HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1975.04.29 - 2795FARMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION APRIL 29, 1975 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON APRIL 29, I975 (DATE OF .ELECT1ON) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND = COUNTY MICHIGAN (x4MEME*36xxxxxxxximomoaolxxxxx MANUFACTURED BY L [Li I • 1 1 I I\ 4, I L "Fig l5 0,119,LL LL iitY7 ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M.,397 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election 'ARIA I NGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTR I CT SPECIAL ELECTION APRIL 29, 1975 STATEMENT OF VOTES, 0•1* l.:.PROPOSITiON PROPOSITION •• No •• .NO II• Four (4) Two (2)• MI 1 I 1 M111 Increase S increase PREC I NCT YES NO YES NO YES NO TOTALS • • -I • 'P'" • • TOTAL . . FAPJ4I1TOt NJLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION STA:TENiENT Or 'OT 7SF.10:117the7111friffaTir*T -th: •te•tp 1 ••:er.rio.ont of •t•ike§..:.v,ih-17-h.:.'•:•ti:16.y.:•.be••:••Tiiipoe:Ct:: T ae ••••••••• •••• •• • • •LC r for a ll purpoc many.one. . : pe•rty in _Fermi ng- ten* Public • :MI ehib.on•i..••••be:•:.ii-inetea*.e.4•••:08•:.0.:reyi4ed.,•••..• in:...;•Seet 6••:;.: 7 •toir ti die•LX, •the •••Cons titution ..:::of ge..n. • fo.r.•••6.:period of len (10) years from 1975 to 1984, both inclusive, --en•-eech.:•.del .1 e'r.•• for the purpose of ...defraying: a: :.p.or.t of the operating expense of the school distict.••••• • Pkr.r (MURES kr1 111'Z; (411.1RN /-- votes werF o r O. votes wer4,3. •1 c.)T ...,•1\st i••••) II • • ••. • :.•• . ....."•••••••• • 'PROPOS:11710K' . n : the. event .Proposition _14- :abev.e .,•••:Oh • I s' • net.::.pppii.'eed...::.b esvot 'f•-• ' • " retl—fl-Te:ed6f'Vitr th . the-.w•J or i.ty• .0 . •.. ote a.s t., on Preps.s.i......ip.n a.t : I.. •. lim itation on the total amount of taxes whi:01::ritey.;b0....:i....vos•60••• :for 41::).:•..p:Orpo.§64 :•••in any ene:...yeã:e....• Open .real and r.go-nia)••••property in the Farmingon Public School D4str-i-c4, OklanJ-ounty- Mich-i-gan,--be increased as provided in Section 6, Aft •e• :15.ertect:•.0.-f ..• years from 1975 to 1.984Lboth. by tW . o•(.2 ( . ):.011.ts.iOh.. each dollar 'pe.r. $1,000) 61•ihe assessed valuation of oroperty . purpese cf —deftaynvpart• thetpe-engp ensb7•TifTehl5T51. . 11/4 . • votes le1-0 mc:,(ke havin g ree:ived • nuit,bcr of Do Portlier H.prby.'1)eterPtjiirion Thr:::t thefollowi:i.."1 1.:205&od (.15- ROPOSMON PROPOS:1T ION:, NO.] pt 14 Mills • (Si' PROPPSiTION PROPOSITION NO. • I (Increase of 2 MH or. P.Ror,.-.}:71.th).1.4 vot vio..si • INC:C."7.7.: oa votes ovm HaVin0 uliici.enr • votti•i‘..., NONE In•Witnesa Where ofi We have hertht , ly, in the year one thousand nine or: hands and 1fied the Seal Oakland Tg....-ts' May seventy-f ive q•;!:!0".17.$7nT 8Q.ARI.) OF cdi\INtv..A\Sst;.::RF•,. IC A OUNTV (.11 OAKLAND ;. ' The Board of Can-Kissers ot tho. : nr having. Ascertained and C.7...tn .vass,?cl n,/c-te of said: FARM:INCA-LON:- PUNA C.. ISCHOOL .D STRI Of. : t V.Wr4;.d.i APRIL at the,___ on the : _day one thousand nine hundred and - COUNTY Do Hereby Certify cold Determine . That _ votes is elected That votes is elected That _ votes is elected__ _ That _ votes :i.s elected_ That votes elected__ _ That at _ votes is cdecteti_._ _ That - votes elected_ _ that votes is elected That votes is elected. That votes •s••elected__ : - • . . • • • ..•• ' .• • • .s f i . • .having.-•received..sufficier;t:•nwitlet:• . . —hoving • hovjn.g:recoivi.:1. :=;•,....41:!..e..i.e .n.1:.inuitti:b...o.r.• 6 :having :received suHicieni Jiqtrho.r :of hov:ing received • nurn'ber received suff eta : number of ••so if • Ont. Aut.n.bo:r..z.1.;.•