HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions - 2007.04.26 - 2833904 REPORT (1M. 107106) April 26, 2007
gel BY: Finance Committee, Mike Rogers, Chairperson
To: The Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Finance Committee, having reviewed the above-referenced
resolution, recommends th4e NOW THEREFORE BE TI RESOLVED paragraph
be amended as follows:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of
Commissioners accepts grant funding from the MILrch-igan Family
Department of Human Services in the amount of
$169,337, including County match of $16,904 for the period of April
1, 2007 through March 31, 2008.
Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance Committee, I move
acceptance of the foregoing report.
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter
April 26, 2007
REPORT (MISC. 107106)
BY: Personnel Committee, Thomas F. Middleton, Chairperson
RE: Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court - Family Division, Children's Village
and Community Corrections: Program Year 2007 Juvenile Accountability
Block Grant (JABG) Acceptance
TO: Oakland County Board of Commissioners
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Personnel Committee having reviewed the above mentioned Resolution on April
18, 2007 Reports with the recommendation the resolution be amended as follows:
Independence Agency" be corrected to read, the "Department of Human Services".
The Personnel Committee further recommends the Resolution be adopted as corrected.
Chairperson, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, I move the acceptance of the
foregoing report.
Personnel Committee Vote:
Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote with Scott, Gosselin, Coleman and Hatchett
April 26, 2007
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
WHEREAS the Department of Human Services has awarded grant funding to the Prosecuting Attorney,
Circuit Court - Family Division, Children's Village and Community Corrections under the Juvenile
Accountability Block Grant (JABG) for the period of April 1, 2007 through March 31, 2008; and
WHEREAS this is the ninth (9th) year of grant acceptance for this program; and
WHEREAS this grant award has been processed through the County Executive's Contract Review
Process and the Board of Commissioners' Grant Application Procedures; and
WHEREAS the Department of Human Services approved the grant application as submitted, and
awarded Oakland County a grant totaling $169,037 of which $152,133 is from the State as a Federal pass-
through, and the balance of $16,904 is the County's match amount; and
WHEREAS the required County match is included in the FY 2007/FY 2008 Adopted Budget; and
WHEREAS the grant award provides funding for the following: Juvenile Drug Court equipment, Peer
Groups to address the problem of high recidivism, a Teen Court to provide a justice model within a peer setting,
Prosecuting Attorney juvenile offender backlog reduction staffing, Children's Village security equipment, a
Juvenile Forum, and equipment to provide multi-departmental information sharing (see fiscal attachments A
through F); and
WHEREAS the grant award continues funding for one (1) Probation OfficerI position (4010201-09330)
and one (1) part-time non- eligible Assistant Prosecutor II position (4010201-10418) in the Prosecutor's Office;
WHEREAS the grant award discontinues funding for one (I) SR Youth and Family Caseworker 11
position (3010402-09711) in the Circuit Court - Family Division.
WHEREAS per MR#06223, one (I) SR PTE Youth and Family Caseworker II position #3010402-
09711 in Circuit Court/Family/Court Services that was formerly funded by JABG, is now 27% funded by the
State Court Administrator Office (SCAO) and 73% funded by the Child Care Fund (CCF).
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners accepts
grant funding from the Michigan Family Independence Agency in the amount of $169,037, including County
match of $16.904 for the period of April 1, 2007 through March 3 I , 2008.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to any future
commitment and continuation of the special revenue positions is continent upon future levels of grant funding.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners is authorized to
execute the grant agreement and to approve any grant extensions or changes within fifteen percent (15%) of the
original award, which is consistent with the original agreement as approved.
Chairperson, on behalf of the Public Services Committee. 1 move the adoption of the foregoing
Public Services Committee Vote:
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Scott and Middleton absent
GRANT REVIEW SIGN OFF — Multi-Departmental
GRANT NAME: PY 2007 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant
FUNDING AGENCY: Michigan Department of Human Services
DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: Greg Givens. Fiscal Services / 8-4057
STATUS: Acceptance
DATE: April 2, 2007
Pursuant to Misc. Resolution #01320, please be advised the captioned grant materials have
completed internal grant review. Below are the returned review comments.
The captioned grant materials and grant acceptance package (which should include the Board of
Commissioners' Liaison Committee Resolution, the grant agreement/contract, Finance
Committee Fiscal Note, and this Sign Off email containing grant review comments) may be
requested to be placed on the appropriate Board of Commissioners' committee(s) for grant
acceptance by Board resolution.
Department of Management and Budget:
Approved. — Laurie Van Pelt (3/27/2007)
Department of Human Resources:
Approved by HR. — Jennifer Mason (3/30/2007)
Risk Management and Safety:
Approved By Risk Management — Andrea Plotkowski (3/30/2007)
Corporation Counsel:
After reviewing this grant contract, there appear to be no outstanding legal issues that require
additional action or resolution. — Karen Agacinski (3/30/20007)
Approved for IT. No impact on IT services. — Rick Perry (3/27/2007)
This grant contract is funded in part by federal dollars. Any federal grant funds used for procurement need
to go thought the Purchasing Division Please note the Uniform Administrative Common Rule / OMB
Circular A-102 (Level 1) related to Women / Minority Business Enterprise - Section 2 part d;
http://www.whitehouse.goviombicircularsial02/a102.html for general procurement requirements related to
this grant.
Additionally, the grant references a number of specific federal and state regulations. Below is a list of these
specifically cited compliance related documents for this grant.
Of special interest is the stipulation of the following requirements which will impact Oakland County.
• The contract stipulates grant records need to be retained for six years.
• ALL printing and publishing need prior written permission of the State of Michigan.
• Any subcontracts with Oakland County must include the language in Part 0 of the
State of Michigan requires use of eGrams System for reporting; http://egrams-mi.comidhs/user/login.aspx
Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-133. This Circular sets forth standards
for obtaining consistency and uniformity among Federal agencies for the audit of States, local
governments, and non-profit organizations expending federal awards.
htto://www.whitehouse. gov/ombicirculars/a133/a 1 33.htm1
Michigan Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act — "Act 453 of 1976"
http://www.legislature.mi.gov/( S( I okj4145ut4h1s45jim3d0i2) )/mile,,.aspx?oafie=getobi ect&obiectnarne=m
Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act — "Act 220 of 1976"
http://www.legislature.mi.gov/( S(1 okj4145u t4h1s45 im3 dO i2))/ini le2:.aspx?pag,e=uetobiect&objectname=m
Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 —29 USC 794; [Select HIT 1] http://frwebg ,ate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-
bin/multidb.cd?WAISdbName-2000 uscode sum' 2+United+States+Code--%282000+suppl.+2%29&W
AISqueryRule=%28%24WAISquervString°/029&WAISqueniStrim-29usc794&WAIStemplate=multidb_ r
esults.html& S ubmit.=S ubm it&W rappe rT emp I ate=usc ode. _wrapper.html&WAISmaxHits=40
Federal "Americans with Disabilities Act"
Federal Freedom of Information Act "PA 442 of 1976"
http://www.usdoj.govioip/foia updates/Vol XVII_4/page2.htm
Federal Use of Funds for Sectarian Purposes 42 USC 604a;" [Select HIT 1]
http://frwebgate.access. gpo. go v/c g
binimultidb.cgi?WAISdbName-2000 useode suppl_4+United+States+Code--%282000+suppl.+4%29&W
AI S queryRule=%28%24WAISqueryString%29&WAISquervStri mr ---42usc604&W AIStemplate=multidb r
esults.html&Submit.=Submit&WrapperTemplate=uscode wrapper.html&WAISmaxHits=40
Federal Certification Regarding Lobbying —"28 CFR Part 69"
Federal New Restrictions On Lobbying
http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx 05/28cfr69 05.html
Contractor Name: Contract #:
Oakland County JAIBG-07-63001
$ 152,133.00
CS-138 #: Expires: Commodity Code: Mail Code:
NJ 92460 E00
Contract Administrator: Phone #:
Diana Peck (517) 335 3539
SS# or Fed. I.D. # Award Status:
38-6004876 r Bid .17 Sole Source r Fair Market Rate
Begin day and month of Contractor's fiscal year:
1 day of October month of year
Audit Status: r Vendor r No Federal Funds Faith Based:
.17 Sub-recipient If checked, record CFDA number(s) below r Yes 17 No
Org. Type:
r Private, Non-Profit r Private, Proprietary p Public or Local r University
Payment Type:
17 Actual Cost r Unit Rate r Fair Market Rate
Contractor is a state employee: Contractor is a retired state employee:
r Yes 17 No r Yes i7 No
Index Code: PCA: AOC:
65250 47775 6320
The grant Administrator by submission of this document assures no changes have been made to the General
Provisions of standard DHS Grant formats.
Contract/Grant No: JAIBG-07-63001
County: Oakland
Contract/Grant Amount: $ 152,133.00
Method of Payment: Monthly Reimbursement
Michigan Department of Human Services Oakland County (hereinafter referred to as
(DHS) & the "Grantee")
235 S Grand Ave 1200 North Telegraph Rd
P.O. Box 30037 Fiscal Services Division, Bldg #34
Lansing MI 48909 Pontiac, MI 48341 0403
This Agreement is effective from April 1, 2007, through March 31, 2008
A. Program Description
The Grantee shall perform the following activities:
Purpose Area #11 - Accountability — Teen Court: Funding under this area will
directly support one Probation Officer I position and associated fringe benefits
as identified and explained in the program expense section of this application.
The plan of action is to directly address the identified needs in this area by
continuing the program of Teen Court which was implemented by the
Prosecutor's Office in January of 2000. The project provides enhanced
system options using a restorative justice model within a peer setting. Teen
Court is a term describing a voluntary diversion program for first time juvenile
offenders, which involves youth and the community in the justice system.
Additionally, the Teen Court will increase the capacity to develop youth
competence and responsibility. Cases are referred to the Teen Court by local
law enforcement, the Family Court, the Prosecuting Attorney's Office, the City
Attorney's Office, Parents and School Officials. If the referral is accepted, the
juvenile may avoid having a delinquency record by offering a plea to the
charges and appearing before the Teen Court Jury for sentencing. At the
Teen Court session, the Jury, Prosecuting Attorney, Defense Attorney, Bailiff
and Court Clerk are youth volunteers who have been previously trained by
the Teen Court Staff. The Judge is a District or Family Court Judge or an
adult attorney who has also volunteered his/her time to act as Teen Court
Judge. Upon listening to a presentation of the facts by the Teen Prosecuting
Attorney and Teen Defense Attorney, the Teen Jury deliberates and returns
with a constructive sentence derived from a pre approved list of sentencing
Purpose Area #4 - Juvenile Offender - Backlog Reduction: Funding under this
Oakland County, Juvenile Accountability Block Grant -2007 Page: 1 01 22 Version #1.0
area will directly support one part time non eligible Prosecutor II position and
associated fringe benefits, and miscellaneous office supplies as identified and
explained in the program expense section of this application. The plan of
action is to address the current backlog of 75 police reports along with the
constant flow of new police reports to be reviewed, the current proposal is to
continue a Part Time Non-Eligible (PTNE) prosecutor position. Having the
additional support of a Part Time Non-Eligible (PTNE) prosecutor will allow
the prosecutors office to keep pace with the amount of juvenile offenders, and
their offenses. The elimination of the backlog will have numerous benefits.
The first will benefit crime victims, as they will have a more immediate
response to meet their needs. Juvenile offenders will have immediate
repercussions for their crimes and their delinquent behavior can be
accordingly addressed and corrected. Thirdly, this position will promote
judicial economy, as there will be a timely adjudication for these juvenile
offenders. Finally, the prosecutor's office will be fully staffed to address this
constant flow of potential cases.
Purpose Area #8 - Juvenile Drug Court — Drug Court Networking: Funding
under this area will directly support a projector as identified and explained in
the program expense section of this application. It is hoped that funding will
be made available to purchase a projector and screen to assist the Juvenile
Drug Court (JDC) program staff in making presentations to the community,
local treatment and human service agencies, Court personnel and law
enforcement officials, to evoke continued support of the program and to
identify possible networking/collaborative opportunities. It is anticipated that a
projector and screen would cost approximately $1200.00.
Purpose Area #15 -Reducing Recidivism - Female Peer Group: Funding
under this area will directly support contractual services for the development
and implementation of substance abuse resiliency toward reducing recidivism
as identified and explained in the program expense section of this application.
It is hoped that funding will be made available to develop a program for girls
on both Youth Assistance and Probation caseloads, ages 13 through 17, to
address gender-specific issues. Substance abuse would be either the
primary or secondary reason for referral, identified by an initial assessment
completed by the Probation Officer or Youth Asistance (YA) Caseworker.
Purpose Area #15 -Reducing Recidivism - Male Peer Group: Funding under
this area will directly support contractual services for the development and
implementation of substance abuse resiliency toward reducing recidivism as
identified and explained in the program expense section of this application. It
is hoped that funding will be made available to develop a program for boys on
Oakland County. Juvenile Accountability Bock Grant - 2007 Page: 2 of 22 Version # 1.0
both Youth Assistance and Probation caseloads, ages 13 through 17, to
address gender-specific issues. Substance abuse would be either the
primary or secondary reason for referral, identified by an initial assessment
completed by the Probation Officer or YA Caseworker.
Purpose Area #2 -Juvenile Facility Enhancement — Shelter Care Cottage:
Funding under this area will directly support materials and instillation based
on pre-bid estimates of a multi camera integrated security system for
Children's Village as identified and explained in the program expense section
of this application. Install necessary wiring and cameras to dining room and
kitchen areas for the Shelter Care Cottage. Converting from twisted pair
cable to fiber will last forever. Shelter care Cottage camera coverage cannot
be expanding currently due to the lack of good twisted pair and good ports on
the electronic equipment.
Purpose Area #13 - Community Correction's Juvenile Offender Forum on
Accountability-Based Programs -School Safety; JABG funding under this
area will directly support contractual services though open bid to host the
Forum. Service costs include support for a facilitator, facility, food services,
and bus rental for student transportation. The project will also support supply
costs for printing related to the Forum. The Juvenile offender forum will be a
forum to exchange project strategies related to accountability-based
programs used to enhance school safety. The forum will have two program
goals; the first is to enable dialog among Oakland County juvenile offender
service providers, and the second is to enable dialog among identified
juvenile offenders in targeted geographic areas.
Purpose Area #10 -Information Sharing — Multi-Departmental Juvenile Justice
Resources Project: The project will purchase and put into use the information
sharing Power Point capacity to address the information sharing need.
B. Substance Abuse Testing Policy
The Grantee shall maintain and enforce the substance abuse testing policy as
submitted by the Grantee in application for this Grant and as approved by DHS.
C. Local Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition:
Each grantee must establish a Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition (JCEC)
including, but not limited to, individuals representing (1) The State or local police
department; (2) the local sheriff's department; (3) the State or local prosecutor's
office; (40) the State or local Juvenile Court; (5) the State or local probation office;
(6) the State or local educational agency; (7) the State or local social services
agency; (8) a nonprofit, nongovernmental victim advocacy organization; and (9) a
nonprofit, religious or community group.
D. Service Documentation
Oakland County. Juvenile Accountability Block Grant - 2007 Page: 3 of 22 Version # 1.0
16.523 90%
The Grantee agrees to maintain program service records required by DHS,
program statistical records required by DHS, and to produce program narrative
and statistical data at times prescribed by, and on forms furnished by, DHS.
E. Evaluation Reporting Requirements
1. The Grantee shall comply with all program and fiscal review reporting
procedures established by DHS.
2. The Grantee shall submit to DHS all JAIBG Expenditure, Performance
Measurement, and Program Reports that indicate the status and
effectiveness of activities performed under this Agreement as indicated:
a. Performance Measurement Reports must be submitted on a monthly
basis prior to submitting the monthly financial report.
b. Submit the Monthly Financial Reports on a monthly basis by the 15th of
the month: Personnel, Fringes, Construction, Consultant/ Contractual,
Travel, Supplies/Operating and Equipment and other.
c. Submit the Biannual Progress Reports on a biannual basis: Program
Objectives and Narrative and Purpose Area Expenditures to date.
3. Submit a year-end Final Expenditure and Program Report to contain the
following information within 60 days after termination of this Grant Award:
Program Objections and Narrative and Purpose area expenditures to date.
4 . These reports shall be submitted via E GRAMS @ https://egrams -
F. Audit Requirements
Subrecipient Relationship
This Agreement constitutes a subrecipient relationship with DHS. The
Grantee is required to comply with all federal regulations that related to the
accounting and auditing of the federal award used to fund this contract. This
includes, but is not limited to, compliance with OMB Circular A-133.
Regulations applicable to funding sources are included in the Federal Catalog
of Domestic Assistance (CFDA). The CFDA number and federal financial
participation (FFP) rate DHS plans to use for this agreement are:
DHS may change the CFDA # and/or FFP rate during the course of this
agreement. CFDA numbers and FFP rates for this agreement shall be posted
quarterly on the DHS web site. The Grantee is required to check the web site
to obtain up to date information regarding the CFDA numbers.
The Grantee may consult the following vvebsite address to obtain CFDA
numbers, payments, and other audit information:
http://www.michigan.gov/dhs/0,1607,7-124-5455_7199_8380---,00.html OHS
Oakland County, Juvenile Accountability Block Grant - 2007 Page: 4 of 22 Version # 1.0
agrees to participate in audit cost related to the audit as described in other
sections of this contract.
Reporting Requirements
If the Grantee is required per OMB Circular A-133 to have a Single Audit
performed, the Grantee must submit the Reporting Package and an Audit
Transmittal Letter to the DHS Office of internal Audit at the address that
follows and in accordance with the time frame established in the Circular.
Reporting Package includes:
1. Financial statements and schedule of expenditures of Federal awards
2. Summary schedule of prior audit findings
3. Auditor's report(s)
4. Corrective action plan, if applicable
Audit Transmittal Letter
The Grantee is responsible to identify in the Audit Transmittal Letter all
organizations it operates that administer OHS subrecipient programs and the
different names the Grantee may use to contract with DHS. The Grantee is
responsible for proper completion and submission of the Audit Transmittal
Letter. This letter, to be accurately processed by OHS, must include the
following information:
1. Grantee's name as reported in the OHS contract(s)
2. Grantee's Federal Identification number(s) as reported in the DI-IS
3. Grantee's fiscal year end
4. Identify other name(s) and other Federal Identification number(s) used by
the Grantee
If a Single Audit is not required per OMB Circular A-133, the Grantee must
still submit an Audit Transmittal Letter stating why a Single Audit was not
required and the Grantee's fiscal year to which the letter pertains. The Audit
Transmittal Letter should include items stated in the section, "Audit
Transmittal Letter," described below. The letter may be mailed to the address
below or faxed to (517) 373-8771.
Mailing address for all information:
Michigan Department of Human Services
Office of Internal Audit
235 S. Grand Ave. Suite 1112
Lansing, MI 48909
Attention: William Addison, CPA
Audit Cost
Oakland County, Juvenile Accountability Block Grant -2007 Page: 5 of 22 Version # 1.0
Cost of the Single Audit can only be charged to this agreement if there is a
provision within this Agreement that allows payment for the Single Audit cost.
No audit cost may be charged to this agreement if the Grantee is not required
to have a Single Audit.
No audit costs may be charged to DHS when audits required by this contract
have not been performed or have not been performed in accordance with
OMB Circular A-133 requirements. Late submission of the Single Audit report
is considered non-compliance with this section and may be grounds to
impose sanctions.
DHS may impose sanctions if the Grantee fails to adhere to any of the audit
requirements in the contract. In cases of continued inability or unwillingness
to comply with audit requirements, DHS may recoup all federal payments
made to the Grantee during the period that a single audit was required but not
G. Fiscal Requirements
I. The Grantee shall maintain an accounting system to identify and support all
expenditures billed to the DHS under this Agreement. The accounting system
must record all income and expenses for the Grantee's total program of which
services provided under this Agreement are a part. The accounting system,
as a minimum, shall consist of a chart of accounts, cash receipts journal, cash
disbursements journal, and general ledger. All expenditures and income must
be supported by vouchers and receipts that detail the reason for the
2. The Grantee shall comply with all provisions of Office of Justice Programs'
"Financial Guide" (copy may be obtained from DHS' Bureau of Juvenile
3. The Grantee shall maintain, within the accounting system, salary and fringe
benefits accounts that break out positions, hospitalization, retirement,
workmen's compensation and other fringe benefits. The Grantee shall
establish and maintain payroll records for all employees. The Grantee, in
establishing and allocating salary and wages for employees, shall support
these charges by electing to establish either:
a. An adequate appointment and workload distribution system,
accompanied by monthly reviews showing the actual changes in the
workload distribution of each employee (i.e., an exception reporting
system); or,
b. A monthly after-the-fact certification system that requires persons in
supervisory positions having first-hand knowledge of the services
performed to report the distribution of effort (i.e., a positive reporting
Oakland Courv, Juvende Accountability Biock Grant - 2007 Page: 6 of 22 Version # 1.0
4. The Grantee shall request advance approval from OHS for expenditures
exceeding any budgeted line item in the Grant Application Budget by more
than 10% or $3,000 whichever is greater, or any proposed modification to the
program services to be provided, as identified in this Agreement.
5. The Grantee shall assure that funds from this Agreement will not be used to
supplant other state or local funds which provide services described in this
Agreement, and shall not use this Agreement to substitute or replace other
state or other local funds which would otherwise be used to provide the
services described in this Agreement.
6. The Grantee shall contribute a cash match of ten percent (10%) of the
program's total cost (other than costs of construction of permanent
corrections facilities, which require a fifty percent (50%) match).
7. The Grantee shall assure that funds received from any federal sources other
than those listed below will not be used as the cash match required for the
JAIBG Grant, (1) Funds from States and units of local government; (2)
Housing and Community Development Act of 1974; (3) Appalachian regional
Development Act; (4) Equitable Sharing Program, a Federal asset forfeiture
distribution program to State and local officials; (5) Private funds; (6) Program
income and the related interest on that program income may be used as
match provided it is identified and approved; (7) Program income funds
earned from seized assets and forfeitures; (8) Funds appropriated by
Congress for the activities of any agency of a Tribal government or the
Bureau of Indian Affairs performing law enforcement function on Tribal lands;
(9) Otherwise authorized by law.
8. The Grantee shall allow for no more than a maximum of five percent (5%) of
the total program costs to be allocated for administrative costs.
H. Billing/Payment Method
1. As used in this Agreement, "Cost Documentation" refers to the JABG Budget
Summary attached hereto.
2. The Actual Cost Reimbursement Method shall be used in claiming
reimbursement under this Agreement. The cost documentation is hereby
made a part of this Agreement. The Grantee certifies that this budget has
been prepared in accordance with the Budget Completion Instructions
provided by DI-IS. This document details the amount and object of
expenditures for which the Grantee shall use funds paid under this
Agreement. The Grantee is authorized to expend funds only for those
resources indicated in the budget that are allowable, properly allocated and
reasonable as defined in the Budget Completion Instructions. Only costs
actually incurred may be billed to OHS.
3. The Grantee shall follow and adhere to the budget. However, expenditures up
to a 10% increase or $3,000 whichever is greater above the direct cost line
item budget categories are permissible provided the sum of all expenditures
Oakland County, Juvenile Accountability Blcck Grant - 2007 Page: 7 of 22 Version # 1.0
does not exceed the total amount of the Agreement.
a. The Grantee must obtain prior, written approval from OHS to increase
any line item by more than 10% or $3,000, whichever is greater. The
Grantee shall not be reimbursed for any expenditure incurred in budget
line items that do not include dollar amounts.
b. The DHS representative authorized to approve budget revisions is the
Office of Contracts and Rate Setting.
c. The Grantee's request for DHS approval must contain sufficient
information to allow DHS to identify which budget line items are to be
increased and which line items are to be decreased, staying within the
originally approved budget total.
4 - For mileage costs incurred related to services provided under this
agreement, the Grantee may bill DHS' established standard rate, or
Grantee's usual reimbursement rate for employees, whichever is less. State
of Michigan travel rates can be found at the following website:
Billing Procedure
In order to receive the payment, Monthly Performance Measurement reports must
be submitted on EGrAMS prior to the submission of the Monthly Financial
The Grantee shall submit a monthly Financial Report or other BJJ form as
identified by JAIBG unit to DHS. This report shall indicate actual expenditures
incurred broken out by category of expense in the performance of this Agreement
for the period being billed and the units of service delivered. This Statement shall
be submitted to DHS within fifteen (15) days from the end of the billing period.
For the month of September, billings shall be submitted as reasonably
directed by the contract administrator to meet fiscal year end closing
deadlines. In no event, shall the DHS make payment to the Grantee for billings
submitted more than 90 days after the end of a billing period.
A. Payment
DHS shall make payments to the Grantee approximately four weeks after receipt
by DHS of the Grantee's monthly financial reports detailing program related
budgeting expenditures as set forth in the Cost Documentation attached to this
B. Maximum Amount
The Grantee is eligible for up to $ 169,037.00. Of that amount, DHS hereby
agrees to pay the Grantee an amount not to exceed and $ 152,133.00 for services
performed under this Agreement exclusively during the fiscal period April, 1 2007
- March, 31 2008. Obligations incurred prior to or after the period covered by this
Oakland County, Juvenile Accountability B lock Grant - 2307 Page: 8 of 22 Version # 1.0
Agreement shall be excluded from the Grantee's monthly invoices.
C. Evaluation Criteria
The services provided by the Grantee under this Agreement shall be evaluated by
the DHS on the basis of the following criteria:
Reduced juvenile crime and recidivism.
A. Conclusion, Termination, and Cancellation Terms
1. DHS' Source of Funds-Termination
DHS' payment of Federal or State funds for purposes of this Agreement is
subject to and conditional upon the availability of those funds for such
purposes. No commitment is made by DHS to continue or expand activities
covered by this Agreement. Funding for services to be provided beyond the
end of the initial State fiscal year is dependent on legislative appropriation.
DHS may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to the
Contractor at any time prior to the completion of this Agreement if, in the sole
discretion of DHS, funding becomes unavailable for this service or such funds
are restricted.
2. Cancellation of Agreement
DHS may cancel this Agreement upon thirty days written notice if DHS
determines that the Contractor, its agent, or its representative has offered or
given a gratuity, kickback, money, gift, or anything of value to an officer,
official, or employee of the State to obtain a contract or favorable treatment
under a contract. By signing this Agreement, the Contractor hereby certifies
that no funds have been given to any state officer, official, or state employee
for influencing or attempting to influence such officer, official, or employee of
the State.
Except as indicated below, DHS may cancel this Agreement without further
liability to DHS or its employees by giving the Contractor written notice of
such cancellation thirty days prior to the date of cancellation. The Contractor
may terminate this Agreement upon thirty days written notice to DHS at any
time prior to the completion of the Agreement period.
In case of default by the Contractor, DHS may immediately cancel this
Agreement without further liability to DHS or its employees, and procure the
services from other sources.
In addition, DHS may immediately cancel this Agreement without further
liability to OHS or its employees if the Contractor, an officer of the Contractor,
or an owner of a 25% or greater share of the Contractor is convicted of a
criminal offense incident to the application for or performance of a State,
public, or private contract or subcontract; or convicted of a criminal offense
including but not limited to any of the following: embezzlement, theft, forgery,
Oakland County. Juvenile Accountability Block Grant - 2007 Version # 1.0 Page: 9 of 22
bribery, falsification or destruction of records, receiving stolen property,
attempting to influence a public employee to breach the ethical conduct
standards for State of Michigan employees; convicted under State or Federal
antitrust statutes; or convicted of any other criminal offense which, in the sole
discretion of DHS, reflects on the Contractor's business integrity.
B. Closeout Responsibilities
1. Closeout
When this Agreement is concluded or terminated, the Contractor shall provide
DHS, within thirty (30) days of conclusion or termination, with all financial,
performance and other reports required as a condition of the Agreement.
OHS shall within the limit of this Agreement reimburse the Contactor for
allowable costs not previously reimbursed. The Contractor shall immediately
refund to DHS any payments or funds advanced to the Contractor in excess
of allowable reimbursable expenditures.
2. Fixed Assets
OHS reserves the right to obtain or transfer title to all fixed assets, real or
personal, included in the approved budget of this Agreement, billed in full or in
part to DHS by the Contractor, and not fully utilized at the conclusion of the
Agreement. Fixed asset costs billed to OHS shall be limited to straight-line
determination or a use charge pre-approved by OHS and shall be used only
for the performance of the Agreement unless another use is authorized in
writing by DHS.
At least 30 days prior to the end date of this Agreement (which includes
cancellation of the Agreement) the Contractor shall report to DHS the book
value of all fixed assets and non-consumables purchased with DHS funds
and request written instructions regarding the disposal of these fixed assets
and consumable and/or non-consumable supplies that have been acquired
with funds under this Agreement. Any gain on the sale or disposition of fixed
assets before completion of this Agreement must be immediately reported
and refunded to OHS.
No disposal, sale or transfer of fixed assets obtained under this contract in
whole or part, may occur without the express written consent of DHS.
3. Continuing Responsibilities
Termination, conclusion, or cancellation of this Agreement shall not be
construed as terminating the ongoing responsibilities of the Contractor or
rights of DHS contained in Section III, "Examination and Maintenance of
Records" and Section Ill, "Closeout" of this Agreement.
C. Compliance with Rules and Regulations
1. Compliance with Federal and State Requirements
The Contractor shall comply with all Federal, State or local statutes,
regulations and administrative rules, and any amendments thereto, as they
Oakland County. Juvenile Accountability Block Grant -2007 Page: 10 of 22 Version # 1.0
may apply to the performances of this Agreement.
The Contractor shall keep informed of federal, state, and local laws,
ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, and decrees of bodies or tribunals
having any jurisdiction/authority that in any manner affects those engaged in
or employed on the work done under this Agreement or that in any manner
affects the conduct of the work done under this Agreement.
2. Civil Service Rules and Regulations
The State of Michigan is obligated to comply with Article XI, Section 5, of the
Michigan Constitution and applicable civil service rules and regulations. Other
provisions of this Agreement notwithstanding, the State personnel director is
authorized to disapprove contractual disbursements for personal services if
the State personnel director determines that the contract violates Article XI,
Section 5 of the Michigan Constitution or applicable civil service rules and
1 Compliance with Civil Rights, Other Laws
The Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of
employment, or a matter directly or indirectly related to employment, because
of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, height, weight or marital
status pursuant to 1976 Public Act 453, Section 209. The Contractor shall
also comply with the provisions of the Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil
Rights Act, 1976 Public Act 220, as amended (M.C.L. 37.1101 et. seq.) and
Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, P.L. 93-112, 87 Stat.
355, which states that no employee or client or otherwise qualified
handicapped individual shall, solely by reason of this handicap, be excluded
from participation, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination
under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Further,
the Contractor shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
(ADA), P.L. 101-336, 104 Stat. 327, which prohibits discrimination against
individuals with disabilities and provides enforcement standards. The
Contractor shall comply with all other Federal, State or local laws, regulations
and standards, and any amendments thereto, as they may apply to the
performance of this Agreement.
4. Freedom of information Act
All information in this Agreement is subject to the provisions of the Freedom
of Information Act. 1976 Public Act 442, as amended, MCL 15.231, et seq.
5. Use of Funds for Sectarian Purposes
Except as otherwise provided in law, a religious organization shall not
discriminate against an individual in regard to rendering assistance funded
under any program described in subsection (a) (2) of 42 U.S.0 A. Section
604a on the basis of religion, a religious belief, or refusal to actively
Oakland County, Juveni:e Accountability Block Grant - 2007 Page: 11 of 22 Version # 1.0
participate in a religious practice. •
No funds provide directly to institutions or organizations to provide services
and administer programs under subsection (a) (1)(A) of this section shall be
expended for sectarian worship, instruction, or proselytization.
D. Fees and Other Sources of Funding
The Contractor guarantees that any claims made to DHS under this Agreement
shall not be financed by any source other than DHS under the terms of this
Agreement. If funding is received through any other source, the Contractor agrees
to deduct from the amount billed to DHS the greater of either the fee amounts, or
the actual costs of the services provided.
The Contractor may not accept reimbursement from a client unless the Agreement
specifically authorizes such reimbursement in the "Contractor Responsibility"
section. In such case, a detailed fee scale and criteria for charging the fee must be
included. If the Contractor accepts reimbursement from a client in accordance with
the terms of the Agreement, the Contractor shall deduct these fees from billings to
Other third party funding sources, e.g., insurance companies, may be billed for
contracted client services. Third party reimbursement shall be considered payment
in full unless the third party fund source requires a co-pay, in which case DHS may
be billed for the amount of the co-pay. No supplemental billing is allowed.
E. Confidentiality
The use or disclosure of personally identifying information concerning services,
applicants or recipients obtained in connection with the performance of this
Agreement shall be restricted to purposes directly connected with the
administration of the programs implemented by this Agreement. In all other cases,
disclosure shall be made only when required by federal and state laws, court
orders and subpoenas, or subpoenas by a grand jury.
F. Examination and Maintenance of Records
The Contractor shall permit DHS or any of its authorized agents access to the
facilities being utilized at any reasonable time to observe the operation of the
program. Further, the Contractor shall retain all books, records or other documents
relevant to this Agreement for six years after final payment, at the Contractor's
cost. Federal auditors and any persons duly authorized by DHS shall have full
access to and the right to examine and audit any of said material during said
period. If an audit is initiated prior to the expiration of the six-year period and
extends past that period, all documents shall be maintained until the audit is
completed. DHS shall provide findings and recommendations of audits to the
Contractor. DHS shall adjust future payments or final payment if the findings of an
audit indicate over payment to the Contractor in any period prior to the audit. If no
payments are due and owing the Contractor, the Contractor shall refund all
amounts which may be due DHS within 30 days notice by DHS. The Contractor
Oakland County, Juvenile Accountability Block Grant - 2007 Page: 12 of 22 Version # 1,0
shall assure, as a condition of any sale or transfer of ownership of the Contractor
agency, that the new purchasers or owner maintains the above-described books,
records or other documents for any unexpired portion of the six-year period after
final payment under this Agreement or the Contractor shall otherwise maintain
said records as DHS may direct. If business operations cease, the Contractor shall
maintain records as DHS may direct. The Contractor shall notify DHS when and if
the Contractor operations cease during the six-year period after final payments
and provide for appropriate storage of records at the Contractor's expense.
The Contractor shall, as a provision of the Agreement between the Contractor and
the auditor, assure that DHS may make reasonable inquiries of the auditor relating
to audit workpapers and, furthermore, that DHS may review the auditor's
workpapers in support of the audit.
G. Reporting and Monitoring
1. Reporting
The Contractor shall comply with all program and fiscal reporting procedures
as are or may hereinafter be established by DHS. The Contractor shall also
comply with all reporting procedures established by DHS in completion of
progress reports at time intervals, on forms, in formats, and by means
specified by DHS. In particular, reports or billing documents denoting event
dates shall record month, day and year as specified by DHS. In all electronic
filings, four digits shall be used to designate century. Any additional reports as
deemed necessary by OHS shall be made and submitted by the Contractor
upon request.
2. Monitoring Requirements
DHS reserves the right to perform unscheduled on-site visits during normal
business hours, to monitor the Contractor's activities under this Agreement at
any time, either during the term, or within one year after termination of the
Agreement. The Contractor shall cooperate with DHS during the monitoring
process by making available all records, facilities, and other resources
necessary to perform the review.
If DHS detects noncompliance with this Agreement, and/or questioned costs
during the course of its review, these items shall be identified and conveyed
to the Contractor in an exit conference. DHS shall provide the Contractor with
a detailed written report of these findings within thirty (30) days of the exit
conference. The Contractor is required to address each item in DHS' report
by providing a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to eliminate or correct each issue
of noncompliance. The Contractor shall submit the Corrective action plan to
DHS within thirty (30) days from issuance of OHS' report.
If DHS identifies questioned costs that cannot be substantiated, DHS may, at
its discretion, and after consultation with the Contractor, require the
Contractor to submit revised DHS-3469, "Statement of Expenditures" to
reflect adjustment for disallowed costs. Submission of revised billinas to DHS
Oakland County, Juvenile Accountability Block Grant - 2007 Page: 13 of 22 Version ft 1.0
shall be made within a time schedule established by DHS and the Contractor.
if the Contractor fails to comply with monitoring requirements as set forth in
this Agreement, and within allotted time frames mutually established, DHS
may, at its discretion, invoke sanctions on the Contractor, which may include,
but are not limited to, actions to collect disallowed costs and/or cancellation of
the Agreements.
The Contractor shall complete and sign an annual monitoring questionnaire
for this Agreement within 90 days of the begin date of the Agreement and
yearly thereafter. The Contractor can locate the questionnaire at
www.michigan.gov/dhs by clicking on "Doing Business with DHS", then
"Contractor Resources", then "Forms and Publications." The Contractor shall
submit the questionnaire to the DHS office to which billings are submitted, If
the Contractor bills electronically, the contractor shall submit the completed
and signed questionnaire to the DHS office where this Agreement was
initiated. The Contractor shall assure that an individual with program oversight
responsibility within the Contractor organization signs each questionnaire.
DHS shall suspend its authorization and payment of billings if the Contractor
fails to submit the questionnaire in a timely manner. Billing authorization and
payment shall not be resumed until the Contractor has complied with the
requirement. Continued failure on the part of the Contractor to submit the
questionnaire may result in termination of this Agreement.
3. Audit Reports that Contain a Going Concern Statement
If an audit firm conducts an audit of the Contractor and issues an audit report
with a finding of a Going Concern, the Contractor must submit this audit
report to the DHS Office of Internal Audit within 10 days from the date of the
audit report. The submission of this audit report to DHS is required regardless
of whether an audit is required under this Agreement.
A Contractor receiving a Going Concern must submit a financial plan to the
DHS Office of Internal Audit no later than 25 days from the date of the audit
report issued by the audit firm. The financial plan must be approved by DHS.
Failure of the Contractor to either timely submit the audit report with the Going
Concern, or timely submit a financial plan, or DHS' rejection of the
Contractor's financial plan, are grounds for immediately terminating the
Mailing address for all audit information:
Michigan Department of Human Services
Office of Internal Audit
235 S. Grand Ave., Suite 1112
Lansing, MI 48909
Attention: William Addison, CPA
H. Recoupment of Funding and Repayment of Debts.
Oakland County, Juvenile Accountability Block Grant - 2007 Page: 14 01 22 Version # 1.0
1. Recoupment of Funding
If the Contractor fails to comply with monitoring requirements as set forth in
this Agreement, or fails to submit a revised DHS-3469, "Statement of
Expenditures" within allotted time frames established by DHS in consultation
with the Contractor, OHS may, at its discretion, recoup or require the
Contractor to reimburse payments made under this Agreement which DHS
has determined that the Contractor has been overpaid. The Contractor is
liable for any cost incurred by DHS in the recoupment of any funding.
Upon notification by DHS that repayment is required, the Contractor shall
make payment directly to DHS within 30 days or DHS may withhold current or
future payments made under this or any other agreements, current or future,
between DHS and the Contractor.
If the Contractor fails to: (1) correct noncompliance activities identified by
DHS, (2) submit revised billings as requested as part of a Corrective Action
Plan when required; or (3) remit overpayments or make arrangements to
have the overpayments deducted from future payments within 30 days, such
failure shall constitute grounds to terminate immediately any or all of DHS'
agreements with the Contractor. OHS shall also report noncompliance of the
Contractor to Michigan's Department of Management and Budget. Such
report may result in the Contractor's debarment from further contracts with the
State of Michigan.
2. Repayment of Debts and Other Amounts due DHS
By entering into this Agreement, the Contractor agrees to honor all prior
repayment agreements established by DHS with the Contractor or
Contractor's predecessors. If the Contractor has an outstanding debt due to
DHS but does not have a repay agreement, the Contractor agrees to make
monthly payments to DHS at an amount not less than 5% of any outstanding
balance and to begin on the date this Agreement is executed.
If the Contractor fails to honor prior repayment agreements, or the Contractor
fails to begin repayment on an obligation due DHS that is not subject to a
repayment agreement, DHS will initiate the administrative process to reduce
payments to the Contractor under this Agreement to recoup the debt. The
payment reduction will be made at the amount originally established in the
repayment agreement or at an amount not less than 5% of any outstanding
balance effective on the date this Agreement is executed.
I. Publication - Approval and Copyright
The State of Michigan shall have copyright, property and publication rights in all
written or visual material or other work products developed in connection with this
Agreement. The Contractor shall not publish or distribute any printed or visual
material relating to the services provided under this Agreement without prior
written permission of the State of Michigan.
Oakland County, Juvelke Accountability Block Gran:- 2007 Page: 15 of 22 Version # 1.0
If the Contractor or an agent of the Contractor creates and/or reproduces under
this Agreement materials which are developed for consumption by the general
public or as a general information tool and which are funded in whole or in part
with State of Michigan funds, the Contractor or its agent must include one of the
statements referenced below, as they apply:
• This program is funded by the State of Michigan or
• This program is funded in part by the State of Michigan
News releases (including promotional literature and commercial advertisements)
pertaining to this Agreement shall not be made without prior written DHS approval,
and then only in accordance with the explicit written instructions from DHS. No
results of the activities associated with the Agreement are to be released without
prior written approval of DHS and then only to persons designated.
J. Subcontracts
The Contractor shall not assign this Agreement or subcontract this Agreement to
other parties without obtaining prior written approval of the DHS Office of
Contracts and Rate Setting. DHS, as a condition of granting such approval, shall
require that such assignees or subcontractors shall be subject to all conditions and
provisions of this Agreement including Criminal Record and Central Registry
background checks when applicable. The Contractor shall be responsible for the
performance of all assignees or subcontractors.
If subcontracting, the Contractor must obligate the subcontractors to maintain the
confidentiality of DHS' client information in conformance with State and Federal
requirements. At DHS' request, any employee of the Contractor and of any
subcontractor having access or continued access to DI-IS' confidential information
may be required to execute an acknowledgment that the employee has been
advised of the Contractor's and the subcontractor's obligations under this section
and of the employee's obligation to DHS, the Contractor or subcontractor, as the
case may be, to protect such confidential information from unauthorized use of
K. Disputes
The Contractor shall notify DHS in writing of intent to pursue a claim against OHS
for breach of any terms of this Agreement. No suit may be commenced by the
Contractor for breach of this Agreement prior to the expiration of ninety (90) days
from the date of such notification. Within this ninety (90) day period, the
Contractor, at the request of DHS, must meet with the Director of DHS or
designee for the purpose of attempting resolution of the dispute.
L. Agreement Inclusiveness/Amendment
This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties.
No other understanding, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this
Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. The
Contractor shall, upon request of DHS and receipt of a proposed amendment,
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amend this Agreement, if and when required in the opinion of DHS, due to the
revision of Federal or State laws or regulations. If the Contractor refuses to sign
such amendment within fifteen (15) days after receipt, this Agreement shall
terminate upon such refusal. This Agreement may otherwise be amended only by
the written consent of all the parties hereto.
M. Reporting of Retiree Employment
reimbursement may be claimed under this agreement for salary or subcontracting
expense for any employee who retired from the State of Michigan using the early
retirement program authorized by 2002 Public Act 93.
The Contractor shall provide written notification within fifteen (15) days of hiring to
DHS Office of Contracts and Rate Setting (OCRS) the name, social security
number, and work site of any employee who retired from the State of Michigan
using the early retirement program authorized by 2002 Public Act 93. Failure to
notify the OCRS within the allotted time period may result in the disallowance of all
costs related to this Agreement up to the time the proper notification is received by
N. Certifications Regarding Lobbying
As required by section 1352, Title 31 of the U.S. Code, and implemented at 28
CFR Part 69, for persons entering into a grant or cooperative agreement over
$100,000, as defined at 28 CFR Part 69, the Contractor certifies that:
1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf
of the undersigned, to any persons influencing or attempting to influence an
officer or employee of an department, a member of Congress, an officer or
employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in
connection with the making of any Federal grant, the entering into of any
cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal,
amendment, or modification of any Federal grant or cooperative agreement.
2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be
paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or
employee of any department, a member of Congress, an officer or employee
of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this
Federal grant or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and
submit Standard form — LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in
accordance with its instructions.
3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be
included in the award documents for all sub-awards at all tiers (including sub-
grants, contracts under grants and cooperative agreements, and
subcontracts) and that all sub-recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.
0. Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters
The Contractor certifies they and their principals:
Oakland County, Juvenile Accountability Block Grant -2007 Page; 17 of 22 Version # 1.0
1. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared
ineligible, sentenced to a denial of Federal benefits by a State or Federal
court, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal or
State department or agency.
2. Have not within a three-year period preceding this agreement been convicted
of or had civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a
criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or
performing a public (Federal, State, or local) transaction or contract under a
public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or
commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or
destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property.
3. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a
governmental entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the
offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of this certification; and
4. Have not within a three-year period preceding this Agreement had one or
more public transactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause and
Where the parties are unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification,
the Contractor shall attach an explanation to this Agreement.
The Contractor shall promptly notify DHS of any criminal litigation, investigations
or proceeding which may have arisen or may arise involving the Contractor or any
of the Contractor's subcontractors, or any of the foregoing entities' then current
officers or directors during the term of this Agreement and three years thereafter.
All notices shall be provided in writing to DHS within fifteen business days after the
Contractor learns about any such criminal or civil investigations and within fifteen
days after the commencement of any proceeding, litigation, or arbitration, as
otherwise applicable. Details of settlements, which are prevented from disclosure
by the terms of the settlement, shall be annotated as such. However, the
Contractor shall disclose if any terms of such settlement would impede the
Contractor's performance of this Agreement. The Contractor may rely on similar
good faith certifications of its subcontractors, which certification shall be available
for inspection at the option of DHS.
The Contractor certifies to the best of its knowledge that within the past three (3)
years, the Contractor has not;
1. Failed to substantially perform a state contract or subcontract according to its
terms, conditions, and specifications within specified time limits.
2. Refused to provide information or documents required by a contract including,
but not limited to information or documents necessary for monitoring contract
3. Failed to respond to requests for information regarding contract compliance,
or accumulated repeated substantiated complaints regarding performance of
Oakland County, Juvenile Accountab,lity13'ock Grant -2007 Page: 18 of 22 Version # 1.0
a contract.
4. Failed to perform a state contract or subcontract in a manner consistent with
any applicable state or federal law, rule, regulation, order, or decree.
Contractor shall include above language in Part 0 in all subcontracts with other
The Contractor shall require each primary subcontractor, whose subcontract will
exceed $25,000, to disclose to the Contractor, in writing, whether at of the time of
the award of the subcontract, the subcontractor, or its principals, is or is not
debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment by the State of Michigan. The
Contractor shall then inform DHS of the subcontractor's status and reasons for the
Contractor's decision to use such subcontractor, if the Contractor so decides.
If it is determined that the Contractor knowingly rendered an erroneous
certification under this provision, in addition to the other remedies available to the
state, DHS may immediately terminate this Agreement.
If the state finds that grounds to debar exist, it shall send notice to the Contractor
of proposed debarment indicating the grounds for proposed debarment and the
procedures for requesting a hearing. If the Contractor does not respond with a
written request for a hearing within twenty (20) calendar days, the state shall issue
the decision to debar without a hearing. The debarment period may be of any
length up to eight (8) years. After the debarment period expires, the Contractor
may reapply for inclusion on bidder lists through the regular application process by
authority of Executive Order 2003-1.
Oakland County, Juvenile Accountability Block Grant -2007 Page: 19 of 22 Version # 1.0
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DHS and the Grantee have caused this Agreement to be
executed by their respective officers duly authorized to do so.
The Undersigned has the lawful authority to bind the Grantee to the terms set forth in
this Agreement.
Dated at, MICHIGAN
This day of By
Dated at , MICHIGAN
This day of , By
Contract #: JAIBG-07-63001
Oakland County, Juvenile Accountability Block Grant - 2307 Page: 20 of 22 Version # 1.0
B1 Attachment B1 - Program Budget Summary
Juvenile Accountability Block Grant - 2007 3/23/2007
Oakland County From : 4/1/2007 To: 3/31/2008
1200 North Telegraph Rd Original P- Amendment Fiscal Services Division, Bldg #34
CITY STATE ZIP CODE FEDERAL ID NUMBER 48341- Pontiac MI 38-6004876 0403
'Line Item Grant Amount Cash I Total
Program Expenses
1 Personnel 74,982.00 8,331.00 83,313.00
2 Fringe Benefits 28,190.00 3,131.00 31,321.00
3 Travel 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 Equipment 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Supplies 12,564.00 1,396.00 13,960.00
6 Construction - Remodel 19,296.00 2,144.00 21,440.00
7 New Construction 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 Consultants/Contracts 17,100.00 1,900.00 19,000.00
9 Other Costs 1.00 2.00 3.00
Total Program Expenses 152,133.00 16,904.00 169,037.00
TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES 152,133.00 16,904.00 169,037.00
TOTAL EXPENDITURES 152,133.00 16,904.00 169,037.00
Oakland County, Juvenile Accountability Block Grant -2007 Page: 21 of 22 Version # 1.0
* 1 4 I
B2 Attachment B2 - Program Budget Summary by Purpose Areas
_ Line Item Grant Amount Cash Total
1 Graduated sanctions 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Corrections/detention facilities 19,296.00_ 2,144.00 21,440.00 _
3 Court staffing and pretrial 0.00 0.00 0.00
Prosecutors (staffing) 35,158.00 3,906.00 39,064.00
5 Prosecutors (funding) 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 Training for law enforcement 0.00 0.00 0.00
& court personnel
7 Juvenile gun courts 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 Juvenile drug courts 1,080.00 120.00 1,200.00
9 Juvenile record systems 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 Information sharing 7,689.00 854.00 8,543.00
11 Accountability 70,010.00 7,780.00 77,790.00
12 Risk and needs assessment 0.00 0.00, 0.00
13 School safety 16,200.00 1,800.00, 18,000.00
14 Restorative Justice 0.00 0.00 0.00
15 Juvenile courts and probation 2,700.00 300.00 3,000.00
16 Detention/corrections 0.00 0.00 0.00
. personnel -
17 Administrative Costs 0.00 0.00 0.00
Totals 152,133.00 16,904.00 169,037.00
Oakland County, Juvenile Accountability Block Grant - 2007 Page: 22 of 22 Version # 1.0
Adopted Adjust Amended
FY 2007 FY 2007 FY 2007
$16,904 ($16,904)
0 7,780
O 3,906
O 120 120
O 300 300
0 2,144 2,144
O 1,800 1,800
O 854 854
$16,904 _ $Ja $16,904
FISCAL NOTE (MISC. 107106) April 26, 2007
Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Pursuant to Rule XII-C of this Board, the Finance Committee has reviewed the
above referenced resolution and finds:
1. The Michigan Department of Human Services has awarded grant funding
to the Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court-Family Division,
Children's Village and Community Corrections under the Juvenile
Accountability Block Grant (JABG) for the period of April 1, 2007
through March 31, 2008.
2. The grant award of $169,037 provides funding to the following: Teen
Court program and Juvenile Offender backlog reduction in the
Prosecuting Attorney's Office, equipment and contracted services for
the Circuit Court - Family Division, Children's Village security
equipment, a Juvenile Forum and equipment for multi-departmental
information sharing.
3. The State contribution is $152,133 (90%) and the County grant match
is $16,904 (10%), which is included in the FY 2007/FY 2008 Adopted
Budget Non-departmental grant match line item.
4. In addition to the County match requirements, the County is expected
to incur administrative and support costs of $9,473, which have been
included in the FY 2007/FY 2008 budget. This grant does not allow for
recovery of those costs.
5. The grant discontinues partial funding for one (1) Youth and Family
Caseworker II (position number 3010402-09711) in the Circuit Court -
Family Division.
6. A budget amendment is recommended as follows:
General Fund #10100
9090101-196030-730800 Grant Match
4010201-122060-788001-27365 Transfer Out
4010201-122065-788001-27365 Transfer Out
3010401-121200-788001-27365 Transfer Out
3010401-121240-788001-27365 Transfer Out
1060501-131010-788001-27365 Transfer Out
1070401-113005-788001-27365 Transfer Out
4010201-111030-788001-27365 Transfer Out
Total General Fund Expenditures
JABG Grant Fund #27365
4010101-122060-610313 Grants - Federal
4010201-122060-610313 Grants - Federal
4010201-122060-695500-10100 Transfer In
4010101-122065-610313 Grants - Federal
4010201-122065-610313 Grants - Federal
4010101-122065-695500-10100 Transfer In
3010401-121200-610313 Grants - Federal
3010401-121200-695500-10100 Transfer In
Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote with Coulter absent.
Fringe Benefits
Fringe Benefits
Offender Backlog
$ 31,059
$0 $21,440 $21,440
$0 $21,440 $21,440
Total Expenditures $1 57.,203 .11,834 S169,037
Grants Federal
Transfer In
Grants - Federal
Transfers In
Grants - Federal
Transfers In
Grants - Federal
Transfers In
Total Revenue
O 2,700 2,700
O 300 300
0 19,296 19,296
O 2,144 2,144
0 16,200 16,200
O 1,800 1,800
0 7,689 7,689
O 854 854
$157,203 $11,_834 $169,037
Prosecuting Attorney Teen
Sub-Total Pros. Atty.
Sub-Total Pros. Atty. Juv.
Court Program
Fringe Benefits
Fringe Benefits
Teen Ct. Program
Prosecuting Attorney Juvenile Offender Backlog Reduction
Circuit Court Drug Court
3010401-121200-702010 Salaries $29,633
3010401-121200-722740 Fringe Benefits 15,568
3010401-121200-750154 Exp Equip Expense 0
Sub-Total Circuit Court Drug Court $45,201
($29,633) $0
(15,568) 0
1,200 1,200
($44,001) $1,200
Circuit Court Peer Groups
3010401-121240-730373 Contracted Services $0 $3,000 $3,000
Sub-Total Circuit Court Peer Groups $0 $3,000 $3,000
Children's Village Shelter Care Cottage
1060501-131010-750450 Security Supplies
Sub-Total Circuit Court Peer Groups
Juvenile Forum
1070401-113005-730373 Contracted Services
1070401-113005-731388 Printing
Sub-Total Juvenile Forum
Information Sharing
4010201-111030-731388 Printing
4010201-111030-750154 Exp Equip Expense
Sub-Total Information Sharing
$0 $16,000 $16,000
0 2,000 2,000
$0 $18,000 $18,000
$0 $2,848 $2,848
O 5,695 5,695
$0 $8,543 $8,543
Ruth John-son, County Clerk
Resolution #07106 April 26, 2007
Moved by Potter supported by Gregory the resolution (with fiscal note attached) be adopted.
Moved by Potter supported by Gregory the Finance Committee and Personnel Committee Reports be
A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the reports were accepted.
Moved by Potter supported by Gregory the resolution be amended to coincide with the recommendations in
the Finance Committee and Personnel Committee Reports.
A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the amendments carried.
Vote on resolution, as amended:
AYES: Gregory, Greimel, Hatchett, Jacobsen, KowaII, Long, Middleton, Nash, Potter, Potts, Rogers,
Scott, Spector, Suarez, Woodward, Zack, Bullard, Burns, Coleman, Coulter, Crawford, Douglas,
Gershenson, Gingell, Gosselin. (25)
NAYS: None. (0)
A sufficient majority having voted in favor, the resolution (with fiscal note attached), as amended, was
I, Ruth Johnson, Clerk of the County of Oakland, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and
accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners on April 26, 2007, with
the original record thereof now remaining in my office.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County of Oakland at Pontiac.
Michigan this 26th day of April, 2007. ,000-1