HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1979.06.11 - 2705ANNUAL ELECT ION CANVASS OF yorrEs (AST AT THE ELEcTIPN HELD ON JUNE 11, 1979 (DATE OF ELECTION) OF THE CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRKT) OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY NVELEakr aft i ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. ES398K CANVASSERS BOOK STATEMENT OF VOTES PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER OFFICE M;) CANDIDENA.,mEs 111111111il1 6 MI 8 MEMBERS OF BOARD OF • ' 111 .111 • c IIIII - IIII EDALCATION - Lt trt—er41_4._ 11111.11.11111 (Vote for Two) . 1 1 1 Mill 11111111 1111 I —1---- i - 111.11111.111111101111111111110111 11.1 i i . Fernand land:1_02_ I -- H '7 \I Ar ' UNNIMENRIENIRMIM_LAMISI l' L2 I 1 Mr) Milatiliffil.Marinn ' D A511 t c-i 0 C.) 1 Ell L. _i_l__111 1. : 1111.11111 1n111111.0 ' : 1 Miii IiiMMEM . . ;. _____111111MIONMI 11111n11111111111111 . ... .. ... . IIIMEMMEWNWIWW Oq 11 TOTAL ,MM ......, ..:..... ' :4 1111 .- ems wire .3 =MN MIMnMME M 11:1111 IMMO.= :EMMA MEMMIIIMMMEMME MMMIMMaill Milli M I! allil=1=11 IMMEM ' MIMI. MMIERW IN liiiiiMM I iiiMin =NM IMMIIMERMINIMIN NM= NM SIMAIM IDMMIA Iriallail=11111111. 1 111111 - --1--- rim miort mom mow= ............ imem.... .. -NimmiLiEmonmilm NE= .. . I. 1111111111111.11111 IMMI El - - IiiMEMMIEMI MIMMEN. - '..1141.11161119111.1.-Miaalli MIMI MEI MI IIIIIIIIIIIII In mumr...... .......— la. ........i.mmi Nom . ammianumimms. , 2 TO Janet R. Thomas NO YES PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER 7 8 9 9A 10_ 11 AVCB TOTAL CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS JUNE 11, 1979 STATEMENT OF VOTES, ANNUAL ELECTION PROPOSITION SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT BOND PROPOSITION TOTAL -I [0 5 , 13 aq (0 -117 LI . I 0 67_5 ). q )cf 0 I oq .51Y 67-7 1)J,L,2z-i : 3:3 JF VOTES — MEMBER„ PoARD OF EDU - (Vote for not more than two) The vi.hoie u ber of votes given for the Ff cc,of Wiemb of the - yr for a Four Year term i - i was „„...... ,N.I.a._,,, ,,,,,,,,. _ ,,',.--, ..o.cib. and the.y - i-. :yen for the , ,., c 'A i : i \IQT55 WTOTTEN IN WOPOS , Fernando Sanchez __.' ._02.4.46.4? (P-1,4-40----r-LA 9-e, -1. - • f., 1 ....____ ! 1 1 . 1 2. Janet R. homas Ll' ,f',-k.-.4 L...,,,....( -,, . -k1/..ii_?,.i.,,, I ‘...i L. _ / ,---7 H. / 5._ 6. 7. II i I-- 8. i 9. , • TOTAL )1 - - . The . mirriber of votes given for the office of -;',,4J:-: 7ii 7on for a Th ee Year term I was _ and they were giver for the following named persons- i i Prtn,i.-.:ii•:it P.:-,cEiviislo 11-PE VOTES >::!1!,:.:;:t7; OF yOTEs: -,.;,:Fi i71:‘: IN WORDS 1. 2. 11 : 3. 4, 5 TOTAL III IIII_.. .. The whoie number of votes g.-,i.en for the office of 7 f the Bovr,:, - For a Two Year term was ; ?Trm. iF voTEs \i,• Tirg:'1 ORD5 2. 3. 4, 111 5, TOTAL -- The whole number of votes giver for the office of tkii..rr of the Board of far a One Year teiim was and they Were given for the f:i,Howin g named - s• nssoms 7.E.•:•EP'',.':?,.0 THE VOTES NUMPER C.), VOTES WRIVFEN IN WOM5 1. i 2. 3. 4. 5, TOTAL Ogr STATEMENT OF VOTES — PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS The whole number of votes for and against the SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT BOND PROPOSITION _. Shall Clarkston Community School District, Oakland County, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed Nine-Million -bne Hundred Thousand Dollars ($9,100,000) and issue its bonds there- for, for the purpose of erecting, furnishing and equipping a new junior high school . buildin and an -addition to the Senior High School Building, remodeling, improving, refurnishing and re-equipping the Senior High School Building and developing and improving the s' for h- new junior high school building, all in the school district? _ 6,,, Cl----,,--k_ I — was ' 0 ).' ?! C.') , ,...,,, .: ..§,cr,„ („a,....il. , of which number ( .. . e_ P---Q--tki-i---- 1 / I 1 votes Were marked YES v - f — - t."--- votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whale number of votes far ond against the _ _ was of which number - votes were marked YES and : i votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the _ ...__ i i was of which. number ._ votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO I TOTAL VOTES I CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION , STATE OF MICHIGAN , } ss. COUNTY OF_ OAKLAND We, the Lmdersigned Board of Canvassers for the County of Pak] arid from an examination of the Election Returns of C 1 a rkston Community School Dist rict received by said Board of Canvassers, LEGAI NAME OF SCHOOL DiSTRP1.7 determine that at the Annua 1 election held on_Jupe 11 , 1979 ,that the persons listed below were duly AI-.I'qU ,',L CR S'FIVAL DATE OF ELECTION elected as members of the Board of Education of the said School District for the terms of office set opposite their name or names: Nornes of persons elected for a four , , , --- 'Y'r,--Q----a--' year term expiring — _ 1983 Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring Names of persons elected for a two year term expiring Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the followin g Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated as ind icated below: 1. NAME OF PROPOSMoN , SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION AND IMP.- 4*ilik-- c c ::421armiti'l" Haying -- - -- .— Suf ficient votes was ROVEMENT BOND PROPOSITION -- -_ _ Not Received Defeated 2 NAME OF PROPO5ITIOI--1 Received „ Passed NONE Having k,ii-ticient votes was Not Received Defeated 3. NAME OF PROPOSITION Received • Passed Having . Sufficient votes was Not Receiiied Defeated N ONE NAME OF PROPOSMON Received • Passed Haying Not Received ,, Sufficient votes was Defeated NONE ' In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and Axed the Seal Of the County of OAKLAND this /i bf- d ay o f June 19_79_ i Al ,/,..r." . ,46---.." , iiip. , . -.: _ --,.... --. At CHAIRMAN ----- AIL ' . _, BOARD OF ' tt . ' 0 0 0 -' ''''-' ii .3.1,,_ CANVASSERS CL -COAD OF CANVASSERS