HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.06.09 - 2742CLAWSON SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 9, 1980 CPC! t MIL CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE 9.ECTION HELD ON JUNE 9, 1980 (DATE OF ELECTION) OF THE CLAWSON SCHOOL DISTRICT (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) OAKLAND COUNTL:', a ":111GAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND S:)['71.1ES 1919 East Kilgore Road * KALAMAZOO, MICHiGAN Order by Form No, ES398K CANVASSERS BOOK wir PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER TOTALS OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES AVON H. SCHWAB 3/t, 2 STATEMENT OF VOTES ANNA M LaCHAR 1 TE WARNER 1 SEPP 1 MIEMEMEMMEEMI. =MEM 'MMOMMEMS. immilimm mom millimmilimmomi immilm=mmimumm. MMEM 111 1 mommlomm mom. IIIIME--mmStir I'MMEMIP M IIIIMMEMMMU mom mmIllimmilm. ME mimmillim Him.= milmill ....1 mm pm mmelluplm ma =111111mMillir aill mum= mom= milm_mmmillimm Il11111• - MI NM MMEMMM1M1111 IIMEMMIlmil MEMIMMEMMOMM MEMMEMIMMME MMIMMMILIMMME mailmim ml HIIIIMMIMI ME I arlIM M milm IIMMIM ill Mmil 11111MMEMMEMM Ell SIMMEMME MMM Al 3 ! nl z m >0 n cJmm E m 0 m n 1 ,.. i! 171 DAVID W. HACKETT MARGARET MAC TAVISH RICHARD J. PAPPAS VERONICA SEXTON NANCY E. VANGILDER I BARBARA J. WILLING I JOHN. J. YEZMAN . -THEODORE DZI.URMAN ROBERT EltIATRAULT P v4.1 0 • r- < > 0 11 —1 0 rn -11 0 0 0 — —I r) PJ 0 rn - rn = > rn z —4 • tri 0 °T1 MARIELLEN GREENDURY 11 •;,,, • CD a, ri f-r CD a nP The wheje mirni-er,of votes given th..e office of... of the Boctr.;,: a for a :Four Year term was ":" -7 ;'' f-7 "if 1 - and they were given for the foUoiag named persons: VOTE FOR '60011E THAN TWO PERSONS RECE.IVNG ME N:CM:. SUMOEP ?,7:: VOTES WRITTEN iN WO DS WARNER I SEPP I , — ANNA M. LaCHARITE "7;4 , ..-..„...--0"-P-4.---e-..4.: "Z.,-CI-4,,---,-4---e •'' ' _ /17 ' AVON H. SCHWAB 3, I.. I_-/----'-e...., 6 1 . 1 6. _i ----i-- l• 8, 1 I i 9. 1 I 10. 1 , TOTAL , ,..) ' The w ':-.:. Jn- r of votes given for the office of '--°--i -- 'or a Three Year term was and they W,m2 givel, er the l -:17:,,SI"W ::17,7 "i -:" I:=*. - ° a OF VOTES WRPTEN IN WORDS 1 i 1 1 1 , 1 1 ----- 1.---t—i----- , 1 , 5 I TOTAL ..._... The wheIe number of votes given for the office of I of the for a Two Year term was and they were given for the WI named parsons' PERsoNs RECMING THE VOTES N1)M8ER OF VOTES WRITTEN N woRas 2. 3. I .__ 1 4 5. TOTAL _ i The who!e number of votes given for the office of - . the r , Education for a One Year term Was and they wore given for the Hi-V.'ing ,cir.i .- • •sons , rE,7,Z NUMIKR OF vOM WRITTEN IN WOWS • - /- . ,- 3. 1 4, 1 5. TOTAL 111111 STATEMENT OF VOTES — PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS The whole number of votes for and against the , i _ was . of which number votes were marked YES and _ -- votes were marked NO _ TOTAL VOTES 1 i The Die number of votes for and against Ole i- was _ of which nu ber votes were marked YES and 1 votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the was of which. number votes were marked YES and votes were marked 0 TOTAL VOTES this day of 19 80 „BOARD OF 'CANVASSERS re" \ CERTIFICATE OF DETERM114ATION STATE OF MICHIGAN ss OAK COUNTY OF LAND } We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for the County of , OAKLAND from an examination of the Election Returns of SCHOOL DIST. OF THE CITY OF CLAWSON received by said Board of Canvassers, LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRIC.T determine that at the ANNUAL election held on —11JNF 9, 1980_ ,that the persons listed below were duly op Tpv,iAL DATE OF ELECTION elected as members of the Board of Education of the said School Distr:iet for the terms of office set opposite their name or names: Names of persons elected for a four - - year term expiring / 1984 .„----- Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring Names of persons elected for a two year term expiring Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the followin g Propositions or Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPO, IT N Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was NONE Not Received Defeated 2. NAME OF PSIOPOStI1 ON Received Passed Having --------- Su fficient votes was NONE Not Received Defeated 3. NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Passed NONE Having Not Received Sufficient votes was Defeated 4. NAME OF PROPOSITION Received , , Passed Having Suffici e nt votes was NONE - Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal Of the County of OAKLAND