HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1981.06.08 - 2807FM Ft: :Pri; ati JUNE 8, 1981 U)ATE OF ELECTION: FARM INGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT (LEGAL OF SCHOOL !).,TRICT) OAKLAISID .7 7....1.7,1V77::::•7:, FO.W.rki • , •047;147 RN; S EAS: 000 5TATvamENTorci.varEs... : • •TOT AL S • CA D F.;:. ti•Ahl S 1 . -.7.9". • • . • • .1.• • ...PR r:C1P4CT: OR••••W!..k.R.P.. NUMBER : • • . • • :. .1 . MEMBERS OF BD OF EDUC 4 Yr. Term-Vote for Tw HELEN E.R,DITZHAZY' LMMA S..:::-:tiA:Ki.:NEN•:•••:•: • • •••• • •: li:fp r •„33 -3.).„: JUNE 8, 1981 . .......... TOTAL 7 I/7 PRECINCTS :YES - -- 1 /?a _V AVCB H ti NO . ' • LZ,S ; • BTATEIVIENT OF VOTES, - : OAKLAND SCHOOLS PROPOSAL SPEC I AL EDUCAT ION M I LLAGE INCREASE QUESTION FARMINGTON PUBL LC_SCI1001_ DI STR I CT 1I -• • VOTE FOR TWO - ;4 i— . . . \fen oi...:.r9sont Bparti.of Iducattpn 744-, •,.e.Atte: CERS-ON5 tlECEVV:144'.;:3 N-fa ot HELEN E. R. D1TZHAZY 1k.wim.,: OF v-,0Tr$ 'W 11W IN ::?.../C-m.D5 : / & i : CS 1 1" ; :. 1 11: . I/ CP-'0,a....1)-4i''0: ,7".`i.V1-'CA. .kii 414.i.e., t erjw: .:Ii/ ,./..A.kezt-S/Alt: it,o.:44 Attiectk:: ,74)"7 .47 2 :1 : • : i I : i•-•-• : i norobet: of votes given kfthe.offili 1:1E r.l.ie Your 'ctim ' I . I: 3 • . • n0 iTi4y.1:11 F,E.ASONS FTCE.NiNei . THE volts NONMER af7F.1 IN ogt.t,r; ,t3f.The •64:tird 4.-0t11-5110.0Vrs ,1,1 Wr%) . ;a! '[ g . . . . . . . .CiC THE. VOTES (0.18:W.Rtritiq fN I ; of votes. givefy h-;!- f • 8 r‘F PORS.ONE OAKLAND SCHOOLS INTERMEDIATE- scRoor-DTSIKICI SPECIAL EDUCATION MILLAGE INCREASE QUESTION Ti • . .. • )?...anct creic inst Shall the one (1) mill limitation on the annual property tax previously approved by the electors of Oakland Schools, an intermediate school district, State of Michigan, for the _ _ education of handicapped persons he increased by two (2) mills? e of which number votes weremarked YES voter were morked NO The whole number of votes 6r and against the of which number VO .e le nuinbi of votes ior and against:the OAKLAND Wp, Of OAKLAND nn! od of Ct..i.rivus-*':v1.,..fof' the from an .,-.;x7munctiicm FARM I NGTON PUBL I:C: SCHOOL D I STR I:CT : . r . roieiven oy B oard 0.! ot the 'ANNUAL e i on q.,.:.19 8...1,thd .!, the r.)ei OR.SPEG 1AL • • D4TE: C:4" •ZLEC.11'.; . rilernlaer h 30-7rJ ofri ti a of th-e..so JSt bobf .D.,.sfi':0,..it for . Itief..tertils• or ptilt.6 oppo:sr.tej• Nar•-,es o, acted f<., a four - 1985 Vete for not more than Two persons elected for year te.trn expiting Names of year term e.x.p elected for a two •ictfri,..ts.of nets-cps electe.d for a one i;ii.:17TL.E.7:: HEREBY DETERMINE That the following Propositions oi Questions were passed or defeated ipdicoth--d bekinv:- Received Passed Having —, Sufficient votes was Nat Keceived De!'::ateci NONE NAME OF PROF'OSMON NONE Received i • •• •i• •- • i .Havng - ufficent votes ReceVed P• a• ssed • • , • • ueI-ootea -• Received Having --- Sufficient votes wo Not Received •P,:,tssed or .FMOPOSINON Received Having S Not Received Fas-Sed icient votes was Lieredtc•-t. ss Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed die OAKLAND day of JUNE 19 81 of the c k-I3 BOARD OF 'D. OF