HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2004.11.18 - 27630Transfer from Del Per Prop Tax
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November 18, 2004 MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION 404331
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the financial burden to maintain and sustain the County's
mainframe tax and related systems currently used by the County
Treasurer and the subscribing local cities, villages and townships
(CVTs) has become cost prohibitive; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Treasurer and Department of
Information Technology have been exploring opportunities to reduce this
"total cost of ownership" and at the same time increase system
functionality provided to the County Treasurer and the subscribing
local CVTs; and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Treasurer and Information Technology
are continuing to explore ways to reduce the costs of the remaining
delinquent tax system; and
WHEREAS the leading provider of taxation systems in the State of
Michigan and Oakland County is BS&A Software (see attached corporate
profile of BS&A); and
WHEREAS the Oakland County Treasurer and subscribing CVTs support
the implementation of BS&A Software which will reduce system costs to
Oakland County and subscribing CVTs; and
WHEREAS the County Treasurer has committed $2,815,000 from the
Delinquent Personal Property Tax Administration Fund to support the
migration to BS&A Tax Receivables and other related systems.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners authorizes the commencement of BS&A Tax Receivables
BE :T FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners authorizes an appropriation of $2,815,000 from the
Delinquent Personal Property Tax Administration Fund to fund the BS&A
Tax Receivables migration.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2005 Budget be amended, as
specified below:
FY 2005
22-170415-10000-1562 Planned Use of Fund Balance
22-370415-98636-8001 Transfer to Info Tech Fund
Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move the
adoption of the foregoing resolution.
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
As Of: 03/12/04 Oakland County -- BSA Migration
Return on Investment Analysis
Savinas Detail ,
Irroject Savings Unit Rate per Annual
Benelt/Savings Description Category Budget Category/Funding Source Desc Units Unit Total Savings Multiplier
CVT System Cost Savings (M/A) ITangible Benefit ANN 585,971
Equalization System Support Cost
Savings Tangible Benefit ANN 626,326
-Equalization Labor Savings -Sketch
Uploads Tangible Benefit Tangible ANN 1,861 28 52,108
CVT Report Savings Tangible Benefit ANN 0
OW License Cost Savings (M/A) ANN 48 6,606 317,107
CVT System Cost Savings (T/R) Tangible Benefit ANN 92,055 - -- Treasurer System Support Cost
Savings Tangible Benefit ANN 34,120
CVT Repoit Savings (T/R) Tangible Benefit ANN 1,588
Treasurer System Enhancement Cost
Savings ANN 0 0 24,017
IDMS OS Maintenance Savings Tangible Benefit ANN 75,000 _ _ _
0 _
0 - — -
Equalizer MA TR ROI.xls/Savings Detail
Date Printed: 1110212004
(4).) Page 1 REV: September 5, 2003
<<>> Oakland County — BSA Migration
Return on Investment Analysis
As Of 10/07/04
Page 1
1 Description I Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 I Total
Benefiti/Savings: !
Tangible Benefits Subtotal: 93,643 1,147,846 1,147,846' 1,147,846i — 1,147,846 1,147,846 5,832-,a74-
_ __.
,446 660,446 660,446. 660,446 660,446 660,446 3,962,676 Cost Avoidance Subtotal: 660
- - - _ _
Costs: i I __. o Development Services Subtotal: 637,376 1,651,031 292,789i 170,591: 2,751,787
Harc ware Subtotal: 200,000 145,655 0. 0' 0' 0 345,655
Software Subtotal: 81,842 556,910 313,5941 231,752 105,7891 105,789 1,395,676
_ Infrastructure Subtotal 0 q 01 0 01 . 0 0
-Training Subtotal: 45,000 45,000 of 0 _q_i 0 90,000
OthE r Subtotal: 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 ,..„, --.--,'•
Annual Statistics: 1
Annual Total Savings 754,0891 1,808,292i 1,808,292' 1,808,292 1,808,292 ; 1,808,292 9,795,550
Annual Total Costs 964,218F 2,398,5961 606,383: 402,343 105,789 105,789 4,583,118 i--
: ,
Annual Return on Investment (210,129) (590,304)1 1,201,909 1,405,949 . 1,702,503 1,702,503 5,212,432
Annual Costs/Savings Ratio 127.87%1 132.64%1 33.53% 22.25%1 5.85%' 5.85%
• -., :::,:3:4---;,,:i , t," 1 , -:,.-w,y(•.:- , ,..::- - _- :. • : -:: , ,I• . v
Project Cumulative Statistics: . 1
Cumulative Total Savings 754,089 , 2,562,381 1 4,370,674 6,178,966 ; 7,987,258 9,795,550 9,795,550 1
Cumulative Total Costs 964,218 ' 3,362,814 , 3,969,197 ' 4,371,540 1 4,477,329 4,583,118 4,583,118
Cumulative Return on Investment (210,129) (800,433) 401,477 1,807,426 i 3,509,929 ' 5,212,432 5,212,432
.1— Cumulative Cost/Savings Ratio 127.87% 131.24% 90.81% 70.75%1 56.06% 46.79% 46.-79-61c,
I , .
Year Positive Payback Achieved -. 3i • Year 3
1---1--- — - __
State or Federal Mandate?
Si natures:
1 — — ---- Benefits Reviewed By Project Sponsor Date:
1 ---
Costs (including IT Resources) Reviewed By
Infornation Technology Project Manager Date:
, - - ---
i ! - - — -
Cost; (in-eluding If Resources) Reviewed By 1—
Technical Services Manager Date: 1 ,. — .• , . , ,
Return on Investment Analysis Template.xls
As Of: 03/12/04 Oakland County -- BSA Migration
Return on Investment Analysis
Savinas Detail
Affects Projea ROI? Potential Savings Extensions
151.6Wat Savings • • n _ ,
BenelitiSavings Description Category Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y51Y6 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6
cvr System Cost Savings (MIA) Tangible Benefit x x x x x 585,971 585,971 585,971 585,971 585,971
Equ-alizatioo-System Support Cost
Savings _ Tangible Benefit x x x x 626,326 626,326 626,326 626,326 626,326 626,326
Equalizition Labor Savings -Sketch
Uploads Tangible Benefit x x x 52,108 52,108 52,108 52,108 52,108
tVT Report Savings Tangible Benefit _ , DW License Cost Savings (M/A) x ix x x x 317,107 317,107 317,107 317,107 317,107
Mit System Cost Savings (TiR) Tangible Benefit x lx ix x ix 92,055 92,055 92,055 92,055 92,055 92,055 _
Treasurer System Support Cost ,
Savings Tangible Benefit x x X X X X 34,120 34,120 34,120 34,120 34,120 34,120
-tX Mil:Report Savings (T/R) Tangible Benefit X X 1,588 1,588 1,588 1,588 1,588 1,588
Treasurer System Enhancement Cost
Savings x x x x 24,017 24,017 24,017 24,017 24,017
IDMS OS Maintenance Savings Tangible Benefit x x 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000
-------------- , I ,
,--, I _ ______ _ _ _ _
, I _ - 1--1 - , ___ I I - -I
, , - - --- - - -------- I- I I-
__ I-- t
Equali::er MA TR ROI.xls/Savings Detail
oz.. Date Printed: 11/02/2004
Page 2 REV: September 5, 2003
As Of: 03/12/04 Oakland County -- BSA Migration
Return on Investment Analysis
: onefitiSavings Description J Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 I Total
Tangible Benefit:
CVT System Cost Savings (M/A) 585,971 585,971 585,971 . 585,971 585,971 2,929,854
Equalization Labor Savings -Sketch Uploads 52,108 52,108 52,108 52,108 52,108 260.540
1 OW_Licen3e Cost Savings (MIA) _ 317,107! 317,107 317,10 317,1071 317,107 1,585,536
CVT System Cost Savings (T/R) 92,055' 92,055 92,055; 92,0551 92,055: 92,055 552,331 ,
-CVT Report Savings (T/R) 1,588! 1,588 1,588 1,588 1,588. 1,588 9,528
-4 -1
Treasurer System Enhancement Cost I
Savings 24,017 24,017 24,0171 24,0171 24,017 120,085
EMS OS Maintenance Savings _ _ 75,000 75,000 75,000i 75,000, 75,000 375,000
t I -
Tangible 13enefits Subtotal: 93,643 , 1,147,845 1,147,846 1,147,846 1,147,846 : 1,147,846 5,832,874
• Cost Avoidance: ,
. ' ,
Equalization Support Cost Savings 626,326 626,326:626,326; 626,326 626,326 626,326 31757,956 _
. .
Treasurer System Support Cost Savings 34,120 34,1201 34,1201 34,120! 34,120: 34,120 204,720
, ! I
Cost Avoilance Subtotal: 660,446 • 660,446 : 660,446 660,446 660,446 ; 660,446 3,962,676-
, . . 1._
Savings Total: 754,089 ' 1,808,292 ; 1,808,292 ; 1,808,292 1 1,808,292 1 1,808,292 9,795,550 I
Equali zer MA TR ROI.xls/Savings Summary
Date Printed: 1110212004
IL" Page 1
REV: September 5, 2003
Oakland County -- BSA Migration
Return on Investment Analysis
As Of 03/12/04
Cost Summa
i Cost Description I Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 J Total
Development Services: -- ----- IT Hours - New Development (M/A) 515,178' Contractor Professional Services-Implementation (M/A) 49 _,333 49,333 49,333 - - Contractor Professional Services-Conversion (M/A) 72,865, 72865k 1 1- IfTiours - New Development (T/R and IVR) ' 1,358,242I 7 ...... _ _ .
Contractor Professional Services Implementation (T/R) - ,
I- 122,333i 122,333i 12-2,333, • Contractor Professional Services Conversion (T/R) 48,2581 48,258i 48,258' , .
- .
1 _
, _ , 170,591 [ 0 2751,787 - Deveropmont Services Subtotal: [-- 637,376 1,651,031 292,789 I _
Hardware: • i .
Server - Acquisition/Upgrade (M/A) $ 100,000 1 100,000
Server Sftwre - Acquisition/Upgrade (M/A) 100,000 100,000
Server - Acquisition/Upgrade (T/R) 40,0001 , • 40,000
Server Sftwre - Acquisition/Upgrade (UR) 84,4551 .84,455
Server - Acquisition/Upgrade (IVR) -1- 20,0001 I 20,000
Server Sftwre - Acquisition/Upgrade (IVR) 1,2001 - _
Hardware Subtotal: 200,000 145,655 1 i 145,655
Software: .
Package S3ftware - Acquisition (M/A) 81,84 81,8421 81,842' , •
Package S)ftware - Acquisition (T/R) 125 96a ,963 125
, , 125,963' .
, 49105' 49,105; 49,1061 49,105 245,525 Package S Aware - Maintenan 1051 ce (M/A) 49
_1Package S3ftware - Maintenance (T/R) . 56,684; 56,684 56,684 56,684 226,736
!Package S )ftware -Acquisition (IVR) 300,000! .
- - - -I
r _
Software SAtotal: 81,842 556,910 313,594 231,752 I 105,789 105,789 - 1,395,676
- -- _ .
_ __
_ _
_ ____ _ _
i Infrastructure Subtotal
User Training (M/A) $45,000 t 1- .
User Training (T/R) 45,000; . --- -- - -- 90,000 'Training St,btotal: 45,000 F 45,000 1 7- --r ..
, -1-- --- r __ ___
Other: • - 4 - - _ _ : ' - - - Other Subtotal: _1 _
-- - Costs Total: 964,218 f 2,398,596 , 606,383 • 402,343 105,789] 105,789 4,583,118
Equalize MA TR ROI.xlsiCost Summary
Date Prir ted: 11/0212004
Page 1 REV: September 5, 2003
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- 1 - Oakland County GIS Utility
1200 N. Telegraph Rd. Bldg. 49W
Pontiac, MI 48341
Phone: 248.858.0828
Fax: 248.858.1006
Internet: www.co.oakland.mi.us
DATE: JANUARY 20, 2004
Over the last six months, representatives from Information Technology and the
Equalization Division have explored opportunities to reduce the County's
assessment / equalization system "Total Cost of Ownership" and at the same
time increase functionality provided to the Equalization Division and local cities,
villages, and townships (CVTs).
As this research has concluded, it has become apparent that the leading provider
of assessment and taxation systems in the State of Michigan and Oakland
County is BS&A Software Systems.
BS&A Corporate Overview
BS&A Software Systems is widely recognized as the leader in the Michigan
Municipal Software market. More than 20 different software products are offered
by BS&A for municipal agencies around the state. These products range from
Assessing, Tax Receivables, Building Permitting, and Fund Accounting to
Cemetery Management. With 1,500+ customers using their products, BS&A has
demonstrated continued success in addressing their customers' needs. In spite
of their industry-leading position, they maintain an entrepreneurial culture that
allows for the continuous improvement of each of their software modules.
The migration of CVTs from Oakland County's assessment systems to BS&A
presents several problems. First, as CVTs abandon the county system and
move to an independent system, the cost model adopted by the County for use
of its systems becomes less effective. Consequently, the financial burden unduly
falls on the County (via Equalization System Charges) to support the aging
mainframe system. Over the last five years, the Equalization Division's financial
burden has amounted to approximately $3 million. Second, as CVTs abandon
the county system and move to an independent system, the opportunity to
integrate data for assessing, equalization, land management, and eGovernment
functions becomes increasingly more difficult and costly. For example, the
County spends approximately $20,000 a year supporting the integration of
assessment data maintained by CVTs using BS&A software. This cost can be
avoided in the future when the County migrates to BS&A
BS&A Staff Committed to Legislative and Technological Changes
BS&A has several certified Assessors that are dedicated to the currency of their
software applications. This dedication results in timely changes to the
assessment and taxation applications being distributed to its user community at
no cost. In addition, a continued dedication to technical improvements in their
software applications means that the County can begin moving away from
internally supported systems and leverage the technical enhancements provided
by BS&A. This will result in tremendous resource and monetary savings to the
BS&A Committed to Outstanding Customer Support
Throughout the Assessment and Taxation community, BS&A is well known for its
outstanding customer support. This commitment is reflected in support response,
and timely software upgrades.
County Led BS&A Migration Offers a More Cost Effective Solution to CVTs
Currently, the County annually charges approximately 36 CVTs $199,211 to use
IT's assessment system. This is an ongoing cost to the communities that is billed
directly to the CVT by IT, or is included in assessing contracts with the
Equalization Division. The migration to BS&A will allow the county to reduce
these costs. Preliminary discussions indicate that support fees for those same
36 CVTs will be around $49,801. This represents a tremendous savings to local
CVTs during difficult budget times.
A Return on Investment (ROI) has been generated for the BS&A Migration and is
attached for further reference. In addition, letters of support from several local
caoovoovo havcaiu bccli attadiai.
Oakland County GIS Utility
1200 N. Telegraph Rd. Bldg. 49W
Pontiac, MI 48341
- 3 - Phone: 248.858.0828
Fax: 248.858.1006
Internet: www.co.oakland.mi.us 10
Statewide Strength in the Assessment and Taxation Market Place
Section 211.42a of THE GENERAL PROPERTY TAX ACT (Act 206 of 1893)
requires that the computerized database used to generate the tax roll be certified
by the State Tax Commission. BS&A is certified by the State Tax Commission
and continues to maintain its status as changes to the property tax law are made.
It's estimated that of the over 2,000 Certified Assessors (80%) in the state use
BS&A's Assessing Systems. Additional statistics that demonstrate BS&A's
strength in the market place include:
• Approximately 87% of the state's parcel count is managed using BS&A's
• Approximately 84% of the State Equalized Value (SEV) is calculated using
BS&A Systems.
• 1139 of the 1514 CVTs in the state use BS&Ks Assessing Systems. This
represents a market share of 75%.
• 53 of the 83 Counties in the state use BS&A's Equalization Systems. This
represents a market share of 66%.
• Many large communities (City of Detroit, Kent County, etc.) have migrated,
or are in the process of migrating, to BS&A.
This demonstrated strength in the assessment and taxation market translates
directly into reduced training needs for assessors in the Equalization Division. It
also promotes continuous improvement in the BS&A product which translates
into software improvements that can be leveraged at no cost by Oakland
County's assessment community.
Countywide Strength in the Assessment and Taxation Market Place
There are two predominant assessment system providers in Oakland County.
They are; Oakland County Information Technology and BS&A Software Systems.
Only one community (Brandon Township) in the County uses a system other
than those mentioned above. If one analyzes the percentage of real property
parcels and SEV in each system, the numbers are almost split fifty-fifty. But a
more telling statistic is the growing trend towards migration from the County's
system and to BS&A. Over the last five years, almost 25% of the parcel count in
Oakland County has migrated from the county's assessment systems to BS&A.
This recent trend includes the Cities of Farmington Hills, Rochester Hills,
Southfield and Troy.
Oakland County GIS Utility
1200 N. Telegraph Rd. Bldg. 49W
Pontiac, MI 48341
- 2 - Phone: 248.858.0828
Fax: 248.858.1006
Internet: www.co.oakland.mi.us
The Equalization Division and Information Technology would like to prepare a
sole source contract with BS&A for the assessment and taxation systems. The
selection of BS&A, and migration to the systems they provide, is the only
reasonable business decision and will afford Oakland County and subscribing
CVTs a multitude of business benefits.
Oakland County GIS Utility
1200 N. Telegraph Rd. Bldg. 49W
Pontiac, MI 48341
-4 - Phone: 248.858.0828
Fax: 248.858.1006
Internet: www.co.oakland.mi.us 1k
FAX: (248) 627-8158
October 18, 2004
(248) 627-2853
(248) 627-4916
(248) 627-4918 (248) 627-2851
eliatteh. wA4i o4 13iianc1arb
RONALD J. LAPP, Supervisor
LINDA B. OWEN, Treasurer, C.M.F,A.
Mr. Scott Opprnann
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd, Bldg 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341-0421.
Dear Scott,
I am writing this letter in support of your department's decision to utilize the Tax
Receivables System created by BS&A Software.
During the past year you have shared with local treasurers the strengths and weaknesses
of our current Tax Receivables System. If we maintain our existing system, we will need
significant rewrites of programs and will incur significant costs that will be passed to
local municipalities through our user fees. Numerous discussions have occurred with
treasurers that utilize the Equalizer Software System through BS&A_ They report that
BS&A is a user-friendly system. BS&A is generally well known and has indicated that
the cost of utilizing their product will be significantly less than the development of a
County Wide custom program. The cost of the product along with the quality is of great
importance to local municipalities. The BS&A System is used throughout the State of
Michigan and has received approval from the State Tax Commission.
I encourage the approval of moving forward in the acquisition of this system. If
available, we intend to use it beginning in May 2005 for the upcoming tax year.
Best Regards,
A Walkable Community
October 26, 2004
Mr. Scott Oppmann
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd, Bldg 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341-0421.
Dear Scott,
I am writing this letter in support of your department's decision to utilize the Tax
Receivables System created by BS&A Software.
During the past year you have shared with local treasurers the strengths and weaknesses
of our current Tax Receivables System. If we maintain our existing system, we will need
significant rewrites of programs and will incur significant costs that will be passed to
local municipalities through our user fees. Numerous discussions have occurred with
treasurers that utilize the Equalizer Software System through BS&A. They report that
BS&A is a user-friendly system. BS&A is generally well known and has indicated that
the cost of utilizing their product will be significantly less than the development of a
County Wide custom program. The cost of the product along with the quality is of great
importance to local municipalities. The BS&A System is used throughout the State of
Michigan and has received approval from the State Tax Commission.
I encourage the approval of moving forward in the acquisition of this system. If
available, we intend to use it beginning in May 2005 for the upcoming tax year.
Best Regards,
Thelma Golden
151 Martin Street • P.O. Box
(248)644-1800 • Fax (248)64 Birmingham, MI 48012-3001
• http://ci. birminghanz.mi.us
1S-cc)(ta:r° 21, 2004
FROM : 3ROVELF1ND TOWNSHIP PHONE NO. : 248 634 1351. Oct. 21 2004 04: 03PM P2
(248) 634-4152
(248) 627-3585
(248) 6341351 FAX
Mr. Scott Oppmann
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd. Bldg. 49 West
Pontiac, Michigan 48341-0421
Dear Scott:
I am writing this letter in support of your department's decision to utilize the
Tax Receivables System created by BS&A Software.
During the past year you have shared with local treasurers the strengths and
weaknesses of our current Tax Receivables System. If we maintain our existing
system, we will need significant rewrites of programs and will incur significant
cost that will be passed to local municipalities through our user fees. Numerous
discussions have occurred with treasurers that utilize the Equalizer Software
System through BS&A. They report that BS&A is a user-friendly system.
BS&A is generally well known and has indicated that the cost of utilizing their
product will be significantly less than the development of a County Wide custom
program. The cost of the product along with the quality is of great importance to
local municipalities. The SS&A System is used throughout the State of Michigan
and has received approval from the State Tax Commission.
I encourage the approval of moving forward in the acquisition of this system. If
available, we intend to use it beginning in May 2005 for the upcoming tax year.
Best Regards,
Shirley Scramlin
Treasurer of Groveland Township
ERCE TOWNSIil hientraorma.
Assessing 960-7030
Building 960-7050
Clerk 960-7020
Planning 960-7050
Supervisor 960-7070
(1\1,1;‘_4SHIP op
October 26, 2004
Mr. Scott Oppmann
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd, Bldg 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341-0421
Dear Scott:
I am writing this letter in support of your department's decision to utilize the Tax
Receivables System created by BS&A Software.
During the past year you have shared with local treasurers the strengths and weaknesses
of our current Tax Receivables System. If we maintain our existing system, we will need
significant rewrites of programs and will incur significant costs that will be passed to
local municipalities through our user fees. Numerous discussions have occurred with
treasurers that utilize the Equalizer Software System through BS&A. They report that
BS&A is a user-friendly system. BS&A is generally well known and has indicated that
the cost of utilizing their product will be significantly less than the development of a
County Wide custom program. The cost of the product along with the quality is of great
importance to local municipalities. The BS&A System is used throughout the State of
Michigan and has received the approval from the State Tax Commission.
I encourage the approval of moving forward in the acquisition of this system. If
available, we intend to use it beginning in May 2005 for the upcoming tax year.
Best Regards,
Solari L. Gross, Treasurer
Charter Township of Commerce
205 North John Street - Highland, Michigan 48357 (248) 887-3791
October 28, 2004
Mr. Scott °ppm=
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd, Bldg 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341-0421,
Dear Scott,
I am writing this letter in support of your department's decision to utilize the Tax
Receivables System created by BS&A Software.
During the past year you have shared with local treasurers the strengths and
of our current Tax Receivables System. If we maintain our existing system, we will need
signiftcant rewrites of programs and will incur significant costs that will be
local municipalities through our user fees. Numerous discussions have occurred
treasurers that utilize the Equalizer Software System through BS&A_ They . . that
BS&A is a user-friendly system. BS&A is generally well known and has ' that
the cost of utilizing their product will be significantly less than the development .n a
County Wide custom program. The cost of the product along with the quality is o great
importance to local municipalities. The BS&A System is used throughout the S of
Michigan and has received approval from the State Tax Commission.
I encourage the approval of moving forward in the acquisition of this system. If
available, we intend to use it beginning in May 2005 for the upcoming tax year.
Highland Township Treasurer
SUPERVISOR: Patricia M. Pilchowski CLERK: Mary L. McDonell TREASURER: Judith A.
TRUSTEES: Judy K. Dietrich, Nancy E. Sharp, Thomas P. Dunleavy, Larry PePera
FOUND 1832 18, 2004
Donald D. Greem., Supervisor
Cynthia Dagcahardi, Treasurer
Randal IC Busiek, Trustee
Brien R Worrell, T,,,gtee
Ivim-ivsnu., Trustee
Dale R Wikc, 'Trustee
111/Z1/U4 U8:11:1 YAA 24813859236 MILFORD TWP . o o
DaZarid 6:iu.rzty
Mr. Scott Oppmaxm
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd, Bldg 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341-0421.
Dear Scott,
I am writing this letter in support of your department's decision to utilize the Tax
Receivables System created by BS&A Software.
During the past year you have shared with local treasurers the strengths and weaknesses
of our current Tax Receivables System. If we maintain our existing system, we will need
significant rewrites of programs and will incur significant costs that will be passed to
local municipalities through our user fees. Numerous discussions have occurred with
treasurers that utilize the Equalizer Software System through BS&A. They report that
BS&A is a user-friendly system. BS&A is generally well known and has indicated that
the cost of utilizing their product will be significantly less than the development of a
County Wide custom program. The cost of the product along with the quality is of great
importance to local municipalities. The BS&A System is used throughout the State of
Michigan and has received approval from the State Tax Commission.
I encourage the approval of moving forward in the acquisition of this system. If
available, we intend to use it beginning in May 2005 for the upcoming tax year.
1100 Atlantic Street • Milford, Michigan 48381-2000 • (248) 685-8731 • Fax (248) 685-9236
Website: milfordtawnehip.com 11
1141-Z.J -AN 0d:ZZ eNUM-UAKLAND TWF HALL 12486511510 T-858 P02/02 U -650
Charter Township of Oakland
4393 Coffins Road, Rochester, Michigan 48306-1670
Telephone: (248) 651-4440
Fax Numbers: (248) 651-7340 or (248) 651-1510
October 18, 2004
Mr. Scott Oppmann
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd, Bldg 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341-0421.
Dear Scott,
I am writing this letter in support of your department's decision to utilize the Tax
Receivables System created by BS&A Software.
During the past year yOU have shared with local treasurers the sttengths.and weaknesses
of our current Tax Receivables System. If we maintain our existing system, We will need
significant rewrites of programs and will incur significant costs that will be passed to
local municipalities through our user fees. Numerous discussions have occurred with
treasurers that utilize the EqualizerSoftware System through BS&A. They report that
BS&A is a user-friendly Sy,stem. BS&A is generally well known and has indicated that
the cost of utilizing their product will be significantly less than the developnient of a
County Wide custom prograna. The cost of the product along with the quality is of great
importance to local municipalities: the BS&A System is used throughout the State of
Michigan and has received approval from the State Tax Commission.
I encourage the approval of moving forward-in the acquisition of this system. If
available, we intend to use it beginning in May 2005 for the upcoming tax year.
Best Regards,
Sharon L. Creps
Township Treasurer
FROM : WRTERFORD TRERS/IS/PRYROLL PHONE NO. : 24e 674 2868 Oct. 29 2004 09:26RM P2
cari w. Soidea. Supervisor
Baty Fortino, Clerk
Dee A. tvfititon, Treasurer
Paul B. Deni. Trustee
Todd A. Fox, Trustee
David J. Maloney, Trustee
sere O'Shea, Trustee
5200 Civic Center Drive
Waterford, Michigan 48329-3773
Telephone: (248) 674-6217 • Fax: (241) 674-2888
October 28, 2004
Mr. Scott Oppmann
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd, Bldg 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341-0421.
Dear Scott:
I support your department's decision to utilize the Tax Receivables System created by
BS&A Software.
In 1998,1 was fortunate to be included in the S.A.D. sessions offered by the County in
coordination with Compuware Corporation. Waterford Township had considered going
to BS&A, but hung in with the County because we were told great things were going to
come. I have to say that there have been many improvements in the Tax Receivables
System but it has a long way to go. During the J.A.D. sessions, we were promised that
enhancements we had collected as a group would be implemented by the end of 1998.
For instance, one of the enhancements was to interface the tax receivable system with the
local unit's accounting systems. Another enhancement was to make the tedious process
of changing tax records due to changes by Board of Review, Michigan Tax Tribunal, etc.
more user-friendly. We are still waiting for many of the improvements and
lhave spoken to many treasurer's currently using the BS&A system. I have not heard
any negative comments on the utilization of the system_ Oakland County Itiformation
Technology staff does a great job with what they have to work with. I hope that the
County will move forward with the acquisition of the BS&A system. Any delays may
cause more communities to look for alternative products.
Dee A. Minton
vetoving TorwaniTogetrier4.
10/28/2004 10:42 2483709348 AUBURN HILLS PAGE 02
City of Auburn Hills
1527 N. Squirrel Rd. • Auburn Hills, MI 45326-2753
Phone: (248) 370-9400
Fax: (248) 370-9348
October 18, 2004
Mr. Scott Oppmann
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd, Bldg 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341-0421.
Dear Scott,
I am writing this letter in support of your department's decision to utilize the Tax
Receivables System created by BS&A Software.
During the past year you have shared with local treasurers the strengths and
weaknesses. of our current Tax Receivables System. If we maintain our existing
system,. we will need significant rewrites of programs and will incur significant
costs that will be passed on to local municipalities through our user fees.
Numerous discussions have Occurred with treasurers, that utilize the Equalizer
Software System through S&A, and those treasurers report that BS&A is a
user-friendly System'. BS&A is generally well known and has indicated that the
Cost.of utilizing their product will be significantly less than the development of a.
County Wide custom program. The cost Of the product along with the quality is of
great importance to local municipalities. The BS&A System is used throughout
the State of Michigan and has received approval from the State Tax Commission.
I encourage the approval of moving forward in the acquisition of this system. If
available, we intend to use it beginning in May 2005 for the upcoming tax year.
Best Regards,
• cf,
V. L. Valko, Treasurer
City of Auburn Hills
Robert Kittle 1.1.° James D. McDonald Otis Newkirk
Mayor Mayor Pro-tern Mari Harvey-Edwards Daniel L. Pillsbury
Henry V. Knight George A. Luenberger
Dec Ann Irby
Finance Director/Treasurer
10/28/2004 14:35
O.188 P001
Allichati rxxrdsrirlsi
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dricia 11n. Aureg
PhIrt g_Tikwou
Citg Assingsr
4r-Clirtint !rarter
Olillj rrf 7gIrrrrinfitIkt
45 Tuziut nth
pitrantfitite gulp, plithisrat 483124-2322
%21e3J1pme (245) 544-152U
gpsx (245) 544-4513
October 28,2004
Mr. Scott Oppmann
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd, Bldg 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341•-0421.
Dear Mr. Oppmann,
I am writing this letter in support of your department's decision to
utilize the Tax Receivables System created by BS&A Software.
I have been a user of the current Tax Receivables System for nearly 10
years. I am familiar with its weaknesses and recognize that significant
rewrites of programs have not been done due to the significant cost.
I currently utilize the BS8r..A. Equalizer Software System for building
permits and have used their tax receivable system in the past. BS&A is
a very user-friendly system. Many Oakland County Treasurers are
hopeful that the BS&A Tax Receivable system will offer additional
report features and flexibility that the current system lacks.
I encourage moving forward with the acquisition of this system,
however please keep in mind that the cost of the product is as important
as its quality.
1_ j - „sH1 od,; ;01 ir
Nb-A I
October 18,2004
Mr. Scott Oppmann
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd, Bldg 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341-0421.
Dear Scott,
I am writing this letter in support of your department's decision to utilize the Tax
Receivables System created by BS&A Software.
During the past year you have shared with local treasurers the strengths and weaknesses
of our current Tax Receivables System. If we maintain our existing system, we will need
significant rewrites of programs and will incur significant costs that will be passed to
local municipalities through our user fees. Numerous discussions have occurred with
treasurers that utilize the Equalizer Software System through BS&A. They report that
BS&A is a user-friendly system. BS&A is generally well known and has indicated that
the cost of utilizing their product will be significantly less than the development of a
County Wide custom program. The cost of the product along with the quality is of great
importance to local municipalities. The BS&A System is used throughout the State of
Michigan and has received approval from the State Tax Commission.
I encourage the approval of moving forward in the acquisition of this system. If
available, we intend to use it beginning in May 2005 for the upcoming tax year.
Best Regards,
Yours truly,
546-2510 Recreation/Senior Citizens 5446767
546-2504 Recycling 546-2514
546-2378 Rental Enforcement 546-2379
546-2367 Treasurer 546-2370
541-3650 Water 546-237A
agminder Singh
Assessor 546-2372 Code Enforcement 546-2365 Fire Dept
Bldg. Inspector 546-2366 Dept. of Public Works 546-2519 Library
Cable Cowl. 546-2503 Engineering 546-2514 Personnel
City Clerk 546-2384 For No. 546-2369 Planning
City Manager 546-2360 Finance 546-2376 Police Dept.
10/22/2004 14:55 2466822008 KEEGO HARBOR PAGE 01
?lean' of the ,Eokid"
2025 Beechmont • PO Box 665
Keego Harbor • Michigan • 48320-0665
October 22, 2004
Mr. Scott Oppmann
Oaldand County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd, Bldg 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341-0421
Dear Scott;
I am writing this letter in support of your department's decision to utilize the Tax
Receivables System created by BS&A Software.
Prior to becoming the Treasurer for the City of Keego Harbor, I had used the "Equalizer"
Tax Receivables System at the City of Northville for 3 years. The BS&A system is very
user-friendly and offers many useful ways to efficiently perform our day-to-day Tax
Receivable procedures. I especially liked the ability to receive instant reports for tax
distribution as well as the time saving method of Board of Review changes. I was able to
complete the tax settlement much quicker by running my own reports. In addition, the
staff at BS&A is very professional and provides excellent, prompt support via telephone
and email.
I can assure you that you will be absolutely satisfied with your decision to improve
services by purchasing this software from 13S&A. You will NOT be sorry!
look forward to the outcome of this request. If you have any questions, please phone me
at 248.682.1930 or contact me by E-mail at fdtreasurcr(Okeegoharbgr..org.
Dorothy Silver, Finance Director/Treasurer
City of Kecgo Harbor
City Administration (248) 682-1930 • Fax (248) 682-2008 72 Police Administration/Non- 1 Emergency (248) 682-3030 • Fax (248) 628-1635 • Police/Fire Emergency 9
Lou Csordas
Mayor Pro Tern
David B. Landry
Kim Capello
Bob Gait
Laura J. Lorenzo
Toni Nagy
Lynne Paul
City Manager
Richard Helwig
City Clerk
Maryanne Cornelius
October 25, 2004
Mr. Scott Oppmatm
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Road, Bldg 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341-0421
Dear Scott:
I am writing this letter in support of your department's decision to utilize
the Tax Receivables System created by BS&A Software.
During the past year you have shared with local treasurers the strengths and
weaknesses of our current Tax Receivables System. If we maintain our
existing system, we will need significant rewrites of programs and will
incur significant costs that will be passed on to local municipalities through
user fees. In my networking opportunities, numerous discussions have
occurred with treasurers that utilize the Equalizer Software System through
BS&A. They indicate BS&A is a user-friendly system. BS&A is generally
well known and has indicated that the cost of utilizing their product will be
significantly less than the development of a County wide custom program.
The cost of the product along with the quality is of great importance to
local municipalities. The BS&A System is used throughout the State of
Michigan and has received approval from the State Tax Commission.
I encourage the approval of moving forward in the acquisition of this
system. The City of Novi is currently in the evaluation process and will
make recommendations upon the approval of the BS&A Software.
Very truly yours,
Beverly A. Valente, CPFA
Assistant Treasurer
45175 W. Ten Mile
Novi, MI 48375
(248) 347-0460
(248) 347-0577 Fax
r&3. "Enhancing Novi's quality of life"
(248)682-2400 FAX (248) 682-1308
October 19, 2004
Mr. Scott Oppmann
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd, Bldg 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341-0421
Dear Scott,
am writing this letter to support your department's
decision to utilize the Tax Receivables System created by
BS&A Software.
During the past year you have shared with local treasurers
the strengths and weaknesses of our current Tax Receivables
System. It is my understanding that if we maintain our
existing system, we will need significant rewrites of
programs and will incur significant costs that will be
passed to local municipalities through our user fees.
Numerous discussions have occurred with treasurers that
utilize the Equalizer Software System through BS&A. They
report that BS&A is a user-friendly system. BS&A is
generally well known and has indicated that the cost of
utilizing their product will be significantly less than the
development of a County Wide custom program. The cost of
the product along with the quality is of great importance
to local municipalities. The BS&A System is used throughout
the State of Michigan and has received approval from the
State Tax Commission.
encourage approval of moving forward in the acquisition
of this system. If available, we intend to use it beginning
in may 2005 for the upcoming tax year.
Janet OvettpertiGreen
City Clerk
It Parkester
October 22, 2004
TELEPHONE (248) 651-9061
FAX (248) 651-2624
Mr. Scott Oppmann
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd, Bldg 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341-0421
Dear Scott,
I am writing in support of utilizing the Tax Receivables System created by
BS86A Software for Oakland County's countywide tax receivables
The current system is expensive and cumbersome to upgrade. It has
features that are well suited for the 1980's, not the 2000's. All of my
friends in the local Treasury business (including my father) who use
BS86A report that it is a superior and user-friendly system.
BS86A software is generally well known as a standard tax receivables
platform across the State of Michigan, and is accepted by the State Tax
Commission, the pre-eminent regulatory agency for tax collection and
settlement in the State. BS86A has indicated that the cost of utilizing
their product will garner significant savings versus our current
customized platform.
I urge the County to adopt the BS86A software as its tax receivables
platform. It would be best if we could have a new system by May 2005.
so that it would be available for the Summer 2005 tax season.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call.
Thomas C. Skrobola
Finance Director
S. Oppman.00IT,Support for BMA Software for County Tax Rovbles.Oct 22 04
Recycled Paper
Kurt A. Dawson
City Treasurer
Linda Osiecki
Deputy Treasurer
Oct 21 04 02:19p
cit.v or
Q0C1-1E6TEP ITILL8 1000 Rochester Hills Drive, Rochester Hills, Michigan 48309-3033
Pal Somerville, Mayor City Council Members: Bryan K. Barnett John Dalton Jim Duistermars Melinda Hill Barbara L. Holder Linda Raschke Gerald Robbins
P 1
October 21,2004
Mr. Scott Oppmann
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd., Bldg. 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341-0421
Dear Scott
I am writing this letter to convey my support of your department's decision to
utilize BS&A's Tax Receivables System.
In 1999, the City of Rochester Hills switched from using in-house, custom-written
tax software to the "Equalizer" Tax Receivables System. We could not have
made a better choice. We have saved substantially from reduced programming
and personnel costs by utilizing this software. I cannot say enough about this
user-friendly software and the support I have received from BS&A.
This software upgrade will be highly beneficial to the communities you service.
Linda Osiecki, Deputy Treasurer
City of Rochester Hills
City Hall
General Information
Pat Somerville
ZE'd Idia
October 28, 2004
Mr. Scott Oppmann
Oakland County Information Technology
1200 N. Telegraph Rd, Bldg 49 West
Pontiac, MI 48341-0421.
Dear Scott,
I am writing this letter in support of your department's decision to utilize the Tax Receivables
System created by BS&A Software.
During the past year you have shared with local treasurers the strengths and weaknesses of our
current Tax Receivables System. If we maintain our existing system, we will need significant
rewrites of programs and will incur significant costs that will be passed to local municipalities
through our user fees. Numerous discussions have occurred with treasurers that utilize the
Equalizer Software System through BS&A. They report that BS&A is a user-friendly system.
BS&A is generally well known and has indicated that the cost of utilizing their product will be
significantly less than the development of a County Wide custom program. The cost of the
product along with the quality is of great importance to local municipalities. The BS&A System
is used throughout the State of Michigan and has received approval from the State Tax
I encourage the approval of moving forward in the acquisition of this system. If available, we
intend to use it beginning in May 2005 for the upcoming tax year.
49045 PONTIAC TRAIL • WIXOM, MI 48393 • (248) 624-0885 ets
Resolution #04331 November 18, 2004
Moved by Moss supported by Knollenberg the resolution be adopted.
AYES: Crawford, Douglas, Gregory, Hatchett, Jamian, Knollenberg, KowaII, Law, Long, McMillin,
Middleton, Moffitt, Moss, Palmer, Patterson, Potter, Rogers, Scott, Suarez, Webster, Wilson,
Zack, Bullard, Coleman. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted therefore, the resolution was adopted.
I, G. William Caddell, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true
and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on
November 18th, 2004 with the original record thereof now remaining in my office.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at
Pontiac, Michigan this 18th day of November, 2004.
G. William Caddell, County Clerk