HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2001.05.24 - 26541MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #01143 May 24, 2001 BY: General Government Committee - William R. Patterson, Chairperson IN RE: CENTRAL SERVICES - OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - ACCEPTANCE OF FEMA SNOW EMERGENCY GRANT TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the County of Oakland received damage during a snow fall incident of December 11, 2000, through December 31, 2000, with a record or near record snow fall and took such actions as necessary to save lives, protect public health and safety and protect improved property; and WHEREAS it was determined that it was beyond both State and local capabilities to adequately respond and numerous counties in Michigan including Oakland received a Presidential Disaster Declaration (#3160) for public assistance during the period of 48 hours beginning December 12, 2000; and WHEREAS Oakland County International Airport received an award of $23,823.20 with a 25% County match already expended by the Airport during the record event. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves and accepts the Oakland County International Airport public assistance funding as awarded in the amount of $23,823.20 For FEMA-3160- EM-125-UV1HJ declaration dated March 15, 2001. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Webster and McPherson absent. S.TEMA/M- itopereleS. cl5GAL. sa '67-•€/6/4 ,..sHau. 4-v/4770AI r. 0 Final )4-1 r-i Initial Revision # I I Extension Other * Date: Is Board Resolution required? Yes - Resolution # ,9071,0/ Disapproved * Modify * Date: Signat PERSONNEL DEPT: Approved Approved Disapproved * Modify * Date: Signature: LI / 17/71 Approved Disapproved * Uj Modify * Date: Modify * Date: Signature: Signature: MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET: CORPORATION COUNSEL: Approved Disapproved * CONTRACT/PROGRAM SYNOPSIS: CONTRACT/PROGRAM REVIEW REQUEST Date: HAY I, 02.00 / To: From: Title/Subject: File # Contact Person: DEPAArfresAir or CEnteneAt ,SE•eaek-5- OAkLAitio dot/Airy/ türCRA/Ar/oA/4z AccepriaAidg of rEHI1 -5NgnA/ twerReteivey AefulT Department: 36-0.0e-dir%frVidf M94) Telephone #: C.46,- 3900 44.12AAlos*LA.109. 51-1,0 Li— STATUS: (Check appropriate box) * If "other" is checked, please explain: RISK MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY: * When "Disapproved" is noted or "Modify' is requested, attach explanation. Risk Management & Safety — Revised 2/9E1 GATerry's Files \Word '971.Sanzica1Watershed \CONTRACT-PROGRAM REVIEW REQUEST.doc Date: To: From: Revision # Extension Final I I Other * Initial No Date: Yes - Resolution # Is Board Resolution required? RISK MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY: 14. Approved Date: S210/ Sig Modify * Disapproved * pl Approved Disapproved * CORPORATION COUNSEL: Approved 1 Disapproved * CONTRACT/OROGRAM REVIEW REQUEST DE ot)i te. rfrfsAJT oC CE4/1VAL ...1 &A4/( 5- DA .e4A,th, eovury htireievA r/d Ame z 4 idiVd1 Title/Subject: qe4epr4A1r oF FEH,1 -UMW trileedelfreivcy 464010/r File # Department: ce-Air•toi t ..Setoecrsfrvii#7204 Contact Person:i4. RA/J00.4.1-./e, f4t I L I._ Telephone #: C.C.G- 3900 STATUS: (Check appropriate box) * If "other" is checked, please explain: [ PERSONNEL DEPT: Approved Disapproved * Modify * Date: Signature: MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET: Modify * Date: Signature: Modify * Date: Signature: CONTRACT/PROGRAM SYNOPSIS: * When "Disapproved" is noted or "Modify" is requested, attach explanation. Risk Management & Safety — Revised 2/98 G:\Terrys Files \Word '97\Sanzica\Watershed\CONTRACT-PROGRAM REVIEW REQUEST.doc State of.Michigan PUBLIC ASSISTANCE GRANT AGREEMENT FEMA-3 1 60-EM This Public Assistance Grant Agreement is hereby entered into between the Michigan Department of State Police, Emergency Management Division, hereinafter called the Grantor, and Oakland County Intl. S.W. Airports hereinafter called the Subgrantee. I. PURPOSE The President declared an emergency under the authority of The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (P.L. 93-288). The emergency was declared for certain areas of the State of Michigan, resulting from the heavy snowfall during the incident period of December 11-31, 2000. The President declared the impact of the snow of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant an emergency declaration and authorized emergency protective measures under the Public Assistance program to save lives and protect public health, safety, and property. 2. GRANT IDENTIFICATION The federal emergency declaration is designated FEMA-3160-EM. The award year is 2001. The Subgrantee identification number is 1 2 5 -UV 1 HJ. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number for the Public Assistance Grant Program is 83.544. 3. OBJECTIVE The objective of this agreement is to provide supplementary financial assistance for emergency protective measures, including snow removal, in eligible areas. No Federal assistance will be approved unless the impact to be alleviated resulted from the heavy snowfall during the incident period, except that reasonable expenses which were incurred in anticipation of and immediately preceding such event may be eligible. Emergency assistance is authorized for a period of 48 hours. Eligible costs may include force account overtime and fringe benefits, equipment costs, contractual labor and equipment rental, but not straight or regular time salaries and benefits of permanently employed personnel. Costs to permanently repair facilities are not eligible for reimbursement 4. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE GRANT AMOUNT The Federal Emergency Management Agency will determine eligibility and grant amounts. Federal assistance will be made available within the limits of funds available from Congressional appropriations for such purposes in accordance with the Stafford Act, Executive Orders 12148 and 12673, appropriate regulations found in Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), as amended, and currently applicable handbooks. Federal funds provided under the Stafford Act for Public Assistance will be limited to 75 percent of the total eligible costs. The Subgrantee is responsible for providing the required matching funds. Payment will not be made until the Grantor receives all required documentation. 5. RESPONSIBILITIES OF SUBGR:A.NTEE The Subgrantee agrees to do the following: a. Complete, sign and submit these documents to the Grantor (1) Grant Agreement (2) Designation of Applicant's Agent and Applicant Assurances (3) Audit Certification Form (4) • IRS form W-9 (5) Other documents that may be required by federal or state officials (6) P.4 Project Listing Report, certifying project expenditures and completion within the grant period SADisasternSnowEmergeney3 I 601GrantPaekageDocumems \Grant Agreement Page 1 of 3 Signature (054) March 13, 2001 Date SADISASTERN3 137 \AGREEMT.DOC Page 2 o(3 Public Assistance Grant Agreement Snow Emergency 3160-EM Between the State of Michigan and Oakland County Intl. S.W. Airports b. Provide the 25 percent matching funds from nonfederal sources. c. Comply with the requirements of the Stafford Act, applicable regulations found in 44CFR and Circulars A-110, A-102, A-87, A-21, A-122 and A-133, and all FEMA Public Assistance policies. d. Account for receipts and expenditures, maintain adequate financial records, and refund expenditures disallowed by federal or state audit. e. Apply for applicable insurance benefits covering the authorized projects. f. Repay grant funds that are duplicated by insurance proceeds or any other source of reimbursement. 8. Retain all records of work, including receipts, checks, bills, job orders, contracts, equipment usage, payroll information, and other necessary documentation that would be required for an audit for a period of three years from the date of final payment. h. Cooperate with the Federal Government in seeking recovery of funds that are expended in alleviating the damages and suffering caused by this emergency against any party or parties whose intentional acts or omissions caused or contributed to the damage or hardship for which Federal assistance is provided pursuant to the Presidential declaration of this emergency. i. Perform the required financial and compliance audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1996 and Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133, as revised, for the fiscal year when expenditures occurred. Provide the Grantor and its representatives access to the Subgrantee's records. Within 60 days of project approval, submit any appeal to the Grantor. 6. RESPONSIBILITIES OF GRANTOR In accordance with the general purposes and objectives of this agreement, the Grantor agrees to: a. Administer the Public Assistance Grant Program. b. Provide to the Subgrantee a copy of all required documents. , c. Reimburse the Subgrantee in accordance with this agreement for the Federal share of allowable expenditures based upon the signed P.4 report. 7. OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION The individual or officer signing this agreement certifies by his or her signature that he or she is authorized to sign this agreement on behalf of the responsible governing board, official, or agency. For the Subgrantee: Printed Name Title Signature Date For the Grantor: Edward G. Buikema Governor's Authorized Representative Printed Name Title 3. k. Pt I ye.! lILUU1 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY . PROJECT APPLICATION SUMMARY (P.2) b(SASTEtt #: 3160 ACKAGE NO: 10 P.A. ID: 125-UV1HJ-00 APPLICANT: OAKLAND CO. INTL., TROY., SOUTHWEST AIRPORTS PW# VSN CAT INF COST SHR PROJECTED COMPL DATE APPROVED PW AMOUNT 402 0 B N N 07/10/2001 Site Number: 1 DAMAGED FACILITY: PUBLIC DOMAIN / SREETS AND ROADS $30,542.56 FACILITY LOCATION: JURSICTION WIDE: OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; SOUTHWEST AIRPORT AND TROY AIRPORT SCOPE OF WORK: THE APPLICANT TOOK SUCH ACTIONS AS NECESSARY TO SAVE LIVES, PROTECT PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY, AND PROTECT IMPROVED PROPERTY, THEIR MOST CRITICAL NEEDS BEGAN AT 0001 AM ON 12112 /2000 AND EXTENDED FOR AN ELIGIBLE PERIOD OF 48 CONSECUTIVE HOURS TO 12/14/2000. ELIGIBLE COSTS UNDER THIS • SNOW EMERGENCY DECLARATION ARE LIMITED TO THE AFOREMENTIONED 48 HOURS OF FORCE ACCOUNT OVERTIME LABOR WITH BENEFITS, TEMPORARY LABOR WITH BENEFITS, FORCE ACCOUNT EQUIPMENT HOURS, ELIGIBLE MATERIALS USED, RENTAL EQUIPMENT, AND REASONABLE CONTRACT COSTS. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION WAS REVIEWED, FOUND TO BE COMPLETE, ACCURATE, AND HAS BEEN VALIDATED AS REQUIRED. 1 PW $ AMOUNT ELIGIBLE $ FEDERAL SHARE PWs: $30,542.56 $22,906.92 SUBGRANTEE ADMIN EXP: $916.28 $916.28 TOTAL: $31,458.84 $23,823.20 GRAND TOTAL: 1 PW APPROVED BY: $ AMOUNT ELIGIBLE $ FEDERAL SHARE PWs: $30,542.56 $22,906.92 SUBGRANTEE ADMIN EXP: $916.28 $916.28 • TOTAL: $31,458.84 $23,823.20 GRANTEE ADMIN EXP.: $238.23 KENNETH HUGHES PUBLIC ASSISTANCE OFFICER DATE: 2/15/01 21:45:08 Page 1 of 1 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY PROJECT APPLICATION SUMMARY (P.2) DISASTER #: 3160 s-Irs VL/ 10/ZUU1 PACKAGE NO: 10 PA ID: 125-UV1HJ-00 APPLICANT: OAKLAND CO. INTL., TROY., SOUTHWEST AIRPORTS PW# VSN CAT INF COST SHR PROJECTED COMPL DATE APPROVED PW AMOUNT 402 0 B N N 07/10/2001 Site Number: 1 DAMAGED FACILITY: PUBLIC DOMAIN / SREETS AND ROADS $30,542.56 FACILITY LOCATION: JURSICTION WIDE: OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; SOUTHWEST AIRPORT AND TROY AIRPORT SCOPE OF WORK: THE APPLICANT TOOK SUCH ACTIONS AS NECESSARY TO SAVE LIVES, PROTECT PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY, AND PROTECT IMPROVED PROPERTY, THEIR MOST CRITICAL NEEDS BEGAN AT 0001 AM ON 12112/2000 AND EXTENDED FOR AN ELIGIBLE PERIOD OF 48 CONSECUTIVE HOURS TO 12114/2000. ELIGIBLE COSTS UNDER THIS SNOW EMERGENCY DECLARATION ARE LIMITED TO THE AFOREMENTIONED 48 HOURS OF FORCE ACCOUNT OVERTIME LABOR WITH BENEFITS, TEMPORARY LABOR WITH BENEFITS, FORCE ACCOUNT EQUIPMENT HOURS, ELIGIBLE MATERIALS USED, RENTAL EQUIPMENT, AND REASONABLE CONTRACT COSTS. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION WAS REVIEWED, FOUND TO BE COMPLETE, ACCURATE, AND HAS BEEN VALIDATED AS REQUIRED. 1 pW $ AMOUNT ELIGIBLE $ FEDERAL SHARE PWs: $30,542.56 $22,906.92 SUBGRANTEE ADMIN EXP: $916.28 $916.28 TOTAL: $31,458.84 $23,823.20 • •: Page 9 of 19 $30,542.56 $916.28 $31,458.84 Total for 1 PW Subgrantee Admin: Grand Total: DATE: SIGNED: DATE: APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE uate: VIZUU1 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Project Completion and Certi: ion Report (P.4)' Disaster #:3160 P.A. ID: 125-UV1HJ-00 Applicant: OAKLAND CO. INTL., TROY., SOUTHWEST AIRPORTS PW# VSN PKG# INF Cat Work Projected Approved PW % Compl. Actual Date Amt. Claimed Done By Comp!. Date Amt. at Insp. Completed by Applicant 402 0 10 N B 07/10/2001 $30,542.56 100% SITE NUMBER: 1 FACILITY NAME: PUBLIC DOMAIN / SREETS AND ROADS JURSICTION WIDE: OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; SOUTHWEST AIRPORT AND TROY AIRPORT Comments CERTIFICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF ALL WORK AND COSTS CLAIMED ARE ELIGIBLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GRANT CONDITIONS, ALL WORK CLAIMED HAS BEEN COMPLETED, AND ALL COSTS CLAIMED HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. I CERTIFY THAT ALL FUNDS WERE EXPENDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE FEMA-STATE AGREEMENT AND I RECOMMEND AN APPROVED AMOUNT OF $ AMOUNT EUG $30,542.56 BEGIN CONSTR DT END CONSTR DT DATE 02/15/2001 02/15/2001 DATA SOURCE Paper PACKAGE DATE 02/15/2001 VALIDATED 4, Yes0 No STATE RVWD•Yes() No PRIORITY Normal r-PW REVIEWER DATA I 1REVIEWER NAME INITIAL REVIEW SIMPSON,HUGH 1 FINAL REVIEW SIMPSON,HUGH MT PROP 0 Yes • No PNP QUESTIONS 0 Yes • No ATTACH 0 Yes ga No ELIGIBILITY Yes BEGIN DESIGN DT END DESIGN DT PREPARER W.VVYATT/STOVER ROLE PO STATE DATE OBLGTO 02/15/2001 PACKAGE 10 10 UOM COST QTY Op ITEM UNIT PRICE I MATERIAL AND/OR DESCRIPTION LS LS LS LS Eligible Amounts: PROJECT WORKSHEET REPORT DECLARATION NO. FEMA-MI .- EM3166 „ • . FIPS NO, 125-UV1HJ-00 APPLICANT NAME OAKLAND CO. INTL., TROY., SOUTHWEST AIRPORTS SUBDIVISION FEMA PW # 402 VSN 0 REF# PREPARED DATE 02/05/2001 REPORT DATE 02/19/2001 11:24 O INF • NON-INF O REC CATEGORY B. Protective Measures COUNTY OAKLAND FUNDING OPTION COST SHARE0.75 STD PROJECT NO. 5250 PROJECT TITLE SNOW REMOVAL (REGION V) PROJECTED CMPLTN DT 07/10/2001 ACTUAL CMPLTN DT WORK COMPLETE AS OF 12114/2000 : 100 °A Does the Scope of Work change the pre-disaster conditions at the site? Special Considerations issues included? Is there insurance coverage on this facility? Hazard Mitigation proposal included? 0 0 Yes • No Unsure O Yes •No 0 Unsure 0 Unsure 0 Yes • No O Yes • No 0 Unsure ITE NUMBER 1 ‘CILITY NAME PUBLIC DOMAIN / SREETS AND ROADS Latitude ADDRESS Longitude CITY WATERFORD STATE MI • ZIP- 48327 _ • . SITE NUMBER 1 - LOCATION JURSICTION WIDE: OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; SOUTHWEST AIRPORT AND TROY AIRPORT SITE NUMBER 1 - DAMAGE DIMENSIONS AND DESCRIPTION DURING THE DECLARD INCIDENT PERIOD OF DECEMBER 11, 2000 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2000, THE APPLICANT HAD SNOWFALL OF RECORD OR NEAR RECORD OR WERE ADJACENT TO A COUNTY THAT MET THIS CRITERIA AND HAD SNOWFALL EQUAL TO THAT ADJACENT COUNTY. IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED THAT IT ' WAS BEYOND BOTH LOCAL AND STATE CAPABILITIES TO ADEQUATELY RESPOND SITE NUMBER 1 - SCOPE OF WORK THE APPLICANT TOOK SUCH ACTIONS AS NECESSARY TO SAVE LIVES, PROTECT PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY, AND PROTECT IMPROVED PROPERTY, THEIR MOST CRITICAL NEEDS BEGAN AT 0001 AM ON 12112 /2000 AND EXTENDED FOR AN ELIGIBLE PERIOD OF 48 CONSECUTIVE HOURS TO 12/14 /2000. ELIGIBLE COSTS UNDER THIS SNOW EMERGENCY DECLARATION ARE LIMITED TO THE AFOREMENTIONED 48 HOURS OF FORCE ACCOUNT OVERTIME LABOR WITH BENEFITS, TEMPORARY LABOR WITH BENEFITS, FORCE ACCOUNT EQUIPMENT HOURS, ELIGIBLE MATERIALS USED, RENTAL EQUIPMENT, AND REASONABLE CONTRACT COSTS. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION WAS REVIEWED, FOUND TO BE COMPLETE, ACCURATE, AND HAS BEEN VALIDATED AS REQUIRED. COST ESTIMATE ; 0 903; LABORER OVERTIME 2 0 • 000e 1:70LIIPMENT 3 0 9008 MATER1AL 0 9026 CONTRACTUAL SERVICE $3,240.35 $16.848.71 $2.141.00 38,312.50 Total (this version) Total Oblig To Date Unobligated + Obligated $3.240.35 $16.848.71 S2.141.00 $8,312.50 830,542.56 $30,542.56 $30,542.56 SPECIALIST WYATT , WILLIAM PROJECT WORKSHEET REPORT DECLARATION NO. FEMA-MI - EM3160' . , . , PREPARED DATE 02105/2001 FIPS NO. 125-UV1HJ-00 REPORT DATE 02/19/2001 11:24 APPLICANT NAME OAKLAND CO. INTL., TROY., SOUTHWEST AIRPORTS 0 INF SUBDIVISION 0 NON-INF FEMA PW # 402 VSN 0 REF# 0 REC SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS i Does the damaged facility or item of work have insurance coverage and/or is it an insurable risk (e.g., 0 Yes le No Unsure buildings, equipment,vehicles,etc.)? 0 2 Is the damaged facility located within a floodplain or coastal high hazard area and/or does it have an 0 Yes No 0 Unsure impact on a floodplain or wetland? 3 Is the damaged facility or item of work located within or adjacent to a Coastal Barrier Resource System 0 yes No rTh Unsure Unit or an Otherwise Protected Area? 4 Will the proposed facility repairs/reconstruction change the pre-disaster conditions (e.g., footprint, 0 Yes 0 No 0 Unsure material, location, capacity,use or function)? • 5 Does the applicant have a hazard mitigation proposal or would the applicant like technical assistance 0 Yes ill No 0 Unsure for a hazard mitigation proposal? 6 Is the damaged facility on the National Register of Historic Places or the state historic listing? Is it older 0 Yes • No 0 Unsure than 50 years? Are there more,similar buildings near the site? 7 Are there any pristine or undisturbed areas on, or near, the project site? Are there large tracts of 0 Yes 0 No Unsure forestland? 0 8 Are there any hazardous materials at or adjacent to the damaged facility and/or item of work? 0 Yes 0 No 0 Unsure ) Are there any other environmental or controversial issues associated with the damaged facility and/or 0 Yes . No 0 Unsure item of work? 10 If you removed and stored snow during this emergency, please identify the location where it was 0 Yes No 0 Unsure placed. 11 If you removed and stored snow, please describe the storage location and its surroundings. 0 Yes No 0 Unsure PW REQUIRED REVIEWS . REVIEW ASSIGNED DATE DATE REVIEW STATUS RECOMMENDATION REVIEWER REVIEWER SUBMITTED REVIEWED Initial Complete Eligible HUGH SIMPSON hsimpson 02/14/2001 02/15/2001 Environmental Complete Eligible ROGER CAUGHMAN rcaughma 02115/2001 02/15/2001 Final Complete Eligible HUGH SIMPSON hsimpson 02/15/2001 02/15/2001 PW ASSIGNMENTS TITLE BEGIN DT • END DT PROJECT OFFICER (IS) 02114/2001 00/00/0000 GENERAL COMMENTS 02115/2001 - BASED ON INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY THE APPLICANT, THE SCOPE OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT QUALIFIES AS A STATUTORY EXCLUSION (STATEX) UNDER 44 CFR PART 10. ANY CHANGE TO THE APPLICANTS COPE OF WORK WILL REQUIRE RESUBMISSION FOR RE-EVALUATION FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE NATIONAL IVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT. NON-COMPLIANCE WITH THIS REQUIREMENT MAY JEOPARDIZE THE RECEIPT OF _ .IDERAL FUNDING. THE APPLICANT IS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL PERMITS AND HAS BEEN INFORMED OF THE POSSIBLE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES OF SNOW REMOVAL AND DUMPING. KEVIN CAUGHMAN EMD-46 (02-01) MICHIGAN STATE POLICE' EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIVISION PUBLIC ASSISTANCE GRANT ROGRAM AUDIT CERTIFICATION Federal Audit Requirements Fiscal Years Beginning After June 30, 1996 Non-federal organizations which expend $300,000 or more in federal funds during their fiscal year are required to have an audit performed in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984, as amended, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133. PAGP Subgrantees must submit a copy of their audit report to: Financial Services Section, Michigan State Police, 714 South Harrison Road, East Lansing, Michigan 48823 for each year they meet the funding threshold. Public Assistance Grant Program (PAGP) CFDA Number: 83.544 Subgrantee Information Jurisdiction Name: Street Address: City, State, Zip Code: Certification for Fiscal Year Ending (nunkld/yyyy): (Check appropriate box). I certify that the subgrantee shown above expects it will not be required to have an audit performed under the Single Audit Act of 1984, as amended, and the OMB Circulars as revised, for the Public Assistance Grant Program listed above. I certify that the subgrantee shown above expects it will be required to have an audit performed under the Single Audit Act of 1984, as amended, and the OMB Circulars as revised, during at least one fiscal year when PAGP funds are received for the PAGP Program listed above. A copy of the audit report will be submitted to: Financial Services Section, Michigan State Police, 714 South Harrison Road, East Lansing, Michigan 48823. (Signature of Subgrantee's Authorized Representative) (Date) Please mail completed form to: Attn: Public Assistance Unit . Michigan State Police Emergency Management Division P. 0. Box 30636, 4000 Collins Road Lansing, Michigan 48909-8136 For MSP-EMD Use Only Reviewed By: Date: Authority: Act 390, P. A. of 1976. as amended Completion: Voluntary, but completion necessary to be considered for assistance. FISCAL NOTE #01143 May 24, 2001 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, SUE ANN DOUGLAS, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: CENTRAL SERVICES - OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - ACCEPTANCE OF FEMA SNOW EMERGENCY GRANT TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above referenced resolution and finds: 1. The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) has awarded the Oakland County International Airport a Snow Emergency Grant in the amount of $23,823.20 for the December 2000 snow storm. 2. Because the Airport previously expended funds in this snow emergency effort, including enough to cover the 25% match, this grant will simply reimburse the Airport Fund for previous expenditures. Therefore these federal funds will be added to the Airport Fund fund balance. FINANCE COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Melton and Dingeldey absent. Resolution #01143 May 24, 2001 Moved by Palmer supported by Patterson the resolutions on the Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). AYES: Appel, Brian, Buckley, Causey-Mitchell, Coleman, Crawford, Dingeldey, Douglas, Galloway, Garfield, Gregory, Law, McPherson, Millard, Moffitt, Moss, Obrecht, Palmer, Patterson, Sever, Suarez, Taub, Webster, Amos. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefor, the resolutions on the Consent Agenda were adopted, with accompanying reports being accepted. E FOREGOING RESOLUTION Date STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, G. William Caddell, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on May 24, 2001 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 24,day ge May, 2001. G. William Caddell, County Clerk