HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.06.09 - 2582BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOLS JUNE 9, 1980 OAKLAND COUrt RIME CANVASS OF VOTES C4IS AT THE ELECTION HELD 011 June 9, 1 9 89 (DATE OF ELECTION) OF THE BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOLS (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS • OFFICE;FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Rood * KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No, E'S398K CANVASSERS BOOK STATEMENT OF VOTES P aCINCT OR WARD NUMBER OFFICE AND 1 IV TOTALS CANDIDATE NAMES " 7 1 2 3 4 567 BOARD OF EDUCATION 11111111111111111 11.1111111.11M111 1111.111111 111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 NI Ell RR 111.1.111111111111111111=111.11111 1.11111111111MMININEMIMIN ±. t i b MEM : NEKIIIIIIM .., .,r ,.......... -- LIVIA N. BAKER 11119111MEMEEMBOM RR 102- RR M.WiREMMM RI RR ‘ 0 s EDWARD G. FL E I SC HMANN MI ENIMAINKEIMMAIndilliall la In 111111111111111111111111.111.1 PAUL E. MERCHANT ggliBEEMBLIME 1111111111111 k S 1 GARY J. THOMAS C - q ') ESMIENZE Mil ELMER G. WETTLAUFER MIEN NE 'ss milimomm mom JOAN C. ZIEGLER My tanliggalrill 1 ROM lalin RR -3 - 2- -k - - 111 IN MI; MEM 11111 1 IMIIIIMEN MIIII aliIiII iii MENSIMMII IIIIIF 111M1111 MI NM MEIMENI MII MIMI 311111111111.1 - MIIIIMIIIII MINNIIIIIIIMINININI Mmi MI' 1.011•1111111m11111 111111111111111M ....i. ....., ...... . 1 iiiiirammimmili Lii wo SUMMIEMEll E. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMM "'"M' .... .11 INI 1.116M1111111161 mu. IN 2 i I t 1 1 ' ' , •I tp 73 7:1 — 1 I rn 0 1 n Po z --1 I !, 1 , , , 11 1 1 , 1 — 1 1 1 I li 1 . 1 - 1 . _ I DAVID W. HACKETT 11 . - 3,.)' I I 1 :''''' r • ' ' .-' ..4-1 ' :- MARGARET MAC TAVISH 11 . I 0 i 1 1 .,-"„:_'•!j 4.., ' i - , I , > 1 ...,•+- -,,, RICHARD J. PAPPAS , 1 0 = 1 ,-, ...1-: 1:•-j ,i -1 c, 1 . .. P VERONICA SEXTON il m n 1 .." t. 1 ' NANCY E. VANGILDER I w 0.1 ,•, = , t • , 0 - - :-.:i• '.--'.!' - '. -.P. P1 -i ---1 I -c , 4\3.•BARBARA J. WILLING 1 M h On , i t17- ii X.; 0I -- - -- , 11 rrt r— - -,ARINI J. YEZMAN -- IL • r— 1 ,..; .:: ^.-- ., ••••••.,, -il , •5•••)'......z ,'', .... „ THEODORE DZIURMAN , r I tn i ROBERT FILIATRAULT 1,4 , :.},--", ',7 - ' MARIELLEN GREENBURY 11 1 „„1-, r,-, t‘ s „I) -/N s' . -..‹ c., --s . • _ . - 0) ! . . ......d I 1 . 0--it...e)...._11, 1 i I- . 1 ,,, . -rs-6—' I 1 . il 1 h 1 1 . 1 i : 1 ,.. 1.,... _ ....,.-.,,,._ ...• .,..._1.1 .1 r--- i 1 I ! 1 i ! i .: , • .., ,I • I , rri=. 0 m I F13 STATEMENT OF VOTES — MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION The whr 1e umber of votes given for th office of Member of the Board of Ed c 'on for a Four Year term .. was .'•.,:' -6.6.6",---''. //7...8..4------4/.....eaA.z -- ----7,-,-. :--' , .-z,C j and they were given for the Followi 4m:31-red persons: VOTE FOR NE THAN TWO ..-c. .... _ PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES wRrrret4 IN WORDS / . KAREN M. ARTINIAN , , LIVIA N. BAKER , 1 EDWARD G. FLEISCHMANN PAUL E. MERCHANT --' 4 . , . -.: -- .! : 5. GARY J. THOMAS /I. . 1 z,y- (I f 6. ELMER G. WETTLAUFER 0 -, .. 7. JOAN C. ZIEGLER ., -,, ! 8. 10.I TOTAL j -- ___.........._____......_ ____ The who!e number of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Education for a Three Year term was and they were given for the foN-,wing -cimed persons- i PERSONS RECE1VINQ THE v:. EE NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1 I 1. I J_ _. 3. 4. , 5 1 TOTAL The who!ei number of votes given for the office oF Member of the oord of Educatton For a Two Year term was and they were given for the fo}kiwing named persons: i PERSONS RECEIVR4,3 THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WREFTEN IN WORDS 1. Zc, . 3. 4. ' . TOTAL The whore number of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Eduotots F or a One Year term was and they were given for the followin g named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMIFR OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS • - i . • ii. 2, 3. 4. 5. TOTAL II III CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN } ss. COUNTY OF OAKLAND We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for the County of _____OAKLAND from an examination 1 of the Election Returns of___LAllELD_HILLS_SEMODIAILSIRIC_LB 0 MF 1- ____. received by said Board of Canvassers, 1-EAL NAME Of' SCHOOL. DISTRICT determine that at the ANNIJAI election held on 6//80 ,that the persons listed below were duly TNNA OR SPECIAL ATE OF ELECI1ON LI elected as members of the Board of Education of the said School District for the terms of office set opposite their name or names: i / q , Names of persons elected for a four /7 - e-----;-% .e_..."/ year term expiring , 1984 , 6'i -_/7.___. c.e..._...-/ , VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN TWO ...-." I 4,- Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring Names of persons elected for a two year term expiring Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the following Propositions cr Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: _ NAME OF FOPQ51iON Received , , Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Receird Defeated 2. NAME OF P OPOSITiON I Received Passed Haying S, ufficient votes was Not ReceiYed Defeated NAME OF PPOPOST ONi Receive Passed Having Not Receily1 ed Sufficient votes was Defeated : 4, NAME OF PROPOSMON Receiveç Passed Having Not Receivi ed Sufficient votes was i Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal ' F the County of OAKLAND //:.7,efil this day of ALN-E— 19 80 . - ,----.- " '\\„&ls,,--11-/".„,-_-,‘,.,07--,..., Att t ,/,-/ ,/,7'------61-71AIRMAN ,,,,' \ ' HOARD OF ''''' ,..,- . 1?„...1 4 T: CANVASSERS . 1 CLE BOARD or cANvASSERs .,..., ...,_ ,