HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2000.05.04 - 26158MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #00080
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners established an
Environmental Infrastructure Funds and Disbursement Policy per Miscellaneous
Resolution #99093 in an effort to increase the share of dollars flowing into
infrastructure projects for the County and its cities, villages and townships
(CVTs); and
WHEREAS pursuant to the Disbursement Policy, Rose Township has submitted
a resolution of authorization to the County for reimbursement of expenses
incurred in connection with an eligible environment remediation of improvement
project; and
WHEREAS Rose Township is requesting reimbursement for work related to
the controlling storm water runoff and addressing pollution controls; and
WHEREAS the FY 1999 authorized amount of funding for Rose Township is
$20,555.25 from the Environmental Infrastructure Fund as repayment to Rose
Township for expenses incurred in connection with environmental remediation or
improvement projects.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners approves the storm water runoff and pollution control project as
eligible for reimbursement from the Environmental Infrastructure Fund.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board authorizes an appropriation in the
amount of $20,555.25 from the Environmental Infrastructure Fund (Account #90-
263222-41000-3985) to repay Rose Township for expenses incurred in connection
with environmental remediation or improvement projects, once proper invoices
are presented.
Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.
CIleder W. Koop
(810) 750-5232
Susan J. Slaughter
(248) 634-7291
AJIsou K. Kalcec
(248) 634-8701
Clarence Cordon,
Alfred E. Lopez 6 7a kyidati nfr
a 71,
Honorable William Patterson
Oakland County Board of CommUsibli
1200 N. Telegraph Road
Pontiac, Michigan 48341-0470
Marchl 6, 2000
Dear Commissioner Patterson/7
On behalf of Rose Township 13
Fund project proposal. The Rol
Trustees have approved' the pro
water pollution controOn accor
Disbursement Policy (Resolutipri
Commissioners on May 0, 1999.
Please forward the enclosed materi
township resolution) ti3, the Fiscal Servi
Board of Commissionets'Action.
I am available to address your qn
attend any Board of CoininissionerOdetinit as
Wed,a the project's approval. .1"ikeik youvomfolif sei
participate in the Envirorurientatinfriacture
_et sgf Environmental Infrastructure Fund
pd by the d County Board of
1 ; supportingi. documentations and r 1 wing any necessary Oakland County
t I
roposal. In Addition, I am willing to
rmine apiiropriate or advantages to
Tov/naltip and the opportunity to
rA1,,`,/ kifa
to submit the enclosed Environmental Infrastructure
5 taktir earsaitsion andc,R13se Township Board of
f..'lannT§Itt , - tencledib' address torm water runoff and
Chester W. Koop, Supervisor
cc: Manager, Oakland Co. Fiscal Services Div.
Rose Township Hall, 204 Franklin Street, Holly, Michigan 48442
Project Introduction:
As part of the recent development of the Rose Township Master Plan the #1
Community Land Use Concern was "protect ground water and surface water"
(attachment #1). The natural resource conservation policy which was adopted as part
of the Master Land Use Plan (attachment #2) includes a wetland protection policy
which identifies preservation of wetlands in their natural state. Four drainage policies
were adopted as part of the Master Plan including "Protection of slopes, woodlands,
and wetlands within the watershed and proper management of land use and
development are essential to maintaining the quantity and quality of storm drainage
(see attachment #3). Three groundwater protection and recharge policies were also
adopted as part of the Natural Resource Conservation Policy contained within the
Township Master Land Use Plan.
Furthermore, Rose Township's participation in the Shiawassee and Huron
Headwaters Resource Preservation Project and Rattalee Lake Wetland Complex
Preservation Project have (through site ecological summaries) provided valuable
information on the nature of Rose Township's rich environmental heritage. Each of
these projects contain recommendations which merit serious consideration for
application in Rose Township. Since one of the environmental objectives of the Rose
Township Master Plan is to "Implement the findings of the Huron-Shiawassee
Headwaters Project where practical." the following proposal will be instrumental in
the implementation of Rose Township's adopted Master Land Use Plan.
Project Description:
The proposed project will establish the background information, inventory, mapping
and delineation as well as regulatory techniques and procedures to minimize
undesirable effects of drainage within the Rose Township and provide for proposed
drainageway alterations and implementation of best management techniques to meet
identified Township concerns. Minimization of necessary public infrastructure
expenses to address cumulative unplanned consequences of altered drainageways
will be a further objective. The project seeks to provide for environmental remediation
or improvements relating to drainage systems and /or water pollution
control/groundwater protection measures.
Project Duration: January 1, 2000 -September 30, 2004
Budget: Source: - Oakland County Infrastructure Fund (estimate not to exceed
$21,000 per year)
Project Details:
Project will be managed by Township Planner in cooperation with the Rose Township
Planning Commission. Tasks to include -
1. research and review applicable techniques
2. develop property base/'topography/drainage inventory and mapping
3. develop drainage ordinance draft
4. develop site plan review procedures
5. establish development ordinance provisions
6. identify resource overlay zoning district boundaries
7. review and establish best management practices
8. identification of funding mechanism for field review of required measures
9. develop ordinance implementation procedures
10. creation of environmental (drainage/water quality/groundwater protection)
quality parameters
11. undertake watershed planning to minimize degradation of drainage system
and groundwater/surface water systems
12. develop a measurement system using imperviousness as an indicator of i
impacts of land development/alteration on aquatic systems
The Oakland County Environmental Infrastructure Fund Program represents a unique
no-cost opportunity for a limited time to plan for the minimization of costly public
infrastructure installation, maintenance and rehabilitation in Rose Township by
anticipating the cumulative impact of land development patterns. Furthermore, the
opportuntiy to implement the objectives and policies of the adopted Rose Township
Master Plan is substantial due to this source of funding. Consequently, and based
upon the endorsement of the Rose Township Planning Commission the Township
Board is requested to adopt the sample resolution as recommended by the Oakland
County Fiscal Services Division and attached hereto (attachment #4)
Respectfully submitted, - Rand Bowman, Township Planner
1. protect ground water and surface water
2. keep the township rural
3. preservation of open space
4. keep commercial uses on main thoroughfares
5. cluster housing if we can guarantee the balance stays open
6. over regulation of agricultural land
7. interpretation of ordinances needs to be clarified and coordinated with
zoning and master plan with a consistency of enforcement
8. loss of agricultural land
9. require larger lot sizes around lakes
10. protect wildlife habitat
11. keep lots as large as possible
12. rewrite ordinances (e.g. road ordinances)
13. loss of wood lots
14. keep natural areas
15. keep larger agricultural lots -- don't break parcels too small
16. don't allow lots smaller than 2.5 acres
17. minimize zoning conflicts (e.g. areas surrounded by R-1 zoning
should also be zoned R-1)
18. don't split zone single parcels
19. discourage the splitting of large parcels into smaller ones
20. need for more zoning district designations
21. reduce amount of residential zoning
22. keep larger lot sizes -- 10 acre minimum
23. keep roads gravel
24. minimize commercial and industrial development
25. keep land use consistent with bordering townships
NOTE: Rankings are determined based upon frequency and intensity of responses.
Number 1 is the greatest concern on the list.
Policy A: Natural Resource Conservation Policy
1. Wetlands
The protection of wetlands is essential in order to preserve water quality,
stabilize stormwater runoff, recharge groundwater and provide fish and
wildlife habitat. The highest priority is for the preservation of wetlands in
their natural state. While the actual boundaries and the significance of
specific wetland areas must be determined at the time of development
review, all aspects of wetland protection should be considered in
reviewing proposed development within and in the vicinity of wetland
areas including
a. the wetland area itself,
b. the adjacent fringe or buffer area,
c. and the remainder of the watersheds which drain into and
out of the wetland area beyond the fringe or buffer area.
2. Woodlands
a. The conservation of woodlands is necessary to protect
water and soil quality, increase air quality, buffer noise
pollution, moderate local climate and storm hazards,
preserve wildlife habitats, and preserve aesthetic values
and community beauty.
b. Development which occurs in and around wooded areas
should be planned, constructed, and maintained so that
existing healthy trees and native vegetation are preserved
to the extent possible. The objective should be to preserve
native trees rather than rely on removal and subsequent
replanting. The diversity of woodland areas should be
protected to ensure long-term stability, and the variety of
species preserved.
3. Slopes
a. The existing land form should be made a part of land use
planning and design. The primary objective should be
preservation of the natural contours rather than alteration
through mass grading. Careful planning of slopes is
necessary in order to reduce erosion, maintain stability, and
control amounts and velocities of runoff.
Master plan and zoning district designations along with
special land use conditions and site plan review should be
used to minimize potential impact on natural contours.
4. Groundwater Protection and Recharge
a. Groundwater recharge areas restore water levels in
underground storage areas and supply water to lakes,
rivers and streams. Due to the reliance on individual wells,
retention and protection of groundwater resources is
important to both Rose Township and surrounding areas.
Since recharge areas extend beyond Rose Township
boundaries, County and regional cooperation will be
needed to effectively manage a resource.
b. Recharge areas are best kept as open space, or low density
uses, to retain as much of the permeable surface as
possible. Land grading should be controlled to retain the
water holding characteristics of the land. Vegetation
essential to the water holding characteristics should be
preserved, or where necessary enhanced as part of a
development program.
c. Recharge areas should be protected from pollution by
controlling all uses which discharge wastes into the
hydrogeologic cycle. Especially critical for monitoring are
uses which handle hazardous materials which might leak or
5. Drainage
a. Protection of slopes, woodlands, and wetlands within the
watershed and proper management of land use and
development are essential to maintaining the quantity and
quality of storm drainage.
b. Natural vegetation and topographical features along stream
corridors and waterways should be preserved. Uses
should be restricted to those which offer no danger of
topographical disturbance to the corridor, degradation of
water quality, increased runoff, sedimentation, or stream
channel alteration.
c. Surface water runoff should not exceed the rate which
occurs under existing, undeveloped conditions. Control of
C.-nester W. Koop
(810) 750-5232
Alison K. KaIcec
(248) 634-8701
Susan J. Slaughter
(248) 634-7291
Clarence Gordon,
Alfred E. Lopez
upon the recommendation of the 0
Board of Commissioners established a.
Program to assist Oakland County cities
clean water and storm water needs,and
WHEREAS; xe'eptive, the Oakland County
:onrifiental Infrastructure Fund • 'V V 101ages and townships in addressing
‘9:9 wfidityp viW„9,r&
&AZ/a await,
a ilied#an,
WHEREAS; Oakland County's EnylOnmental Infrastrii' ail. re Fund Program authorizes
Oakland CountY/?Cities, villages and townships'tfi\apply for reimbursement of Ai... . eligible expenses incurred connection with envvonmental remediation or / , . , improvements relating. to grgund and/or surface water-';, Water supply, sewer and/or
drainage Ostems.40/ist ‘Wiger pollution ,control efforts incurred as part of a city, = village, 44 township road p roject and;',,,, ,
.1 f WHEREAS; the ToWnship oltai 4 , := .41 connection with *Wire! . kf ,4 be elile for relit% . i Infr a s tr 4 t u r e Fund Program; • i i 4A:Ak -
Michigan has incurred expenses in .1. ox.idiiprovemlprit projects believed to
Oakland Cétinty's Environmental
and dirécts its Townshi
manner a'ricl to the =kilt
Miscellan- eous Reskiitio
environmelâtalc rem
County's 4iiyirpnme
4 1
township Boafdiof Trustees authorizes , , .
.ant for the Township of Rose, in the
0* Oakland Count i Board of Commission
request renpbursement of eligible
project /expenses under Oakland
1, Alison Kalcec,.th6 duly elected Clerk of Rose
Toship,„.okandunty, Michigan, do hereby
..certify,.thakrhe above 'is a true copy of a resolution
madelitn.4 -.41..opitd by the Rose Twp. Board of
Trustetsat it.i*gular meeting held on November 10,
1$04.4zat which time a quorum was present.
Rose Township Hall, 204 Franklin Street, Holly, Michigan 48442
Rose Township Board of Trustees Regular Meeting November 10, 1999
Ms. Slaughter indicated that there is a formula that is applied.
The public hearing was closed at 7:06 P.M.
Pending Litigation Progress Report — Township Attorney
Parvin Lee indicated the Country Homes case has been resolved in favor of the township in the
Court of Appeals. In the nuisance case on Oakhurst Road the owner of the property is trying to
get use of the track for him and they are still negotiating restoration of the property. Promise
Village will go to Federal Court in Detroit on January 6, 2000.
Oakland County — Request for Fiber Optic Telecommunications Network
Parvin Lee stated that Oakland County has not completed the contract for review.
Hardware Maintenance Agreement for Optech Voting Machines
Moved by Kalcec, seconded by Slaughter, motion carried, to remove this item from the table.
Moved by Slaughter, seconded by Gordon, motion carried, to authorize Mrs. Kalcec to sign the
hardware maintenance agreement for the optical scan voting equipment covering the period from
1/1/2000 to 12/31/2000.
Voting yes — Gordon, Slaughter, Koop, Kalcec, Lopez.
Voting no — None.
Parks and Recreation Committee Report - No report.
Zoning Administrator Job Description — Discussion and Review
Moved by Kalcec, seconded by Lopez, motion carried, to adopt the job description for zoning
administrator with a change to indicate that this person may 4t;t1 -W4ii*Adp of Township
Board serve as the township's Ordinance Enforcement Officer.
Environmental Infrastructure Fund Project — Discussion
Moved by Kalcec, seconded by Lopez, motion carried, to remove this item from the table.
Moved by Kalcec, seconded by Slaughter, motion carried, to adopt a resolution authorizing
Environmental Infrastructure Fund Program expense reimbursement in connection with
environmental remediation or improvement projects.
Voting yes — Koop, Lopez, Kalcec, Gordon, Slaughter.
Voting no — None.
Resolution #00080 April 6, 2000
The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There
were no objections.
FISCAL NOTE (M.R. #00080) May 4, 2000
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed
the above reference resolution and finds that $20,555.25 is available in the
Environmental Infrastructure Fund to reimburse Rose Township for this project,
no additional appropriation is required.
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Friedman-Appel and Douglas
L. Brooks Patterson.
51/ diP2)
Fah/Cable Date
Resolution #00080 May 4, 2000
Moved by Dingelday supported by Coleman the resolutions on the Consent
Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted).
AYES: Appel, Buckley, Causey-Mitchell, Colasanti, Coleman, Dingelday,
Douglas, Galloway, Garfield, Gregory, Jensen, Law, McCulloch, McPherson,
Melton, Millard, Moffitt, Obrecht, Palmer, Patterson, Schmid, Sever, Suarez,
Taub, Amos. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolutions on the
Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports accepted).
I, G. William Caddell, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the
foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the
Oakland County Board of Commissioners on May 4, 2000 with the original record
thereof now remaining in my office.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the
County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 4th day of May, 2000.