HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2002.03.13 - 26849• MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 402033 BY : William Patterson, District #1 IN RE: ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HOLLY - FY 2002 ALLOCATION TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Oakland County Board of Commissioners established an Environmental Infrastructure Funds and Disbursement Policy per Miscellaneous Resolution #99093 in an effort to increase the share of dollars flowing into infrastructure projects for the County and its cities, villages and townships (CVTs); and WHEREAS pursuant to the Disbursement Policy, the Township of Holly has submitted a resolution of authorization to the County for reimbursement of expenses incurred in connection with an eligible environment remediation of improvement project; and WHEREAS the Township of Holly is requesting reimbursement for expenses directly related to the improvement of the drainage system directly related to the North Holly Road Improvement Project; and WHEREAS the FY 2002 authorized amount of funding for the Township of Holly is $13,284.23 annually from the Environmental Infrastructure Fund as repayment to the Township of Holly for expenses incurred in connection with environmental remediation or improvement projects. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the project submitted by the Township of Holly as eligible for reimbursement from the Environmental Infrastructure Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board authorizes a FY 2002 appropriation in the amount of $13,284.23 annually from the Environmental Infrastructure Fund (Account #90-263210-41000-3985) to repay the Township of Holly for expenses incurred in connection with environmental remediation or improvement projects, once proper invoices are presented. Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. January 11,2002 Sincerely, riat4Atadibt) S. Winchester, Clerk ty Commissioner, District 1 01/31/2002 THU 11:23 FAX 2486345482 holly township 002/009 Mr. Thomas Ott, Manager Oakland County Fiscal Services Division 1200 N. Telegragh Road Pontiac, Michigan 48341 Dear Mr. Ott: Re: Environmental Infrastructure Fund Reimbursement Request. Pursuant to Oakland County Board of Commissioner Miscellaneous Resolution (MR) 99093; the Township of Holly does hereby request reimbursement under Oakland County's Environmental Infrastructure Fund Program for expenses incurred in connection with an eligible environmental temcdiation or improvement project undertaken by our Township. The current expense reimbursement request is for the 2002 allocation for the sum of $13,284.23. Attached in support of this request are the following: 1. ATTACHMENT A: PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2. ATTACHMENT B: HOLLY TOWNSHIP RESOLUTION 99-11 3. ATTACHMENT C: EXPENSE INVOICES The Township of Holly understands that the review and processing of this reimbursement request will be governed by the provisions of MR 99093, and certifies that all expenses submitted for reimbursement were incurred in connection with a qualifying environmental remediation or improvement project If you have nay questions concerning this matter, please contact Karin S. Winchester at 248-634-9331. Thank you for your assistance. 01/31/2002 THU 11:21 FAX 2486345482 holly township. ?003/009 HOLLY TOWNSHIP ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST EXHIBIT A Holly Township entered into an agreement on August 12,1999 with the Road Commission for Oakland County to resurface along North Holly Road from Quick Road to Lahring Road and to the culvert at Swartz Creek. A copy of the agreement is attached. The expense Holly Township incurred was directly related to the -improvement of the drainage system directly related to the North Holly Road Improvement Project. • Payment was made to the Road Commission for Oakland County for the Culvert in the sum of Sixty Six Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty Six Dollars ($66,666.00). Payment was made through Holly Township General Fund on 7-18-00. A copy of the invoice attached. Office of thc Clerk 248-6349331 Fax: 248-634-5482 HWYowisside 31.03Thic lia*te 144130111 4,82 (SOO 084-01131 Dale Smith, Sur:visor Kazin S. WhIcilester, Clerk BelliCv M. Almada. Tress= Amid W. Appleptc, nuke Gary P4. Conks, note* HOLLY TOWNSIIIP RESOLUTION 2001-32 Page 1 of 2 g1004/009 01/31/2002 TIV 11:23 FAX 2486345482 holly topship RESOLUTION 2001-32: ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND EXPENSES RE1MBUSEMENT REQUEST WHEREAS, upon the recoimmendatkm of the Oakland County Executive, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has established and Environmental Infrastructure Fund Program to assist Oakland County cities, villages, and townships in addressing clean water and storm water needs; and WHEREAS, Oakland County's Environmental Infrastructure Fund Program authorizes Oakland County cities, villages, and townships to apply for reimbursement of eligible expenses incurred in the connection with enviroumanal resnediations or improvements relating to ground and/or surface water, water supply, sewer and/or drain systems and/or water pollution control efforts incurred as part of a city, village, or township road project; and WHEREAS, the Towrighip' of Holly, Oakland County, Michigan has incurred, expenses in connection with environmental remediations or improvement project(s) believed to be eligible for reimbursement under Oakland County's Environmental Infrastructure Fund Program; and WHEREAS, the Township of Holly, Oakland County, Michigan will request annual expense reimbursement incurred in connection with the environmental remediations or improvement project(s) (North Holly Road Improvement/Culvert replacement) believed to be eligible for reimbursement under Oakland County's Environmental Infrastructure Fund Program ;and NOW THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Holly Township Board of Trustees authorizes and directs its Township Clerk, as agent for the Township of Holly, in the manner and to the extent provided for under Oakland County Board of Commissioners Wiscellancous Resolution 99093, to request, annually, reimbursement of eligible environmental remediation or improvement project expenses under Oakland County's Environmental Infrastructure Fund Program NOW THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED the ADOPTED by the Holly Township Board of Trustees this 18th day of December, 2001. Motion by: It Applegate Supported by K. Winchester Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Office or the Clerk 248-634-9331 Fax 248-634-5482 HaVirowasildp (24 1111441111 Dal*M. Smith, Scpcnrisoe Karin S. Weser. Cletk Bernie* M. Alcacandet, Trtasura Ronald W. Applcguc. Trustee Gos7 U. Collin, Trustee Date: 11- 1C\ i I005/009 01/31/2002 THU 11:24 FAX 2486345482 holly township Certification Karin S. Winchester, duly elected Clerk of Holly Township, Oakland County, Michigan, do hereby certih , that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution 2001-32 adopted by the Holly Township Board of Trustees at its regular meeting held on December 18, 2001. . HOLLY TOWNSHIP RESOLUTION 2001-32 • • • • Page 2 of 2 01/31/2002 THU 11:24. FAX 2486345482 holly township , • Queity ,We through Good Roads' aWe Care" 41kor,43AKIA1111324COMT, Township of Holly Attention: Accounts Payable 102 Civic Drive Holly, MI 48442-1505 Invoice No.: 10070001 Invoice Date: 07/05/2000 Payment Due: 08/05/2000 006/009 ***I N 0 I C E*** 31001 LAHSER ROAD BEVERLY HILLS, MI 48425 (248) 645-2000 RE: North Holly Road Project No: 43071 Per Agreement Paragraph S: On or after July 1,2000, the Board shall] submit an invoice to the Community • for $66,666.00 (being 100% of the community's share of the Project costs). TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 66,666.00 TOWNSHIP OF HOLLY 1 I G L.Acct No. 101 1{444.• - g11 -008 'Customer No.: 180010 I Ref No. /3 756, 08001 Dale Paid /I €P,a6 sviw • • I Check PLACE RECORD INVOICE NUMBER 10070001 ON YOUR CHECK PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO TEE LOCATION ABOVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INVOICE, PLEASE CALL GAYLE LARSON AT (248) 645-2000 EXTENSION 2244 01/31/2002 THU 11:24 FAX 2486345482 holly township 2007/009 AGREEMENT RE: ROAD IMPROVEMENT N. Holly Road Quick Road to Lahring Township of Hotly RCOC Project Number 43071 r • .#. this .. • . • ,by ‘:•••=c. •-t,•• itf,t= the Board of Road Commissioners frz '.7 -te County of Oaktano, Michigan, hereinafter referred to as the BOARD, and the Township of Holly, hereinafter referred to as the COMMUNITY. provides as foilows: WHEREAS, the BOARD and the COMMUNITY have agreed that it is necessary to undertake the road improvements described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto, which improvements involve roads under the jurisdiction of the BOARD and within the COMMUNITY, which improvements are hereinafter referred to as the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the BOARD has entered into an agreement with the Michigan Department of Transportation in Contract No. 99-517e for partial funding of the PROJECT under the Federal Surface Transportation Prooram; and WHEREAS, the total cost of the PROJECT Is estimated to be $967,780; and WHEREAS, said PROJECT involves certain designated and approved Tri-Party Program dollars, in the amount of $200,000; which amount shall be funded through equal contributions by the BOARD, the COMMUNITY and the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, in accordance with the Tr-Party Program; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the BOARD and the COMMUNITY to undertake and complete the PROJECT as soon as possible. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, it it hereby agreed between the COMMUNITY and the BOARD that 1. The BOARD will forthwith undertake and complete the PROJECT, as above described, and will perforrrcall enginee.ring, inspection and administration in reference thereto. . Its TOWNSHIP F HOLLY By. J Its _ W/11.4/ 01/31/2002 THU 11:25. FAX 2486345482 holly township.. g008/009 • • .2.. The e total Tr-Party funding to be used for this project is $200,000, which . shall be applied to the culvert replacement at Swartz Creek 3. The Tr-Party portion of the PROJECT shall be funded in accordance with the following: Tr-Party Prooram funes in thG amount of 32a0.000. b. Any additional costs asso --iated with the clJivert replacement shall be funded entirely by the BOARD. 4. The BOARD shall credit to the PROJECT, the COUN-TY'S Tri-Party contribution of . $66,566, together with the BOARD'S Trt-Party contribution in an amount equal thereto. 5. Or or after July 1, 2000, the BOARD. shall submit an invoice to the COMMUNITY for $66,000 (being 100% of the COMMUNITY'S share of the PROJECT costs.) • 6. Upon receipt of said invoice, the COMMUNITY shall pay to the BOARD the full amount thereof, within thirty (30) days of such receipt. BOARD OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS FOR THE COUNTY OF OAKLAND RCOC Project No. 43071 MN*. nnnnnn11,111.. PI oject No.. • 43071 N. Holly Road 01/31/2002 TRU 11:25. FAX 2486345482 holly township, ?009/009 Exhibit A TRI-PARTY PROGRAM 1999 County Supported Road Improvements In The Townsh;pr Ho:lv _Type of Work Resurfacing along N. Hog); Road horn Quick Road•to Lahring Road with culvert replacement at Swartz Creek. Estimated Total Construction Cost $880,000 (including culvert replacement) Engineering (10%) $ 88,p00 Estimated Total Project Cost 8968,000 Estimated Cost of Culvert Replacement' $375,000 BREAKDOWN OF TRI-PARTY PORTION OF PROJECT TOWNSHIP OF HOLLY COUNTY .RCOC TOTAL_ 1980 -1991 Tr-Party $ 4,961 $ 4,960 $ 4,950 $ 14,851 1992 1999 Trl-Party - $61.717 $61.716 $61 .716 $185.149 Total $66,668 $66,666 $66,666 $200,000 Note(s): Td-Party funding is capped at $200,000 01/30/2002 09:42 FAX 248 452 9772 , BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ZI002 Township of Holly Attention: Accounts F ayable 102 Civic Drive Holly, MI 48442-150:i Invoice No 10070001 Invoice Date: 07/05/2000 Payment Due: 08/05/2000 _ Quality Life through Good Roads "We Care" Zri:=:YANICZogf ClOWArir-S-57Clire ,4or:13APMAND-9C ,4or-:-.0APMAND-9C ***I N V 0 1 C E*** 31001 LA.IISER ROAD BEVERLY HILLS, MI 48025 (248) 645-2000 RE: North Holly Re ad Project No: 43071 Per Agreement Parag aph 5: On or after Ju: y 1,2000, the Board shall submit an invoice to the Community for $66,666.0( (being 100% of the community's share of the Project costs). . TOTAL AMOUNT DUE --r 8 ex_. $ 66,666.00 1 ---FOTANSH1-17,-OF liOLLY"-- - — - 1 G L A:tt No. 101 - 144-44•- qi 3 -00d *Customer No.: 180010 Ref No. /371-4 o8001 Date Paid -7//170?) . turvt • . Check:No. PL %.CE RECORD INVOICE NUMBER 10070001 ON YOUR CHECK . . PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO THE LOCATION ABOVE nTY, QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INVOICE, PLEASE CALL GAYLE LARSON AT (248) 6454000 EXTENSION 2244 Resolution #02033 February 21, 2002 The Chairperson referred the resolution to the Finance Committee. There were no objections. FINANCE COMMITTEE FISCAL NOTE (M.R. #02033) March 14, 2002 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, SUE ANN DOUGLAS, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FUND REIMBURSEMENT FOR PROJECT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HOLLY - FY 2002 ALLOCATION TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above referenced resolution and finds: 1. $13,284.23 is available annually in the Environmental Infrastructure Fund for FY 2002, to reimburse the Township of Holly for this project; no additional appropriation is required. 2. The Committee recommends adoption of the resolution. FINANCE COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Palmer absent. Ht FCRECC'''. Da Resolution #02033 March 14, 2002 Moved by Palmer supported by Crawford the resolutions on the Consent Agenda be adopted with accompanying reports being accepted. AYES: Amos, Appel, Brian, Buckley, Causey-Mitchell, Coleman, Crawford, Dingeldey, Douglas, Galloway, Garfield, Law, McPherson, Melton, Middleton, Moffitt, Moss, Obrecht, Palmer, Patterson, Sever, Suarez, Taub, Webster. (24) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefore, the resolutions on the Consent Agenda were adopted with accompanying reports being accepted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, G. William Caddell, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on March 14, 2002 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County_of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this le day of March, 2002. G. William Caddell, County Clerk