HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.06.09 - 2868NH L & MANUFACTURED BY fi) MV SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF FERNDALE JUNE 9, 1980 CANVASS OF VOTES (AST AT THE ELI TION HELD ON June 9, 1980 (DATE OF ELECTION) OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OFJHE CITY OF FERNDALE (LEGAL NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT) OAKLAND ! couN7y • ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS SCHOOL FORM PRINTERS OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES 1919 East Kilgore Road * KALAMAZOO,MICHIGe Order by Form No, [S391( CANVASSERS BOOK OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES r 2 3 4 PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER 6 7 , 8 TOTALS 1 9 •1 10 AVCB JOHN W. DICKINSON FRANCES E. PETTIT BARBARA L. PONKEY :g .; 7) 2 STATEMENT OF VOTES 5- ii1 o $1 EMI <7 7 7 I MI MI NM -7/ 76 43 ':n/ 1 /0/ EDWARD SHARPLES, JR. A m . ..... - 1... . . MairEISIVELIMI mill mom= Immo mom 1mm mmilmommimm mimm. mom n mommull n mmmmm. m momm mmirm =mom mom= mmil MEMmEMMEM EM IIMILIK-M.. MEm" 2 (.7 I-7,47,1 , .......... ........... mina-ommirarm Ersommans m 911EME NE mimm imallammiMmill - 1 NM MEIriE IIIAMMMMEmiN mu Immil. mamil millmmmilm MIl m mmEMMUmm _ lim : .....--=: 1 ! i , 1 11i I 1 • Z i I I '''' --",2. ''''''',' ''',..4 ' '''' --•-r...,, ' A:I . 1 1 11 _i___ ____ .- _ . , ; ! . J, - ,- •I lj 1 ! i 1 , 1 !I. , f :.1. -. i'• N3 !, , , 2? ..,,T2, N • DAVID W. HACKETT k ,--- —, - --.,..., .. i . , i•,) -,...iL4 MARGARET MAC TAViSH 1 '7, Ni ,, , 2 " ' '",.J‘, kl),) ' ' RICHARD J. PAPPAS 1 , . \,i N .U,. '-c.' , ' '.'"' ' ,...-. --ez , • ',,.S. -,,,„, ,.....;„..„„., VERON1 CA SEXTON 1 NANCY E VANG1LDER BARBARAj.‘ILLNG SlIII , I i 1 ''''' ( '''. -.'”' 'N., , 1, 1\5 ,.... i 1 -N,.. ke '-,,, \I 'e, =,,,..\i,. N. [ 1 JOHN J . Y'EZMAN , 1 III ....-.) 11111 . ,,c., -ND, ,r,„:„ „,,r) N 'v1111 THEODORE DZ I URMAN 7 11 1, IIIII H -"°',. ., ROBERT F I . I ATRAULT , 1 1 . ' \ , 1 b • .,„! , ., MARIELLEN GREENBURY 'P 41„ 1 1, ,.1 . F . k , 1J1111.1111 1 I 1 h I 1 _ 1 = 1111111111111111 ._, 1 I I, ii .......r_ , 11'1;1 I III i i ---i- I J i , I I ! I I 1 10) -4 . < > r- > o 0 2: r- rn > rrt rn The why--! purnber of votes given for the of-fi,ce, ','"L' -, r of tim r 1*7' rd of £dtcthor for a Four Year term was —'. .A.,- "V".-..... I VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN TWO and they were given For the foHowing named persons: , ,S1 i PERSONS RECEIVNcs THE VOTES NUMB :-.)r VOTES - N WORDS ---. JOHN W. DICKINSON - :I i.. ,y,_ ,-,.., „,.Q 2.FRANCES E. PETTIT ..1,- .. .. ;.,-,), j.)---1,--c4.. V-‘124----,g, .......,-.....,4 - fr-i.....--e._ ( , 1 3.BARBARA I_ . PONKEY \V ' , =I ----...Q._ - / I _., _ . . - , 4.EDWARD SHARPL ES , JR.— I( _ 5. 6. 1. — - I[ 8. I ._ 1 I 9• i 1 I I 10,_ : TOTAL ,12.1...,,,rL _ The whale -lumber of votes given for the office c ,. - -' he %cord of ErF1,' - ''- for a Three Year term , was _ 1 11 and they were :1:i. 7' for .;-,e- failevi:-.7 eii persons- t':71;-,i1 t,--"ING THE ',-:":"'F:3 '"' —r' OF VOTES WMITEN IN WORDS I . 0 , z. IL- _I_ 3. r 5 TOTAL The who!e number of votes g iven for the office o ' r t 1 the 0404f r o or a Two Year term wos and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES t4k,i0,4DER Of VOTES WRITTEN M WORDS .1 2 1 1 3 • _ _ i - — 1 5. TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of dof E'''', -'-'---- for a One Year term was and they were given for the fallowing named persons: I PER ONE REcFiviNo THE VOTES : '..1: - .VOTES WRITTEN IN 0 I I - - 1 I 1 2. 1 II I 1 . , 1 I 5, TOTAL IIII .......____ TOTAL VOTES STATEMENT OF VOTES — PROPOSITIONS AND QUESTIONS The whole number of votes for and against the WOS of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the Was of which number votes were marked YES rid votes were marked NO The whole number of votes for and against the was of which, number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES OF CANVASSFES CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN } ss. COUNTY OF__. OAKLAND We, the undersigned Board of Canvassers for the County of OAKI.AND from an examination SCHOOL DIST. OF THE CITY OF FERNDALE r. of the Election Returns of eceived by said Board of Canvassers, LEGAL NAME OF SCHCOL DISTP1CT determine that at the ANNUAL election held on 6/9/80 ,that the persons listed below were duly ,N.,),.,. O DATE OF ELECTiON elected as members of the Board of Education of the said School District for the terms of office set opposite their name or names: _ _ Names Q1 persons elected for a four ..---- L._.„..C2-,r_. . __-.C.-- '_'_--,.. , , year terrn expiring — ',"',',.\ 1984 -\,--,....--......--,,..._ 4,-.--,---7. , Names of persons elected for a three year term expiring Names of persons elected for a two year term expiring Names of persons elected for a one year term expiring — Do FURTHER HEREBY DETERMINE: That the followin g Propositions o Questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITiON Received „ Passed Having ' Sufficient votes was -- --.__ none Not Receitied Defeated NAME OF PROPOSMO. Received Passed Having . Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated NA E OF PROPOSITION Received , Passed . Having ua rticient votes was Not Received Defeated NAME OF PPOPOSMON Received, Passed Having Not ReceiVect Sufficient votes was Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the County of OAKLAND this day of JUNE 19 80 \ Atte • ci-oArRmArN ---. ' 1 CANVASSERS