HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1971.06.14 - 2718OAKLAND 0F CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS . .dr OJflY • CITY to iv Fop .COUNTY, MICHIGAN CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - JUNE 14 1971 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON JUNE 1/4, 1971 (DATE OF ELECT ION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS :SCHOOL : .1r0.11%.M PRINTERS..•.. 7... •OFFICElFURNITURE AND S(JPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Rood * KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. tsetlr : CANVASSER::BOOK; : Soe.cify whether GOriro), Primary or 5Oe:e7i01:;EleOrioh: STATEMENT OF VOTES The: whiDliziinvrribie:of.vote:s giv60 lei. the:Office of Mernbei s of Board Of Eductt ton id 1i y _ : W.e:r6. Oven for Ille1ozny named persons.: PERSONS RECEiVNG THE VOTES Louise Cohen William Rausch : NUMBER or VOTES WRITTEN 04 WORDS Charles H. Weichel 10. Tté whole nurriber of votes given for the office of Was ... Ortd: they Were::given for :the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTEs: NUMBER OF VOTES:WRITTEN:IN wpRps: ie whole.rt.u. :Tiber of votes given for the oRice of fo r o . : : . '...va:'.: . . .• . . .. .. . . ... . . • iziol...thi..,!y .i.%,..ere•.given. for tht. fc.1:1OWrng• named •piers . . .. .. • . • . ..-.... .... . . .• . . ..• ........ ... -- PERSONS .RELEIVING: THE VOTES ns: NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS . . The whole:numtJer of votes given for the offie.a of end thpy vi,6re given fot the following ponied:: persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ---- JUNE 14, 1971 STATEMENT OF VOTES, ...YES • • . • NO • . YES •• • . NO • • ...YES • • • .1 • NO YES.• • • • NO YES • • •:NO: CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ----- JUNE 14, 1971 .:STATEMENT:::(W.::VOTES .: 4 Year Term 9 AVCB STATEMENT OF VOTES The whale hpnit)c9H01 votes for: and ago rist the PUT EIGURE,5: C0111.Mt1:: of which numbel votes were marked YES votes were marked NO The whole ritl.m.b.erof v.b.tes..rpr: and :cici914.15t• fh:e. and The whole number of votes for and against the of which number votes were iraiked YES arid vofes were marked NO TATE COUNTY. Of • • • • • C- Passe ci .tifficient voles was ---- • • :••• • • • .• .L.ifeatat • XPC V ,C4 1-101,11-1g No Receivi Recsisrd • •• • .S6F....ic:.1111 .....te,•••c•••••w••••••(.1..c• Ot::•Roc•-..;V:64: '.`" • • •••Y'"---.Deleateo NAME. or :PROPOSITION H Sititfkient ..verfe's.: •• • . .• ;7-1 ,• C1-lAl?M AN, CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION OF OAKLAND The COONTY: : : : : :OAKLAND 1366r,4 •Of Cai)vassert,i 0, Cou ly C I ow-' hi c.r Vt Iio ouriry City I ip or V;11-Alel hainq :A;c6ociro6d grid CanV6s!iad the of said : CLARKSTON: COMMUNLTYISCHOOLS: acti..00t, . one thousand inine hundred and Pa :Hotleksi:-00..ittifY nd ..Dete.1.4inine : : iCoD4)ty,TowositipjOi Vii - of at the : ttection beld:an the.: ftb . c.nes- is ,/610S is T1 k.11 _ VOleS. is elected That:. vi2te5 iS C IC fed .....____ flicit VetQS 5 _ - - - - - - - Vb /CS is elecod That _ is votes i5 elected Tiiat vts 1t elt:cted: t6coivad::tka]co:,it3st n:tim:b .or. :61 :kaying received thelcçitnumhm of sha,•iino Th:.,_:16i.cji.,0.:nurtibr of having received the 101-0601-160.4').e.iji of .koving re .ce:i.ved ..havincj eceived the lati6st•nu .rtilo6r Of at.gast.:11u.mbet:.o :having reteivo the 4o get number ta.coi 'vEA: the 1arest riunroei of : rig t.e:caivad I ka n iji...ettor..:ot Doi:fmether:Hereby Doterthinnei: TI cii the follOwing: Propos.itiO:i-k or Ouestion5 N.VerL: pcuilsecl ör dcfeo c as inditatEA below NAME OF PRoPostroiN NAME OF :.01ZOPOSITIC.:!1•4 : Received Having : :Not Receive rs: Witheas :,Whereof, : We ho,;;.e hereunto set our htinds:dn&OFfilxed::the Sea :of:the-------------COUNTY of pi.gsLA:NAL this _clay of___ JUNE in the year one thousand nine hundred and___s_evanty7ang._ BOARD OF CANVASSERS ..ATTEST; : CLERK OF BOArO:CV cAKY.' .!'S; St:r1