HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.06.12 - 2826OAKLAND XKKIXXXXXXXXXXNXXNXXXXIXXAMCXXXXXX _COUNTY, MICHIGAN OF FARMI NGTON PUBL I C SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 12, 1972 NVASS 01. vitTts CAST AT T E ELECTIOti ANNUAL HELD ON JUNE 12 , 1972 (DATE 4,-)F ELECTION) AND ..cANVA:S5PP BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY C .......,.. LI,,, 1 :',7 i -:i\, i .1)".., 1 IQ 1 , . - . ti t . 1 , . ,) a i ff,,1 4;) ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road 0 KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Orcler by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Speelly whether General, Primary or Special Election U MEM (F PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER Vr TOTALS '-r .4 lAVCB .!Je / ir GEORGE V. STRELCZUK 'TOTALS:. - .00.01:....COL4EGE...TROSTEE. (SIX ..YEAk:TERM) Vote for . Two 1-7 71..- CELIA CHAPIN DANTE MITT° JOHNSON I itt-?5 J. HAROLD ELLEI1S L I LA •1011 LL:I.AMJI. ...LEFF-EL TOTALS STATEMENT OF VOTES OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES Li tR-BD. ,OF:.EDUCATION kir Year Tertn)Vote:fora... LLIAM R. CORLISS ALBERT A. DAR IAN BRUCE E. DUKE JOE T' DAVI D GAYNER KENNETH JAMES GUION DAVID MICHAEL JONES JACK MI NGO PAUL T.OLI VIER, JR. G. KENNETH POYE -HERVyN :B.. ROSS. g GEORGE R. MOSHER !_.:2 el/ 4t. STATEMENT OF :MOTES .• PliT: ilGURIES The Vo'h6 MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION ,.20fficeo f (FOUR YEAR TERM) Vote for Oge number of votes g iven f as ' - nd they were given for the following named persons.; received received received M30423_, recOkyp ;--e-cf-ire' of WILLIAM R. CORLISS ALBERT A. DAR IAN BRUCE E. DUKE JOE T. FOWLKES Ilke-wilde number a •vCites • N..oter w-CLS DAVID V. GAYNER votes received / received [ KENNETH JAMES GUION DAVIDI MICHAEL JONES JACK MI NGO received 4i94.4?%-,74a1. rpqoly.e: of AW4aS nal - received vote5, voles PAUL 1, OLIVIER, JR. G KENNETH POYE [ - r [ MgRVYN B. ROSS received received: r GEORGE V. STRELCZUK The whole number of vOtes give .REC or the biTic.7e ...COMMUNITY:-.COLLEGE..TRYSTEE. :(S1)L._YEAR.•__TFRM) Vctc for Tt , and ,ffitiy were gi,en for the foilowing named persc.ns; receivel. IL receive received CELIA CHAPIN DANTE DiVITTO J HAROLD ELLENS received vote HOPE ..PRFY f _1 fl . recelvecr. ; e , A. . received ',l. - /I (,,,,: , received /f received i ... received :v6teis... ROSEMARY HULL LI LA R. JOHNSON votes WILLIAM M. LEFFEL [ GEORGE R. AOSHER-r. vote The Board or Canvassers of the COUNTY OAKLAND. . of Coonty, City, To.wnziiiiip or .•.I C i at the ANNUAL Election, held on the That votes is elected- That_ votes is elec--t.- _having received the Icir.7jest ncimbete Lt7 having reckved the largest 111-R4448--- trilber o votes is elected MEM That _having received t .aving rece.ived the lorges having 'received the larges 6t CERTIFICATE OF DIF 3, ERMIN .S1AT1.L. OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OAKLAND SE4. koving Ascerta ined and Canvassed the votes 0f soid____FARM1 NGTON PUBL I C SCHOOL D I STR I CT _ _ _ _ . . 12th JUNE doy one thousand nine hundred and SEVENTY-TWO. Do Hereby Certify and Determine ---em That /k4..d.4-%—e.--,--_VPT--j received the largest number of F BOARD OF EDUCATION - FOUR YEAR TERM - EXP I R I NG 1976 havinq the numbei r:f votes is elect°. ; ; That votes is elected_ _ That votes is elected _ That votes is elected_ That _ votes is elected__ „ That votes is elected___ _ votes is elected That- votes is elected_ votes is elected___ Thcit votes is elected__ _ That votes is elected- _ That votes is elected__ _having received the largest •of.. _ having received the lcirgest number of received the largest number of having received the largest number of __having received the largest iFse .hoivrig received the largest number of g received the largest mmti,-..er o f __having received th.e loraetnwiilc of NAME OF PROPOSITION XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX NAME OF PROpOSMON XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX NAME OF PROPOSMON XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CLERK OF BOARD Or .CAP4V-A WS. CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. having received the largest number a That votes is elected That having received :he largest number a votes is elected That „. having received the largest number of votes is elected having received the largesl number a That votes is elected That having receivec:1 the largest number votes is elected That .._having received,Hthe.lcirgest..nUMber.:O votes is elected That having received the votes is elected That having received the largest number 0 votes is elected__ Do. Further Hereby Determine; That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: Received ving ro ufficient• votesNot Received Was Passed Defeated Received . . Having " , Sufficient votes Not rteceivea Flaying Received . Passed Not Received Sunicient votes was rjelemed was nefecitec71 Passed_ NAME OF PROPOSITION XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Received Having Not Received Passed ficient votes was Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set of the_ COUNTY (County, COI, shi this ' in the year one timusand nj ave hereunto set our hands and af(ixed the S ,4 OAKLAND or V Huge) (County, City, Towoghip or Vi Hoge) day of JUNE ii-tiundred and SEVENTY —TWO. (HARMAN. k30:0NRLI:OF., CANVASSERS ATTEST: