HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2004.03.04 - 27575MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION # 04046 March 4, 2004 BY: GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE, William R. Patterson, Chairperson TO: OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IN RE: PARKS AND RECREATION — SUPPORT FOR SUBMISSION OF GRANT APPLICATION TO THE MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES TO ACQUIRE ADDITIONAL ACREAGE FOR EXPANSION OF ADDISON OAKS COUNTY PARK Mr. Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has been notified that applications for the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund and the Michigan Land and Water Conservation Fund may be submitted for 2004 funding; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation desires to submit an application for the following grant, ADDISON OAKS ACQUISITION; and WHEREAS, the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission has the required grant match funds available to expand the development of the parks; and WHEREAS, the purpose of said grant is to provide open space, facilities and recreational opportunities for all residents of Oakland County; and WHEREAS, the grant meets the goals and objectives of the Oakland County Recreation Master Plan — February 6, 2002. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Parks and Recreation Commission to submit said grant application as stated above, with said monies for this project to come from Parks and Recreation funds and funds awarded as a result of this grant application. Chairperson, on behalf of the General Government Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution. GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE mg.t4oi2 too4At4.ni General Government Committee Vote: Motion carried on a roll call vote with Potter and Hatchett absent. Pam Worthington From: Greg Givens [givensg@co.oakland.mi.us ] Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 9:13 AM To: Wedell, Harvey; figaAco.oakland.mi.us Cc: Pohlod, Michael; Smith, Laverne; Frederick, Candace; Worthington, Pam Subject: CONTRACT REVIEW- Parks & Recreation CONTRACT REVIEW - Parks & Recreation GRANT NAME: Addison Oaks County Park - Sullivan Property Grant Application FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan Department of Natural Resources - Trust / Conservation Fund DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Joe Figa / 84620 STATUS: Application - Resolution required by MDNR DATE: February 23, 2004 Pursuant to Misc. Resolution #01320, please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed internal contract review. Below are the comments returned by review departments. The captioned grant materials and grant application package (which should include an application Report from Fiscal Services to the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners, the grant application, and this email containing grant review comments) may be submitted to the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners for review and signature, with an informational copy to the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s). Department of Management and Budget: Approved. - Laurie Van Pelt (2/17/2004) Personnel Department: Approved. - Ed Poisson (2/13/2004) Risk Management and Safety: Approved by Risk Management. - Julie Secontine (2/21/2004) Corporation Counsel: I have reviewed this Grant Application and approve it for submission. - John Ross (2/18/2004) • For DNR use only # Region # ' Michigan Department of Natural Resources DNR Grants, Contracts and Customer Systems 2004 RECREATION GRANT APPLICATION This information is requested by authority of Paris 19 and 703 of Act 451 of 1994, to be considered for a recreation grant. This application must be completed in full to apply for a grant from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund or the Land and Water Conservation Fund. A large print version of this application is available upon request PART I : GENERAL INFORMATION 1. NAME OF GOVERNMENT UNIT (APPLICANT): Federal ID # (Required for local units of govt): County: Oakland County Parks & Recreation 38-6004876 Oakland Name Of Authorized Representative (responsible for project day-to-day): Title: Joseph P. Figa, Jr. Chief of Design & Development Aodress: Telephone # (between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.): 2800 Watkins Lake Road 1 248 ) 858- 4620 City: State: Zip Code: Fax #: e-mail: Waterford, Michigan 48328 ( 248 ) 858-1683 Figaj@co.oakland.mi.us _ 2. PROJECT TITLE: Be as brief, yet descriptive, as possible and include the site name if available: Addison Oaks Acquisition 3. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Include the primary scope items (development) or the amount of acreage to be purchased (acquisition); presence of significant natural resources (by name) or water (by name) at the site; and overall purpose of project. This site consists of 346.2 acres of hardwood forests, open meadows and wooded wetlands that are part of the headwaters of the West Branch of Stony Creek, a high-quality tributary of the Clinton River. 4. SITE LOCATION: For projects which cross more than one jurisdiction, list all on a separate sheet and show the political boundaries on all maps. — 'Name of City, Village or Township: City E Village 1 Township Addison Township Address of site: Zip code: NE corner intersection of Romeo Rd and Walker Rd 1 48348 County: Section: Town & Range #'s: - Oakland 34, 35 T5 R11E State House District: State Senate District: U. S. Congressional Distri t: 46 12 8 5. PROPOSAL TYPE: Indicate if the application is for a development project or an acquisition project (cannot be both). . E DEVELOPMENT OR zi ACQUISITION — 6. PROGRAM(S) TO BE CONSIDERED UNDER: Indicate if you would like this application to be considered for an MNRTF or LWCF grant, or both. Be sure to complete Questions 7 and 8 in the appropriate column (or both columns if applying under both programs). The application will only be considered under the program(s) for which it is eligible. A project will not be recommended for funding under both programs. iN MNRTF El LWCF 7. PROJECT COST AND GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED: Complete the chart below. MNRTF LWCF a) Grant Amount Requested: The grant amount requested cannot exceed 75% of the total project cost for MNRTF and must equal 50% of the total project cost for LWCF. For an MNRIF development application, it cannot be less than 515,000 or more than $500.000. For an LWCF application, the grant request cannot be less than $30,000 or more than 5500.000. There are no minimum or maximum grant amount requests for MNRTF acquisition applications. $1,712,000 $ - b) Applicant's Matching Funds: Indicate the dollar amount of the match commitment. $2,568,000 s - c) Total Project Cost: This amount must equal the total of the project scope or acquisition costs from Part III. $4,280,000 $ , d) Indicate the percentage of the match commitment: Must be at least 25% for MNRTF and 50% for 60 % 5070 LWCF of the total project cost as indicated in 7,c. 8. SOURCES OF LOCAL MATCH: Complete the chart below and, if needed, Appendix A. Sources of match must add up to the total local match that is needed as indicated on line 7.b. above. Eligible match sources differ for the MNRTF and the LWCF programs. (See the 2004 Recreation Grants Selection Process booklet for details). 1 SOURCE I MNRTF LWCF --- — General Funds or Local Restricted Funds (Applicant's own cash): $2,568,000.00 - . b) Force Account Labor (Applicants own paid labor): IS .00 - , Federal or State Funds: (Other than MNRTF or LWCF; complete Appendix A): IS .00 - Cash Donations: (Complete Appendix A): $ .00 1 _ Donated Labor and/or Materials: (Complete Appendix A); $ .00 , - Donated Land Value (Acquisitions Only; complete Appendix Al: $ .00 1 1 of 8 PR 8750 (Rev. 12/23/2003) 9. APPLICANT'S CURRENT YEAR BUDGET FOR PARKS and RECREATION: Local government applicants only: Enter total dollars budgeted for parks I I and recreation for the current year if unknown, enter total spent in prior year. Parks Operation and Maintenance: Recreation Programming: 1Capital Outlay: $ 20,555,714.00 $ 840,169.00 1 $16,661,405.00 ( _ ! 10. ESTIMATED ANNUAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROPOSED PROJECT: Explain how this amount was determined. For example: "Estimate based on similar facilities constructed in nearby communities." $ 20,000.00 Explain: Estimate based on cost for similar day use park. _ 11. PRINCIPAL SOURCE OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FUNDING FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT ONCE COMPLETED: General Funds ri Park Millage E:14 Park Fees . 0 Other (Specify): 12. APPLICANT HAS ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING (check all that apply): 0 Citizen Recreation Body which is established by: 6i Full-Time Park and/or Recreation Director (Name and Title): I • State Legislation (P.A. #): Ralph Richard —Executive Officer (If the citizen recreation body was created by State statute, provide the public act number) 0 Part-Time Park and/or Recreation Director (Name and Title): 0 Local Ordinance • Governing Body Officials Appointed To Committee Iil Community School Director (Name and brief description of Directors role): • Volunteers Appointed By Governing Body 13. SCHOOL DISTRICT APPLICANTS ONLY: a. RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNMES FOR THE GENERAL PUBUC ARE AVAILABLE AT SCHOOL FACIU11ES (check all that apply): 0 During Normal School Hours 0 Outside Normal School Hours 0 During the Summer b. What percentage of time (on an annual basis) will the recreation opportunities provided by this project be available to the general public? % per year 14. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Applicants must hold a public meeting between January 1, 2004 and the application deadline, at which the public has an opportunity to comment on the proposal. There must be advance public notice for the meeting that identifies the application as an agenda item, provides a brief description and specific location of the project and indicates the applicant's intent to apply for grant assistance. Date of the Public Meeting: March 10, 2004 IMPORTANT: Attach a copy of the public notice and meeting minutes. Applicants are also encouraged to make specific efforts to seek input from individual residents and landowners adjacent to the project site, adjacent communities, Or others who would be directly impacted by the project. Additional efforts taken to inform impacted residents or others and summary of resulting comments: Advertisements in the local newspaper, Letter to Nature Conservancy, Addison Township & Oakland Township 15. INCREASED SERVICE AREA: a. Will the proposed project serve a larger population than the population of the applicant? 0 Yes IN No b. If YES, list all local units of government within the service area: C, If YES, provide the population of the service area: IMPORTANT If you checked yes above, attach justification as to why this project is needed to provide service for the larger area. Provide, as appropriate, documentation of efforts used to include surrounding communities in the planning process (for example, meeting notices and minutes, informational flyers); documentation of any financial commitment made by surrounding communities for the construction and/or operation and maintenance of the project facilities; references to the community recreation plan where a larger service area is described for this project or for the provision of recreation opportunities in general; or any other information deemed appropriate. ' 16. PARTICIPATING ENTITIES; If there are any local businesses or other entitles whose participation and/or support is essential for implementa- tion, name the entities below and attach letters of support or commitment from these entities: Names of participating entities: _ , 7 DATE APPLICATION WAS SUBMITTED FOR REGIONAL PLANNING REVIEW (REQUIRED BY E.O. 12372): Applicants are required to submit a Notice of Intent (PR 5750-2) to the appropriate Regional Planning Agency for review. IMPORTANT: Attach a copy of the transmittal letter and a copy of the completed ' March 27, 2004 Notice of Intent form with the application. Submit the original letter Date of Submittal: and form to the regional planning clearinghouse. 2 of 8 PR 5750 (Rev, 12;2312003) 18. RECREATION PLAN: Applicants are required to have a comrnunity recreation plan approved by and on file with the DNR before the application due date. Those projects for which grant assistance is sought must be identified and justified in the plan. Fill in the title of the plan and cite page numbers that document community need for this project and the reasons for its inclusion in the capital improvement schedule, THE PROPOSAL IS LISTED AND JUSTIFIED ON PAGE(s) Pg. 77-79, 96, 125 IN THE COMMUNITY RECREATION PLAN. TITLED: Oakland County Parks & Recreation Master Plan Update, February 6, 2002 19a. HAS THE APPLICANT CLOSED, SOLD, OR TRANSFERRED ANY PARKLAND OR RECREATION FACILITIES IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS? Yes [E, No If Yes, on a separate sheet of paper, provide the type and name (if possible) of the park or recreation land, and the reason(s) it was closed, sold, or transferred. 19b. DOES THE APPLICANT HAVE A "RESIDENTS ONLY" POLICY FOR THIS PARK OR OTHER PARKS OR RECREATION FACILITIES? Yes xi No If Yes, on a separate sheet of paper, provide an explanation of any 'resident only restriction for the use of parks, recreation facilities, or events at facilities owned or operated by the applicant. Note: Grant-assisted sites and facilities cannot be limited to residents only. 202. WILL THE PROPOSED PROJECT tOR A PORTION OF IT) PROVIDE ACCESS TO, PRESERVE OR PROTECT ANY SIGNIFICANT NATURAL RESOURCES? Pci Yes El No ig] Wetlands 0 Pigeon River State Forest Land 0 State or Federal Dedicated Wilderness or Natural Area Acres: 214 Acres: Acres: [1:1 Great Lakes Shoreline 0 Sand Dunes 0 State or Federal Rare or Endangered Species Frontage feet: Acres: Species: Ejl Great Lakes Connecting Waters 0 State or Federal Dedicated Natural Approx. extent of occurrence (acres): (Detroit, St. Mary's, or St. Clair Rivers; Rivers M Other significant feature, as defined by the MI Natural Lake St. Clair) i Frontage feet: Features Inventory program Priority One site for detailed ecological survey Frontage feet: Feature: Approx. extent of occurrence (acres): 346.2 acres 20b. Briefly describe how the project will protect, preserve, or provide new or increased access, including the type of access provided (swimming. fishing, hiking, scenic views. etc.) Refer to soecific oroiect scope items, as appropriate: As indicated on the Preliminary Site Development Plan, trails, boardwalks, parking and service facilities would be provided in order to promote barrier free wildlife recreation and interpretive/educational programming. ; 20c. If your project includes the acquisition or development of a linear strip of land (for example, the purchase of a former railroad corridor), describe the ownership and protection status of adjacent significant natural resources that will be accessed by this proiect: IMPORTANT: The application will be strengthened with documentation from outside experts that verify the type, quantity and quality of the significant natural resources. The presence and extent of these resources should be clearly depicted on the site plan. 21a. WILL THE PROPOSED PROJECT PROViDE NEW OR INCREASED ACCESS TO EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING? E Yes 0 No INLAND LAKE gg RIVER OR STREAM Name the lake, river or stream: Krohn Drain (Stony Creek Headwaters) Specify acreage (for lakes) or frontage in feet (for lakes, rivers and streams): 9,750 lin. ft. 21b. Briefly describe how the project will protect, preserve, or provide new or increased access to the inland water, including the type of access provided (swimming, fishing, boating, scenic views, etc.) Refer to specific protect scope items, as appropriate: As indicated on the Preliminary Site Development Plan, trails, boardwalks, parking and service facilities would be provided in order to promote barrier free wildlife recreation and interpretive/educational programming. 21c. For acquisition projects only, will the project permanently protect an entire inland water body or river headw_ i headwaters? p Yes X No (Explain): However, this acquisition would add to the headwater/wetland acreage of the Stony Creek that is held n public stewardship and managed tor water quality (as promoted ay the enase ii.btOrmwater PerMir program.) IMPORTANT: The location of the inland waters should be clearly depicted on the site plan. 22a. WILL THE PROPOSED PROJECT PROVIDE NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING? Pg Yes p No Hunting Fishing 1,E Other Wildlife-Related Recreation Activities lx] Fish Or Wildlife Habitat Protection 22b. Briefly describe what opportunities will be provided for hunting, fishing, other wildlife-related recreation activities or fish and wildlife habitat protection that are not currently available in the area served by the oroiect: Wildlife habitat will be protected from development, opened to the public and managed in perpetuity as part of the Oakland County Park Natural Resources Management Program. Deer will be culled in an organized hunt. 22c. Briefly describe how the project will provide these opportunities. Refer to specific project scope items, as appropriate: Park staff will conduct regular land stewardship activities including expanding the organized deer hunt at Addison Oaks which is already permitted to thin deer population and to provide recreational opportunities. 22c1. If your project includes the acquisition or development of a linear strip of land (for example, the purchase of a former railroad corridor) describe the ownership and protection status of adjacent lands and water bodies that will be accessed by the project for hunting, fishing, or other wildlife recreation opportunities: IMPORTANT: Attach documentation from DNR Fisheries or Wildlife biologists or other experts that indicate the type, quantity and quality of the existing_ fish or wildlife resources, the need for additional fishing or hunting access. and/or the need for habitat protection. El 3 of 8 PR 5750 (Rev. 12/23120031 23. ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT (Check all that apply): 0 The proposed project will provide for increased private investment in the area estimated at $ by the year El The proposed project will provide for new permanent jobs in the area, estimated at by the year E The proposed project will attract additional tourists,* estimated at by the year E The proposed project is part of a local or regional economic development or redevelopment plan for the area. _ Plan date: Plan name: Plan prepared by: IMPORTANT: If any of the above are checked, the rationale and methods for numerical estimates provided must be included in the Project Summary and Need Statement (see Part IV). Also attach letters from local or regional planning agencies, economic development agencies, tourist associations, and local businesses and/or copies or excerpts from economic development or redevelopment plans that justify and support the economic development benefits indicated above. * Additional users are not considered additional tourists unless the application demonstrates that the persons are from outside the service area and will spend money while visiting the area. PART II: SITE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS • Part II must be completed for all acquisition applications and for development applications if any portion of the project site is not currently owned or otherwise controlled by the applicant and/or has been used for purposes other than parks and recreation in the past 10 years. if j the project includes multiple parcels with different owners or histories, a checklist must be completed for each parcel. I , Check here if Part II does not apply and explain why: IA. PROPERTY CHECKLIST: The checklist should be completed in conjunction with the landowner and anyone else that would have knowledge about the site. Yes* No Uric" 1. Is any portion of the property used for industrial purposes, including manufacturing and/or minerals processing or extraction (sand, gravel, oil or gas) at this time? 2. Does the applicant, landowner or others have knowledge that any portion of the property has been used for purposes listed in Question #1 in the past? LJ 12.Y Ll 1 3, Does the applicant, landowner or others have knowledge that any of the adjoining properties are currently being used or have been used in the past for the purposes listed in Question #1? D N 0 4. Is any portion of the property used at this time for a gas station, motor vehicle service or repair facility, commercial printing facility, dry cleaners, photo developing lab, junkyard, landfill, waste treatment, storage, processing or recycling or disposal facility? E X II 5. Does the applicant, landowner or others have knowledge that the property has been used in the past as indicated in Question #4? 0 El 6. Are any of the following stored, discarded or used on the property at this time — automotive or industrial batteries, pesticides or other chemicals used in agricultural practices, paints, industrial waste or other chemicals in drums or other containers? 0 ral 7. Does the applicant landowner or others have knowledge that the property has been used in the past as indicated in Question #6? 0 u 8 Is there fill dirt or other fill material on the property at this time from an unknown origin? Il 9. Does the applicant, landowner or others have knowledge that fill dirt or other fill material of unknown origin has been placed on the property in the past? • M 10. At this time is there any evidence of leaks, spill or stains from a substance other than water or does the applicant, landowner or others have knowledge that there has been such a leak, spill or stain in the past? 0 IA PI Ii. Are there any waste disposal pits, lagoons or ponds on the property at this time? r 12. Does the applicant, landowner or others have knowledge that there have been waste disposal pits, lagoons or ponds on the property in the past? 0 ral 13 Are there any registered or unregistered storage tanks on the property at this time? 0 td MI 14. Does the applicant, landowner or others have knowledge that there have been registered or unregistered storage tanks on the property in the past? 0 PS • 15.1f there is a water well on the property, does the applicant, landowner or others have knowledge that contaminants have been identified in the well that exceeded legal standards or has the well been identified as contaminated by a government agency? 0 LI 16. Has the landowner been notified about any current violations of environmental laws pertaining to activities on the property or does applicant, landowner or others have knowledge about past violations? 0 gg • 17. Has the landowner been notified of any environmental assessments of the property that identified a) the presence of hazardous substances, petroleum products or contamination; or b) the need for further assessment? 0 Li 0 18. Does the applicant, landowner or others have knowledge that any hazardous substances, unidentified waste materials, tires, or automotive or industrial batteries have been dumped above ground, buried or burned on the property? D ts 5 1 19. Is the property listed on any federal or State list of contaminated sites, including the site of a leaking underground storage tank? • K1 II i . Applications to acquire or develop property that have current or past uses that suggest there may be contamination will be considered for funding if, based on the additional information in the application, it appears the property can and will be made safe for its intended use. Unknown. Applications to develop or acquire property for which there is inadequate information about site conditions may not be considered for grant funding. B. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION If answers to any of the questions in the Property Checklist are 'yes,' an Environmental Report must also be prepared and submitted with the application. The • Environmental Report should be no more than 3 to 5 pages and should include information under the following headings_ Refer to the specific guidance included in Chapter 3, Section C, Part II of the 2004 Recreation Grants Selection Process booklet on the information that should be included in this section. 'I. Title Page 2. Site Conditions 3. Environmental Assessment Results 4. Assessment and Cleanup Actions Needed 5. Implementation Responsibilities 6. Schedule 7. Confirmation Statement 4 of 8 PR 5750 {Rev. 12123/2003) PART ESTIMATED COSTS AND ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION PROPOSED PROJECTS MUST BE FOR EITHER DEVELOPMENT OR LAND ACQUISITION. COMPLETE ONLY THE APPROPRIATE SECTION. This section provides oetailed cost information about the proposal. However, these are estimated costs at the time of application. When completing this 1 section, keep in mind that the appropriation of funds for successful MNRTF proposals may take as long as 12 months from the date of submission; your estimates should take this into consideration. For development projects, requirements for accessibility as required by State and federal law should be factored into the costs. SECTION A — DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ONLY . 1. APPLICANT'S LEGAL INTEREST IN THE SITE: (Check One) III Fee Simple E Lease D Easement 0 Other (Explain) IMPORTANT: To be eligible, the application must include the completed "Documentation of Site Control" form (PR 57504) and the required attachments. Any form of control other than fee simple, including lease and easement terms, is subject to DNR approval. 2. PROJECT COST ESTIMATE Development scope items should relate to physical elements of the proposal (trail construction, parking lot paving, landscaping) rather than aspects of project execution (materials, labor, equipment). Scope items listed in this section should be clearly marked on the preliminary site plan to differentiate items proposed under this grant from existing or future development. Specify sizes and quantities where appropriate (length of trail, number of picnic tables, for example). Include only eligible items in the scope. Do not include ineligible items such as engineering costs beyond 10% of the subtotal and contingencies. Applications that include ineligible scope items may be eliminated from consideration, SCOPE ITEMS SIZE OR (Limit each item description to 25 characters - Do Not Abbreviate) QUANTITY COST ' l ' i i 1 $ ' 1 : 21 $ I 1 3 $ 4. — $ 1 I $ i 6 $ -. $ i i $ 10 Is 1 Plaque (MNRTF: $60: LWCF: $40) 1 $ Permit Fees Subtotal $ Engineering (NOTE: professional design services are required to complete a MNRTF or LWCF project. May not exceed 10% of subtotal) $ Total Estimated Cost $ * I - I * This Total Amount must match Item #7.c. of Part I of this application 1 . 3. PERMIT ISSUES: Applicants must identify all possible local, State and federal permits that may be required for the proposed project and, at a minimum, make initial contact with permitting authorities. Briefly describe the permits that are likely to be needed for this project and what efforts have been taken to apply for these permits. Attach any letters to or from permitting agencies or other documentation of the efforts taken. Type of Permit Permitting Agency Efforts taken to obtain permit or determine permit requirements i If the applicant has determined that no permits are needed, indicate so below. Appropriate research has been done and it has been determined that no local, State or federal permits are needed for this project. IMPORTANT: It is the grantee's responsibility to determine the need for and obtain all required permits. Approval of a grant does not indicate that the project will receive needed permits from the DNR or any other State agencies. 4. HAVE ANY COSTS BEEN INCURRED TOWARD CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT? • Yes fl No If Yes (Explain) 5 of 8 PR 5750 (Rev. 12/23;2003) (3) ESTIMATED INCIDENTAL COSTS Prorated Taxes: $ 4,000 Recording Fees: $ 100 Transfer Tax: $ 3,500 Title Insurance.$ 1,000 Appraisal Fees:$ 25,000 Plaque:$ Closing Fees:$ 6.400 Environmental Assessment Costs:$ 40.000 ' TOTAL:$ 80.000 TOTAL APPRAISED VALUE (1) $ $4.200.000 TOTAL RELOCATION COSTS (2) $ TOTAL INCIDENTAL COSTS (3)$ TOTAL ACQUISITION COSTS S $80.000 $4.280.000 PART III, SECTION B LAND ACQUISITION PROJECTS . HAS LANDOWNER BEEN CONTACTED REGARDING AVAILABILITY OF PARCEL(S)? (Check One) Yes E No 2. HAS LANDOWNER INDICATED PARCEL(S) IS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE? (Check One) 11 Yes LJN0 3. HAS ANY FORMAL OFFER TO PURCHASE BEEN EXTENDED OR A PURCHASE AGREEMENT OR OPTION BEEN EXECUTED? (Check One) Yes jINo IF YES, the application must include a completed and signed Disclosure and Certification Statement for Purchase Agreements and Options form (PR 1923-1) and a copy of the offer, agreement, or option. See the 2004 Recreation Grants Selection Process booklet for details. • HAS ANY PAYMENT BEEN MADE TOWARD THE ACQUISITION? (Check One) Yes [xi No If YES, these costs cannot be included as part of the total acquisition costs and are not eligible for grant funds. 5. PARCEL INFORMATION TABLES: Itemize estimated cost information for each parcel. See the 2009 Recreation Grants Selection Process booklet for additional details on eligible costs (1) (2) STATE ESTIMATED ESTIMATED EQUALIZED APPRAISED RELOCATION LANDOWNER ACREAGE VALUE VALUE ($1 COSTS (St !Name Sullivan Investment Group 287.69 $738,190 $3,500,000 0 : Name Sullivan Investment Group 1 39.54 $107,680 $500,000 -0 . Name Sullivan Investment Group 18.99 $51,740 $200,000 TOTALS: 346.22 $897,610 $4,200,000 6. INTEREST ACQUIRED WILL BE (check all that apply). 21 Fee Simple D Easement 0 Other Explain "Easement" or 'Other" as appropriate. Describe the specific rights in land that will be acquired, such as development or access rights. Also, list all liens, encumbrances, leases, restrictions, or rights to be reserved, and describe by whom: IMPORTANT: Applications to purchase rights in land less than fee simple should include a draft of the proposed easement or deed. Applications for less than fee simple title that will include public outdoor recreation access on land that will remain in private hands should include a letter of intent from the landowner (or the party who will hold the title), indicating they are willing to sell rights in the land that include public access. 7. ARE THERE ANY BUILDINGS OR IMPROVEMENTS ON THE PROPOSED SITE? Yes 2 No Briefly describe the intended disposition of buildings or improvements: As indicated on the Preliminary Site Development Plan. trails, boardwalks. parkina and service facilities would be provided in order to promote barrier free wildlife recreation and interpretive/educational proarammina. These improvements have been approved by the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission but are outside the scope of this grant. ARE THERE ANY NONRECREATIONAL USES CURRENTLY ON THE SITE OR PLANNED FOR THE FUTURE? E yes 21 No if yes, describe these uses and indicate when they will be terminated: 6 of 8 PR 5750 (Rev. 12/2?di200a) ,ci< PLEASE DO NOT FAX APPLICATION MATERIALS PART IV: PROJECT SUMMARY AND NEED STATEMENT' ' .. Attach one to five pages of narrative that provides the following information, using the headings shown below (in bold type), IMPORTANT: Refer to the specific guidance included in Chapter 3 of the 2004 Recreation Grants Selection Process booklet on the information that should be included in each section. 1) Project Description and Purpose f) Further information on Acquisition Projects that will a) Site Description result in a Purchase of less than Fee Simple Title - b) Intended Use/Development of the Site 2) Need for the Project i) Development Projects a) Need as Documented in the Community Recreation Plan ii) Acquisition Projects b) Applicant's Existing System c) Barrier Free Compliance c) Need for the Project in Relationship to Existing Facilities d) Resource Protection/Recreational Opportunities Provided by the Project 3) Past Grant Performance e) Economic Benefits of the Pro4osed Project 4) Additional Information/Special Initiatives of the MNRTF Board PART V: INCLUDED ATTACHMENTS Please indicate below (check the boxes) which items are included with this completed application. Development Lend Acquisition - . Attachments Projects .. . projects . . . — ED (required) lqii (required) Project Summary and Need Statement narrative. • (If required) • (If required) Appendix A, Explanation of Match Sources, if required. 0 (required) IN (required) Two 8-1/2 x11 , project location maps. III (required) IN (required) Two 8-112° x 11" preliminary site development plans. .5,47 • (required) •N One 8-1/2" x 11" map clearly delineating the legal boundaries of the park site. NiA , - . Rg (required) Two 8-ir2 x 11" Plat or Parcel maps. • (required) gg (required) One copy of certified resolution from the governing body. • (required) iN (required) One copy each of advance notice and minutes of meeting held to take public comments on the application. r- 0 (required) I.E. (required) One copy of letter transmitting Notice of Intent form (PR 5750-2) to Regional Clearinghouse and one copy of the completed form. i • (If required) 1X1 (If required) Letters or other documentation required supporting information included in the application. • (required) ,-r- One copy of preliminary floor plans and elevation drawings for any proposed buildings or other structures. • (required) .14,1/At One copy of Documentation of Site Control form (PR 5750-4). • (If required) 0 (If required) One copy of the Environmental Report. 0 (If required) One copy of the Disclosure and Certifications Statements for Purchase Agreements & Options form (PR1923-1) with a copy of any executed Agreement or Option. PART VI: CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION SIGNATURE: Must be by an official of the applicant agency or an individual officially designated by official resolution to act on the applicant agency's behalf. I certify that all statements on this application and the attachments hereto are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. NAME (Prnted/Typed) TITLE SIGNATURE DATE To submit this application package: MAIL completed application and attachments to: GRANTS, CONTRACTS AND CUSTOMER SYSTEMS MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PO BOX 30425 LANSING MI 48909-7925 Mailed applications must be postmarked by the US Postal Service NO later than midnight April 1, 2004 for primary deadline or August 1, 2004 for secondary deadline (MNRIF Acquisition only). iOr OVERNIGHT or EXPRESS MAIL to: GRANTS, CONTRACTS AND CUSTOMER SYSTEMS MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES STEVENS T. MASON BUILDING, 6th FLOOR 530 W ALLEGAN LANSING MI 48933 7 of 5 PR 5750 (Rev. 1212:312003) Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Grants, Contracts and Customer Systems 2004 RECREATION GRANT APPLICATION - APPENDIX A EXPLANATION OF MATCH SOURCES This information is requested by authority of Parts 19 and 703 of Act 451 of 1994, to be considered for a recreation grant. EXPLANATION OF MATCH SOURCES (Applies only to item 88c, 8dt 8e, or 8f of Part I of this application) 8c. Federal or Other State Funds*: Provide the information requested below for each federal or State program other than the MNRTF or the LWCF from which matching funds will be provided. Attach documentation (such as a grant approval letter) that verifies the availability of funds: 1, Program Name: Administering Agency: Contact Name and Phone Number (for Administering Agency): Amount: $ Type of Funds: fl Grant funds awarded: Date Grant Funds Approved: Attach the approved scope of work and budget . 0 Grant funds applied for but not yet approved: Estimated Approval Date: Attach the proposed scope or work and budget Appropriated Funds: Date Appropriated: III Other, Explain: 2. Program Name: Administering Agency: Contact Name and Phone Number (for Administering Agency): Amount: $ Type of Funds: ili Grant funds awarded: Date Grant Funds Approved: Attach the approved scope of work and budget E Grant funds applied for but not yet approved: Estimated Approval Date: Attach the proposed scope or work and budget Appropriated funds: Data Appropriated: El Other, Explain: NOTE: If a local government is approved for a recreation grant and a grant from another source for the same or overlapping scope of work, and the grant amount approved from the other source is more than needed to meet the local government's match commitment, the DNR reserves the right to reduce or modify the scope of work and grant amount for the approved recreation grant. Bd. Cash Donations: List the individual sources and the amounts to be donated below. Attach a letter of intent from each donor. Source Amount . $ $ $ ; e. Donated Labor or Materials*: Provide an itemized list below, including each item to be donated, the source, the dollar value and how the dollar value was determined. Attach a letter of intent from each donor. •ltem . Soutte:. Dollar Value.. H Valuation Method $ 5 $ :t. Donated Land Value: Describe how the value of the land dOnation was determined: Attach a letter of commitment from the landowner to donate the land value and any conditions placed upon their commitment. APPLICANTS SIGNATURE DATE *Most federal funds may not be used as match to the LWCF. Community Development Block Grants funds may be used as LWCF match. 8 of 8 PR 5750 (Rev. 12!23120031 r.ta ?L- • 1:3-01A405- • • SULLIVAN PROPERTY ACQUISITION Preliminary Site Development Plan VET oatifivalk Map #2 Parking Restroom/ Concession :Contact Station 0 300 600 1200 1,800 2,40 Feet aintenance- Bid n":"41-4i 7 —C41.•7 . . 4r. • I - V 4Pt• • , 0. FISCAL NOTE (MISC.#04046) March 4, 2004 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, CHUCK MOSS, CHAIRPERSON IN RE: PARKS AND RECREATION - SUPPORT FOR SUBMISSION OF GRANT APPLICATION TO THE MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES TO ACQUIRE ADDITIONAL ACREAGE FOR EXPANSION OF ADDISON OAKS COUNTY PARK TO THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the above referenced resolution and finds: 1. Oakland County Parks and Recreation (0CPR) has been notified that applications for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund may be submitted for FY 2004 funding. 2. The purpose of the grant is to purchase 346.5 acres and expand the land adjacent to Addison Oaks County Park. 3. The grant period is from April 1, 2004 to March 31, 2005. 4. Oakland County Parks and Recreation requests funding for a total project cost of $4,280,000. 5. The application request for funding for Addison Oaks County Park additional acreage from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF) for a total project cost of $4,280,000. $1,712,000 (40%) is from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund and $2,568,000 (60t) match is from the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Capital Improvement Fund. 6. No General Fund County match is required. FINANCE COMMITTEE FINANCE COMMITTEE: Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Palmer and Long absent. G. William Caddell, County Clerk Resolution #04046 March 4, 2004 Moved by Long supported by Coleman the resolutions on the Consent Agenda be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). AYES: Coleman, Coulter, Crawford, Douglas, Gregory, Hatchett, Jamian, Knollenberg, KowaII, Law, Long, McMillin, Middleton, Moffitt, Moss, Palmer, Patterson, Rogers, Scott, Suarez, Wilson, Zack, Bullard. (23) NAYS: None. A sufficient majority having voted therefore, the resolutions on the Consent Agenda were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted). ••n'' I MY APPROVE IHE MOE MOURN STATE OF MICHIGAN) COUNTY OF OAKLAND) I, G. William Caddell, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on March 4, 2004 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac, Michigan this 4th day of March, 2004.