HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.05.02 - 2517OAKLAND XXXXXXXXXXXXXXAX-XXXXXXXXXXX)00{X MANUFACTURED BY Order by Form Nc, CANVASSF.H'; the Genera, Pr -7 eck SPEC IAL SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF BERKLEY MAY 2, 1972 MAY 2, 1972 (DATE OF ELECT!ON) AND CANVASSED BY 1 r "-- f".-,RD OF C.4 1- "JASSERS -7 No. MILLAGE PROPOSITION NO., 2 MILLAGE PROPOSITION PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER TOTALS TOTALS PRECINCT YES 4 TOTALS SPEC iAL SCHOOL D1STRiCT OF THE CM' OH BEKM_LY TATEVNT OF VOTES, STATEMENT OF VOTES, •r PREONCT OR WARD NUMBER r-L,C h • MILLAGE PROPOSITION NO. 1 Shall the limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be imposed in any one year upon property in Ci-ty , of Berkley,-County ef Oaldond, State ,f'Miehi-gan, -b-cincteased as— provided in Section 6 of Article IX of the 1963 Constitution of Michigan, for the years 1972 and 1973, by_one_min ($1_.00 Rer $1,000) on the assessed_valuatIon—as—equalized, far sehoo4--d-i-st-r4-cAT-eperet-ing purposes? --,%- --; M1LLAGE PROPOSITION NO 2 Shall the limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be imposed in any one year upon property in the School District of the City of BerkleyCounty_of Oakland, State of Michigan, be increased as provided in Section 6 of Article IX of the Constitution of Michigan, for the years 1972 and 1973, by 0.73 mill per $1,000) on the assessed valuation as equalized, for building and_sita puipases, provided that such authorized increase shall be levied in any year only to the extent that the debt service levy is reduced below 1.28 mills? V,/b, • VOl ES nurrhC of Iar titt)N.,s i vOteS eiected _ is iecad_ votir,,,, Tho.t . .15 . That sCIS eiecteci. ',rotes seiected hc;nj- 1 V • Neceived the lor-r.ti est number of .1.:crying number. of - Feceirsd I r' recer-ieci 11.-tte TH,Jinnet h0VinC4 ref7,,,1e.C1 r“Li :c...trger5t nunnbetr sasnrq rtzrceiveo lisa ist lUrnber C.0 NO., I MI LLAGE INCREASE (ONE MILL) rr - t. ',rates set our 1 ,,sp...rjsCod cl.k:ed. the Seca OAKLAND MAY , gn 4 STATE OF 1iCHIGA N, OAKLAND Lor.:7\tn OF_ The Boc:rd Convo5se.rs ne COUNTY OAKLAND FI A ,;-;-,r-1-a red ond Cc. I. c.4 Sc. d _ ..S. STRIC T... .01, _THE_ _C_ LTA . O F _ BERKLEY._ SPEC I AL . _Dection, held ..-pn the; 2nd cla v MAY one eiscrnd nine hurttrj ,..,:-.4 urH_..._SEVENTY-TWO Hereb,,:, That._ yok?s ,,tetst.ried notnna Tirratt_ has rrecerved the lartziesi. nt...u.n:ttt,r OF hers ic !I.L.:CeiVe.,..1 the 11.Jrnber N.NV, C:r ajeStiC115 were passed e.r NAME OF '7 OP NO, 2 M I LLAGE INCREASE (0,73 MILL) NAME OF PROPOSMON 5- . . . 7.).1.. • fge.,1 FasewiseC ii Received rassed