HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1986.06.09 - 2487CANVASS OTES CAST SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF BERKLEY X X AT THF ANNUAL EN E R SPECIAL HELD ON ECTION JUNE 9, 1986 (fl:ATFT OF ELECTION) AND CANVAt,i7 BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN FACTURED BY awl ,aiv t6 ELECTION SUPPLY MAItJFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East K;r, i3re Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN PRECINCT 1\11AVIRE R _C 0.) 4-1 4- _C 4-4 -- 0 1 1 STATEMENT OF VOTES, SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF BERKLEY JUNE 9, 1986 Member of Board of Education 4 Yr. Terms- Vote for Two , I ---E , 1 ! , 1 -I- I , 1 I ! Tr 11 P. G NJ r,-NJ (7, C fr 71 0 -4 'S310A :10 INTAILVI x 1 m co rn CD XI 0) un 3 • -0 Fri < rt -44,"11 0 r-4 D"'" c.1) -1 —I o in • rrl , ( A - 1 4 7 7> < C-) OD RUTH BORNSTEIN p1FRANKLIN A. BURN BENJAMIN COLLEY :JOHN A. ERICH PAUL S. FUNK DAVID W. HACKETT MARGARET A. MacTAVISH NORMA L. ROSS '7"1 1JUDITH WISER • TOTALS ,-• 1-- -1- ; STATEMENT OF VOTES, 7 " REM CT -h 1 P, G The whole number of voter given far the office of was and they were aiven for the following named persons, MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Four Year Term - Vote for Two Put figures r in this tsiturri I I •I H--i Judith A. Pfister Arnold J. Shifman The whole number of v received received received TOTAL •••••••••••••••••••••••• • for the office of voics Warns votes I ' was and they were given for the following named nersons: received received received TOTAL votes votes votes votes The whole nirmber of votes given for the office of was and they were given for die folicil..t:ing named r,:iersons: received received received TOTAL votes votes votes votes I The whole nui -Ther of vifies given for the office of was and they were given for the folfowing named persons: ----- received received received received received received received rece ivad received votes v otes votes vOt ,s votes votes votes I I TOTAL 2 - G STATEMENT OF VOTES Pul figures : in this column was !l l1 and they were given for the forowing name received ceived received received Cp.1 received ionived received TOTAL received votes TOTAL The whole number of votes given forthe office of Votes vat^.7, yates ........ . 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