HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2006.03.22 - 28204March 23, 2006
REPORT (MISC. 106061)
BY: Personnel Committee, Gregory C. Jamian, Chairperson
RE: Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court/Family Division and Public
Services/Community Corrections Division — Program Year 2006 Juvenile
Accountability Block Grant (JABG) Acceptance
TO: Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee having reviewed the aforementioned Resolution on March
15, 2006 Reports with the recommendation the resolution be adopted.
Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the
foregoing report.
Personnel Committee Vote:
Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote with Coleman absent
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Michigan Family Independence Agency has awarded grant funding to the Prosecuting
Attorney and Circuit Court/Family Division under the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) for the
period of April 1, 2006 through March 31, 2007; and
WHEREAS this is the eighth (8th) year of grant acceptance for this program; and
WHEREAS this grant award has been processed through the County Executive's Contract Review
Process and the Board of Commissioners' Grant Application Procedures; and
WHEREAS the Michigan Family Independence Agency approved the grant application as submitted,
and awarded Oakland County a grant totaling $157,203 of which $141,482 is from the State as a Federal pass-
through, and the balance of $15,721 is the County's match amount; and
WHEREAS the required County match is included in the FY 2006/FY 2007 Adopted Budget; and
WHEREAS the grant award provides funding for the following: A Juvenile Drug Court to address the
problem of high recidivism, a Teen Court to provide a justice model within a peer setting, and Prosecuting
Attorney juvenile offender backlog reduction staffing; (see fiscal attachments A, B, C and D); and
WHEREAS the grant award provides funding to create one (1) Special Revenue (SR) part-time non-
eligible Assistant Prosecutor II position and continues funding for one (1) SR Probation Officer I position
(4010201-09330) in the Prosecutor's Office; and
WHEREAS the grant award provides funding to continue one (1) SR Youth and Family Caseworker II
position (3010402-09711) but changes the funding from full-time eligible to part-time eligible in the Circuit
Court/Family Division; and
WHEREAS the grant discontinued funding for a SR Para-Legal (4010201-09818) position in the
Prosecuting Attorney's Office and a SR Community Corrections Specialist II position (1070410-09820) in
Public Services/Community Corrections.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts
grant funding from the Michigan Family Independence Agency in the amount of $157,203, including County
match of $15,721 for the period of April 1, 2006 through March 31, 2007.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to create one (1) Special Revenue (SR) part-time non-eligible Assistant
Prosecutor II position and continue a SR Probation Officer I position (4010201-09330) in the Prosecutor's
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to continue a SR Youth and Family Caseworker 11 (3010402-09711) but
change funding from full-time eligible to part-time eligible in the Circuit Court/Family Division.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to delete a SR Para-Legal (4010201-09818) position in the Prosecuting
Attorney's Office and a SR Community Corrections Specialist 11 (1070410-09820) in Public Services/
Community Corrections Division due to lack of grant funding.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to
execute the grant agreement and to approve any grant extensions or changes within fifteen percent (15%) of the
original award, which is consistent with the original agreement as approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future
commitment, and continuation of the special revenue positions in the grant are contingent upon continued future
levels of grant funding.
Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Potter and
Gershenson absent.
GRANT REVIEW — Multi-Departmental
GRANT NAME: PY 2006 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG)
FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan Department of Human Services
DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Pamela Davis / 8-0247, Deb Carley / 8-0642
STATUS: Acceptance
DATE: February 28, 2006
Pursuant to Misc. Resolution #01320, please be advised the captioned grant materials have
completed internal grant review. Below are the comments returned by review departments.
The captioned grant materials and grant acceptance package (which should include the Board of
Commissioners' Liaison Committee Resolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance
Committee Fiscal Note, and this email containing grant review comments) may be requested to
be placed on the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant acceptance by
Board resolution.
Department of Management and Budget:
Approved.— Laurie Van Pelt (2/22/2006)
Department of Human Resources:
Approved. — Jennifer Mason (2/22/2006)
Risk Management and Safety:
Approved By Risk Management - Andrea Plotkowski (2/23/2006)
Corporation Counsel:
After reviewing this grant contract, there appear to be no unresolved legal issues that require
additional action at this time. — Karen Agacinski (2/27/2006)
PY 2005
PY 2006
PY 2005 Award
to PY 2006 Award
$ 126,318 $
$ 140,353 $
68,337 $ (57,981)
7,593 (6,442)
75,930 $ (64,423)
Juvenile Offender Backlog Reduction
4010201 27365 122060 610313 Grants-Federal
4010201 27365 122060 620467 Grant Match
$ 204,808
$ 204,808 Total
Backlog Reduction
122060 702010 Salaries
122060 722740 Fringe Benefits
122060 750294 Material and Supplies
Teen Court
4010201 27365
4010201 27365
4010201 27365
4010201 27365
$ 87,021
$ 140,353
$ 64,455
Juvenile Offender
4010201 27365
4010201 27365
4010201 27365
702010 Salaries
722740 Fringe Benefits
774636 I.T. Operations
778675 Telephone Comm.
School Violence
702010 Salaries
722740 Fringe Benefits
Attachment A
Prosecuting Attorney
Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG)
Comparison of PY 2005 Award to PY 2006 Grant Award
Number of positions
Dept Fund Program Account
Teen Court
4010201 27365 122060 610313 Grants-Federal
4010201 27365 122060 620467 Grant Match
School Violence
610313 Grants - Federal
620467 Grant Match
$ 58,010 $
$ 64,455 $
0 (6,445)
32,464 $ 32,464
3,608 3,608
$ 36,072 $ 36,072
$ 112,002 $ (92,806)
$ 48,570 $ (38,451)
27,360 (19,507)
$ 75,930 # $ (64,423)
31,059 $ 31,059
2,796 2,796
2,217 2,217
$ 36,072 $ 36,072
$ 112,002 $ (92,806)
$ 117,830
$ 130,922
$ 40,681
$ 45,201
1 0.5
Attachment B
Circuit Court - Family Division
Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG)
Comparison of PY 2005 Award to PY 2006 Grant Award
Award Award
PY 2005 PY 2006
PY 2005 Award
to PY 2006 Award
Number of positions -0.5
Dept Fund Program Account
3010402 27365 121200 610313 Grants-Federal
3010402 27365 121200 620467 Grant Match
Drug Court
3010402 27365
3010402 27365
3010402 27365
3010402 27365
3010402 27365
121200 702010 Salaries
121200 722740 Fringe Benefits
121200 731346 Personal Mileage
121200 731458 Professional Services
121200 774636 I.T. Operations
$ 52,729
$ 130,922
$ 29,633 $ (23,096)
15,568 (12,204)
$ 45,201 $ (85,721)
Attachment C
Community Corrections In-Step Program
Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG)
Comparison of PY 2005 Award to PY 2006 Grant Award
Award Award PY 2005 Award
PY 2005 PY 2006 to PY 2006 Award
Number of positions 1 0 -1
610313 Grants - Federal $ 77,097 $ - $ (77,097)
620467 Grant Match 8,566 - (8,566)
$ 85,663 $- $ (85,663)
702010 Salaries $ 52,347 $ - $ (52,347)
722740 Fringe Benefits 28,348 - (28,348)
731388 Printing 844 - (844)
774636 I.T. Operations 2,304 - (2,304)
778675 Telephone Comm. 1,820 - (1,820)
$ 85,663 $- $ (85,663)
5 2 -3
610313 Grants - Federal
620467 Grant Match
702010 Salaries
722740 Fringe Benefits
731346 Personal Mileage
731388 Printing
731458 Professional Services
750294 Material and Supplies
774636 I.T. Operations
778675 Telephone Comm.
Attachment D
JABG Grant Totals
Comparison of PY 2005 Award to PY 2006 Grant Award
PY 2005
PY 2006
PY 2005 Award
to PY 2006 Award.
Number of positions
$ 379,255
$ 421,393
$ 234,150
$ 421,393
$ 141,482 $ (237,773)
15,721 (26,417)
$ 157,203 $ (264,190)
$ 109,262 $ (124,888)
45,724 (79,665)
- (1,250)
- (844)
- (46,867)
2,217 2,217
- (9,352)
- (3,541)
$ 157,203 $ (264,190)
Contract/Grant No:
Contract/Grant Amount:
Method of Payment:
Actual Cost
Michigan Department of Human
(DHS) &
235 South Grand Avenue
P.O. Box 30037
Lansing, Michigan 48909
Services Oakland County (hereinafter referred to
as "Grantee")
1200 North Telegraph Road
Fiscal Services Division — Bldg. #34
Pontiac, Michigan 48341-0403
This Agreement is effective from April 1, 2006, through March 31, 2007.
Program Description
Purpose Area #11 - Accountability - Teen Court: The plan of action is to directly
address the identified needs in this area by continuing the program of Teen Court
which was implemented by the Prosecutor's Office in January of 2000. The
project will continue the funding for one full time Probation Office I position
(#41201-09330). The project provides enhanced system options using a
restorative justice model within a peer setting. Teen Court is a term describing a
voluntary diversion program for first-time juvenile offenders, which involves youth
and the community in the justice system. Additionally, the Teen Court will
increase the capacity to develop youth competence and responsibility. Cases are
referred to the Teen Court by local law enforcement, the Family Court, the
Prosecuting Attorney's Office, the City Attorney's Office, Parents and School
Officials. Cases which may be considered for Teen Court are those involving
lower-level misdemeanor crimes such as Minor in Possession of Alcohol,
Possession of Marijuana, Possession of Tobacco, Assault & Battery, Retail Fraud
II & III, Violation of Curfew, Reckless Driving, and Malicious Destruction of
If the referral is accepted, the juvenile may avoid having a delinquency record by
offering a plea to the charges and appearing before the Teen Court Jury for
sentencing. At the Teen Court session, the Jury, Prosecuting Attorney, Defense
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Attorney, Bailiff and Court Clerk are youth volunteers who have been previously
trained by the Teen Court Staff. The Judge is a District or Family Court Judge or
an adult attorney who has also volunteered his/her time to act as Teen Court
Judge. Upon listening to a presentation of the facts by the Teen Prosecuting
Attorney and Teen Defense Attorney, the Teen Jury deliberates and returns with
a constructive sentence derived from a pre-approved list of sentencing
alternatives. These alternatives may include community service, restitution,
apologies, essays and future service on a Teen Court Jury. It is important to note
that jurisdictions which have an operating Teen Court report less than a 10%
recidivism rate following successful completion of the Teen Court program.
Purpose Area #4 - Juvenile Offender - Backlog Reduction: To address the current
backlog of 75 police reports along with the constant flow of new police reports to
be reviewed, the current proposal is to create one part time non-eligible (PINE)
Assistant Prosecutor II position. Having the additional support of a PTNE
prosecutor will allow the prosecutors office to keep pace with the amount of
juvenile offenders, and their offenses. The elimination of the backlog will have
numerous benefits. The first will benefit crime victims, as they will have a more
immediate response to meet their needs. Juvenile offenders will have immediate
repercussions for their crimes and their delinquent behavior can be accordingly
addressed and corrected. Thirdly, this new position will promote judicial economy,
as there will be a timely adjudication for these juvenile offenders. Finally, the
prosecutor's office will be fully staffed to address this constant flow of potential
Purpose Area #8 - Juvenile Drug Court: This program directly addresses the
problem of high recidivism among juvenile offenders who abuse substances, by
providing funds to continue a half time (1/2 FTE - 1040 hour) Youth and Family
Caseworker II position (#35402-09711) for intensive supervision and treatment.
Based upon a national model, the juvenile drug court offers a community-based
intervention strategy, with close monitoring, frequent judicial contact, regular drug
testing, and a comprehensive array of assessment and treatment services.
The mission of the Oakland County Family-Focused Juvenile Drug Court is to
promote public safety and reduce juvenile drug crime rates by helping youths and
their families achieve drug free life-styles and stronger family relationships. The
goals are to reduce drug use, reduce recidivism, reduce the use of costly out-of-
home placements, and improve the overall functioning of the youth and families.
The target population is adjudicated youth who:
- have a non-violent offense history
- have a documented substance abuse history requiring intensive outpatient
- are repeat offenders, unless otherwise ordered, and
- agree to participate, along with their parents, in drug court activities.
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Eligible youth who have been screened, and have received a comprehensive
substance abuse evaluation through the Oakland County Office of Substance
Abuse Services, enter a 10-12 month program. The program consists of three
phases and an aftercare component. During each phase, the youth and family
meet regularly with the Juvenile Drug Court Judge, submit to frequent random
drug testing, and participate in specialized substance abuse treatment. Tangible
incentives are provided for clean drug screens and compliance with other
program requirements, and there are sanctions in response to positive drug tests
or other program infractions.
B. Substance Abuse Testing Policy
The Grantee shall maintain and enforce the substance abuse testing policy as
submitted by the Grantee in application for this Grant and as approved by DHS.
C. Local Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition:
Each grantee must establish a Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition (JCEC)
including, but not limited to, individuals representing (1) The State or local police
department; (2) the local sheriffs department; (3) the State or local prosecutor's
office; (40) the State or local Juvenile Court; (5) the State or local probation office;
(6) the State or local educational agency; (7) the State or local social services
agency; (8) a nonprofit, nongovernmental victim advocacy organization; and (9) a
nonprofit, religious or community group.
D. Service Documentation
The Grantee agrees to maintain program service records required by DHS,
program statistical records required by DHS, and to produce program narrative
and statistical data at times prescribed by, and on forms furnished by, DHS.
E. Evaluation Reporting Requirements
1. The Grantee shall comply with all program and fiscal review reporting
procedures established by DHS.
2. The Grantee shall submit to DHS all JAIBG Expenditure, Performance
Measurement, and Program Reports that indicate the status and
effectiveness of activities performed under this Agreement as indicated:
a. Performance Measurement Reports must be submitted on a monthly
basis prior to submitting the monthly financial report.
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16.523 90%
b. Submit the Monthly Financial Reports on a monthly basis by the 15th
of the month: Personnel, Fringes, Construction, Consultant/
Contractual, Travel, Supplies/Operating and Equipment and other.
c. Submit the Biannual Progress Reports on a biannual basis: Program
Objectives and Narrative and Purpose Area Expenditures to date.
3. Submit a year-end Final Expenditure and Program Report to contain the
following information within 60 days after termination of this Grant Award:
Program Objections and Narrative and Purpose area expenditures to date.
4. These reports shall be submitted via the Michigan Automated Grant
Information Connect (MAGIC) @ http://www.magic.state.mi.us/
F. Audit Requirements
Subrecipient Relationship
This Agreement constitutes a subrecipient relationship with DHS. The Grantee is
required to comply with all federal regulations that related to the accounting and
auditing of the federal award used to fund this contract. This includes, but is not
limited to, compliance with OMB Circular A-133.
Regulations applicable to funding sources are included in the Federal Catalog of
Domestic Assistance (CFDA). The CFDA number and federal financial
participation (FFP) rate DHS plans to use for this agreement are:
DHS may change the CFDA # and/or FFP rate during the course of this
agreement. CFDA numbers and FFP rates for this agreement shall be posted
quarterly on the DHS web site. The Grantee is required to check the web site to
obtain up to date information regarding the CFDA numbers.
The Grantee may consult the following website address to obtain CFDA
numbers, payments, and other audit information:
http://www.michigan.gov/dhs/0,1607,7-124-5455_7199_8380 —,00.html
DHS agrees to participate in audit cost related to the audit as described in other
sections of this contract.
Reporting Requirements
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If the Grantee is required per OMB Circular A-133 to have a Single Audit
performed, the Grantee must submit the Reporting Package and an Audit
Transmittal Letter to the DHS Office of Internal Audit at the address that follows
and in accordance with the time frame established in the Circular.
Reporting Package includes:
1. Financial statements and schedule of expenditures of Federal awards
2. Summary schedule of prior audit findings
3. Auditor's report(s)
4. Corrective action plan, if applicable
Audit Transmittal Letter
The Grantee is responsible to identify in the Audit Transmittal Letter all
organizations it operates that administer DHS subrecipient programs and the
different names the Grantee may use to contract with DHS. The Grantee is
responsible for proper completion and submission of the Audit Transmittal Letter.
This letter, to be accurately processed by DHS, must include the following
1. Grantee's name as reported in the DHS contract(s)
2. Grantee's Federal Identification number(s) as reported in the DHS
3. Grantee's fiscal year end
4. Identify other name(s) and other Federal Identification number(s) used by
the Grantee
If a Single Audit is not required per OMB Circular A-133, the Grantee must still
submit an Audit Transmittal Letter stating why a Single Audit was not required
and the Grantee's fiscal year to which the letter pertains. The Audit Transmittal
Letter should include items stated in the section, "Audit Transmittal Letter,"
described below. The letter may be mailed to the address below or faxed to (517)
Mailing address for all information:
Michigan Department of Human Services
Office of Internal Audit
235 S. Grand Ave. Suite 1112
Lansing, MI 48909
Attention: William Addison, CPA
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Audit Cost
Cost of the Single Audit can only be charged to this agreement if there is a
provision within this Agreement that allows payment for the Single Audit cost. No
audit cost may be charged to this agreement if the Grantee is not required to have
a Single Audit.
No audit costs may be charged to DHS when audits required by this contract
have not been performed or have not been performed in accordance with OMB
Circular A-133 requirements. Late submission of the Single Audit report is
considered non-compliance with this section and may be grounds to impose
DHS may impose sanctions if the Grantee fails to adhere to any of the audit
requirements in the contract. In cases of continued inability or unwillingness to
comply with audit requirements, DHS may recoup all federal payments made to
the Grantee during the period that a single audit was required but not performed.
G. Fiscal Requirements
1. The Grantee shall maintain an accounting system to identify and support all
expenditures billed to the DHS under this Agreement. The accounting
system must record all income and expenses for the Grantee's total
program of which services provided under this Agreement are a part. The
accounting system, as a minimum, shall consist of a chart of accounts, cash
receipts journal, cash disbursements journal, and general ledger. All
expenditures and income must be supported by vouchers and receipts that
detail the reason for the transaction.
2. The Grantee shall comply with all provisions of Office of Justice Programs'
"Financial Guide" (copy may be obtained from DHS' Bureau of Juvenile
3. The Grantee shall maintain, within the accounting system, salary and fringe
benefits accounts that break out positions, hospitalization, retirement,
workmen's compensation and other fringe benefits. The Grantee shall
establish and maintain payroll records for all employees. The Grantee, in
establishing and allocating salary and wages for employees, shall support
these charges by electing to establish either:
a. An adequate appointment and workload distribution system,
accompanied by monthly reviews showing the actual changes in the
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workload distribution of each employee (i.e., an exception reporting
system); or,
b. A monthly after-the-fact certification system that requires persons in
supervisory positions having first-hand knowledge of the services
performed to report the distribution of effort (i.e., a positive reporting
4. The Grantee shall request advance approval from DHS for expenditures
exceeding any budgeted line item in the Grant Application Budget by more than
10% or $3,000 whichever is greater, or any proposed modification to the program
services to be provided, as identified in this Agreement.
5. The Grantee shall assure that funds from this Agreement will not be used to
supplant other state or local funds which provide services described in this
Agreement, and shall not use this Agreement to substitute or replace other state
or other local funds which would otherwise be used to provide the services
described in this Agreement.
6. The Grantee shall contribute a cash match of ten percent (10%) of the program's
total cost (other than costs of construction of permanent corrections facilities,
which require a fifty percent (50%) match).
7. The Grantee shall assure that funds received from any federal sources other than
those listed below will not be used as the cash match required for the JAIBG
Grant, (1) Funds from States and units of local government; (2) Housing and
Community Development Act of 1974; (3) Appalachian regional Development
Act; (4) Equitable Sharing Program, a Federal asset forfeiture distribution
program to State and local officials; (5) Private funds; (6) Program income and the
related interest on that program income may be used as match provided it is
identified and approved; (7) Program income funds earned from seized assets
and forfeitures; (8) Funds appropriated by Congress for the activities of any
agency of a Tribal government or the Bureau of Indian Affairs performing law
enforcement function on Tribal lands; (9) Otherwise authorized by law.
8. The Grantee shall allow for no more than a maximum of five percent (5%) of the
total program costs to be allocated for administrative costs.
H. Billing/Payment Method
1. As used in this Agreement, "Cost Documentation" refers to the JABG
Budget Summary attached hereto.
2. The Actual Cost Reimbursement Method shall be used in claiming
reimbursement under this Agreement. The cost documentation is hereby
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made a part of this Agreement. The Grantee certifies that this budget has
been prepared in accordance with the Budget Completion Instructions
provided by DHS. This document details the amount and object of
expenditures for which the Grantee shall use funds paid under this
Agreement. The Grantee is authorized to expend funds only for those
resources indicated in the budget that are allowable, properly allocated and
reasonable as defined in the Budget Completion Instructions. Only costs
actually incurred may be billed to DHS.
3. The Grantee shall follow and adhere to the budget. However, expenditures
up to a 10% increase or $3,000 whichever is greater above the direct cost
line item budget categories are permissible provided the sum of all
expenditures does not exceed the total amount of the Agreement.
a. The Grantee must obtain prior, written approval from DHS to increase
any line item by more than 10% or $3,000, whichever is greater. The
Grantee shall not be reimbursed for any expenditure incurred in
budget line items that do not include dollar amounts.
b. The DHS representative authorized to approve budget revisions is the
Office of Contracts and Rate Setting.
c. The Grantee's request for DHS' approval must contain sufficient
information to allow DHS to identify which budget line items are to be
increased and which line items are to be decreased, staying within the
originally approved budget total.
4. For mileage costs incurred related to services provided under this
agreement, the Grantee may bill DHS' established standard rate, or
Grantee's usual reimbursement rate for employees, whichever is less. State
of Michigan travel rates can be found at the following website:
http://www.michigan.govklmb/0,1607,7-150-9141_13132 —,00.html
I. Billing Procedure
In order to receive the payment, Monthly Performance Measurement reports
must be submitted on MAGIC prior to the submission of the Monthly Financial
The Grantee shall submit a monthly Financial Report or other BJJ form as
identified by JAIBG unit to DHS. This report shall indicate actual expenditures
incurred broken out by category of expense in the performance of this Agreement
for the period being billed and the units of service delivered. This Statement shall
be submitted to DHS within fifteen (15) days from the end of the billing period. For
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the month of September, billings shall be submitted as reasonably directed
by the contract administrator to meet fiscal year end closing deadlines. In
no event, shall the DHS make payment to the Grantee for billings submitted more
than 90 days after the end of a billing period.
A. Payment
DHS shall make payments to the Grantee approximately four weeks after receipt
by DHS of the Grantee's monthly financial reports detailing program related
budgeting expenditures as set forth in the Cost Documentation attached to this
B. Maximum Amount
The Grantee is eligible for up to One hundred, fifty-seven thousand, two hundred
and three dollars and 00/100 ($157,203). Of that amount, DHS hereby agrees to
pay the Grantee an amount not to exceed One hundred forty-one thousand, four
hundred and eighty-two and 00/100 ($141,482) for services performed under this
Agreement exclusively during the fiscal period April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2007.
Obligations incurred prior to or after the period covered by this Agreement shall
be excluded from the Grantee's monthly invoices.
C. Evaluation Criteria
The services provided by the Grantee under this Agreement shall be evaluated
by the DHS on the basis of the following criteria:
Reduced juvenile crime and recidivism.
A. DHS' Source of Funds-Termination
OHS' payment of funds for purposes of this Agreement is subject to and
conditional upon the availability of funds for such purposes, being Federal and/or
State funds. No commitment is made by DHS to continue or expand activities
covered by this Agreement. DHS may terminate this Agreement immediately
upon written notice to the Grantee at any time prior to the completion of this
Agreement if, in the opinion of DHS, funding becomes unavailable for this service
or such funds are restricted.
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B. Civil Service Rules and Regulations
The State of Michigan is obligated to comply with Article XI, Section 5, of the
Michigan Constitution and applicable civil service rules and regulations. Other
provisions to this Agreement notwithstanding, the State personnel director is
authorized to disapprove contractual disbursements for personal services if the
State personnel director determines that the contract violates Article XI, Section 5
of the Michigan Constitution or applicable civil service rules and regulations.
C. Fees and Other Sources of Funding
The Grantee guarantees that any claims made to DHS under this Agreement
shall not be financed by any source other than DHS under the terms of this
Agreement. If funding is received through any other source, the Grantee agrees
to delete from Grantee's billings, or to immediately refund to DHS, the total
amount representing such duplication of funding.
The Grantee may not accept reimbursement from a client unless the Agreement
specifically authorizes such reimbursement in the "Grantee Responsibility"
section. In such case, a detailed fee scale and criteria for charging the fee must
be included. If the Grantee accepts reimbursement from a client in accordance
with the terms of the Agreement, the Grantee shall deduct these fees from billings
to DHS.
Other third party funding sources, e.g., insurance companies, may be billed for
contracted client services. Third party reimbursement shall be considered
payment in full unless the third party fund source requires a co-pay, in which case
DHS may be billed for the amount of the co-pay. No supplemental billing is
D. Reporting
The Grantee shall comply with all program and fiscal reporting procedures as are
or may hereinafter be established by DHS. The Grantee shall also comply with all
reporting procedures established by DHS in completion of progress reports at
time intervals, on forms, in formats, and by means specified by DHS. In particular,
reports or billing documents denoting event dates shall record month, day and
year as specified by DHS. In all electronic filings, four digits shall be used to
designate century. Any additional reports as deemed necessary by DHS shall be
made and submitted by the Grantee upon request.
E. Examination and Maintenance of Records
The Grantee shall permit DHS or any of its identified agents access to the
facilities being utilized at any reasonable time to observe the operation of the
program. Further, the Grantee shall retain all books, records or other documents
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relevant to this Agreement for six years after final payment, at the Grantee's cost,
and Federal auditors and any persons duly authorized by DHS shall have full
access to and the right to examine and audit any of said material during said
period. If an audit is initiated prior to the expiration of the six-year period and
extends past that period, all documents shall be maintained until the audit is
completed. DHS shall provide findings and recommendations of audits to the
Grantee. DHS shall adjust future payments or final payment if the findings of an
audit indicate over payment to the Grantee in any period prior to the audit. If no
payments are due and owing the Grantee, the Grantee shall refund all amounts
which may be due DHS within 30 days of notice by DHS. The Grantee shall
assure, as a condition of any sale or transfer of ownership of the Grantee agency,
that the new purchasers or owner maintains the above-described books, records
or other documents for any unexpired portion of the six-year period after final
payment under this Agreement or the Grantee shall otherwise maintain said
records as DHS may direct. If business operations cease, the Grantee shall
maintain records as DHS may direct.
The Grantee shall, as a provision of the Agreement between the Grantee and the
auditor, assure that DHS may make reasonable inquiries of the auditor relating to
audit workpapers and, furthermore, that OHS may review the auditor's
workpapers in support of the audit.
F. Compliance with Civil Rights, Other Laws
The Grantee shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of
employment, or a matter directly or indirectly related to employment, because of
race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, height, weight or marital status
pursuant to P.A. 453 of 1976, Section 209. The Grantee shall also comply with
the provisions of the Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act, P.A.
1976, No. 220, as amended (M.C.L. Section 37.1101 et. seq.) and Section 504 of
the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, P.L. 93-112, 87 Stat. 355, which states
that no employee or client or otherwise qualified handicapped individual shall,
solely by reason of this handicap, be excluded from participation, be denied the
benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity
receiving Federal financial assistance. Further, the Grantee shall comply with the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), P.L. 101-336, 104 Stat. 327, which
prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities and provides
enforcement standards. The Grantee shall comply with all other Federal, State or
local laws, regulations and standards, and any amendments thereto, as they may
apply to the performance of this Agreement.
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G. Publication - Approval and Copyright
The State of Michigan shall have copyright, property and publication rights in all
written or visual material or other work products developed in connection with this
Agreement. The Grantee shall not publish or distribute any printed or visual
material relating to the services provided under this Agreement without prior
written permission of the State of Michigan.
If the Grantee or an agent of the Grantee creates and/or reproduces under this
Agreement materials which are developed for consumption by the general public
or as a general information tool and which are funded in whole or in part with
State of Michigan funds, the Grantee or its agent must include one of the
statements referenced below, as they apply:
• This program is funded by the State of Michigan or
• This program is funded in part by the State of Michigan
News releases (including promotional literature and commercial advertisements)
pertaining to this Agreement shall not be made without prior written DHS
approval, and then only in accordance with the explicit written instructions from
DHS. No results of the activities associated with the Agreement are to be
released without prior written approval of DHS and then only to persons
H. Confidentiality
The use or disclosure of information concerning services, applicants or recipients
obtained in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be restricted
to purposes directly connected with the administration of the programs
implemented by this Agreement. In all other cases, disclosure shall be made only
when required by federal and state laws, court orders and subpoenas, or
subpoenas by a grand jury.
I. Property Title
Equipment acquired with Juvenile Justice Act Formula and Victims of Crime Act
Assistance (Formula) Funds (OJJDP & OVC). Equipment acquired under and
award shall be used and managed to ensure that the equipment is used for
criminal justice purposes. Standards and procedures governing ownership, use,
management, and disposition are as follows:
1. Title
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Title to equipment acquired under an award or subaward will vest upon
acquisition in the recipient or subrecipient subject to the obligations and
conditions set forth in 28 CFR Part 66.
2. Use
a. A State shall use equipment acquired under an award by the State in
accordance with State laws and procedures. The awarding agency
encourages the States to follow the procedures set forth in this Guide.
b. Other government recipients and subrecipients shall use equipment in
accordance with the following requirements:
1) Equipment must be used by the recipient or subrecipient in the
program or project for which it was acquired as long as needed,
whether or not the project or program continues to be supported
by Federal funds. When no longer needed for the original
program or project, the equipment may be used in other
activities currently or previously supported by a Federal agency.
2) The recipient or subrecipient shall also make equipment
available for use on other projects or programs currently or
previously supported by the Federal government, providing such
use does not interfere with the work on the projects or programs
for which it was originally acquired. First preference for other use
shall be given to other programs or projects supported by the
awarding agency. User fees should be considered and treated
as program income to the project, if appropriate.
3) Notwithstanding program income, the recipient or subrecipient
shall not use equipment acquired with funds to provide services
for a fee to compete unfairly with private companies that provide
equivalent services, unless specifically permitted or
contemplated by Federal statute.
4) When acquiring replacement equipment, recipients or
subrecipients may use the equipment to be replaced as a trade-
in or sell the equipment and use the proceeds to offset the cost
of the replacement equipment subject to the written approval of
the awarding agency.
J. Subcontracts
The Grantee shall not assign this Agreement or enter into subcontracts to this
Agreement with additional parties without obtaining prior written approval of DHS'
CM-F158 (Rev. 10-05) Previous Edition Obsolete. MS Word
Office of Contracts and Rate Setting. DHS, as a condition of granting such
approval, shall require that such assignees or subgrantees shall be subject to all
conditions and provisions of this Agreement including Criminal Record and
Central Registry background checks. The Grantee shall be responsible for the
performance of all assignees or subgrantees.
The Grantee obligates the direct service subgrantees to maintain DHS'
confidential information in confidence. At DHS' request, any employee of the
Grantee and of any subgrantee having access or continued access to DHS'
confidential information may be required to execute an acknowledgment that the
employee has been advised of Grantee's and the subgrantee's obligations under
this section and of the employee's obligation to Grantee or subgrantee, as the
case may be, to protect such confidential information from unauthorized use of
K. Cancellation of Agreement
DHS may cancel the Agreement without further liability to DHS or its employees
by giving the Grantee written notice of such cancellation thirty days prior to the
date of cancellation. The Grantee may terminate this Agreement upon thirty days
written notice to OHS at any time prior to the completion of the Agreement period.
In case of default by the Grantee, DHS may immediately cancel the Agreement
without further liability to OHS or its employees, and procure the services from
other sources.
In addition, DHS may immediately cancel the Agreement without further liability to
DHS or its employees if the Grantee, an officer of the Grantee, or an owner of a
25% or greater share of the Grantee is convicted of a criminal offense incident to
the application for or performance of a State, public, or private contract or
subcontract; or convicted of a criminal offense including but not limited to any of
the following: embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of
records, receiving stolen property, attempting to influence a public employee to
breach the ethical conduct standards for State of Michigan employees; convicted
under State or Federal antitrust statutes; or convicted of any other criminal
offense which, in the sole discretion of DHS, reflects on the Grantee's business
OHS may cancel the Agreement upon thirty days written notice if OHS
determines that the Grantee, its agent, or its representative has offered or given a
gratuity, kickback, money, gift, or any thing of value to an officer, official, or
employee of the State intended, by the gratuity, to obtain a contract or favorable
treatment under a contract. The Grantee hereby certifies that no funds have been
given to any state officer, official, or state employee for influencing or attempting
to influence such officer, official, or employee of the State.
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L. Closeout
When this Agreement is concluded or terminated, the Grantee shall provide DHS,
within sixty (60) days after conclusion or termination, with all financial,
performance and other reports required as a condition of the Agreement. DHS
shall make payments to the Grantee for allowable reimbursable costs not covered
by previous payments. The Grantee shall immediately refund to DHS any
payments or funds advanced to the Grantee in excess of allowable reimbursable
M. Continuing Responsibilities
Termination, conclusion, or cancellation of this Agreement shall not be construed
so as to terminate the ongoing responsibilities of the Grantee or rights of DHS
contained in Section III, "Examination and Maintenance of Records" and Section
III, "Closeout" of this Agreement.
N. Disputes
The Grantee shall notify DHS in writing of intent to pursue a claim against DHS
for breach of any terms of this Agreement. No suit may be commenced by the
Grantee for breach of this Agreement prior to the expiration of ninety (90) days
from the date of such notification. Within this ninety (90) day period, the Grantee,
at the request of DHS, must meet with the Director of DHS or designee for the
purpose of attempting resolution of the dispute.
0. Agreement Inclusiveness/Amendment
This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties.
No other understanding, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this
Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. The
Grantee shall, upon request by DHS and receipt of a proposed amendment,
amend this Agreement, if and when required in the opinion of DHS, due to the
revision of Federal or State laws or regulations. If the Grantee refuses to sign
such amendment within fifteen (15) days after receipt, this Agreement shall
terminate upon such refusal. This Agreement may otherwise be amended only by
the written consent of all the parties hereto.
P. Termination - Unfair Labor Practice
Pursuant to 1980 Public Act 278, as amended, MCL 423.231, et seq., DHS shall
not award a contract or subcontract to an employer whose name appears in the
current register of employers failing to correct an unfair labor practice compiled
pursuant to Section 2 of the Act. A Grantee of the State, in relation to the
Contract, shall not enter into a contract with a subgrantee, manufacturer, or
supplier whose name appears in this register. Pursuant to Section 4 of 1980
CM-F158 (Rev. 10-05) Previous Edition Obsolete. MS Word
Public Act 278, MCL 432.324, DHS may void any contract upon fifteen (15) days
notice if, subsequent to award of the contract, the name of the Grantee as an
employer, or the name of the subgrantee, manufacturer or supplier of the Grantee
appears in the register.
Q. Monitoring Requirements
DHS reserves the right to perform unscheduled on-site visits during normal
business hours, to monitor the Grantee's activities under this Agreement at any
time, either during the term, or within one year after termination of the Agreement.
The Grantee shall cooperate with OHS during the monitoring process by making
available all records, facilities, and other resources necessary to perform the
If DHS detects noncompliance with this Agreement, and/or questioned costs
during the course of its review, these items shall be identified and conveyed to the
Grantee in an exit conference. OHS shall provide the Grantee with a detailed
written report of these findings within thirty (30) days of the exit conference. The
Grantee is required to address each item in DHS' report by providing a Corrective
Action Plan (CAP) to eliminate or correct each issue of noncompliance. The
Grantee shall submit the Corrective action plan to DHS within thirty (30) days
from issuance of OHS' report.
If DHS identifies questioned costs that cannot be substantiated, DHS may, at its
discretion, and after consultation with the Grantee, require the Grantee to submit
revised Monthly Financial Report: to reflect adjustment for disallowed costs.
Submission of revised billings to OHS shall be made within a time schedule
established by DHS and the Grantee. If the Grantee fails to comply with
monitoring requirements as set forth in this Agreement, and within allotted time
frames mutually established, OHS may, at its discretion, invoke sanctions on the
Grantee, which may include, but are not limited to, actions to collect disallowed
costs and/or cancellation of the Agreements.
R. Recoupment of Funding
If the Grantee fails to comply with monitoring requirements as set forth in this
Agreement, or fails to submit a revised Monthly Financial Report within allotted
time frames established by DHS in consultation with the Grantee, OHS may, at its
discretion, recoup or require the Grantee to reimburse payments made under this
Agreement which OHS has determined that the Grantee has been overpaid.
Upon notification by DHS that repayment is required, the Grantee shall make
payment directly to DHS within 30 days or OHS may withhold current or future
payments made under this or any other agreements, current or future, between
OHS and the Grantee.
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If the Grantee fails to: (1) correct noncompliance activities identified by DHS, (2)
submit revised billings as requested as part of a Corrective Action Plan when
required; or (3) remit overpayments or make arrangements to have the
overpayments deducted from future payments within 30 days, such failure shall
constitute grounds to terminate immediately any or all of DHS' agreements with
the Grantee. DHS shall also report noncompliance of Grantee to Michigan's
Department of Management and Budget. Such report may result in Grantee's
debarment from further contracts with the State of Michigan.
S. Reporting of Retiree Employment
reimbursement may be claimed under this agreement for salary or subcontracting
expense for any employee who retired from the State of Michigan using the early
retirement program authorized by PA 93 of 2002.
The Grantee shall provide written notification within fifteen (15) days of hiring to
DHS Office of Contracts and Rate Setting (OCRS) the name, social security
number, and work site of any employee who retired from the State of Michigan
using the early retirement program authorized by PA 93 of 2002. Failure to notify
the OCRS within the allotted time period may result in the exclusion as
disallowance of all costs related to this agreement up to the time the proper
notification is received by OCRS.
T. Certifications Regarding Lobbying
As required by section 1352, Title 31 of the U.S. Code, and implemented at 28
CFR Part 69, for persons entering into a grant or cooperative agreement over
$100,000, as defined at 28 CFR Part 69, the Grantee certifies that:
1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on
behalf of the undersigned, to any persons influencing or attempting to
influence an officer or employee of an department, a member of Congress,
an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of
Congress in connection with the making of any Federal grant, the entering
into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation,
renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal grant or cooperative
2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be
paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or
employee of any department, a member of Congress, an officer or
CM-F158 (Rev. 10-05) Previous Edition Obsolete. MS Word
employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in
connection with this Federal grant or cooperative agreement, the
undersigned shall complete and submit Standard form — LLL, "Disclosure of
Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions.
3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be
included in the award documents for all sub-awards at all tiers (including
sub-grants, contracts under grants and cooperative agreements, and
subcontracts) and that all sub-recipients shall certify and disclose
U. Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility
As required by Executive Federal order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, and
implementation at 28 CFR Part 67, for prospective participants in primary covered
transactions, as defined at 28 CFR Part 67, Section 67.510. The Grantee certifies
they and their principals:
1. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared
ineligible, sentenced to a denial of Federal benefits by a State or Federal
court, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal
department or department.
2. Have not within a three-year period preceding this agreement been
convicted of or had civil judgement rendered against them for commission
of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to
obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or local) transaction or
contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust
statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification
or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen
3. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a
governmental entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the
offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of this certification; and
4. Have not within a three-year period preceding this Agreement had one or
more public transactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause and
default; and
5. Where the parties are unable to certify to any of the statements in this
certification, he or she shall attach an explanation to this agreement.
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The Grantee shall promptly notify DHS of any criminal litigation, investigations or
proceeding which may have arisen or may arise involving the Grantee or any of
the Grantee's subgrantees, or any of the foregoing entities' then current officers or
directors during the term of this Agreement and three years thereafter.
All notices shall be provided in writing to DHS within fifteen business days after
the Grantee learns about any such criminal or civil investigations and within fifteen
days after the commencement of any proceeding, litigation, or arbitration, as
otherwise applicable. Details of settlements, which are prevented from disclosure
by the terms of the settlement, shall be annotated as such. The Grantee may rely
on similar good faith certifications of its subgrantees, which certification shall be
available for inspection at the option of DHS.
The Grantee certifies to the best of its knowledge that within the past three (3)
years, the Grantee has not;
1. Failed to substantially perform a state contract or subcontract according to
its terms, conditions, and specifications within specified time limits.
2. Refused to provide information or documents required by a contract
including, but not limited to information or documents necessary for
monitoring contract performance.
3. Failed to respond to requests for information regarding contract compliance,
or accumulated repeated substantiated complaints regarding performance
of a contract.
4. Failed to perform a state contract or subcontract in a manner consistent with
any applicable state or federal law, rule, regulation, order, or decree.
Grantee shall include above language in Part V in all subcontracts with other
The Grantee shall require each primary subgrantee, whose sub contract will
exceed $25,000, to disclose to the Grantee, in writing, whether at of the time of
the award of the sub contract, the subgrantee, or its principals, is or is not
debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment by the State of Michigan. The
Grantee shall then inform DHS of the subgrantee's status and reasons for the
Grantee's decision to use such subgrantee, if the Grantee so decides.
If it is determined that the Grantee knowingly rendered an erroneous certification
under this provision, in addition to the other remedies available to the state, DHS
may immediately terminate this Agreement.
If the state finds that grounds to debar exist, it shall send notice to the Grantee of
proposed debarment indicating the grounds for proposed debarment and the
procedures for requesting a hearing. If the Grantee does not respond with a
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written request for a hearing within twenty (20) calendar days, the state shall
issue the decision to debar without a hearing. The debarment period may be of
any length up to eight (8) years. After the debarment period expires, the Grantee
may reapply for inclusion on bidder lists through the regular application process
by authority of Executive Order 2003-1.
V. Compliance with Federal and State Requirements
The Grantee shall comply with all Federal, State or local statutes, regulations and
administrative rules, and any amendments thereto, as they may apply to the
performances of this Agreement.
The Grantee shall keep informed of federal, state, and local laws, ordinances,
rules, regulations, orders, and decrees of bodies or tribunals having any
jurisdiction/authority that in any manner affects those engaged in or employed on
the work done under this Agreement or that in any manner affects the conduct of
the work done under this Agreement.
W. Freedom of Information Act
All information in this Agreement is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of
Information Act. 1976 public Act No. 442, as amended, MCL 15.231, et seq.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DHS and the Grantee have caused this Agreement to be
executed by their respective officers duly authorized to do so.
The Undersigned has the lawful authority to bind the Grantee to the terms set forth in this
Dated at Pontiac , Michigan Oakland County
This day of , By:
Dated at Lansing , Michigan DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES
This day of By: ,
Contract #: JAIBG-06-63001
CM-F158 (Rev. 10-05) Previous Edition Obsolete MS Word
FISCAL NOTE (MISC. #06061) March 23, 2006
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the
above referenced resolution and finds:
1. The Michigan Family Independence Agency has awarded grant funding
to the Prosecuting Attorney and Circuit Court/Family Division
under the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) for the
period of April 1, 2006 through March 31, 2007.
2. The grant award of $157,203 provides funding to the following:
Teen Court program and Juvenile Offender backlog reduction in the
Prosecuting Attorney's Office and a portion of the Circuit
Court/Family Division's Juvenile Drug Court.
3. The State contribution is $141,482 (90%) and the County grant
match is $15,721 (10%), which is included in the FY 2006/FY 2007
Adopted Budget Non-departmental grant match line item.
4. In addition to the County match requirements, the County is
expected to incur administrative and support costs of $14,586,
which have been included in the FY 2006/FY 2007 budget. This
grant does not allow for recovery of those costs.
5. The grant creates one (1) part-time non-eligible Assistant
Prosecutor II position.
6. The grant discontinues funding for one (1) Para-Legal (position
number 4010201-09818) in the Prosecuting Attorney's Office and
one (1) Community Corrections Specialist II (position number
1070410-09820) in the Community Corrections Division.
7. A budget amendment is recommended as follows:
General Fund #10100
Grant Match
Transfer Out
Transfer Out
$ 11,201
JABG Grant Fund #27365
4010201-122060-610313 Grants - Federal $100,801
4010201-989999-695500-10100 Transfer In $ 11,201
3010402-121200-610313 Grants - Federal $ 40,681
3010402-989999-695500-10100 Transfer In $ 4,520
Total Revenue $157,203
Prosecuting Attorney Teen Court Program
4010201-122060-702010 Salaries
4010201-122060-722740 Fringe Benefits
Sub-Total Pros. Atty. Teen Ct. Program
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
$ 48,570
$ 27,360
$ 75,930
Prosecuting Attorney Juvenile Offender Backlog Reduction
4010201-122060-702010 Salaries $ 31,059
4010201-122060-722740 Fringe Benefits $ 2,796
4010201-122060-750294 Materials & Supplies $ 2,217
Sub-Total Pros. Atty. Juv. Offender $ 36,072
Circuit Court Drug Court
3010402-121200-702010 Salaries
3010402-121200-722740 Fringe Benefits
Sub-Total Cir. Ct. Drug Court
Total Expenditures
$ 29,633
$ 15,568
$ 45,201
Resolution #06061 March 23, 2006
Moved by Scott supported by Gregory the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent Agenda be
adopted (with accompanying reports being accepted).
AYES: Coleman, Coulter, Crawford, Douglas, Gregory, Hatchett, Jamian, KowaII, Long, Melton,
Middleton, Molnar, Moss, Nash, Palmer, Patterson, Potter, Rogers, Scott, Suarez, Wilson,
Woodward, Zack, Bullard. (24)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolutions (with fiscal notes attached) on the Consent Agenda
(with accompanying reports being accepted) were adopted.
I, Ruth Johnson, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and
accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on March 23, 2006,
with the original record thereof now remaining in my office,
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at
Pontiac, Michigan this 23rd day of March, 2006.
Ruth Johnson, County Clerk