HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1995.11.09 - 245704 OCTOBER 26, 1995 REPORT (misc. #95250) BY: JOHN P. MCCULLOCH, CHAIRPERSON - FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE IN RE: M.R. #95250, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES - 1995/1996 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS GRANT ACCEPTANCE To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Finance and Personnel Committee, having reviewed the above-referenced resolution, reports with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, I move acceptance of the foregoing Report. FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE I(/'; bCTOBER 12, 1995 4 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #95250 BY: FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE, JOHN P. MCCULLOCH, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES - 1995/1996 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS GRANT ACCEPTANCE TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the State of Michigan's Department of Community Cotrections awarded funding for the Oakland County Community Corrections Program in the amount of $1,998,160 for the period October 1, 1994 through September 30, 1995, and WHEREAS the Oakland County Office of Community Corrections submitted an application to the State July 7, 1995 for the continuance of this program in the amount of $2,223,164, and WHEREAS the State has awarded funding to Oakland County in the total of $1,948,044 for the period October 1, 1995 through September 30, 1996, and WHEREAS the total grant award reflects a 14.1% variance from the original application and therefore, does not need to be reviewed by the Public Services Committee per grant procedures, and WHEREAS the total grant award provides funding for the following positions: One (1) Community Corrections Administrator (171-02) One (1) Secretary I (171-02) Ten (10) Pretrial Services Investigator I (171-03) Two (2) Pretrial Services Investigator II (171-03) One (1) Clerk I (433-18) Two (2) Jail Inmate Worker (423-18) One (1) Community Corrections Intake Supervisor (433-18) Two (2) Inmate Substance Abuse Technician (433-18) One (1) Work Project Supervisor (434-15) One (1) Work Project Supervisor (434-30), and WHEREAS the Community Corrections Program (except the portion of Pretrial Services covered by the General Fund) is 100% funded by the State of Michigan Department of Community Corrections and does not require any County grant match, and WHEREAS acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future commitment, and WHEREAS the contract has been approved by the County Executive's Contract Review Process. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the funding for the Community Corrections Program in the amount of $1,948,044 for the period October 1, 1995 through September 30, 1996 as detailed in the attached Schedule. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1995 Adopted Budget be amended to reflect the grant award per the attached Schedule. BE 17 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Community Corrections Program (except the portion of Pretrial Services currently funded by the General Fund) is to be 100% funded by the State of Michigan Department of Community Corrections, and the future level of service, including personnel, will be contingent upon the level of funding available from the State. Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance and Personnel Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE Ari )( TERSONNEL COMMITTEE I . L__----- SCHEDUL I OAKIAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN OFFICE OF COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS 1995/1996 FY BUDGET APPLICATION VS, AWARD AND PROPOSED BUDGET 1995 1995/96 1995/96 Variance Adow,ed )993/96 Variance c:CAB .kaMINISTR.ATION 4-27 aim-. L7 L-02-01 IlApplisatisan 6,Eacti inctput Dudget Int./Dec:. balarie% 5140.999 5140,999 10 3135.576 5140,999 55,423 2075 FnoL;e Benefit:. 58,454 58.454 0 56.20 58.454 Total Salano and Fringe Benefits $199,453 5199,453 0 3191,782 5199,453 57,671 3128 Prolession-il Serme5 521.380 521,380 50 522.000 521,380 ;562151 3574 Per4onal Niilcage 728 728 0 700 728 28 3752 Travel and Conference 1,520 1,520 0 500 1,520 1,020 4898 Office 5.,applio, 812 812 0 300 812 512 4909 Poqagc 520 529 0 500 520 20 9998 Misc Capital Outlay 1.040 1,040 0 1.000 1.040 40 63 10 Buildinv Space. Cosi Allocation 3,848 3,848 0 3.700 3.848 148 6360 Computer Ser.-.ces - Operations 15,000 15,000 0 25,500 15,000 10,500) 6361 Computer Services - Development 10,520 10,320 0 0 10,520 10,520 6640 Equipment Renta1 260 260 0 250 260 10 6641 Convenience Copier 1,020 1,020 0 500 1,020 524 6670 Stationery Stock 0 0 0 0 0 0 6672 Pnnt Shop 1,124 1,124 0 600 1,124 524 6750 Telephone Communications 1,560 1,560 0 1,500 1,560 60 9325 Probation Residential Centers a a 4 943,160 Q ,,,943,16101 Tota/ Operating Expense 159.332 35.9.132 Ida $1.000,21,0 559,332 1940.8781 TOTAL CCAB ADMINISTRATION $258,785 $258,785 50 $1,191,992 $258,785 ($933,207) RETRIAL SERN,ICES 4-27508. 171-03-001 I Nu I Sa1anes $239,927 $239,927 0 3225,891 5239,927 514.036 2075 Fringe BencliD, .125.385. 125.38a 0 117.678 125.385 7,707 Total Salaries and Fringe Benefits 5365,312 5365,312 0 5343,569 5365,312 521.743 3574 Personal Mileage $2,000 $2,000 ID 515,000 52,000 '„$13,000) 3752 Travel and Conference 1,040 1,040 0 1,000 1,940 40 4898 Office Supplies 4,120 4,120 0 3,000 4,120 1,120 9998 Misc. Capital Outlay 0 0 0 3,000 0 !3,0001 6360 Computer Services - Operations 18,600 18,600 0 15,000 18,600 3,600 6361 Compute: Ser.iees - Development 6,000 6,000 0 0 5,000 6,000 6672 Print Shop 1,200 1,200 0 0 1,200 1,200 6750 T.:kph:rile Communication% 2,719 2212 0 5,000 2,719 12,281) Total Operating Expense 535.67a 513.679 0 542.000 135.679 (56.321) TOTAL PRETRIAL SERVICES 5400,991 $400,991 0 5385,569 5400,991 $ 15,422 ,PROS ATION RESIDENTI kL CE-NTERS14.Z12508-1_71-04-001 II 9.12'2 Community Service Program $39,536 539,536 0 528,400 539,536 $11,136 9325 Probation Residental Centers ]J,09600 834.480 &HAN ',S275_,1201 0 834.480 B34,480 TOTAL PROBATION RESIDENTLAL CENTERS $1,149,136 5874,016 4275,120) 528,400 $a74,016 5845,616 •„LTPA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING /4-27 VIA- I 77-11 I -fiCi I 3128 Prolessiunal Services 189,940 $89,940 50 580,361 589,940 59,579 '$HERIFF - EMPLOYMENT ENHANCEMENT 1001 Salaries 529,190 529,190 50 528,067 $29,190 51,123 2075 Fringe Benefits 1.1,136 14.386 0 11a33 14,386 511 Total Salaries iind Fringe Benefits $43,576 $43,576 $0 $41,900 $43,576 51,676 3574 Personal Mileage $52 $52 $0 550 $52 $2 3752 Trds-el and Conference 156 156 0 150 156 6 6610 Leased Vehicle 210 2.496 Ell $2.400 32.496 3...91 Total Operating Expense 12.704 32.704. ID 12,600 52.1.Ca $104 TOTAL TRUSTY CAMP $46,280 546,280 50 $44,500 545,280 31,780 WORK RELEASE A-27508-434-30-00 1001 Salaries 2075 Fringe Benefits Thtai SaLries and Frini.,,c Benefits $29,190 529.190 10 528,067 $2.9.190 51.123 14.386 14.386 a 13,833 14.386 5.51 $43.576 543.576 50 541,900 $43,576 51,676 3574 Personal Nlile4ge $52 $52 SO 550 552 52 3752 Travel tiicl Con:ere:nix 156 156 0 150 156 6 6610 1...c:ed Vehicles 2.496 2.4% 0 2.400 2,05 liti Tota: Operating ExpertFc 12,704 52.704 la 52.600 52.704 Eat TOTAL WORK RELEASE 546,280 546,280 50 344,500 546,280 $1,780 CENTRAL INTAKE -4-27508-433-18-04Y* , 'A 1 Saiartes m 2075 Fringe 131:m:fits 68.134 68.134 0 65,311 awl 2.62J Total Salaries and Frin ge Benefits 5231.752 1231.752 IQ 5222.83a 5231.752 50-911 TOTAL CENTRAL INTAKE $231,752 $231,752 50 5222,838 $231,752 $8,914 TOTAL COMMUNITY CORRECTIONSI 'Llaarai 11.24&044 '5275 120'. 51.998.160 11.2426044 51.0 116.! EXPENSE STATE AND FEDERAL REVENUE J13-27508-903-01-001 95a0 Lommunity Lorrei_uoth, 52 223i4, Eallat 1275 120' 51.998.16Q 51a.0.4,1 '550 1161 5163,618 5163,618 $0 $157,325 5163.618 56,293 '1995 Adopted Budget reflects under 4-27508-433-20-00 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND OAKLAND COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIONS PLANS FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 38-6004876 This agreement made and entered into on by and between the State of Michigan, Department of Corrections, hereafter referred to as the STATE, and Oakland County 1200 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48341 hereafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR, WITNESSETH: In consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and representations, herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1 - STATEMENT OF PURPOSE WHEREAS, a Community Corrections Advisory Board representing: OAKLAND COUNTY has been established pursuant to the provisions of Section 7 of Act 511 of the Public Acts of 1988; and whereas a local Comprehensive Corrections Plan has been developed which outlines local goals, objectives, and priorities to maintain low prison cornmitment rates, reduce placements of jail inmates in other counties, and increase utilization of community based sanctions and services for non-violent offenders; and whereas the STATE has approved the local Comprehensive Corrections Plan and the award of Fiscal Year 1995-1996 Community Corrections funds to the CONTRACTOR for implementation of the plan; this agreement defines the roles and responsibilities of the CONTRACTOR and the STATE and the terms and conditions which apply during the term of this agreement, SECTION 2 - STATEMENT OF WORK 1. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain policies and procedures and deliver services to eligible offenders in accord with the goals and objectives, standards and policies as set forth in Act Number 511 of the Public Acts of 1988, the Fiscal Year 1995-1996 Appropriations Act, the CONTRACTOR's Comprehensive Corrections Plan, the CONTRACTOR's Fiscal Year 1995-1996 program proposal and budget as approved by the STATE, and the terms and conditions included in Riders attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, AGREEMENT BETWEEN MDOC AND OAKLAND COUNTY PAGE 2 a. The terms and conditions for the use of the Fiscal Year 1995-1996 Community Corrections funds awarded to the CONTRACTOR are more specifically described in Riders 8 and C. (1) Rider B prescribes terms and conditions applicable to funds awarded from the state appropriations for Community Corrections Plans and Services. (2) Rider C prescribes specific terms and conditions applicable to services which are funded via the state appropriations for the Probation Residential Services. b. Public Act 511 of 1988 states in part that Community Corrections Act funds are to be used to: encourage participation in community corrections programs of offenders who would likely be sentenced to imprisonment in a state correctional facility or jail; reduce the state prison commitment rates within and among local communities; and maintain public safety. (Section 8) c. Section 1602 of the Fiscal Year 1995-1996 Appropriations Act states that funds appropriated for community corrections plans and services are to be utilized for the development and implementation of programs designed to achieve: diversion of felony offenders from state prison; diversion of offenders from county jails; the reduction of crime and recidivism through the delivery of effective state and community based programs; and strengthened offender accountability. d. Funds appropriated for probation residential services are to be utilized to provide residential services for offenders who would normally be sentenced to prison or given a long term jail sentence. The following are minimum criteria for use of funds appropriated for probation residential services. (1) Offender eligibility criteria. (a) Sentenced felony offenders must have sentencing guidelines scores (SGL) of 0-9 or above. Offenders with sentencing guidelines scores of 0-3 and 0- 6 are not eligible. (b) All offenders must meet local target population criteria which indicate the offender is long term jail or prison bound. Long term jail means a jail sentence of six months or more. Felony probation violators are eligible if there has been formal action regarding the violation (defined as any written approval by a judge). Probation violators with a technical violation and a sentencing guideline of 0-3 on the original charge are not eligible. (C) (d) Referral of probation boot camp graduates must be in accord with the condition of sentence and the STATE policies for SAI aftercare services. AGREEMENT BETWEEN MDOC AND OAKLAND COUNTY PAGE 3 (2) Probation Residential Services shall be provided in accord with the Minimum Program Standards for Probation Residential Service Programs as adopted by the State Community Corrections Board on January 20, 1994. 2. The CONTRACTOR shall provide services and ensure program and fiscal accountability in accordance with the MINIMUM PROGRAM AND FINANCIAL STANDARDS presented in Rider A. 3, The CONTRACTOR shall submit monthly fiscal reports and program data to the STATE. The format and content of the reports are prescribed within the Riders attached hereto. 4. The CONTRACTOR shall submit quarterly narrative reports to the STATE by the 15th day of the month following each quarter. The reports are to provide information and analyses relative to services established ancVor provided, the utilization of services, and the impacts of the various policies and programs on prison admissions and jail utilization. The narrative reports should also include proposed program or budget modifications, when appropriate. SECTION 3 - SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE STATE For the purpose of this agreement, the STATE agrees to perform and/or provide the following: 1. The STATE shall appoint a STATE liaison who will provide assistance to the CONTRACTOR and monitor progress of the CONTRACTOR during the term of the contract. 2. Program and contract administration guidelines and standards. 3. Technical assistance and training. 4. Reports of county and statewide program activity and analyses of program impact. The data and information to be included in the reports includes that which is derived from the Jail Population Information System, the Community Corrections Information System, and other data systems maintained by the STATE. SECTION 4- PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The term of the agreement is from October 1, 1995 through September 30, 1996. SECTION 5 - COMPENSATION The STATE agrees to provide payment to the CONTRACTOR for allowable costs incurred during the performance of this contract. The allowable costs and maximum amounts payable are specified in the Riders attached hereto. AGREEMENT BETWEEN MDOC AND OAKLAND COUNTY PAGE 4 Payments are subject to, and contingent upon, availability of funding from the legislature and/or executive branches. Payments may be limited, discontinued, or eliminated if the legislature fails to appropriate sufficient funds, or if an executive order, directive, or departmental decision limits, discontinues, or eliminates the ability of the STATE to make such payments. The STATE shall make payments for all services specified in Riders B and C pursuant to the terms and conditions presented in the Riders. Any unexpended and non-encumbered funds shall be returned to the STATE within 30 days after the termination date of the contract Returned funds shall be in the form of a check made payable to the STATE OF MICHIGAN and mailed to: Office of Community Corrections Michigan Department of Corrections Grandview Plaza Building P.O. Box 30003 Lansing, Michigan 48909 SECTION 6- CANCELLATION This agreement shall continue in force and govern all transactions between the parties hereto until canceled or terminated by either party, but it is agreed that either party shall have the privilege, with or without cause, to cancel and annul this agreement at any time upon written notice to the other party. If notice is so given, this agreement shall terminate upon the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of the notice and the liability of the parties hereunder for the further performance of the terms of this agreement shall thereupon cease, but they shall not be relieved of the duty to perform their obligations up to the date of termination. SECTION 7- SUBCONTRACTING AND ASSIGNABILITY The CONTRACTOR shall not assign this agreement for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement without the prior written permission of the STATE. The CONTRACTOR is authorized to enter into subcontracts for the purposes of implementing programs and services identified in the approved Plan. SECTION 8- AMENDMENTS OR CHANGES IN AGREEMENT This instrument, including Riders, contains the entire agreement between the parties and no statement, promises, or inducements made by either party or agent of either party that are not contained in this written agreement shall be valid or binding: and this agreement may not be enlarged, modified or altered except in writing and except as to the administrative rules of the STATE at such time such rules are promulgated. Any mutually agreeable change to the terms of this agreement must be in the form of a written amendment to the agreement and signed by the signatories to this agreement prior to the implementation of the change. AGREEMENT BETWEEN MDOC AND OAKLAND COUNTY PAGE 5 SECTION 9 SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS If any part of this Agreement is held by a Court having appropriate jurisdiction to be invalid, unconstitutional or beyond the authority of either the STATE or the CONTRACTOR to enter into or carry out, such part shall be deemed deleted and shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement, which shall continue in full force and effect. If, however, the removal of such provision would result in the illegality and/or unenforceability of this Agreement, this Agreement shall terminate as of the date in which the provision was found to be invalid, unconstitutional or beyond the authority of the parties, and the STATE shall reimburse the CONTRACTOR for all services provided under this Agreement up to the effective date of termination. SECTION 10- DEFAULT Default is defined as the failure of the CONTRACTOR to fulfill the obligation of the contract. The STATE will not consider the CONTRACTOR to be in default of this agreement if the CONTRACTOR is unable to perform the obligations set forth herein due to causes beyond the CONTRACTOR's reasonable control, which causes shall include, but are not limited to, acts of God, strikes, or inability to obtain labor or materials on time. In case of default by the CONTRACTOR, the STATE may cancel the contract immediately and hold the CONTRACTOR responsible for any excess costs. If the CONTRACTOR is unable to perform the obligations set forth herein due to causes beyond the CONTRACTOR's reasonable control, the completion of those obligations shall be rescheduled within a reasonable time by mutual agreement of the parties hereto. If it is not possible to reschedule within a reasonable time, this agreement may be canceled or terminated by the STATE upon thirty (30) days written notice. No payment shall be made by the STATE to the CONTRACTOR for goods or services not received or performed due to causes beyond the reasonable control of the CONTRACTOR. SECTION 11 - NONDISCRIMINATION In connection with the performance of services under this agreement, the CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with the provisions of the Elliott-Larsen Civil Right Act, Public Act 453 of 1976, as amended, and the Michigan Handicappers' Civil Rights Act, Public Act 220 of 1976, as amended, and specifically agrees not to discriminate against an employee or applicant for employment with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of a handicap that is unrelated to the individual's ability to perform the duties of a particular job position, or because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, or marital status. Breach of this covenant may be regarded as a material breach of this agreement 4 AGREEMENT BETWEEN MDOC AND OAKLAND COUNTY PAGE 6 SECTION 12- EMPLOYMENT OF RETIRED STATE EMPLOYEES The CONTRACTOR shall submit a monthly report to the STATE, not later than the fifth (5th) day of each month for the duration of this agreement, regarding employment of individuals who have retired from State service under the provisions of MCL 38.19a. This report shall identify those persons formerly employed by the State of Michigan who retired between June 2, 1984, and September 30, 1984, under the provisions of MCL 38.19a and who are currently receiving remuneration from the CONTRACTOR. The report shall include only the names of those persons under sixty-two (62) years of age who have performed a portion of the work required by this contract and have also received rernuneration, therefore, during the time period covered by the report. If no such individuals are employed by the CONTRACTOR, a report is not required. Each report shall contain the following information: 1. Office of Community Corrections contract number. 2. Name of reporting cONTRACTOR. 3. Total original dollar amount of agreement. 4. Name and Social Security number of retiree(s) receiving remuneration. 5. Month during which remuneration was paid. 6. The report is to be legibly signed by a representative of the CONTRACTOR and dated. SECTION 13- PERFORMANCE BONDS AND INSURANCE The CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain appropriate insurance and shall provide proof of said insurance at any time upon demand by the STATE. SECTION 14 - LIABILITY All liability, losses, or damages resulting from claims, demands, costs, or judgments arising out of personal and/or bodily injuries or property damage resulting from the acts, omissions or negligence of the CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTORts officers or employees in carrying out the obligations of the CONTRACTOR under this Agreement shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR, and shall not be the responsibility of the STATE. It is, however, expressly understood and agreed that nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver of any governmental immunity the CONTRACTOR has as provided by statute or modified by Court decisions which shall be asserted to the maximum extent permissible. SECTION 15- RECORD RETENTION AND AUDIT The CONTRACTOR agrees to keep complete and accurate books of account and to make them available to the STATE for audit All such records, documents, and financial statements pertinent to this agreement shall be retained for a period of ten (10) years unless audited by the STATE before then. AGREEMENT BETWEEN MDOC AND OAKLAND COUNIY PAGE 7 Each recent of funds pursuant to this agreement shall cooperate with the STATE in any or all audits of books and accounts and records for the purpose of analyzing the fiscal integrity of the CONTRACTOR's and subcontractors financial transactions and compliance with applicable program and administrative requirements. An audit of the financial records and books of accounts of the CONTRACTOR shall be conducted annually by a licensed independent accounting firm in accordance with generally accepted governmental auditing standards, STATE guidelines, and the Audit bulletin issued by the Local Government Audit Division of the Michigan Department of Treasury. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure timely and appropriate resolution of negative audit findings and recommendations. One copy of the audit and the CONTRACTOR's response to audit findings and recommendations shall be furnished to the STATE. Audits will be available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act SECTION 16 DISCLOSURE UNDER THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) This agreement shall be subject to disclosure under FOIA, (MCLA 15.231 et seq). SECTION 17- CONFORMITY WITH STATE LAW This agreement shall be subject to and interpreted in accordance with the substantive law of the State of Michigan. SECTION 18 - REPRODUCTION AND USE OF MATERIALS The STATE shall be granted permission in perpetuity to reproduce and distribute any copyright and other materials which are generated as a result of this agreement Data which originates from this contract agreement shall be "works for hire," as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, and shall be owned by the STATE. SECTION 19- CONFIDENT7ALI7Y OF INFORMATION The CONTRACTOR shall comply with MOOG Policy Directive PD-DWA-01.22, Compliance by Consultants and Contractual Personnel with the Departments Regulation Concerning Confidentiality of Information, and PD-DWA-25.01, Research Involving Corrections Facilities and Clients. FOR THE STATE Michael Steely Office of Community Corrections Department of Corrections P.O. Box 30003 Lansing, Michigan 48909 517/373-0415 AGREEMENT BETWEEN MDOC AND OAKLAND COUNTY PAGE 8 SECTION 20- PRINCIPAL CONTACTS The principal contacts for matters relating to this agreement shall be as follows: FOR THE CONTRACTOR George J. Miller, Community Corrections Manager Oakland County CCAS 1200 North Telegraph Road, Dept. 460 Pontiac, Michigan 48341-0460 810/858-5490 810/452-9172 - Fax FISCAL AGENT Robert J. Daddow, Direct°Ir Department of Management and Budget Oakland County 1200 North Telegraph Road, Dept. 409 Pontiac, Michigan 48341-0409 810/858-0490 810/452-9172 - Fax However, it is expressly agreed and understood that these contact persons shall have no authority to legally bind the CONTRACTOR and the STATE unless expressly stated herein. AGREEMENT BETWEEN MDOC AND OAKLAND COUNTY PAGE 9 SECTION 21 - CERTIRCAT1ON The persons signing this Agreement on behalf of the STATE and the CONTRACTOR certify by said signatures that they are duly authorized to sign on behalf of said parties and that this Agreement has been authorized by said parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the STATE and the CONTRACTOR have caused this agreement to be executed by their respective officers duly authorized to do so. OAKLAND COUNTY MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OFCORRECTIONS Authorized Signature Date Kenneth L. McGinnis,, Director Date Michigan Department of Corrections Grandview Plaza, P.O. Box 30003 Lansing, Michigan 46909 Signature of Witness Date Signature of Witness Date (Note: The only person authorized to execute a contract for the Department of Corrections is the Director.) RIDER A MINIMUM PROGRAM STANDARDS Department of Corrections administrative policies and procedures must be met in order for funding to be provided. In general, local jurisdictions which receive Community Corrections Act funding from the Department of Corrections must: 1. Apply for funding pursuant to P.A. 511 of 1988, Section 8. 2. Demonstrate the likelihood of a reduction in prison admissions and changes in the utilization of the jail and other community•based sanctions and services, 3. Work with offenders who: a. Are bound for prison (especially with short sentences), are jail inmates, or are bound for jail without program intervention; Have not demonstrated a pattern of violent behavior; and Do not have a criminal record which indicates a pattern of violent offenses. (PA. 511 of 1988, Section 4, 8.2a). 4. Define policies, practices, and procedures pertaining to offender eligibility and utilization of community based sanctions and services. a. Offender eligibility for PA. 511 sanctions and services. (1) Target populations. (2) Screening and eligibility determination procedures. b. Utilization of sanctions and services. (1) Program specific eligibility criteria. (2) Screening, assessment, and enrollment procedures and articulation of responsibilities. Policies which define the scope of services to be provided, duration of offender participation in programs(s), and impacts of offender participation in programs on length of jail sentence or prison admission. (4) Termination from program criteria. (5) System of graduated sanctions. (3) Rider A Page 2 5. Provide specific procedures to ensure program and fiscal accountability. a. Maintain a complete client record management system which protects client confidentiality and provides a complete and total record of all program activity for each client. b. Provide for thorough compilation, analysis and reporting of offender profile and program participation data consistent with policies and procedures set by the Department of Corrections, Office of Community Corrections. c. Participate in program reviews as prescribed by the local advisory board and the Department of Corrections, Office of Community Corrections. d. Conduct a formal on-site assessment of each subcontractor's program operations and fiscal administration. At a minimum, the assessment measurements should include: (1) Compliance with contract specifications; (2) Compliance with generally-accepted accounting principles; (3) Compliance with pertinent Department of Corrections, Office of Community Corrections Rules, Pohole& Standards and Procedures; (4) Compliance with applicable licensure requirements; (5) Compliance with pertinent Federal and State statutes; and (6) Progress in resolving corrective actions required by prior assessments. (7) Provide for data-based evaluation of program effectiveness in cooperation with the Department of Corrections, Office of Community Corrections. 6. Assure fair treatment of employees through approved personnel policies and procedures consistent with an affirmative action plan, 7. Written reports to subcontractors regarding the results of assessments, recommendations for improving performance, and a timetable for resolving outstanding issues. 8. Meet all requirements of the applicable guidelines set forth in all sections of this and other Department of Corrections, Office of Community Corrections policy documents. Rider A Page 3 MINIMUM FINANCIAL STANDARDS 1. General Requirements: a. A budget shall be prepared and adopted by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with PA 621 of 1978, the 'Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act," issued by the Local Government Audit Division of the Michigan Department of Treasury. Any budget submitted in other than the prescribed form must contain the same information required in the prescribed form. b. Funds shall be utilized in accordance with the approved comprehensive plan for those services which are consistent with service definitions issued by the Department of Corrections, Office of Community Corrections and priority service needs identified by the comprehensive plan. c. There will 1;:ie one fiscal agent responsible for the administration of community corrections fund. in a multi-jurisdictional program, one fiscal agent shall serve all participating local units of government The fiscal agent shall be responsible for approving all financial expenditures and for providing required financial reports to the Department of Corrections, Office of Community Corrections. d. All funds, including interest earned; shall only be used for eligible offenders and services under PA 511. Any funds unspent at the end of the contract period or fiscal year shall be returned to the State, e. Each contractor or its fiscal agent shall maintain a financial management system which fully and accurately accounts for the use of funds it administers. At a minimum, the system shall provide for: (1) Maintenance of separate funds for individual community correction funds, with separate accounts for each program within the program/fund category. (2) A uniform accounting system which conforms to generally accepted accounting principles as prescribed by the Department of Corrections and the Michigan Department of Treasury. The system of records shall identify the source and application of funds for community corrections activities and contain information pertaining to authorizations, obligations, unobligated balances, assets, liabilities, outlays and income. (3) A system of source documentation to support disbursements and expenditures and proper allocation of costs in accordance with applicable cost principles. (4) Procedures to minimize the time between receipt of revenues earn STATE and disbursement of payments to ensure that services can be provided without interruption. Monthly reporting of the financial data in accordance with the Department of Corrections, Office of Community Corrections reporting requirements. (5) Rider A Page 4 (6) Effective control over and accountability for ail contract funds and real property acquired. (7) Timely preparation of year-end close-out report(s) within 30 days of the expiration date of the contract. Procedures for procurement shall be established which will avoid the purchase of unnecessary or duplicative items. When feasible and cost-effective, local agencies shail participate in state and/or local intergovernmental agreements for procurements of equipment and supplies. Any reallocation of funds in a county approved plan and a budget, within or between programs, requires the prior approval of the STATE. h. Financial gbligations incurred after the effective termination date of the contract will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR or the provider of services.. Community Corrections funds may be used as matching funds to acquire additional resources from both public and private sources. Those additional resources are to be used to provide additional services to the targeted population. Financial records shall be maintained for a minimum of ten years. k. A record of all income derived from rent fines, client contributions or other sources shall be maintained. The STATE shall issue procedures for recording program income in accordance with STATE policies and procedures. I. All equipment or other personal property purchases in excess of $500, purchased with STATE monies, must receive the prior approval of the STATE. Such purchases shall revert to the State of Michigan in the event the programs funded pursuant to this contract are discontinued. m. All equipment shall be inventoried annually and a complete inventory, containing information prescribed by STATE, shall be submitted to the STATE thirty (30) days prior to the end of the term of the contact. 2. Reporting: Each fiscal agent shall establish and maintain a financial monitoring procedure which will provide the financial information as required by the STATE. Contractors or their fiscal agent are required to provide the following information: a. A monthly report of the financial status of each component of the program in accordance with STATE's reporting requirements. b. Comparison of actual expenditures with budgeted amounts. c. Year-end closeout reports. RIDER 6 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS PLANS AND SERVICES CONTRACTOR: OAKLAND COUNTY The following are additional terms and conditions which apply to the Fiscal Year 1995-1996 Community Corrections Comprehensive Plans and Services funds which have been awarded to the CONTRACTOR by the STATE. STATEMENT OF WORK The CONTRACTOR shall implement policies and procedures and deliver services to eligible offenders in accord with the goals and objectives, standards and policies as set forth in Public Act 511 of the Public Acts of 1988, the provisions of the State Appropriations Acts, the CONTRACTOR's Comprehensive Corrections Plan and the Fiscal Year 1995-1996 award of funds as approved by the STATE. The award of FY 95-96 Community Corrections Comprehensive Plans and Services funds as approved by the STATE provides for the continuation of most policies, procedures, practices, and programs in effect during the 4th quarter of FY '95 with some modification of others to improve program utilization, operations management, and accountability, The CONTRACTORS FY 96 objectives and priorities include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Maintain low overall prison commitment rates. 2. Lower prison commitment rate for OUIL III offenders by 25%. 3. Decrease average length of stay of pretrial detainees by increasing utilization of conditional release options. 4. Accelerate and improve the transfer of offender information from the Pre-Trial and Jail Population Monitoring Programs to circuit court probation officers. 5. Increase the program utilization rate for Community Corrections Programs, including probation residential services to 85%. 6. Improve rates for successful program completion: a. Community Services--increase from an average of 55% to at least 70%. . b. Female Employability—assess 100% of the in-jail employment/substance abuse participants and successfully employ 80% of the referrals. c. Central Intake and Assessment--increase the number of referrals to P.A. 511 programs by 50%. Rider B - OAKLAND COUNTY PAGE 2 7. Develop and implement integrated and automated community corrections and other criminal justice information management systems. The STATE shall: 1. Provide assistance to increase program utilization. 2. Assist with the review and possible modification of program design and procedures. - 3. Assist with the development and implementation of automated, integrated community corrections and other criminal justice information management systems. Reporting: The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the STATE a Monthly Expenditure Report on forms or in the format prescribed by the STATE detailing by budget category how funds provided pursuant to this Rider were spent during the preceding period. Data is to be maintained and reported on a programmatic basis, consistent with the attached Budget. The enclosed expenditure report form may be duplicated and used for the purposes of meeting the monthly reporting requirements. Alternatively, the CONTRACTOR may generate an internal form for that unit's convenience provided the approved budget categories are reflected on the internally generated form. The CONTRACTOR shall submit program participation and offender profile data on a monthly basis: 1. Data pertaining to offender participation in all programs. 2. Selected characteristics of offenders determined eligible for and enrolled in programs. 3. Data are to be submitted by the 15th day of the month subsequent to the reporting period on forms or in the format provided by the STATE. 4. The program reporting requirements are presented in greater detail in the STATE's Technical Information Brief No, 8. The CONTRACTOR shall submit quarterly narrative reports to the STATE by the 15th day of the month following each quarter. The reports are to include data regarding the number of offenders screened and determined eligible for PA. 511 services, and information and analyses relative to services established and/or provided, the utilization of services, and the impacts of the various program activities on prison admissions and jail utilization. The narrative reports should also include proposed program or budget modifications, when appropriate. Rider B - OAKLAND COUNTY PAGE 3 TERM OF AGREEMENT The terms and conditions pursuant to this agreement shall remain in effect from October 1, 1995 through September 30, 1996. COMPENSATION The STATE agrees to provide payment to the CONTRACTOR for allowable program and administrative costs incurred during the term of this agreement. The allowable program and administrative casts are identified in the Budget Summary attached hereto and herewith incorporated within this Rider. The maximum amount payable to the CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Rider is $1,113,564. Payments to the CONTRACTOR shall be made monthly and in accord with the following schedule and terms. 1. The CONTRACTOR shall receive an advance of $74,200 per month for October and November, 1995. 2. Subsequent payments shall be based on an advance of $74,200 per month and a reconciliation of advances and reported expenditures for prior months. a Subsequent payments are also conditional upon the CONTRACTOR's submittal of all required monthly program data and quarterly narrative reports. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY - The appropriation unit number and account number and cost center to which program costs pursuant to this Rider will be charged: Appropriation Unit Number: 19335 Index: 12150 Program Cost Account: 14011 Agency Object: 8060 NAME OF LOCAL CCAB: OAKLAND COUNTY FISCAL AGENT: OAKLAND COUNTY BUDGET YEAR ENDING: 9130/96 BUDGET SUMMARY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS PLANS AND SERVICES FUNDS BUDGET FY 1996-1996 ACCT. ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION NO. PROG.OPER. ADMIN, TOTAL FY 1993- FY 1994- 1994 1996 PA•19217,A1Z1iiiiVO:kv/I•IMnliWiTargiiMIRTirriviiiiTaMilzILWrili1 -1R-A111511/MTLV:Tra S. Placement - X. Work Crew MIN Sublati- • • Selma =WIMP irn ..1WrilErr,11,1 r 01 MTIVITI":"_ 1,111M1=1"' . La 'IMErarTr. Ca B. EDUCATION A Adult Basic Education I. GED Corn . letion I Fr! h School • ,•letion P. Life Role Co .endes• V. Screeni • ASSGSsmant Subtotal--Educalon C: EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING N. Job-Sot:1N • Skills 'IMWT-ni,„.. • , iMi inlii iiiMiriMirli : • Ca MIMI 0. Job Train. • "1/Warrir. ..0 ISIWZONireilMWM".". till .MrMiTAT V. Screen' • Assessment Micji.V.101MMIliZiNiTi] MrrErrirre IA irUiirrili irrrareri sub-tket En1Pkyrnant and Trani • IIIMPIEMIMIEMIMIIII D. INTENSIVE SUPERVISION D. D. R- rtin H. Electronic Mon" • 'aL. K Arr,g Sabiotil-Intenava S .. . E MENTAL HEALTH C. Oa Act . , M. Intensive • i• atient R. • ii .i lent U. Residential ltiniMM= MEM Submi-Mtintal Health IMINIMIIIII F. PRE-TRIAL SERVICES .EITIMIIIH.: iiiL IMIIMMIgiErni .= C .:E. . Ir.rMll'll!'lal Ma Wafitifli MF:41I IdWil .1=7710 Min W. S • 7rvision 37 556.00 Migfaxol -107'IrLoj 61 IriXirrlr: r. . ml Subtotal-Praia SelIVICOS 25 313,00 Mig.thik:igtel Nci.tiel:i Vol MET11151..1WriTilEPTIMI BUDGET FY 1995-199€ ACCT. ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION NO, PROGOF'ER. ADMIN. TOTAL • .., ..4 G. SUBSTANC immirirmimmumn G. Educatkin Awareness L. In satierr1 OM eTrIMITTI Mirarrrar"viMIE 1130MMIMMIMM U. Residential V. Scr ' • -. 11- t 1-1.24 HOUR STRUCTURED B. &kat C = 1 InErrti X. Work Can. Subsotai-24 Hour Sructurad 1170=traMil IIMIE .e- %1M1r11111/TIF/IVIIIRI.1!.?11.. ..P.41.W"ar:Wil MitiLfPlraTai IMCTZSTZEINI Z. Other Subtotal-Case =WM-VP : Neil WEINE+71771 IMIMMIMmni J. OTHER .011.4191MMIRMIPMEMil MI. Subtotai-Cthar TOTAL PROGRAM EXPEND i? Li NIMINIIMMINIMPIN OCAS ADMINISTRATION MIN Personnel MWWifiril=ai MI7M7M17111!7716 Board • , =MN-ATM "'"i77;%valnICSTATM Contractual Services, 9,645.00 22,900.00 22,900.00 22,900.00 $ _, lies & Maintnena E.u'inien IMENIrri. IA MMEnWairil ilrIGMTITSUMIIIIVETZTOTO P .41 -o ....-, .;!. I r ' I:I • Ml riiiiTra ""2117MVII=1111 Travel INTITIrl! LI MiWiriTill i&1717/7111=11MWMT=1 Other WIEZIniz Li MEETririTra ! mil'IMM71, s 1=111EMMIIrM TOTAL ()CAB ADMINISTRATIV - IIMIIIMMI IMIIIIIMPEI TOTAL PROGRAM & ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 127 275.00 1 055 000.00 801 658.00 311 906.00 1 113 564.00 CCAB: OAKLAND COUNTY Contact Phone Fund Number Repon Period FISCAL AGENT: OAKLAND COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS PLANS AND SERVICES MONTHLY EXPENDITURE REPORT I APPROVED ILTENDITURES FOR Y-T-D-EXPENSES AS DESCRIPTION Of COMMUNITY BUDGET REPORT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE A PERCENT OF CORRECTION PROGRAM {Operating and Plograrn EXPENDITURES ANNUAL BUDGET (ia) Adralnistralve Expense A. COMMUNITY SERVICE 39.536.00 . S. Placement A, N X. Work Crew Subtotal-Community Serivce 39.536.00 B. EDUCATION A. Adult Basic Education , I. GED Completion i J. High School Completion , P. Life Role Competencies V. Screening/Assessment Subtolal-Educaliat C: EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING N. Job-Seeking Skills 100.819.00 , O. Job Training S. Job Placement 65.081_00 V. Screening/Assessment 16.600 00 Si.pb-tolai Employment and Training 1 82.500.00 0 D. INTENSIVE SUPERVISION D. Day Reporting H. Electronic Monitoring K. House Arrest Subtotal-Intensive Super. E. MENTAL HEALTH ,- C. Day Activity _ L. Inpatient M. Intensive Outpatient R. Outpatient U. Residential V. Screening/Assessment Subtotal-IVrantat Heatih F. PRE-TRIAL SERVICES V. Screening/Assessment 360.892.00 W. Supervision 40.099.00 Subtotal-Pretrial Services 400.991.00 , PREPARER DATE OCAB MANAGER DATE , . EXRENDITURES FOR Y•T-D-EXPENSES AS DESCRIPTION Of COMMUNITY APPROVED REPORT MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE A PERCENT OF CORRECTION PROGRAM BUDGET (Operating and Program EXPENDITURES ANNUAL BUDGET (%) Ackninisiratve Expense , G. SUBSTANCE ABUSE F. Detoxification ! G. Education Awareness . L. Inpatient _____ M. Intensive Outpatient 0. Monitoring/Testing R. Outpatient . U. Residential V. Screening/Assessment Subtotet-Substance Abuse H. 24 HOUR STRUCTURED B. Boot Camp T. Probation/Residential X. Work Camp Subtotal--24 Hotr Structured I. CASE MANAGEMENT i V. Screening/Assessment 231,752.00 Z. Other Subtotal- Case Management 231.752.00 J. OTHER _ E. Deferred Prosecution . Subtotal-Cther TOTAL PROGRAM EXPENDITURES 854.779.00 , ,CCAS ADMINISTRATION , . Personnel 196,782.00 , Board Expense 3.700.00 Contractual Services, 22,900.00 Supplies & Maintnenance EQU iprnerrt 14.203.00 Public Education & Trainina 2.000.00 Travel _ 1,200.00 , Ot her 1 8000.00 TOTAL CCAB ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 258.785.00 TOTAL PROGRAM & ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 1,113,564.00 SIGNED RIDER C-1 OAKLAND COUNTY The CONTRACTOR's Fiscal Year 1995-1996 proposal and application for Community Corrections funds included a request for funds from Fiscal Year 1996 Appropriations for Probation Residential Services. Pursuant to the CONTRACTOR's proposal and the award of funds as approved by the STA are terms and conditions which apply to Fiscal Year 1996 Probation Residential Services fr PO) funds for the purchase of probation residential services and residential substance abuse tr for eligible women and men. The STATE payments of Probation Residential Service funds to the CONTRACTOR shall for the acquisition of probation residential and residential substance abuse treatment servic the terms and conditions of this Rider. Utilization of Probation Residential Services funds by the CONTRACTOR for the administration of the funds is prohibited. • STATEMENT OF WORK The CONTRACTOR shall identify qualified providers of residential services and enter into written agreements with the providers. The agreements between the pONTRACTOR and providers shall specify the services to be provided, compensation, and the terms and conditions for use of the Probation Residential Services funds. Copies of the agreements between the CONTRACTOR and providers shall be transmitted to the STATE and made part of this Rider. The CONTRACTOR agrees to ensure each provider of Probation Residential Services undertakes, performs, and completes the following in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement: A. Each PROVIDER shall deliver, at a minimum, the following "CORE SERVICES" to adult felony probationers: 1. Room and Board (three meals per day). 2. Security and Supervision, 24 hours per day, for each day included within the term of this agreement. 3. Programming which is to include: a. Intake and Assessment b. Case Management c. Referral for Appropriate Rehabilitative and Other Services d. Appropriate Transportation e. Recreational Opportunities • • Rider C-1 OAKLAND COUNTY Page 2 f. Structured Scheduling of Activities g. Financial Management Counseling The PROVIDER agrees to assist residents who are employed or who receive funds from a legitimate source of income in the development of a personal budget. (1) The establishment of a budget through financial counseling is to consider financial obligations to the court, supervision fees, work related transportation costs, child support, necessary work related and personal hygiene items, savings for living expenses upon program completion, spending money, and resident contributions. (2) The PROVIDER shall have written policies and procedures governing the budgeting process and the handling of resident funds. Residents' earnings and savings shall not be commingled with program operational funds. B. In addition to the "CORE SERVICES" the PROVIDER agrees to provide or provide access to a variety of "NON-CORE SERVICES" as those services are (or become) available through local agencies. Subject to availability, the "NON-CORE SERVICES" will include but not be limited to: 1. Educational Services 2. Substance Abuse Screening and Treatment 3. Employment Related Services 4. Medical Evaluation and Treatment 5. Community Service Work Placement and Supervision 6. Monitoring of Resident Participation in Programming 7. After Care Services The PROVIDER shall provide datafinformation to the CONTRACTOR and the STATE relative to the availability of and offender participation in NON-CORE SERVICES. This data/information shall identity the services which are funded through the per diem payments and those which are funded through other sources. For services funded through other sources, a priority is on providing offenders with access to NON-CORE SERVICES through cooperative arrangements with local Job Training Partnership Act agencies, Substance Abuse Coordinating Agencies, intermediate and local school districts, community mental health and public health agencies, and other local service providers. Rider C-1 - OAKLAND COUNTY Page 3 C. The following apply to PROVIDERs of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment SOMCGS. 1. A detailed treatment plan for each eligible client shall be completed by the PROVIDER of residential substance abuse treatment services, within ten (10) working days after admission. The plan shall be based upon information obtained during the assessment and intake process. The treatment plan will include a diagnosis of substance abuse dependency, treatment goals, and the frequency and types of treatment services and supportive social services to be provided. 2. The treatment and rehabilitation regimen will consist of appropriate therapeutic techniques and services, including but not limited to: a. A, minimum of one (1) weekly individual therapy session between the client and the assigned primary therapist. b. A minimum of five (5) weekly group counseling sessions led by the primary therapist or other assigned program staff. c. 30-40 hours or more of scheduled therapeutic activities each week for each client. The scheduled activities shall consist of individual and group counseling, educational, social, work, and planned recreational activities. d. Additional rehabilitative services necessary to the achievement and maintenance of a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle. These may include services such as personal growth workshops, life skills, motivation, parenting classes and exercise classes as appropriate. The CONTRACTOR and the PROVIDER shall address the client's educational and vocational deficiencies and include education classes (basic/GED), job training and job placement assistance. The CONTRACTOR and the PROVIDER shall encourage the client to participate in community service work consistent with their therapy and/or employment status. 3. The PROVIDER shall update each client's treatment plan every thirty (30) days up to a maximum of 180 days. The update is to include a determination of continued need for residential treatment. This determination shall be based on criteria established by the PROVIDER and the CONTRACTOR within thirty (30) days of execution of the contract. Consideration should be given to the client's attendance, hygiene, active participation in therapy, achievement of therapeutic goals, progress in daily living, interactions with other residents and staff, adherence to house rules, curfew, and treatment plan stipulations. Copies of the reviews conducted at the end of each 30 days shall be provided to the CONTRACTOR and appropriate probation agent. Rider C-1 - OAKLAND COUNTY Page 4 4. A discharge summary report will be prepared prior to the client's scheduled completion of the residential treatment program. The discharge summary shall include the initial diagnosis, treatment goals, summary of progress toward goals, significant strengths and weaknesses of the client, and recommended follow up aftercare treatment. The discharge summary may address need for follow up substance abuse treatment, other support services (educational, employment), monitoring (drug testing), or supervision. A copy of the discharge summary report shall be provided to the CONTRACTOR and the client's probation agent. The PROVIDER and the CONTRACTOR shall facilitate continuity of care by ensuring that every effort is made to transfer or refer clients being discharged to sanctions and services as per the discharge plan. 5. The PROVIDER shall at all times maintain the appropriate State substance abuse license(s). D. The PROVIDER shall comply with all of the STATE's and CONTRACTOR's policies, procedures and standards for Probation Residential Services. E. The PROVIDER shall make available for inspection to the CONTRACTOR and the STATE all records pertaining to the resident and program operations. F. The PROVIDER shall allow free access to the physical facilities to authorized representatives of the Court, the CONTRACTOR and the STATE. The PROVIDER shall maintain a dean and habitable facility to be used for the provision of Probation Residential Services. G. The PROVIDER shall immediately notify the referring Probation Officer or designee and the appropriate law enforcement agencies when a resident leaves the program without authorization, or when the PROVIDER becomes aware that a resident has been arrested or has otherwise violated the conditions of probation. Additionally, the PROVIDER shall notify the CONTRACTOR, probation agent, or the Department of Corrections liaison of a resident's scheduled termination from the program at least two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled termination. The purpose of this notification is to advise the CONTRACTOR, the agent or liaison of the scheduled termination and to review the progress of the resident while in the program and follow up programming considerations. H.. The PROVIDER shall maintain and compile Client Enrollment and Termination and offender profile data as required by the STATE and the CONTRACTOR. The PROVIDER shall submit complete and accurate data to the CONTRACTOR by the 10th day following the end of each month. I. The PROVIDER shall maintain records of and report all Resident Contributions. z Rider C-1 - OAKLAND COUNTY Page 5 J. The PROVIDER shall prepare monthly Vendor invoices. The Vendor Invoice shall be submitted to the CONTRACTOR by the 10th day after the end of each monthly billing period. Each Vendor Invoice must be reviewed and codified by the CONTRACTOR that the offenders listed on the Vendor Invoice are eligible felony offenders. At a minimum, the Vendor Invoice shall include the following information: 1. The name of the referring probetion agent 2. The county where the resident was sentenced. 3. The name of the resident. 4, The circuit court docket number. 5. The offense, PACC code, and Sentencing Guideline Score (SGL) which resulted in the placement of the offender in the program. 6. The beginning and ending date of the resident's physical presence and participation in the program during the month. 7. The number of days in the time period identified by J-6 above, 8. The amount of resident contributions collected from each resident. 9. Total resident days for the month. 10. Total resident contributions for the month. The CONTRACTOR shall submit Vendor Invoices to the STATE by the 15th day after the end of each monthly billing period. K. For payment purposes, a bed day is defined as starting with the first day the resident is physically in the program and continues through the last day the resident is physically in the program. In the event of absence due to hospitalization, AWOL, or incarceration, per diem payments will be suspended the day following the client's absence from the program. L. The PROVIDER shall take or arrange for the taking of urine samples to monitor for substance abuse in accordance with a schedule agreed upon by the probation officer or designee. M. The PROVIDER shall maintain an inventory list of items provided to the program through the State of Michigan, Surplus and Salvage and transmit a copy of the inventory to the STATE. Rider C-1 - OAKLAND COUNTY Page 6 The CONTRACTOR and the PROVIDER, in conjunction with Department of Corrections probation officers and the STATE, shall develop and implement specific policies and procedures to ensure funding provided pursuant to this Rider shall be utilized only for eligible offenders. The State Community Corrections Board has adopted the following as minimum eligibility criteria. A. Felony offenders must have sentencing guidelines scores (SGL) of 0-9 or above. B. For sentenced felony offenders without SGLS or with SGLS of 0-9 or above, eligibility criteria shall be based on offender characteristics identified in the local Comprehensive Corrections Plan which indicate an offender is long term jail or prison bound. Long Term jail means a jail sentence of six months or more. C. Probation violators are eligible if there has been formal action regarding the violation (defined as any written approval by a judge). Probation violators with a technical violation and a sentencing guideline score of 0-3 on thp original charge are not eligible. D. Referral of probation boot camp graduates will be in accord with the condition of sentence and STATE policies for SAI aftercare services. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE This Rider shall remain in effect from October 1, 1995 through September 30, 1996. COMPENSATION The STATE shall make payments for services provided an a per diem basis. The maximum payable by the STATE on the per diem basis during the term of this agreement is $834,480. STATE payments to the CONTRACTOR and the CONTRACTOR's payments to PROVIDERs shall be in accordance with the following: A. The maximum per diem is $38 for eligible felony probationers. B. The total authorized average daily population is GO. This Rider governs the payment of funds by the STATE and the utilization of funds from the STATE and contributions from residents, Payments are contingent upon the receipt by the STATE of proper documentation from the CONTRACTOR. C. Payments are based on documented earnings. Actual earnings are based on bed days billed times the per diem. This data is derived from the monthly "Vendor Invoices." D. The STATE will make payments to the CONTRACTOR upon receipt of proper documentation. Each PROVIDER is encouraged to collect Resident Contributions from adult felony probationers residing in the PROVIDER's facility. Resident contributions shall come solely from residents. A. Resident Contributions may not exceed 35% of the residents gross income. B. Records shall be maintained to provide complete accounting of all resident contributions received and the expenditure of those funds. C. Resident Contributions shall be used for general operating expenses specifically related to CORE and NON-CORE SERVICES. D. The PROVIDER shall issue pre-numbered receipts for all resident contributions. One copy is to be given to the resident. The PROVIDER is to retain copies of all receipts for six years. E. Resident Contributions are to be recorded on the monthly "Vendor Invoice" report. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY: The appropriation unit number and account number and cost center to which program costs pursuant to this Rider will be changed: Account Number: 19333 Index Number: 12150 Program Cost Account: 14003 Agency Object Code: 8060 Resolution 495250 November 9, 1995 Moved by McCulloch supported by Law the Finance and Personnel Committee Report be accepted. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the report was accepted. Moved by McCulloch supported by Law the resolution be adopted. AYES: Huntoon, Jacobs, Jensen, Johnson, Kaczmar, Kingzett, Law, McCulloch, McPherson, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Pernick, Powers, Quarles, Schmid, Taub, Wolf, Amos, Crake, Devine, Dingeldey, Douglas, Garfield, Holbert. (25) NAYS: None. A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolution was adopted. FOREGOING RESOLUTION L/P-ilfy - yANifivA Date STATE OF MICH:GAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND; I, Lynn D. Allen, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and E.ccurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Cakland County Board of Commissioners on November 9, 1995 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 9th day Novombe95. fYfiri-If? Allen, County Clerk