HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.06.09 - 2633BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 9, 1980 MLLE CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON iune (DATE OF ELECTION) 3IF THE BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) OAKLAND MANUFACTURED BY 1<!1 g 4pa trt-, 1, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS • OFFICCFURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. E5398K CANVASSERS BOOK Dennis C. Eischolz Faith Lynn Harris Frank J. Gentile Richard R. May C 4'1 7 8 2 STATEMENT OF VOTES OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES FRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER : lor TOTALS SCHOOL BOARD (Vote for not more than -- - --...... INE..1.1., mri moregimai mr.ibrira, . ....a.......g.. .......amml _ r /3,4: ms assimm . ,, i NIIIMIMMIIIIIMIll t mom ....mm... lom• MN wimmuMi , almmamisimm. n•••n mall NE iiMmEminific: a ..dmr 1 .... . -___ ...... - .., - ....— - ..... MIN= I. mui.mosumm aimm it mimmitimm 0 , rimisipoir. s- oh- Elio •im in wilmilam ELI Emasirs mu liridi 1.1Amiummi rjomiNum munimpammai mi _ miimmm•m. ni •Nomm.....m. .°° Y9- g79 4471 / rfl >0 X 70 0 IONIDg8c1 DAVID W. HACKETT t's) RICHARD J. PAPPAS VERONICA SEXTON NANCY E. VANGILDER BARBARA J. WILLING JOHN J. YUMAN MARIELLEN GREENBURY J C .(1) 7-7 I I - 1 • .- I n 1 ,4,.. 1 Lw 111011111111111111111111 - 1 1111111111111.1 .nrimmmaimosor piiiv _ 1 ionommon umarimm , I , 1 II mu Elm 1 iii .::::, IL * ' 1 , u 5., L,,,, Qt ..., , awn . Ai in • inomimmin mom . .0 , mommoi , • . 1 En .1. mon : • _nit Imo .• IN immi [ 1 1 . , Hu 1 - ii im 1 MARGARET MAC TAVISH -THEODORE-DZURMAN - ROBERT FILIATRAULT < --i 71 0 0 X . 71 X — —I n 0 -111 r-rn = rn Iwo 7:1 c —1 rn vfl SiAlthitNI Ur VUin, VOUE3L.CDAY BROS, Ca„ KALAMAZ 00, MtCH. Form No. 8 q 1 OAKLAND COMMUNITY PRECINCT OR COLLEGE D I ST. i , WARD 1- TRANSFER i NUMBER 11 PROPOSITION -70 TA- L ' 1 _. li ,- YES NO YES NO 1 YES NO ti _ 11 • _ll_ Jk ri , J45- ./ H I - gow.m.mmi= ....mm6,„„amomm mom „ wammammim, , , , NE M= „. .„ , . , , , mum imi m • so .... • ,, mimilim , , =Immo..__ 11 , .1. in , ila , , , _____ , ..._ , imi. ,,. , , , immim i , _________,_ _..„ [1 ,iii , 1m ____, . , _ • _ _,.. ,, Imo __ , 1 , . m ,, _ , STATEMENT OF VOTES, PTT:. L C_ NO YES NO YES YES - , ( PRECtNCT OR WARD NUMBE TZL-3 r-fi 45.97, ;11 • • STA,. 31 VOTES Ern° 11 ne rntt4 The whole nujr of votes , r the offic of iq-,--riT,7,€,€:€€Itt *f for a Four Yttar term was and they were e;iveri for the collowing named periens: VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN TW F . PERSONS RECENING THE VOTES F;:.j.k..ff.,IFK 7iF• VOTES vorrrEN IN WORD 1. DENNIS C. ELSCHOLZ , nr - €-----4-------,.._ €‘1‘.--Ar..--1€ €7, _ — ,...._,.=.-...-----, t, - 2. FAITH LYNN HARRIS .. _,,: , ,a.. ' , 3. r FRANK J . GENT _ 4. R I CHARD R . MAY —F I ---- -€fl- 11 1 . . . 8. 1 . .. 1 a TOTAL The whole rii,p-rber or votes g'ven for the office. of Me.47 ! a Three Year term I I was 11 I i, — €€,- g i-rrel liow:r1s€ .. 011.5• 1 THE VOTT. ' TES WiliT-FEN IN WC-ADS L. 1 , _ 2. , 3. 4. ..___.€ 1 1.._. 5 L TOTAL. The whok number of votes given for the office of Mergibra7 e f 1 for a Two Year term was € and they were given for the followin g na me – €, , NO THE VOTES OF V Tr:S V.:?:7::TT7-: 7 '.:-?.',RDS 1. ._ _.. 2. . --1 4, 5. TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of ,r-.- n for a One Year term was am, ,,,,,, wer€,:€,€ for the I: - gc -.,7.pc:q.sc.ns: THE VOTES .,11.,.,..;N::,9: n, -5 • I.IRITT IN N WORDS 1. _ -- 2 ` 3. .._ L. 4. € € ,5 TOTAL I € 1 of which votes were marked YES and \k_c- _ , was of which. number votes were marked YES 1 OTAL VOTES STATEMENT OF VOTES — PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS TAX RATE LIMITATION INCREASE PROPOSIT ON FOR OPERATING The whole number of votes for and against the PURPOSES FOR 1980 and 1981 Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in Brand School Dist. in the Counties of Oakland and Lapeer, MI,, be Tncreasedby2rnills ($2.00 on each $1„000.) on state equalized valuation for a period of 2 yea s 1980 and l981 for the purpose 1 of providing additional funds for operating purposes? 1 I was 7-D C.P/1,-: , ,. .6-i--,,,---,-, \---4--f2-- - - ---ci 't'', L''---,- ----=., --, \---- ---,--. i - , , of which number ----::- -,..- ce-4 , ,,.. ::, , -----LA ,--r-'7 ,--....-- votes were marked YES and 0---,, , i (:: '-, votes were marked NO _ , TOTAL VOTES , ADDITIONAL MIL AGE PROPOSITION FOR 1981 ONLY The whole number of votes for and a gainst the Shall the limi tation on the amoura of taKes__ wh i ch may 'assessed against all property in Brandon School District in the Counties of Oakland and Lapeer, 1Michigan, be increased by 2 mills ($2.00 on each $1,000) on state equalized valuation for the , _year 1981, for the purpose of providing additional funds for operating_purp (this being a_ separate proposal Jn addition to the increase submitted in Proposition I at—thi_s_ and is to be effective only for the year TO? was c' votes were marked NO The whole number of votes for and against the TOTAL VOTES CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATIOA STATE OF MICHIGAN } ss. COUNTY OF OAKLAND , We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for the County of __OAKUM!) from an examination of the Election Returns of ____BR_A_N_DON SCHOOI DISTRICT : received by said Board of Canvassers, LEGAL NAME 07 SCHOOL OLSTR1CT determine that at the ------A-WW-A-I----- election bold on 6/9/80 i ,that the persons listed below were duty ..,.,,,,,,, OH 0050 AL nATE OF E0E00I05 elected as members of the Board of Education of the said School District for the terms of office set opposite their name or names Nornes of persons elected for a four Year lerm expiring _....,_, r--.. . .. - 1984 Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring _ Names of persons elected for a two : year term expiring 1 : : i Names of persons elected for a one year term expring I Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the following Propositions or Questions were passed Or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PRopoVTION TAX LIMITATION INCREASE '--R-e-ren'm—rOt---- axing Not „ , , Sufficient votes was PROPOS IT ION FOR OPERATING -o Not Kecei4O Defeated PURPOSES FOR 1980 and 1981 2 NAME OF PROPOSITION ADDITIONAL MILLAGE PROPOSITION . -ftsTqd-- Having . Sufficient votes was FOR 1981 ONLY ' Not Recek.7e Defeated 3. NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Passed Having Not Received Sufficient votes was Defeated . NAME OF PROPOSITION Received , " Passed Having . Sufficient votes was Not ReceNecl Defeated : : : In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal c3f the County of OAKLAND : this . _dayoL JUNE_ 19_13.0._. -47.5.7 ,- .- --A.,.....-Q_-_,,-___ - A ,:.-:,:q.- •=-._.-,-, ..i--- ' CHAIRMAN Att0t; - BOARD OF c.-----;.: CANVASSERS ,---- . . .)::.,n.. ,...' .'D OF CANVASSERS C 17::5 r--3. 1,--,__C , 7.-",,,_