HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2004.01.22 - 27509MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #04007 January 22, 2004
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the 52 nd District Court, Division I (Novi) applied for a grant
with the State Court Administrative Office (SCAO), Michigan Drug Court Grant
Program; and
WHEREAS the application requested total funding in the amount of
$133,500 of which $53,500 is awarded by SCAO, and $B0,000 received from the
Byrne Memorial Grant; and
WHEREAS the award from SCAO is for $53,500 and serves as the required
40% matching funds for the Byrne Memorial Grant, and the Byrne Memorial Grant
serves as the match for the SCAO grant; and
WHEREAS the Byrne Memorial Grant for FY 2004 accepted by resolution
#03314 was used as the application for the SCAO Grant; and
WHEREAS the court intends to continue the Drug Court to deal with the
problems of increasing recidivism, increasing use of alcohol and illegal
drugs, rising systems costs, and an increase in jail days ordered; and
WHEREAS continued funding for one (1) special revenue full-time
eligible Probation Officer I position (32205-09903) in the Probation Unit is
awarded to provide intensive probation supervision and frequent alcohol
testing of defendants; and
WHEREAS the 40% grant match funding ($53,500) for this position will be
SCAO funded; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution 490004 established a fiscal policy to
maintain proportionate funding for Federal, State and Private grants; and
WHEREAS the grant agreement has been processed through the County
Executive Contract Review Process and the Board of Commissioners Grant
Acceptance Procedures.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners accepts the State Court Administrative Office (SCAO), Michigan
Drug Court Program Grant, in the amount of $53,500, with no County Match
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of
Commissioners is authorized to execute the contract agreement and that the
chairperson may approve amendments and extensions up to fifteen (15%) percent
variance from the award, consistent with the original agreement as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that acceptance of this grant is conditioned
upon continued interpretation of the contract consistent with the
February 6, 2001, letter from the Michigan Supreme Court, State Court
Administrative Office, providing that assurance 44 of the grant application
shall not be construed as a mandate for future funding of the program from
the funding unit, said letter attached hereto and incorporated by reference
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there is no Oakland County grant match
funding requirement for the one (1) full-time eligible special revenue
Probation Officer I position (32205-09903) in the Probation unit of 52 nd
District Court, Division I (Novi).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no positions may be filled nor expenditures
authorized until a grant agreement is fully executed with the County's
obligation limited to the grant funding period.
Public Services Committee Vote:
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Middleton absent.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that continuation of the position associated
with this grant is contingent upon continuation of State funding.
Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the
adoption of the foregoing resolution.
/ f
Prentiss Malone,
From: Greg Givens [givensg@co.oakland.mi.us ]
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 2:57 PM
To: Wedell, Harvey; Crane, Patricia .
Cc: Malone, Prentiss; Frederick, Candace; Pardee, Mary
Subject: CONTRACT REVIEW— 52/1 District Court - Novi
CONTRACT REVIEW - 52/1 District Court - Novi
GRANT NAME: CY 2004 Sobriety Court
FUNDING AGENCY: State Court Administrative Office (SCAO)
DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Patricia Crane 248/305-6453
STATUS: Acceptance
DATE: January 6, 2004
Pursuant to Misc. Resolution 401320, please be advised the captioned
grant materials have completed internal contract review. Below are the
comments returned by review departments. The captioned grant materials
and grant acceptance package (which should include the Board of
Commissioners' Liaison Committee Resolution, the grant
agreement/contract, Finance Committee Fiscal Note, and this email
containing grant review comments) may be requested to be placed on the
appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant acceptance by
Board resolution.
Department of Management and Budget:
Approved based on the understanding that continuation of this program is
contingent upon sufficient funding being provided from both grants, SCAO
and Byrne. - Laurie Van Pelt (12/19/2003)
Personnel Department:
Approved. - Ed Poisson (12/22/2003)
Risk Management and Safety:
No comment received.
Corporation Counsel:
On review of this grant contract, there appear to be no outstanding
legal issues that require further action or resolution. - Karen
Agacinski (1/6/2004) '
.248-305-747 P.02
5173722n2 7-420 P.02/02 Jolt-III
Fah-06-01 01t16P inackenzi
F120-00-01 12:47 Pros:MAO CENTRAL
Honorable Brian bbolCensie
52" District Court
42150 Grand RiverAve.
. Novi, tta 4S314-1222
Dear Judge MacKenzie: •
Pursuant to our conversation this miming regarding the /vrschigan Drug Court Grant
Program, I am providing information concerning Assurance #4 in tha application materials.
1 The assurances included in the Michigan pm Court Grant applies/Ian materials are the
same as the assurances raquked to apply for and accept Wend program funding for drug court
programs. Assurance #4 calls for the applicant to provide =wan= of a PrOgraneS in= to
cOntinue funding whether that be from local, otise.r state, or federal sources of funding. The
Michigen Drug Court Grant Program is n wed program funded with limited sencrel 7
fund dollars. - The finitling is intended to assist in developing and implementing new programs
and provide limited support to Continuing prO . it is, however, the program's responsibility
to eventually seek additional sources offending- This should not be eansirued as a mandate far
fuhire funding of a program from the !brisling
If you bay{ any Rather questions, Please
me. •
.11 A. Moak
State COMM Administrator
DEC-17-2003 WED 09:59 AN
Dar-111.2009 03:4bm Prot-ICAO FT
P. 03
TAM P.063/010 F-4110
52-1 District emir-Novi
Federal ID Number
SCAO Grant Number
Goat Amount
Public Act 137, effective July 211, 1999 provided funding for the Michigan Drug CO=
Can= Progrtun for FY 1999-2000, which is administered hy the Stare Cour; Administrative
Ortiee. Funding for the Michigan Drug Court Gram Program has been continued for FY 2003-
The purpose ofthe Michigan Drug Court Grant Program is to provide funding assistance
to triai courts to help with planning and implementation of new drug courts, expansion of
existing drug coons, and continuation funding for drug court programs no longer eligible to
receive federal funding for their drug cot= program
GAM front the Michigan Drug Com Grant Program ore awarded to Games
conditioned upon the Grantee's agreement to comply with the policies and proctaiirrea set forth
in the Application Guidelines and Administrative Requirements for the Program and this grant
contract. The GMT Contract becomes effective upon signatures attire Grantee's Authorizing
Official and the State Court Administrator or his designee.
De4.-16 -ZOOS OP42at Frol-t00 1149 5178737117 T-1114 P.004/010 F-410
DEC-17-20Q3 WED 09:59 AM FAX NO. P. 04
Mohican Drug Cow Grant Program -2004
Page 2 2. Contract
This contract consists of and incorporates Grantee's Approved Grant Request and
2 —Dent:ions
The budget subulined with Grantee's Grant as approved by the State Cow
Administrative Office, shall be referred to SS the "Budget Section'.
The State Court Administrator or his agent shall have full authority to act for the Grantor
in the Administration of this Comm consistent with the fallowing provisions.
Irrat of Cps:tract
The contract shall be effective upon signature of the State Court Administrator or Deputy
State Court Administrator when signed by the authorizing official, shall begin January 1,2004
and shall terminate on December 31, 2004, unkss terminated earlier. COMO understands that
ftinding under this Contract does not provide for future tinding from the Michigan Drug Court
Grant Program.
COlOrdei Fonalisg
Upon approval of the Grantee's Application, the State Court Administrative Office agrees
to provide funding S'om the Michigan Drug Court Grant Program in an amount not to exceed the
antantt of the pant contract. hi no ovan dciczi this contract create a charge against any other
funds of the State Court Adminisiraiive Office or the Michigan Suprente Court.
Dee-1B-2DO3 02442m Free-SCAO BPP 11 TITUS! T T-114 PJ:04/410 P-410
DEC-17-2003 WED 09:59 AM FAX 1'101 P. 05
Michigan Drug Cow Orem Program-2004
Page 3
6, Conofile, of the Prillea
A. Grapler shall abide by all temss and conditions imposed and required by The Grant
Application Guidelines, Administrative and Budget Requirements.
B. Grantee shall operate its drug court project in accordance with the Key Components
of Drug Courts as outlined in The Application Guidelines.
C. Grantee shall comply with all applicable Federal, Stnte and local laws, rules, and
D. OtalUte shall comply with the Statentent of Work Anaclungrot A enclosed with this
7. Cask/In-Via Maid:
The State share oldie grant project may not Exceed 75% of The Mal project costs. At
least 25% of the total project cost is a required match and must come from local or other sources.
Cash contributions must constitute aportion of the requited match. Portion is not defined.
8. Assignments and Subcontracts
All appropriate provisions end requirements of this Contract shall apply to any sub-
contracts or agreements. Grantee shall be held responsible by the State Court Administrator for
the performance of any sub -contractor.
9. istigielkienz Conzracrer Straus
A. wail parties of this Contract will be acting in an independent capacity and not as
agents, employees, partners, joint ventures, or associates of one another_ The employees or
agents of one party shall not be deemed or construed to be the agent or employee of the other
party for any purpose,
B. Grantee gurderstands and awes that gill persons furnishing services pursuant to this
DEC-17-2003 WED. 10:00 AM
Der-11-20011 03411m Fror-SCAO BPP
P. 06
7.014 P.001/011 F-410
Michigan Drug Court Grant Program-2004
Page 4
Contract are, for purposes of Workers Compensation liability or other actions of employee-
related liability, not employee of the State Court Administrative Office or Supreme Court,
Grantee bears the sole responsibility emcl liability for furnishing Workers Compensation benefits
to any of its employees for injuries arising flan or =entered with aarriCea performed pursuant
to the Contract. Grantee may require subcontractors expected to perform services ander ;Ids
contract to provide further informati011 according to local Policies and Procedures -
/0. In cation
- Each party to this Contract will remain responsible for any claims arising our of that
parties performance of this Contract as provided by this COMTaCt or law. This Contract is not
intended to increase or decznase either parries liability for or immunity from WIT claims. This
corcrapt is oar intended to nor will it be imputed as giving either patty hereto a right of
indemnification, cid= by comma or at law, for clahns arising our of the performance of this
IL Debarment and Suspension
A. Grantee may not contract with or make any award of the State Court Administrative
Office Drug Gram funds at any rime to any party which is debarred or suspended or is otherwise
excluded from or ineligible for participation in Arrieral assistaa= programs Alder Executive
Order 12349, -Dame= and Suspension?'
12. Appasition. Accounting, Record Seeping & Inspection
A. Grantee agrees that all expenditures from this COMM including the acquisition of
Personnel service% contractual Se;14CeS• supplies, and equipment, shall be' accordance with (1)
the standard procedures of grantee's unit of government and (2) the Administrative and Budget
Requirements *idle Michigan Ditig Court China Program.
DEC-17 -2UO3 WV 10:08 Al
Du-113-1003 131141• From-SCAO BPP
51111TINIT T-114 P.107/43
• kliehig,an Drug Court Gram Prograra•2004
Page 5
a Grantee agrees to maintain accounting records following generally accepted
accounting principles for the expenclinue of funds for the purposes identified in the Grant
ApPlication, %Wiwi, and any 4PPlielible approved contract addendum and/or budget amendment.
C. Cavite agrees that the Supreme Court, State Court Administrative Office, the local
government audit division of the Michigan Department of Treasuzr, the SUM Auditor General,
or any of their duly authorized representatives. including program evaluators and auditors, shall
have =miss to and the right to CY09mide, audit exempt., copy, Or traulaibe any penineat
transaction books, accolidIS, data, time cards, or other records related to this Contract Such
materials, including all pertinent costs repeats, accounting and financial records shall he kept and
maintained by Grantee for a period of five (5) years after completion of this Comma or until all
Stare Court Administrative Office audits are complete for the fiscal period. whichever is later_
Failure of Grantee to comply with requirements of this section shall coristittae a material breach
of this Contract upon .vhich the State Coral Administrator may terminate, or IUSPIA4 this
D. The grantee's acccnuning system must maintain a separate fatal or account which
segregates the Michigan Drug Court Gram Program contract receipts and expenditures.
• 23- Aecounrabilip for Michigan Drug Coma Graaf Program Foods
Grantee agrees that it will not expend funds obtained under This 4greamenz for any
purpose other than those 414006264 w the Admiainnuive Requirements and specified in the
Gram Application and Budget for the Michigan Drug Court Otant Program and will expend
granted funds only during the period covered by the Connect unless prior written approval is
received from the Sum Court Administrative Office.
Dic-101001 03:43F1 F rarSCAO DPP worm? T-114 P.4011/010 c-41A
DEC-17-2003 WED 10:09 AN FAX NO. P. 08
Michigan Drug Court Grant Progrene2004
Page 6 Program Evabaukas and Review
Grantee shell allow appropriate Supreme Court and State Caun Administiative Office
reprtscutativca to evaluate, audit, inspect and monitor operation oldie drug coun. The
inspection methods dial may be used include: on-site visits: interviews of =fraud drug court
participants; and review of case records, receipts, monthly/quarterly statistical reports, and fiscal
A. Grantee agrees to provide reports ss Wear:jeer' in the Application Guidelines and
Administrative ReqUirCMCIUS far the Michigen Drug Court Grant Program to the Stare Cot=
Aclininisrrati've Office as follows:
jaggeinLRenorts: financial repons are thle clnarterlY 4nle month following each
quarter of the fiscal year with the excepdon of the 3rd quarterly report which will be due October
10, 2004 in ceder to meet fiscal year end reporting requirements. Therefore, quarterly reports
will be due April 30. 2004; July 31, 2004; October 10, 2004. and Jemmy 31,2005.
Reimbursement for grant costs and rut= funding may be withheld if the progress and financial
reports we delinquent. The State Court Administrative Office will provide copies oldie
fusancial report forms with grant contracts for each grant award ma4e.
C. Exonmikozal Progress reports are due senii.annually. The reports will be due
on June 30, 2004 and cmc month after the end of the calendar year or AMMO' 31.2005. The
progress reports describe activities during the reporting period and the stems of accomplishment
of oltectives as act forth in the application for pant funding, The final report must provide a
summary of proems toward achieving the goals and objectives of the award, significant resulta.
and any products developed under the award. The Stare Court Administrative Office will
Dsg-18-2001 011:444 Frosr$CAO OPP E17278T517 P.00114111 F-480
DEC-17-2003 WED 1009. pin FAX Nia F, U9
Michigan Drug Court Gram Program-2004
Page 7
provide copies of the progress report forms with the grant contract for each grant award made.
IkagfrariSatuntRAILCAstiishu= RI:40mb of imPiginenration and
continuation. funding Are reqUitt4 to SUbMir ID the SCAO the Drug Courts Quarterly Program
Report developed by the Office of Drug Control Policy on a quarterly cycle. Therefore,
quarterly reports will be due April 30. 2004; July 31.2004; October 10. 2004. ancl Murray 31.
2005. This data will capture baseline information on both drug courts and defendants. The dam
is intended to serve as a minimum data set for both local and national evaluation efforts_
E, The State Court Administrative Office retains the right to reallocate grant funding if
ongoing Fogress i 0i being made toward implementation of the drug court grant project.
Reimbursement for grant costs and future &wring may be withheld if the Financial Reports
and/or Program Progress Reports are delinquent or the Drag Court Grantee Data Collection
Survey is not completed..
16. Meerfftenion
Program MOclincation: This Contact fully expresses The agreement between The panics.
Nomodification of Grantee's Contract regarding the program can be made without prior written
approval of the State Court Administrative Office using a Contract MUUMUU/ Request Form
included in the Oran; Application packet.
Budget Modification: Adjustments in facpenditins within line item categories in the
approved budge; may be made up to $1,000 without prior written approval of the State Court
Administrative Office. Modifications in line item categories in cxecss of $1.000 require Prior
written approval of the Stare Cowl Administrative Office and can be requested using a Comsact
Adjusunen; Request Form included in the Orant Application packet
Dec-11-2003 0344a Froe4CAO BPP 5171187111 T-614 P.010/011 F-410
Key Component #1
Key Component #2
Key Component #3
Key Component #4
Key Component #5
Key Component #6
Key Component #7
Key Component US
Key Component n9
Key Component #10
]AX O. tJ. 1U DEC-1 1 -20U3 WED 10 u.
The Contractor agrees to =deflate, Wolin, and complete the additional services as described
below. It is understood and agreed that all oter conditions of the original agreement remain the
L The Connector is required to submit financial program and data collection reports per
section 15 of the contract
2. The Convector is encouraged to target non-violent probation violators and other non-
violent felony offendas, particularly straddle cell oilhaders who have a prior record
variable 0(35 points or more, who based upon local sentencing practices are otherwise
bound forprison. Contraetcas shall refer to the Violent Offender definition outlined in
Appendix B of the 2002 Federal Drug Coen Discretionary Program Grant Guide in order
to determine violence.
3. The Contractor agrees TO comply with the Key Components of Drag Courts as specified
by the U.S. Deparnnent of Justice, Drug Courts Program Office and the National
Associate* of Drug Conn Professionals and as outlined by the following!
Drug Courts integrate alcohol and other drug treaunent services
with justice system case processing.
thing a nonadversarial approach, prosecution and defense counsel
remote public safety while protecting participants' due process
Eligible participants are identified early and promptly placed in the
thug court program.
Drug Courts provide access to a COthapum of alcohol, drug, and
other related treatment and rehabilitation servica.
Abstinence is monitored by frequent alcohol-and other drug
A coordinated strategy governs drug court responsea to
participants' compliance,
ongoing judicial interaction with each drug court participant is
Monitoring end evaluation measure the achievement of program
goals and gauge effectiveness.
Continuing interdisciplinary education promotes effective drus
court planning, irnplementetion and operations.
Forging partnerships among drug courts, public agencies, and
community-based organizations generate local support snil •
enhances drug court effectiveness.
VEG-11-2UU3 WEU 1U:11 AM
Dec-18-2013 03;44i Froa-SCA0 BPf
51 T811751 T
r. 11
. T-884 P.C11/010 F-480
4. The Contractor's budget must reflect at least a Twenty-five percent match of cash and in-
kind combined,
5. Contractors receiving, treatment dollars funded through ibis contract must use licensed
and accredited substance abuse tram:mat providers contracted through the Substance
Abuse Coordinating Agencies. Programs may request an exception to this requirement in
writing to the SCAO. This request must SIM reasons why this clause presents =issue
for the program.
6. Contract= must ensure that drug court participants are empioyed, seeking cirlflnytnent,
or mimed in activities to enable them to be employed.
7. Conn-actors must ensure that a plea by participants is required; no deferred prosecution.
8. Contractors must ensure that utast= and rehabilitative services provided arc based
upon a comprehensive assessment of pardcipant needs.
9. Contractors must ensure that pardcipants make some payment toward dIng court costs.
Payments may be on a sliding fee scale, ability to pay basis.
VE0-11 -20U3 WED 12:51 FM
11E-lt-zOt3 02i45ss Froo-$40 PP
TITSTIlt 1154 P.418/CIS F-410
F. U2 1. •
Tarsi Cast
4181 ,1 -3
..P.Artat Wild P.= Cuk. Other
Mai Wan MO
ffepAii .x21Y0 82.2
74,7 at tAdo
,P a4,1,C All .1,2 3fik aqii •n••nn•n••M•11.fflIII
I3 11 ,C20
00 d
Cash .1112.C..PriAta"4,14) ape
ca4t.c. 1.1n3 ic2i 45'1
.sp..hso fi-%3&14. 0,tostAd..n
tAli,itA4gy-it 44%444
bArVg Vfl 4a
State Request (75% max)
ODCP Grant
Local Match (25% min)
Budget Categajv
A. Personnel
B. Fringe Benefits
C. Consultant/
• Travel
E. Consultant/
Contractual Trawl
F. Supplies/Operating
• Other Sources of
Funding for Drag
Coon Program Amount
Onsich liuldttional paper if necessary for other sources of funding tar the Drug
Coon Program)
Nffigit At least 25% of thrtotal project cost is s retpdred maid and must come &OM a combination of
local cub and in-kind contributions. The percentage of cash for the local teach la 110g defined.
Pleas* identilY which categories are to be bulled with state grant funds and which categories ant
to be funded as much ilmds or other funds. Equipmeat purchase, may be recorded in the
Supplin and Operating category but will be innharized far matcli espr.ntraures only.
U",3 DEC-17-2UU3 WED 12:bl, FM FAX O.
Dim-114003 02 Au Froo-SCAO MU P1111/011 f-410
The Budget Detail Worksheet: The INdget detail worksheet should include a thotoughjustificatio:o fbr all
costs including the basis for computing these costs. The budget must be complete,. Teattlanble, a114 clisoctlY
related to the activides proposed in the application. The Budget 1)eta11 Worksheet mey be submitted on plain
ahem Mowing the faring below. indicate in each category what the funding source is fir tbet eate$013'.
(State an match or other.)
A. PERSONNEL: List each position by title or name °employee if availoble. Show the annual salary rate and
the percentage of *RC devoted to the project.
Naing/Posiriqg gOltlEnkottiagt
PR 0 6 ft-Tre A/ WO
Pasounel Total S
B. FRDIGE BENTJTTS: Fringe benefits should be hued on actual known costs or an established granule.
Fringe benefits are only for the personnel listed in the budget and only iht the petrentege of time devoted to
the project. Check the fringe benefits that apply and indicate the composite rate percmtsge.
.1.nnnn•IN, .1.010111..0
Unemployment Insurance
Hospital Insurance
Life Insurance
Vision Insurance
Delon) Insurance
Worker's Compensation
Composite Ram
Fringe Benefit Total $ -7q fi .
DEC-1(-2UU3 WED 12:b( PM
Deg-11 -2001 03:45pa From4CAO BPP
fiX NU.
31TSTSTSIT TIM P.018/01S F-480
F. U4
dt. 4
eA./ ra44.4vid ei-44
comultemiComreensei Total $_24.26.cg 7
C. CONSULTANT/CONTRACTUAL; For each consultant enter the name (if known), sznice to be provided,
hourly or daily fee (8-bour day), and esdmated Timm*, project Consultant *es in excess of $250 per day
require prior SCA° approval. (Note: Consultant Travel should be lisle(' separately under enemy
Commensal services Vat treatmen; case utanagernenrimonitorhig and drug testing should he included in this
CmxisecuE cas
za44.4.42frtfL7,411°,1,1 Ind
,Ta4Atikei‘,, 00 44 444/4.4.414-1.,‘ - v-p--k
' d.414444? dt444/1 6t-01
r. IltAVEL: lteorile tenvel expenses of project personnel by purpose (Ca. training eTc4,
Show the basis al:amputation, For training pragnims, travel and meals should be listed separately. Show the
number of trainee% the unit costs bivalved, and the location of Travel. Travel for consultants should be listed
under Section E under Consultant Travel. All travel must adhere to the Michigan Supreme Cenut Standardized
Travel Rates for the Turlicial Blend effective 01/01/03 which ate included in The gram aPpncalion kit
Approved ;ravel expeasci will be limited to iu-SUIC ITNYCL
LASORII wad Critraiutictiaq
E. CONSULTANT TRAVEL: List all travel expenses to be paid fromibe gram TO consultants.
Isma Laid= ranuation
DEC-17-2003 WED 12:51 PM
NC" I 1-21108 02:41so ProrSCAO BPP•
11717117117 . T-014 P.017/010 F-410
V. OS I S.
F. silppliEglopERATING; Supplies include any materials that are expeOclable or collsMood during The Purse
alit project, Training registration costs should be Included under this seclion.
Simply Item! 41-72,401"19 &LAY-A4444.7 j 40.4.1 AL44.0zIscatiia,,..?
TilblingRajarratiOnCiag COMISSA011. Qua
5 CA.0 ahil CCA-11 IA) 0,-.* I 4 0-.L.,9-44.1. Vit44t, -4-71.4411
W‘A4, _§,N4A,(4 46.0 viv sz..4.4,4dAzd..) 4uit# OtnTc.ei '414
113:411pe Froa-SCAO PP 5TTITITSIT T-1114 P.011/03 F-40
DEU -11-2UUj WED 1U:1J, All l'AX NU.
Applicants must provide assurance that there has been appropriate eemsultation with all
affected agencies and that there will be appropriate coordination with all affected
agencies in implementation of The drug court Form ,
2. Applicants must provide assurance that all treatment programs and provident used in the
drug court program are licensed, ecnified, or eeertdited by appropriate State government
or professional agencies.
3. Applicants must provide assurance that violent offender, as defined in the application
guidelines will be excluded from drug court programs receiving funds under this
4. Applicants must explain the inability to fund the program adequately without assistante
froin the Michigan Drug Court Grant Program. Applicants must also provide assurance
of the intention and capability of the jurisdiction to continue the program after the
ftinding from the Michigan Drug Court Grant Program has been expended.
5- APpliCallts must provide assurance that all recipiems of funding under this grant program
are required to comply with nondiscrimination requirements contained in various federal
Uwe. each applicant court should have a copy of their EEO Plan on file and available for
review by the State Court Administrative Office upon request.
Applicants must assure that the applicant and its subgrantecs will not use funds from the
Michigan Drug Court Grant Program for lobbying and will disclose any lobbying
activities related to the Michigan Drug Court Grant Program..
7. Recipients of ilinding will assure that the Supreme Court, the State Cour; Administrative
°Mee, the local government audit division of the Michigan Department of Treasury, the
State Auditor General or any of their duly authorized representatives shall have ;teem to
and The right to examine. audit, excerpt, copy, or transcribe any pertinent financial
transactions, accounting records or other fiscal records related TO this WV= SUCh records
shall be maintained for a period of five year9 after completion of the gran; project or until
all State Court Administrative Office audits ere complete for the fiscal period, whichever
is later.
DEC-17-2003 WED 10:14 AM
Dos-10-1008 03141pm Fros-SCAO DPP
P. 19
17614 P.019/031 F-00
1.1,1 •
EIANCES (cant)
S. Applicants for Planning, Implementation and Continuation Grants must assure that they
will suhmh na the SCAO the Drug Court Grant Data COileCtiall SUTVey developed bY
the federal Drug Courts Progrtun Office 30 days after the end of the grant project or
January 31, 2005.
By signing the Assurances funk the applicant court are that it will emnply with
tile requirements set rank Ia the grant application in order to receive funding nada
the Michigan Drug Coon Grant Program.
Project Director (Name/Title)
Project Director (Signature)
Financial Officer (Name/Title) Financial Officer (Signature)
Authorizing Official (Name/Title) Authorizing Official (Signanne)
FISCAL NOTE (MISC. #04007) January 22, 2004
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has
reviewed the above referenced resolution and finds:
1. The 52nd District Court, Division I (Novi) has received a grant
from the State Court Administrator's Office (SCA0), Michigan Drug
Court Program, for the period of January 1, 2004, through
December 31, 2004.
2. The award from SCAO is for $53,500 requiring $80,000 in County
match, which is to come from the FY 2004 Byrne Memorial Grant.
The total program amount equals $133,500.
3. The grant includes continuation funding of one (1) special
revenue full-time eligible Probation Officer I position (32205-
4. In addition to the County match requirements, the County is
expected to incur administrative and support costs of $1,280 for
2004, which have been included in the FY 2004/FY2005 budget.
This grant does not allow for recovery of those costs.
5. The FY 2004 budget should be amended as follows to accept
continued funding from the SCAO, 52-1 District Court Drug Court
Special Revenue Fund 279
1-32-279-100303-28000-0171 Grants-State $ 53,500
1-32-279-100303-28000-0167 Grant Match 0
$ 53,500
2-327279-200303-28000-2001 Salaries $ 16,219
2-32-279-200303-28000-2075 Fringe Benefits $ 7,417
2-32-279-200303-28000-2560 Consultant $ 21,258
2-32-279-200303-28000-4156 Lab. Supplies $ 8,606
$ 53,500
(-0,c/1( 7166 3"Th'
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
G. William Caddell, County Clerk
Resolution #04007 January 22, 2004
Moved by Knollenberg supported by Douglas the resolutions on the Consent Agenda be adopted (with
accompanying reports being accepted).
AYES: Coleman, Coulter, Crawford, Douglas, Gregory, Hatchett, Jamian, Knollenberg, Kowall,
Law, Long, McMillin, Middleton, Moffitt, Moss, Palmer, Patterson, Potter, Rogers, Scott, Suarez,
Webster, Wilson, Zack, Bullard. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefore, the resolutions on the Consent Agenda were adopted (with
accompanying reports being accepted).
I, G. William Caddell, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true
and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on
January 22, 2004 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal *the County of Oakland at
Pontiac, Michigan this 22nd day of January, 2004.