HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.06.09 - 2812FARMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS JUNE 9, 1980 COUNTY, ArtIC:: OAKLAND CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON June 9, 1980 (DATE OF ELECTION) OF THE FARMINGTON PUBLIC scHooL5 (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) MANUFACTURED BY VLI,LatiV Rat, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road * KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. ES398K CANVASSERS BOOK 2 3 PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER lfr 4 AVCB TOTALS OFFICE AND CANDID:tETE NAMES 3 2 STATEMENT OF VOTES RAYMOND S. KOTERAS AMES E. McGLINCY LYNN T. MORGAN HELEN D. PRUTOW IMMIM NE =MUM MMIMMI M MIMES M INIMMIMM M 1111 MIMM MMMIMMIMMI MIMS IMO= MM MIMMM MMMEMMEI ME MINIMMEIMMUM MMIMMMMMIM EMMEMMEM EIMENIMW 1111 MMMMIMMIMMM MIMM MIIMMM=MMMIMMIMMMI MEMIMIMMMI EMMEMEME MMMMM MMMUMNIMM mmmmmmimmmmm milimmommummilmilmom mmmmmmm...mmmmm mmaimmirmomm MMINERLIMILAS mum 1111111.11111E'Mli. MOM =MEM MO IIIMENSUEN mumWmmEMEWOM Mr="1911111MME mom= .10 mom. mummilm INAIIN1111" o 5-7 2' TT OF you OF EDUCATION The whale number of votes given for the offieWoi Membpr of the Boa- fion for a Four Year term was '2.-----•'•-- -71-47-...,...--,,,, , A„,:._,-,,,- and they were given for the following named persons: f n PERSON5 17.C.EvINC, THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES wRrnH ?.-1 WORDS 1. RAYMOND S. KOTERAS 2. JAMES E. McGL INCY , LYNN T. MORGAN ._ I ,.,.; tn —..4. 4. HELEN D. PRUTOW ' ., i I 6. I -i- , . I 1 1 10.TOTAL The whole number OF vote.s givun for dia office of '' ' ° of the Board of - ' fo a Three Year term was and they were given for the l'71!7 PERSONS RECZIvrqP. Tht.E '.:P.7:' l'!WASEP: OT vom ,, irt• . r , 3. , 5 TOTAL The whole nun-6er oF votes given for the office of ''4•-T' ,T,7 Ole Board fo r a Two Year term i was and they were given for the f .g .g named persons: PrP747.:VS FZKEIVrj,7. THA VOTES VOTES wRITTEN N -worms 1. . . . 4.• 5 TOTAL The whole number of votes given For the office of co for a One Year term WOS ancl they were or >+.,-, t . . cirsi NUMBER or VOTES WRITTEN N WORDS Lt 1 ..L.. TOTAL i ., ..... . [ E [r , € I I ' 1 I 1 -a 1 ! z * in -7 ... > 0 n X.1 4 - 0 --, I .r. x n 1 -.4 1 I— - _ —F_-_--,-..._—..._ -=,===== 1 1 1 - , 1 I ii I ii • 1 .i'''') '-il %'''''' '''''':3 C:›1 DAV I D W. HAC KETT MARGARET MAC TAV I SH 1 I 1 , o 7c 1 11111111 Mil III < .R 1 CHARD J. PAPPAS i > < > o z VERONICA SEXTON m ni o o z A--- -(J..i a,o,:,)'' ,,,,, ,11,)*il NANCY E. VANG I LD ER z z o — BARBARA J . W I Li. I NG I z -< o r) .'.---.,-, '1.-., . = o m r- '0' '11. ''' '-.1 r- . JOHN j . YEZMAN —1 rn = c-) > rn z L'',,CZ:C. '-'1. THEODORE DZ I URMAN —I ,.......1. 73 ....-. a ,..., ROBERT F I L. I ATRAU LT —I - rn s. MAR I ELLEN GREENBURY Lv.-.!•'.- aN ("D 1 - 0) i _ If-I , , c'D - c •: . 7 2 vi I I ,,. ..._ I iII 1- _ - _ .....- _ : I r- - YES NO YES I NO / 11 !I 1 I ' NO /40 II YES I NO Y OAKLAND COMMUN ITV COLLEGE D I ST. TRANSFER PROPOS IT ION PRECINCT II OR WARD NUMBER STA I-LMENIT UF VOTES, LPL/HELLO/NY EFOS. & CO., KALAMAZOO, MICH, Form No. M.. CERT 71CATE OF CE.i. 'MINA' UN STATE OF MICHIGAN ss. COUNTY OF OAKLAND } We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for the County of OAKLAND from on examination of the Election Returns of FARM LNGION—RUBLIC -SC HOOLS _ received by said Board of Canvassers, LEGAL NAMS PH SCHOOL V 1RICI ANNUAL election held 6/9/80 ,tha t the persons listed below were duly determine that at the on - ANNUAL O rE17 'AL DATE OF ELECTION elected as members of the Board of Education of the said School District for the terms of office set opposite their name or names. Names of persons elected for a four / year term expiring - . - .,,.../ E , _ _ .klii?„.0 1 98L Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring - Names of persons elected for a two year term expir;rtg - Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring _ Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the Following Propositions or Questions were passed Cr defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSETiON Received , Passed Having I.Jfficient votes was none Not Received Defeated 2. NAME OF PSOPOSIflON Received c, fr . . Passed Having Not Received ,1-)nicierit votes was Defeated NAME OF PROPOSI1ION Received . Haying Not Received Suffcient votes was Defeated NAME Of PROPO5MOT-4 Received - Hav'i Suffcient votes was ng Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the County of OAKLAND__ ,.. this day of JULE 19 80 . s\--) ,,,,,..– Att , CHAiRMAN A . iii; ___, ,- . I ' - _ ' OF i _ _ --dr CLERK - z ARC OF CANVASSER , (..-1.:-Th CLI''''71D-C -i__G-Lc, -y-,