HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1973.06.11 - 25911 973 OAKLAND COUNTY? MCINGA OF -100Mi(V)PrgwowocMgc,A1Poc BLOOMPIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL ELECTION JUNE CANVASS OF VOTES (AST AT THE ELECTION ANNUAL HELD ON JUNE 11,•1973. • (DATE. ()F.:ELE(TION.) . AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUEACTURED BY ti S- ELECTION SUPPLY FAC179.R...FR.s.:.., • •... SCHOOL FORA: PRINTERS tiC E FURNITURE vAND ...i.S:LTP .4.11S; 1919 East Kilgore Road 6 KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election : PERSONS RECEIVIN(i THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN fN WORD TOTAL ....:.•i•fic...w.tie.v.v.!. number r..,.1 votes given for the otri.ce. or •• • • • . . . . . .: was • .. •• .• • .. . ... . , i • •• • r 1, , . .. .....enb:.lhev .w.ere •OPven IL-Ji .the cortowing. riorned .persons .. . .... . . • . • . • • PERSONS RECEIVING-THE VOTES . . • The whore. number of votes given tor the .pifice of :c.m•ci they ior the folloing ryjnier.1 porsori: PERSONS RECEIVMG :THE V OTES : E: STAI'EMENT OF VOTES: (vitite,40r:Gt-n1ore-t-h two) n tj no :MEMBER OF BOARD OF EttiffffON . . : uiij ihov de number of v .• PERSONS. RECEIVING THE ..VOTES •HENRY HABERCORN, Ill .•.EUGENE WE ISS • • tes given for the office ...NUMBER Q.E.:V.OTES:.WRITT.EN IN•WORDS• NLIA4RER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS : 16.r..::a • 10.U.R_L..:....•..:Y:ecti tetlit _TOTAL Yecil eiiii TOTAL TOTAL Y6tir tCiTfl he and they Nijere ve.0 f-ar the it.illbzwing ricirricid.:Porscf‘15: ANNUAL ELECT I ON JUNE DLOOMPIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT STATEMENT OF VOTES, MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION (Vote for not more than two) : OAKLAND : II 15 C 3.11 sh r LOOMF: fiE L _ : i In c.v..; : h of.JUNE COUNTY: ç.iEty ; VOtes cii said Ele.ction;:keld on th:O. 1 1 eVq.P .ty.7 .Phr.e@_ ...:CERTIFICATEE-OF,:9ET.ERM.1.Pn.1A11914.%.: OAKLAND : The.: Boar t.:1 of C{..,41..vasi,:.rs of the. rci ini 13,k,e.rtiiitieci ANNUAL lifo 90E, 0:iousond nine 6;:in.;:hed ond Di Hereby Certify and Determine L.=-1::=C. ▪ - -2:7 j --hay:11cl rec.eived the lari..jest number of votes is (.....'.eLtoci. ._.ME.MBER OF BOAiD OF _EDUCAT N_ . Year_ _Terrill r 1.ng.. 1977 .. Thui • . - - - . received Inc Inigest number of Nicifis is elect-ed.__ MEMBER_ OF j3OARD OF _E_DUCAT LON 4 Year Terrn). Exp 1977.. . . hovinc5 roceived the largcsi numb ei of votes ;s elected.. _ votes is elected-- — votes is elected tkot_ voit•Ds elatted_i Tkcif votes is Thot votes: is elected T' )11c)1. votes efected • . That_ _hciving :re.Oeived the kircest number of having received the number of h.;.7,vina received the 1O6est nurribt!•:t of L....,..haVilto i :).coiiter-,1 the IarIiesf nuMber ::of • ...hc;Vinci :the chest ii ii ihe I t..hc. • IC.= r:g.e.s Do:Forthti Hereby Detertiiiiniet, : That the Piobo:alson or Question's P.T:f.sed d & as indiCaled ei‘ ME OF PROPOS'..TION NONE Hpr.VIng • t:Roceive?:: :Sof;i0=-.,nt. votes was Passed )efeated NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE: 1.4Akvic OF PRC)POVP: ON NONE - • • •• ..Rceivi,C1 ••••- ..,...... :. • • ••• • . :.....•:•:......Passed•. ,.,. . r .riavnl,..1 ,..,----"k."." .. ".... ...paticlerfr..Vbi(4.;-..WCIS.• ".",7-,-"."-."-T... • • • 1..\iC.,.t r:Cr'Cei.NIOCI..•• :...•••. •• : : - ..".: ......•1).rectted. • . . . . • • . • , •-• • ..,R•eceiVect...... • •.• •.. ..• • • • . • •• • Noris•eceived• • •• • •• .[YereOtth. . . Z.,.:7:.7.,7:V.1175177:75P-757-.Krg=7,..7: ....:, .. •:::q, -6' - 54.T,'A'1, - • • .', T;,!: . • :: irit7iT.if.71;Filia..17i:i'lit':';-1,.n:-71:72:iciUM: n Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our bands ond affixed the Seal of the of. _Oakland... _ Crtwriy : City ,Tip....rish;i3 rr- i 11(.19i. 2ity•. ov.,•1;Fr- / -day of_ .499._ . , ' tile yea!,?:ake thotrsand nine hundred and___.,Pevt_1 1:Y.7.thre.e, • • : • CHAIRMAN.. 'y BOARD OF :CANVASSERS ATITS. (LLRI( 01 ROAR!): in.:- :4":./..).N'y.A'.i'SEP.S.: