HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1997.06.13 - 2459JUNE 13, 1977 DATE OF ELECTION) AVIINDALE_ICI:KIDL STR I CT ELECTIOC FA T R E PRINTERS OFFICE FORNITURE AN ir* 1919 Ea - AVONDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL ELECT ON JUNE 13, 1977 •n=7.1 1 1 HELD ON (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRKT) OAKLAND MANUFACTURED BY orrn No. ES-39b (Rev. 970) CANVASSER Thf:, I TOTAL Tear term o,y y • of votes q von fcq It . 4 The was. and tkev were t Vote for One o Two Year tern: TOTAL One Year ftqtr they V"'d TOTAL rr a Four YeaK tefm Vote [or Two WORDS NUX-4 C atherine A. Liike Duane K. Sheren -e whcfle number yoe,:: vr1ven for the oRice .4f ti we -F -- 50 THE Vc7, 2. j. TOTAL V 1. Waiter J. Laskowski 2. Howard C. Carlson 3 Eike Hea,ly ' er I .517 VMS, AVONDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL ELECTION JUNE 13, 1977 PROPOS I T I ON MILLAGE RENEWAL PR En NCT OR WARD NUMPER TOTAL YES NO YES NO 1 YES NO YU Xetx • YES . NO 5 TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES, AVONDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL ELECTION JUNE 13, 1977 MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION 4 Year Term - Vote for Two One Year Term - Vote for One PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER 0 (r) 0 ci t-- 3 4 5 AVCB TOTAL r QpPrating purpc_s_ec which expirPH w_ith_the_1979 tats levy)? 'pof—t YOte5 Wf?" Orri votes were marL.-.7:' Tk r fnr r!,m.4 TOTAL VOTES ADDITIONAL M1LLAGE PROPOSITION Shall L poses (th-i-eilq-g-a—s4par-ate,-propol in_addiaQn ! at this same election)? : , 1 1 L was [ of ch and votes were marked votes were YES val-6atT(3Fi1fOr the year mio-, Tor the purpose Of-p-Tovidrng add!ttonaT funds for operating pur7=;-- snhmitted in _Proposition_l_d tne_iparease- The whoi2 mb of. votes For and anoinst the 11ILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION _ tatn_ sql the which may be assessed against all property in Avondale School District, Oakland County, Michiga The whoe no.rnber of votes for and cigo't.nst the be increased by 11,65 mills ($11,65 on each $1.00p,) on state equalized valuation for the year FT9-8T4 -TOT the purpose. of-provIdTpg dd1 t onar1Uids for operatipg purposes ft-his being a-renew amount of taxes which may be assessed against:, all property in Avondale School District, Oakland County, Michigan he increased by mill !($0,50 on each $1,000,) on state equalized ; the TOTAL VOTES Of Wbich. n um ber r- votes were marked YES ovid votes were rnoTi,ed MO I 1 OT.A L VOTES CERTIPC S.,17 COUNTY OF. OF DETERM1NA OAKLAND elected for a four - 1981 Passed HC.IYin0 - 4!.,:vstogo*, MI LLAGE RENEWAL Sufficient Votes wo,,, D,-feated rtai5seo PNCC 1'401 NONE We the undersio of Canvassers for the (-aunty of Oakland from on CXCirn H-intiO • Avondale School District of the Election Returns 0t received by said Board of Canvassers, determine that iiiilectect cc mernbers :iome ie•t- Annua I €rectorr Held on June 1 3 , 1 97 7 ,that the persons isted be l ow were d o :: roof Educatic',11 of the said School DIST: or the terms of office set opposite fheir Vote for Two 0 r per.;.of yeor tem. or cod for a threE. Names of peisons viucted fora two year term expiring Names of oersons elected or o o!-,e year term expiring - 1978 ..1.La.te fox _Oiae.. Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMNE: That th ,-, fudlor nq Propositions or aw.Estion$ we:e pasted or defeated as indicated below: NAME OR PROPOSITION NAME Of PROPOSMON NONE Received ' oste.C.1 Hoemg • , SurfAcent Not Neceivici Defeated 3. NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE Received Htwnut Not Rece:t,iiiid Rooted vo.(es Lie a erred 4, NAME OF pROPOSMON •:71nd 0!"11xed rho. Seal of the fit VI:Thess Whereof. H -fqe.unto st : OAKLAND thi5 . day t 19 Attest: 9-0ARD OF - BOARD OF CANVASSERS