HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2001.04.05 - 26286PUBLIC IC SE VICES COMMITTEE r MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #01,101 April 5, 2001 BY: PUBLIC SERVICES, DAVID MOFFITT, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT (JAIBG) AGREEMENT MODIFICATION TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Michigan Family Independence Agency, Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) Ad Hoc Committee, determined at their meeting on January 25, 2001 that surplus funding could be offered to all current JAIBG grantees in the form of a one time amendment to their current Fiscal Year 2000 grant; and WHEREAS the committee also determined that an extension of the grant end date to August 31, 2001 was necessary; and WHEREAS the Michigan Family Independence Agency awarded Oakland County a one time amendment totaling $305,364 of which $274,828 is from the State and the balance of $30,536 is the County's match; and WHEREAS the one time amendment provides funding for the expansion of the Children's Village renovation project, addition of Information Technology information sharing capacity for Children's Village and the expansion of the InStep program's capital renovation and transportation needs; and WHEREAS acceptance of this contract does not obligate the County to any future commitment; and WHEREAS the contract has been approved by the County Executive's Contract Review Process. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) one time amendment in the amount of $305,364 which includes $274,828 from the State and $30,536 as the required County match for the period of June 1, 2000 through August 31, 2001. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that future level of service, including personnel, is contingent upon the level of funding available from the State for this program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Beard of Commissioners is authorized to execute the contract agreement and to approve amendments and extensions up to fifteen (15%) percent variance from the award, consistent with the original agreement as approved. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Public Services Committee Vote: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Causey-Mitchell absent. Oakland County Grant Application. Summary Report Requesting Department/Program/Agency Circuit Court/Family Division Title of Grant Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) Grantor Agency Family Independence Agency — Office of Juvenile Justice Title of Grant Funded Program JAIBG Amendment Grant Notification 2105101 Submission/Acceptance r ASAP Date Deadline Grant beine submitted is: New • Renewal • Modified • Is a County match required: Yes • No • Is match in your current budget: Yes • No Will the requested County match Yes 111 No • require an additional appropriation: This will be the second year of grant funding for this program. Is this program projected to extend beyond the current grant funding period? Yes The maximum number of years for which this grant is available: One Briefly, describe any program and/or personnel changes since the most recent grant accepta GRANT SUMMARY PRIOR YEAR AMT GRANT REQUEST GENERAL INFORMATION Grant funding period 06/00 - 08/01 (provide mm/yy - mm/yy) Total amount ($$) of grant $305,364 REVENUE / MATCH REQUIREMENTS Federal match 0 State match 0 Local or agency match $30,536 PERSONNEL Number of grant funded positions 0 (list classes, ex. 3 clerks) Grant funded personnel costs 0 Grant funded fringe benefits - 0 EXPENDITURES Grant funded program costs $305,364 County match requirements $30,536 Please attach: Program Summary; Approvals from Fiscal Services, Corporation Counsel and Personnel (if required) Attachment 14' FAMILY INDEPENDENCE AGENCY 0.FFICE OF JUVENILE JUSTICE JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT UNIT GRANT AMENDMENT REQUEST COMPLETE FOR ALL AMENDMENTS 1. JAEBG Grant Number 2. OCRS Grant Number 3. Grant Amount 63040 1C99 JAIBG-00-63001 $508,531 Fed Share 4. County 5. Federal I.D. Number 6. Method of Payment — Actual Cost Oakland 38-6004876 X 7. Index Code 8. Program Cost Account Number 9. Amendment Number . 65250 47702 #1 10. Grantee Request Date County of Oakland 3/14/2001 _ 11. Address , 1200 N. Telegraph Road — EOB, Pontiac, MI 48341-0403 12. Contact Person Phone Number Grant Period Jeffrey Pardee 2481975.4296 To 8/31/2001 13. NATURE OF THE REQUESTED ADJUSTMENT. CHECK ALL BOXES WHICH APPLY. a..si Time Extension d.l 1 Personnel Change b. *Funding Increase/Decrease e: l J Address Change c. In Program Modification f. ( I Line Item/Purpose Area Adjustment COMPLETE FOR TIME EXTENSIONS/FUNDING AMENDMENTS AS APPLICABLE 15. Time Extension (adjustment a) The beginning date of the grant agreement is 6/1/2000 The ending date of the grant agreement shall be changed from 5/31/2001 (all sources) to 8/31/2001 16. Funding Increase/Decrease —Line Item and/or Purpose Area Transfer Requests (adjustments b & f) , The maximum dollar amount of the grant agreement shall be in creased by $ 274,828 from $ 508,531 to $ 783,359 . You must complete the attached Line Item Transfer Request. — COMPLETE FOR OTHER AMENDMENTS WHICH YOU ARE REQUESTING (ad] a, c & d) 17. Please detail the rational for all specific changes that you wish to ,make, citing the original language in the grant application and providing the new wording which will replace the original language. You may accomplish this by labeling and dating copies of both the old and the new language and attaching both as necessary. (Attach additional pages as necessary. a. Oakland County is requesting a time extension for all programs for the purpose of completing additional program activities required by the increase in line item funding. c. Oakland County is requesting three program modifications: 1) expansion of the Children's Village renovation project, 2) addition of IT information sharing capacity for Children's Village, and 3) expansion of.the InStep>program's capital renovation and transportation needs. Page 1 Meals Cost per Mile I Lodging Purpose of Travel Amount .TCVENTLE ACCOUNTABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT (JA13t) BUDGET DETAIL & SUIVLVIARY 1. BUDGET DETAIL FOR ALL PROGRAMS (the Whole Dollars Only) A. PERSONNEL (Salary and Wages) Name and Position Title 0 Hourly or Daily Hours or Days Amount Salary Rate Devoted Teen Court - Coordinator Position; Grade 9 1 ME $40,342_, 'InStep - Coorriirt=tor Position; Grade 12 - 1 PIE 551,725 InStep - Case Manage.r PINE 520,301 LnStep - Typist 1 ITS $25,707 Salaries & Wages • $139,075 , Total B. FRINGE BENEFITS . Description and Calculation Method Amount Teen Court - Coordinator Position; Grade 9 S$16,987 InSten - Coordinator Position; Grade 12 521,538 InStep.- Case Manager $1,889 InStep - Typist $11,120 Fringe Benefits $51,534 Total C. TRAVEL None Total Travel EOUIPMENT _ •' Item Quantity • Purchase Price Monthly Lease Amount (if applicable) ... None InStep — Van I One/I5 oersor 27,000 _ $27 am Children's Village - IT Info Sharja $163,864p Total Equipment I $190,864 I Issued 2/99 JAIBG BUDGET, D.ETA SUNENIARY E. SUPIII.TES ft= I Explanation Unit Price Amount Teen Court Printing/Postage 54,271 InS tap Printing S2, 025 , [ Total Supply Expenses $6,2961 F. CONSTRUCTION Purpose : Description of work . Amount InStep Fragrant r Facilities Rehabilitation S Village Bo.ilcii -rig Security Rph 1.-,i...11 ta.tion - Children ' $7,000 $211_, 000 _ Total - Construction 1 $218,000 G. CONSULTANTS/CONTRACTUAL SERVICES .. . Name/Affiliation Hourly or Daily Hours or Days Amount Rate Devoted _ STAR!!! Program. - Af ter Care Program Services Dm . $157, 022 - •, STRIDZ Program - Program Services 50 Weeks 1 5101, 449 _ _ , Total Consultant/Connractual 1 $258, 471 Services . .. H. OTHER COSTS Description 1 Computation Amount InSreo - Commun.loations Four Telephones $3,595 Teen. Court Telephones, Compute_r $2,563 _ Total Other Costs $6,158 _ Issued 2199 Attachment . . LINE ITEM TRANSFER. REQUEST FAMILY INDEPENDENCE AGENCY JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK G Line Item Latest Approved Increase Decrease ** New Approved Line Item Total Budget Total Budget Personnel 139,075 139,075 Fringe Benefits 51,534 51,534 -0- - Travel -0 -0- 190,864 190,864 Equipment _ Supplies 6,296 6,296 - _ Construction 103,500 114,500 218,000 - _ Consultant/Contractual 258,471 258,471 Other Costs 6,158 6,158 ' , TOTAL 565,034 305,364 870,398 - ** New approved Line Item Total Budget Joust include 10% match LINE ITEM TRANSFER REQUEST BY PURPOSE AREA (45%) Note: Any change in a program purpose area item must result in at least 35% of the total grant money being spent in areas 1,2, and 10 and 45% of the total grant money being spent in areas 3-9. ** New approved Total Purpose Area budget amount must include the 10% match increase or decrease Purpose Area Latest Approved Increase Decrease **New Approved Purpose Total Budget Area Total Budget 3. Hiring of judges, probation officers, and defenders and pretrial services 4. Hiring of prosecutors 5. Funding of prosecutor-led drug, gang, and violence programs 6. Provision of technology, equipment, and training programs for prosecutors 7. Probation programs 295,922 27.000 322.922 8. Gun courts 9. Drug courts , TOTAL 295,922 27,000 322,922 • LINE ITEM TRANSFER REQUEST BY PURPOSE AREA (35%) Note: Any change in a program purpose area item must result in at least 35% of the total grant money being spent in areas 1,2, and 10 and 45% of the total grant money being spent in areas 3-9. ** New approved Total Purpose Area budget amount must include the 10% match increase or decrease Purpose Area Latest Approved - Increase Decrease , **New Approved Purpose Total Budget Area Total Budget _ 1. Construction of juvenile detention or correctional facilities, including training 103,500 114,500 S 218,000 of • ersonnel 2. Accountabiliv-based sanctions programs • • 2 165,612 _ 10. Information sharing system -0--: 163,864 1,63-,464 269,112 TOTAL 278,364 547 47. Page 4 Attachment f LINE ITEM TRANSFER REQUEST BY PURPOSE AREA Note: Any change in a program purpose area item must result in at least 35% of the total grant money being spent in areas 1,2, and 10 and 45% of the total grant money being spent in areas 3-9.. ** New approved Total Purpose Area budget amount must include the 10% match increase or decrease Purpose Area Latest Approved Increase Decrease **New Approved Total Budget Purpose Area Total , Budget 11. Accountability-based programs designed to protect students and school personnel from drug, gang, and youth violence 12. Implementing a policy of controlled substance testing for appropriate categories ofjuveniles within the juvenile justice system • — . Program Administrative Costs (Up to 10% of the total gam award) . TOTAL —0— _ _ Line Item/Purpose Area Increase(s): State why line item(s)/purpose area(s) being increased must have additional funding. Be specific as to what cost items are affected, whether a cost item is being changed or added to the budget, etc. The line items being increased are due to the State surplus of funding offered to Oakland County. The cost items are being added to the existing approve budget, and are for capital and renovation elements only. No change in personnel line items are requested. Line Item/Purpose Area Decrease(s): State why line item(s)/purpose area(s) being decreased will be underspent from projected levels. Be specific as to what cost items are affected, whether a cost item is being changes or deleted, etc. .. _ Impact: What impact will this change have on program performance? How will the program be affected if this line item/purpose area transfer is not approved? The impact of the additional line item funding will increase Oakland County's ability to promote greater accountability in the juvenile justice system. — Approval: Enter Grant Administrator's signature and, title / Jeffrey Pardee, Director N L40152 Oakland County Department of Budget Pace 5 , . • 1 FY 2000 JAIBG Budget - Additional Funding Amendment As Of 2/2712001 1 BY LINE ITEM' 1 Program ILine Item Additional Funds Total Local @ 10% Federal @ 90% Personnel Fringe Benefits Equipment Instep Van for InStep $ 27,000 $ 2,700 $ 24,300 Children Village IT Information Sharing $ 163,864 $ 16,386 $ 147,478 Supplies Construction InStep Facilities Rehab Windows I $ 3,500 $ 350 $ 3,150 Children Village Security Rehab _$ 111,000 $ 11,100 $ 99,900 Contractual Services Other Cost Total 30 Target 274,828 Initial Revision #One I I Extension Other * X Final X No PERSONNEL DEPT: 17 Approved Disapproved * I I Modify * Date: RISK MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY: Signature / - • - 30/17/ ty 3 ( 0 Signature: Signature: CONTRACT/PROGRAM REVIEW REQUEST Date: To: From: 16 March 2001 Review Distribution Greg Givens, Fiscal Services Title/Subject: FY 2000 Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant — Amendment #1 File # Department: DM&B — Fiscal Services Contact Person: Greg Givens/Jeff Pardee Telephone #: 84057 STATUS: (Check appropriate box) * If "other" is checked, please explain: Is Board Resolution required? Yes — Resolution # Pending Date: X Approved MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET: Approved Disapproved * CORPORATION COUNSEL: Approved I I Disapproved * CONTRACT/PROGRAM SYNOPSIS: Disapproved * Modify * Date: Modify * Date: Modify * Date: Amendment is to capture additional JAIBG funding. Funding is for capital projects identified generally as 1) $111,000 for Children's Village renovation, 2) $ 3,500 for InStep capital renovation for new windows, 3) $27,000 for 1nStep transportation, and 4) $163,864 being spent for identified IT needs at Children's Village. * When "Disapproved" is noted or "Modify" is requested, attach explanation. Honorable Patricia D. Gardner, Chair Kent County Probate Court Robert Ennis, Ennis Center for Children David G. Gummi OaldAnd County Prosecutor Dr. Jerome Gallagher Project Sentry Larry D. Meaner, Director, Office ofJuvenile Justice, Fawn), Independence Agency Sheriff Dan Lane St. Clair County Sheriff's Department STATE OF MICHIGAN ' FAMILY INDEPENDENCE AGENCY Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Ad Hoc Committee Grand Tower, Ste., 404, P.O. Box 30037, Lansing, MI 48909 JOHN ENGLER, Governor DOUGLAS E. HOWARD, Director Date: March 13, 2001 Mr. Greg Givens County of Oakland 1200 North Telegraph Road Executive Office Building Pontiac, Michigan 48341-0403 Dear: Mr. Givens: Re: Grant Amendment Request Enclosed you will find two original copies of the grant amendment. Please have the appropriate authorized representative sign both original grant amendments and return by March 23, 2001. The two original copies of the grant amendment should be returned to my attention: Family Independence Agency JAIBG Unit 235 S. Grand Avenue, Ste. 404 Lansing, MI 48909 Once the FIA Director or Designee has signed the grant amendment, copies will be provided to you as the contact person and to the fiscal agent. Sincerely, Ronell Lawrence Young JAEBG Program Manager Grant Number: JA1BG-00-63001 County: Oakland Index Code: 65250 Program Cost Account (PCA): 47702 Agency Object Code: 6320 Commodity Code: 95268 Method of Payment: Actual Cost Mail Code: 001 STATE OF MICHIGAN FAMILY INDEPENDENCE AGENCY AMENDMENT # 1 WHEREAS, the Family Independence Agency of the State of Michigan (hereinafter referred to as the "Agency") entered into a contractual Agreement effective June 1, 2000, with the County of Oakland, having a mailing address of 1200 North Telegraph Road — E0B, Pontiac, Michigan 48341-0403, (hereinafter referred to as the "Grantee"), for the provision of certain services as set forth therein; and, WHEREAS, it is mutually desirable to the Agency and to the Grantee to amend the aforesaid Agreement. THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants hereinabove and hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree to the following amendment of said Agreement. ARTICLE I The beginning date of the grant agreement is June 1, 2000. The ending date of the grant agreement shall be changed from May 31, 2001 to August 31, 2001. The line item budget shall be changed as follows: Equipment shall be increased by $ 190,864 from $ 0 to $ 190,864; Construction shall be increased by $ 114,500 from $ 103, 500 to 218,000. The purpose area budget shall be changed as follows Purpose Area 7 shall be increased by $ 27,000 from $ 295,922 to $ 322,922; Purpose Area 1 shall be increased by $ 114,500 from $ 103,500 to $ 218,000. Purpose Area 10 shall be increased by $ 163,864 from $ 0 to $ 163,864.The total dollar amount of the grant should increase by $ 274, 828 from $ 508,531 to $ 783,359. This Amendment shall be attached to the Agreement and is effective the date of signature by the agency Director or Designee. Said Agreement being hereby reaffirmed and made a part hereof. Dated at Pontiac, Michigan County of Oaldand (City) (Grantee Name) this day of ,2001 Authorized Representative: (Signature) Witnessed By: (Signature) Dated at Lansing, Michigan FAMILY INDEPENDENCE AGENCY This day of ,2001 By: Director or Designee Witness: Oak1and.Amendma.0 I FY2001 Contingency ($ 30,536) Trans. To Juv. Mt. 27,486 Grant Match 3,050 0 Trans. From Gen. Fund $ 27,486 Grant Match Grants-State Grant Match Grants-State Grant Match Misc. Capital Outlay Construction Info Tech Development Construction $ 27,486 0 $ 27,450 $ 3,050 $247,378 $ 27,486 $305,364 $ 27,000 $ 3,500 $163,864 $111,000 $305,364 0 FISCAL NOTE #01101 April 5, 2001 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, SUE ANN DOUGLAS, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: OAKLAND COUNTY JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT (JAIBG) AGREEMENT MODIFICATION TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above referenced resolution and finds: 1. The Michigan Family Independence Agency, Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) Ad Hoc Committee, determined at their meeting on January 25, 2001 that surplus funding could be offered to all current JAIBG grantees in the form of a one time amendment to their current Fiscal Year 2000 grant. The committee also determined that an extension of the grant end date to August 31, 2001 was necessary. 2. The Michigan Family Independence Agency awarded Oakland County a one-time amendment totaling $305,364 of which $274,828 is from the State and the balance of $30,536 is the County's match. 3. The one time amendment provides funding for the expansion of the Children's Village renovation project, addition of Information Technology information sharing capacity for Children's Village and the expansion of the InStep program's capital renovation and transportation needs. 4. The County Match is available from Contingency funds. 5. The Fiscal Year 2000 Adopted Budget should be amended as follows: GENERAL FUND 90-101-290000-25000-2564 90-101-310000-35000-8001 17-101-402200-10001-2872 JUVENILE MAITENANCE FUND Revenue 90-293-470000-31000-1701 Expenditures 16-293-501100-25000-2872 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 270 Revenue 17-270-305001-70500-0171 17-270-305001-70500-0167 16-270-XXXXXX-XXXXX-0171 16-270-XXXXXX-XXXXX-0167 Expenditures 17-270-305002-70500-9169 17-270-305002-70500-2556 16-270-501202-24010-6030 16-270-501202-24010-2556 FINANCE COMMITTEE ,-0 t C'CVLIA, " FINANCE COMMITTEE VOTE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. ..111.7111WMIMMMUNIMMONWAUTeei I HEREBY *F5ROV14ORFGOING RESOLUTION County Executive • Resolution #01101 April 5, 2001 Moved by Palmer supported by Buckley the resolutions cn the Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). Vote on resolutions on the Consent Agenda: AYES: Appel, Brian, Buckley, Causey-Mitchell, Crawford, Dingeldey, Douglas, Galloway, Garfield, Gregory, Law, McPherson, Melton, Millard, Moss, Obrecht, Palmer, Patterson, Sever, Suarez, Taub, Webster, Amos. (23) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolutions on the Consent Agenda were adopted, with accompanying reports being accepted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, G. William Caddell, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on April 5, 2001 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 5 th da}4,of Ail, 2001. 4- •-•7•0I/T,T G. William Caddell, County Clerk