HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.06.09 - 2440AVONDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT June 9, 1 9 8 9 HELD ON AV Id 01_0_1 S TR I C T LEGAL (TE 0 A UANIL . -N.LAJ.'4U F A C (DATE OE 4 rr, 711 1, • HT--1 4 'DAVID W. HACKETT 0 MARGARET MAC TAVISH 771 , RICHARD J. PAPPAS VERONICA SEXTON NANCY E. VANGILDER BARBARA J. WILLING JOHN J, YEZMAN NVHI ]dON ION THEODORE DZILIRMAN ROBERT FILIATRAULT MARIELLEN GREENBURY CD I r- < > ' ' Hc , m r. mc c) , r , • ! -01 Cl r-m 1' • 11 72 1 • --9H, r9-, TTI Cr? 1 1.• .< w -9 rt 0 3 ii I I OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTJ TRANSFER PROPOSITION I OR WARD NUMEER NO YES I NO YES I NO d YES YES I NO 11 Y:e5L ] ma r_-11 , I f II 11 P 11[ 1 ii Hr Ii _LL ! I YES P NO 3 I. 4 i 5 i ;1 AVCB 4 !I M I LLAGE RENEWAL PROPQ5 IT I ON Ii ADD IT! °NAL M I LLAGE PROPOS IT ION STAT7.Ii7NT OF VOTES, [1-7-Thewbiie•umb,er oF votes ,aiver: For he Fce wcs ad they L EDWIN C. [MAVEN (,) — EIAINE GOFBEL 1 I fe.A-Fu ‘r. VOTE FOR NQT MORE THAN TWO ,741 VOTE ' I i F votes CI e. 11 ; VOTES' 1,1;11'11771 1 1 11 1 I I —1-1- ! 11-"""1 TOTAL a One Year 'term TOT/i. r a Two Year term 11 Ntl';',14:1111'1:1 •r W.:1•S WUTTEN IN vvorzs IJ 5. Li. L 1 1 11 8. IIln II 9. 10. Th e M10 ,7`PP,' k•V 2, 11 !: ,1 vy„c.: H ViV as cinu they ii r I 4. r fur the OFFICe was__ mid they 2. r-- 1 WCS votes were mcrt<ed TOTA I„ The lumber of votes for and ogaiiSt the M1LLAGE RPNEWAL PROPOSITION _S-41a_11 the_LimItatlaa_o_a_tlaa_amount of taxe-s..„ which may be assessed against all property in Avondale School District, Oakland County, Michigaih be increased by 11.65 mills ($1L65 on each $1,000,) on state equalized valuation for the year ' Liago, tor the purpose of providtng additional furid--ior operating purpoes--(this being-a—nninTT 11-65-m-i1Us for operatiag puna_oses_wbjch txpired wi_th the 1973 tax le vy)? WQS voter wrre rr, TOT,A VOTE': Th n um ,01"PF, C; ADDITIONAL MULAI3E PROPOSITION S hal 1 the m_i tat I on on the amount of taxes which may be assessed .against all property in Avondale School District, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased by mill ,($0,50 on each $1,000,) on state equalized hVbluatTon -Tor the year 1580, for the purpose of provid17',-§ additional funds for operating -prat-- L_Ki_this__be_i_n.g__a_s_e4lp,ra_t_e_pzop.- in addi_tiorf—to—tile incPaa5_e_submi_fted tn at this same election)? The whaie ro..fmber t-a votes and against the 11 - , I ] 1 WM _ of which ru)rnb...er votes were marked YES arv4 1 _ were morVed NO 11 1 TOTAL VOTES 11 1 I I an evam nation _OAKLAND— AVONDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT of the Election received by said Board of Canvassers, of persons elected For a two year term evpirirvti Do F-jiF.r....:E.R That the fown Proposmnns or Questions were passed or defeated as MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION Received Havinq votes - — elected For a one N4amesof p year term Nones of per3-on-: elected For a four year term expiring 1984 Nt-r-vs of persons elected for a three year term expHng • Received HavIrp. Surfirier4 Not Recr-,:itzed Passed Defeated 3. votes was I 9.8AL.. . \ this day of JUNE CLERK BeARO OF C; ANV ASSERS Attest, TY OF _OAKLAND We, for couroy of that at the ANNUAL on_j_une_qi 198,.Chnt the persons listed belov,, were duly . -4 the said Cc4Inol District for the t€:ims of office set pppor.r*to, their "'°44muoteetE4--- ,;4Wswe , n . --41Hent ••,..otes Nat i-c.ec;Yed Defeated ADDITIONAL mILLAGE PROP. eleciea as .r.:?.c hers a n 771'n 2. 4. NA101,..or PROPOSMON Rec&vnd r . A ffjcicnt votes Ha was Not Keceivea , 'We have set our hand5 and .74.f.xe.d the Seal (PI the County of _ OAKLAND