HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1979.06.11 - 2592OF THE ram, BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL ELECTION June II, 1979 CANVASS OF VOTES (AST AT THE ELECIVN HELD ON June 11, 1979' (DATE OF ELECTION) BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICTj (LEGAL NAME or $CHOOL DISTRICT) OAKLAND COUNTY, NOCHIGAN MANUFACTUREf BY ELECTION SUPPLY MAN LirF /1. SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE 1 1FU-::"-kiRE AND SUPPLIES 19 East Kilgore Road * KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No ES398K CANVASSERS BOOK STATEMENT OF VOTES 1 . 1 T OR WAR UMBER OFFICE AND '91' IV TOTALS CANDIDATE NAMES Nir 5 ote for not more than MOM= .... 6 OCR ( 4 Year Term) .1.. , SYLVIA BARTALUCCI , imm..... . DON F. CARLSON .f.' ,A.,, ,1-,:, '60 r.;,_\ DOROTHY C. COLLINS 1111 . (- :I,. smonin, .i ...im MARY K. MATLE 111111 c" NM 4 IIIIRWINI , GARY J. THOMAS '.-1 MEM ' / .,,_,.. . . , r.se 7; x ... m--mer: / , MIMI 610.111111116114.11 ' 11n11 1 i lial=119,11. NIMM . MINI Mil MM_ MIMEO - 11=111. . mom MIIIMMIM / /, b ; MIN A-' MIMI - - - M IIMII SON - OEM MI5 'IN NI illE111111111111111.111111111EMEMIII 1111=MIIIIIIIMIIMmmillM1111 11111 ME WAN BIM Irll NM Mil Erg 111 .111 # i 1 NI . .mos --L.--- Ernmannumau 9 Emm_mmi , • - 1.........a. 0 ... ..... . , __ ......... .. 5 amomimirnammommr. imminammoirm 0 2 1 NO YES NO YES YES ___. S .15:3 A77 3± I . V,77 `? 9 , 3 I .__ 1 -6 7, :5 1 7 IA C47 _LANCB a ci 6 4 n 2 3 1 ci 2 lk j 313 •-• i 1 ! ;, I ! it T [11.1711- : -7 ) 1 f i [1 . 1 1 1 4 STATEMENT OF VOTES, OPERAT I NG 1 OPERATING MI LLAGE RENEWAL 1M I LLAGE INCREASE i I ,pRopos IT I ON. • PROPOS I T I ON I' ,. . . . II PRECINCT I OR WARD NUMBER YES I NO YES NO rr OTES -- MEMBER, Bonn EDUCATION __- The he ! umber of votes given for te office, of Me ber of he Bea ttote ro Four .ca r term , 0 and they were given for the frplowing named persons: f, SONS P:::::::---.:.,-,N,7: -:,-;!.-E v:z.:.11,s I NUMBER OF VOTES WR1TIEN IN WORDS , i ) - ,7- .....t,k, k,,,,,,. 61_, . __L___s_y_p LuAL_BARTAucct . °-1 5f----1--- -Q- .4 '7 *. 2. DON F. CARLSON 6 ti, . [ , 1 1 DOROTHY C. COLLINS - , 1-- c9-t-"" ,..4.4. x ./t-i!--)./ (.-1,-,-A-0.-) yte,41,6r, !/ A. L....i , .., 4. MARY K. MATLE , , 0 ' 5. GARY J. THOMAS 1 .,. 4 , / ,u-a--0-7-7-- ...):,:?,/ 1 .,<7 -71 (J,4,, 9-e7-k- ,P,11-7 - '214 - I , 0 , - _IV-A,,,ji (•••,,,,.'-. {7 „A...) , ./),' . I ,:Th . 6. C, k,' --' t•-."0-"&' • 1 t ... t* ' ,., €.- *1 1 1 1-1 IT _ `i .1 1 7 . I I T- 8. - 9. 10, I 1 .._ TOT— P ,. !-. ' The whole number of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of education for a Three Year t erm was 1 I and they were given for the following named persons' P RSONS RECENING mrs iOTTS NUM IgF VOTES WRITFEN WI WORDS . 1 I 2 I , 4. i 5 1 TOTAL The wl-!:-.-_ n'+ or r of votes ai.. far the oFfice of I','.'!.-'..-- ---iL' of the Board of Education for a Two Year term was i and they wet.t:- r. .., ''' rCrf the f.,[!-n..-] n. persons! mtittroms tt:t.j.i-cr,i,-...i TH rThW NUMBER 05 WRITTEN IN WORDS I 2. i 1 1 3. 1 ' 4. ! I 5. 1 TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of Member of the Board of Educa ion for a One Year term was and they were given for the following named persons: I I PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER Oe VOTES WRITTEN 04 WORDS I 1. I ,-- , 1 1 3. 4. 5. TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES — PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS I The whole number of votes for and against the OPERATINd MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION In order to continue 12.49 mills of the 13.90 mill operating millage increase which expires in 1979, shall such increase in the constitutional limitation on ad valorem taxes which may be imposed upon property in Bloomfield Hills SchOol District, Oakland County, Michigan, be [_..renewed in the amount of 12,49 mills on each dollar ($12.49 per $1,000) of equalized valuation for the five-year period from 1980 through 1984 for operating purposes? i 1 ,._. I -T- TI___. of which number CL ni:,-.--k ./t, Ux--A-A....."3.4----7----, ,cl_z_ • A, - . 0 i 0 votes were marked YES c, , , ,..1,_& -,,t , ,,i_A-x4...-0-7-,y, _4_44 bu.__,L,-K cti.,' , 1 , and . - I votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES [ 1 The whole number of votes for and against the OPERAT ING MI LLAGE 1 NCREASE PROPOS I TI ON Shall the constitutional limitation on ad valoremtaxes which may be imposed upon property in Bloomfield Hills School District Oakland County.: Michigan, be increased in the amount of .50 mills on each dollar ($.90 per $1,000) of equalizd valuation for the five-year period from 1979 thxough 13113 for the purpose of operatiAaand equipping community education and re-creatio programs and acquiring, constructing, and improving outdoor recreation equipment and facilitie , _ was '1.-A). 4 , i , , )\--L-) k,1-•"---v, Ct; - , of hid, number ,-• &.4...,----a-tr- 7A. i LcI1 votes were marked YES v 1 ,. and ri-A.--4.----\) Q _ --e---cer -1---- ,, votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES -$ The whole number of votes for and against the I was 1 II of which nurnber rill v tes were marked YES and 111 I votes were marked NO 1 Mall i TOTAL VOTES III this day of_ June 1 979 ) BOARD OF CANVASSERS Att CHALRM AN Lyn . Allen ARO OF CANVASSERS CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN OAKLAND Ss. COUNTY OF } k We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for the County of Oaand from an examination E BLOOMF I EL D H I LLS SCHOOL D I SIR I C-fl of the Election Returns of received by said Board of Canvassers, LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL D:STIUCT ANNUAL dune 11 , -Iq7q I-. determine that at the _election held on .,,, ,that the persons listed below were duly ANNUAL OP SPECIAL DATE OF EUCT 110H elected as members of the Board of Education of the said School Dist irict for the terms of office set opposite their name or names: Names of persons elected for a four (• -CrY----- year terrn expiring ,i, k .0 c-,z_./L.A-- l 9 Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring Names of persons elected for a two year term expirirtg Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the followin g Propositions ol: Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: • NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Pd OPERATING M I LLAGE RENEWAL Having Ni2.5ufficient votes was asse PROPOS I T ION i 2. NAMt OF PROPOSITION OPERAT I NG MI LLAGE INCREASE Having -44.ezt't7" Sufficient votes was Not Receied beatPROPOSITION . NAME OF P °POSITION Received ,- , Passed Having Not ReceNe:d Sufficient votes was NONE Defeated 4. NAME OF P OPOSIT/ON . Received Passed H ing NONE Not Recek)ed Sufficient votes was Defeated : i i : In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the — . (1.,1-1-,-..-1 ounty at