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Resolutions - 2004.01.22 - 27510
ti) MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION # 04008 January 22, 2004 BY: PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE, HUGH D. CRAWFORD, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: PROSECUTING ATTORNEY - 2004/2005 AUTOMOBILE THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY (ATPA) GRANT ACCEPTANCE TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS the Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA) has awarded the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney grant funding in the amount of $253,262 for the period January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 and $261,368 for January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005; and WHEREAS this is the sixteenth (16 th) year of grant award for this program; and WHEREAS the State contribution for (75%) for 2005,the County contribution for 2005; and WHEREAS the required County match 2004 is $189,947(75%) and $196,026 2004 is $63,315 (25%) and $65,342 for of $63,315 for 2004 and 65,342 for 2005 has been included in the FY 2004/2005 Adopted Budget; and WHEREAS the grant will continue to fund one (1) SR Assistant Prosecuting Attorney IV (position #41201-06387) and one (1) SR Assistant Prosecuting Attorney III (position #41201-06113) WHEREAS acceptance of this contract does not obligate the County to any future commitment; and WHEREAS the grant award has been processed through the County Executive Contract Review Process. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts the Prosecuting Attorney's 2004/2005 Automobile Theft Prevention Authority grant in the total amount of $253,262 for the period of January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 and $261,368 for the period of January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the continuation of this program, including personnel, is contingent upon continued grant funding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that amendments be made to the Prosecuting Attorney's grant budget to reflect the changes in the award as detailed in Attachment A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to execute the grant award and to approve any grant extensions or changes, within fifteen percent (15%) of the original award, which are consistent with the original agreement as approved. Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. PUBLIC SER ICES COMMITTEE Public Services Committee Vote: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Attach A OFFICE OF THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Oakland County Automobile Theft Prevention Grant Comparison of 2003 Budget to 200412005 Grant Award 2003 2004 2005 .Variance Variance Budget/Award • Award . Award 2003 Budget 2004 Award to 2004 Award • to 2005 Award • Positions 2 • 2 . 2 0 0 • 2001 Salaries $ 165,084 $ 165,362 $ 171,182 . $ 278 $ 5,820 2075 Fringe Benefits . 67,850 81,066 83,352 13,216 2,286 Total Personnel Cost $ 232,934 $ 246,428 $ 254,534 $ 13,494 $ 8,106 Operating 3292 Personal Mileage 2,650 2,804 2,804 154 4252 Office Supplies 900 900 900 - 6636 Info Tech Operations 647 647 647 - 6660 Radio Communications 551 1,200 1,200 649 6675 Telephone Communications 1,246 1,283 • 1,283 37 • Total Operating Costs $ 5,994 $ 6,834 $ 6,834 $ 840 8 GRANT TOTAL $ 238,928 $ 253,262 $ 261,368 $ 14,334 6.00% $ 8,106 3.20% Object 0171 State Share 0167 County Share REVENUE TOTAL $ 179,196 75.00% $ 189,947 75.000/n $ 196,026 75.00% 59,732 25.00% 63,315 25.00% 65,342 25.00% $ 238,928 $ 253,262 $ 261,368 Prepared by Fiscal Services Gaia Piir . From: Greg Givens [givensg@co.oakland.mi,us] Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 9:57 AM To: Wedell, Harvey; Scottmarg©co.oakland.mi.us Cc: Piir, Gala; Frederick, Candace; Pardee, Mary Subject: CONTRACT REVIEW - Prosecutors Office CONTRACT REVIEW - Prosecutor's Office GRANT NAME: 2004 Prosecutor's Anti Auto Theft Project FUNDING AGENCY: Auto Theft Prevention Authority DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Margaret Scott / 29103 STATUS: Application DATE: January 5, 2004 Pursuant to Misc. Resolution #01320, please be advised the captioned grant materials have, completed internal contract review. Below are the comments returned by review departments. The captioned grant materials and grant acceptance package (which should include the Board of Commissioners' Liaison Committee Resolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance Committee Fiscal Note, and this email containing grant review comments) may be requested to be placed on the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution. Department of Management and Budget: Approved. - Laurie Van Pelt (12117/2003) Personnel Department: Approved. - Ed Poisson (12/10/2003) Risk Management and Safety: No comment received. Corporation Counsel: • After reviewing the 2004 Auto Theft Prevention Authority Grant Acceptance, I fund no legal issues that must be resolved before accepting the grant. Therefore, this grant is approved. - Jody Sturtz Schaffer (12/17/2003) JENNIFEF1 M. GRANHOLM movenNoR STATE Of MICHIGAN AUTOMOBILE THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY EAST LANS1NO COL. TADARIAL J. STURDIVANT DIFIECTOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN AUTOMOBILE THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY 714 South Harrison Road, E. Lansing, MI 4E823 hereinafter referred to as the "Authority" and OAKLAND COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE 1200 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, MI 48341 • hereinafter referred to as the "Agency" for Prosecutor's Anti-Auto Theft, 32-04 For the Period of January 1- December 31, 2004 • • CASH ADVANCES The authority agrees to provide the agency with an advance as needed, up to 75% of the total ATPA' s share. The agency aelsnowledges that upon receipt of this advance, a liability due to the authority will be established. The liability will be reduced as expended and reported to the authority. • Advances are conditional upon receipt of the Financial and Progress Reports, • completed in accordance with grant conditions. The final payment will be made on a reimbursement basis. _ . • FOR .T I JE. ,AGthe'T.. ancial l'fficer 1 1 Name and Rem/E. or Title Of Authorizing Official, Project Directar,pc Fin :I ZIA ra-g- 5 Rail uk1432--. a,,u+,-, Ciirtoui-riorc-Warrearcts srfnus511 yt..4-1 ' stsativroaa OP oFFICIAL MATH Xf . • . . . . FOR rt& Avniolutn ." _ .• . . . . SIGNATURES Or Apliir ria;:iiir ria%;;Arpriiirair. a I tra KWPI.fjP% 0 I I M. ' MB" A - C01.11163,181 J, Sturdivant-Ohalr Michael McCabe, Jerry Oliver- Representing Law Enforcement Officiale Valerie Kna Brenda Schn-eider-Repreaerding Purchasers of Automobile Insurance Thomas Panicle, Stevan Wagner-Representing Automobile Ineurere 714 SOUTH flARAISION ROAD d EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 46823 www.mfthigan.gov • c517) 336-6197 Project No: ;Tin 1. NAME OF GRANTEE Oakland County Prosecutor's Office 2. ORIENTATION MEETING DATE Dmernbet 9, 2003 MSPLEX-43 (112-56) ATPA PROJECT ORIENTATION MEETING REPORT - PAGE This report is a summary of the issues discussed during the orientation meeting. It serves as an addendum to the grant, 3. PROJECT TITLE Prosecutor's Anti-Auto Theft 4. MEETING CONDUCTED BY MT. VEOCHS VICOIS Shoup, and Mr. David Tjepkema 5. PROGRAM PERSONNEL ATTENDING (NAME AND RANK OR TITLE) m r A. 1ii ciê , A0-.617lek S. FINANCIAL PERTÔNNEL ATTENDING (NAME AND RANK OR TITLE) 7. PROGRAM AND FiNANCiAL. SUMMARY A. The project number written above must be Included on all correspondence addressed to the ATPA regarding this grant. B. Change in project director, financial officer, authorizing official, or participating agency requires written notification to the ATPA. C. AU funded jurisdictions must comply with UCR requirements. Any jurisdiction not in compliance will be ineligible for grant funds. D. Grant reporting forms were discussed. The ATPA will supply a packet of reporting forms containing program progress report (Form EX-37), financial report8 (Form Ex-26), and project modification request forms (Form E*34) with inslructionS. (These forma can be downloaded from the ATPA Website www.mlatpa.org ) The grantee agrees to Clubmit reports In accordance with the report schedule provided below. E. Grantees will toe required to provide an overview of grant activity in December. An annual summary of arrest chargue and arrest locations is required of law enforcement grants. P. The project's measurable objectives and evaluation criteria. as stated in the original grant application, were reviewed and modifications are indicated on attachment page IA. The arantna agrees not to. make any modification of the approved project without the wntten approval of the ATP. Program rrotifications will not be coneidensd alter the first Wafter. G. ATPA staff will make appointments with grant personnel in order to conduct on-site project and financial reviews. H. All projects must maintain adequate documentation for performance activity reported to the ATPA. Failure to provide evidence supporting the grant's activity may adversely affect current year reimbursements andfcr future funding . requests. REPORTS REPORTING PERIOD DUE DATES .--.1 Financial and Progress Reports (Form EX-6 & EX-37) 1 71-04 To 3-1-04 Finandal and Progress Reports 41-04 To 6-30-04 7-31-04 (Form EX-38 & EX-37) Financial and Progress Reports (Ferro EX-38 8-5X-37) 7-1-04 To 9-30-04 10-31-04 Financial and Regress Reports (Form 10-1-04 To 12-31-04 1.31-05 EX-38 & EX-37) RETURN ONE COMPLETE SET WITH ORIGINAL SIGNATURES TO: Automobile Theft Prevention Authority 714 South Harrison Road East Lansing, MI 46523 Phone: Pin 336-6197 AtM1ORI1'Y 1882 PA 174 COMPLIANCE: Requinad PENALTY; Cancatintion at grant/loss of funds. Nets: Retain a copy for your files. 11. PRINT NAMEMO FIANKpKTITLE Z1ti rnA 140 il-511154_ 12. SIGNATURE PAS.P.EX-43 R2-9e) ATPA PROJECT ORIENTATION MEETING REPORT - PAGE 2 1-14:T06‘114°: j, 32-04 •=1WINnINIO B. FINANCIAL REVIEW AND SUMMARY A. A separate project fund or account must be established for grant revenues and expenditures. B. All payment* for salaries and wages must ba supported by payroll records and daily activity loge- Retain documentation in your flies. Overtime hours may not exceed five percent of the total regular hour* reported. C. All payments for expenditures such as utilities. office rental, copier use, vehicle rental, furniture and equipment purchases, etc,, must be supported by an actual invoice or the method of determining cost supporting dociimenIation must be included with the financial report. D. All overnight out-of-state travel requires prior notification to ATPA staff, and the ATPA will only reimburse salary expanses. E. The grantee agrees not to make any budget modification of the approved project without written approval of the ATPA. Budget modifications shall be submitted to the ATPA in writing In advance of the need for change. All requests for budget modifications must be received prior to the submission of the fourth quarter financial report. Any budget modifications for 2004 grants postmarked after January 31, 2005, will net be approved. F. Public communications materiels or news releases that result -from this grant must cite the "Automobile Theft Prevention Authority" as the source of funding and copies of the materials or news releases must be sent to the ATPA. The ATPA also has the royalty-free right to copy, publish and distribute any data or material associated with this grant G. Any funds received or generated as a result of auto theft activities shall be used to enhance currently funded and/or future auto theft prevention programs. Funds received include, but are not rimited to, forfeiture of cash and feeelets from sale of property. if project enhancement activities are terminated, the unexpended revenues shall be promptly returned to the Automobile Theft Prevention Authority, 714 S. Harrison Road. East Lansing, MI 48523. 9. PRIOR TO DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS, THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLIED WITH: A_ A complete set of the ATPA Project Orientation Meeting Report must be returned to the ATPA. B. A signed advance agreement must be returned to the ATPA. M. AGREEMENT The undersigned has the authority to accept the terms of this report es an addandumtottlegrant l 13. DATE 14. ATPA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Valdis Vitols 15. SIGi7E ;to DATE December 1, 2003 32-04 PROGRAM ADDENDUM TO GRANT AWARD, PROJECT NO. ATTACHMENT TO ORIENTATION REPORT JANUARY 1, 2004 PAGE 1A 17. MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES 1) Provide fill-time access to the judicial system for ATPA funded auto theft units in your areaarea and provide them a regular opportmity to informally discuss oases and 2) Vertically prosecute all selected auto theft related cases. 3) Maintain a policy of only plea bargaining when absolutely necessmy. 4) Achieve an overall conviction rate of 80%. 5) Achieve a trial conviction rate of 70%. 6) Strive for maximum sentence lengths for defendants. 7) Maintain reliable financial and performance records for the project. 8) Revise the 1997 edition of the Prosecutor's Auto Theft Manual 18. EVALUATION CRITERIA . CASE INTAKE 1) Number cases initiated 2) Number preliminary exams held 3) Number preliminary exams waived DISPOSITIONS 4) Number cases disposed pre-trial 5) Number defendants who pled guilty to original charge 6) Number defendants who pled guilty to lessar inchtded charge 7) Number plea bargain dismissals 8) Number other digmiqsals 9) Number cases disposed by trial Onry/jwlge) 10) Number defendants convicted on original charge 11) Number defendants convicted on reduced charge 12) Number defendants incarcerated 13) Number defendants fined/placed on probation • T.- ATTACHMENT TO ORIENTATION :REPORT FINANCIAL ELEMENTS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT AND PROSECUTOR GRANTS PAGE 2A DISCUSSION AND EXPLANATION FOR ORIENTATION MEETLNG: 1) Approved Budget Amount Sec budget sheet (Note 1. 1)ue to a short fall in the budget, the ATPA board of directors disallowed the following expendimres: Retirement Medical, Clothing/Cleaning Allowance, Gun Allowance, Lump Sum Holiday Pay, Lump Sum Vacation Puy, Lump Sant Longevity, Sick Thne Buy Back, Sick Leave Incentive, Emergency Response Carp, Show Up Pay, Educational Allowance, Professional Insurance and Indirect Cost). 2) Authorized Grant Award/Acuial Expenditercs: The ATPA will reimburse only expenditures incurred during the Flat period (January 1,2004 • December 31, 2005). 3) Matching Pandx Herd Match_ The ATPA will reimburse 75% of the querterly expenditures up to the total of ATM share. 4) Time and Attendance: Payroll expenditures must be supported by payroll re.giater and duty log. These reeards altauld be retalved In your file and made available to the ATPA auditor during a field audit. 5) Payments of accruals to employeta are allowed only for time during which the employee was employed under the grant (The ATPA reserves the right to approve or disapprove Rimmed expenditures.) 6) Fringe Benefite: mein a copy of vendor invoice or cart allocation charged to the ATM program in your file. 7) Overtime: 11131333 cannot exceed five percent of the kga regular hours reported during the gram period. 8) ATPA Budget Revision: The ATM requires prior written notification for transferring of &MIS between categories. The expenditures for individual categories =not exceed the budget amount beadline for final financial modification request Is January 31, 2006, arid the ATM must =AIM this request prior to the fourth quarter financial report Any modifu:atioa request postmarked after lamely 31, 2006, or received by the ATPA after the fourth quarter financial report, will be automatically denied by the ATM. 9) Mileage Expense: Shall be limited to the grantee's established mileage reimbursement allowance for non-ltderally funded Activities and _• be supported by documentation which iedieates destination and purpose of such travel, 10) Equipment Procurement Procedures: Grantee should fellow agency's established guidelines. Attach a copy of invoice as support for equipment. purchase. 11) Consvltant/Contractuel Semi= Grantee must follow their ageney's established guide Li n e s Amid a copy of invoice as supporting data. 12) Program Income; Any income generated by grant activities must be held in separate account for use by the rant 13) A separate account is required for ATPA grant revenue/expenditures. 14) Payment Procodure: Advance payment based on prior experienet. Requires a formal agreement. (Note: New [first time) grantees must be registered in the state' 3 vendor file by completing a vendor packet) 15) Financial Reports: Quarte.rly reports are dire 30 days after the end of each quarter, 16) Public comununication Materials or mons releases must cite the ATM as a source of funding. 17) Program modifications will not be considered after the fist quarter. 38) Vacancy: If a position becomes vacant for more than 30 days, the total budget for this position will be reduced accordingly- Raw. 11/11/2003 add-tin.do: - - 11111/2003 1:47 PM OAIG.ANO COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE OAKLAND COUNTY PROSECUTOR'S ANTI-AUTO THEFT PROGRAM BUDGET DETAIL 0-32-94 2004 2005 TOTAL ATPA GRANTEE TOTAL ATPA GRANTEE TOTAL APPROVED SHARE SHARE APPROVED SHARE SHARE 2004 AND BUDGET 76% 25% BUDGET 73% 25% 2005 .•nnnn11.11Mwwwwnmi lnIMI OTHER EMPLOYEES Salaries & Wages: Mat. Pros. Atty. IV 97,990 73,485 24,495 99,940 74,955 24,655 107,920 Asst. Pros. Atty. al 67,382 50,537 18,848 71,242 53.432 17,811 136,824 - Employees Benefits: Asst. Pros. Atty. IV: FICA 6,885 5,914 1,671 6,713 6,035 1,678 13,398 Unemployment 176 132 44 181 136 as 357 Haab Insurance 13,492 10,119 3,373 13,897 10,423 3,474 27,389 Dental Insurance 1,558 1,169 390 1,609 1,204 401 3,163 Life Insurance 353 268 85 364 273 41 717 Disability Insurance 460 345 115 474 355 119 934 Optical Insurance 176 132 44 181 136 45 357 Retirement 23.882 17,747 5,918 24,398 " 13,299 6,100 48,060 W'orker's Comp 1,176 582 294 1,211 909 303 2,337 Asst. Pros. Atty. lit FICA 6,155 3,868 1,268 5,310 3,983 1,328 10,465 Unemployment 121 01 38 125 64 31 248 Health Insurance 9,276 6,959 2,320 9,556 7,167 2,389 18,634 Dental InSUrance 1,011 758 253 1,041 781 . . 260 2,052 Ufa Insurance 243 182 91 256 188 63 493 Disability Insurance 317 238 79 327 245 82 644 Optical Insurance 121 91 30 125 94 31 248 Retirement 19.273 12,205 4,068 16,761 12,571 4.190 33,934 Worker's Comp 809 807 202 833 825 208 1,642 Indirect Cost - - - - - TOTAL OTHER EMPLOYEES • 244,428 165,821 61,607 2S4,4' 190,901 63,634 500.952 FIELD OPERATIONS fairetsge .349/m 2,804 2.103 701 2,804 2.103 701 5,608 (2) Naixtal Phone/Pagers rental 1,200 900 300 1,200 900 300 2,400 Visual Alds & etc. 680 450 160 600 450 150 1,200 TOTAL FIELD OPERATIONS 4,804 3.453 1,151 4604 9,433 1.151 9,208 oPFICE OPERATIONS ' Phone usage 1,283 962 321 1,283 962 321 UN Stationary/ supplies 300 225 75 300 225 75 600 Computer access/ fees 647 405 162 647 425 162 1,294 Mee rental - - . _ - . Liability Insurance - - _ - - - - TOTAL OFFICE! OPERATIONS GRAND TOTAL 2,230 1,673 558 2,230 1.973 556 5,460 263,222 186,247 23,316 261,368 196,026 65,342 514,83 FISCAL NOTE (MISC. #04008) January 22, 2004 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, CHUCK MOSS, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: PROSECUTING ATTORNEY - 2004/2005 AUTOMOBILE THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY (ATPA) GRANT ACCEPTANCE TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above referenced resolution and finds: 1. The Prosecuting Attorney is requesting the acceptance of the State of Michigan 2004/2005 Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA) Grant. 2. Funding has been awarded in the amount of $253,262 for 2004 and $261,368 for 2005. 3. The 2004 State contribution is $189,947 (75%) and 2005 contribution is $196,026 (75%). The County grant match is $63,315 (25%) for 2004 and $65,342 (25%) for 2005. The County grant match is included in the FY 2004/2005 Non-Departmental Budget. 4. In addition to the County match requirements, the County is expected to incur administrative and support costs of $17,528 for 2004 and $18,145 for 2005, which have been included in the FY 2004/FY 2005 Prosecutor's Budget. This grant does not allow for recovery of those costs. 5. A budget amendment is recommended for the Prosecutor's 2004/2005 Automobile Theft Prevention Authority Grant budget as detailed in Attachment A. 6. A budget amendment is recommended to transfer the grant match funds from the Non-Departmental Grant Match Account for FY 2004 and FY 2005 as follows: General Fund FY 2004 FY 2005 Expenditures 90-290000-25000-2872 Grant Match ($63,315) ($65,342) 41-211000-41400-2872 Grant Match $63,315 $ 65,342 0 0 FINANCE COMMITTEE 4(ç,- FINANCE COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Crawford absent. Resolution #04008 January 22, 2004 Moved by Knollenberg supported by Douglas the resolutions on the Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). AYES: Coleman, Coulter, Crawford, Douglas, Gregory, Hatchett, Jamian, Knollenberg, KowaII, Law, Long, McMillin, Middleton, Moffitt, Moss, Palmer, Patterson, Potter, Rogers, Scott, Suarez, Webster, Wilson, Zack, Bullard. (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefore, the resolutions on the Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). 30--;RotE I Tiff FOREGOING REMOTION STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, G. William Caddell, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on January 22, 2004 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed t seal . the Count f Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 22nd day of January, 2004. G. William Caddell, County Clerk