HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2006.12.14 - 28111December 14, 2006
REPORT MR # 06250
BY: Personnel Committee, Gregory C. Jamian, Chairperson
RE: Circuit Court — FY 2007 Michigan Drug Court Grant Program and Justice
Assistance Adult Treatment Court Grant Acceptance
TO: Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee having reviewed the above referenced Resolution on
December 6, 2006 Reports with the recommendation the resolution be adopted.
Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the
foregoing report.
Personnel Committee Vote:
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Middleton, Coleman, Rogers, and
Suarez absent
MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #06250 December 14, 2006
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Circuit Court applied for a grant with the State Court Administrative Office
(SCAO), Michigan Drug Court Grant Program with a granting period of October 1, 2006 through
September 30, 2007; and
WHEREAS there is no SCAO award for FY 2007, but funding is awarded jointly from the BYRNE
Memorial/Justice Assistance Grant (BYRNE/JAG), PA 511 Community Corrections in-kind contributed
funds, and general fund in-kind contributed funds to make up the total program funding; and
WHEREAS the application requested total funding of $172,000. The total program budget was
awarded for $342,725, which includes BYRNE/JAG funding of $170,000, $150,000 of PA 511 Community
Corrections in-kind funding, and $22,725 general fund in-kind contributed funds; and
WHEREAS the court intends to continue the Drug Court to deal with the problems of increasing
recidivism, increasing use of alcohol and illegal drugs, rising systems costs, and an increase in jail days
ordered; and
WHEREAS grant acceptance continues funding for one (1) special revenue full-time eligible
(FTE) Community Service Coordinator position (3010301-09837). deletes one special revenue (1) FTE
Community Corrections Specialist (3010301-10318) position. and deletes one (1) special revenue, part-
time non-eligible (PTNE) Technical Aide position (3010301-10319); and
WHEREAS in addition, this award provides funding for drug testing supplies and kits, contractual
services for individual and family treatment, and transitional housing; and
WHEREAS Miscellaneous Resolution #90004 established a fiscal policy to maintain proportionate
funding for Federal, State and Private grants; and
WHEREAS the contract has been approved in accordance with the County Executive's Review
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
accepts the FY 2007 BYRNE Memorial/Justice Assistance Grant (BYRNE/JAG) contract award in the
amount of $342,725, which includes $170,000 from BYRNE/JAG, $150,000 in PA 511 Community
Corrections in-kind contribution funds ; and $22,725 in general fund contributed in-kind County funds.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is authorized
to execute the contract and that the chairperson may approve amendments and extensions up to fifteen
(15%) percent variance from the award, consistent with the original agreement as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that acceptance of this grant is conditioned upon the continued
interpretation of the contract consistent with the February 6, 2001, letter from the Michigan Supreme
Court, State Court Administrative Office, providing that assurance #4 of that grant application shall not be
construed as a mandate for future funding of the program from the funding unit, said letter attached
hereto and incorporated by reference herein.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this award continues funding for one (1) special revenue, full-time
eligible (FTE) Community Service Coordinator position (3010301-09837), deletes one special revenue (1)
FTE Community Corrections Specialist (3010301-10318) position, and deletes one (1) special revenue
part-time non-eligible (PINE) Technical Aide position (3010301-10319).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no expenditures are authorized until a grant agreement is fully
executed with the County's obligation limited to the grant funding period.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that continuation of the position associated with this grant is
contingent upon continuation of state funding.
Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move adoption of the foregoing
Motion carried on a roll call vote with Middleton, Suarez and Gershenson absent.
Prentiss Malone
From: Greg Givens [givensg@oakgov.com]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 1:57 PM
To: 'Doyle, Larry"; 'John Cooperrider'; 'Malone, Prentiss'
Cc: 'Worthington, Pam'; 'Candace Frederick': Greg Givens; 'Hanger, Helen': 'Johnston, Brenthy'; 'Mitchell, Sheryl'; 'Pardee,
Mary; 'Smith, Laverne'; 'Wenzel, Nancy'
Subject: GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF - Circuit Court / ATC
GRANT NAME: FY 2007 Michigan Drug Court Program and Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne) for Adult Treatment Court
FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan State Court Administrative Office
DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: John Cooperrider / 8 -0256
STATUS: Acceptance
DATE: November 27, 2006
Pursuant to Misc. Resolution #01320, please be advised the captioned grant materials have completed internal grant review. Below
ire the returned review comments.
the captioned grant materials and grant acceptance package (which should include the Board of Commissioners' Liaison Committee
esolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance Committee Fiscal Note, and this Sign Off email containing grant review
;omments) may be requested to be placed on the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board
Department of Management and Budget:
kpproved. — Laurie Van Pelt (11/22/2006)
Department of Human Resources:
kpproved. — Nancy Scarlet (11/27/2006)
Usk Management and Safety:
kpproved By Risk Management — Julie Secontine (11/22/2006)
:orporation Counsel:
kfter reviewing this grant contract, there appear to be no outstanding legal issues that require additional action or resolution. —
Caren Agacinski (11/27/2006)
['he grant agreement references a number of specific federal and state regulations. Below is a list of these specifically cited
.ompliance related documents for this grant.
• Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-87 - Cost Principles for Local Government. This Circular
establishes principles and standards for determining costs for Federal awards carried out through grants with State and local
governments. http://www.whitehouse.c.zovioin e rcula rs/a 087/a 87_2004. ht nil
rage z or z
• Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-102. This Circular establishes consistency and uniformity
among Federal agencies in the management of grants and cooperative agreements with State, local, and tribal governments.
http://www.whitehouse.goviombicirculars/a I 02/a I 02.1=1
• Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-133. This Circular sets forth standards for obtaining
consistency and uniformity among Federal agencies for the audit of States, local governments, and non-profit organizations
expending federal awards. http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circularsia133/a133.1itml
• Michigan Human Subjects Regulation - hap :(/ww w .michi cian.g.o vim dch/0.1607,7 -132-2945_32550 -99784--.00.html.,
• Federal Anti-Lobbying Act - "31 USC 1352- [Select HIT 1] http://frwebtlate.access.gpo.itovicili-bin/multidb.cgi?
WAISdbName---=2000 uscode suppl 2+United+States+Code+€1 0282000,-suppl.±2%
29&WAI SqueryStrintt=31usc1352& Su bmit.=Submit&WAISmaxHits=50&WAISqueryRule=%
24WAISqueryString&WAIStemplate-multicib results.html&WrapperTemplate=uscode_wrapper.html or
• Federal Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 -2 USC 1601; http://frwebeatc.access.gpo .,czov/cgi-bin/multidb.cgi?
WAISdbName--2000 uscode suppl_2 -United-States+Code+%282000+suppl.-k2%298zWAISqueryRule-%28%
29&WAISqueryString=2usc16018zWAIStemplate=multidb_results.litml&Subm it.=Submit&WrapperTemplate-uscodeovram
• Michigan Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act - "Act 453 of 1976" http://www.leaislature.tui.gov/
fuq3lxge1tmri5z55z2uiwv45)/mileg.asnx?pa fie= ntobiect&obiectnam c=nicl-Act-453-of-19768zqueryid=14718540
• Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act - "Act 220 of 1976" [Enter Act Number and Year]
• Federal Government-Wide Debarment and Suspension - Non-procurement - Date 11/2003
20AND%20SUSPENSION%22 45 CFR Part 76 http://www.access.upo.
• Federal Environmental Tobacco Smoke -Pro-Children Act of 1994"
• Federal Civil Service Reform Act 42 USC 4728 - Intergovernmental Personnel Program, Strengthening State and Local
Personnel Administration [Select HIT l]ittp::/fwebaate.access.To.govic f1 i-binimultidb.cgi?
WAISdbName=2000 uscode_supp1_2+UnitedStates+Code+%282000+suppl.+2%
• Federal Hatch Act - Political Activity of Certain State and Local Employees littn://www.osc.Qovlatchact.htm
• Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA, Title II)
• Michigan - Conflict of Interest - Contracts of Public Servants with Public Entities - "Act 317 of 1968" [Enter Act Number
and Year] htto://www.le2islature.mi.uov/(S(timxfivlirdwuir55pkunbnamWmileg.aspx?page-MCLPASearch
1. To accept the 2007 Michigan Drug Court Grant Program and Justice Assistance
Adult Treatment Court Grant.
2. To continue funding one (1) Community Service Coordinator position (3010301-
3. To discontinue funding and delete one (1) Community Corrections Specialist 11
position (3010301-10318) and one (1) PTNE Technical Aide position (3010301-
Public Services:
Personnel Committee:
Finance Committee:
Final Board of Commissioners:
December 5, 2006
December 6, 2006
December 7, 2006
December 14, 2006
$ 170,000 - JAG Funding
$ 150,000 - PA 511
$ 22,725 - In-Kind matching General Purpose/General Fund (GF/GP)
$ 342,725 TOTAL
The Circuit Court has applied for a grant with the State Court Administrative Office
(SCAO), Michigan Drug Court Grant Program with a grant period of October 1, 2006
through September 30, 2007.
Because there is no SCAO award for FY07, funding is awarded jointly from the Justice
Assistance Grant (JAG) in the amount of $170,000, PA 511 Community Corrections
funding for $150,000, and in-kind contributed funding for $22,725 making up the total
program funding of $342,725.
The Circuit Court intends to continue the Adult Treatment Court program to deal with the
problems of increasing recidivism, increasing use of alcohol and illegal drugs, rising
systems costs, and an increase in jail days ordered.
To support this program, this grant will continue funding one (1) Community Service
Coordinator position (3010301-09837), however one (1) Community Corrections
Specialist II position (3010301-10318) and one (1) PTNE Technical Aide position
(3010301-10319) will be deleted.
TOTAL COST $ 91 842
. , Classification Gr. Period Base 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year
Community Service 11 Annual 46,000 48,773 51,551 54,325 57,099 59,871
Coordinator Bi-weekly 1,769.24 1,875.89 1,982.75 2,089.44 2,196.10 2,302.74
Community Corrections 10 Annual 41,838 44,363 46,891 49,417 51,938 54,461
Specialist II Bi-weekly , 1,609.17 1,706.29 1,803.48 1,900.66 1,997.60 2,094.67
Technical Aide --- Annual 30,133 30,972, 31,811 ----' ---- ----
Bi-weekly 1,158.96 1,191.23i 1,223.51 ---- ---- . --
Hourly 14.49 14.891 15.291 ---- ----_
Note: Annual rates are shown for illustrative purposes only
Community Service Coordinator
Salary @ 5 year step
Fringes @ 53.4%
$ 59,871
$ 31,971
$ 91,842
, • • • Page 1 of 1
Prentiss Malone
From: Greg Givens [givensg@oakgov.comj
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 2:50 PM
To: 'Malone, Prentiss'
Cc: 'John Cooperrider'
Subject: FY 2007 Michigan Drug Court Grant Program ATC
TO: Prentiss Malone, Fiscal Services
FROM: Greg Givens, Fiscal Services
DATE: November 21, 2006
Circuit Court
FY 2007 Michigan Drug Court Grant Program and Justice Assistance Grant
Award for Adult Treatment Court
Please be advised I have emailed to you the above referenced grant contract. Today these materials went into contract
-eview. Please coordinate with your operating department in putting together the appropriate grant package which should
.nclude: - a Board of Commissioners' Liaison Committee Resolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance Committee
Fiscal Note, and the final email from me containing grant review Sign Off comments. I will forward to you the full
review information when it is returned by the review depaitments. At that point we can work together in getting the grant
naterials to the operating departments so they may request the grant materials to be placed on the appropriate Board of
7ommissioners' committee(s) for grant acceptance by Board resolution.
rime Frame: November 27, 2006
Thanks — call if questions / 84057.
If you have any further questions. Plcase
rr" t
Dawn A. Monk
DcPuty StaTo Cour: Aarr.ixtstrator
z48-3,0.S-9747 P . 02
— 5173732/12 7-.420 13 .)22/02 Joi7-111
3. • 3. r-iii c.i & /1
ra-CS-01 12747 Frue:SCAO CSNTRAL
Michigan Suprinie Carart
State Court Achninl*atIve Office
EC. Sax
Lansing. MithiFirs 45909
• ?bane (517) 37141.1e
*In D. Vesrp.ls. trate Court Astroirtiatmar
•Febnnry 1?4 2001
Honorable Brian bidacKer.zie
52" District Court
42150 Grand Rive Ave.
. Novi. MI 441374-1222
Dear Judge IvfacKitz2ia1
PC731JAZIt t.0 011:1* 0211VCZNITiOrt this .• .n.I I regarding the Nfiefigun Drug Court Grant
Program, I am providing information cc:n=4 .urance ft4 in the afflication ma=rials.
The assurances inche1=1 in the 14chigan Drug Court Grant application =am-Ws arc thc
same as the assurances required to apply for azad accept federal program funding for drug court
programs. AaVaTa22= tht c:alls for the applicant tri provide assurance of a program's intent to
continue funding whether that heft=locaL otheir state, or federal sources of funding. The
Michigan Dg Court Grant Program h a stesc7propriated program funded with litnited general
fund dollars. The. finding is intended to assist in developing and implementing new programs
and provide Unttcd support to continuing program:Li It is, however, the program's responsibility
to eventually teak acklitional sour= of fundins. This should not be cozatrued as a nandaLe for
fazture funding of a program from the firding
Contract #: SCAO-2007-003
Grant Agreement Between
Michigan Supreme Court
State Court Administrative Office
(hereinafter referred to as "SCAO")
6th Circuit Court
Courthouse Tower
1200 N. Telegraph Rd.
Pontiac, MI 48341
Federal I.D.tt: 38-6004876
(hereinafter referred to as "Contractor")
Adult Drug Court
Part I
1. Period of Agreement: This agreement shall commence on October 1, 2006, and
continue through September 30, 2007. This agreement is in full force and effect for
the period specified.
2. Program Budget and Agreement Amount
A. Agreement Amount
The total amount of this agreement is $170,000. SCAO, under the terms of this
agreement, will provide funding not to exceed $170,000. The federal funding
provided by SCAO is: $170,000 or approximately 100%; the Catalog of Federal
Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number is 16.738 and the CFDA Title is Byrne
Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program; the federal agency name is United
States Department of Justice; the federal grant award number is 2006-DJ-BX-
0029. The grant agreement is designated as a subrecipient relationship,
SCAO FY2007 10/2006 1
B. Equipment Purchases and Title
Any Contractor equipment purchases supported in whole or in part through this
agreement must be listed in the supporting Equipment Inventory Schedule.
Equipment means tangible, non-expendable, personal property having useful
life of more than one (1) year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit.
Title to items having a unit acquisition cost of less than $5,000 shall vest with
Contractor upon acquisition. SCAO reserves the right to retain or transfer the
title to all items of equipment having a unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more, to
the extent that SCAO's proportionate interest in such equipment supports such
retention or transfer of title.
C. Budget Modification
Adjustments in expenditures up to $1,000 within line item categories in the
approved budget and transfers up to $1,000 between line item categories in the
approved budget may be made without the prior written approval of SCAO.
Requests for adjustments in expenditures within line items and between line
item categories exceeding $1,000 must be made using a Contract Adjustment
Request form which can be obtained from SCAO.
3. Purpose,: The focus of the program is to: See Attachment A.
4. Statement of Work: Contractor agrees to undertake, perform, and complete the
services described in Attachment A, which is part of this agreement through reference.
5. Pre-Approval: Contractor agrees to obtain pre-approval from SCAO before any
program changes are implemented during the grant period.
6. Financial Requirements: The financial requirements shall be followed as described
in Part II of this agreement and Attachment D, which are part of this agreement
through reference.
7. Performance/Progress Report Requirements: The progress reporting methods, as
applicable, shall be followed as described in Attachment C, which is part of this
agreement through reference.
8. General Provisions: Contractor agrees to comply with the General Provisions
outlined in Part II, which is part of this agreement through reference.
9. Administration of the Agreement: The person acting for SCAO in administering this
agreement (hereinafter referred to as Contract Manager) is:
ry Spc:nr. Trial Court Plannina Specialist. 517-373-4854 secorciacourts.mi.pov
10. Special Conditions:
A. This agreement is conditionally approved subject to and contingent upon the
availability of funds.
B. SCAO will not assume any responsibility or liability for costs incurred by
Contractor prior to signing this agreement.
11. Special Certification: The individuals or officers signing this agreement certify by
their signatures that they are authorized to accept this agreement on behalf of the
responsible governing board, official, or Contractor.
SCAO FY2007 10/2006 2
Part H
General Provisions
I. Responsibilities - Contractor
Contractor, in accordance with the general purposes and objectives of this agreement,
A. Publication Rights
1. Where activities supported by this agreement produce books, films, or
other such copyrightable materials issued by Contractor, Contractor may
copyright such, but shall acknowledge that SCAO reserves a royalty-
free, non-exclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, and
use such materials, and to authorize others to reproduce and use such
materials. This cannot include service recipient information or personal
identification data.
2. Any copyrighted materials or modifications bearing acknowledgment of
SCAO's name must be approved by SCAO prior to reproduction and use
of such materials.
3. Contractor shall give recognition to SCAO in any and all publications,
papers, and presentations arising from the program and service contract
herein; SCAO will do likewise.
B. Fees
Make reasonable efforts to collect 1 st and 3 1d party fees, where applicable, and
report these as outlined by SCAO's fiscal procedures. Any underrecoveries of
otherwise available fees resulting from failure to bill for eligible services will be
excluded from reimbursable expenditures.
C. Program Operation
Provide the necessary administrative, professional, and technical staff for
operation of the program.
D. Reporting
Utilize all report forms and reporting formats required by SCAO at the effective
date of this agreement.
E. Record Maintenance/Retention
Maintain adequate program and fiscal records and files, including source
documentation to support program activities and all expenditures made under
the terms of this agreement, as required. Assure that all terms of the
agreement will be appropriately adhered to and that records and detailed
documentation for the project or program identified in this agreement will be
maintained for a period of not less than three (3) years from the date of
termination, the date of submission of the final expenditure report, or until
litigation and audit findings have been resolved.
SCA() FY2007 10/2006 3
F. Authorized Access
Permit, upon reasonable notification and at reasonable times, access by
authorized representatives of SCAO, Federal Grantor Agency, Comptroller
General of the United States, and State Auditor General, or any of their duly
authorized representatives, to records, files, and documentation related to this
agreement, to the extent authorized by applicable state or federal law, rule, or
G. Audits
This section only applies to Contractors designated as subrecipients.
Contractors designated as vendors are exempt from the provisions of this
1. Required Audit or Notification Letter
Contractors must submit to the SCAO either a Single Audit, Financial
Statement Audit, or Audit Status Notification Letter as described below.
If submitting a Single Audit or Financial Statement Audit, Contractors
must also submit a Corrective Action Plan for any audit findings that
impact SCAO-funded programs, and management letter (if issued) with a
a. Single Audit
Contractors that expend $500,000 or more in federal awards
during the Contractor's fiscal year must submit to SCAO a Single
Audit prepared consistent with the Single Audit Act Amendments
of 1996, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-
133, "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit
Organizations," (as revised).
b. Financial Statement Audit
Contractors exempt from the Single Audit requirements that
receive $500,000 or more in total funding from SCAO in state
and federal grant funding must submit to SCAO a Financial
Statement Audit prepared in accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards (GAAS). Contractors exempt from the Single
Audit requirements that receive less than $500,000 of total SCAO
grant funding must submit to the SCAO a Financial Statement
Audit prepared in accordance with GAAS if the audit includes
disclosures that may negatively impact SCAO-funded programs
including, but not limited to fraud, financial statement
misstatements, and violations of contract and grant provisions.
c. Audit Status Notification Letter
Contractors exempt from both the Single Audit and Financial
Statement Audit requirements (a. and b. above) must submit an
Audit Status Notification Letter that certifies these exemptions.
SCAO FY2007 10/2006 4
2. Due Date and Where to Send
The required audit and any other required submissions (i.e. Corrective
Action Plan and management letter with a response), or audit Status
Notification Letter must be submitted to SCAO within nine months after
the end of the Contractor's fiscal year to:
Michigan Supreme Court
State Court Administrative Office
Hall of Justice
925 West Ottawa
P.O. Box 30048
Lansing, Michigan 48909
Attn: Ms. Kathryn Van Asperen
3. Penalty
a. Delinquent Single Audit or Financial Statement Audit
If the Contractor does not submit the required Single Audit
reporting package, management letter (if issued) with a response,
and Corrective Action Plan; or the Financial Statement Audit and
management letter (if issued) with a response within nine months
after the end of the Contractor's fiscal year and an extension has
not been approved by the cognizant or oversight agency for audit,
SCAO may withhold from the current funding an amount equal to
five percent of the audit year's grant funding (not to exceed
$200,000) until the required filing is received by SCAO. SCAO
may retain the amount withheld if the Contractor is more than 120
days delinquent in meeting the filing requirements and an
extension has not been approved by the cognizant or oversight
agency for audit. SCAO may terminate the current grant if the
Contractor is more than 180 days delinquent in meeting the filing
requirements and an extension has not been approved by the
cognizant or oversight agency for audit.
b. Delinquent Audit Status Notification Letter
Failure to submit the Audit Status Notification Letter, when
required, may result in withholding from the current funding an
amount equal to one percent of the audit year's grant funding until
the Audit Status Notification Letter is received.
4. Other Audits
SCAO or federal agencies may also conduct or arrange for "agreed upon
procedures' or additional audits to meet their needs.
H. SubrecipientNendor Monitoring
The Contractor must ensure that each of its subrecipients comply with the
Single Audit Act requirements. The Contractor must issue management
SCAO FY2007 10/2006 5
decisions on audit findings of their subrecipients as required by OMB Circular
The Contractor must also develop a subrecipient monitoring plan that
addresses "during the award monitoring" of subrecipients to provide
reasonable assurance that the subrecipient administers federal awards in
compliance with laws, regulations, and the provisions of contracts, and that
performance goals are achieved. The subrecipient monitoring plan should
include a risk-based assessment to determine the level of oversight, and
monitoring activities such as reviewing financial and performance reports,
performing site visits, and maintaining regular contact with subrecipients.
The Contractor must establish requirements to ensure compliance for for--
profit subrecipients as required by OMB Circular A-133, Section .210(e)
The Contractor must ensure that transactions with vendors comply with laws,
regulations, and provisions of contracts or grant agreements in compliance with
OMB Circular A-133, Section .210(f).
Notification of Modifications
Provide timely notification to SCAO, in writing, of any action by its governing
board or any other funding source that would require or result in significant
modification in the provision of services, funding, or compliance with operational
J. Software Compliance
Ensure software compliance and compatibility with SCAO's data systems for
services provided under this agreement, including, but not limited to: stored
data, databases, and interfaces for the production of work products and reports.
All required data under this agreement shall be provided in an accurate and
timely manner without interruption, failure, or errors due to the inaccuracy of
Contractor's business operations for processing date/time data.
K. Human Subjects
Submit all research involving human subjects conducted in programs
sponsored by SCAO, or in programs that receive funding from or through the
State of Michigan, to the Michigan Department of Community Health's (MDCH)
Institutional Review Board (IRB) for approval prior to the initiation of the
Responsibilities - SCAO
SCAO, in accordance with the general purposes and objectives of this agreement, will:
A. Reimbursement
Provide reimbursement in accordance with the terms and conditions of this
agreement based upon appropriate reports, records, and documentation
maintained by Contractor.
SCAO FY2007 10/2006 6
B. Report Forms
Provide any report forms and reporting formats required by SCAO during the
effective period of this agreement.
Ill. Assurances
The following assurances are hereby given to SCAO:
A. Compliance with Applicable Laws
Contractor will comply with applicable federal and state laws, guidelines, rules,
and regulations in carrying out the terms of this agreement. Contractor will also
comply with all applicable general administrative requirements such as OMB
Circulars covering cost principles, grant/agreement principles, and audits in
carrying out the terms of this agreement.
B. Anti-Lobbying Act
Contractor will comply with the Anti-Lobbying Act, 31 USC 1352 as revised by
the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, 2 USC 1601 at seq., and Section 503 of
the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and
Related Agencies Appropriations Act (Public Law 104-208). Further, Contractor
shall require that the language of this assurance be included in the award
documents of all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and
contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all
subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.
C. Non-Discrimination
1. In the performance of any contract or purchase order resulting herefrom,
Contractor agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant
for employment or service delivery and access, with respect to their hire,
tenure, terms, conditions or privileges of employment, programs and
services provided, or any matter directly or indirectly related to
employment, because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry,
age, sex, height, weight, marital status, physical or mental disability
unrelated to the individual's ability to perform the duties of the particular
job or position or to receive services. Contractor further agrees that every
subcontract entered into for the performance of any contract or purchase
order resulting herefrom will contain a provision requiring non-
discrimination in employment, service delivery, and access, as herein
specified binding upon each subcontractor. This covenant is required
pursuant to the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act, 1976 PA 453, as amended,
MCL 37.2201 at seq., and the Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act,
1976 PA 220, as amended, MCL 37.1101 et seq., and any breach
thereof may be regarded as a material breach of the contract or
purchase order.
2. Additionally, assurance is given to SCAO that proactive efforts will be
made to identify and encourage the participation of minority owned and
women owned businesses, and businesses owned by persons with
disabilities in contract solicitations. Contractor shall incorporate
SCAO FY2007 10/2006 7
language in all contracts awarded: (1) prohibiting discrimination against
minority owned and women owned businesses and businesses owned
by persons with disabilities in subcontracting; and (2) making
discrimination a material breach of contract.
D. Debarment and Suspension
Assurance is hereby given to SCAO that Contractor will comply with Federal
Regulation, 45 CFR Part 76, and certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief
that it, its employees, and its subcontractors;
1. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment,
declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by
any federal department or contractor;
2. Have not, within a three-year period preceding this agreement, been
convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for
commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining,
attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local)
transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of federal or
state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery,
bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements,
or receiving stolen property;
3. Are not presently indicted or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a
government entity (federal, state, or local) with commission of any of the
offenses enumerated in section 2, and;
4. Have not, within a three-year period preceding this agreement, had one
or more public transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated for cause
or default.
E. Federal Requirement: Pro-Children Act
1. Assurance is hereby given to SCAO that Contractor will comply with
Public Law 103-227, also known as the Pro-Children Act of 1994, 20
USC 6081 et seq, which requires that smoking not be permitted in any
portion of any indoor facility owned or leased or contracted by and used
routinely or regularly for the provision of health, day care, early childhood
development services, education, or library services to children under the
age of 18, if the services are funded by federal programs either directly
or through state or local governments, by federal grant, contract, loan, or
loan guarantee. The law also applies to children's services that are
provided in indoor facilities that are constructed, operated, or maintained
with such federal funds. The law does not apply to children's services
provided in private residences; portions of facilities used for inpatient
drug or alcohol treatment; service providers whose sole source of
applicable federal funds is Medicare or Medicaid; or facilities where
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) coupons are redeemed. Failure to
comply with the provisions of the law may result in the imposition of a
civil monetary penalty of up to $1,000 for each violation and/or the
imposition of an administrative compliance order on the responsible
SCAO FY2007 10/2006 8
entity. Contractor also assures that this language will be included in any
subawards which contain provisions for children's services.
2. Contractor also assures, in addition to compliance with Public Law 103-
227, any service or activity funded in whole or in part through this
agreement will be delivered in a smoke-free facility or environment.
Smoking shall not be permitted anywhere in the facility, or those parts of
the facility under the control of Contractor. If activities or services are
delivered in facilities or areas that are not under the control of the
Contractor (e.g., a mall, restaurant or private work site), the activities or
services shall be smoke-free.
F. Hatch Political Activity Act and Intergovernmental Personnel Act
Contractor will comply with the Hatch Political Activity Act, 5 USC 1501-1508, and
the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970, as amended by Title VI of the Civil
Service Reform Act, Public Law 95-454, 42 USC 4728. Federal funds cannot be
used for partisan political purposes of any kind by any person or organization
involved in the administration of federally assisted programs.
G. Subcontracts
Assure for any subcontracted service, activity, or product that:
1. A written subcontract is executed by all affected parties prior to the
initiation of any new subcontract activity. Exceptions to this policy may
be granted by SCAO upon written request within 30 days of execution of
the agreement.
2. Any executed subcontract to this agreement shall require the
subcontractor to comply with all applicable terms and conditions of this
agreement. In the event of a conflict between this agreement and the
provisions of the subcontract, the provisions of this agreement shall
A conflict between this agreement and a subcontract, however, shall not
be deemed to exist where the subcontract:
a. Contains additional non-conflicting provisions not set forth in this
b. Restates provisions of this agreement to afford Contractor the
same or substantially the same rights and privileges as SCA°, or
c. Requires the subcontractor to perform duties and/or services in
less time than that afforded Contractor in this agreement.
3. The subcontract does not affect Contractor's accountability to SCAO for
the subcontracted activity.
4. Any billing or request for reimbursement for subcontract costs is
supported by a valid subcontract and adequate source documentation on
costs and services.
5. Contractor will submit a copy of the executed subcontract if requested by
SCAO FY2007 10/2006 9
H. Procurement
Assure that all purchase transactions, whether negotiated or advertised, shall
be conducted openly and competitively in accordance with the principles and
requirements of OMB Circular A-102 as revised, implemented through
applicable portions of the associated "Common Rule" as promulgated by
responsible federal contractor(s), or OMB Circular A-110 as amended, as
applicable, and that records sufficient to document the significant history of all
purchases are maintained for a minimum of three years after the end of the
agreement period.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and 42 CFR Part 2
To the extent that this act is pertinent to the services that Contractor provides to
SCAO under this agreement, Contractor assures that it is in compliance with
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and 42 CFR
Part 2 requirements including the following:
1. Contractor must not share any protected health or other protected data
and information provided by SCAO or any other source that falls within
HIPAA and/or 42 CFR Part 2 requirements, except to a subcontractor as
appropriate under this agreement.
2. Contractor must require the subcontractor not to share any protected
health or other protected data and information from SCAO or any other
source that falls under HIPAA and/or 42 CFR Part 2 requirements in the
terms and conditions of the subcontract.
3. Contractor must only use the protected data and information for the
purposes of this agreement.
4. Contractor must have written policies and procedures addressing the use
of protected data and information that falls under the H1PAA and/or 42
CFR Part 2 requirements. The policies and procedures must meet all
applicable federal and state requirements including the HIPAA and 42
CFR Part 2 regulations. These policies and procedures must include
restricting access to the protected data and information by the
Contractor's employees.
5. Contractor must have a policy and procedure to report to SCAO
unauthorized use or disclosure of protected data and information that
falls under the HIPAA and/or 42 CFR Part 2 requirements of which
Contractor becomes aware.
6. Failure to comply with any of these contractual requirements may result
in the termination of this agreement in accordance with Part II, Section V.
7. In accordance with HIPAA and/or 42 CFR Part 2 requirements, the
Contractor is liable for any claim, loss, or damage relating to
unauthorized use or disclosure of protected health data and information
received by Contractor from SCAO or any other source.
SCAO FY2007 1012006 10
J. Supplanting
Contractor will comply with federal requirements concerning supplanting,
Funds must be used to supplement existing funds for program activities and not
to replace those funds which have been appropriated for the same purpose;
potential supplanting will be the subject of application review, as well as pre-
award review, post-award monitoring and audit.
Supplanting means to deliberately reduce state or local funds because of
existence of federal funds (e.g., when state funds are appropriated for a stated
purpose and federal funds are awarded for that same purpose, the state
replaces its state funds with federal funds, thereby reducing the total amount
available for the stated purpose).
IV. Financial Requirements
A. Reimbursement Method
The Contractor will be reimbursed in accordance with the grant reimbursement
method as follows:
Reimbursement from SCAO is based on the understanding that SCAO funds
will be paid up to the total SCAO allocation as agreed to in the approved
B. Financial Status Report Submission
Financial Status Reports (FSRs) shall be prepared and submitted to:
Ms. Carol Knudsen
State Court Administrative Office
Hall of Justice
P.O. Box 30048
Lansing, MI 48909
FSRs must be submitted on a monthly basis, no later than thirty (30) days after
the close of each calendar month, with the exception of the 4th quarterly report
which will be due October 10, 2007, in order to meet fiscal year-end reporting
requirements. The monthly FSRs must reflect total actual program
expenditures, regardless of the source of funds. Attachment D contains the
FSR form.
Failure to meet financial reporting responsibilities as identified in this agreement
may result in withholding future payments.
C. Reimbursement Mechanism
All contractors should sign up through the on-line vendor registration process to
receive all State of Michigan payments as Electronic Funds Transfers
(EFT)/Direct Deposits. Registration information is available through the
Department of Management and Budget's web site at:
http://wwvv.cpexuress.state.mi.us .
SCAO FY2007 10/2006 11
D. Final Obligations and Financial Status Report Requirements
1. Preliminary Close Out Report
A Preliminary Close Out Report, based on annual guidelines, must be
submitted by the due date using the format provided by the Department's
Accounting Division. Contractor must provide an estimate of total
expenditures for the entire agreement period. The information on the
report will be used to record SCAO's year-end accounts payables and
receivables for this agreement.
E. Unobligated Funds
Any unobligated balance of funds held by Contractor at the end of the
agreement period will be returned to SCAO or treated in accordance with
instructions provided by SCAO.
V. Agreement Termination
SCAO may cancel this agreement without further liability or penalty to SCAO for any of
the following reasons:
A. This agreement may be terminated by either party by giving thirty (30) days
written notice to the other party stating the reasons for termination and the
effective date.
B. This agreement may be terminated on thirty (30) days prior written notice upon
the failure of either party to carry out the terms and conditions of this
agreement, provided the alleged defaulting party is given notice of the alleged
breach and fails to cure the default within the thirty (30) day period.
C. This agreement may be terminated immediately if Contractor, official of
Contractor, or an owner is convicted of any activity referenced in Section
of this agreement during the term of this agreement or any extension thereof.
VI. Final Reporting Upon Termination
Should this agreement be terminated by either party, within thirty (30) days after the
termination Contractor shall provide SCAO with all financial, performance, and other
reports required as a condition of this agreement. SCAO will make payments to
Contractor for allowable reimbursable costs not covered by previous payments or
other state or federal programs. Contractor shall immediately refund to SCAO any
funds not authorized for use and any payments or funds advanced to Contractor in
excess of allowable reimbursable expenditures. Any dispute arising as a result of this
agreement shall be resolved in the State of Michigan.
VII. Severabilitv
If any provision of this agreement, or any provision of any document attached to or
incorporated by reference, is waived or held to be invalid, such waiver or invalidity
shall not affect other provisions of this agreement.
SCAO FY2007 10/2005 12
VIII. Amendments
Any changes to this agreement will be valid only if made in writing and accepted by all
parties to this agreement. Any change proposed by Contractor which would affect
SCAO funding of any project, in whole or in part, in Part 1, Section 2.C. of the
Agreement must be submitted in writing to SCAO for approval immediately upon
determining the need for such change.
IX. Liability
A. All liability to third parties, loss, or damage as a result of claims, demands,
costs, or judgments arising out of activities, such as direct service delivery, to
be carried out by Contractor in the performance of this agreement shall be the
responsibility of Contractor, and not the responsibility of SCAO, if the liability,
loss, or damage is caused by, or arises out of, the actions or failure to act on
the part of Contractor, any subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly
employed by Contractor, provided that nothing herein shall be construed as a
waiver of any governmental immunity that has been provided to Contractor or
its employees by statute or court decisions.
B. All liability to third parties, loss, or damage as a result of claims, demands,
costs, or judgments arising out of activities, such as the provision of policy and
procedural direction, to be carried out by SCAO in the performance of this
agreement shall be the responsibility of SCAO, and not the responsibility of the
Contractor, if the liability, loss, or damage is caused by, or arises out of, the
action or failure to act on the part of any SCAO employee or agent, provided
that nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver of any governmental
immunity by the State, its agencies (the SCAO), or employees as provided by
statute or court decisions.
C. In the event that liability to third parties, loss, or damage arises as a result of
activities conducted jointly by Contractor and SCAO in fulfillment of their
responsibilities under this agreement, such liability, loss, or damage shall be
borne by Contractor and SCAO in relation to each party's responsibilities under
these joint activities, provided that nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver
of any governmental immunity by Contractor, the State, its agencies (the
SCAM, or their employees, respectively, as provided by statute or court
X. Conflict of Interest
Contractor and SCAO are subject to the provisions of 1968 PA 317, as amended, MCL
15.321 et seq., MSA 4.1700(51) et seq., and 1973 PA 196, as amended, MCL 15.341
et seq., MSA 4.1700 (71) et seq.
SCAO FY2007 10/2006 13
Xl. State of Michigan Agreement
This is a State of Michigan Agreement and is governed by the laws of Michigan. Any
dispute arising as a result of this agreement shall be resolved in the State of Michigan.
XII. Confidentiality
Both SCAO and Contractor shall assure that medical services to and information
contained in medical records of persons served under this agreement, or other such
recorded information required to be held confidential by federal or state law, rule, or
regulation, in connection with the provision of services or other activity under this
agreement shall be privileged communication, shall be held confidential, and shall not
be divulged without the written consent of either the patient or a person responsible for
the patient, except as may be otherwise required by applicable law or regulation.
Such information may be disclosed in summary, statistical, or other form, which does
not directly or indirectly identify particular individuals.
Authorized By:
State Court Administrative Office Date
Acceptance by Grantee:
Authorizing Official Signature and Title Date
Chief Judge (Signature) Date
Drug Court Judge (Signature) Date
SCA() FY2007 10/2006 14
Contractor agrees to undertake, perform, and complete the additional services as described
below. It is understood and agreed that all other conditions of the original agreement remain
the same.
1. Contractor is required to submit copies of the Quarterly Program Reports that detail
the progress of each drug court program funded. Contractor must submit such reports
to SCAO by the following dates:
January 20, 2007
April 20, 2007
July 20, 2007
October 20, 2007
2. Contractor shall target non-violent probation violators and other non-violent felony
offenders, particularly straddle cell offenders who have a prior record variable of 35
points or more, who based upon local sentencing practices, are otherwise bound for
prison. Subcontractors shall refer to the Violent Offender definition outlined in 2004
PA 224 and ensure that such offenders will be excluded from drug court programs.
3. Contractor must comply with the Key Components of Drug Courts as specified by the
U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Courts Program Office, and the National Association
of Drug Court Professionals and as outlined by the following:
Key Component #1 Drug courts integrate alcohol and other drug treatment services
with justice system case processing.
Key Component #2 Using a non-adversarial approach, prosecution and defense
counsel promote public safety while protecting participants' due
process rights.
Key Component #3 Eligible participants are identified early and promptly placed in the
drug court program.
Key Component #4 Drug courts provide access to a continuum of alcohol, drug, and
other related treatment and rehabilitation services.
Key Component #5 Abstinence is monitored by frequent alcohol and other drug
Key Component #6 A coordinated strategy governs drug court responses to
participants compliance.
Key Component #7 Ongoing judicial interaction with each drug court participant is
Key Component #8 Monitoring and evaluation measure the achievement of program
goals and gauge effectiveness.
Key Component #9 Continuing interdisciplinary education promotes effective drug
court planning, implementation, and operations.
Key Component #10 Forging partnerships among drug courts, public agencies, and
community-based organizations generates local support and
enhances drug court effectiveness.
4. In collaboration with the locai Substance Abuse Coordinating Agency and consistent
with the Memorandum of Understanding or agreement, a contractor receiving
substance abuse treatment dollars through Byrne must use licensed and accredited
substance abuse treatment providers.
5. Contractor must agree that funds awarded under this grant will not be used to support
any inherently religious activities, such as worship, religious instruction, or
proselytization. If Contractor refers participants to, or provides, a non-federally funded
program or service that incorporates such religious activities: (1) any such activities
must be voluntary for program participants, and (2) program participants may not be
excluded from participation in a program or otherwise penalized or disadvantaged for
any failure to accept a referral or services. If participation in a non-federally funded
program or service that incorporates inherently religious activities is deemed a critical
treatment or support service for program participants, the grantee agrees to identify
and refer participants who object to the inherently religious activities of such program
or service to, or provide, a comparable secular alternative program or service.
6. Contractor must ensure that drug court participants are employed, seeking
employment, or engaged in activities to enable them to be employed.
7. Contractor must ensure that a plea by participants is required; no deferred
8. Contractor must ensure that treatment and rehabilitative services provided are based
upon a comprehensive assessment of participant needs. Participation in cognitive
behavioral and restructuring and 12-step programs are encouraged.
9. Contractor must ensure that participants make some payment toward drug court costs.
Payments may be on a sliding fee scale, ability to pay basis.
10. The population served shall be targeted toward those as specified in # 2 of this
attachment, as well as any additional criteria as determined through agreement with
the Office of Drug Control Policy, the State Court Administrative Office, and the
Department of Corrections.
11. Contractor agrees to obtain pre-approval from SCAO before any program or budget
changes are implemented during the grant period.
From: To:
5. CONTRACTUAL (Subcontracts/Subrecipients) , ,
1 _
. (Sum of Lines 1-7)
9. INDIRECT COSTS: Rate #1 %
10. TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $0 $0
15. OTHER(S) ..
, I
16. TOTAL FUNDING 1 $0 $0 $0 i $0
AUTHORITY: P.A. 368 of 1978 The State Court Administrative Office is an equal
COMPLETION: Is voluntary, but is required as a condition of funding opportunity employer, services, and programs provider.
View at 100% or Larger
From: To:
$0 ,
$0 _
3. TRAVEL (Specify if category exceeds 10% of Total Expenditures)
4. SUPPLIES & MATERIALS (Specify if category exceeds 10% of Total Expenditures)
5. CONTRACTUAL. (Specify Subcontracts/Subrecipients)
Name Address Amount
6. EQUIPMENT (Specify items)
7. OTHER EXPENSES (Specify if category exceeds 10% of Total Expenditures)
9. INDIRECT COST CALCULATIONS Rate #1: Base $0 X Rate 0.0000 % Total $ 0
Rate #2: Base $0 X Rate 0.0000 % Total $ 0 ,
10. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (Sum of lines 8-9) $ 0
AUTHORITY: P.A. 368 of 1978 The State Court Administrative Office is an equal opportunity employer, services.
COMPLETION: Is voluntary, but is reauired as a condition of funding and programs provider.
Use Additional Sheets as Needed
Contractor Name: Contract #: Date:
Please list equipment items that were purchased during the grant agreement period as specified in the
grant agreement budget, Attachment B.2. Provide as much information about each piece as possible,
including quantity, item name, item specifications: make, model, etc. Equipment is defined to be an
article of non-expendable tangible personal property having a useful life of more than one (1) year and
an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. Please complete and forward to this form to SCAO's
contract manager with the final progress report.
Quantity Item Name Item Specification Tag Number Purchased
$ ,
1 1
$ i
Total $ 0
Contractor's Signature: Date:
A. The Contractor shall submit the following reports on the following dates:
Quarterly Progress: Reports are due quarterly and must be submitted to SCAO no
later than: January 31, 2007, April 30, 2007, July 31, 2007 and October 20, 2007.
B. Any such other information as specified in the Statement of Work, Attachment A, shall
be developed and submitted by Contractor as required by the contract manager.
C. Reports and information shall be submitted to:
Ms. Carol Knudsen
State Court Administrative Office
Michigan Hall of Justice
P.O. Box 30048
Lansing, MI 48909
D. The contract manager shall evaluate the reports submitted as described in Attachment
C, Items A. and B., for their completeness and adequacy.
E. Contractor shall permit SCAO or its designee to visit and to make an evaluation of the
project as determined by contract manager.
Contract Number Page Of
Local Agency Name Program Code
Street Address Report Period Date Prepared
Thru Final
City, State, ZIP Code Agreement Period FE ID Number
Expenditures Agreement Category Current Period Agreement YTD Budget Balance
1 SRIRriP.S ge Waaes
2. Frinae Benefits
3. Travel
4. Supplies & Materials
5. Contractual (Sub-Contracts)
6. Eauiornent
7. Other Expenses _
OA Inriirent Cnsts Rate #1: %
9b.Indirect Costs Rate #2: %
11 Rtatr4 AnreAmPnt
2. Local I
13. Federal
14. Other
15. Fees & Collections
CERTIFICATION: I certify that I am authorized to sign on behalf of the local agency and that this is an accurate statement of expenditures and collections for
thp renort period. Appropriate docunrtation is available and will be maintained for the required period to support costs and receipts reported. I —
Authorized Signature Date Title
Contact Person Name Telephone Number
Advance INDEX ' . PCA A OEJ., CODE . AMOUNT :. . ,
Advance Outstanding _
Advance Issued or Applied
Balance I
Authority: PA. 368 of 1978 The State Court Acministratwe Office is an equal opportunity, employer, services,
, Completion: is a Condition of Reimbursemert and programs provider,
Michigan Supreme Court
State Court Administrative Office
FY 2007 MDCGP and SCAO/Byrne Drug Court Grant Programs
Note: Change to the MDCGP and the SCAO/Byrne Award Requirements
There will be no local match requirement for FY 2007 MDCGP or SCAO/Byrne Priority
Population Awards. However, jurisdictions provide significant local resources to support drug
courts, and the revised budget should include the amount of cash and in-kind resources that will
be contributed to the program. Other changes for FY 2007 are noted in red below.
General Instructions for Completing the Budget Form:
The budget detail worksheets should include a thorough justification for all costs, including the basis
for computing these costs. The budget must be complete, reasonable, and directly related to the
activities proposed in the application. All budgeted expenditures should be split between available
funding sources in the following categories: SCAO Grant Award; Local Cash Contribution; In-Kind
Contribution; Byrne Grant (SCAO or ODCP); and All Other Grants and Funding Sources. The source
of other funding sources must be identified (e.g., Child Care Fund, BJA Discretionary Grant etc.) The
totals on the budget detail worksheets should tie back to the budget summary.
Item A - Personnel: On the budget detail worksheet, list each position by title or name of employee,
if available. In the computation column, show the annual salary rate and the percentage of time
devoted to the project. These amounts should then be allocated to the funding sources that will be used.
The amounts on the personnel total line should tie back to the amounts shown for personnel on the
budget summary.
Item B - Fringe Benefits: Fringe benefits should be based on actual known costs or an established
formula. Fringe benefits are only for the personnel listed in the budget and only for the percentage of
time devoted to the project. On the budget detail worksheet, check the fringe benefits that apply and
indicate the composite rate percentage. The amount shown for fringe benefits should be equal to the
personnel costs multiplied by the composite rate.
Item C - Contractual: For each contract enter the name of the contractor or consultant, service to be
provided, hourly or daily fee (eight hour day), and estimated time on the project. Consultant fees must
conform to federal guidelines and cannot exceed $450 per day or $56.25 per hour. Contractual services
for treatment, case management/monitoring, and drug testing should be included in this section.
NOTE: Fees for evaluation services are NOT a MDCGP allowable expense beginning FY 2007.
Item D — Supplies/Operating: Itemize each supply item and detail the computations (number of
items and unit cost per item) for each item listed in this category.
MDCGP: Allowable supply/operating expenses include:
• Drug testing (not to exceed $10.00 per test)
• Drug testing supplies
• Participant incentives
Page 1
• Transportation expenses for participants (e.g., bus passes)
• Registration costs for the 2007 MADCP conference (up to three participants can be
included under this section)
MDCGP: Disallowable supply/operating expenses include:
• Drug testing confirmations
• Office supplies and equipment (computers, copiers, printers, furniture, paper,
pens, folders, binders, ink cartridges, etc.)
• Software (new software, maintenance fees, etc.)
• Indirect and administrative fees
• Gasoline expenses
• Construction or renovation
• Meals/Refreshments (except certain approved ceremonies such as graduation)
SCAO/Byrne: Allowable supply/operating expenses include:
• Drug testing (not to exceed S10.00 per test)
• Drug testing supplies
• Office supplies (e.g., pens, paper, folders, binders, printing, etc.)
SCAO/Byrne: Disallowable supply/operating expenses include:
• Drug test confirmations
• Equipment (computers, copiers, printers, furniture)
• Software (new software, maintenance fees, etc.)
• Indirect and administrative fees
• Gasoline expenses
• Travel or conference registration
• Construction or renovation
• Meals/Refreshments
Other disallowable expenses for both the MDCGP and SCAO/Byrne Awards that should NOT
be included in the grant award budgets:
• Lobbying
• Honorariums
• Memberships
• Attorney Fees for indigent defense or prosecution
• Other costs not directly related to operations of a drug court
Item E — Travel: Itemize travel expenses of project personnel by purpose (e.g. home visit. MADCP
conference registration. Only travel for the purposes of transporting drug court participants to services,
conducting a home visit, or registrations for the Michigan Association of Drug Court Professionals
Conference (maximum of three) are allowable travel expenses. Show the basis of computations. All
travel must adhere to the most recent approved Michigan Supreme Court Standardized Travel Rates for
the Judicial Branch. (Note: these are NOT SCAO/Byrne allowable expenses)
Page 2
Item F — Total Project Cost by Funding Source: The total should be all costs associated with the
drug court program for FY 2007.
Item G — MDCGP Grant Award: The award amount granted by SCAO from the Michigan Drug
Court Grant Program.
Item H — Byrne Grant Award: The award amount granted by either ODCP or SCAO from the
federal Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant program.
Item I — Other Grant or Funding Sources: List all other sources of funding that contribute to the
operation of your drug court program that include; other grants, foundation funding, endowments, etc.
(examples include; BJA Discretionary Grant Program, Juvenile Accountability Block Grant, Child
Care Fund, etc.).
Item J — Local Contributions: List all sources of local cash and in-kind contributions that are used to
operate your drug court program. It is important to include these funding sources to show the actual
operations and costs of the total drug court program.
Page 3
Court Name: Oakland County 6 th Circuit Adult Treatment Court Contract Year: FY2007
Person Completing Budget (Signature) SCAO Finance: Approved By (Signature) Date Date
Print Name Contact Number SCAO Finance: Print Name Contact Number
Budget Summary G ti- I. 1 1.2 .1
MDCGP Award Byrne Award Other Grant or Other Grant or Contributions
SCAO SCAO or Funding Sources Funding Sources Budget Category Total Cost 2006 or 2007 ODCP JAG Grant PA 511 Funds Cash In Kind
(Circle one) (Circle One) (Specify)
A Personnel $ $ 59,871 $ 15,150 75,021
13 Fringe Benefits $ $ $ 29,935 $ $ $ 7,575 $ 37,510
C Contractual $ $ $ 72,000 $ 150,000 $ $ $ 222,000
D Supplies/Operating $ $ $ 8,194 $ $ $ $ 8,194
E Travel $ $ $ $ $ $ $
F Total Project Cost 170,000 150,000 $ 22,725 $ 342,725 (by Funding Source) _
Summary of Drug Court Funding
ii Byrne Award = Granted by: SCAO or ODCP (circle one
I Other Grant or Funding Sources (Identify: e.g., Child Care Fund, WA Discretionary Grant, etc.)
1. Justice Assistant Grant (JAG) $ 170,000
2. PA 511 Funding $ 150,000
3. $
J Local Contributions
1. Cash
1 In Kind $ 22,725
Total All Funding Sources 342,725
Page 4
The budget narrative should justify all costs associated with the proposed project. Use additional pages as needed.
A. Personnel: Coordinator: The coordinator performs the job duties of staff supervision and training, backup coverage for probation
officers' caseloads in staff absence, coordination of weekly case conferences, initial case screening for eligibility, liaison and contract
oversight with service providers, and preparation and maintenance of program procedural manuals. Oakland County established the
pay grade for this position as the equivalent of a "Community Service Coordinator". The incumbent is a tenured employee who is
paid at the top of the salary grade, based on her experience and qualifications. (FTE position)
B. Fringe Benefits: Benefits are paid according to the Oakland County Merit System. The rate for full time employees is estimated at
50% of the salary. The rate for part-time non-eligible employees is estimated at 9%.
C. Contractual: Treatment: Individual and family treatment is provided to drug court participants as part of the step-down process.
Transitional Housing: Transitional housing is provided to drug court participants as a step-down from residential treatment, especially
in cases where a participant has no family with which to reside, or the family home is considered an unstable situation.
D. Supplies and Operating: This line item will be used to purchase urine test kits and incentives for clients including supplies for
graduation ceremonies.
E. Travel and MADCP Conference:
Page 5
A. Personnel
Contributions MDCGP Byrne Award Other Grant Other Grant Computation Total Name/Position Award SCAO-ODCP or Funding or Funding (Hours/Rate) SCAO (circle one) (JAG Grant) Cash In Kind
40 hours at Ellen Zehnder, $ $59,871 59,871 $28.7843/hr Coordinator
4 hours at Randy Secontine, $ 8,636 8,636 $41.52/hour Assistant Prosecutor 111
Colleen O'Brien, Circuit
Court Judge (county 4 hours at $ 3,257 3,257 portion of salary only) $15.661hour
Joan Young, Circuit Court
Judge (county portion of 4 hours at $ 3,257 3,257 salary only) $15.66/hour
Personnel Total 59,871 $ 15,150 75,021 _
B. Fringe Benefits
[ [ Employer RCA 7.65 % [ I Retirement 25.09_% [ ] Hospital insurance 14.07_% [ ] Dental insurance _ 1.48 %
[I Vision insurance 0.16 % [ [ Unemployment insurance 0.18 % [ 1 Workers' Compensation 1.16_% [ ] Life insurance _0.33% —
[ 1 Other Disability 0.43_% [ ] Other %
Composite Rate 50.55 %
MDCGP Byrne Award Other Grant Other Grant Contributions Award SCAO-ODCP or Funding or Funding Total
SCAO (circle one) Jag Grant Cash In Kind
Page 6
Fringe Benefit Total $ 29,935 $ 7,575 $ 37,510
Total Personnel and Fringe Benefits $ 89,806 $ 22,725 $ 112,531
Page 7
C. Contractual
Unit Cost of IVIDCGP Byrne Award Other Grant Other Grant Contributions
Name of Contractor Service & Award SCAO-ODCP or Funding or Funding Total
# of Units SCAO (circle one) JAG Grant PA 511 Funds Cash In Kind _
Solutions to Recovery and
Sequoia Recovery $ $ $ $ 8,800 $ $ $ 8,800 - Services to be Provided
Transitional housing expenditures for participants in the program. (move-in fees $19/day — cost of housing is approximately $22/day)
Office of Substance Abuse
Services providers and other
providers i.e., Oakland Family
Services _ $ $ $ $ 63,200 $ 150,000 _ $ $ S 213,200
Services to be Provided
Group and individual therapy services — Group services are either $18/day or $27/day depending on size of group. Individual services are $63/day/
Contractor $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Services to be Provided
Contractor $ , $ I $ 1 $ $ $ $ $ _
Services to be Provided
Contractor $ $ $ _ $ _ $ I $
, $
I $ _ Services to be Provided
Total Contractual $ $ _ $ 72,000 $ 150,000 $ $ $ 222,000
Page 8
D. Supplies/Operating
Unit Cost of 1VIDCGP Byrne Award Other Grant Other Grant Contributions
Item & Award SCAO-ODCP or Funding or Funding Total
Item 4 of Units SCAO (circle one) JAG Grant Cash In Kind
Graduation Supplies $ $ $ $ 2,000 $ $ $ $ 2,000
Incentives $ $ $ $ 2,000 $ $ $ $ 2,000
Drug Test Kits ($10/kit) $ $ $ $ 4,194 $ $ $ _ $ 4,194
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ _s
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Total Supplies/ Operating $ $ 8,194 $ $ $ 8,194
E. Travel mileage for participant purposes and/or MADCP registration
MDCGP Byrne Award Other Grant Other Grant Contributions
Computation Award SCAO-ODCP or Funding or Funding Total
Type of Travel Expense SCAO (circle one) Cash in Kind
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
Total Travel $ S $ $ $ $ $ _
Page 9
FISCAL NOTE (MISC. 106250) December 14, 2006
To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the
above referenced resolution and finds:
The Circuit Court/Civil Criminal Division, Adult Treatment Court (ATC)
has received a grant award from the State Court Administrators Office
(SCAO), Justice Assistant Grant (JAG), for the Adult Drug Court, in
the amount of $170,000 providing funding for the grant period of
October 1, 2006 through September 30, 20
2. The total program cost is $342,725,
JAG/SCAO funds, $150,000 in PA 511
$22,725 in local contributions in-kind s
3. The total JAG/SCAO program funds are
which includes $170,000 in
in-kind program support, and
$170,000 which replaces the
formerly received SCAO and BYRNE grant funding.
4. The grant award provides continuation funding for one (1) special
revenue full time eligible (FTE) Community Service Coordinator
position (3010301-09837), deletes one (1) special revenue FTE
Community Corrections Specialist (3010301-10318) position, and one (1)
special revenue part time non-eligible (PTNE) Technical Aide position
5. Grant award also funds $222,000 in professional services cost, and
$8,194 in laboratory and drug testing supplies.
6. The County is expected to incur administrative and support costs of
$5,508 for 2007, which has been included in the FY 2007 budget. This
grant does not allow for recovery of these costs.
7. According to the current agreement language, acceptance of this grant
will not require the County to continue the program beyond the grant-
funding period.
8. An amendment to the FY 2007 Budget is recommended as follows to accept
the continuation of funding from JAG/SCAO, to the Circuit Court Civil
Criminal Division, Adult Treatment Court, and to amend the
discontinued BYRNE arant Adopted budget:
Special Revenue Fund 27130
Project 4GRC000000233 Activity A, Analysis Type GLB
3010301-121200-620467 Grant Match
3010301-121200-615571 Grants State
FY 2007
($ 77,000)
$ 63,000
3010301-121200-702010 Salaries $ 17,871
3010301-121200-722740 Fringe Benefits 9,935
3010301-121200-731458 Professional Services 29,000
3010301-121200-750399 Office Supplies (2,000)
3010301-121200-750280 Lab. Supplies 8,194
$ 63,000
Motion carried on a roll call vote with Rogers, Coulter and Woodward absent.
($ 74,000)
Special Revenue Fund 27190
Project #GR0000000253 Activity A, Analysis Type GLB
3010301-121200-610313 Grants Federal
3010301-121200-702010 Salaries
3010301-121200-722740 Fringe Benefits
Resolution #06250 December 14, 2006
Moved by Molnar supported by Gregory the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached)
Agenda, be adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted).
AYES: Coulter, Crawford, Douglas, Gershenson, Gregory, Hatchett, Jacobsen,
Long, Melton, Middleton, Molnar, Moss, Nash, Palmer, Potter, Rogers, Scott,
Zack, Bullard. (23)
NAYS: None. (0)
on the Consent
Jamian, KowaII,
Suarez, Wilson,
A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent
Agenda, were adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted).
I, Ruth Johnson, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and
accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on
December 14, 2006, with the original record thereof now remaining in my office.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac,
Michigan this 14th day of December, 2006.
Ruth Johnson, County Clerk