HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1981.06.08 - 2577Or' El OAKLAND P. ;E: -;3- • • A. .i.:11.111 : STATEMENT OF VOTES WARD TOTALS .0T-FiCE:AND CANIPIDATEAAkeyir. : MEMBERS OF BOARD OF EDUCATION .PEICIP1CT A VC 81 1 GERALD M. LORENCE 1 EILEEN G. McKENNEY T • 07 -'24P- 80 !' . t !'r 3 I SEAN R. PEPPARD 1 WILLIAM B. SLOWEY !"?-: JACK VOORHEIS b : 1 `7 (77777.(1:kj _ TTOTAL 4 !I II :1 11 Li ' ' L. JL 11 •• ITATEMENT•011PTES• • YBLDOMF1ELEYI.HILLS.:.:StflOOL. DfSTRILT..:-••••••-• •••." ••JUNES-,.:1981 .: %. • • • • • • . . . . . • • . OAKLAND SCHOOLA •PROPOSAL. • incr'ease from 1 to 3 Mills For lianOicap0o4 persons? PRECINCTS YES TOTAL . _ I •3 OZ 3 2 rz.,L 3 1__4L,- / it I 5, I). . 1713 11 1 -5 1 7 AVCB . • TOTAL. . . — 19a- 11 IL. •• • II • ••••--:... • ••.. • 1 STATEMENT OF VOTES — MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION Ike wye nurnber 01' votes cjiye or the: Offlize pr Moilibernof 'hp, Board E tocation For a Fakir Year t.ertn was : : ": • •n•,...t : : : „ and were cji ver0r.ri tOe 1611rAwirlg :DOmed Derops: : : : : : : : : •• • • PERSONS :RECEIVING THE VOTE. • • • • • .•: ... ••• ..... :. • . •NuMRER•OE yoTesivr.R.IrrENIN•wpws. .• .. • : • .4.-; .• . .1......:. :• • i...1... •:..:•.....::(-.:•....:(•••:. • .•::.......:..li''&••. •• •.: ........ • : MIR.I.ild_ilL_AIST.ECT.OR • . : • .. .• • • ..:•. (.--,••!...'7.?;4. ....11A. ,'!---.70:•..t.,-.1.,_'....../•://4.4-61.1..t.,••... . !i...21:-'..*.'::::•.:.... •.. •:•••:::::•::•••;:•:..&.4:•.)••••:.......i....i.. • ...:. GERAULK,_.LORalt. • • : . L—• . • • .;--/-1....444--.- • •••• . • .......... .t. e;..::,.•:::.....:.... • • :.. ...... • .__ELLEEN_G INEY..-.._ • . .. ,/c....11.• •••••..4.L.....,...,./. •,,,..._./.(•• ..../.1&,..4...kr.,.. ••• ...,...........•.4.:14......::.;•••,..41. . , ;.-:....(. : •.: •,. ... • .• •• .vi.. • • •,,,erti.e.A.,:::.: ..-.): ......... . . - • • . . • i•:...• .• i:•• • .: • • • EUGENE 1:. OWENS'. •. 1 5. --- SEAN•13.:•:PE-PPARD•-• • 6, SLOWEY 7- . JACK .VOORHEI -S. .11 . 8, . . -- • - - . • . :11 t TOTAL j 10 , The - - , Ine whole nunther of votes given for the ‘,....ffice. of Member of the Board of :Education for a Three Yeiler term _ .... .. 11 ,I and they were aiven for the following named persons. !I - - . , _—....., PERSONS RECENNG /HE VOTE- 1 t,iumBER OF VOTEs WRITTEN IN WORDS 11 1 1 1 11 1 ' [ ..._... ..„......... _ .. The Wilde number Of votes given for the office Of Mernber of the Board Of ::Edskation tor o T\w.i Year was , and they were:gett for the:follow:rig 0:amed personsi . PERSONS RECEIVING, 11--tE VOTES NUMBER OE VOTES wilirrEN WPRDS The whole number of votes given for Ole office of Member of the:Board of:::Educatiert for a One Yecir term was and they Were giVeri for the oIIo in named persons PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER: OF VOTES WRITTEN . IN WOR:CS TOTA and IL( ;44 votes were marked YES of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO STATEMENT OF VOTES — PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS The whole number of votes for and against the OAKLAND SCHOOLS INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT _ . _ . . _ . . . SPECIAL EDUCATION MILLAGE INCREASE QUESTION Shall the one 1 ..1.1•mi tat ion ...09..the• .enituel •property 10.cpreviposly.... appr :oved. by thé el ectors of Oakland SchooT, an intermediate Tot :,.• State :.of...M .I..010-0.:11.; for the .e—d—uea—ticin• of ...11-Atid.i.c..apped .....wersonsy:Ii-e-TncreaseTa76, :two.."(2)•••m•••ili.s7; . •••: • •••...•• votes were marked NO TOTAL.:VOTESH. The whole number of votes for and against the of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the WO of which number 'TOTAL VOTES receiyed by SPid Board PfiCahvasSierS Oakland from on t,.”(atinection Received Having Not Receive Sufficient votes Was PCISSOd eteatecl NONE Received Having - Sufficient votes w Not Received Poss2c1 Defeated NONE In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set County of OAKLAND this - Attest: day of our hands and affixed the Seal of the JUNE ERK ...BOARD OF CANVASSEFRS BOARD 0 CAN VASSE CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for thei County of of the Election. Returns of Bloomfield 1 g Schocil_Distri ct I tGAI, NAME Or StNOCI., Din-NC:- determine tharat the Annual election hold onjune: 8. 1981 ANNUAL 00 SPEC IAL r: ZI 716N elected as members of the Board of Education of the said Scoril D istri name •or names: persons 1.istecl beim were cluy s of office set opposite the ir Names of persons elected for a four year term expiring Two to be Elected 1985 Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring Names of persons elected for a two year term expiring Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the following Propositions or Questions were passed or defe at ed as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received -Defeated NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION Received . Having R Sufficient votes was N - ------ ot eceived Defeated NONE