition reimbursement,retirees' hospitalization and retirement administration. All funds collected for Retirement, Tuition Reimburse:tent, Social Security (FIA), Hospitalization for active and retired employees, Disability, Dental, Optical, anC. 1.ife and Accident Insurance shall be transferred to the Employee Fringe Denefit Fund as established by Miscellaneous Resolution 101-322. ::-ufficient funds shall be maintained in the Employee Fringe Benefit Fund liability account for sick leave and annual leave to cover the accumulated liability at an amount equal to 50%. of the sic .< leave accumulation ard iOn of the annual leave accumulation, including app],icable Sccal Security (FICA taxes thereon. All funds collected by Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Compensation shall be transferred to their respective self insuran:e funds as established by Miscellaneous Resolution #S1-012. el An amount for capital improvements and rental charges for principal payments on Building Authority bonds shall be added to the Building Space Cos: Allocation charges, Funds collected as a result of these charges shall be accumulated in the Facilities Maintenance and cperat ions Fund for subsequent transfer to the Capital :ifiprovement Fund and Building Authority Fund, The transfer of these funds to the Capital Improvemew,:. Fund and Building Authority Fund shall not be made prior to De.ember 31, without approval from the Finance Committee of the Board of Commissic,ners. (f) Transfers may be made from the non-departmental accounts for the Department of Information Technology or from any other source of funds, fir computer hardware and/or software only with prior approval by the Finance Committee. Each proposal for the transfer of funds must be supported in writing with cost justification, estimates of potential savings ar....5/or cost avoidance, and an itemization of the requested hardware and software. The Director of Information Technology snail present such proposals as required to the Finance Committee as they are developed. The Fiscal Officer shall report such amendents to the Finance Co::,mittee as a formal part of the County Executive's Quarterly Financial Fcrecast. 22. The 'ard 017 Commissioners may make supplemental appropriations by amendir.g this czenerai appropriations measure as provided by this resclution, provided that revenues in excess of those anticipated in the original gencral appropriations measure become available due to: An unobligated surplus from prior years becoming available; Current year revenue exceeding original estimate in amounts sufficient enough to finance increased appropriations. The Board of Commissioners may make a supplemental appropriation by increasing the dollar amount ct an appropriation item in the ori_ginal general apprpIiacion&:, mcasure or by adding additional items. At the same t i me the estimated amount from the source of revenue to which the increase in revenue may be attributed shall be increased, or other source and amount added in a sum sufficient to equal the supplemental expenditure amount. in no case ay- such appr3priations cause total estimated expenditures, including an accrued deficit, to exceed total est.imated revenues, inciuding an -,:nappropriated surplus, 23. Whenever it appears to the County Executilye or the Board of Commissioners u:at actual and prDhable revenues in any fund will be less than the estimated revenues upon which appropriations from such fund were based, the County Executive shall present to the Board of Commisson!:Irs recommendations which, if adopted, will prevent expenditures from exceeding available revenues for the current fiscal year. Such recommendations shall include proposals Crf reducing appropriations, increasing :revenues, or both. After receiving the recommendations of the County Executive for bringing appropriations into ba:ance with estimated revenues, the Board of Commissioneri. shall amend the general appropriations measure to reduce appropriations or shall approve such measures necessary to provide revenues sutficient to equal appiopriations, both. 24. All approp:iations are annual and the unexpended portoh shall lapse at year end. Znoumbrances and Appropriations Carried Forward vaL_ll be recorded az a reservation at fund balance and the subsequent year's budget amended to provide authority to complete these transactions. Appropriations shall not be carried forward for more than six 2;ont'ns into the budget year fol l owing the year in which they were originally appropriated. A status report on Appropriations Carried Forward, as required by Xisc. Resolution #93-156, will be incorporated as an integral part of the ensuing year's Second Quarter rinancial Forecast for the purposes of determining their continuation for the remainder of the year. The recommended year-end budget amendment shall be supported with a statement of revenues and expenditures and operating ellrplus or deficit which shall contain the following data (1) budget as adopted; (2) budget amendments; C.3; budget as adjusted; revenues and expenditures. operating surplus or deficit; (5) accrued revenue and expenditures; ;(-. transfers; (7) total revenues and expenditures and '..ransfers, operating surplus or deficit, including accruals and transfers; (8) encumbrances; 0) appropriations carried forward; (10) total revenues and appropriations utili..eed, operating surplus or deficit, including encumbrances and appropriations carried forward; 0.1) balance of revenues not collected, unencumbered appropriation balance, operating sur-plus or deficit; detail of adjustments to designated and undesLunated fund balance, detail of adjustment to reserves and/or any other utilization of surplus; ;13) final surplus or deficit or unaesignated fund balance carried forward to the subsequent year's budget. 25. A member of the Board of Commissioners, the County Executive, any elected officer, the Fiscal Officer, any other administrative office:- or employee of Caklahd County shall not: (1) create a debt, incur a financial obligation on behalf of the County against an appropriation account in ex c ess of the amount authorized, (2) apply or divert coney of the County for purposes inconsistent with the specified in this generLl apprr.;priations measure as approved and amended by *,..he Board of CoTmissioners, no (3) forgive a deb: or write off an account receivable without appropriate authorization of the Board of Commissioners, as described in Xiscellaneous Resolution 093-135. Specifically, application of the foregoing Bad Debt Write Off Policy shall be invoked for all amours in excess 3t $1,000; transactions of a lesser amount shall be considered within the administrative authority of the Fiscal Officer. Far';_hermore, the Accounting Division must submit to The Board uf Cf.)mmicioners, as part of the quarterly financial report, a listing of all bad debt write offs occurring during the preceding three months. In addition, transactions relating to Inmate Prisoner Billings which are billed in excess of ability to pay, as determined by the Reimbursement are hereby authorized to be adjusted in accordance with Public Act 212 of 7._94 with the resultant amount cf the write off subsequently reported to the Board of Commissioners as part of the Quarterly Financial Report. Except as otherwise stated in the General Appropriations Act, funds shall not be expended without specific appropriation cc other appropriate action by Lhe Board of Commissione fr.c)m reserved, designated or undesignated fund equity; from balance sheet a ,...;eounts for the purchase of fixed assets not cited in paragraph 26 of the General Appropriations Act, nenroutine prepaid Items or nonrotinu obligations related to a specific appropriation; or from funds not budgeted. 26. In connection with the 1996 General Appropriations Act, the Informat],on Technology Fund operating budget shall be adjusted for depreciation and anticipated capital outlay such that the operating budget is converted from the full accrual basis of accounting to the codified accrual basis of accounting. Toe funding for :he capital outlay shall be rofereneed in the operating budget. In connection with the Fiscal Officer's Quarterly Financial Forecast Report, capital outlay and related funding shall be presented to the Finance Cormtittee. It is the intention of the Board ot .iozillissioners to require a similar capital reporting structure for ocher internal service funds in the 1997 calendar year budget pr,Jcess. 27. The bud(7etary syscem shall be maintained on the same basis of account ing (generally accepted accounting principle as the actual financial inforaion is :-ajntained. Any violation of the general appropriations measure by the County Executive, the Fiscal Officer, any administrative officer, employee or member of the Board of Commissioners detected through application of generally accepted accounting procedures utilized by Oakland County or disclosed in an audit of the financial records and accounts of the County shall be tiled wlth the State Treasurer and reported by one State Treasurer to the Attorney General. Pursuant to Public Act 621 of :979, the Uniform Budgetinc: Act, the Attorney General shall revIew the report and initiate appropriate action against the person or persons in F..',;r use and benefit of the County of Oakland, the Attorney 3eneL-al or Prosecuting Attorney may institute a civil and/or crIminal action in a court of competent jurisdiction for the recovery of County funds disclosed by an examination to have been illegally expended or collected as a result of malfeasance, and for the recovery f public property disclosed to have been converted or misappropriated. 29. The proviions of this act shall be applied to the General Fund and all Special Revenue anc. Proprietary Funds of the County, including Enterprise Funds and Internal Service Funds. r. Cheirperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the adoption of the foreg7.ing resolution which embodies the 1596 General Appropriati'ons Act as detailed in the 1996 Budget document, including subequerlt and,T,ents. FINANCE COMMITTEE 1 yr: John P. Y, Mach Qhairperson • • • Resolution 95294 December 7, 1995 Moved by McCulloch supported by Amos the resolution be adopted. AYES; Crake, Devine, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Holbert, Huntoon, Jacobs, Jensen, Johnson, Kaczmar, Kingzett, Law, McCulloch, McPherson, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Pernick, Powers, Quarles, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on December 7, 1995 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 7th daypecembAT -1YS,6%. LyAn D. Allen, County Clerk