HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 1998.11.19 - 25469e, ---- GENERAL GO RNMENT COMMITTEE REpowr (Misc. #98262) November 19, 1998 BY: GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE, NANCY DINGELDEY, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: MR #98262 — ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND DISBURSEMENT POLICY TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The General Government Committee, having considered the above- referenced resolution on November 9, 1998, reports with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted with all title references changed from "Environmental Infrastructure Fund" to "Environment and Infrastructure Fund". Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move acceptance of the foregoing report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE VOTE: Motion carried on a roll call vote with Taub and Dingeldey voting no and Wolf absent. November 19, 1998 REPORT (Misc. #98262) BY: PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE CHARLES E. PALMER, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: MR #98262. ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND DISBURSEMENTS POLICY TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Planning and Building Committee, having reviewed the above-referenced resolution on November 10, 1998, reports with the recommendation that the resolution be adopted with the following amendments: Delete the ninth WHEREAS paragraph in its entirety; In the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED paragraph, line I, following the word "projects", insert the words --as authorized by law--; same paragraph, lines 2 and 3, following the word "Fund," delete the comma (,) and the words --subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners, and--; same paragraph, subparagraph 3), line 2, insert a period (.) after the word "established" delete the remainder of the sentence which reads --and subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners.--; same paragraph, subparagraph 4), line 2, insert a period (.) after the word "council" and delete the remainder of the sentence which reads --through its respective County Commissioner(s) to the Board of Commissioners.--; same paragraph, delete subparagraph 6) in its entirety; same paragraph, subparagraph 7) line 2, delete the words --Board of Commissioners.-- Mr. Chairperson, on behalf of the Planning and Building Committee, I move acceptance of the foregoing Report. PLANNING AND BUILDING COMMITTEE Committee Vote: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Johnson absent. MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION # 98262 October 29, 1998 BY: General Government Committee, Nancy Dingeldey, Chairperson IN RR: ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND DISBURSEMENTS POLICY To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Oakland County has experienced tremendous growth in industrial, commercial and residential development during the past ten years; and WHEREAS the population in Oakland County has increased from 396,000 in 1950 to 1.2 million in 1998, and is projected to be 1.3 million in 2020; and WHEREAS this phenomenal growth in population and employment has placed a strain on existing infrastructure and created a need for improvement to infrastructure; and WHEREAS this development within Oakland County has contributed to combined drain and sewer overflows, flooded basements, and potentially hazardous conditions affecting public health, and the environment; and WHEREAS the County will continue to work with the federal and State of Michigan governments to increase the County's share of dollars flowing into infrastructure projects for the County and cities, villages and townships (CVTs); and WHEREAS the National Association of Counties estimates that nationally CVTs will be required to spend $138 billion over the next 20 years to comply with federal mandates involving clean water and stormwater safety requirements; and WHEREAS the County of Oakland has pledged the transfer of $5.0 million annually for five years into an Environmental Infrastructure Fund from the County's Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund to assist CVTs in their local environmental infrastructure needs; and WHEREAS the allocation to each CVT of the annual appropriation has been set through the annual General Appropriations Act passed by the Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS definition of the types of eligible environmental infrastructure projects for reimbursement and the process for seeking approval from the Board of Commissioners of those projects has yet to be established. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the projects which are eligible for reimbursement from the Environmental Infrastructure Fund, subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners, and are limited to physical improvements and that the following process will be followed in seeking that approval: 1) The Environmental Infrastructure Fund is established and shall be maintained by the Fiscal Services Division as a separate fund for the purpose of enhancing the County's ability to improve the quality of life in the rural and urban areas of the County, and to help ensure that the public health of the County's residents is addressed. 2) Projects eligible for reimbursement from the Environmental Infrastructure Fund are limited to environmental remediations or improvements relating to ground and surface water, water supply, and sewer and drainage systems. 3) CVTs may enter joint projects with adjacent communities that promote the public welfare based on the criteria established and subject to the approval of the Board of commissioners. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE VOTE: Motion carried on a roll call vote with Taub voting no and Garfield absent. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE • 4) Each CVT request shall be accompanied by a resolution by the applicable legislative board or council through its respective County Commissioner(s) to the Board of Commissioners. 5) The Fiscal Services Division shall maintain accounts within the Environmental Infrastructure Fund for each CVT based on the amounts deposited annually through the County Board of Commissioners appropriation and amounts disbursed therefrom. Periodically, but no less than annually, the Fiscal Services Division shall report the equity of the Environmental Infrastructure Fund to the Board of Commissioners by CVT. 6) Under the authority and, in conjunction with, the Board of Commissioners, the Fiscal Services Division shall twice annually (by January 31 and July 31), request that each CVT prepare a formal request for project approval by the Board of Commissioners. At a minimum, the project request shall state the purpose of the project, projected costs, request for Environmental Infrastructure Fund reimbursement and such other information as may be requested by the Fiscal Services Division and / or the Board of Commissioners to ensure compliance with Board policies established for the Environmental Infrastructure Fund fiscal maintenance. 7) Periodically, the CVTs will request reimbursement of amounts expended by the CVT for Board of Commissioner approved projects. The CVT shall provide appropriate support for reimbursement necessary to ascertain that the expenditure requested complies with Board of Commissioners approved policies for the Environmental Infrastructure Fund. 8) The Environmental Infrastructure Fund shall not be used for CVT bonding. 9) All unexpended amounts under the Environmental Infrastructure Fund are carried forward into the following fiscal year to the credit of the applicable CVT until expended in a subsequent year by the CVT for an eligible environmental infrastructure project. At the conclusion of the 5-year commitment period, the CVTs will have one year in which to complete their environmental infrastructure projects. Any unexpended amounts after that one year time period subsequent to the 5-year commitment period will be returned to the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I moye the adoption of the foregoing resolution. (SECTION REGARDING INFRASTRUCTURE FUND) COUNTY OF OAKLAND FISCAL YEAR 1999 BUDGET PROPOSED GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT 21. Direct expenditure and/or transfers of any unencumbered balance or any portion thereof in any appropriation for transfer account to any other appropriations account may not be made without amendment of the general appropriation measure as provided for in this resolution, except that transfers within and between budgeted funds and departments may be made by the Fiscal Officer in the following instances: (g) Annually, from FY 1999 through FY 2003, $5,000,000.00 will be transferred from the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund to the General Fund to allow for the establishment of an Environmental Infrastructure Fund (#263). These funds will then be allocated and transferred from the General Fund Operating Transfer account (#90-310000-41000-8001) to the Environmental Infrastructure Fund. The allocation of the Environmental Infrastructure Fund to locifaffeTcrir —i ages and townships (CVTs) will be based upon criteria established by the Board of Commissioners. The total allocation, however, to any approved CVT will coincide with an allocation that is based 50% on the percentage each CVT's state taxable value (STY) to the County's total taxable value for the most recently completed assessment year, and 50% on the percentage of each CVT's population, to the County's total population based on the most recently completed Census. Finally, any final expenditure and transfer shall be done in conformance with state law. OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROPOSED DISTRIBUTION OF INFRASTRUCTURE FUND VILLAGES & TOWNSHIPS Taxable Value Percent Tax Value Based of Total _Distribution. 1990 Percent Population-Based Population _ of Total Distribution 50-50 Hasid- Total ADDISON VILLAGE OF LEONARD 111 AMMFIELD BRANDON VILLAGE OF ORTONVILLE COMMERCE VILLAGE OF WOLVERINE GROVELAND HIGIILAND HOLLY VILLAGE OF HOLLY INDEPENDENCE LYON MILFORD VILLAGE OF MILFORD NOVI OAKLAND ORION VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION OXFORD VILLAGE OF OXFORD ROSE ROYAL OAK SOUTHFIELD VILLAGE OF BEVELRY HILLS VILLAGE OF BINGHAM FARM VILLAGE OF FRANKLIN SPRINGFIELD WATERFORD WEST BLOOMFIELD WHITE LAKE 182,196,741 9,066,960 2,538,783,130 2.74,312,149 28,699,806 1,012,872,700 106,255,840 151,581,879 454,886,971 90,076,170 82,109,579 871,922,600 313,175,640 370,156,346 156,927,805 6,410,330 543,010,835 1,062,537,960 71,566,800 286,969,569 79,017,711 143,878,995 56,679,050 6,271,040 388,347,914 153,214,120 167,540,060 361,289,392 1,716,653,302 2,607,391,858 664,869,122 . . 0.47% $23,322 0.02% 1,161 6.50% 324,981 0.70% 35,114 0.07% 3,674 2.59% 129,654 0.27% 13,601 0.39% 19,659 1.16% 58,229 0.23% 11,530 0.21% 10,511 2.23% 111,612 0.80% 40,089 0.95% 47,382 0.40% 20,088 0.02% 821 1.39% 69,509 2.72% 136,012 0.18% 9,161 0.73% 36,734 0.20% 10,115 0.37% 18,417 0.15% 7,255 0.02% 803 0.99% 49,711 0.39% 19,612 0.43% 21,446 0.92% 46,247 4.39% 219,743 6.68% 333,763 •1..70% 4,785 0.44% 357 0.03% 42,473 3.92% 10,799 1.00% 1,252 0.12% 22,156 2.04% 4,727 0.44% 4,705 0.43% 17,941 1.66% 3,257 0.30% 5,595 0.52% 23,717 2.19% 8,828 0.81% 6,624 0.61% 5,500 0.51% 0 0.00% 8,227 0.76% 21,019 1.94% 3,057 0.28% 9,004 0.83% 2,929 0.27% 4,926 0.45% 5,006 0.46% 0.00% 10,610 0.98% 1,001 0.09% 2,626 0.24% 9,927 0.92% 66,692 6.15% 54,516 5.03% 12 677 2.09% $22,079 $1,647 $195,982 $49,830 $5,777 $102,234 $21,812 $21,710 $82,785 $15,029 $25,817 $109,437 $40,735 $30,565 $25,379 so $37,962 $96,988 $14,106 $41,547 $13,515 $22,730 $23,099 $0 $48,958 $4,619 $12,117 $45,806 $307,736 $251,552 _$104,638 522,701 $1,404 $260,41112 $42,4172 $4,725 $ 1 15,944 $17,707 $20,685 $70,507 $13,280 $18,164 5110,524 $40,412 $38,974 $22,733 $410 $53,735 $116,500 $11,633 $39,140 $11,815 $20,574 $15,177 $401 $49,334 $12,116 $16,782 $46,027 $263,739 $292,658 $94,873 TOTAL VILLAGES & TOWNS $14296026722474 _ 38.30%_ $.4915 064 3842_933 35.52% $127762 190 $1,845.627 Program Evaluation 09/08/98 2TNSREV.WK4 50-50 Based Total $104,061 60,304 118,462 48,783 4,419 49,972 43,245 368,880 82,630 59,628 27,713 10,683 3,227 18,167 131,137 15,848 191,503 99,712 20,211 11,597 218,677 37,452 294,483 246,831 348,073 26,507 8,585 424,527 24,134 54.925 $3,154,373 TOTAL COUNTY $39,06025011498 . 100.00% $5,000,000 11083092 100,00% $50_300,000 $51000 CITIES Taxable Value Percent Tax Value Based of Total Total 1990 Population Percent of Total Population-llased Distribution_ AUBURN HILLS BERKLEY BIRMINGHAM BLOOMFIELD HILLS VILLAGE OF CI.ARKSTON CI .A WSON FARMINGTON FARMINGTON I IILLS FERNDALE HAZEL PARK IILINTINGToN WOODS KEEGO HARBOR LAKE ANGELUS LATHRUP VILLAGE MADISON HEIGHTS NORTHVILLE NOVI OAK PARK ORCHARD LAKE PLEASANT RIDGE PONTIAC ROCHESTER ROCHESTER HILLS ROYAL OAK SOUTHFIELD SOUTH LYON SYLVAN LAKE TROY WALLED LAKE WIXOM TOTAL CITIES 1,010,330,140 330,840,230 1,130,033,106 607,621,820 32,818,055 280,651,350 ,309,065,980 3,073,823,680 386,819,170 208,858,157 201,600,590 61,219,130 38,595,990 127,795,580 888,334,940 126,237,930 1,797,180,635 459,626,790 233,375,420 81,156,507 852,391,493 328,140,035 2,374,563,912 1,498,683,574 2,707,964,479 180,596,049 65,141,050 4,005,628,273 150,773,329 549,961,730 2.59% 0.85% 2.89% 1,56% 0.08% 0.72% 0.79% 7.87% 0.99% 0.53% 0.52% 0.16% 0.10% 0.33% 2.27% 0.32% 4.60% 1.18% 0.60% 0.21% 2.18% 0.84% 6.08% 3.84% 6.93% 0.46% 0.17% 10.25% 0.39% 1.41% $129,329 42,350 144,652 77,780 4,201 35,925 39,562 393,470 49,515 26,735 25.806 7,836 4,941 16,359 113,713 16,159 230,051 58,835 29,874 10,389 109,112 42,004 303,960 191,841 346,637 23,1171 8,338 512,747 19,300 $3,084,936 17,076 1.58% 16,960 1.57% 19,997 1,85% 4,288 0.40% 1,005 0.09% 13,874 1.28% 10,170 0.94% 74,614 6.89% 25,084 2.31% 20,051 1.85% 6,419 0.59% 2,932 0.27% 328 0.03% 4,329 0.40% 32,196 2.97% 3,367 0.31% 33,148 3.06% 30,468 2.81% 2,286 0.21% 2,775 0.26% 71,136 6.56% 7,130 0.66% 61,766 5.70% 65,410 6.04% 75,745 6.99% 6,479 0.60% 1,914 0.18% 72,884 6.73% 6,278 0.58% 8,550 _ _ 0.79% 698,659 64.48% $78,793 78,258 92,272 19,786 4,637 64,019 46,927 344,290 115,745 92,521 29,619 13,529 1,513 19,975 148,561 15,536 152,954 140,588 10,548 12,805 328,242 32,900 285,006 301,820 349,509 29,896 8,832 336,307 28,968 _3914_52 $3,223,810 $24,099,829,124 61.70% Sources: Oakland County Equalization, SEMCOG Program Evaluation 09/08/98 I 2TNSREV.WK4 VILLAGES & TOWNSHIPS ADDISON VILLAGE OF LEONARD OLOOMFIELI) BRANDON VILLAGE OF ORTONVILLE COMMERCE VILLAGE OF WOLVERINE GROVELAND HIGHLAND HOLLY VILLAGE OF HOLLY INDEPENDENCE LYON MILFORD VILLAGE OF MILFORD NOVI OAKLAND ORION VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION OXFORD VILLAGE OF OXFORD ROSE ROYAL OAK SOUTI1FIELD VILLAGE OF BEVI3LRY HILLS VILLAGE OF BINGHAM FARM VILLAGE OF FRANKLIN SPRINGFIELD WATERFORD WEST BLOOMFIELD WHITE LAKE 1990 Percent Population-Based Population _ of Total Distdbution___ 4,785 0.44% 357 0.03% 42,473 3.92% 10,799 1.00% 1,252 0.12% 22,156 2.04% 4,727 0.44% 4,705 0.43% 17,941 1.66% 3,257 0.30% 5,595 0.52% 23,717 2.19% 8,828 0.81% 6,624 0.61% 5,500 0.51% 0 0.00% 8,227 0.76% 21,019 1.94% 3,057 0.28% 9,004 0.83% 2,929 0.27% 4,926 0.45% 5,006 0.46% 0 0.00% 10,610 0.98% 1,001 0.09% 2,626 0.24% 9,927 0.92% 66,692 6.15% 54,516 5.03% 22,677 2.09%. $22,079 $1,647 $195,982 $49,830 $5,777 $102,234 $21,812 $21,710 $82,785 $15,029 $25,817 $109,437 $40,735 $30,565 $25,379 $0 $37,962 $96,988 $14,106 $41,547 $13,515 $22,730 $23,099 $0 $48,958 $4,619 $12,117 $45,806 $307,736 $251,552 $.104,638 _ . 50-50 Based Total $22,701 $1,404 $260,482 $42,472 $4,725 $115,944 $17,707 $20,685 $70,507 $13,280 $18,164 $110,524 $40,412 $38,974 $22,733 $410 $53,735 $116,500 $11,633 $39,140 $11,815 $20,574 $15,177 $401 $49,334 $12,116 $16,782 $46,027 $263,739 $292,658 $1 845 OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PROPOSED DISTRIBUTION OF INFRASTRUCTURE FUND Taxable Value 182,196,741 9,066,960 2,538,783,130 274,312,149 28,699,806 1,012,872,700 106,255,840 15.1,581,879 454,886,971 90,076,170 82,109,579 871,922,600 313,175,640 370,156,346 156,927,805 6,410,330 543,010,835 1,062,537,960 71,566,800 286,969,569 79,017,711 143,878,995 56,679,050 6,271,040 388,347,914 153,214,120 167,540,060 361,289,392 1,716,653,302 2,607,391,858 664,869,1_22 Percent of Total 0.47% 0.02% 6.50% 0.70% 0.07% 2.59% 0.27% 0.39% 1.16% 0.23% 0.21% 2.23% 0.80% 0.95% 0.40% 0.02% 1.39% 2.72% 0.18% 0.73% 0.20% 0.37% 0.15% 0.02% 0.99% 0.39% 0.43% 0.92% 4.39% 6.68% 1.70% . _. 'fax Value Based Distribution_ $23,322 1,161 324,981 35,114 3,674 129,654 13,601 19,659 58,229 11,530 10,511 111,612 40,089 47,382 20,088 821 69,509 136,012 9,161 36,734 10,115 18,417 7,255 803 49,711 19,612 21,446 46,247 219,7431 333,763 85 ! 08 TOTAL VILLAGES & TOWNS ._$14 19602672r374 38.30% S1,915,064 384,933 35.52% $1 7761190 Program Evaluation 09/24/98 2TNSREV.WK4 1,010,330,140 330,840,230 1,130,033,106 607,621,820 32,818,055 280,651,350 309,065,980 3,073,823,680 386,819,170 208,858,157 201,600,590 61,219,130 38,595,990 127,795,580 888,334,940 126,237,930 1,797,180,635 459,626,790 233,375,420 81,156,507 852,391,493 328,140,035 2,374,563,912 1,498,683,574 2,707,964,479 180,596,049 , 65,141,050 4,005,628,273 150,773,329 549,961,730_ 2.59% 0.85% 2.89% 1.56% 0.08% 0.72% 0.79% 7.87% 0.99% 0.53% 0.52% 0.16% 0.10% 0.33% 2.27% 0.32% 4.60% 1.18% 0.60% 0.21% 2.18% 0.84% 6.08% 3.84% 6.93% 0.46% 0.17% 10.25% 0.39% 1.41% $24,099,829,124 61.70% $39,060,504498 100.00% crri ES Taxable Value Percent Tax Value Based of Total Total 1990 • -Percent Population-Based Population _of Total Distribution 50-so TOM_ AUBURN HILLS BERKLEY BIRMINGIIAM BLOOMFIELD !BUS VILLAGE OF CLARKSTON CLAWSON FARMINGTON FARMINGTON HILLS FERNDALE I 'Ant. PARK IIONTINGTON WOODS KEEGO I IARBOR LAKE ANGELUS LATHRUP VILLAGE MADISON HEIGHTS NORTHVILLE NOVI OAK PARK ORCHARD LAKE PLEASANT RIDGE PONTIAC ROCHESTER ROCHESTER HILLS ROYAL OAK SOUTHFIELD SOUTH LYON SYLVAN LAKE TROY WALLED LAKE WIXOM TOTAL CITIES TOTAL COUNTY $129,329 42,350 144,652 77,780 4,201 35,925 39,562 393,470 49,515 26,735 25,806 7,836 4,941 16,359 113,713 16,159 230,051 58,835 29,874 10,389 109,112 42,004 303,960 191,841 346,637 23,117 8,338 512,747 19,300 70 399 $3,084,936 17,076 1.58% 16,960 1.57% 19,997 1.85% 4,288 0.40% 1,005 0.09% 13,874 1.28% 10,170 0.94% 74,614 6.89% 25,084 2.31% 20,051 1.85% 6,419 0.59% 2,932 0.27% 328 0.03% 4,329 0.40% 32,196 2.97% 3,367 0.31% 33,148 3.06% 30,468 2.81% 2,286 0.21% 2,775 0.26% 71,136 6.56% 7,130 0.66% 61,766 5.70% 65,410 6.04% 75,745 6.99% 6,479 0.60% 1,914 0.18% 72,884 6.73% 6,278 0.58% 81_550 698,659 64.48% 1 083 592 100 00% 1 _ _ $78,793 78,258 92,272 19,786 4,637 64,019 46,927 344,290 115,745 92,521 29,619 13,529 1,513 19,975 148,561 15,536 152,954 140,588 10,548 12,805 328,242 32,900 285,006 301,820 349,509 29,896 8,832 336,307 28,968 _39,452 $3,223,810 $5,0001000. $104,061 60,304 118,462 48,783 4,419 49,972 43,245 368,880 82,630 59,628 27,713 10,683 3,227 18,167 131,137 1.5,848 191,503 99,712 20,211 11,5971 218,677 37,452 294,483 246,831 348,073 26,507 8,585 424,527 24,134 54,92s $3,154,313 _ SIAM" Sources: Oakland County Equalization, SEMCOG Program Evaluation 09/24/9$ I 21 NSR.E.V.WK4 Resolution #98262 October 29, 1998 The Chairperson referred the resolution to the General Government, Planning and Building and Finance Committees. There were no objections. Resolution #98262 November 19, 1998 The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections.