HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1971.06.14 - 2463AVONDALE SCHOOL D I SIR CT OAKLAND JUNt fl1/1 AVONDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT HELD ON JUNE 14, 1971 (DATE OF ELECTR:IN) AND CANVASSED BY a - I i:111.C711,WED BY MPOIOL 1919 Ec Orde;' by Forril No. M.- .:9`.1 CANVASSER Fi0:3K h1er GenercJ, 7,--,cic:! Election STaliMENT OF 1.1011:• - — . ize c.4 MEBRER OF BoAk_D__OIF EDUCATiati OTE OF VOTES WRITTEN IN • : cr,d were ci wei) kr ity-; PEREONS RECEN ef.. UFfri . . 4 : Stanley W. Somers ...... _TOTAL_ ror r c.,...H-ce .3i: RE.M.13ER . QF 1_3,0AB.ID ..,O,F_EDUCA.T.I.ON..8.... wc.ls , ,--,------..-‘L'..: . • : • :- ' '.... _-. ' ;:.--•:-...,.- ,...,._.-..-, :T. ;'.- - 7-7CL, ..--:•C-47L"--77-T. und tkey ,,,,...re ,:l .,:c.,1 ::_:,1 The ,:j i...A..,in g named per5ons: ( P,RsoNs RECEP,,JNG THE VOTES mER OF VOTES E•VOTES NIJMUEP.. or VOTES WRiTTEN N WORDS (Ind :rnErr' Werc,C. n nmiled perions: THE VOTES .6MBER' OE VOTES WRITTEN ;-?-4 TnT A L terrn TOTAL :en for the -ocice r He The number ol votes 9iver. the Office rnley wc pet-E,ons: 2 , Donna M. Vander Broek A C. :72 • " TOTAL 1. Robert F. Turner AVONDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT ---- JUNE UATEAPINT OF VOTES, i971 PREONCT OR WARD tmnER TOTALS *Y‘,S NO YES NO YES NO X'tg AVCB AVONDALE SCHOOL DISTROT ----- JUNE 14, 1971 1 YEAR TERM PPEON::CT op WARD NUM2iER 2 3 4 5 AVCB -ttVet.:3 S votes were ,Na vet-e-s were jv Th [ endo , MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL .-& A:no le number of otes of don-st tne Shalf-i-he limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be assessedagain -Si all property in Avondale School District, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased by 3.9 mills on each dollar ($3.90 on each $1 ,000) the assessed valuation, as equaliie-C-Of all pro-Pe'rty in said sc-h-o-OT- _ district for a period of five (5) years, from 1971 to 1975, both inclusive, for the purpose of — providih-g-additional funds for operatign expenses (this being a renewal of 3.9 mill -S-76i' 606ratiii . _ .. .. .. .. .. _ . .. . __...._ purposes which expired with the 1970 tax levy)? TOT A L VOTES The vvhc..;0.e nurnt.per of voTes fm and oc3cnnttt the ,... V TOTAL CIES The wkettie tie9mt.)e,.1 of votet.t.J fot ctoci acttainst • . CO: h !C ,..1'1111....• OAKLAND , COUNTY Ike f ,eventy7one_.__ AVONDALE_SCHOOL D STR1 CT City, Dr '17:.L.) 14th day cf. June_ ':m--.2esf---rt-w.nber . . hpein-g rt:1 e 1- M I LLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL or Orasrc.s -oere passed Or dekoted • • asseJ er 10 Cd0S woo dcced eiecied roer- k.p g est number a t . the largest numh.g.t. Thot hctvin-L1 p unc he urged nwT:ber of 9ceni votes nors NAME Or - a 3 ,u4r c eri v 0 N1Q t Rcn r. ossec..Y. cv$F,ea De /eat &cl, - riav;nts.1 Not 4 June seventy—one. I I- ru of 1 L.f.),A:1-'5.7., Of _1`..,..VTE 010 Oakland Ccin,a-sefs huving and cat ikp School on ,o thous-and 'hundred and 4:.:for mine ss, v C-te5 h r, votes k"..7 That . _ votes . the ',org esl num1.-_,er having rec-...-ve.ci me iaroest nurrc hcr;m,., received the larqest numbc2r Teceived hc argre-it numbc1 s7-1 having tecf.,..Fved me largest numbts.?a, 01 NAME PROPOSMON the Seai