HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1975.06.09 - 243911 I .1 !I I OAKLAND MANUF,4 !;,,:RFD BY ?.; June 9, 1975 (DATE OF ELECTION NMJAL SC;HOOL ELECTION JUNE. 9, 1975 (vote for not more than 1) MEMBER BOARD OF EDUCATION - 4 yr. term F:7;URES. The vAcde runber of vote.:; Ike office of ROBERT F. TURNER received reCeiVed TOTAL votes 1, votes 11 votes received PETER SPELLMAN _ rc:c.eiv NORMAN C. HUTU., votes h vof=7:5 DUANE K. SHEREN race vs IL—MMIA—ZALEWSKI z vt..)t t..!5 Va RAYMOND P. CLARK reeeiVed_ Th 3 t. g 1 VOteS rivon C.: office of VO t e5 re-cc.iyed votes TOTAL i,Tr' ST\TEh4FNT OF (;) S -tt Wc..1 . they wove Qt,en for the loHowing named persons: The whole number of cot ttlaS C. ethcui 1) iceof MEMBER BOARD OF EDUCATION -2 yr. term ne given fof re HkrYP r[C! M was and they were riven Far the foi!owing nomad vco race . ed received vote Th e whole Lqw-nber of votes g iven for the office of was ortci they were p n ven for the Fcl awrrcs named pei50n5: received received recetvad received voles votes votes votes rec6ved votes received votes re.ceivect votes voes received votes received AVONDALE SCI-100L DISTRIC T SiPaPPENT OF VPIES, JUNE 9, 19.L5 : OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER : PC T NO--- YES NO • YES No YES NO 3 4 5 AVC13 TOTALS TOTAL 'ROBERT F. TURNER PETER SPELLMAN NORMAN C, HI.PPLE DUANE K, SHEREN CYNTHIA ZALEWSKI YMOND CLARK e hok riu•• v'sjes cdVen or he office of vote.s WO 5 drid ihey were corned persom; teceiv-d vote:, received d they were t-..,iven ier the foiiipvving riorne-3 yetes voles received TOTAL f votes erie for the .:1d coy vv-e-fc, gicec CoT the fohowir i-:.: peens received received- received Tryr voter (74 ,,,,'eP for the office of vote votes vote, ifiiriber c;:rtice of d they wore given for the fedlowing nored prone- fece;ved The whole number of votes giv-srso for the °ince of v.cres votes CI 55 votes votes the office of The whoie rOCOCO race ved reCeiYed ---- Tr)T A vo tes VCf OS 1: V C STATEMENT OF VOTES they were given far the following named persons: rece!vaa . receveri receved vc,-Jc3 : The whole flumber of .7.ilven for the office of .005 i.,ey woo- tcr the following named 7 rec eivrt-7l: rocsn sad received TO TA i we S and they were cjven for the foiicwincl no whale rlurnber o votes (.41 c:ind they were criven for ti-!:7 Wice of ir-zst noffie.d rec eived voles received TOTAL The .:,.hz,f.e Firm-1'00r of verte.s aiveri for -he oil cc of Wa S H they wele ,--„pver, for the 1-olk.--,vvThcf narned r voter fecervoci receweci received received TOTAL votes :1 votes votas veActs I i a FT 'T OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL Shall the limitation on the amount of ,Nhoie number va-e$ Tven far and agc.. taxe:s - which-may be assesserd against allE! property in Avondale School District, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased by two:: I (2) mills for a -period ?yf -five (5) years, from -1975 -to 1979; böthindlüsivefor the purposes of providing a ddi tiona I funds for operating purposes (this being a . renewal of -2- -Mills for oP-erating purposes which- expired with the 1974 tax levy)? TOTAL ote,..5 given -H-7.q which nun votes werE,..] The TOTAL VOTES, en f,,N and a9(nnst de 11- vc,4es TOTAL VOTES, flk)Mk SS% OAKLAND 0 OuN [hat _ .hovina soi c...1f.fr.s.`f , nun-1 ..floving feceived numbe of _ kaving lcsr;es isUI7IbsO at Tho!'. votes.,,..:-.4ected That- That_ . . kayino number at votes is eleete,r1. havincl mimbeq of votes is elected votes I hc..4 unAL,e€ ICHIG The CarIVC15'*3 of COUNTY OAKLAND NUAL- SCI-1001. iiog, ( COUnty, C ,,"Y aid AWNDALELS_00014_DI5IRICT cid on ti-18. 9 th _doy of June seventy five elec,,,.:)_.MEEIBER_ BOARD_ _OF _ EDUCATION -7- .4 - t arm _ voi-e7., ER BOARD OF EDUCATION - 2 yr. term S elected '1 ILO rCr.',7,6:1VCd nCV€MCF is kiected er Ct _ sates Thot recei\e'e.d VOfeS . . . vote,s is eiected .kdving dec&N-ed 1.h0 or es number oF That - v v yss scdeded__. v s r!v hcivinc3 received the fatgeri number of having received he iculest number of Having kece.ve,._ Passtrtd. votes was 2 3 NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOS:EON NONE i `'ceve' • Passed .ucricieni votes was- Not Received - Defca;t-d Received . Having cr vores was , Nat Mecowecl Lietecjcd JUNE seventy five tbou5ati...-1 nine hur-.::',eci rind hereunto 5et out honds ono affixed tir OAKLAND COUN'..0 CAt SEERS Do Fs Dtz.--es7nine: That the following Proposiiions or questions were passod or deicocted as indica:ad below: NAME OF PROPOSMON 1 I QTERATINGLA.GE_ ATTEST; cum.k ..or 505050 OF COUNTY CANVASSERS_