HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1993.06.14 - 2608Tri ANNUAL GENERAL SPECIAL ECTION XX BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT ANVASS or VOTE (AS HELD ON JUNE 1 1+ , 1993 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE 7,ZARD OF CANVASSERS AKLAND 17:".'"UNTY, MICHIC,;AN MANUFACTUF a it LEgLiav .3 Lii ELECTION SUP••y MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND P NrERS 1919 East Kilgore Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES, BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL ELECTION - JUNE 14, 1993 —1 1—! C)1 On 1 4 6 AVCb TOTAL MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTE FOR TWO - FOUR YEAR TERM PRECIN.:T NUMBER U-1 , U./ CA C, M 1 =, 1 111 M IZC' C — 1 0 <F > —I = CC , --I 1— < < 11 — 1 L.> , 1.1.1 ›- ! — , im, CI M = z , F— , CC —1 <1C SUZANNE J. I _1 I 1 1-- I c' ; , , 1 4— 1 1 I i • 12, G was and they were given for the "•-•':,::s•!:-1.:.::-••-•.led persons: received Votes received votes 1 TOTAL votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes rccei.-ed BRUCE WILLIAM BUDDE received„ received received received TOTAL receiv: recc• recc rece received received received TOTAL TA—EMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for the office of BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL Fl FCT ION T JUNE 14, ,1993 Put figures 11 this column Vote for Two The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION — Four Year Term was PATR ICIA RI BI AT SUZANNE J. von ENDE The whole number of votes given for l T•fri.•-• o' end they were fo 30 The whole number of votes given for the office of C following narnec received Erd cod TOTAL was and they tv votes votes votes votes e following named persons: and they vv..: recei,,?,d TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES was C votes votes votes -votes was rned votes votes votes cc- tes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes 2.0 3 4 6 7 AVCB TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES, BLOOMF I ELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL ELECTION - JUNE 14, 1993 M I LLAGE RENEWAL PROPOS I T I ON II. MI LLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION TO BE USED FOR OPERATION OF RECREATON-COMMUNITY SERV I CES DIVISI ON PRECINCT NUMBER Yes No Total Yes I No Total II Yes I No Total It 2.P STATEMENT OF VOTES, I , 1 I1 : 1 I , Yes No Tot- Yes No I Yes No Total ! Yes No Total Yes No ToteI 1----- - i I 1 11 I L , -i 1 , 1 r * 1 . II 1 11 1 il 1 I II 1 --1 -1- 1 1- , -r-- , 1 , 1 i ,1 1 1, , 1 1 , , 1 . , , 11 -4- 1 : 1 , 1 ---1 1, 1 ---ii---- 1 I 11 I r I . 1 , I I I i 1 T ,1 I I 4 [i 1 I'l II --n 1, II 1--- —h 1, 1, , --1 1 I- I 1 1 I 1 : , I I I 1 , 1 I ! I I ---•-• r 1 h 1 1 i , 1111 I-1 1 ' ill 247 STATEMENT OF VOTES BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL ELECTION - JUNE 1 4, 19 II 1 Put figures ! ll The whole number of votes given for and against the I. MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION , inthiscoWmn il- 1 ! In order to renew the 17.5 mills for operating purposes which expired with the ', I il h 1992 tax levy, shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed I , against all property in Bloomfield Hills School District, Oakland County, Michigan,' t I 1 be increased by 17.5 mills ($17.50 on each $1,000.00) on state equalized valuation i I for a period of 3 years, 1993, 1994 and 1995, to provide additional funds for 1, I 1 1 !I operating purposes? h , hi :1 1 1 i 1 I . - I 1 1 !wa yj , II I li / . - 1 of which nu - 1 I votes were marked Y , r r I 11 1 • 1 1 , 1 I ' . . T votes were marked NO Fr , _ , —IF TOTAL VOTES , , II. MI LLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION TO BE USED FOR OPERAT I ON i The vvhole number of votes given for and against the OF RECREATION-COMMUNITY SERVICES DLVISION 1 In order to renew the .25 mill for operating purposes which expired with the 1992 I--- , tax levy, shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed I against all property in Bloomfield Hills School District, Oakland County, Michigan, 1 , [ , 1 1, be increased by .25 mill ($0.25 on each $1,000.00) on state equalized valuation 1 for a period of 3 years, 1993, 1994 and 1995, to provide additional operating funds to be used for purchasing, maintaining and improving recreational equipment 1 _4 and facilities and operating programs conducted by the Recreation-Community 1 , : Services Division of the school district? I d i P , vvas , ,„1- , , , 44_,_., ,---.( _ of which number ,,_ / - - _e_- • __ , l I I I votes were marked YES i 1 1 and /L---- (1-L' -, 4 •, , / ' votes were marked NO ' i r TOTAL VOTES, , 6.P STATEMENT OF VOTES Put fluures . I The whole number of votes given for and against the u this coiumn i h7 F I i i I 1 1 I II d I I was r of which number , 1 I votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO 1 TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the I, _ 1 i 1 , . I . I I was , 1 1 of which number I -s re marked YES 1 , I and l— votes were marked NO ' , 1 TOTAL VOTES, I 1 . i , l 6,P COUNTY of OAKLAND 04, BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRI7T 14th JUNE otet of at tHe NINETY —THREE_ vnine is. • ---- •-• - • I-RER OF BOAPITi G EDUCATION — FOUR YEAR TERM EXPIRIN' JE 30, 1997 A= OF M]ICHTGAN OF OAKLAND Tte Board of S. MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION — FOUR YEAR TERM EXPIRING jCW: 1Q, 1997 !ea eci a \Jot( s elected That ----- /otes c[ecte;d That elected 1-Laviisie CERTIFICATE. OF DETERMINATION That votes is elected That That That votes is elected That That That votes is e.lecited Th„,t votes is elect That hi,TJ hay votes it elected Name Of Proposition NONE NONE NOAE ON NONE CIANTY of ( C JUNE NI NETY -TfIREE day of 5.0 ' havl a so-if:Hum UCCiVUd . Th I I. MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION II. MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION TO LE USED FOR OPERATION OF RECREATION-COMMUNITY SERVICES OIVISIDN