HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2006.05.02 - 2680Board of Canvassers CLERK OF CANVASSERS ,--R:14ZAK 0 HE Vice-Chair _co Mem jyt.LA bp Mem r Member State of Michigan } 1 ss. County of Wayne } We do hereby certify that the following is a correct statement of the votes cast in the Counties of Oakland, Washtenaw, and Wayne for the office and Proposals named in such statement at the Regular Election held on the Second day of May, 2006. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and caused to be affixed the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne, this Tenth day of May,_,Two Thousand and Six. State of Michigan } } ss. County of Wayne } We do hereby certify that the following is a correct transcript of the statement of the Board of County Canvassers, County of Wayne, of the votes cast in the Counties of Oakland, Washtenaw, and Wayne for the office and Proposals named in said statement at the Annual Election held on the Second day of May, 2006, so far as it relates to the votes cast for said office, as it appears from the original statement on file in the Office of the County Clerk. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and caused to be affixed the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne, this Tenth day of May, Two,Thousand a ed#, ix. hi; 01111e.44ro_mtier !LIP VA/ CER,ANNUAL ZIC.001. ELEGT41.2001 COU CHAIR OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF CAN SERS ANNUAL ELECTION CUMULATIVE VOTE TOTALS MAY 2, 2006 Total Votes CLARENCEVILLE SCHOOLS - VOTE FOR TWO Proposal Building and Site Sinking Fund Yes 356 No 234 Kimberly Bibik* 299 Mark Garrison* 292 Brenda Uren 278 Dennis Myers FLAT ROCK COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - VOTE FOR TWO Frank Hamet* 196 Amy Carter* 173 Kimberly Marcyan 157 Karl F. Vey 156 GARDEN CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS - VOTE FOR TWO George Kordie* 815 Roy Watts* 788 Michael D. Bachko - Write-In 11 2,984 2,709 • REGULAR ELECTION CUMULATIVE VOTE TOTALS MAY 2, 2006 Total Votes GIBRALTAR SCHOOLS - VOTE FOR TWO Proposal Operating Millage Yes 446 No 200 Jennifer C. Hesson* 445 Linda Cox-Szkaly* 398 Kenneth Jacobs 197 GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOLS - VOTE FOR ONE Term Ending June 30, 2010 Brendan P. Walsh* GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOLS - VOTE FOR ONE Term Ending June 30, 2007 Fred Mintum* -2- Yes 847 No 1,031 1,234 996 REGULAR ELECTION CUMULATIVE VOTE TOTALS MAY 2,2006 Total Votes HURON SCHOOL DISTRICT - VOTE FOR TWO Tax Bond • Jack T. Richert* Richard Zavodsky* INKSTER PUBLIC SCHOOLS - VOTE FOR ONE Proposal Non-Homestead Millage Renewal Yes 505 No 147 Proposal Repair and Improvement Sinking Fund Yes 443 No 199 Sandra J. Maye* 374 John T. Rucker 238 • -3- Bond Proposal 1 Yes 7,340 No 7,609 Bond Proposal 2 Yes 6,064 No 8,598 REGULAR ELECTION CUMULATIVE VOTE TOTALS MAY 2, 2006 Total Votes LIVONIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS - VOTE FOR ONE Steve King* 4,531 Joanne Morgan 3,651 NORTHVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS - VOTE FOR TWO Ken Roth* 1,846 Karen Paciorek* 1,707 Kristin Smith 1,554 PLYMOUTH - CANTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS - VOTE FOR TWO Dianne Gonzalez* 4,581 Steven M. Sneideman* 4,278 Cheryl W. McKay 2,510 Steven M. Sneideman 2,290 -4- • REGULAR ELECTION CUMULATIVE VOTE TOTALS MAY 2, 2006 Total Votes Larry A. Martin John Nichols Mark Christenson Brandon Hynes RIVERVIEW COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT - VOTE FOR TWO Proposal Operating Millage Renewal 1,991 1,876 1,823 1,612 Yes 834 No 216 Catherine Wells* 574 Gary M. Face* 505 John M. Bruske 465 Bill A. Logan 329 SOUTHGATE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - VOTE FOR TWO Sue Murray* 553 • Kimber L. Labadie* 530 -5- Proposal Operating Millage Yes 375 No 195 • REGULAR ELECTION CUMULATIVE VOTE TOTALS MAY 2, 2006 Total Votes TAYLOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS - VOTE FOR ONE Kim J. Parrish* VAN BUREN PUBLIC SCHOOLS - VOTE FOR TWO Victor A. Hogan* David Peer* 416 1,156 1,151 WAYNE-WESTLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT - VOTE FOR ONE Frederick Weaver* 2,034 WESTWOOD COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - VOTE FOR TWO • Timothy T. Emery* Write-In 42 -6- REGULAR ELECTION CUMULATIVE VOTE TOTALS MAY 2, 2006 Total Votes WOODHAVEN-BROWNSTOWN SCHOOLS - VOTE FOR TWO Proposal Building and Sinking Site Fund Yes 582 No 247 Alvin M. Szczepaniak* 384 Jim Woolford* 332 Michelle Walters 302 Cynthia Smeldo 265 • -7- Clarenceville Schools Annual School Election May 2,2006 _ _ Millege Proposal Candidates , Building & Site Sinking Voting Statistic Fund Tax Levy Kimberly Mark Dennis Brenda Precincts Registered Total Percent Yes No Bibik Garrison Myers Llren Livonia 1A 3,413 291- 8.53% 184 104 142 150 36 144 2A 1,800 116 6.44% 64 52 59 50 21 59 AV 937 0 38 0.00% 19 18 18 12 10 19 Subtotal 5,213 445 8.54% 267 174 219 212 67 222 Redford Twp 4 383 6 1.57% 4 2 3 3 2 AV 928 0 16 0.00% 3 13 10 9 8 3 Subtotal 383 22 5.74% 7 15 13 12 10 5 Farm. Hills 27 2,483 72 2.90% 47 25 32 37 11 30 AV 30C 0 59 0.00% 35 20 35 31 15 21 Subtotal 2,483 131 5.28% 82 45 67 68 26 51 TOTAL 8,079 598 7.40% 356 234 299 292 103 278 Flat Rock Community Schools Annual School Election May 2.2006 ' Candidates Voting Statistics Amy L. Frank, Kimberly Karl F. Precincts . Registered Total Percent Carter Hamet Marcyan Vey Flat Rock 1 2,749 149 5.42% 68 81 59 66 2 2,710 202 7.45% 89 109- 86 81 J Subtotal 5,459 351 6.43% 157 190 145 147 Huron Twp. 3 36 1— 2.78%- 1 0 1 0 5 3 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 6 2 0 0.00% 0 :0 0 0 9 902 , 23- 2.55% _ 15 6 11 9 AV 910 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 943 24 2.55% _ 16 6 12 TOTAL : 6,402 375 5.86% 173 196 157 156 , Flat Rock Precinct 1 includes Ash and Berlin Twp. Voters No AVGB for Flat Rock, will be counted at the precincts Precinct 9 includes Huron Township residents in Flat Rock School District Garden City Public Schools Annual School Election May 2, 2006 Candidates Write-In Voting Statistics George Roy 7 Michael D. , Precincts Registered Total Percent Kordie Watts Bachko ,Garden City 1 2,599 25 0.96% 23 22 0 2 1,954 16 0.82% 15 14 0 3 2,482 14 0.56% 12 10 2 4 1,183 r 15 1.27% 12 . 15 0 5 _ 1,302 15 1.15% 15 12 0 2,076 _ 20 0.96% 18 15 0 7 2,073, 25 1.21% 23 20 3 8 2,795 35 1.25% 32 31 0 9 2,098 16 0.76% 14 14 1 10 1,855 17 0.92% 14 16 1 W11 360 0 0.00% 0 0 0 AV 911 0 695 0.00% 637 619 4 TOTAL 20,777 893 4.30% 815 788 11 Precinct 11 contains Westland residents only • Gibraltar Schools Annual School Election May 2. 2006 EMI OM= EMI EMI Candidates Operating =1111 Voting Statistics .111.22011.1 Linda MEM Kenneth Precincts Registered Total Percent EIRM No I Cox-Szakaly Hasson Jacobs Gibraltar 1 1,673 116 6.93% 66 42 58 63 46 .111M1111=1 1,784 109 6.11% 62 421 71 70 34 Subtotal MEM 3,457 MEM 6.51% 128 84 129 133 80 =1111 111=111=111 011.1111.111.1111111.11. Rockwood 2 1,102 67 1111MISMIIMMIIICE1 12 MIMED 43 13 EMI 3 1,463 68 4.65% 53 EWES 39 58 23 Subtotal MN= 2,565 illi 4.87% 96111111111 101 36 Woodhaven NEM MEM 60 4.25% 111111101111111E0 36 MUM 21 6 990 21 2.12% 20 0 MIMI 16 4 Subtotal MM. 2,403 81 3.37% MEW 24 49 50 25 1.11111 NMI .1111. Brownstown 6 1,844 81 4.39% 66 141 52 53 23 Townshiu 7 1,801 72 4.00% 54 131 51 49 17 6 EMI 2,672 1111MESIME3111=1111 49 38 1 45 59 16 Subtotal IMMO 6,217 240 3.86% 169 65 nom 161 56 1=11111111=11111 =MI 1 TOTAL 14,642 671 4.58% 446 200 1 396 197 =NM Brownstown Precinct 6 includes Flat Rock and Brownstown residents I • Grosse Pointe Public Schools Annual School Election May 2. 2006 MIME EMI MIME Candidates 111111111.M.IIIMMIll MM. NMI crii Term MIMI 111.1.1 Mill =ME Endin Ending IIIII 1.111=111MI 2010 2007 MEM MM. Voting Statistics Brendan P. Fred IIIIIMMINIMMIll NEM Precincts Registered Total Percent 11=311 Mintum Grosse 1 MIIIIIMEM 367 8.07% MEM 337 273 Pointe City MEM Subtotal 4,547 Mil. 7 8.07% MINIMIMII MEM 273 IMMIN 11.1.111 IGrosse Millijilli MI. MOM 1 1 193 44 3.69% 42 37 Pointe Farms IMMEMIMMI 1,866 49 2.63% EIMIN 49 40 MIEN 3 1 .667 IIIMMEMINEEMMIMI 24 23 MIN .1.11111111.1.1 IMIIIM11.1.131311 46 3.89% 42 3411111MMIII MIMI 5 1,965 MI= 2.09% MEI 41 MEM MIIIMMINIIII AV 906 0 283 0.00% Mill 62 Subtotal MEM 7.773 490 6.30% 4 2 60 111=r 17 MIN MIN IIIMIIIIMINIMIll INNIMINI11111n11111=11 Grosse 1 3,240 84 2.59% MINIMM111.1131 611...11= Pointe Park 2 MUM 2,782 105 MEM 1016 =MI IIMMIIIMIMMIN 929 19 2.05% 19 142 Mil 'MIN 4 2,499 82 3.28% 82 61 MEM AV 908 .11..1 0 453 0.00% 418 367 MEI MIME Subtotal 9,450 =WM 7.86% 701 565 MINEMINIMI INIME 36 MI inazollE= E Grosse MI= 2,693 32 32 Mil Pte. Woods MINIMMIll 2,269 EIMIEMINEI 33 30 IMMIIMMIll 3 2,182 36 1.65% 35 26 MIN 4 1,656 41 2.48% 33 31 EMI IMIll MIME 1,920 40 2.08% 38 MIIMEIMMI MEI 6 MEM 2,221 261.13011.11.1.1IMMIEMIMI AV 907 0 1,161 0.00% 1,046 1,018 Subtotal NMI 12,941 1,375 10.63% Mail 1,193 =III INIMIIMMIMIIMMIIMMIIMINIIIIIMMIN=111 Harper Wds. IIIIIIM 3,866 114 2.95% .1111.11 105 102 EMU Subtotal 3,866 114 2.95% 105 102 NM= • Grosse Pointe Public Schools Annual School Election MIME Candidates MEM MIIIIIMMEI MIEN uiiii Term MEM MI= Endin Ending MINI MN= 11111=1111=1/ 2010 2007 MEI NMI' Voting Statistics IIMBrendan P. Fred 1111MINI=111 Registered Total Percent IMMIENZIZE Minturn Grosse 1 1,327 109 8.21%11.1.1111 96 102 MIMI Pte. Twp. 2 11=111•111•102 61 7.13% 47 57 Subtotal IIMMEIMMIE 2,182 170 7.79% 143 159 1.1111.111.11111.11.111 111.11111.11.111 1101. IIIMINIMIIIMINIE TOTAL 40,759 3,259 8.00% 2,984 2,709 1111.1.111.11M MEM • Huron School District Annual School Election May 2, 2006 111.1. MIMI 111111.11 MEM MIMI 111=.11 IMINEIMINE Candidates IIMIIIIIIMMI Unlimited 11111.11.11.111 MIMI Votin • Statistics Tax Bond MM. Richard Precincts Registered Total Percent Yes No Richert Zavodsky Huron Tw . 1111111.31.111M 1,014 166 16.37% 70 96 MEM 109 79 2 1,806 342 18.94% 185 156 227 195 3 2,312 MOM 19.51% IMIIIMMICO 206 284 4 1,504 289 19.22% 134 MIE21 , 176 147 5 423 MKS 19.39% MEM 23 59 55 53 841 156 18.55% 52 104 92 78 6 7 MOM MEM 101 18.26% MEM 68 4 1111111= .11=1 53 8 11.1111. 782 37 MOM 33 33 19 MEI AV 910 0 257 0.00% • 111MIMMEMESIMME 184 158 MN= 1=.1 MIMI 1n1 IMMIll TOTAL 11.111M 9,235 1,881 20.37%11111MMIZI 1,031 IMIZEI 996 Mill11111=1111.11.11=1 MIMI MIME MOM MM. IIIIIMIIIMIIM =EMI 11111MMEIMINIM IMINIMI111111=1111 =IN MEM IIIIMM MEI 1.111111111111111 111.111M Wm= Precinct 2 includes Huron and Sumpter residents in Huron School District Precinct 3 includes Huron, Ash and Sumiter residents in Huron School District and Flat Rock School District Precinct 5 includes Huron residents in Huron School District, Flat Rock School District and Woodhaven-Brownstown School District Precinct 6 includes Huron residents in Huron School District, Flat Rock School District and Woodhaven-Brownstown School District Precinct 8 includes Huron residents in Huron School District and Woodhaven-Brownstown School District • Inkster Public Schools Annual School Election May 2. 2006 Non-Homestead Repair & Improvement Voting Statistics Millage Renewal Sinking Fund Precincts Registered Total Percent Yes ' No Yes No Inkster 101 2,662 138 5.18% 111 21 90 39 102 1,545 93 6.02% 72 18 60 28 202 817 44 5.39% 32 12 33 _ e 203 796 21 2.64% 17 4 13 7 _ 301 947 50 5.28% 39 10 42 8 303 914 46 5.03% 34 9 26 15 305 323 65 20.12% 60 4 62 2 601 1,623 77 4.74% 64 11 56 21 AV 918 0 145 0.00% 76 58 61 71 _ , , TOTAL 9,627 679 7.05% 505 147 443 199 Candidates Voting Statistics Sandra J. John T. Precincts Registered 1 Total Percent Maye Rucker Inkster 101 2,662 138 5.18% 87 46 102 1,545 93 6.02% 54 32 202 817 44 5.39% 22 . 20 _ 203 796 21 2.64% 12 9 _ 301 947 50 5.28% 29 16 303 914 46 - 5.03% 22 17 . 305 323 — 65 20.12% 43 15 601 1,623 77 _ 4.74% 51 21 AV 918 0 145 0.00% 54 62 . TOTAL 9,627 679 7.05% 374 238 Precincts 101 and 102 includes Inkster and Westland voters ,_ _ Livonia Public Schools Annual School Election May 2. 2006 Candidates Voting Statistics Steve Joanne Precincts Registered Total Percent King Morgan Livonia 3A 1,275 140 10.98% 92 48 3B 2,112 187 8.85% 92 95 4A 2,027 188 9.27% 104 84 7A 1,981 140 7.07% 79 61 8A 2,798 438 15.65% 287 151 9A 2,074 149 7.18% 81 67 10A 1,382 96 6.95% 38 58 11A 2,634 186 7.06% 65 121 12A 1,083 47 4.34% 26 21 Elm. 13A 1,862 107 5.75% 53 54 14A 1,956 166 8.49% 64 102 15A 1,646 173 10.51% 103 70 16A 1,584 183 11.55% 99 84 ME 17A 1,575 142 9.02% 70 72 18A 1,929 190 9.85% 75 115 16B 2,605 362 13.90% 183 179 111 19A 1,600 146 9.13% 91 55 19B 1,819 191 10.50% 98 93 20A 2,082 295 14.17% 193 101 22A 3,300 411 12.45% 210 200 21A 1111 1,727 275 15.92% 188 85 IIII 23A 2,597 460 17.71% 343 116 24A II. 3,158 370 11.72% 265 103 MEM 25A 2,497 83 3.32% 37 45 31A 11111 3,144 236 7.51% 129 107 32A 1,692 136 8.04% 74 60 33A 2,069 154 7.44% 69 85 11111 34A 11111 1,957 206 10.53% 118 87 IIIII 34B 1,716 170 9.91% 96 74 34C - 1,471 148 10.06% 84 64 35A 1,370 97 7.08% 49 48 358 1,999 167 8.35% 104 63 11111 Livonia Public Schools Annual School Election May 2. 2006 _ . Candidates Voting Statistics Steve Joanne Precincts Registered Total Percent King Morgan Livonia 36B 1,501 71 4.73% 35 36 W-15 2,614_ 42 1.61% 21 21 W-21 5,431 42 0.77% 9 33 W-25 4,848 97 2.00% 15 82 W-30 1,443 69 4.78% 14 55, W-36 2,629 119 4.53% 66 53 W-41 2,956 54 1.83% 13 41 AV 938 0 1,270 0.00% 699 562 TOTAL 86,143 8,203 9.52% 4,531 3,651 _ • Northville Public Schools Annual School Election May 2. 2006 Candidates , ‘ Write-In Voting Statistics Karen Ken Kristin hristophe Precincts Registered Total Percent Paciorek Roth Smith Maloney Northville CPI 2,265 106 4.68% 49, 65 59 0 Township CP2 4,244 98 2.31% 65 68 47 0 CP3 2,372 117 4.93% 64 78 61 2 • CP4 4,228 156 3.67% 85 98 79 3 CP5 1,054 109 10.34% 20 21 101 0 CP6 1 610 31 5.08% 16 15 19 0 , CP7 2,129 67 3.15% 50 42 30 1 AV CP8 0 1,216 0.00% 741 772 708 3 Subtotal 16,902 1 ,899 11.24% 1,090 1,159 1,104 Northville _ 2,182 313 14.34% 190 227 152 City 2 2,545 i 306 11.98% 184 226 153 0 . Subtotal 4,727 618' 13.07% 374 ' 453 305 1 Novi 13 905 39 4.31% 31 31 10 14 991 31, 3.13% 13 21 17 0 15 2,010 79 3.93% 63 60 21 16 680 25 3.68%T 13 10 17 0 AV 18C 0 146 0.00% 111 99 68 0 Subtotal 4,586 320 6.98% 231 221 133 Novi Two. 1 120 8 6.67% Subtotal 120 8 6.67% Salem Twp. 3 83 8 9.64%, i Subtotal 83 8 9.64% Lyon Two. 4 136 9 6.62% 5 Subtotal 136' 9 6.62% TOTAL 26,554 2,862 10.78% 1,707 1,846 , 1,554 12 Northville City Precinct 2 includes Oakland County residents only. , ! • Plymouth-Canton Public Schools Annual School Election May 2. 2006 School Improvement School Improvement Voting Statistics Bond Proposition 1 Bond Proposition 2 Precincts Registered Total Percent Yes No Yes No Plymouth 1 1,888 200 10.59% 136 64 111 88 City 2 1,194 90 7.54% 36 54 34 •56 3 1,947 350 17.98% 217 132 191 159 4 1,498 237 15.82% 164 73 146 90 AV 905 0 580 0.00% 239 330 196 360 Subtotal 6,527 1,457 22.32% 792 653 678 753 Canton 1,23 2,827 - 193 6.83% 112 80 96 96 Township 3,10,21 3,862 406 10.51% 262 144 219 173' 4,13 3,144 306 9.73% 174 131 141 163 5,31 2,741 180 6.57% 117 63 99 80 6 436 14 3.21% 7 6 5 9 7 1,028 104 10.12% 51 53 44 59 8 1,703 250 14.68% 149 101 136 112 9,34 2,996 216 7.21% 133 83 100 113 11,19 3,381 542 16.03% 385 157 309 216 12,14 2,588 220 8.50% 145 74 121 87 ' 16,17 3,484 300 8.61% 189 111 161 132 18,29 3,056 236 7.72% 152 83 117 113' 22 1,434 117 8.16% 69 48 52 59 I 24,25 2,836 1 258 9.10% 163 95 146 111 26,27,36 3,843 368 9.58% 234 134 198 161 30 886 7 0.79% 1 6 o 6 32 1,293 17 1.31% 13 4 11 6 35 1,469 180 12.25% 118 62 92, 88 37 1,286 212 16.49% 152 60 - 134 72 38 1,352 238 17.60% 191 47 154 83 39 658 72 10.94% 41 31 36 36 AV 940 0 1,085 0.00% 367 701 315 735 AV 941 0 1,088 0.00% _ 452 628 356 697 AV 942 0 1,067 _ 0.00% 448 613 356 681 AV 943 0 310 0.00% 129 178 99 199 Subtotal 46,303 7,986 17.25% 4,254 3,693 3,497 4,287 Plymouth-Canton Public Schools Annual School Election May 2, 2006 School improvement - School Improvement . Voting Statistics Bond Proposition 1 Bond Proposition 2 Precincts Registered Total Percent Yes No Yes No Norlhville CP9 1 ,911 50 2.62% 17 33 17 33 _ Township AV CP10 0 275 0.00% 81 189 _ 63- 195 _ Subtotal i ,91 1 325 17.01% 98 222 80 228_ Plymouth 1 698 126 18.05% 46 80 40 85 Township 2 1,222 115 - 9.41% 43 , 72 42 71 _ 3 1,293_ 86 6.65% 30, 56 31 55 4 1,142 122 10.68% 56 66 42 80 5 705 79 11.21% 35 44 30 49 6 641 141 22.00% 106 _ 35 88 50 7 1,377 60 4.36% 33 27 31 29 r 8 997 112 11.23% ' 35 77 32 80 9 775 80 10.32% 42 38 33 40 10 1,062 82 7.72% 37 45 - 37 45 11 1,696 268, 15.80% 133 135 113 154 12 1,608 277 17.23% 147 129 127 144 13 1,087 254 23.37% 135 119 . 117 . 136 14 1,142 221 19.35% 126 95 110 106 15 , 1,926, 335 L 146 189 , 117 216 16 825 141 17.09% 81 60 66 . 75 17 2,066 254 12.29% 94 160 78 172 AV 918[ 0 2,257 - 0.00% 788 1,456 610 1,568 , Subtotal 20,262 5,010 24.73% 2,113 2,883 1,744 3,155 Superior Twp. 5 273 64 23.44% 22 38 17 43 Subtotal 273 _ 64 23.44% 22 38 17 43 Salem Twp. 3 914 188_ 20.57% 61 120 48 132 Subtotal 914 -- 188 20.57% 61 120 48 132 ..._ . TOTAL 76,196- 15,030 19.73% 7,340 7,609 6,064_ 8,598 Precinct 1 in Salem Twp. Contains votersfrom two (2) precincts ) . Plymouth-Canton Public Schools Annual School Election May 2, 2006 Candidates Voting Statistics Mark Dianne Brandon John T. Larry A. Cheryl W. Precincts Registered Total Percent Christenson Gonzalez Hynes Jackson Martin McKoy Plymouth 1 1,888 200 10.59% 18 46 17 60 13 14 City 2 1,194 90 7.54% 15 23 14 18 13 19 3 1,947 350 17.98% 33 86 27 116 29 55 4 1,498 237 15.82% 10 49 21 94 15 17 AV 905 580 0.00% 88 199 44 158 108 93 Subtotal 6,527 1,457 22.32% 164 403 123 446 178 198 Canton _ 1,23 2,827 193 6.83% 41 50 28 40 15 48 Township 3,10,21 3,862 406 10.51% 35 92 77 88 39 51 4,13 3,144 306 9.73% 30 64 52 60 40 •52 5,31 2,741 180 6.57% 20 40 28 39 13 31 6 436 14 3.21% 3 3 0 1 3 7 7 1,028 104 10.12% 9 31 17 22 17b 21 8 1,703 250 14.68% 20 64 17 62 30 33 9,34 2,996 216 7.21% 22 43 33 33 19 34 11,19 3,381 542 16.03% 65 96 61 169 37 76 12,14 2,588 220 8.50% 22 55 41 42 20 41 3,484 300 8.61% 35 68 60 52 26 62 _ 16,17 I- 18,29 3,056 236 7.72% 26 59 31 55 30 50 22 1,434 117 8.16% 15 30 19 29 7 17 24,25 2,836 258 9.10% 30 49 36 59 32 44 26,27,36 3,843 368 9.58% 36 89 42 74 38 70 30 886 7 0.79% 1 2 ,0 1 0 6 1 32 1,293 17 1.31% 2 6 1 2 0 5 35 1,469 180 12.25% 28 46 22 53 10 23 37 1,286 212 16.49% 24 48 23 38 22 49 38 1,352 238 17.60% 25 50 26 50 20 57 39 658 72 10.94% 11 19 11 17 14 12 AV 940 0 1,085 0.00% 141 379 104 202 143 213 1 AV 941 0 1,088 0.00% 103, 390, 82 263 141 208 AV 942 0 1,067 0,00% 126 337 126 244 108 219 AV 943 0 310 0.00% 37 79 26 87 42 41 Subtotal 46,303 7,986 17,25% 907 2,189 963 1,782 866 1,464 , Plymouth-Canton Public Schools Annual School Election May 2, 2006 M.111 Candidates n Voti. Statistics EMI Mark Dianne Brandon John T. Larry A. laN:=1 Precincts Re istered Total Percent Christenson Gonzalez laMIN Jackson Martin McKoy Northville CP9 1,911 50 2.62% NMI 51111.1021 10 NM= 6 MEM Township AV CP10 mom 0 275 0.00% 52 98 27 30 44 57 Subtotal MEM 1,911 325 17,01% MEM 57 119 37 111111=1 50 64 =NM MOM Mill. MEM PI outh 1 698 126 18,05%19 45 16 23 23 12 Township 111.1113 NEM 115 9.41% MEM 40 10 22 16 21 mimillinlitlIMIE 1,293 86 6,65% 12 34 12 20 12 19 4 Mal 122 10.68% IIIIMIMIMECI 38 13 24 17 MIMI 5 705 79 11.21% 9 25 1,6 15 12 21 6 641 Min 22,00% 11111.111Efil 12 49 18 MIMS 11111111111111 7 1,377 60 4.36% Mil 6 18 MEE 7 19 14 MEM 8 UMW 997 112 11.23% IIIIIIMIMIIIIEI 44 22 14 18 MED MEI 9 775 80 10,32% 11 28 5 16 7 10 10 MIN 1,062 82 7.72% MIME 23 10 13 13 12 11 Mill 1,696 268 15,80% 32 90 30 66 =1E3 44 MEM 12 Mil 1,608 277 MUM 24 81 Min 70 MEd 38 13 1,087 254 23,37% 25 73 17 8 1 11111 41111111E1 MIMI 14 MillOMISESIMEM 19.35% 111=111.111•52111=1/MINIEMIIIIIMIIMI 30 MIIIIIIMIEI 1,926 =Ea 17.39% MEM 21 184 25 =KB 51 36 16 Mil 825 141 17.09% .1111.111MER 29 IIMINIMIM 19 IMO 1111=111.Mil 2,066 IIIMEMI 12.29% 28 80 MEM 42 =MEM= MEM AV 918 0 2,257 0.00% 366 868 186 454 =MIMEO Subtotal 20,262 5,010 24.73% 660 1,808 469 1,058 863 MEM 111111111 1.IIIINMIMIMUIMIIII IMINIIIIIMI MIEN Superior Twp. 5 IIIIIIIIIIMILEI 64 23.44% 5 145 15 1111.MIME Subtotal MEE 64 23.44% 5 MEI 5 M 15 NEM 3 111=11111•1•1111111111 n MINN 111=11111n11ININIMIIIn11 Salem Twp. 3 914 188 20,57% MEM 30 48 15 31 MEM 26 Subtotal MIMI 914 MEM 20.57% 30 ME/ 15 IMEM=11.51 26 MEM 1.1111.1111.111111 MEM IMINIIIMIM TOTAL MIN 76,190 15,030 19.73% 1,823 4,581 1,612 3,366 1,991 2,510 MEI 1.11.1111.11111 Milli MEM= Precinct 1 in Salem Tw.. Contains voters from two (2) precincts MEM 111.11111.... • MUM .11.111 MN= Plymouth-Canton Public Schools Annual School Election ••••.".1 -1_ ---....' I Candidates Voting Statistics John Steven M. , Precincts Registered ' Total Percent Nichols Sneideman Plymouth 1 1,888 200 10.59% 26 98 City 2 1,194 90 7.54% 15 26 3 1947, 350 17.98% 20 145 4 1,498 237 15.82% 16 147 AV 905 0 580 0.00% 74 168 Subtotal 6,527 1,457 22.32% 150 584 Canton 1,23 2,827 193 6.83% 34 45 Township 3,10,21 3,862 406 10.51% 77 124 4,13 3,144 306 9.73% 50 89 5,31 2,741 180 6.57% 31 34 436 14 3.21% 6 2 7 1,028 104 10.12% 16 30 8 1,703 250 14.68% 30 99 9,34 2,996 216 7.21% 38 61 11,19 3,381 542 16.03% 62 211 12,14 2,588 220 8.50% 22 52 16,17 3,484 300 8.61% 36 75 18,29 3,056 236 7.72% 39 42 22 1,434 117 8.16% 11 44 24,25 2,836 258 9.10% 38 80 26,27,36 3,843 368 9.58% 37 113 . 30 886 7 0.79% 1 1 32 1,293 17 1.31% 3 4 35 1,469 180 12.25% 17 82 37 1,286 212 16.49% 47 38 1,352 238 .17.60% 35 66 , 39 658 72 10.94% 10 20 AV 940 0 1,085 0.00% 170 273 AV 941 0 1,088 0.00% 196 290 AV 942 0 1,067 0.00% 154 306 AV 943 0 310 0.00% 28 100 Subtotal 46,303 7,986 17.25% 1,169 2,290 Plymouth-Canton Public Schools Annual School Election May 2, 2006 Candidates Voting Statistics John Steven M. Precincts Registered . Total Percent Nichols Sneideman Northville CP9 1,911 50L 2.62% 5 12 , Township AV CP10 0 275 0.00% 31 24 _ Subtotal 1,911 325 17.01% 36 36 Plymouth 1 698 126 18.05% 14 35 Township 2 1,222 115 9.41% 20 40 i 3 1,293 86 6.65% 5 21 4 1,142 122 10.68% 15 25 _ 5 705 79 11.21% 13- 20 6 641 141 22.00% 10 59 7 1,377 60 4.36% V 5 9 . 8 997. 112 11.23% 12 27 9 775 80 10.32% 12 27 10 1,062 82 7.72% 12 18 11 1,696 268 15.80% 11 101 12 1,608 _ 277 17.23% 20 103 _ 13 V 1,087 254 23.37% 16 99 14 1,142 221 19.35% 18 74 15- 1,926 335 17.39% 33 107 16 825 141 17.09% 10 51 - 17 2,066 254 12.29% 26 57 AV 918 0 2,257 0.00% 240 439 . Subtotal 20,262 5,010 24.73% 492 1,312 Superior Twp. 5 273 64 23.44% 2 8 - Subtotal 273 64 23,44% _ 2 8 , Salem Two. 3 914 188 20.57% 27 48 ,Subtotal 914 188 20.57% 27 48 TOTAL _. 76,190 _ 15,030 19.73% 1,876 4,278 , - , Precinct 3 in Salem Twp. Contains voters from two (2) precincts V I _ Riverview Community School District Annual School Election May 2, 2006 ) Candidates Operating Millage Voting Statistics Renewal John M. Gary M. Precincts Registered Total ' Percent Yes No Bruske Face Riverview 1 1,078 69 6.40% 56 9 30 34 2 1,053 63 5.98% 54 8 24 23 3 945 56 5.93% 46 9 35 30 4 552 26 4.71% 18 8 11_ 11 5 1,262 101 8.00% 91 8 45 55 6 2,131 170 7.98% 153 14 83 81 7 1,612 75 4.65% 66 7 35 40 TRE-9 360 29 8.06% 18 11 14 14 AV 908 0 510 0.00% 343 142 188 217 TOTAL 8,993 1099 12.22% 845 216 465 505 Candidates Voting Statistics Bill A. Catherine Precincts Registered Total Percent Logan Wells Riverview 1 1,078 69 6.40% 15 33 2 1,053 63 5.98% 26 33 3 945 56 5.93% 13 23 4 552 26 4.71% 7 13 5 1,262 101 8.00% 28 37 6 2,131 170 7.98% 53 65 7 1,612 75 4.65% 28, 26 TRE-9 360 29 8.06% 11 10 AV 908 0 510 0.00% 148 334 TOTAL , 8,993 1099 12.22% 329 574 Southgate Community Schools Annual School Election May 2, 2006 MIMI MIN 1•11111MININII Candidates IIIININMIIII IIIMIMIN Votin Statistics Kimber L. Sue Precincts Registered Total 1121=11 Labadie Murray Southgate MEM 4,201 MIL 0.17% MEG 7 2 111111111 3,458 13 0.38% 12 7 MILI 4,071 IMMELI 0.93%MM 31 21 4 MI111 3,9471111111.13 0.28% MIND 5 5 — EI 3,391 4 0.12% IIIMI 1 6 3,539 6 0.17% MEI 5 AV 921 MUM 0 568 0.00% 466 507 TOTAL MEM 22,607 647 2.86% EMI 530 553 MIN MIIII NUM MOM= MINI MIN Precinct 6 includes South .ate and Allen Park residents MEM MIN • Taylor Public Schools Annual School Election May 2. 2006 _ Candidate- 1 Voting Statistics Kim J. Precincts Registered Tots! Percent Parrish Taylor 1 ' 1,361 7 0.51% 5 2 1,401 6 0.43% 6 3 1,070 2 0.19% 2 4 1,512 8 0.53% 8 _ 5 1,634 11 0.67% 7 6 1,270 3 0.24% 3 7 1,505 7 0.47% ' 8 1,419 2 0.14% 2 9 1,210 10 0.83% 9 10 1,171 7 0.60% 7 11 1,039 7 0.67% 7 I 12 1,035 10 0.97% 10 13 879 5 0.57% 3 14 1,382 8 0.58% 8 15 1,755 13 0.74% 12 16 1,147 4 0.35% 4 _ 17 1,346 6 0.45% 18 1,552 9 _ 0.58% 9 19 1,623 9 0.55% 9 20 929 11 1.18% 11 21 826 13 1.57% 11 22 1,131 8 0.71% 8 23 1,027 14 1.36% 14 24 1,442 3 0.21% 3 I-- 25 1,072 5 0.47% 5 26 1,721 10 0.58% 9 _ 27 1,244 2 0.16% 2 28 1,314 15 1.14% 15 29 1,734 2 0.12% 2 30 2,090 1 0.05% 1 Taylor Public Schools Annual School Election May 2, 2006 ._ Candidate _ Voting Statistics Kim J. Precincts Registered _ Total ' Percent Parrish Taylor 31 1908, 1 0.05% 1 AV 932 0, 186, 0.00% 178 Subtotal 41,749, 405 0.97% 383 _ Inkster 304 452 31 6.86% 21 AV 918, 0 18 0.00% 12 L Subtotal 452 49 10.84% 33 _ , TOTAL 42,201 454 1.08% 416 Precinct 4 includes Dearborn Heights, Taylor and Westland resident Precinct 29 includes Taylor and Brownstown Twp. residents .precinct 304 includes Inkster residents Van Buren Public Schools Annual School Election May 2. 2006 Candidates Voting Statistics Victor A. David Precincts Registered Total Percent Hogan Peer Belleville 1 1,397 12 0.86% 11 10 2 1,450 16 1.10% 12 11 AV 903 0 153 0.00% 132 134 Subtotal 2,847 181 6.36% 155 155 Canton 20 1,759 0.40% 6 6 Township 33 1,841 18 0.98% 16 15 AV 944 0 215 0.00% 180 193 Subtotal 3,600 240 6.67% 202 214 Sumpter 1 615 23 3.74% 17 16 Township 2 612 10 1.63% 7 7 3 400 16 4.00% 1,3 15 4 864 11 1.27% 10 9 6 1,771 66 3.73% 56 .54 Subtotal 4,262 126 2.96% 103 101 Van Buren 1 2,193 34 1.55% 26 26 Township 2 2,717 12 0.44% 11 11 3 1,442 22 1.53% 18 19 4 2,836 8 0.28% 7 7 5 1,068 16 1.50% 15 13 6 1,932 13 0.67% 10 10 2,802 6 0.21% 6 8 2,664 16 0.60% 13 13 9 2,412 18 0.75% 17 17 AV 910 0 568 0.00% 470 455 Subtotal 20,066 713 3.55% 593 577 Van Buren Public Schools Annual School Election May 2. 2006 Candidates Voting Statistics Victor A.; David Precincts Registered Total Percent Hogan ! Peer Ypsi Twp. 1 1 , 1 2 4,256 170 3.99% 103, 104. Subtotal 4,256 170 3.99% 103 104. TOTAL 35,031 1,430 4.08% _ 1,156 1,151_ n , ,Precints 1 and 2 includes Sumpter and Van Buren residents Wayne-Westland School District Annual School Election — . Candidate Voting Statistics Frederick Precincts Registered Total Percent Weaver; Westland 1 2,714 36 1.33% 36 2 2,521 8 0.32% 3 2,098 12 0.57% 12 4 1,081 5 0.46% 5 1,926 10 0.52% 10 6 1,418 2 0.14% 2 8 2,141 9 0.42% 9 1,430 6 0.42% 10 1,717 11_ 0.64% 11 11 2,215 6 0.27% 13 2,640 11 0.42% 10 14 1,444 10 0.69% 10 17 2,912 23 0.79% 23 20 1,171 2 0.17% I 22 1,246 1 0.08% 24 1,458 6 0.41% 26 _ 2,066 5 0.24% 29 1,566 15 0.96% 14 31 253 0 0.00% P 34 1,607 4 0.25% _ 4 38 2,031 1 0.05% 1 39 1,003 9 0.90% AV 943 0 814 0.00% 780 AV 944 0 550 0.00% 531 Subtotal _ 38,658 1,556 4.03% 1,496 Canton Twp 2C 1,757 9 0.51% 15C 1,138 1 0.09% 28C 1,550 15 0.97% Subtotal 4,445 25_ 0.56% 24 i Wayne-Westland School District Annual School Election May 2, 2006 , _ Candidate Voting Statistics Frederick Precincts Registered Total . Percent Weaver' Inkster • 201 1,783 70 3.93% 48 202 241 8 - 3.32% 203 412 20 4.85%_ 17 401 641 22 3.43% 12 402 1,341 31 2.31% 23 403 700 17 2.43% 14 601 271 7 2.58% 602 373 18 4.83% 10 AV 918 0 105 0.00% 81 Subtotal 5,762 298 5.17% 216 Wayne 1W 1,856 29 1.56% 27 2W 2,004 25 1.25% 24 4W 2,075 16 0.77% 14 5W 1,463 3 0.21%, _. 6W 1,517 15 0.99% 14 7W 1,363 6 0.44% 3 8W 2,035 11 0.54% 10 6R 985 1 0.10% 0 AV 909 0 213 0.00% 203 Subtotal 13,298 319 2.40% 298 i TOTAL 62,163 2,198 3.54% 2,034 i Inkster Precinct 401 includes Inkster and Dearborn Heights residents Wayne Precinct 6W includes Wayne and Romulus residents Absentee Voters for Inkster and Canton are included in AVCB 941 Westwood Community Schools Annual School Election May 2. 2006 MINIM MIMI IIMMIMIll MININIMINE MINE Candidate Operatin Write-In Voting Statistics Millage Timothy T. Precincts Registered Total 1103:2111.1=11 Yes No Emery Dearborn 1 2,389 59 MVO 28 31 6 Heights• 5 1,528 31 2.03% MEM 18 IMO IN= AV 941 MEM 0 146 0.00% MIIMIIIIMMES 94 9 Subtotal 1=1=1 3,917 236 6.03% 98 138 MINIIIIIIIIMEEI 111n11 n1111111•11MINIMIMINIIn11 NMI Inkster 302 IMERE 50 6.47% EIMIIMINO MIIIIMEIMEI 304 642 39 6.07% 25 9 7 403 MEM 757 6 0.79% MEM 3 IIIMM 0 501 1...1111§21 75 6.56% MIMI 20 11=1111 0 502 1,664 72 4.33% 51 21 0 602 6,097 89 1.46% IMO 32 EIMMIIIIIMEI AV 918 0 120 0.00% 1111.1111 41 1111111=9 MOM Subtotal 1111M1 11,076 451 4.07% MIME 273 t1 11 EMI EMI TOTAL MIMI 14,993 887 MIEMIIMIMail 195 11M123 1111=111=111M11 MIMI= MIMI IMMO 1IIMMIMMINIIIMI MEM IMINIIIIIIIIMI11111=1 1101111111111n1111 MINIM IMIIIM111111 INIIIMIIIMI OMNI 1111=11111M111 MEM Precincts 302, 304, 403, 501, 502 and 602 contain Inkster and Dearborn Heights voters 1 IIMIE IMIMI MEM MIMIIIMI•1111n111 MIME MINI MINMEINMI • Woodhaven-Brownstown Schools Annual School Election May 2, 2006 Millage Renewal , Candidates Proposal Building and Voting Statistics Site Sinking Fund Cynthia Alvin M. Precincts Registered Total Percent Yes No Smedo Szczepaniak Woodhaven 1 1,804 154 8.54% 114 40 61 66 3 893 56 6.27% _ 42 12 13 30 4 1,297 71 5.47% 49 22 26 35 5 1,146 82 7.16% 53 28 J 33 35 7 1,505 97 6.45% 66 29 32 63 Subtotal 6,645 460 6.92% 324 131 165 229 Brownstown 2 2,479 44 1.77% 36 6 14 17 Township 3 1,584 37 2.34% 29 8 10 23 4 1,567 67 4.28% 49 16 12 32 5 1,794 22 1.23% 16 5 8 9 7 2,077 57 2.74% 38 18 15 15 8 890' 29 3.26% 14 12 ' 9' 13 10 1,815 65 3.58% 54 11 ' 14 29 AV 911 0 33 0.00% 14 17 4 10 Subtotal 12,206 354 2.90%_ 250 93 86 148 , Huron 5 481 25 5.20% 5 20 9, 5 13 2 15.38% 0 2 , 2 0 8 416 2 0.48% 1 1 2 1 AV 910 0 2 0.00% 2 0, 1 1 Subtotal 910 31 3.41% 8 23 14 7 TOTAL 19,761 845 4.28% 582 247, 265 384 Precinct 5 includes Brownstown Township and Flat Rock residents Precinct 8 includes Brownstown Township and Romulus residents Woodhaven-Brownstown Schools Annual School Election May 2, 2006 Candidates Voting Statistics Michelle Jim Precincts Registered Total Percent Walters Woo'ford Woodhaven 1 1,804 154 8.54% 52 51 3 893 56 6.27%_. 17 26 4 1,297 71 5.47% 22 29 5 1,146 82 7.16% 22 34 7 1,505 97 6.45% 27 34 Subtotal 6,645 460 6.92% 140 174 Brownstown 2 2,479 44 1.77% 21 17 ! Township 3 1,584 37 2.34% 8 15 ' 4 1,567 _ 67 4.28% 28 35 5 1,794 22 1.23% 9 8 7 2,077 57 2.74% 25 27 8 890 29 3.26% 9 8 10 1,815 65 3.58% 27 23 1 AV 911 0 33 0.00% 15 16 Subtotal 12,206 354 2.90% 142 149 Huron 5 481_ 25 5.20% 16 8 1 6 13 2 15.38% 2 0 1 8 416 2 0.48% 1 0 AV 910 0 2 0.00% 1 1 Subtotal 910 31 3.41% 20 9 TOTAL 19,761_ 845 4.28% 302 332 1 Precinct 5 includes Brownstown Township and Flat Rock residents ,Precinct 8 includes Brownstown Township and Romulus residents ' 410 COUNTY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE The undersigned, School Election Coordinator, of the following School Districts, Clarenceville School District Gibraltar School District Inkster School District Riverview Community School District Westwood Community School District Woodhaven-Brownstown School District Wayne and Oakland Counties, Michigan, hereby certifies that she filed certified copies of the official declaration of results of the Election held in the school district on Tuesday, May 02, 2006, as determined by the County Board of Canvassers at the certification meeting held on the Tenth day of May, 2006, as follows: I. With the secretary to the school board; 2. With the county treasurer of the county in which the school district extends. Dated this / /6 day of May, 2005 Cathy rieGarrett Wayne County Clerk and School Election Coordinator • • COUNTY TREASURER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT I, Raymond J. Wojtowicz, Treasurer of the County of Wayne, Michigan, hereby acknowledge receipt of a certified copy of the Statement of Votes Cast, which is the official declaration of the results of the Election held in the following School Districts on Tuesday, May 02, 2006, as determined by the ,County Board of Canvassers at the certification meeting held on the Tenth day of May, 2006. • Clarenceville School District Gibraltar School District Inkster School District Riverview Community School District Westwood Community School District Woodhaven-Brownstown School District Dated this Arriti day of May, 2006 1-4) Raymond J. Wojtowicz Wayne County Treasurer MILLAGE PROPOSAL BUILDING AND SITE SINKING FUND TAX LEVY This proposal, if approved by the electors, will continue a building and site sinking fund, with 1.8873 mills of the total 4.5 mills being a replacement of previously authorized millage that would otherwise expire with the 2008 tax levy. Shall the Clarenceville School District of Oaldand and Wayne Counties, Michigan, be authorized to levy against all property in the School District four and one-half mills ($4.50 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) for a period of ten (10) years, 2006 to 2015, both inclusive, to continue a sinking fund for all purposes authorized by law, with one and eight thousand eight hundred seventy three ten-thousandths (1.8873) mills of the increase being a replacement of building and site sinking fund millage that would otherwise expire with the 2008 tax levy; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2006 is approximately $1,647,000.00? Yes: No: • (Please complete these two reports and return one copy of your Official Declaration. See NOTE below) RAYMUND J. WOJTOWICZ Wayne County Treasurer 400 Monroe, Suite 520 Detroit, MI 48226-2910 You are hereby notified that the electors of Local Unit Clarenceville School District acting in accordance with the provisions of Section 6, Article IX, of the Constitution of the State of Michigan, did on the Second day of May , 2006 Hold an election to vote to increase the limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be assessed against property in said Local Unit. (BY 4.5 MILLS (BY MILLS ( ( (FOR YEAR(S): 2006 to 202015 (FOR YEAR(S): 20 to 20 The result of the election was as follows: Votes FOR 356 Votes AGA:MST 234 Spoiled Blank BALLOTS BALLOTS WAS Approval WAS NOT given for said increase (BY MILLS (BY MILLS ( ( (FOR YEAR(S): 20 to 20 (FOR YEAR(S):20. to20 — The result of the elction was as follows: Votes Votes Spoiled Blank FOR AGAINST BALLOTS BALLOTS WAS Approval WAS NOT given for said increase "Certified Copy of Official Declaration of Result of Election is attached hereto. Subscribed and sworn to before me this /.4-• day of '711.t.44_ in and for Wayne County, Michigafl. BY: Candace L. Jenkins 4X4,45,74, ...L;:/".4.W,I,NOTARY PUBLIC Sharon L FIhroaraid Notary Public. WaYna Conntft My commis ion expir s mycommisW5nEmNres04/03/217trect0r. Wayne County Eltctions ; Official Title *NOTE: Act 278, Public Acts of 1964 provides: "Within 5 days after every election" or canvass of election returns)..." to increase the tax rate limitation a CERTIFIED COPY OF THE OFFICIAL DECLARATION of the RESULT of the ELECTION shall be filed with the treasurer of the county or counties in which such local unit is located. The voted increase in the tax rate limitation shall be effective in such local unit only when such certified copy if filed." GIBRALTAR SCHOOL DISTRICT COUNTY OF WAYNE STATE OF MICHIGAN OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSAL NON-HOMESTEAD AND NON-QUALIFIED AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY TAX This proposal is for millage which, if approved, will be levied only against non-homestead and non-qualified agricultural property. Together with other millage authorizations, it will allow the Gibraltar School District to levy up to, but not more than, the statutorily millage rate for non-homestead property of 18 mills required for the School District to receive revenues at the full foundation allowance permitted by the State. It is expected that approximately. 0.063 mills of this milIage will be levied in 2006. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all non-homestead and non-qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Gibraltar School District, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, be increased by 3 mills on each dollar of taxable value ($3.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a period of nine (9) years, 2006 to 2015 inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes? It is estimated that the revenue the school district will collect lithe rnillage is approved and were to be levied in its entirety in the calendar year 2006 is approximately $797,100 from the local taxes authorized in this proposal. However, it is anticipated that only approximately 0.063 mills of the 3.0 mills will be levied in 2006, which will raise approximately $16,800. (This millage will be levied only to the extent necessary to restore the "Headlee" reduction)? Subscribed and sworn to before me this L.,.146" day of ti viaa_ in and for Wayne County, Michitan. BY: Candace L. Jenkins 200242 (Please complete these two reports and return one copy of your Official Declaration. See NOTE below) RAYMOND J. WOJTOW1CZ Wayne County Treasurer 400 Monroe, Suite 520 Detroit, MI 48226-2910 You are hereby notified that the electors of Local Unit Gibraltar School District acting in accordance with the provisions of Section 6, Article IX, of the. Constitution of the State of Michigan, did on the Second day of Hay , 006 Hold an election to vote to increase the limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be assessed against property in said Local Unit. (BY 1 MILLS (BY MILLS ( ( (FOR YEAR(S): 20 06 to 20 15 (FOR YEAR(S): 20 to 20 _ The result of the election was as follows: Votes Votes Spoiled Blank FOR 446 AGAINST 200 BALLOTS BALLOTS WAS Approval WAS NOT given for said increase (BY MILLS (BY MILLS ( ( (FOR YEAR(S): 20 to 20 (FOR YEAR(S):20 to20 _ The result of the eIction was as follows: Votes Votes Spoiled Blank FOR AGAINST • BALLOTS BALLOTS WAS Approval WAS NOT given for said increase **Certified Copy of Official Declaration of Result of Election is attached hereto. A> 4'. ...),9,64NOTARY PUBLIC SharonLAtigerald NM2MANNOMMMeOmarMAn My commis ion expi&g /4„ita _&4 ,,g,.// MytornmhslonExpinu44/03/ftivector, Wayne County Elec;ions / i Official Title *NOTE: Act 278, Public Acts of 1964 provides: "Within 5 days after every election" or canvass of election returns)..." to increase the tax rate limitation a CERTIFIED COPY OF ME OFFICIAL DECLARATION of the RESULT of the ELECTION shell be filed with the treasurer of the county or counties in which such local unit is located. The voted increase in the tax rate limitation shall be effective in such local unit only when such certified copy if filed." • • • NON-HOMESTEAD MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL This proposal would reauthorize the levy of mills by the School District of the City of Inkster for general operating purposes which expired with the 2005 tax levy, and increase the authority by three mills to offset reductions which may occur through application of the Headlee Amendment to the Michigan Constitution. Under this proposal, the School District would be authorized to levy 18.00 mills of non-homestead millage on non-homestead property (commercial, industrial and residential rental property) in any tax year, plus an additional 3.00 mills which may only be levied to the extent necessary to offset that portion of the 18.00 mills which may be rolled back by application of the Headlee Amendment to the Michigan Constitution. Under existing state law the School District may not levy more than 18.00 mills in any tax yea and owner occupied homes are exempt from the levy. The authorization would allow the School district to receive revenues at the full foundation allowance permitted by the State. Shall the limitation on the tax upon non-homestead taxable property in the School District of the City of Inkster, County of Wayne, Michigan be increased by 21.00 mills ($21.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for ten (10) years, the years 2006 to 2015, inclusive, to provide funds for operating expenses of the District? If approved, it is estimated that the levy would raise approximately $993,855.00 for the School District in 2006. YES 0 NO 0 REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENT SINKING FUND This proposal would increase the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be imposed on taxable property in the School District for a period of ten (10) years by six mills (6.00 mills), of which not more than 5.00 mills are authorized under state law to be levied in any tax year, with the remaining 1.00 mill of authorization to be levied to the extent necessary to offset that portion of the 5.00 mills that may be rolled back by application of the Headlee Amendment to the Michigan Constitution. The authorization would create a sinking fund for the purpose of the construction or repair of school buildings and the improvement and development of sites in the School District Shall the School District of the City of Inkster, County of Wayne, Michigan, be authorized to levy 6.00 mills ($6.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) to create a sinking fund for the purpose of the construction or repair of school buildings and the improvement and development of sites and, to the extent permitted by law, the acquisition and installation of technology equipment and furnishings, equipment and buses, by increasing the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be imposed on taxable property in the School District for a period of ten (10) years, being the years 2006 to 2015, inclusive? It is estimated that the levy would raise approximately $656,256.00 in the first year that it is levied. (Understate law, sinking fund proceeds may not be used to pay teacher or administrator salaries.) YES CI NO 0 DEL03:2709015.1 \ 109168-00009 (Please complete these two reports and return one copy of your Official Declaration. See NOTE below) RAYMOND J. WOJTOWICZ Wayne County Treasurer 400 Monroe, Suite 520 Detroit,. MI 48226-2910 You are hereby notified that the electors of Local Unit Inkster School District acting in accordance with Cie provisions of Section 6, Article IX, of the Constitution of the State of Michigan, did on the Second day of May , 406 Hold an election to vote to increase the limitation on the total amount of taxes which be assessed against property in said Local Unit. (BY 21 MILLS (BY MILLS (FOR YEAR(S): 2006 to 20 15 (FOR YEAR(S): 20 to 20_ rimy The result of the election was as follows: Votes Votes FOR 505 AGAINST 147 Spoiled Blank BALLOTS BALLOTS WAS Approval WAS NOT given for said increase (BY 6 MILLS (BY MILLS (FOR YEAR(S): 20 D6 to 20 ‘ 15 (FOR YEAR(S):20. to20 The result of the elction was as follows: Votes Votes Spoiled Blank . FOR 443 AGAINST 199 BALLOTS BALLOTS WAS Approval WAS NOT given for said increase **Certified Copy of Official Declaration of Result of Election is attached hereto. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4 day of `7).114 Pa(; BY: Candace L. Jenkins in and for Wayne County, MichigAn. expire s PUBLIC SharonL.FitVerald NotaryPubflc.WaymCaUray,M1 My commision e ‘72 „gd// WmmmismonmoMmiC4ta34Thttor, Wayne County Elections Official Title *pUTE: Act 278, Public Acts of 1964 provides: "Within 5 days after every election" or canvass of election returns)..." to increase the tax rnte limitation a CERTIFIED COPY OF THE OFFICIAL DECLARATION of the RESULT of the ELECTION shall be filed with the treasurer of the county or counties in which such local unit is located. The voted increase in the tax rate limitation shall be effective in such local unit only when such certified copy if filed." 12.4?7,2:2 RIVERVIEW COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN MAY 2, 2006 OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL EXEMPTING PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE AND QUALIFIED AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY This proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property except principal residence and qualified agricultural property required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all Property, exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Riverview Community School District, Wayne County, Michigan, be increased by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000.00 of Taxable valuation) for a period of 10 years, 2006 to 2015, inclusive, to provide Funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2006 is approximately $2,418.480 (this is a renewal of millage which expired with the 2005 tax levy)? YES NO Candace L. Jenkins BY ZIAaidff2_2i (Please complete these two reports and return one copy of your Official Declaration. See NOTEbelow) RAYMOND J. WOJTOWICZ Wayne County Treasurer 400 Monroe, Suite 520 Detroit, MI 48226-2910 You are hereby notified that the electors of Local Unit Riverview Community School District acting in accordance with the provisions of Section 6, Article IX, of the Constitution of the State of Michigan, did on the Second day of May , 20 06 Hold an election to vote to increase the limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be assessed against property in said Local Unit. (BY ig MILLS (FOR YEAR(S): 20 06 to 20 15 (BY (FOR YEAR(S): 20_ to 20 MILLS The result of the election was as follows: Votes Votes Spoiled Blank FOR 834 AGA:NST 216 BALLOTS BALLOTS WAS Approval WAS NOT given for said increase (BY MILLS (BY MILLS ( ( (FOR YEAR(S): 20 to 20 (FOR YEAR(S):20. to20 The result of the elction was as follows: Votes Votes Spoiled Blank FOR AGAINST BALLOTS BALLOTS WAS Approval WAS NOT given for said increase **Certified Copy of Official Declaration of Result of Election is attached hereto. Subscribed and sworn to before me this /V.a day of L-777,04 in and for Wayne County, Michkgan. OTARY PUBLIC SharonLFftgerald NotaryPub My commision expi es 7:-/;m:6,/,,,./g MyCommlulon kftynocuntall Eq2m1"4/05,4griector, Wayne County Elections • • . . *NOTE: Act 278, Public Acts of 1964 provides: "Within 5 days after every election" or canvass of election returns)..." to Increase the tax rate limitation a CERTIFIED COPY OF THE OFFICIAL DECLARATION of the RESULT of the ELECTION shall be filed with the treasurer of the county or counties in which such local unit is located. The voted increase in the tax rate limitatiol shall be effective in such local unit only when such certified copy if filed." Official Title OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSAL EXEMPTING PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE AND QUALIFIED AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY This proposal will enable the school district to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property except principal residence and qualified agricultural property required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Westwood Community School District, Wayne County, Michigan, be increased by 3 mills ($3.00 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) for a period of 9 years, 2006 to 2014, inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2006 is approximately $70,170 (this millage is to restore millage lost as a result of the reduction required by the Michigan Constitution of 1963 and will be levied only to the extent necessary to restore that reduction)? , 20a; BY: Candace L. Jenkins My commision expiee NOTARY PUBLIC /Is?, 26 • • (Please complete these two reports and return one copy of your Official Declaration. See NOTE below) RAYMOND J. WOJTOW1CZ Wayne County Treasurer 400 Monroe, Suite 520 Detroit,, MI 48226-2910 You are hereby notified that the electors of Local Unit Westwood Community School District acting in accordance with the provisions of Section 6, Article IX, of the Constitution of the State of Michigan, did on the Second day of Hay 20 06 Hold an election to vote to increase the limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be assessed against property in said Local Unit. (BY 18 MILLS (BY MILLS ( ( (FOR YEAR(S): 20 06 to 20 14 (FOR YEAR(S): 20 to 20 _______ _ The result of the election was as follows: Votes Votrs Spoiled Blank FOR 17% AGAINST lq9 BALLOTS BALLOTS WAS Approval WAS NOT given for said increase (BY MILLS (BY MILLS ( ( (FOR YEAR(S): 20 to 20 (FOR YEAR(S):20. ton The result of the elction was as follows: Votes Votes Spoiled Blank FOR AGAINST BALLOTS BALLOTS WAS Approval WAS NOT given for said increase **Certified Copy of Official Declaration of Result of Election is attached hereto. Subscribed and sworn to before me this AI 4 day of in and for Wayne County, Michi an. FICIPPrild Notary Public, Wayne my commissimi 2xptres 07/3711116tor , Wayne County Elections Official Title *NOTE: Act 278, Public Acts of 1964 provides: "Within 5 days after every election" or canvass of election returns)..." to increase the tax rate limitation a CERTIFIED COPY OF THE OFFICIAL DECLARATION of the RESULT of the ELECTION shall be filed with the treasurer of the county or counties in whi•:h such local unit is located. The voted increase in the tax rate limitation shall be effective in such local unit only when such certified copy if :Med." MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL BUILDING AND SITE SINKING FUND This proposal would continue the number of mills previously approved by the electors for a building and site sinking fund. Shall the previously approved millage authorization of the Woodhaven-Brownstown School District, Wayne County, Michigan, in the amount of nine thousand seven hundred seventy-eight ten-thousandths (0.9778) mills ($0.9778 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) on all property in the School District, which authorization is about to expire, be renewed and continued for a period of five (5) years, the years 2006 to 2010, inclusive, for sinking fund purposes, to continue to be used for the construction or repair of school buildings, and all other purposes authorized by law; the estimate of the revenue the School District will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2006 is approximately One Million Thirty Eight Thousand Thirty and 00/100 Dollars ($1,038,030.00)? • Yes: No: Subscribed and sworn to before me this Ag 4i day of in and for Wayne County ) Michig . BY Candace L. Jenking • 20GC,=, (Please complete these two reports and return one copy of your Official Declaration. See NOTE below) RAYMOND J. WOJTOW1CZ Wayne County Treasurer 400 Monroe, Suite 520 Detroit, MI 48226-2910 You are Kereby notified that the electors of Local Unit Woodhaven—Brownstown School District acting in accordance with the provisions of Section 6, Article IX, of the Constitution of the State of Michigan, did on the Second day of MY , 2006 • Hold an election to vote to increase the limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be assessed against property in said Local Unit. (BY 0.9778 MILLS (BY MILLS (FOR YEAR(S): 20 p6 to 20 10 (FOR YEAR(S): 20 to 20 The result of the election was as follows: Votes Votes Spoiled Blank FOR 582 AGAINST 247 BALLOTS BALLOTS WAS Approval WAS NOT given for said increase (BY MILLS (BY MILLS (FOR YEAR(S): 20 to 20 (FOR YEAR(S):20. to20 The result of the elction was as follows: Votes Votes Spoiled Blank FOR AGAINST BALLOTS BALLOTS WAS Approval WAS NOT given for said increase **Certified Copy of Official Declaration of Result of Election is attached hereto. ,1,1.,,M4176) , MYTA RY P UBL I My commis ion expires Sharon L Inrgeratcl Notary Pu Mt, Wayne County, MI My CommIsslon Mires 04 / 0340let tor , Wayne County Elections Official Title 1.,NOTARY PUBLIC *NOTE: Act 278, Public Acts of 1964 provides: "Within 5 days after every election" or canvass of election returns)..." to increase the tax rate limitation a CERTIFIED COPY OF THE OFFICIAL DECLARATION of the RESULT of the ELECTION shall be filed with the treasurer of the county or counties in which such local unit is located. The voted increase in the tax rate limitation shall be effective in such local unit only when such certified copy if filed."