HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2004.01.22 - 27514MISCELLANEODS RESOLUTION #04012 January 22, 2004 BY FINANCE COMMITTEE, CHUCK MCSS, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - FISCAL YEAR 2003 YEAR-END REPORT AND BUDGET AMENDMENTS TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS all accounts have been posted and final adjustments made for Fiscal Year (FY) 2003; and WHEREAS Statement ffi of th-7. Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting Standards reTaires that encumbrances and appropriations carried-forward be treated as a reserved fund balance at the year-end and that such amounts be reappropriated in the subsequent year in order to be available for expenditure; and WHEREAS the results of opeations after consideration of expenditures, accruals, encumbrances, appropriations carried forward, transfers, adjustments, and closing entries was a favorable variance of total revenues over total charges as reflected In the attached schedule; and WHEREAS FY 2003 General Fund actual revenue fell below budgeted revenue by $15,711,545.29; and WHEREAS FY 2003 General Fund actual operating expenditures and transfers fell below budgeted operating expenditures and transfers by $32,317,110.38, rendering overall operating revenues in excess of expenditures for FY 2003 of $16,605,565.05; and WHEREAS the following reserves have been created: • $50,890,224 in property tax revenue collected in FY 2003 to fund appropriations durinc the first quarter of FY 2001 (this will be accounted for and treated as d designated fund balance), • $1,356,929.84 for General Fund/General Purpose operations (784,4343.97 for General Fund alone) to cover encumbrances and pre-encumbrances obligated through the end of FY 2003, $2,287,419 for General Fund/General Purpose operations to cover requested carry forward of unspent FY 2003 appropriations (these carry forward requests will be accounted for and treated as a designated, fund balance), $14,120 to cover long and short term advance, $1,584,837 to cover pre-payments, $352,690 for payroll snd petty cash; and WHEREAS a designated fund balance, in the amount of $3,000,000 has been created in order to meet future capital facility needs of the County; and WHEREAS Oakland County and other local governments have appealed a ruling regarding the State Tax Commission's rate table calculations of personal property taxes for public utilities; a desiunated fund balance of $9,000,000 has been established to cover potential tax tribunal claims should that appeal be denied; and WHEREAS M.R. #02104 authori ._:ed the Drain Cormissioner to implement a Watershed Management program for 'PL 2002 and FY 2003 and Y.R. 403240 authorized the remaining FY 2003 ffunds of $42,479 be designated and applied to the FY 2004 budget and a designated fund balance has been established to for this and in addition, funding for these positions was budgeted in the Chapter- 20/21 Drain Maintenance Funds, and a budget amendment is recommended to correct revenue and expenditure in these funds; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the events of September 11, 2001, the Administration reviewed :he security of County facilities and operations and a designated fund balance of $3,758,218 has been established to continue funding anticipated improvements recommended as a result of the study; and WHEREAS the rates charged by the Information Teohnology fund do not include an amount required to replace equipment as it depreciates; $2,900,00Q has been designated to continue to built a replacement fund for future information technology needs; and FINANCE COMMITTEE Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. WHEREAS, pursuant to M,R. #B9283, the Board of Commissioners established a Designated Fund for Operational Improvements, which makes available a source of funds departments can use to support innovative programs, providing the Board approves the use of the fund balance and the requesting department commits to a pay-back within six (6) years of the original allocation; the designated fund balance of $2,278,000 is restored from current year favorability, resulting from efficiencies achieved due to implementation of approved projects; and WHEREAS pursuant to M.R. #02043, Oakland County purchased Peoplesoft Financial and Human Resource software, and per M.R. #03326, the Board authorized the re-designation of fending in the amount of $5,000,000 to cover a portion of the estimated Phase : implementation costs; and WHEREAS, with the implementation of "Thin Client Computing" through Information Technology, a designated fund balance of $2,232,572 has been established to fund the anticipated costs; and WHEREAS a designated fund balance of $255,000 has been created to cover enhancements to the information base of the Coueey's Geographic Information System (GIS); and WHEREAS Information Technology and the Health Division are collaborating in an effort to upgrade the technology used by the Health Division in the performance of their public health duties, including the scheduling and reporting of inspections, immunizations, etc., a designated fund balance of $572,899 has been set aside to assist in funding these E-Health operations; and WHEREAS an ongoing analysis reveals current receivables of $2,003,000 due from the State of Michigan which could be in jeopardy as a result of economic conditions and a designated fund balance has been established for a potential loss; and WHEREAS a designated fend balance, in the amount of $500,000, has been set aside in order to respond to Health Emergency Response; and WHEREAS $2,287,419 of previously budgeted but unspent funds, designated for carry forwards in the General Fund is requested to be appropriated to departments for use (fund #1:211 - general ledger account #9407-079000), as reviewed and recommended by the Department of Management and Budget; and WHEREAS the implementation of the COPS MORE grant, as well as the continued success of the CLEXIS system, ha e increased the demand for various CLEMIS related projects, such as Computer Aided DApatch (CAD) and Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS); a designated fund balance of $642,000 has been established to meet the increased service demands; and WHEREAS, pursuant to M.R. #01249, the Board of Commissioners authorized the elimination of the separate County Library Fend and required that the remaining balance in that fund, including accrued interest, be transferred to the General Fund; and designated fend balance in the amount of $171,695 reflecting the remaining Library Fund balance and accrued interest, has been included for the Library's use; and WHEREAS a $250,000 designated fund balance ha e been created for the Board of Commissioners to utilize on special projects; and WHEREAS a designated balance in the amount of $700,000 has been established to support the continuing development of a ecunty-wide Fire Records Management system; and WHEREAS many departments/divisions will be faced with a need for additional resources to ease the transitions resulting from staff reductions due to retirements and budget reductions; a designated Lund balance of $400,000 has been set aside to fund these transition costs; and WHEREAS the Health Division, Equalization Division and Purchasing Division are participating in the Cost Reducteon Incentive Management Program (CRIMP); a designated tune balance of $148,067 is eequired to cover payment to these divisions based on verified annual savings; and WHEREAS a designated fund balance in the amount of $80,000 has been established to cover the coot for completing Phase II of the Community Corrections Division database pre;ect for efficiently collecting and maintaining caseload information; and WHEREAS a designated fund balance in the amount of $250,000 has been established for the development of an Emergency Operations Center (FCC) Technology Implementation Plan for tracking and decementing information before, during and after a dieaster or emergency; and WHEREAS a $250,000 designated fund balance has been created to cover cost for Information Technology project of refining the Pontiac Police Department web-site (Pontiac COMSTAT) to be more user-centric, easier to update, focused on community policing, and capable of using crime statistics; and WHEREAS the microwave system currently used by the Road Commission Davisburg Tower is outdated and can no longer be supported by the new radio tower system implemented, a designated funt balance of *50,000 has been created to cover the cost of new radios for the Davisbure tower; and WHEREAS a designated fund balance of $65,000 has been established for •developing a substance abuse triage program between Community Mental Health, Community Corrections and Community Program Ine.(CPI) as a jail diversion; and WHEREAS a designated fend balance in the amount of $65,000 has been established for Trade Missions to bring more business te Oakland County; and WHEREAS, due to the increase in the number of data security threats, a designated fund balance of $3,000,000 has been created to fund the technology necessary to protect data privacy and security; and WHEREAS, efforts arc continuing to seek out new grants to assist Oakland County with on-going operations and new programs, and a designated fund balance has been set aside for new grant opportunities in the amount of $200,000; and WHEREAS CLEMIS is in need of equipment replacement to accommodate the increase in service requests; a designated fund balance of $780,000 has been established to cover the cost of equipment replacement; and WHEREAS per M.R. #03043 a Budget Transition Fund was created to account for appropriation reductions and revenue enhancements implemented en FY 2003, to mitigate the severity of budget reductions required to balance the County's budget for FY 2004 and FY 2005; a designated fund balance has been created for FY 2004 ($3,503,694), FY 2005 ($4,570,828), FY 2006 and beyond ($5,557,981) and a $3,500,000 designated fund balance has been created in anticipation of potential State Budget Reductions; and WHEREAS Management and Budget recommends an amendmene to the Medical Care Facility budget to correct budget appropriation fcr Human Services Department and the Department of Management and Budge: within the Medical Care Facility Fund (521); and WHEREAS the FY 2003 4 th quarter amendment of $95,700 to approve the transfer from the General Fund designations to Fire Records Management was inadvertently omitted and fundeng is available in the General Fund unreserved undesignated account for this purpose; and WHEREAS the funds are to be redesignated to the Fire Records Management designated fund balance for FY 2004 to cover the zej" quarter costs; and WHEREAS on November 19, 2003 the Library Board approved the use of up to $30,000 from the designated fund for Oakland County Library for the replacement of computers at the Research Library; and WHEREAS MR #03262 authorized $1,500,000 to be designated in the General Fund as part of the FY 2003 year-end closing for cost associated with the Drain - Water and Sewer Master Plan; and WHEREAS an appropriation of $1,500,000 be established to cover cost associated with the Drain - Water and Sewer Master Plan; and WHEREAS donations have been received by the Medical Care Facility, Parks and Recreation and Oakland County International Aerport: and WHEREAS donations have been received by Oak=and County Restricted FundS which includes the following funds: Animal Control Legacy, Medical Examiner Family Grief Counseling, Medical Examiner Library Donation, Children's Village Donation, Probate Court Trust, Library Gift, Law Library, Blind/Handicapped Library, and the Laster Egg Hunt tund; and WHEREAS Section 25 of tne General Appropriations Act requires that the Board of Commissioners receive a quarterly report regarding adjustments made to Inmate Accounts on transactions billed in excess of ability to pay, as well as approve the write-off of any bad debt in excess of $1,000; and WHEREAS the Department of Management and Budget requests the write-off of $133,249.20 in unpaid debts for services provided by the Medical Care Facility primarily due to exhausted funds within the patients estate, inability to locate patients discharged or relatives and closed cases; and WHEREAS the Department of Management and Budget requests the write-off of $115.54 in unpaid debt fer outside services rendered by the Information Technology Division and the write -off of $2,515 in unpaid debts within Parks and Recreation for equipment rental ($750), shelter rental ($265) and a 1999 agricultural lease ($1,500); and WHEREAS the Department of Management and Budget and Parks and Recreation have attempted several methods to collect these debts; and WHEREAS in accordance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement ii34, the County has established several restricted funds primarily due to donations made Lo the County for specific services, which total $124,092.13. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the report of operations for Fiscal Year 2003, is accepted and the results of operations by line-item after inclusion of expenditures, accruals, encumbrances, appropriations carried- forward, transfers, adjustments, and closing entries is approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED in accordance with Section 25 of the General Appropriations Act, the Board of Commissioners approves the write-off of the debt in the amount of $115.54 for Information Technology and $2,515 for Parks and Recreation and $133,249.20 for Medical Care Facility. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that various line items in the FY 2003 General Fund / General Purpose Budgets be amended to include $1,356,929.84 for outstanding purchase orders as detailed in the attached schedules. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED adjustments to the fund balance be approved as follows: Balance Before Adjustments (result of FY 2003 activity) $16,605,565.09 Add to General Fund Balance: Prior Years Encumbrances & Carried Forwards $ 2,252,083.87 Decrease in Long Term Advances 10,172.51 Decrease in Prepaids 521,048.86 Drain Records Conversion 2,070,000.00 Security Enhancements 191,804.00 Revenue Sharing Reserve 322,844.00 Operational Improvements 2,500,000.00 Sheriff's Helicopter 122,000.30 IT Thin Client 873,341.00 Northwest Highway Settlement 1,517,428.00 Emergency Response and Preparedness 2,000,000.00 E-Health 327,000.00 Senioi Citizen Prescriptions 427,101.00 District Court Judges 100,000.00 County Library 46,784.00 Clerk Counter Renovations 77,000.00 CRIMP 50,587.00 Adjusted Total Including Additions $14,396,901.24 Deduct from General Undesignated Fund Balance: Increase in Petty Cash 15,495.00) Increase in reserve for Property Taxes ( 3,138,769.29) Capital Improvement Reserve ( 1,100,000.00) Future Technology Replacement ( 1,500,000.00) Carry Forwards ( 1,666,301.00) CLEMIS Match tor Cops More ( 242,000.0C) Succession Planni=/Transition ( 200,000.00) Fire Records Management ( 366,800.00) Pontiac Comstat/Web Site ( 250,000.00) Community Corrections Database 80,000.00) Diversion - Mentally 65,000.00) Drain - Water & Sewer Master Plan ( 1,500,000.00) Trade Mission Emergency Operations RCOC Davisburg Radio Tower Conversion Data Privacy and Security New Grant Opportunities CLEMIS Equipment Replacement Budget Transition FY 2004 Budget Transition FY 2005 Budget Transition FY 2006 State Budget Reductions Total Subtractions to General Fund Balance Adjusted Total including Additions/Subtractions Undesignated Fund Balance At Beginning of Year Undesignated Fund Baiance At the End of Year ( 65,000.00) ( 250,000.00) ( 50,003.00) ( 3,000,000.00) ( 200,000.00) ( 780,000.00) ( 3,503,694.00) ( 4,570,828.00) ( 5,557,981.00) ( 2,000,000.00) $(30,601,868.29) $ 400,598.04 82,369.67 $ 482,961.71 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the uncorlectable debts, us recommended by the Department of Management and Budget, and as listed on the attached schedules, are authorized to be written off. BE 17 FURTHER RESOLVED that $432,479 from the FY 2003 Designated Fund Balance be appropriated in tne Drain Commissioner's, budget per M.R. #03240 for the Watershed Management project as follows: GENERAL FUND Revenue 90-190000-14000-1582 Prior Years Balance $ 432,479 Expenditures 61-231001-10100-2001 61-231001-70100-2074 61-231001-70100-2572 61-231001-70100-3292 61-231001-70100-4083 61-231001-10100-6664 61-231001-70100-6639 Drain - Saiaries Drain - Fringe Benefits Drain - Contracted Services Drain - Personal Mileage Drain - Educational Supplies Drain - Mailings Drain - Drain Equipment Total Expenditures $ 205,031 111,664 95,680 1,200 10,000 1,000 7,904 $ 432,4'19 0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that CRIMP funds in the amount of $51,497 from the FY 2003 Designated Fund Balance (GL #9407-008G00) be appropriated in the Health Division budget for renovation at the Healtn South office. GENERAL FUND Revenue 90-190000-14030-1582 Prior Years Balance $ 51,497 Expenditure 16-201200-33100-2448 Budgeted Projects BE :7 FURTHER RESOLVED that $95,700 from the FY 2003 Undesignated Unreserved Fund Balance (GL #9501) be designated in FY 2004 Fire Records Management Designated Fund Balance (#9401-61000) to cover- the balance of FY 2003 costs and reappropriaLed to the Fire Records Management (FRM) fund for FY 2004 as follows: GENERAL FUND Revenue 90-190000-14000-1582 Prior Years Balance $ 95,700 Expenditure 90-310000-98531 -8001 Transfer out to FRMS FIRE RECORDS MANAGEMENT Revenue 23-531003-98101-1701 Transfer in from General Fund Estimated Changes in Fund Equity $ 51,491 _ S 95,700 0 $ 95,700 $ 95,700 Salaries Fr inge 3enefits Indirect Cost MEDICAL CARE FUND (521) Expenditures 12-623521-28000-2001 12-623521-28000-2074 16-301200-20200-2960 FY 2004 FY 2005 ;7,63,154 $63,154 25,900 25,900 (59,054) (89,054) 0 0 0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that funds of $30,00C be appropriated to the Library Budget from the designated fund for Library (GL #9407-003000) for the replacement of computers at the research library and that the General Erund and corresponding Information Technology fund be amended. GENERAL FUND Revenue 90-190000-14000-1582 Prior Years Balance $ 30,000 Expenditure 51-331000 -98636-8001 Transfer out to Info Tech fund $ 30,000 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND Revenue 18-636113-98101-1701 Transfer in from General Fund Expenditure 18-636142-15000-4101 Expendab-ie equipment $ 30,000 $ 30,000 0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $1,500,000 be appropriated to the Drain Commissioner's budget from the designated fund for the Drain - Water and Sewer Master Plan (GL #9407-114030) as follows: GENERAL FUND Revenue 90-190003-14000-1582 Expenditures 61-211001-10199-3348 Prior Years Balance $1,500,000 Drain - Professional Services $1,500,000 0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Medical Care Facility Fund budget be amended for FY 2004 and FY 2005 as follows: Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move adoption of the foregoing resolution. FINANCE COMMI:TEE L. BROOKS PATTERSON, OAKLAND COUNTY EXECUTIVE •••n•••.... alm•••4••••=1m. •rsm.. IIMMEF r"--• COUNTY. MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT 'OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Laurie Van Pelt, Director Wm, Art Holdsworth, Deputy Director • Revenue Variance Expenditure Variance Total Variance $(15,711,545,29) 32,317,110.38 $ 16,605,565.09 S(15,711,545.29) 15,881,484.47 169,939.18 $ 32,317,110.38 1/,.. 728,870.00 19,588,240.38 S.19.25L1.2.9_,.535 nn•=1•=11n•== TO: Members of the Finance Committee FROM: Laurie Van Pelt, Director, Management and Budget Art Holdsworth, Deputy Director, Management and Budget Tim Soave, Manager, Fiscal Services Nancy Fournier, Chief, Fiscal Services LaVerne Smith, Supervisor of Fiscal Services SUBJECT: Letter of Transmittal - Fiscal Year 2003 Year End Report DATE: December 4, 2003 • FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT Attached please find the Fiscal Year (FY) 2003 Year End Report. In total, Oakland County completed fiscal year activities with an overall favorability of $16,605,565,09 in the General Fund / General Purpose (GF/GP) operations. GF/GP includes all operations except grants and internal service funds. This overall favorabiIity includes receiving $15,711,545.29 less revenue than anticipated, and expending $32,317,110.38 less than budgeted, However, a simple review of the bottom line does not reflect the true fiscal activity of the County. Revenue Variance • • Add back — Planned use of Fund Balance Revenue Variance (Comparing Actual to Approved Plan) Expenditure Variance Planned Set Aside for Budget Transition Expenditure Variance (Comparing Actual to Approved Plan) Net Variance from FY 2003 Activity REVENUES Actual GF/GP revenues are 0.04% more than budget or $169,940. The majority of the favorability is the result of the following events: A. GENERAL FUND — TAX REVENUE — Unfavorable: $2,093,681 ' This unfavorability results from an increase of TIFA and DDA exempt properties. (See recovery offset noted in section B below.) EXECUTIVE OFFICE BUILDING 34 EAST • 1200 N TELEGRAPH RD DEPT 409 • PONTIAC MI 48341-040B • (248) 858-2163 • FAX (248) 858-9172 B. GENERAL FUND — INTERGOVERNMENTAL - Favorable: S1,084,343 • Favorability as a result of State income tax of $2.003,155 partially offset by Workforce Development revenue unfavorability of ($1,075,665). Note that unfavorability for Workforce Development revenue is offset by favorability for Workforce Development expenditures. GENERAL FUND - CHARGES FOR SERVICES - Favorable: $10,524,195 • This favorability primarily results from an unanticipated continuance of activity regarding • new mortgages and refinancing as reflected in the Clerk's revenue. The result is $7,381,728 favorability. Favorability of $1,099,101, in the Treasurer's Office, is due to a recapture of funds for TIFAs, DDAs, Industrial Facilities Tax, Favorability of 5585,578, in the Sheriff's Department, is mostly due to the increase of $224,111 for Board and Care payments, Diverted Offender $128,623 of and Sheriff Special Deputies of $201,035. Indirect Cost revenue is favorable $1,631,861, GENERAL FUND — MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE — Unfavorable: S7,925,349 This unfavorability results from the continued low interest rates affecting interest income. E.•• GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS — INTERGOVERNMENTAL - Unfavorable: $1,101,048 Health State subsidy is unfavorable ($867,077). Note: Unfavorable Health state subsidy is • offset by favorability in Health revenue recorded under Charges for Services $129,324. F. GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS —CHARGES FOR SERVICES - Unfavorable: 5318,500 • Less than anticipated Out County Board and Care due to delay in startup of Secure Detention facility. EXPENDITURES In total, expenditures were 8.48% below budget or $32,317,110. A majority of the favorability is related to the approved Budget Adjustments and Amendments, which were approved mid year. Of this favorability, $12,728,870 was planned for the Budget Transition Fund. Other favorability is due to vacant positions and under filled positions (referred to as "Turnover"). Based on the economic forecast and revenue projections, the county implemented a hiring freeze in the summer of 2003, which contributed significantly to the increase in favorability from turnover. The hiring was subsequently cancelled. In September 2003 the hiring freeze was reinstated along with a freeze on travel and capital purchases. A county-wide plan is being developed to reduce future department expenditure budgets. The only Department that experienced overall unfavorability was the Sheriffs Department. The majority of the unfavorability is the result of salary and fringe benefits which due to the contract settlement. Please note that revenue favorability for the SheriTs Department exceeds the expenditure unfavorability Revenuee Collections and Expenditures before Adjustments Total Revenues/ Expenditures Transfers and Transfers • Revenues/ Uncollected Unencumbered Encumbrances Balance • 6206.151.050.00 42,515.050.00 67,277,622.00 1,976,175.00 15,024.225.09 339,944,125.40 - $206,151,050.00 (1,808,317.00) 40,906,733.00 4,432,844.00 71,714,466.00 1.850,774.00 9,826,449 00 5,800.00 • 15,029,228.00. 4,6134,30.00 343,628,426.00 $204,057,369.32 44.912,045.58 79,897,903,60 5,928,426.11 334,725,744.59 $204,057,369.32 44,9 12,045.56 79,897,903.60 5,928,426.11 10.422,169.24 345,217,913.83 - $ (2,093,680.08) 4,005,312.56 - " 8,183,437.60 . (3,898.522.89) - (4,607,058.76) 1,589,487.83 10,422,169.24 10,422,169.24 14,155,215.00 6,484,862.00 20,640,077.00 359,589,202.00 4,502,035.00 $324,886,237.00 (26,755.00) 14,128,460.00 1.100,634.00 7,585,498 00 1,073,879,00 21,713,956.09 365,342,382.00 15,881,484.87 $ 381,223,886.87 13,077,411,89 - 13,027,411.69 7,104,550.26 . 7,104,550.26 162,445.80 . 162,445.80 20,299,407.75 - • 20,294,407.75 . 355,490,152.34 10,422,169.24 366,512,321-58 $355,090,152.34 $ 10,422,189.24 $365,512,321.58 $ (1,101,048.31) (480,945.74) 162,445.20 (1,419,548.25) - 169,939.58 - (15,881,484.87) - $(15,711,545.29) • 5,758,180.00 11,379,449.87 17,137,6.29.87. Adopted Budget 10/01/02 • Budget Amendments Amended Budget 09/30/03 823,312.05 56,165.00 879,477.00 $ 44,439,322.64 13,407,915.63 4,848,918.19 62,666,162.46 12,768,874.54 3,461,675.97 6,002,439 85 4,168,237.94 25,421,228.30 19,658.29 486,229.98 505,8 941.98 627.00 681 .03 930.65 3,080.68 668,933 52 (331,861.17) . 327,075.45 • 303,161.59 283,6 I 7,28 286,418./2 556,328.22 1,42.9,525.21 8,625.43 $ 1,066,582.81 10,688.81 831,081.35 5,655.97 258,257.07 24,970.21 2,156,921,24 16,175,626.06 58,226.00 -99,706,678.13 58,226.00 145,6E11,305.19 COUNTY OF OAKLAND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 REVENUES: General Fund: Taxes intergovernmental Changes for Services Miscellaneous Transfers Sub--Total General Fund General Purpose Funds: Intergovernmental Charges for Services Miscellaneous Sub-Total GIP Funds Total Budged Funds Resources Carried Forward TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL RESOURCES EXPENVITUFtES: Administration of Justice: Circuit Court 52nd District Cowl Probate Court Total Administration of Justice Law Enforcement: Prosecuting Attorney Sheriff Total Law Enforcement General Government: Clerk/Register of Deeds Treasurer Board of Commissioners Drain Commissioner Total General Government 5 45,420,289.08 13,616,586.00 5,229,238 00 64,266,113.00 17,0E6,968.00 98,158,014.00 115,244,982.09 10,701,074.00 . 3,757,270.00 5,441,733.00 4,192,252.00 24,092,329.00 $ 94,247.88 $ 45,514,536.88 633,099 80 14,249,685.20 (115,406 77) 5,112,831.23 510,940.91 64,877,953.91 (232,747.03) 15,854,220.97 1 702 R33.95 99,650,047.95 1,469,29637 116,714,268.92 2,371,904.11 13,072,975.11 8,650.25 3,765.920.25 (152,294.00) 5.289,439.00 533,244,81 • 4,725,496.81 2,781 0505,11 26,863,834.17 5 44.439,328.64 13,407,915.83 4,648,918.19 . 62,696,162.46 16,175,626.013 99,647,453.13 115,823,079.19 .11,945.562,54 3,481,675,97 5,002,439,65 4,112,072,94 24,541,751.30 comye03.xls Adopted Budget 10/01/02 County Executive.: • .ounty Executive Administration anagemant and Budget entrel Services acilities Management ersonnel lumen Services ublic Services & E./Workfcrce Development ommunity end Economic Day. Total County Executive 7,785,883.0 18,760,015.0 2,264,256.0 1,720,648.0 4,658,189.0 58,189,570.0 14,015,19.0.0 1,075,665.0 5,797,817.0 114,257,783.0 Total Revenues/ Expenditures and Transfers • 8,267,492.90 19,313.675 41 2,173,518.50 1,475,209,48 4,785,775.60 52,288.943.75 13.689.478 79 11,118 82 5,503,498.47 107,488,711.78 777 11 2,112.99 3,000.00 8,764.00 572,494.87 13,624.131 197,047.68 797,821.46 466,103.40 1,298,243.39 141,618,215 33,673.80 265,383 99 2,906,805.86 630,005.65 1,063,156.05 570,587.93 7,375,577.40 • Revenues/ • Uncollected • • Unencumbered ncumbrances Balance comye03.xls . COUNTY OF OAKLAND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE FFSCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 Revenues CollecCons and Amended Expenditures Budget Budget • before Amendments 09130103 Adjustments Transfers 948,490.47 • 8,734,373.47 8,207,492.98 1,383,565.79 • 20.614,031.79 19,231,675.41 82,000.00 53,680.76 2,318,136.78 2,173,515.50 • - (203,600.72) 1,517,647.28 1,421,209.43 54,000.00 392,987.59 • 5,051,156.59 4,785,775.60 - (2,441,322.52) 55,748,247.48 52,219,828.75 49,115.00 297,879.25 14,313,109.25 13,669,225.79 250.00 (1,391.13) 1,074.273.87 11,118.82 473,217.13 8,271,134.13 5,503,498.47 1,384,327,84 113,542,110.64 107,283,345.78 155,365.00 Total Departments Non-Departmental Appropriations. TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS: Revenues Expenditures Excess Revenues ovedlunrier) Expenditures 317,851,207.00 46,225,030.00 $364,086,237.00 0,228,060.84 324,037,287.64 310,344,339.73 1,123,068.00 10,911,589.23 57,136,599.23 16,525,922.40 19,555,496.52 $ 17,137,629.87 S381,223,868,87 $328,871,262.13 $ 20,878,584.52 311,467,407.73 36,082,418.92 5347,549,826.85 1,331,760.81 25,169.23 $ 1,355,929.84 11,286,099.36 21,029,01'7.013 $ 32,317,110.38 304,088,237 00 17,137,629.87 381,223,866.87 355,090,152.34 10,42,i69.74 365,512,321.58 - (15,711,545.29) (354,088,237.00) (17,137,629.87) 081,223,856.87) (326,871,202.13) (20,078.584.52) (347,549,826.65) (1,356,929.84) 32,311, 110.38 $ - 21018,890.21 1110,258,395.28) $ 17,90,454M S. M356,929.941 $ 18,505,5girg Adjustments to Undesignated General Fund Balance: Add to General Fund Balance: Prior Years Encumbrances & Carry Forwards Demease in Long Term Advances Decrease In Prepaids. Drain Records Conversion • Drain Watershed Management Security Enhancements Revenue Sharing Reserve • •Operational Improvements Sheriff's Hal copler IT Thin Dllen1 • ' Northwest Highway Settlement Emergency Response & Preparedness E-Heallh • Senior Citizen Prescriptions District Court Judge 7,252,083.87 10,172.51 521,048. 2,070,000. 191.804. 322,844 .2,590,000. 727,000. 873,341 1,517,428 2.000,000 327,000. 427,101. 100,000. 387.707.00 (15,495.0 (3,138, /69.2 (1,400,000 (1,900,000. 0.666,301. (242,000. (368,1506. (250,000 (60,000. (55.400. (65,000 (750,000 00) (50,000.00) (3,000,000 00) (200,000.0G) (780,000.00) (3,503,694.00) 0,570,828.001 (5,557,981.00) (3,500,000 00) (30,601,898.29) 400,598.04 . 82,369.67 482,967.71 COUNTY OF OAKLAND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 t 2003 Revenues . • - Collections and Total Revenues/ Adopted Amended Expenditures Revenues/ . Uncollected Budget Budget Budget before Expenditures Unencumbered 10/01102 Amendments! . 09/30/03 Ad us:amnia Transfers and Transfers Encumbrances Balance County Library • 46,784 00 . Clerk Counter Renovations • . . 77,000,00 CRIMP • . ' - 50,587.00 Total Additions to General Fund Balance ' ' • 14,396,901.24 Deduct From UnclosIgnated Fund Balance ncraese in Petty Cash • . ncrease for Reserve in Property Tax Capital improvement Reserve =uture Technology Replacement Carry Forwards 1emis Match for Cops More ire Records Management onliac Comstat/Web Site • ommunity Correction's Database . Jail Diversion - Mentally ill Trade Mission . • Emergency Cperetions Center Upgrade RCOC DavIsburg Radio Tower Conversion Data Privacy and Security New Grant Match Opportunities Clemis Equipment Replacement Budge! Transition FY2004 Budget Transition FY2005 Budget Transition FY2006 Slate 13tidget Reductions • Total SUbtractIons to General Fund !Balance Adjusted Total Including Additions and Subtractions Balance at Beginning at )(Ott Undesignated Fund Balance at End of Fiscal Year corraye03.xls • ENCUMBRANCES FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 Fund: General . Department: 11 County Executive 777.11 12 Management & Budget 2,112.99 13 Central Services 3,000.00 14 Facilities Management 8,764.00 17 Public Services 13,624.81 19 Community' & Economic Development 197,047.68 21 Clerk/Register of Deeds 941.98 22 Treasurer . 627.00 . 32 District Court . 10,688.81 34 Probate Court 5,655.97 • 35 Circuit Court 8,625.43 41 Prosecutor 19,658.29 43 Sheriff 486,229.99 51 Board of Commissroners . • 581.03 61 Drain Commissioner 930.65 90 Non-departmental • 25,169.23 Total General Fund $ 784,434.97 Fund: Human Services Department: 16 Human Services 534,455.16 Fund: Juvenile Maintenance Department: 16 Human Services • 38,039.71 Total GF/GP Fund's Encumbrances $ 1,356,929.84 Deferred Property Tax S50,890,224 Reserves Encumbrances & Preencumbrances - Long Term Advances* Prepaide Payroll and Petty Cash* Total Reserved • 784,435 14.120 1584837 352,690 2,736,082 $2,736,082 Undesignated Unreserved 482,967 $482,967 COUNTY OF OAKLAND GENERAL FUND EQUITY AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 - . GenerW Fund Equity Description 9130(2003 Continuing Designations Capital Improvement Reserve 3,000,000 'Tax Tribunal Appeals 9,000.000 Drain Watershed Management* 432,479 -Security Enhancements 3,758.218 Future Technology Replacement* 2,900.000 Operational Improvements 2,276,000 ,Financial System .. 5,000,000 IT Thin Client 2,232.572 - GIS Enhancements. 255,000 E-Health 572,899 State Receivable Adjustment 2,000.000 Health Emergency Response 500,000 Carry Forwards 2,287,419 CLEMIS Match for Cops More* 642,000 County Library* '171,895 Board of Commissioners Projects 250,000 Fire Records Management" • 700,000 Succession Planning/ Transition 400,000 ckimp. • 146,067 Continuing Designations • 36,528,349 New Designations Pontiac COMSTAT NVeb Site 250,000. cautrourlity--Carvectians database 80,000 Ja5 Diversion - MentalvA . 65,000 Trade Miielon 65,000 emergency Operations Uenter Upgrade 250,000 RCOC Davlsburg radio tower conversion 50,000 Data Privacy & Security 3,000,000 NeV5Mrant Match opoortuniti!s 200,000 CLEMIS Equipment Replacement 750,000 New Designations 4,740,000 Budget Transition • FY 2E104* 3,503,694 '- FY 2005" • 4,570,828 FY 2006 5,557,981 State•Budget Reductions 3,500,000 Total Budget Transition 17,132,503 Total Designations $58,400,852 TOTAL GENERAL FUND EQUITY $61,619,90', Committed per FY 2004/ FY 2005 Adopted Budget Crimp Funds Health Division 4$51,497) Purchasing -($7,182)and Equalization -($89,388). 0 250,000 0 80,000' 0 65,000 0 65,000 0 250,000 0 50,000 0 000,000 0 . 200,000 0 780,000 0 4,740,000 250,000 80,000 85,000 65,000 250,000 50,000 3,030,000 200,000 780,000 4,740,000 3,503,694 3,503,694 4,570,828 4,570,528 5,557,981 3,500.000 17.132.503 8074.522 (900,531) 45,915,834 15,221,100 61,136,934 15,144,845 19.901 4F4 6aw 0 46,815,305 _L_.2 369 4573-98,75-4- 0 0 8.2 E901:1 15.621 .698 31) 345,99 12,728,870 .12,728,870 0 0 0 . 12,725,870. 12.728 ,870 (9,225,176) 4,570,828 5,557,981 3, 11500 000 4,403,833 COUNTY OF OAKLAND CHANGES IN GENERAL FUND EQUITY DURING FY 2003 General Funq Total Aclustmenta Adjusted Generai General Fund Committed Equity to Equity Fund Equity 'fear - Er.d Equity tO Descriobon imnFY amiiii 47,751,455 0 47.751,455 3,138,759 53,890,224 50,890,224 Déscrioton Deferred Property Tax' Encumbrances & Preencumbrances* Long Term Advances` Prepaids" Payroll and Petty Cash* Total Reserved [Continuing Designations Capital improvement Reserve • Tax Tribunal Appeals Drain Records Conversion - Phase I Drain Watershed Management' Security Enhancements • Future Technology Replac.ernent* • .Operational Improvements . Financial System Revenue Sharing Reserve Sheriffs Helicopter • . IT Thin Client GIS Enhancements. Northwestern Highway Settlement Emergency Response & Preparedness E-Health - State Receivable Adjustment HIPAA Health Emergency Response Senior Citizen Prescriptions District Court Judge • Carry Forwards .CLEMIS Match for Cops More" • County Library" Board of Commissioners' Projects Fire Records Management Succession Planning/Transition Clerk Counter Renovations - CRIMP* Continuing Designations 1,782,145 24.293 2,105,887 337.195 4,249 521 1,600,000 9,000,000 2,070,000 624,283 4,081,062 1,000,000 3,000,000 5,000.000 2,500,000 873,341 2,750,000 255,000 2,000,000 327,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 100,000 387,707 621,118 400,000 218,479 250,000 333,200 400,000 77,000 198.654 42586,844 o 1,782,146 0 24,293 0 2,105,887 0 337,195 o 4,249,521 1,800,000 0 9,000,000 (2,070,000) 0 (624,283) 0 (322,844) 3,758,218 (1,000,000) 0 (722,000) 2,278,000 0 5,000,000 (2,500,000) 0 (873,341) 0 (517,428) 2,232,572 255,000 (2,040,000) 0 0 327,000 (427,101) 572,899 0 2,000.000 (533,300) 466,700 (500,000) 0 (40,591) 59,409 (387,707) 0321.1181 0 0 400.000 C 218 479 0 250.003 (257,475) 75.725 0 400 000 (77,000) 0 (155,213) 43,441 (13,629,401) 28,937,443 (997,711) 784,435 784,435 (10.173) 14,120 14,120 (521,050) 1,584,637 1,584,837 15,495 352.690 3520 (1,513,439) 2,736.082 2 7,26,082 1,400 ,000 3,000,000 9.000,000 0 0 432,479 432,479 432,479 3,758,218 2,900,000.. 2,900,000 2,900,000 2,278,000 5,000,000 0 0 0 2,232,572 255,000 0 0 (327.000) 572,899 2,000,000 (466,700) 0 500,000 500,000 (59,409) 0 0 2,287,419 2,287,419 242,000 642,030 642,000 (46,784) 171,895 171,695 250,000 624,275 700,000 0 400,000 0 104,626 148.057 148.067 7,590,908 36,528.349 4.294.241 New Designations Pontiac COMSTAT mob Site Community Corrections database Jail Diversion - Mentally ill Trade Mission Emergency Operations Center Upgrade RCOC Davisburg radio tower conversion Data Privacy & Security • • . New Grant Match opportunities CLEMIS Equipment Replacement New Designations 'Budget Transition FY 2004* FY 2005* FY 2000 • • State Budget Reductions Total Budget Transition Total Reserves and Designations Total Undesignated Unreserved TOTAL GENERAL FUND-EOUI General Fund • Equity 09/30/02 $1,782,146.19 47,751,454.88 • 24,292.91 2.105886.69 337,195.00 KR. 402233 FY2002 Budget Commitments M.R. #02319 FY 2002 Year End Report M.R. #02265 Building Security Plan M.R. #02248 Clerk/Vital Recordshmag. M.R. #03060 M.R. #03083 West Nile FY 2003 let Virus Qtr Report M.R. #03082 Equalization remodeling M.R. #03159 FY 2003 2nd Ott Report _ $52,000,975,67 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 (116,704.00) (132.000 00) (722,000.00) (200,000.00) (500,000.00) (387,707.00) (103,000.00) (34,000.00) OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN CHANGES 1N GENERAL FUND EQUITY DURING FY 2003 Fund Encumbrances & Preencumbrances Deferred Property Tax Long Term Advances Prepaids Payroll and Petty Cash Total Reserved Capital Improvement Reserve Tax Tribunal Appeals Drain Records Conversion - Phase I Security Enhancements Future Technology Replacement Operational Improvements Financial System Revenue Sharing Reserve Sheriffs Helicopter Watershed Management IT Thin Client Northwestern Highway Settlement Emergency Response & Preparedness E-Health State Receivable Adjustment HIPAA (1) (2) Health Emergency Response Senior CitIzen Prescriptions District Court Judge Geographic Information System Enhance. Carry Forwards • CLEMIS Match • County Library Board of Commissioners' Projects Fire Records Management. Succession Planningffransition Clerk Counter Renovations CRIMP Total Designated Unreserved Total Budget Transition Total Undesignated Unreserved Total Unreserved " •0.00 $0.00 (2,500,000.00) (873,341.00) (624,283.00) (2,000,000.00) (97,000.00) (40,591.00) (621,118.00) (01,950.00) (77,000.00) (121,213.00) $42,566,644.00 ($4,502,035.00) ($2,398,213.00) ($132,000.00) ($722,000.00) ($500,000.00) ($650,659.00) ($34,000.00) ($103,000.00) 82,369.67 $42,649,213.87 ($4,502,035.08) ($2,398,213.00) ($132,000.00) ($722,000.00) ($500,000.00) ($850.659.00) ($34,000.00) ($103,000.00) "IF (1) Jail Data Warehouse funds taken from H1PAA designations per MR. #03083 ($97,000) and M.R. #03159 ($103,000). (2) Sheriff Emergency Dispatch Equipment funds were reappropriated from HIPAA designation per MR. #03190. $1,600,000.00 9,000,000.00 2,070,000.00 4,081,062.00 1,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 873,341.00 624,283.00 2,750,000.00 2,000,000.00 327,000 00 1,000000.00 . 2,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000 •00 100,000.00 387,707.00 255,000.00 • 621,118.00 • 400,000.00 218,479.00 . 250,000.00 . 333,200.00 400,000.00 77,000.00 198,654.00 M.R.: #03138 IT Thin Client Prooresai KR, /03161 Dram n Vulnerabil- ity Assessment KR. #03100 Sheriff Ernerg Dispatch Equip MR. #03254 FY 2003 3rd Qtr Report M.R. #03241 Automate Records DrainNVateriSewer (517,428.00) (427,101.00) (129,500.00) (3,800.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 (74,140.00) $0.00 $000 . $0.00 (2,070,000.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,600,000.10 9,000.000.10 (2,070,000.00) 0.10 (322,844.00) 3,758,218. 0 (1,000,000.00) 0. 0 (722,000.00) 2,278,000. 0 5,000000, 0 (2,500,000.00) 0. 0 (873,341.00) 0. 0 (624,283.00) • 0. 0 (517,428.00) 2,232,572. (2,000,000.00) . 0. 11 • . 327,000. i (427.101 00) 572,899 I e 2,000,000. I P (533,300.00) 466,700. ti (500,000.001 0. (40,591 00) 59,409. ll (387,707.00) 0.1 255,000.04 (821,118.00) • 0.01 • 400,000.01 - 218,479.01 •• - 250,000.0 (257,475.00) 75,725.01 400,000.01 (77,000.00) • . 000 (155,213.00) 43,441.00 • s .($5124428.00) ($74,140.00) $12,728,870.00 ($900,531 3 Total Unreserved . • OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN . CHANGES IN GENERAL FUND EQUITY DURING FY 2003 (1,000,000.00) (165,525 00) 1$517,426.00) ($74,140.00) ($129,500.00) ($1,598,428.00) (82,070,000.00) Fund Encumbrances & Preencumbrances Deferred Property Tax • Long Term Advances Prepaids Payroll and Petty Cash • Total Reserved Capital Improvement Reserve Tax Tribunal Appeals Drain Records Conversion - Phase I Security Enhancements Future Technology Replacement Operational trnprovements Financial System Revenue Sharing Reserve Sheriff's Helicopter Watershed Management IT Thin Client Northwestern Highway Settlement Emergency Response & Preparedness E-Health State Receivable Adjustment HIPAA (1) (21 Health Emergency Response Senior Citizen Prescriptions District Court Judge Geographic Information System Enhance. Carry Forwards CLEMIS Match County Library Board of Commissioners' Projects Fire Records Management • • Succession Planning/Transition Clerk Counter Renovations CRIMP Total Designated Unreserved Total Budget Transition Total Undesignated Unreserved • FY 2003 Total Ad:pstments Year End to Equity Budget Transition During FY 2003 • $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $52,000,975.67 $0.00 ($13,829,401.00) $28,937,443.00 12,728,870.00 12,728,870.00 12,728,870.00 0.00 82,369.67 A.diusted General Fund Equity FY 2003 $1,782,146.19 47,751,454.88 24.292.91 2,105,086.69 337,195.00 1364,016,237.M 5381,223,995,.8.7 $351,393.99.45 • 2.34% 8.63% 8.05% $46414.636.88 - 14,249,885.80 5,112.831.23 584,877.053.91 545,42C.288.00 13.818 586.00 _ . . 594,266,113.00 $44,447,954.07 13,415.60444 4854,574,1.6 $62.721.132.67 3.32% 1169,939:55 0.9414, 51.066.582.81 $031,081.36 $Z,58.ZsT $2,155.02'..24 TOTAL GPM! FUNDS' EXPENDITURES ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Circuit Court. 52nd District Court Probate Court TOTAL ADMIN. OF MAME General Fund/General Purpose FavorablekUnfavonable) $0 $32.487,049.96 532,487,045.98 COUNfiT OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT GENERAL. FUND1GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT FY 2CO3 BUDGET AMOUNT ADOPTED AS FY 2003 FAVORAE LE/ BUDGET AMENDED ACTUAL ;'S)NFAVORABLE1 PERCENT REVENUES . . CiENERAL FUND . • Taxes $206,490,050.04 5200,151.450M $204.057.369.32 . ($2,043,650.88) -1.42% tntergovernmental 34.988,996.3G • 34664.996.00 35171,339.12 1P114.343.13 3.13% Charges tor sermes 75,928.980.00 . 84.852279.00 91.376,573.50 10,524,194.50 13.02% Miscellaneous Revenue 21,940.093.0 21,938.0n00, 14.012.63138 (7;025.389..12) -36,13% SUB-TOTAL GENERAL FUND $336 . 1343,625,425.00 $345,217.913.83 .$1.589,487.83 .4.40% . GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS Intergovernmental V4155.215.00 $14,120.400.00 513.027,411,69 (51,101,448.311 -7.19% Charges for Services 6.484.862.00 ._ . 7.585,438•-• - .40 7.268.996 08 • . (318.488.94) -4.20% . _...- . SUB-TOTAL GENERAL PURPOSE FUND S20.640.077.00 $21,713,056.0C 520294.407.75 (5t419,54025) .6,54% USE OF PRIOR YEAR FUND BALANCE $4,502.43.5.00 . 515.881,484.87 £15.881,494,87 50.00 0-00% LAW ENFORCEMENT Prosecuting Attorney • 117.486,988.44 118,1354,220.97 Sheriff 98 158 014.00 99,860.447.95 TOTAL LAN ENFORCEMENT £115,244,092.00 .$11671426612 $145,195,254,35 6658,93612 144,191348.12 (331,881.17) .0,33% U16,357.193.47 $327,075.45 0.28% GENERAL GOVERNMENT . ' ' ClerKIR' egister of Deeds 510,701,074,04 513.072,976.11 512,789,816 52 5303.16-149 2.32% Treasurer 3,757,270.00 3,765.924.25 3,482,332.97 283,817.28 7.53% Board of Commissioners 2,716.021,00 2.021124.16 2,421,159.76 202,024.40 7.70% Library Bo4js1 . 2,725,712.043 2.666.244.84 2.581.651.12 . 84.383.72 3.17% Drain Commissioner . 4,182,252.00 4725.496.61 4,189,1613.59 556.328.22 11.77% TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT • 124,092,329.04 $26,853.834.17 525.424,308,96 $1,429,525.21 5.32% ' COUNTY EXECUTIVE County Executive Admn. 57,755.1383.00 58,734.373.47 18,268,270.07 5466,103.40 5.34% Management and Budget 518,754,405.00 520.814,031,78 519,315.786,40 1.298,243.39 6.30% .Cantrat Servicus 52,284.258.00 . 12,518,139.78 12,176.518.50 141,018.28 8.11% FacIllfies Management 51724.648.00 51.517.647.28 41,483,973.48 . _ 33,573,80 • 2,22% Personnel 14358,189,34 15.051,156.53 54.785,775.64 ' 2E5.340 99 5.25% Human Sys, 158,1119,570.40 156,748,247.48 $52,841 ,43832 - . 2,90030836 5.216'. Public Services • ' 514,015,193.o0 514,313.10925 . 513,883.103.60 ' • 530305.65 4.44% Community & Economic Dew. - - 55.797.917.40 58,271.134.13 15,700.546,15 570.587.98 9,101 Wudsforce Development 51475,665.00 51,04,27381 511.11,9.62 . 1,083,155.05 90.00% TOTAL COUNTY EXECUTIVE 8115 042.110.64 5108,2881123.24 $7,37E577.40 6.38% TOTAL DEPARTMENTS . $3.7.1361.207.oD 5324,087,267.64 1312.799,168.34 511,286,099,30 5.48% .. ... —. . , . _ - • • • • ••• • ---- • - NON-DEPARTMENTAL APPROPPJA11ONS TOTAL NON-DEPARTmENTALS $ 46,225,030.00 .$ _07136,598:23 5 3.5107,590,15 $ 21,1329,011.48 36.80% TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES 5304,086,237,00 $381,223,66637 . • .- . . . $348,006,756.49 132,317.110.38 8,413% • The Fr Wiln Budget Included the use of 11.5881.485 In General Fund bainace and balnoes from other funds. These funos were used to support one-time projects of which the nsluted expenditures appear under each daparknent. The above presentation show the $15.881.485 one-tune use of fund [mince as . Total Revenues; Expendftures and Transfers Revenues/ Uncollected Unencumbered Encumbrances Balance 6,226,060.64 10,911,559.23 $ 17,137,629.87 945.490.47 0,734,373,47 8,267,492.96 _ 1,883,566.79 20,614,031.79 19,231,675.41 82,000.00 53,880.78 2,318,136.'78 2,173,518.50 ... (203,000.72) 1:517,647.28 1.421,209.48 54,000.00 392,987.59 • 5,051,156.59 4,785,775.50 - (2,441.322. 62) 55.748,247.48 82,219,828.75 49,115.00 297,919.25 14,313,1139.25 13,6139.228.79 250,00 (1,391,13I 1,074,233.87 11,118.82 _ 473,217.13 6,271,134.13 5,503,498.47 1,384,327.64 115,642,1113,64 107,283,346.78 324,087,267.64 57,135,599,23 $381,223,866.87 310,344,339.73 18,525,922.40 $329,871,262.13 19,555,496.52 36,082,418.92 25,189.23 21,029,011.08 $ 20,678,564.52 5347,549,826.85 $ 1,165,929_84 $ 32,317,110.38 8,267,492.96 ' 777,11 466.103.40 19,313.675 41 2,112.99 1,298,243.39 2,173,51550 3,000.00 141,618.28 1,475,209_48 8,764.00 23,673.80 4,785,775.60 • 265,380.99 52,258,943,75 572,494.137 2,906.808.86 13,689,478.79 13,624.81 630,005.65 11.118.52 - 1,063 155.05 - 5,503,496.47 197,047.68 570,587.98 185,365.00 107,4613,711.73 797,821.46 7,375,577.40 1,123,058.00 311,487,407.73 1,331,760.51 11,288,099.30 COUNTY OF OAKLAND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 Adopted Budget 10101102 Revenues Collections and Amended Expenditures Etudget Budget before Amendments 09130103 Adjustments Transfers County Executive: ounly ExeCUtive Administration anegernent and Budget entre' Services ecilities Management ersonnel UMEIP Serv..es ublic Services & E Morkforce Development ommunity and Economin [Iwo Total Comity EXP.CUtiVe Total Departments Non-Departmental Appropriations TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS: Revenues Expenditures Excess Revenues everf(under) Expenditures 7,785,883 0 18,750,485. 0 2,264,256. 0 1,720,648, 0 4,658.189. 0 5E089.870. 0 14,015,190 0 675668. 0 5,797,917.d0 114,257,783.90 317,861,207.00 46,225,1330.00 $364,086,237_00 364,086,237.00 17,137,629 87 351,223,860.87 355,090,152.34 10,422,169.24 365,512,321.53 - (15,711,545.291 (64.056,237.00) (17,137,629.87) P81,223,865,87) (328,871,262.13) 20,618564.52) 347,$49.826.65) (1,356,929.84) 32,317,110.35 $ - $ ' - $ - f 28,2111,8913.11 $(19,256,29S,281 -$ 17,961,494.93 $ (1-,M,919.14) $15,605,566.06 - Adjustments to UndesIgnatad General Fund Balance: Add to General Fund Balance: • Prior Years Encumbrances & Carry Forwards Decrease in Long Term Advances Decrease in Prepaids Drain Records Conversion Drain Watershed Management Security Enhancements Revenue Sharing Reserve Operational Impravernent. Sheriffs Helicopter IT Thin Client Northwest ltiehway Settlement Emergency Response & Preparedness E- Health Senior Cilizen Prescriploon District Court Judge 2,252,083.87 10.172 51 521,048. 2,070.000. 191,604. 322,844. .2,500,900 722,000. 873,341 1,517.428 2,000,000 327.0011 427,101, 100,000.0 387.707.00 comye03.xls ENCUMBRANCES FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 Fund: General Department: • 11 County Executive S 777.11 12 Management & Budget 2,112.99 13 Central Services 3,000.00 14 Facilities Management 8,764.00 17 Public Services 13,624.81 19 Community & Economic Development 197,047.68 21 Clerk/Register of Deeds 941.98 22 Treasurer 627.00 32 District Court 10,688.81 34 Probate Court 5,655.97 35 Circuit Court 8,625.43 41 Prosecutor 19,658.29 43 Sheriff 486,229.99 51 Board of Commissioners 581.03 61 Drain Commissioner 930.55 90 Non-departmental 25,169.23 Total General Fund $ 784,434.97 Fund. Human Services Department: 16 Human Services 534,455.16 Fund: Juvenile Maintenance Department: 16 Human Services 38,039.71 Total GF/GP Fund's Encumbrances $ 1.356,929.84 t9N Description Deferred Property Tax' (Budget Transition New Designations Pontiac COMSTAT /Web Site : Community Corrections database Jail Diversion - Mentally Ill Trade Mission Emergency Operations Center Upgrade RCOC Davisbut radio tower conversion Data Privacy & Security New Grant Match opportunities CLEMIS Equipment Replacement New Desrgnations Total Reserves and Designations FY 2004* FY 2005* FY 2006 • State Budget Reductions Total Budget Transition Total Undesignated Unreserved 250.000 80.000 85.000 65.000 250,000 50,000 3,000,000 200,000 780,000 4.740.000 0 (9,225 175) 3,503,694 3,503,694 4,570.828 4,570,828 4,570,828 5,557,981 5,557,981 3,500,000 3,500,000 4,403,633 17,132.503 8.074.52 15,221,100 61.136.934 15,104,845 61,619.901 M 1541345 0 250,000 0 80,000 0 65,000 0 65,1000 0 250,000 0 50,000 0 3,000,000 0 200,000 780,000 0 4,740,000 12,728,870 12,728,870 0 0 0 0 12728 870 12,728,870 46.816.365 82.369 •‘16,895,734 (900,531) 45,915 834 15,621, 0 $45,99 . AL COUNTY OF OAKL4ND CHANGES IN GENERAL FUND EQUITY DURING FY 2003 Total Adjustments to Equity DUrilli FY 2003 General Fund Equity 9/30/2002 47,751,455 Adjusted General Fund Eaulty FV 2003 47,751,455 General Fund Committed Year-end Equity to 3,138.769 50,890,224 5-0,890.224 Encumbrances & Preencumbrances* Long Term Advances* Prepaids' Payroll and Petty Cash* Total Reserved iContinuiRg Designations Capital Improvement Reserve Tax Tribunal Appeals Drain Records Conversion - Phase I Drain Watershed Management' Security Enhancements Future Technology Replacement" Operational Improvements Financial System Revenue Sharing Reserve Sheriffs Helicopter IT Thin Client GIS Enhancements. Northwestern Highway Settlement Emergency Response & Preparedness E-Health State Receivable Adjustment HIPM Health Emergency Response Senior Citizen Prescriptions District Court Judge Carry Forwards CLEMIS Match for Cops More County Library' Board of Commissioners' Projects Fire Records Management Succession Planning/Transition Clerk Counter Renovations CRIMP* Continuing Designations 1.782,146 24.293 2,105,857 337,195 4,249,521 1.600,000 9000,000 2,070,000 624.283 4.081,062 1,000,000 3,000,000 5,000,000 2,500.000 873.341 2,750,000 255.000 2,000,000 327,000 1,1500,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 500.000 100.000 387 707 621 118 400,000 218,479 250,000 333,200 400,000 77.000 196.654 42.566,844 0 1,782,145 0 24,293 0 2,105.587 0 337,195 0 4,249.521 0 1,500,000 0 9,000,000 (2,070,000) 0 (624,283) 0 (322.844) 3,758,218 (1,000,000) 0 (722,000) 2,275.000 0 5,000,000 (2,500,000) 0 . (873,341) (517,428) 2.232,572 0 255.000 (2,000.000) 0 • 0 327.000 (427,101) 572,899 0 2,000,000 (533,300) 466.700 -(500,000) 0 (40,591) 59,409 (387,707) 0 (621,118) 0 0 400,000 0 218.479 0 250,000 (257,475) 75,725 0 400,000 (77,000) 0 (155,213) 43.441 (13,629,401) 28,937,443 (997,711) 784,435 784,435 (10,173) 14.120 14,120 (521,050) 1,58,4.837 1,684,837 16,495 352.690 2,90__ (1,513,439) 2,736,052 2.736.QSj 1,400.000 3,000,000 9,000,000 0 0 432,479 432,479 432,479 3.753,218 2,900,000 2.900.000 2.900.000 2,278,000 5,000,000 0 0 0 2,232,572 255,000 0 0 (327,000) 0 572,899 2,000,000 (468.700) .0 500.000 500,000 (59,409) 0 0 2,287,419 2,287,419 242,000 642,000 642,000 (46,784) 171,805 171,695 250,000 624,275 700,000 0 400,000 0 104,826 148,067 14q,07 7,590.906 35,525,349 4.294.241 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 (2,070,000.00) (1,000,000.00) Total Designated Unreserved Total Budget Transition Total Undesignated Unreserved Total Unreserved Fund OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN CHANGES IN GENERAL FUND EQUITY DURING FY 2003 MR. #03138 M.R. #03161 M.R. #03190 M. R. #03254 M.R. #03241 FY 2003 Total Adjustments Adjusted Genera/ IT Thin Client Draiu Vutnerabil.. Sliredff Erneng. FY 2003 3rd Automate Records Year End to Equity Fund Equity Proprosal ity Assessment Dispatch Equip Qtr Report Drain/WatertSewtr Budget Transition During FY 2003 FY 2003 _..... (427,101 00) (165,525.00) (129,500.00)' (3,800.00) Encumbrances & Preencumbrances Deterred Property Tax Long Term Advances Prepaids Payroll and Petty Cash Total Reserved Capital Improvement Reserve Tax Tribunal Appeals Drain Records Conversion - Phase I Security Enhancements Future Technology Replacement Operational Improvements Financial System Revenue Sharing Reserve Sheriffs tlelicopter • Watershed Management IT Thin Client Northwestern Highway Settlement Emergency Response & Preparedness E-Health State Receivable Adjustment HIPAA (1) (2) Health Emergency Response Senior Citizen Prescriptions District Court Judge Geographic Information System Enhance Carry Forwards CLEM;S Match County Library Board of Commissioners' Projects Fire Records Management Succession Planning/Transition Clerk taunter Renovations CRIMP $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 . $0.00 $0.00 (74,140.00) • $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 (2,070,000.00) (322,844.00) (1,000,000,00) (72.2,000.00) (2,500,000.00) (873,341.00) (624,283.00) (517,428.00) (2,000,000.00) (427,101.00) (533,300.00) (500,000.00) (40„591 . 00) (387,707.00) (621,118 00) (257,475.00) (77,000.00) (155,213.00) $1,782,146.19 47,751,454.88 24,292.91 2,105,866.69 337,195.00 $52,000,975.67 s1.600,00p.00 9,000,000.00 3,758,21 2,278,00 5,000,00 0. 2,232,572. 0. 327,000. 512,899. 2,000,000.L I 466,700.0 0. 59,409.0 0.0 255,000.0 0.0 400,000.0 218,479.) 250,000.0 75,725.00 400,000.00 0.00 43,441.00 (517,426.00) $0.00 ($13,629A01_00) $28,937,443.00 ($517,428.00) ($74,140_00) ($129,600.00) ($1,596,426.00) (52,070,000.00) 12,728,870,00 12,728,870.00 12,728,870.00 0.00 82,369.67 ($517 ,428.001 ($74,140.00) W29,500.00) ($1,596,426.00) ($2,070,0130.00) 512,728,870.00 ($900,531.00) $41,748,682.67 7171-570,3' actual receipt of revenue. This formai is presentee so that the reader obtalris a preper eersee'Lvo or the County s FY 2003 General Fund/Gentrul Purpose pnrforreenee. Please nOle, however, that this presentation will not whelk, with the accounting report entitled 'Sinte.ment of Receipts and Exzenditues," The disc-vacancy Is due to the fact that uicler governmental accounting mar -Mares, when fund balance ts usea, no tunes ere actually tninnierred lreload a negnlive budget vatiance appears which la relieved by ti7o use of Eund balance. Because the use nr fund betance was limited to one-limo expenditures the prosentat,lon of a negaiive Cudgel variance would distort the fact that FY 2003 °aerations ended vets 0S32,487,360 favorable Variance. Of Ice 532.487.050. $12.72e,e7U was trovious,y conrellted ;or Budget TranaiSon. Treasurer (Special Assessments) Circuit Court (Inter-Gov. Gen. Reimb, Rev) District Courts . Divs. I-1V (Inter-Gov. Gen Reimb. Rev) Sheriff - ,Admin. Svcs (Inter-Gov. Gen Rev.) Sheriff Correct. Svcs (Fed. Grant) Sheriff - Patrol Svcs (Inter-Gov. (3en. Relmlo.) Ltrani Board - Research library lied. Grant) TOTAL GENERAL FUND BUDGETED RECEIPTS STATE! FEDERAL & NON-CHARGES FO .SVCS CHARGES FOR SERVICES (Inc. Transfers)- GENERAL FUND County Executive Administration Emergency Response & Preparedness Auditing Equalization Purchasing Reimbursement Division ow/me als".9 1,500.00 $ 18,800.00 74.000.00 2,205,082.00 325,000 00 1,120.00 3 7,841 10 69,637 29 2,259,453.72 29,811 57 325,000.00 34.5,015,45 1,500.00 33,259.00 74,000,00 2,240,382 00 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR GOVERNMENTAL SPECIAL REVENUE AND PROPRIETARY FUNDS BUDGET BUDGET AS AS ADOPTED ADJUSTED AMOUNT FY 2003 FAVORABLE/ ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT Amended and Actual .for Special Assessment noted under "Other 0,00% , Taxes" No collections of reimbursements from the Stale for Def: Atty cost 3 17,950.00 $ I 7,950.00 $ - 5 (17,950.00) -100.00% or from Drunk Driving Case Flow Assistance Fund. $ 2,711 00 $ 2,711110 $ 3,046.63 $ 335.83 12.38% - Increase in Sobriety Court c-ases piccessed. Fav.elf le to successful notification of PICA recipients housed as 3 25,000.00 $ 75,000.00 3 108,000 00 $ 83,000 00 332.00% - inmates at the Oakland County iail Untav due to reduction in percentage of payment by the Federal agency for State Alien Criminal Reimbursement Unfav due to amount paid for allevveliln wirribursable $ 200,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 101,667.22 $ (8,332.78) -4.17% , expenditures for Merit le Safety Giant. $ - $ - 3 5:101.50 3 5,10 i .S0 100.00% - Env Federal Grant reimbursement $ 34,988,996.00 $ 3.4,685,996.00 3 35,771,339,13 3 1,084,34313 3.13% • 61,000 00 $ - . $ - $ • 250,000.00 3 250,000.00 $ .57,044.00 3 (192.,958.00) -77.18% Per Diem reintbursernerit to Directors at F'&R and Bldg. Authority (3E0.00) -25.33% meetings. Unfav, due to revenue sharing reductions affecting municipal (25,417.90) 0.00% - budgets (sate of used sirens). Unfav due to cneIlstiun of 1,SMART ) South East Michigan AMa (4,362.70 -5.90% Rapid Transit audit 13,071 72 0.58% - Increase of real and personal property parcel cools. 29,81 I 57 100.00% _ Rebate due to County from Boise Office Solutions 23,015.45 7.08% . Receipt of Tax Intercept Fees greater than anticipated 2 11/25/2003 Treasurer Circuit Court Gen. Fund . District Courts (Divs I - IV) Probate Court Corrective Services Corrective Services - Satellites 4911. ) . Technical Services .0000NP COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR GOVERNMENTAL SPECIAL REVENUE AND PROPRIETARY FUNDS Register of Ceeds Prosecutor ,Sheriffs Office Administrative Services BUDGET BUDGET AMOUNT AS AS FY 2003 FAVORABLE/ ADOPTED ADJUSTED ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT Fay Mortgage Reloading Fee, Enhanced Access Fee, Deeds, Land Transfer Tax, and Tract Index Fees, due to increased 10,983,800.00 13,065,224 00 20,446,951.63 7,381,727.63 56.50% - volume in mortgage refinancing activity. Fav due to T1FFAJDDA recovery, Industiial Facilities Tax, and Tax Statements, due to increasing level or industrial development in 4,488,029.00 4,488,029.00 5,587.130.00 1,099,101.00 74.49% Oakland County Fey due to chgs. In asses.' procedures, resulting in increased Cost 4,078,293.00 4,279.343.00 4,349,917,48 70,574.48 1.65% - rev, & Reimb. Clinical Evat. Fee rev . Fav due to State Law Cost, Defense Atty & DCLI Filing Fee, Garnishments, Late Penalty, Ordinance Fines & Cost, due to 10,385,831.00 10,931,001.00 11,244,953 77 313,952.77 287% increases in case loads and higher collection rates Fey Defense Atty. Fee rev. due to incr. use ot court appointed • 524,100 00 524,100.00 535,006 37 10,906.37 2 08% atty, partially offset by deer. in Certified Copies. Fair. 5% Forensic Lab Fees $8.772, Class Fees $8,400, Prog,ram Income 512,364, State Andra) Victim Witness 55,545, fullion Income $750 and Welfare Fraud Case Review 53,105. partially 249,369.00 227,500.00 229,899,82 2,399 82 1.05% - offset by unfav Miscellaneous ($35,1271 15,800.90 49,559.00 42,478.20 (7,071.80) -14,27% Unfav. Refunds NET offselby Fay DNA Testing Fees 1.500,00 9,160.00 21,85'7.89 15,757.89 173 16% - Fay. Mileage reimbursements Fay. collections for Board and Care, Cirnic Charges, Dental Charges, Diverted Felons and other fees offset by (Unfav) Fee 4,099,700.00 4599,700 00 5,072,552.80 472,852 HU 10,28% - Income and Hospital Cost recovery . 1,574,800.00 1,574,800.00 1,783,45663 208,656 53 13.25% - Fair Ficiand and Care revenues. Patrol Services lay. Reimb. Salaries and Sheriff Special Deputies offset by 23,982,452.00 24,800,340.00 24,941 935.10 141,595.10 0.57% - (Unfav) Liquor Control and Enhancement Funds. Unfav Ellhwicement Funds, Dispatch Services, and Forensic Lab Fees offset by Fay. Fingerprint, Reimb. Salaries and Refunds 556,727,00 677,848.00 431,634.58 (246,213,42) -36.32% - NET 4 11/25/2003 Favorable fee increases tor lab charges due to additional testing Children's Village Health Division Circuit Court - Juvenile Mainlmuance TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES GENERAL PURPOSE OPERA I ING TRANSFER S TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES GENERAL FUND /GENERAL PURPOSE 5 405,233,943.00 5 420,781,383.67 5 365,512,321.58 5 (55,269,062.09) -13.13% 3,137,774.00 3,262,098.23 1,030,000 00 912,147.69 (117,852.31) 3,422,772.00 3,092,750.14 (320,971.86) Unfav due to reduction in cases of assePseil GI Benefit Board 0.00% - and Care Unfav. due lo delay 01 Secure Detention Facility and reduction in referrals of Out County Board and Care, offset by decrease in -9.84% - expenditures 129,324.23 4.1,3% for sexually transmitted diseases for other counties. 3,422,722.00 . 6,484,862.00 7,565,498.00 s 7,766,996.06 5 (318,499.94) -4.20% 41,147306.00 $ 39,557,516.80 $ _ $ (39,557,516.80) 0.00% - Heriects Planned Use of Fund Balance. 2,032,140.00 1,030.000.00 . . . . . COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR GOVERNMENTAL SPECIAL REVENUE AND PROPRIETARY FUNDS BUDGET AS ADOPTED BUDGET AS ADJUSTED FY 2003 ACTUAL AMOUNT FAVORABLEJ (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT • Juv. Mnint - Refund School Meals Unfav. due to lower than anticipated per meal schoot allotment 739,800,00 5 239.1300.00 235,7283 5 0,071.77) -1.70% - average 4,400,000.00 10P,696.00 15,000.00 Health Slate Subsidy Health Grants State State Match - Foster Care 4,400,000.00 3,532,923.00 109,696 00 109,6E6 tX) $ 15,000.00 UnTav Michigari Dept. of Community Health State payments, (077.00) .19,71% - offset by decrease in espendiluras. 0.00% (15,000 00) -10000% - TOTAL BUDGETED RECEIPTS - GEN. PURPOSE GOVT STATE AND FEDERAL (Outside Agencies) CHARGES FOR SERVICES - GENERAL PURPOSE 3 14,155,215.00 $ 14,128,460.00 S 13,02T,41159 (1,101,046.31) -7.79% Less Operating Transfers (Out) $ (41,147,706 00) $ (39.557,516.80) $ 39,567,516.80 0.00% NET OF I GP RESOURCES • $ 364,086,237.00 $ 381,223,866.87 $ 365,512,321,58 $ (15,711,345.29) -4.12% 6 . 11/25/2003 $2,069,558.00 $2,878,353.64 $2,838,397.11 535,456 53 1.34% - Turnover 853,434.00 857,061.00 530,001.72 27,059.28 3 16% - Fey office supplies, travel & conf , prof svc-s. mileage, and (uror fees and mileage 396,554 00 477,399.28 435,108.86 41,690.42 8.73% - Fay due largely to reduced telephones, computer opor., and C.L FMIS ritiargies. Division 4 - Troy Controllable Personnel Controllable Operatin Non•Con1rollable Operating Department Total Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable Operating 5112,079 84 3.03% $385,160.04 131,560.05 314.361.26 $831,051.36 583% 4.04% 4.55% 17.27% 11/24/2003 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES DISTRICT COURT AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2003 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES .,.nnnn•n•nn•• ..... Dis1rict Court Administration Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable Operating Division 1 -'Novi Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non Controllable Operating $265,038.00 $265,038.00 $126,651.07 5136,386.93 51.46% - Turnover 70,300 00 73,300.00 40,377. 77 29,922.73 42,56% - Fay due to lower use Of contracied visiting fudge & cart fepettets, Et lower travel & cont. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% - — $335,338.00 5335,338 00 8169,028.34 5166,309.66 4959% $3,173,531.00 $3,249,847.77 $3,062,411.50 $187,436.27 5.77% - Turnover . 788,869.00 937,369.45 886,424.95 50,944.50 5.43% - rm., d UPI to lower bank digs travel 8 cont., 'mg.& Psych 8. him?. Exam usage, and ocflos supplies. 528,876.00 605,630.52 476,368 35 129,262.17 21.34% - Fay due largely to reduced telephones, computer °per., end CLEMIS charges. $367,642.94 7.97% $21,144.86 24,410 46 32,287 37 Division 2 • Clarkston Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non•Controilable Operating Division 3- Rochester Hllls Controllable Personnel ContrrAleb)e Operating Non-Controllable Operating $4,489,276 CO $4,792,847.74 $4,425,204.80 $1,083,842.00 $1,225,435.98 $1,204,291.12 492,083.00 493,974.79 469,564.33 184,549.00 267,125.23 234,837.86 81,760,474.00 51,986,536.00 $1,908,693.31 1.73% - Turnover 4 94% - Fay due to lower rent, court reporter svcs, Clef. Atty. Fees, and office supplies. 12.09% - Fay due largely to reduced telephones, computer oper., and CLEWS charges. $77,842.69 3.92% 54,119,546.00 $4,211,313.92 54,104,107.69 $107,206 23 2 55% $1,735.45 (776 91)' 111,121.39 0.09% - TV{ lover -0.15% - Unfav defense ally fees, bank chgs, and interp'r fees, partially offset by office supplies. 23.66% - Fav due largely to reduced telephones, computer cper., and CLEMIS charges. $1,948.453.00 $1,920,162.86 $1,918,427.41 529,558.00 533,863.34 534,640.25 433,941.00 459.1573.94 358,502.64 82,911,952.00 $2,923,650.14 52,811,579 30 59,340,422.00 59,531,338.25 50,152,178.21 2,734,244.00 2,1592,568.58 2,761,008.52 1,541,920.00 1,019,778.97 1,505,417.71 513,616,586.CD $14,249,685.80 813.418,604.44 169,717.22 0.00 1.947,696.00 0.00 1.885,027.05 0.00 2,054,744 27 0 00 517,086.988.00 $16,854,220.97 $16,195,284.35 3.91% $858.,936.82 11/24/2003 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES PROSECUTING ATTORNEY AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2003 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL fUNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $179,645.75 (3,074.97) 5201,510.78 25,456.94 894.00 (394 0.0) Administration CentroMahe Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable Operating Transfer 014 Litigation Controb.abie Personnel Controllable Operating Non Controllable Operating $2,457,955.00 $2,461 .156.02 32,281,509.24 2,064,290,00 2,018,737.10 2,021,812.07 $6,459,941.00 56,534,637.39 56188,34836 $7,00T5,438.010 58,840,755.00 $6,039,244_22 59,824.00 59,824.00 31,367.06 0.00 0.00 $7,065,262.00 $6,000,579.00 $6,671,505.28 7.30% Turnover -0 15% Unfavorable grant match ($535,660) due to a prior year's adjustment partially • offset by favorable Computer Research Service $7,792, Court Transcripts $13,919, Expert Wtriess Fees & Mileege 520,035, Extradition Expense 5129,385, Filing Fees 543,502, Library Continuations $34.042, Membership, Dues and Publications $18,950, Microfilming & Reproductions $12,002, Printing $29,984, Professional Services 552,550, Special Prosecuting Attorneys $15,000, Training $12,400, Transcript on Appeals $8,171, Travel & Conference $16,777, Witness Fees & Mileage $81,243 and Office Supplies $34,329. 8.26% Favorable Info Tech CLEMIS $15,644, Info Tech Development $3,264, Info Tech Operations $23,692, Radio Communications $15,807, Mail Room 310,114, Print Shop 58.914, Convenience Copier $3.454 and Telephone CuinmuriTcations $90,480 partially arset by unfavorable Maintenance Dept Charges ($1,065) and Motor Pool ($754) 2.95% Turnover 47.57% Favorable Personal Mileage $.33,325 due to less than anticipated usage partially offset by Travel and Conference (52.5471, Membership, Dues and Publications (51.345) and Clothing Allowance ($750). 0.00% Unfavorable Radio Communications ($894) for pager use. $346 289.03 5.30% $229,073.72 3.32% Warrants Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating $2,089,131.00 $2,032,563.00 $1,969,391.23 2,758.00 2.75800 1.656.49 .Non-Controllable Operating 0.00 52,091,889.00 52,035,321.00 51,9/1,247.12 $63,171.77 3.11% Turnover 601.51 32,69% Favorable Personal Mileage $1,051 due to less than anticipated usage offset by iinbudgeted Clothing Allowance ($750) 0.05 0.00% $64,073.28 3 15% 0.00 0.00 App el late Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable Operating Department. Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Nrn-Controllabie Operating Transfer Out 51.452,586.00 51,376.392.58 51,360,714.76 7.9},00 7,291:30 3,468.23 0.50 0,00 0..00 $1,459,876.00 $1,383,633.58 $1,364,182.99 $13,005,109.00 $12,710,866 60 $12,250,859.45 2,134,163 00 2 088,610 10 2,058,503.85 '1,947,696.00 2,054,744 27 1,885,921.05 0.00 o,00 0.00 $15,677.82 1.14% Turnover 3,622.77 52.43% Favorable Personal Mileage $3,823 due to less than antidpated usage. 0.00 0.00% 519,500.59 1.41% $460,007.15 30,106.25 168.823.22 0.00 3.62% 1.44% 8.22% 572,977,724.00 $72,829,542 67 $74,193,700.29 (31,364,157.62) 9,539,489 00 11.292,423.40 10.941,594.53 350,828.87 15,613,791.00 15,652,855.88 14,998,388 30 654.467.54 27,000.00 85,226.00 58,226.00 27,000.00 -1.87% 3.11% 4.14% :3 1 68% . 11/2412003 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES ' SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET AMOUNT FY 2003 FAVORABLE ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES $9,162,169.06 905,790.30 Technical Services Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable Operating Operating Transfer Out Department Total Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable Operating Operating Transfer Out 28,991.369.00 $9,022,226,00 736.663.00 866,533 86 1.815,464.00 1,653.490.26 0,00 511,543 A96 00 311,544,250.12 ($139,943.06) -1.55% - Turnover and FY 2002 Contract Settlement. Favoribility ir Adrin Services (37,256 44) -4,29% - Unfav. Data Processing Dew. ($11,525), Officer Training ($10,489), Prof. Serv. ($10, )45) and Equip. Repairs ($5,094), - Fav. Telephone Communications 2213.809. Radio Communications $41.960 offset by Urdav, Motor Pool (2132,980). L530.700.37 • 122.789.89 7.43% 0.00% $11,598,659.73 ($54,409.61) -0.47% $98.1,58,014,00 $99,880,047.05 2100,101,000.12 ($331,861.17) -0.33% Division Total $3,757,270.00 $3,765,920.25 $3,482,302.97 $283,617.28 7.53% Department Total $3,757,270 00 $3,765,920 25 $3,482,302.97 $283,617.28 7.53% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES COUNTY TREASURER ADOPTED BUDGET AMENDED FY 2003 BUDGET ACTUAL AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable OperatIn $2,652,540.00 $2,546 1420.00 $2,295,232 07 236,061.00 193,930.00 $164,840.75 668,669.00 1,025,570.25 $1,022,230.15 $25118793 29,089 25 3,340.10 9.86% - Turnover. 15.00% - Fav data processing supplies and capital outlay. 0.33% - Fav telephone rates and usage. 11/24/2003 11/19/2003 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES DRAIN COMMISSIONER AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2003 FAVORABLE . BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES a.......,..r..,•n,•nn•nn•,..n.innnn••nn•••••••nn• •n•••••n••n•n•n•••,...... Drain Commissioner Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable Operating $2,793,704.00 $2,851,958.00 $ 2,716,351.56 S 135,606.45 4.75% - Favorable Salaries $661,347 offset by unfavorable Fringes ($504,029) for non-productive adjustment factor. Unfav Overtime ($21,712) for soil erosion overtime to meet Inspection requirements. 461,798.00 703,358.01 372,880.51 330,477.50 46.99% - Fav - Consultants $123,646 favorable variance will be applied to FY 2004 per MR # 03240 for Watershed Mgmt. Program. Fay - Contracted Services $185,789 favorable variance will be applied to FY 2004 per MR# 03240 for Watershed Mg ml. Program, Fay - Legal Services $7,382 due to forecast being over estimated. Fay - Personal Mileage $12,752 due to reduction in use of personal vehicle offset by unfavorable revenue in Reimb. Personal Mileage Fay •- Recognition Events $4,527 due to actual ISO contract amount lower than estimated contract amount. Fav - Educational Supplies $77,706 favorable variance will be applied to FY 2004 per MR ft 03240 for Watershed Mgml Program. Unfav - Membership, Dues and Publication ($11,774) for membership enrollment into Huron and Clinton River Watershed Council. Unfav - Professional Service 5,574i for ISO 9000 and Watershed Mgont. charges with ISO 9000 portion being offset by revenue account Reimb. General. Unfav Travel and Conference ($10,118) for increase In travel for lobbying to maintain/obtain grant funding. Unfav - Adj. Prior Year Exp. ($14,032) to adjust prior year labor to General Fund from fund 442817 due to adjustments of • prior year salaries. Unfav - Office Suppiies ($4,257) offset by favorable variances In Data Processing Supplies, Engineering Supplies and Maintenance Supplies. Unfav Printing Supplies ($11,587) used outside vendor for new letterhead, 880,585.00 1,114,015.80 1,023,771.53 90,2.44.27 8.10% - Fay - Radio. Communications $66,670 not using radio system Fay - firair Equipment $17,598 because of decrease in charges for copies being directly charged to General Fund Fay - Print Shop $4,811 used outside vendor for letterhead Fav - Telephone Communications $22,258 because allocation over estimated. Unfav - Convenience Copier ($12,614) because allocation under estimated. Unfav - Mail Room ($7,718) due to under estimated budget item. Transfer Out 66,165 00 56,165.00 56,165.00 $0.00 0.00% Fetal $4,192,252.00 54,725,496.81 $4,169,166159 $556,32822 11.77% Department Total $4,192,252.00 $4,725,496.81 $4,169,160.59 5556,328.22 11.77% 51318 626 56 8.5998 $158,874.13 3.19% - remove' $26,786.163 1745% . Favorable Memberships Dues A Pub, $ ,5861, including Training Related expenses $24,920 end Advertising $298 due in can scioun d ccisinn Ic nentmize expenditures. 578,403.94 3.29% Favorable I.T. Operalions and Telephone Communications 540M1/el1en Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non Controllable Operating Transfer Out Fiscal Service.s Controllable Personnef Controllable Operating NC.11 I .Controllable Opersting Reimbursement Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating $58750,46590 520,614,031.79 519,315,7E8.40 51,299,24139 6.30% 11,12412002 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2063 YEAR ENO REPORT EXPENDITURES MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2003 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE} PERCENT EXPLANATION Of SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Admintstration Controllable Personnel Controllable Opera'leg Non-Controllable Operating Purchasing Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable Operating 5300,740.00 $300.740.00 5286,304.81 514.435.39 4.50% - Turnover 15.100130 21,221.55 71.37415 (153.20) -0.72% - Untav. Travel & Conference due to PeopleSoft Conference. 9,031.00 8.742.00 9,52761 (725.61) -13.912% - Unfav. due to PrinUng for 2002 Comprehensive Annual Report charged to Arimin. 5320,671 09 5330,703.55 5317,209.97 $13,495.56 4.08% $943,514.00 5912,866.09 5858,65740 $53,208.60 5.83% - Turnover 31,742,00 35,050.89 19,652.07 15,198.82 43.36% - Fa ornable Advertising $7,518. Personal Mileage $1,156. Towel & Conference $4,0130 Expendable Equipment Exp. $2 254 and Postage 5180 due to internal decision to minimize earponditures. 145,559.00 167,946.53 160,456.51 7,490 02 4.46% - Favorable Telephone Communications 51. 120.875 90 $1.115,853.42 51,039,985.98 575,897.44 6.80% 56,527,098.00 .55,38 1.246,00 $6.713(1.693 43 $591,852.52 9.278C - Turnover 1 41,7660h 361,515.20 97,267.65 254,227.65 '73.09% Favorable Advertising 51,093, Communicalions um. Equip. Repahs & MAW $800 Memberships, Dues S. Pub. $2,341, Mileage $64,881, Printing $5,000, Professional Services $49,809, Travel & Coal, $7,048, Expend. Equip. $1 ,111, Photo Supp. 53,600. Postage $99,874, Office Suppties $27,693. FavOrdbilJty is due to jots reassignments within the EqualiTation 1.616.2 3.00 2,278,654 78 2.315.936.27 {37,253.5 I ) -1.63% - Unfav mailroom doe to taxpayer no Ices. See Postage faverability. 82,000.00 82,09000 0.00 000% - 58.543.576.00 $9,103,445.96 58.284,819.40 $5,125,918.00 $451560901 54.758,934.88 165,547 00 153,547.00 126.760 17 924,207.00 2,385,56.2.17 2,307.156.23 $6,218,672.00 57,454,918 18 57 192653 78 $267,064.90 3.52% $1,924,259.00 $1,946,433.45 51.877.627.70 69,327.00 70.062 00 49,559.09 Non -Controllable Operating 552,185.00 592.6U5.22 bb3,155 98 Transfer Out 52,546,471.00 52,609,100.86 57,466,942.77 Department Total Controllable Personnel 514,922,289,00 514.457,09447 513,572,118.07 Col droll-able Operntiri 558,981 00 641,396,54 314,833.73 Nori-Controltable Operating 3.269,195,00 5,433,540.613 5,346,838.60 Transfer Out 0.00 8Z000..00 132.000.00 68,605.76 3 53% - Turnover 20,502,91 29,26% - Favorable Professional Sue. $12,255, Expendable Equipment Exp. 55,906, Equip. Repairs & Main!. $475. rind Ring Fees $1,588 due to decision lo minimize expenses. 33,849.24 6.50% - Favorable 1.1. Operations and Telephone Cumnuntc.Rtions $128,157.91 4.91% 5884.978.40 6,12% 326,562.91 50.91% 00.704,08 1.60% 0.00 0.00% $317,642.11 976.88 ($1,896.11) $4,548.12 Facilities Engineering Controllable Personnel Cnnto °Ratite Operating Non-Controllable Operating Transfers Out Department Total Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable Operating Transfers Out 2.22% 5.58% 0.01% 0.00% 2.22% 11/14/2003 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES FACILITIES MANAGEMENT AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2003 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Administration Controllable Personnel Controllab]e Operating $315,746,00 $315,746.00 22,975,00 5,525.00 -0.60% - Usage of fringe benefits greater than anticipated. 82.32% - Fav. Advertising due to reduced level of County real estate activity. Non-Controllable Operating 83,742.00 36,951.00 38,718.02 232.98 0.60% -- Fav, Convenience Copier costs. $422,463.00 $360,222.00 $357,337.01 $2,684.99 0.80% 6942,286.00 $85167300 $863,022.55 $28,650.45 3.21% - Fay. Salaries due to turnover 519.757 and fay. Overtime $8,893 due to reduced project activity, 206,650.00 118,240.00 115,886.96 2,353.04 1.99% - Fay Professional Services $3,356, Testing Materials $1,815, EKpendable Equipment $1,921, and Office Supplies $993 this to reduced project activity partially offset by Data Processing Supplies cost for CAD software upgrade. 95,249.00 • 93,512.28 93,726.96 (214.68) -0.23% - Unfav. Telephone Communications costs. 54,000,00 54,000.00 54,000,00 0.00 0.00% • ..... 51,298,185.00 $1,157,425.28 $1,126,638.47 $30,788.81 2.66% 51,258,032.00 $1,207,419.00 $1,180,664.66 $26,754.34 229,625 00 123,765 00 116,863.84 6,901.16 178,991.00 132,463.28 132,444.98 18.30 54,000.00 54,000.00 54,000.00 0.00 $1,720,648.00 $1,517,647.28 $1,483,973.48 $33,673.80 Admirdstration Controllable Personnel Con1roliable Operating Non-Controllable Operating $170,432.00 10,248,903.00 16,682.00 $170,432.00 7,591,778.00 16,3E18.00 $171,034.48 6,861,493.40 19,055.6,5 $10,436,017.00 $7,778,608.00 $7,051,616.53 Health Controllable Personnel Control, labia Operating Non-Controllable Operating Transfer Out $21,973,470.08 $1,642,050.34 4,800,967.31 3,179,593.27 49,115,00 $30,003,145.66 (340,289.51) 215,552.21 0.00 $1,517,313.04 2,445,721.00 2,368,611 48 2,448,140.55 /1/19/2003 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES HUMAN SERVICES ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2003 BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT ------- EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFIC.ANT VARIANCES ($602.48) -0.35% Under appropriated salaries 730,284.60 9.62% - Favorable Private Institutions including residential due to conscious decision to minimize expenses. (2,690.65) -16,41% - (Unfav.) Print Shop 5726,991.47 9,35% $24,289,936.00 3.747 974.O0 3,394,001 00 $31,431,911.00 $23,615,520.42 4,460,677 80 3,395,145.48 49,115.00 $31,520,458.70 5.95% - Favorable due to staff turnover offset by (Unfav.) overtime from high activity in Jail (517 947) Clinic (511,4851 and Env. Health ($42,445) (Unfav. due to price increase for vaccines Favorable Telephone Communications 4.81% -7.63% - 6.35% CI 00% $488,712.03 94,263.25 79,529.07 Chili:Iron's Village Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable Operating Transfer Out $10,393,300.00 510,417,955.35 59,929,243.32 3,482,621.00 3,583,084.88 3,488,821.03 $16,321,642.00 $18,449,180.78 $15,786,676.43 4.69% - Favorable due to delay in completion of new Secure'Detention Facility. 2.63% - Favorable Provisions $98,608, and Uniforms $2,375, due to delay of Secure Retention Facility offset by (Unfav.) Equipment Repajrs & Maint. ($6,720) due le expenses for repair of vacuum cleaners, televisions, toasters, and other miscellaneous minor repairs. 3.25% - Favorable Telephone, I.T. Operations and Radio Communications due to delay in completion of Secure Detention Facility $662,504.35 4.03% Department Total Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable Operating Transfer Out 534,853,668.00 17,479,498.00 5,855,404.00 0.00 $34203,907.77 15,535,540.68 5,859,684.03 49,115.00 532,073.747,88 15,151,282.34 5,567,29140 49,115.00 52,130,159.89 484,258.34 292,390.63 0.00 6.23% 3.10% 4.99% '5.21% $56 189,570.00 $55,748,247.48 $52,841,438.62 $2,906,808.86 Animal Control Controllable Personnel Contortable Operating Non-Controllable Operating COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES PUBLIC SERVICES AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2003 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 51.475,822.00 $1,457,816.76 51,483,334132 (525,517.26) -1.75% - Underestimated usage of Fringe Eienerits. 120,043.00 102,643.25 587,329.86 15,313.39 14.92% . Fay Professional Services 59.200 due To lermttation of Veterinarian Contract, Printing 51,200, Uniform Cleaning 52;400 and Llniform Replacement S3,2013 531,579.00 546,621.63 5521,086,39 . 25,435.24 4.65% - Fay. Radio Communication $9,500, Molar Pool 513.000 and Mail Room $3,700 lower usage than budgeted offset by unrest Equipment Rental (.5550) arid Info Tech Operations ($250I. $2,127,244.00 $2,906,981.54 52,091,750.27 516,231 37 0,72% Circuit Court Probation Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controltable Operating 819,528 00 $862.167.00 42,566 02 536,364 72 6,20330 14.57% - Fay. Office Supplies 59,900, Personal Mileage 9200, Cain Processmo Supplies $300. and Membership Clues a. Publications $500 tower usage than budgeted offset by vnlav FA. Expendable Equipment Expense 152,800) and Interpreter Fees ($1,900) costs not budgeted. 813,813.79 5794,925 71 18,888.08 2.32% - Fay in most accounts, orset by unfa y Main Room ($300). 5856,381.81 3831,290.43 $25,091.38 2.93% '12,63900 Department Tntal Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable Operating Operating Transfer Out $5,919,374.00 58,768,127 48 50.508,301.03 5259,826 45 1,901,707.00 2,100,469.27 1,888,083.56 212,405 71 3,194.109.03 3,444,242.50 3,286,469.01 157,773.49 250.00 250.00 0.00 2 95% 10.11% 4.58% 0.00% ¶14.015,190.00 $14,313,109.25 513,683,103 60 $630,005.65 4.40% cata, 4111111.11111 1 I/249003 11/14/2003 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR ENEI REPORT EXPENINTURES COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTWORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AMOUNT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2003 FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL UNFAVORABLE) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES Workforce Development Controllable Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable Operating $644,415.00 $644,415.00 $6,191.63 $638,223.37 99.94% - Favorability reflects expenditure pass-through of Workforce Investment 325.656.00 325,656,00 4,840.21 320,815.79 98.51% Act grant funds. Minimal County General Fund dollars were required 105,594 00 104,202 87 86.98 104,115.89 99.97% $1,075,665.00 $1,074,273.87 511,118.82 81,063,155.05 98.961' Department Total Contraattle Personnel Controllable Operating Non-Controllable Operating , Transfer Out $644,415.00 325,656.00 105,594.00 0.00 $644,415.00 325,656 00 104,202.87 0.00 $6,191.63 $638,223.37 4,840.21 320,815,79 86.98 104,115.89 0.00 0.00 99.04% 98,51% 99.92% 0.00% 98.96% $1,075,665.00 51,074,273.87 $11,116.87 $1,063,155.05 53000 00 41,300.00 108,419.00 553,300.00 12,729.00 8 11,807,917.00 5 15,803.33825 $ 56.731,175,00 2,000,0130.00 1,408,000.00 5,000;300.00 2,500,000 00 55,/00.00 $ 17,694,875.00 56.751,175.05 2,000,000.00 406,000.00 2,038,720.00 5,060,000.00 279,365.00 132,006.00 4,992,529 00 11,540 00 55,700 00 43.880,00 $22.742,909.00 .5 46,225,030.00 $ 57,138,599.23 $ 16,107,588,15 $ 21,029,011.08 36.80% 3.30% -2.015% 100.00% 1;17% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 82,050,796.00 $ 96,694,116.03 $ 75,202,443.62 8 21,491,672.41 22.n% COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT EXPENDITURES BUDGET AS ADOPTED BUDGET AS ADJUSTED FY 2003 ACTUAL AMOUNT FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLEI PERCENT EXPLANATION Overtime Appropriation ScourTy Expense. Summer Employees Salary Appropriation Total Transfers to Other Funds (loom) Rldo Authority (Cebt) Bldg Fund (Capital Improvement Proo ) CLEWS Drain Equipment Environmental infrastructure Fire Records Management General Activilies Information reemploy Lake Level Act 1 Oak. Enhancement-Community Partnership %Neter 8. Sewer Trust Total TOTAL NON-DEPT. APPROPRIATIONS 41,300.00 12,729.00 149,689.99 8 15,453,54625 $3,362,962 52 5 3,366,212.48 2,000,000.00 1,408,000.00 2,1388,720.00 s,ano,occ 279,365.00 132,000.00 4,992,529 00 11,540.00 56,70000 5 3,423,912.48 aka. wrar= 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 99.04% 50.04% - 0.00% - Note Revenue unfavorability. 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 00% am% 100.00% 00% 15.05% 43,680.00 $19.3113,996.52 Tay, due to payinent from DTRF for Work Release snd 5245 Dti,st. Ct. debt TRANSFER TO GENERAL PURPOSE FUNDS ploctoo) Health Fund Juvenile Mainlenance Fund Social Welfare Fund $ 22,342,41700 5 23,6111276.90 8 22,831,716.63 13,468.349 00 15 931,239 90 16,263,138.84 15,0013 00 15.000.00 5.15,525,76500 539 657,515 80 539 094,855.47 $ 779,56027 (331,698 94) 15.000.00 4122,86133 90 xls 2 • 1112472003 M.R. #02287 - 1211212002 Sheriff Dept. - Use of Forfeited Funds M.R. #02327 - 1211212002 Sheriff Dept. - Use of Forfeited Funds for Armored Vehicle $ 41,850.00 $ 275,000.00 TOTAL AMENDED BUDGET AS OF 12/31/2002 (1ST QUARTER) $ 371,438,528.87 M.R. #03043 - 0310G12003 $ 1,361,946.00 Phase I budget Task $ 145,000.00 $ 45,257.00 8,750.00 $ 500,000.00 M.R. #03028 - 03/0612003 Sheriff Dept. - Use of Forfeited Funds for Tasers M.R. #03057 - 03/20/2003 Sheriff Dept. - Oakand Township Contract Amendment M.R. #03058 - 03120/2003 Sheriff Dept. - Brandon Township Fire Dispatch Contract M.R. #03060 - 03(2012003 West Nile Fund Disbursement Policy TOTAL AMENDED BUDGET AS OF 3/3112003 (2ND QUARTER) $ 373,499,491.87 M.R. #03066 - 04117/2003 Sheriff Dept. - Use of Forfeited Funds for Auto Theft Conference - M.R. #03079 - 04/17/2003 Emergency Response - Local Law Enforcement Block Grant M.R. #03080 - 04117/2003 Emergency Response - Hazardous Materials Grant Funding 3,000.00 (2.092.00) $ 15.259.00 M.R. #03083 - 04/17/2003 FY 2003 First Quarter Forecast Fire Records Management System S 91.950,00 Senior Citizen Prescriptions 40,591.00 Prior Year Carry Forwards 621.118.00 Jail Data Warehouse 97.000.00 M.R. #03091 - 04/17/2003 $ 358,200.00 Community & Economic Development - North O.C. Household . Hazardous Waste Consortium M.R. #03082 - 05/08/2003 34,000.00 M&B - Equalization Office Remodeling & Computer Purchase Page 2 of 4 M.R. #03254 - 911812003 FY 2003 Third Quarter Forecast HIPPA Compliance S 3,800.00 Future Information Technology Needs $ 1,592,626.00 Drain Commissioner $ 240,000.00 Public Services - Community. Corrections $ 51,000,00 Planning & Economic Development 5,000.00 Clerk/Register of Deeds S 465,174.00 TOTAL AMENDED BUDGET AS OF 09131312003 (YEAR-END) $ 381,223,866.87 Page 4 of 4 1 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND DEPARTMENT OF CLERK/REGISTER OF DEEDS ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2003 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL FAV/(UNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES FIZIROGRAPRICS FUND (654)1 REVENUES Outside Inside Total Revenues OPERATING EXPENSES NET NON OPERAING REVENUE OVER (UNIYEI-0 EXPENDITURES $667,250 $414,556.00 $350,346.00 ($64,210.00) 351,667 $329,104.00 $266,681.75 L$62,422,25) $1,018,917 $743,660,00 $617,027.75 ($126,632.25) 8957,144 8957,144.00 8816,617.20 $140,526 80 39.000 $23,000.00 $29,445.28 $6 445 28 ...., • $100,773 ($190,484.00) ($170,144.17) $20,339.83 -15.49% • Unfav. due to rates adjusted to reduce excess fund balance to cf.imply with -18.97% Federal A87 guidelines. -1703% 14.68% - Fav due to turnover, lower depreciation, equipment rentals, Contracted microfilming & reproductions, indirect cost, and expendable equipment 7613.7% - Fey due to excess cash on hand attributed to excess fund balance cash invested. ue% xls 11/202003 [LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND 677 OPERATING REVENUE $2,179,729.00 $2,102,117.00 $2,105,237.69 $3,120.69 114'24/2003 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND RISK MANAGEMENT ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2003 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL FAVAUNFAV) PERCENT ------- --------- EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 0.15% - Fav. due to refund of claim payments from bankruptcy settler nerits, partially offset by decrease in rebilled charges. Note favorabifity in expenditures OPERATING EXPENSE 2,051,655.00 1,974,043.00 1,959,720.62 -14,322.38 0.73% - Fay. due to internal services rate reductions CLAWS PAID 1,200,009.00 1.200,000.00 3,599,652.26 (2,399,852 26) .199,99% Unla v. due to increase in claims settled and adlustment to increase reserves set aside for future claims TOTAL OPERA I NG EXPENSES 3,251,655.00 3,174,043.00 6,559,572.88 (2,385 529 88) -75.16% OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (1,071,926.00) (1,071,926.06) (3,454,335.19) (2,382,409.19) NON OPERATING RP/ENUE (EXPENSE) 800,000.00 800,000.00 448,477.43 (351,522 57) -43.94% - Unfav. due to decrease in interest rates. NEt RFVFNUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES ($271.926.00) (5271.926.00) ($3,005,857.70) ($2.733,931.76) 18,405,691 (51,067,109' -5.48% - Rine Benefit revenue was lower than expected due to the number of employees that took 1,049,344 (61,7515, -$.56% advantage of the Tenement incentive and edmirdslrative leave. 300,294 (18,006: •-5.66% 37,218 (5,082; -12_01% 840,047 (43,4531 •4 92% 1,668,803 (131,232 -7,30% 11 431,435 (651,365' -5.47% 10,122 (1,278: -11.21% 663,456 (78,044: -10.53% 24,388,279 (421,721 -1.70% 15,434,240 520,540 3.49% - Favorability reflects accrual of FY21002 and FY2003 union settlement costs. 2,897.215 (177,185) -5,75% 376,013 31,213 9.05% 549,685 (66,515) -10.79% 1,337,020 89,420 7.17% 820,255 604,755 28063% - Reflects 5900,000 withdrawal from ICMA Forfeiture Account and $19,987 from 2,577,093 286,293 1250% Health Care Reimbursemen1 Forfeiture. 154,129 (10,871) -6.59% 685,406 158,906 3018% 621,819 (638,181) -57 41% - Continued low Investment rates. 584,245,564 ($1,89-0,671) -2.19% 519,472,8 1,111,1 318,3 42,3 883. 1,798,0 12,092, 11, 741, 24,810, 14,913, 3,074, 344, 616, 1.247, 215. 2,290, 165, 526, 1,460, 565,136,2 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE FUND FRINGE BENEFITS FUND • ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2093 VARIANCE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL FAVi(UNF AV) !PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES 'FRINGE BENEFITS FUND 678 REVENUE TiREES HOSPITALIZATION $19,472, TIREMEN r ADMINIS TRATioN 1,111,1 TIJITION REIMBURSEMENT 318, 1PL. DEFERRED COMP. ADMIN. 42, EMPL. DEFERRED COMP. COUNTY 8133, EMPLOYEE IN-SERVICE TRAINING 1,763, FINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN 12,092, NED CONTRIBUTION ADMIN. 11, DUP LIFE 741, Fl SPITALIZATION [ 24,810, S UAL SECURITY 14,913, D NTAL INSURANCE 3,074, TICAL INSURANCE 344, DISABILITY INSURANCE 616, s[oRT TERM DISABILITY 1,247, FRFEITuRES 215, vvoRKERS COMPENSATION 2,290, UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 165, FLEXIBLE BENEFIT DEDUCTIONS 526. INVESTMENT INCOME 1,460, TOTAL REVENUE $86,101, EXPENSE . . RETIREES HOSPITALIZATION $20,521,-' 920,521, 1 , $23,473,437 (52.951,637) -14.38% - Unfevoreblity was the to louelget being established prior to receiving actuarial report calculation. RETIREmENT ADMINISTRATION 1,169,5 4 1,159,5 .' 951,292 216,228 . 18.66% SICK/ANNUAL LEAVE CASH-1N 1,250,1 1 1 1,250,111 1,357,920 (107,920) -8.63% i ITION REIMBURSEMENT 335 1 34 ,41 335,111 3,463 537 0.15% 1. E PL. DEFERRED COMP. ADMIN, 14,913, 44,-1 1 14,913,7 12,452,8 1,294,4 930,o 400,4 741,5 .44, 12, I 24,868,583 11,358,580 897,001 251,623 597,978 742,398 6.563 268 15,471,828 1,098,220 397,401 143,522 187,602 20.17% 148,377 (58,583) 37,537 11,732 64.35% i E PL. DEFERRED ' Comp. cowry 930,11 1 E PLOYEEIN-SERvicE TRAINING 1306..' (55E1.128) 30,70% 37,09% 97.77% 19.36% -0.24% 8.60% 550,4 III I SERVICE TRAINING - INFO TECH 1 0 FINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN • 12,452,1.1 1 D FINED CONTRIBUTION ADMIN. 12,11 1 G OUP LIFE 741, -1 SPITAL1ZATION 24,810.41 24,610,0 S C1AL SECURITY -3.74% - Unfavorability reflects accrual of FY.2002 and FY2003 union settlement costs. NTAL INSURANCE 3,074, 3,074,4 2,790,384 284,016 9.24% TICAL INSURANCE 344,: 344,. 285,186 59,614 17.29% TO AL EXPENSE i 1,88.3,,.. ABILITY INSURANCE 240,1 1,863,8 458,0 240,0 390,000 1,526,035 1,866,298 341,918 399,482 28.0,314 2.58,609 (11,845} 117,773 89,254 ;115,314) 764,765 122,227 66,518 (2498) (54) ($219,801) -69.89% fiscal year.end analysis of claims and reserve requirements. 50.93% 33.38% - Pavorability reflects adjustment of Workers Compensation claim-year reserves determined by 12.33% 14.27% -0.06% -0.25% -0.13% -433% r Exn3LE 6ENEFiT PAYMENTS 466,4 P OFESSFONAL SERVICES U EMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION . RKERS COMPENSATION 2,290,: • 2,290,8 165,1 • 390,4 , 0 246,7 185,0 89,2 . A COUNTING SERVICES 89,2 1 C ILD CARE FACILITY 246,7 : • I rRECT COSTS 588,207, : 588,045,788 586,265,587 48,082 REVENUE OVERI(UNDER) EXPENSE ($2,105,984) (51,909,551) (84,020,023) ($2,110,472) VP% FRINGE BENEFITSAls q4%4 1112412003 MOTOR POOL FUND 881 OPERATING REVENUE COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVTCE FUNDS DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL SERVICES ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2003 VAR(ANC E BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL FAV/IUNFAV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OF SIGNIFICANT VARIANCES OPERATING EXPENSE 5,840,775.00 5,840,776.00 5,537,864.69 ($302,911.31) -5.1 9% Unfav due to rate reduction by 5.02 , lower Cates to dept. due to fewer vehicles involved in accidents. Install radios, cameras and M DC's on on fewer vehicles effective 0 1/01/03. 5,771,602.00 b, ritsozoo 6,070,10225 (298,500.25) -5.17% - Unfav. due to change in depreciatIon of patrol vehicles, OPERATING INCOME a OSS1 69174 017 69,174.00 (532,237.56) (801,411.56) NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) 520,000.00 520,0130.00 370,131.94 (149,868.126) -28.82% - Unfsv. due to reduction of gain from sale of vehicles (increase In salvage value of vehicles). NET INCOME (LOSS) SEP-ORE OPERATING TRANSFERS 589,174 00 589, 174.00 (1E2,105.62) (751,279.62) OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 506,177.00 506,177.00 506,177.00 0.00 0.00% NET REVENUE OVERALJNDER) EXPENSES 1,095,351.00 1,095,351.00 344,071_38 (751,279.62) - MAILING, CONVENIENCE COPIER AND PRINTING FUNTi.BE $3,035,235 00 $3,016,296.00 $3,232,799,51 5214,503.51 7.11% - Fay, due to inease of use of mailroom v deperlments, Increase of tUblet work and external use at mei OCISTI OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSE 2,914,186.00 3,049,524.00 2,976,300,26 73,223.74 2.40% - Fav. due to de-crease In paper and printing supplies sales for the print shop and decrease In stationery stock for iesale. OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 121,049.00 (31,228 00) 256,499.25 287,727 25 NON-OPERATING REVENUE (EXPENSE) NET REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES 000 0.00 1,302.55 1,302.55 $121,049.00 (531221 5257,601 80 $269,029.80 11/2472003 COUNTY OF OAKLAND FY 2003 YEAR END REPORT INTERNAL SERVICE rum:fs DEPARTMENT OF INFORMA IRON TECTINOLOGY ADOPTED AMENDED FY 2003 VARIANCE auDGEI BUDGET ACTUAL FAV7(UNF.AV) PERCENT EXPLANATION OP SIGNIFICANT 'VARIANCES linformatfory Technology - Operations Wm OPERA rING REVENUES. Outside $1.673.266.00 S1.349,566,00 $1.436,203.00 $66,610.00 6.42% Par due to ine Access Oakland usage 3129,192. Deferred Land Trait $91,757. hilerest Income 5100.491. Fey partially offset by Outside Agencies M145.2501, RMmb Equalization Svo-s (582,1340); arid proOcted gain on sale of equip ( D. 254). inside 22,745,322.00 22.263,683.00 21 624,329 00 (839,354.04i -2.57% Unfav due to decrease in charges to OLi MIS lacer ($256.584j; OC Depls Development (51,262.079) partially onset ty lay. hi-raging Den. & Open 1116.056; Non-Govt Dev & Open $344.491: and OC Dept • Dyer, 3417,760 OC Dept and Non-govt de v & opar based on equip & svc provider: to lequesting Mims OPER,ATINGTRANSrcrqs IN 2,570,007.00 5,854,901.00 5,834,730.00 (20,171.00), -0 34% - Transfer (170.171) from Dein Equipment no longer required for purchase of computer equipment. TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 26,988,615.00 29.468,15000 28,895,275.06 (572,876.00) -1.94% • OPERATING EXPENSES vi,275A59.00 39,867T glut $31,026.505.00 8,838,584,00 22.17% Fey, primarily due to Salaries & Fringe 5409,451 uirilllnd vacancies: ContractiA Svcs of 02.107.39/ due to decreases In: Equip Rrepoirs & Maint for network Twitches reofaced w/ spares; Communications far elimination at low rise connections; Deprec 55,940,897 assets over 35.000 capitol threshid Also fay Cornmodilles of S199_898 due io effort to minimize cost of printina pale & accessories Fey'. OPERATMIC tRANSFERS {OUT] 0.00 5,000.00 5,1700.00 0.00 000%. Telephone Comm 118, 773 end Matra, Dept Chas $77,099. OPERA FING INCOME (Loss) (311,284,5-53.00) .2.104:21440,00). 58,255,70900 itnTormatIon Technotogy - Treephone Communications (675) OPERATINci REVENUFS: Outside 083,247 00 583.247.00 549,047.03 (34,200 00) 41.09% - Urrfav due to decr. Interest Income: Iowa, interest rates end lower cash balance aver!, for investment Inside 4,555,611.011 4,555,6 I Co 3.398.206.00 0,157,105.00i -25.41% Budget Feted! anticipated revenue Increase horn nmplemeniation of noweystm;perlieFyufrael by 1730,1326 decrease in Commmicolion cast Unfav. due to ES 1 I fariff postponement (5150,003) OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 0.00 0.00 9.00 0.09 0.00% offset by enlist Inv. 4901enditwe. Total 4,638,658.00 4.6313,1358.00 2,447,'5a00 (1,1E1,805.00) -25.6954 Fay cilia IC CleVVESOCI costs Commis-au:Mere 0730,823, Corernot eves, $10 500. Equip. repair 590,773 OPFRATINC1F.KPENSIS 4,860.532.00 4,862,44900 3.624,26400 1.738.185 00 25.46% - £911 Tariff 5150,000 Professional eves. 0201.664, 5Fflevaire maird. 523,910, Special projects deferred 5E8 250 Sublet repair 5513,008, Travel/confer-once 5213,369, and IT operations 1106.6:36 alli tower Man OPERATING TRANSFERS (our) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.00% anticipated; offset by Salary & fringe (0(7,841), Indirect cost (342,2.24), Maintena las equip.13164,24.4). E spend coo lip. (15,4761, Depredation ($16,74()), and f l development ($11,468) all higher than anlicipat OPERA TING INCOME (LOSS) ,132-574 (5223,591,00). _ . 1317 T.:G.111.1h 545,560.00 Ilniormallon Technology - CLEMIS I835) OPERATING REVENUES- Outside $1,403.7b9, 00 31,403,759.00 01,53,571.00 3127.912.00 9.11% - Fan. due to Ins:reeled MDC usage $ 150,075: add membership of CC agencies 59,150. Fay offset by (515662) non Oak Co agencies not fully operational as anticipated: doe invesl Income (36,810): and (sek,41). mare contacts for tiveSoesti agencies. Inside 373,952,00 074,746 ftP 1,318,502.00 943:757.00 251.84% - Ftw. due to increased Contributions Tram COPS MORE grant recognized in the C)_EMS Fund 1959,549; Inc 17,500 Shenfl Cant Svcs including non contributing agenOles such as 52/2s, Reima., Circuit CI &Pros.: Inc Prier 4f BO $21,694. Offset by decrease in projected NtErC usage by Sheriff Copt (544,966). ()AERATING TRANSFERS IN 1,425,000.00 1,431.308,00 1,414,306.00 i17,1300.00) -1.19% Transfer (517.030) from FR ME nn longer tegutted for purchase of software TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 3.202.711.013 3,299,812.30 4.264.4E1.00 1.054.669.00 32.86% OPERATING EXPENSES 11,906.358.00 11,835,137.00 6,190,627.00 5,644.510.00 47..59%. • Farr_ CansIsTS at Cornaturloallons far reductions in CDPO Gast Recover,. Fee per line and Records Management System no] fully operational OPERATING TRANSFERS (OM) 18.500.09 18,500.00 513,500_00 000 00054 ikarilliPERATING INCOME (LOSS) ,862:2,i47.00), 58,6 0 _($1,94-415413.00) $6,699,179.00 County of Oakland Detail of non-departmental sundry revenue For the twelve months ended September 30, 2003 Refund of prior year's expenditures: Refund from MDOT for final accounting Of 1-75 Chrysler interchange $ 951,916.89 Closure of unexpended balance of work projects 333,427.51 Reduce prior years accrual for attorney fees 64,971.00 Refund by Pride Enterprises for inmate clothing returned 21,256.40 Close balance of Utility Defense fund Into General Fund 14,250.00 Miscellaneous 5,543.11 S 1,391,364.91 Sundry revenue: Sale of equipment 31,770.00 Checks cancelled 16,8)9.84 NSF check fees 14,866.22 Miscellaneous refunds 14,675.64 Refund of employee compensation 5,456.22 Interest on investments 2,938.47 Miscellaneous 847.45 Garnishment fees 703.00 Close Building Authority West Wing Extension Bond & Interest Fund 522.51 88,599.35 Total 51,479,964.26 Interoffice Memo Data 11/14/03 To: Tim Soave, Manager — Fiscal Services Franz Cynthia A. Davis, Manager MCF RE MCF Write-Offs The following outstanding receivables have been determined as uncollectable and therefore should be written off in accordance with Fiscal Services policies & procedUres: MR # 3593 Service Date: 2001 Amount to Write Off: $3,510.00 Date of Write Off: 3/28103 This is the amount of the patient pay for this resident for a total of 5 months. This residents case was transferred to another caseworker who established a patient pay as of the admission date. We cannot locate the family. MR # 3640 Service Date: 08101 Amount to Write Off: $786.00 Date of Write Off: 10/22102 This resident was her own responsible party. Resident expired on 08111101 The son called and said before he could get the money to us Social Security took it back. Social Security contacted Robin Dunny on 10/1/02 and stated the case was closed, MR # 3874 Service Date: Amount to Write Off: Date of Write Off: 05/28/02 & 07/02/02 $25,00 10/22/02 This resident was his own responsible party. He was discharged to the hospital on 7/15/02 and expired. We have attempted to collect from the family without success. # 3330 & 3278 Service Date: 07/99 & 12/99 'Amount to Write Off: $1252.00 Date of Write Off: 10/31/02 This resident was discharged home and she moved. We cannot locate her for collection, ident txpi,x,:i; no monies iett to pay balance of bill; recommend wnte off to bad debt, MR #3248 Service Date: 03/00 Amount of Write Off: $73.60 Date of Write Off: 01/27/03 Resident expired; he had no funds left to pay bi.ance of account. Recommend to write off to bad debt. MR #2896 Service Date: - 04/98&05/98 • - ,••------ ,--• --Amount Date of Write Oa: 01/27/03 This :account was referred to Corporation Counsel and no collection was made. Last billing notice was unclaimed, No current address. Recommend to write off to bad debt. MR 43273 Service Date: 09/00 Amount of Write Off: T3G.25 Date of Write Off: 01/27/03 Resident paid off a iarge portion GE outstanding balance; this was what remained. He has not responded to our requests for payment. Recommend to write off to bad debt. MR #3084 Se.rvice Date: 31/98-09/98 Amount of Write Of $5,076.85 Date of Write Off: 01/27/03 This is past due balance from when residents son was handling the account. The facility petitioned the court to have a court appointed gilardian, and Mr. Default was appointed. The past due balance was referred to both Corporation. Counsel & Reimbursement with no collection. Recommend to write off to bad debt. i have reviewed these write-offs and respectfully submit them. 2 (Commission Meeting, January 15. 2003) Moved by Mr. Vogt, supported by Mr. McCulloch to nominate Fred Korzon as Secretary of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission for 2003. Moved by Mr. Obrecht, supported by Mr. Richards tu luse th iuilHrlaUuns and cast 2 unanimous ballot for Mr. Korzon as Secretary of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission for 2003. AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Obrecht, Richards, Skarritt, Vogt (8) • NAYS' (0) Motion carried on a unanimous voice vote. 2003 MASTER CALENDAR: Commissioners reviewed tile .Jr‘ipused [Fleeting schedule for 2003 and concurred to hold the Legislator/ Commissioner breakfast on Friday ., May 2, at Lyon Oaks. The Commissioners parks tour in dune was left as tentative, depending on date preference of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. Ric-f lords tu duuept tilt 2003 'master calendar, with the corrections as noted. • AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Obrecht, Richards, Skarritt, Vogt (8) • NAYS: (0) . Motion carried on a voice vote. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS UPDATE: Chief of Design and Development Joe Figa gave a presentation showing some of the imajor capital improvement projects in progress, plus reviewed upcoming projects throughout the Parks. BIDS: Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mr. Gregory to approve the purchase of the 2003 Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX 65-passenger, commercial bus for Mobile Recreation to Hoekstra Transportation, Inc. in the amount of $86,534.00, AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Obrecht, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen, Vogt (9) NAYS.' (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WRITE OFFS: Moved by Mr. Obrecht, supported by Mr. McCulloch to approve the write off accounts receivables of $750 owed by the Township of Royal Oak to Mobile Recreation for equipment rental and of $266 owed by Lawrence Joseph for shelter rental vehicle entry at Addison Oaks 4 - 3 NAYS: Vogt (1) 4 - 4 (Comrhission Meeting, September 3, 2003) Commission also directed staff to provide this resolution to the Board of Commissioners General Government Committee for their information. Trails Network Coordinator Marge Gatliff invited the Parks CUI1 If riiionti.) attend the County Trails Summit planned for Thursday, September 4, at Bloomer Park, from noon to 3 p.m, US NATIONAL GUARD TRAINING REQUEST — GROVELAND OAKS: Moved by Mr. Palmer, supported by Mr. Richards to approve the request from the Department of the Army, 2 Battalion, 333 Regiment, 841' Division for the use of Groveiand Oaks to conduct training on November 1 and 2, 2003. AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Vogt, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: .(0) Motion carried on a voice vote. c 4-H FAIR ASSOCIATION .6.nts.E NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE — SPRINGFIELD OAKS ACTIVITY CENTER: Staff requested Commission approval to extend the current lease with the Oakland County 4-H Fair A • '• • - • •-= -2. • - Springfield Oaks Activity Center on a month-to-month basis for up to six months. Moved by Mr. McCulloch, supported by Mr. wLrid 1.1 le lease with the Oakland County 4-1-I Fair Association for the operation of the Springfield Oaks Activity Center for 30 days, from September 6 through October 5, 2003, under the same terms and conditions as in the existing lease. Commission suggested that the new contract include a provision for three one -year extensions. AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, Vogt, VanderVeen (9) NAYS: (0) Motion carried on a voice vote. Commission reL.erm, He, ided siciffoeuuest 4-H Fair Association hold a meeting of their board or executive uoi 1111116U dbuuiidb pUbbible t4.7 dddi uss the approval of both tIri ex1e!IiurI dr ILI the new lease. The Commission also requested the 4-H Fair Association 's consideration to have a Parks Commissioner, the Parks Executive Officer, or his designee as a voting member of their board. Parks staff will request Oakland County Corporation Counsel's opinion on whether or not any legal conflicts or liabilities might arise orii ipieriLcitIve of the Parks serving on their board. AGRICULTURAL LEASE WRITE OFF: Moved by Mr. Skarritt, supported by Mr. Palmer to approve an accounts receivable write off of $1,500 for a 1999 agricultural lease at Lyon Oaks with Robert Brock. AYES: Crawford, Gregory, Lewis, McCulloch, Palmer, Richards, Skarritt, VanderVeen (8) Number of Accounts Amount Waived TOTAL 230 $ 506,749.00 interoffice MEMORANDUM to: Nancy Fournier, Fiscal Services cc: Judi Lockhart, Reimbursement from: Joyce Raczka, Reimbursement re: Inmate Waived Report date: November 18, 2003 Submitted for your review is the inmate Report for 2003 for the Months of Jul, Aug and Sep. Jul 03 050883 CZ 87 $ 192,242.00 Aug 03 051564 CZ 70 $ 135,209.00 Sep 03 052264 CZ 73 $ 179,298.00 From the dek of.. Joyce Raczka Reimbursement )200 N Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48343 Te1:248-858-7368 fax:248-975-4288 11 • • Page 1 Oakland County International Airport Memo To Roy Lake, Fiscal Services From Karl Randall, Manager of Aviation . CC: Nancy Fournier, Fiscal Services Dote: 11/13/03 Re: Breakdown of Donation Account (1565) All of the following transactions are monies that were deposited into the Open House Donation Fund (Grand Total $6,078.36). SEPTEMBER 914103 CR215656 (total $300) Sutton Aviation $300 AUGUST 8/26103 CR215557 (total $300) Plane Things $300 8126/03 CR215556 (total $1,550) Steven Shahinian CAP $300; Troy EM $300; Garrison Company $300; Oakland Avionics $50; Plane Things $300; Hunter House $300 8/13/03 CR215420 (total $300) Aviation Fit Des $300 8/1103 CR215271 (total $350) LL Johns $250; Sigma Beta Sorority $100 OAKLAND COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FUND 408, Object Level 3 #1605 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET DONATIONS FISCAL YEAR 2003 (October 2002-September 2003) Springfield Activity Center- New Barn (1) & Pavillions (2), PCA 30528 53/N233214, 13/01/2003 Oakland County 4-H Fair Assoc. $51,459.13 Donation Account #1605 Total $51,459.13 • 1 4 11/18/2003 1:21 P donationsfund 4080L3 .xis FY2003 OAKLAND COUNTY INTEROFFICE MEMO DATE: 11/14/2003 TO: TEA SOAVE - FISCAL SERVICES FROM: CYNTHIA A DAVIS, MANAGER - MCF k..P1-6- • RE: 2003 FISCAL YEAR DONATIONS Attached you will find a copy of the donations that were received in the 2003 fiscal year period. This money was donated for the use of fund resident activities. ATTACHMENTS G. William Caddell, County Clerk • n Resolution #04012 January 22, 2004 Moved by Moss supported by Buliard the resolution be adopted. AYES: Crawford, Douglas, Gregory, Hatchett, Jamian, Knollenberg, kowall, Law. Long, McMillin, Middleton. Moffitt, Moss, Palmer, Patterson, Potter, Rogers, Scott, Suarez, Webster, Wilson, Zack, Bullard, Coleman, Coulter, (25) NAYS: None. (0) A sufficient majority having voted therefore, the resolution was adopted. STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, G. William Caddell. Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on January 22, 2004 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office, In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of th9,County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 22nd day of January, 2004.