HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1975.06.09 - 2694COUNTY, MICHIGAN : OAKLAND NXVI.E:< YIKX-MAXX,X04.)Vf:',AXXXXXIXISOC*DiXAUSPS ANNUAL ELECTION JUNE 9, 1975 CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS CANVASS OF VOTES (AST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON June 9, 1975 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED DV LLLtIV 111,11.fiS, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS . .T.A 919 East Kilgore Rood tlk KALAMAZOO„ MICHIGA Order by Form Non M498 CANVASSER BOOK . n eciry vikeiizt Geriero3;, Pf.itIlOrY or Spk.,cio' CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL JUNE 9, 1975 STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: received received :POT FAPRES IN THIS COLUMN voles votes vo-1:0 • TOTAL The wholeinurnbet::Of votes given for the Office of was and they were giVi,m for the folloWin.g nanied oe.rsorrs! ..Votes • received received TOTAL :VoteS: The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: receive received voles ...r.eCei.ved•• .!.TOTAL: voles — ----VDTE—rUK=RUT—MORE'THAN -TWO) - - - given (Cr the office of MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Four Yr. Term The 46le...humber,:61yotes Was : and they Were given for the 10:11bWing homed persons votes: • : : . • • " • • .• • • . : • •.•: • • V47, • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •:: • votes received received received received received received receivrA received t_ received Janet R. Thomas Robert O. Vandermark Donald C. Balzarini Richard Esser., J Joseph J Fabrizio R. Etic Reickel Fernando Sanchez •o• • • :•.:• •::• /7)(:. CLARKSTON COMMUN I TY SCHOOL . . . . . OPERATING MI LLAGE RENEWAL PROPOS IT ION TOTAL JUNE 9, 1975 CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS STATEMENT OF VOTES, Members of the Board of Education Four Yr. Term -- Vote for Two PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER I. 1 TOTAL 21/ . . med persons: ond they were given for :ma:FIONA& REIMS :COLUMN The whole nun-6er el votes given for the office of W(1S and they were 9iven !or the following named persons; •••.voteS• :•. votes: Pio whole nuinbeu of votes :,.?iven for the office:of and th..6:y we gie• for the following named persons: received TOTAL The whole mimber of:votes:given: :or the office of : Wa5 V(..•5 votes :Vpte V.Ote$ VOtOS vOtes Votes votes received votes v,tis an ,...1 they wee given for the iollovving nairiecl peiSoi received votes received votes received votes received votes The whole number of votes given for the office of .receiy6c.1:: 'votes reCCA.V.O.C., • PUT FIGURES IR THIS:tHLOSIN The whole number of Voles given for the office Of : and they were given for the following named persons; votes :1 votes The whole number of votes (liven for the office of was and they were given for tkE., following narried persons: received votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of was • and they were given for the following named persons: received received ...TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of WeS and they wore given for the following named POS0115: :roceiVed votes . •vOteS•.:.1 votes• The whole numbel of votes given for the office of and they were given for the following named persons received .votes • • votes ..votes TOTAL CLAriktlY)N commuNr°rv st1-10()LS JUNE 9, 1975 • •.: ......OPERATINS .:111.LLAG.E.... RENEWAL •:•:PR0P0 .511.10N.: ...Tho whole Olimoer:c t n votes • • • c• • LI • •given the total amount ol Laxes which may be imposed in any one year upon property in .€1-drk8.-t.6.11 the oeriod of ton (10) years from 1976 to 1985 both inclusive, by five (5) mills ($5 t0 per $l,000)pj to dcfry part of the • : q..renewal of PUT fiGURES IN THIS COLUMN of which number__ votei•Wore rriatked: YES votes:weie marked MO The whole nuMber of votes giVen ftir:cind agalriiit the__ was of wh'rel, noir15.:er. votes...were:marked...YES: The whole nu r ILjer of votes given For and god; rist..the... was_ of wIlit.11 number votes were m arked YES votes were rtiori<ed14(1) . TOTAL_ VOTES, CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS CERTIFICATE DETERMINATION JUNE 9, 1975 OF - - - - having received the kircesr umber of Tliot yotc elected- , • 'haViii ------------------------------- voles is elected_ . . . . • • Thot . vot.os t STATE OF A1I0111. G_AN coTTN TY Op OAKLAND The: E3Oard of:Canvassers or : CouRty OäkVártd : : Claek:StOn COrridin'iVty ,Nsct..:-rttiinecl and CatiVaSsed tke :YotE-,s Of 161id Annual .._.Elecflori, held elo on the 9th day of June one thousand nine hundred and ve - Do Hereby Certify and Determine :votes is elected :Merite:r.pf :Boar.d _ _.„o 1 Eduction Four Year Term Expiring 1979 . • • •••..: • •. • • •••••• . •• • I Tivat • ..•-••••••:•-• . ••.. . .• . ..42 :votes is MOn)b,p:r.:., of . Education • Four Year Taiitt• •• • • • Tliat • • " • • • • • •hr mc, received ..the:•lorgest .rwro:bef..of. : votes elected SS. That votes is elected That _ votes is elected That _ • votes is elected Tilut votes k erected That. _ votes is elected Votes is eleeted_ votes is eleoed_ That_ — . votes IS elected___ :That_ votes is elected_ _ _ . received -, the laigest ni.trol-,.)er having roceived::the forot.si number having received I nurnber. of •:f • . kage:4: 16Vir. g rocoivi,c1"the idr=1"s:t ilonlb :..F4 of c.tinc.t.t6c.eived•the..10.ge.st.nt.64):!.::;r.:6 ci;vo0 recbiv,dthe iie-. number : .•..ill; A tlitrilatelnEreitiA 13OM eitdiet >it WA NLA CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS JUNE 9, 1975 : D6 FurlIter Hcr3by • • • : That the foflowing Propositions or q uestions were passed or deeaft,d as indicotod below: NAME OF P2OPOS1flON OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION F-'eceivecT Having Sugicient votes Passed NAME OF PROPOSITION 2 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION Received PCISS001 Having Suffic-Su votes S Not Received 1.-)eooted , ! Received flaying Suflicient votes was DP:cessaetdd 3 NONE Ij h u\ot .1 ,ecelvea . Wines.% Wkereof, We have hereunto sat out ham/LIS: oriel :afNecl he Seal of th....I _ in the year one thousand nine hundred and s°ven tr-f ve June 7 C ti A IRMAM : BOARD OF COUNTY CANVASSERS ATTEST: CLERK Of ROAM OF COUNTY CANVASSERS,