HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1985.06.14 - 2893SCHOOL DISTRICT OF TI-IE CITY OF FERNDALE CANVASS OF VOTES CAST X ANNUAL AT THE GENERAL Li SPECIAL HELD ON ELECTION JUNE 14, 1982 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY 13@@11111E1fiV Oti@t, ffe, EI.LECTIOIC.SUPPLY .:MANUFACTURERS: STATIONERS ANDPRINTERS': 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENTOF VOTES, SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF FERNDALE JUNE 14, 1982 MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Ye ar Terms Vote for 2 4 Ye _ _ _ . .. - PRECINCT NUMBER -Y;2- ' TOTAL q4,-4 STAT EMENT QF:VOTas:::: SCHOOL :D I STRICT OF:::T1-1::,CITY :DF:::,FERNDA1.:E ::::::4UNEE:1i, 1982 -77:0A KLAND COMMUNITY COLtEGE TRUSTEES : Six Year -•.Tiri.E$ lOA:KLAND COILEGE::::TEDSTEE: :Unexpired :Four Year Tidetn : :vote for One Vote for Two PRECINCT: NUMBER pg I • 9[. STATEMENTOFVOTES, SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF FERNOALE JUNE 14, I82 OAISLAN_OMMAIN I TY COI. LEGE Tgt)5TEE Unexpired Two Year Term (1) Vote for One PRECINCT NUMBER -TOTAL Put figures this column The whole number of votes given for the offie of MEMI ER OF ThE BOARD OF EDUCATION - Vote for Tw was and they were given for the following named personsT e/(2,-- : : si: 1 : " .:...../ : : i , ift:&.;:..;:.6..;.L.../ e4.....:::2.7z ,,.:::;:i4Le. z received votes votes votes votes The whole hOh.thei' of VOtes ::given :I.Orthe office of ..Was:.: ...and:they.:.VVere::giverr:for.the.::folloWin:g:narned:perSons ....., received : : ":: : : : votes: TO1AL votes 'The:whbieinumber:of votes given for the office of was and they given for the follOWing named persons: ei.eived : :votes: cived votes ri.ceived votes totAL: : : ;:: : votes The Whole number of 'votes given for the office of and they were given for the following named persons: received ••:.1 :::...••::•.....:.....••••:.:....::••••••••••••••••••:' •votes rbtgivbd. votes votes votes received I received rece ived received received received votes . _ votes votes votes votes .....i•TOTAL votes STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for the office of Put figures in this colurn Was and they were given for the following named persons: received : • :•.. • votes redelved : votes: TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the pflice: of : .votes.• was and They: were given for the following named persons: : : received received re re ved : received : : •••• : received receivrid votes :votes votes v otes %votes votes The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: received received votes received received votes received votes received votes received : : : : : : votes received : : : : : : : : :Votes : : j : votes received votes received votes :•:•TOTAL :.•••••••• :.::• •votes CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION :STATE-OP...MICHIGAN .cOUNTY..GF.,:.•••••••••OAKI AN)) The Roard of .CtitiVaSSerS of the COUNTY if OAKLAND TOWNSHIP OR VILLAG having AcertdIned dOd Canvassed the Votes of said : ::.:0F. OAL . . • • • • • •• • • • . . . : Eleetion, held on the : : : 1 ktfj: dej? of•.• "JUNE orie:thouSehd::nine hundred and TWO:. Do Hereby Certify and Determine - having received a sufficient number of votes is elected (1.r: :THE;;;BOAR.D..::.:Of....: Eau cATt.olLF_o1JftLYEARLiimi: That : votes ,:iS:eleatedi having received a sufficient number of EMBER py THE BOA-RD OF EDUCATION - FOUR YEAR TERM That votes is elected having received a sufficient number of That votes is elected having received a sufficient number of That votes is elected _ having received a sufficient number of . _ . having received a sufficient number of .Votes•ls•eleCtett.• That .. ... having received a sufficient number of That _ votes is elected having received:a:sufficient:riumber of : That : votes :is:alected :Thal:: VoteS is elected : That votes is elected . having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of . having received a sufficient number of That voteS is elected : havingteceivedia:SUfficient ,n0Mher:of: having received a sufficient number o having received a sufficient number Thai having received a sufficient number That votes is elected having received a sufficient 00MOO - of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of That . votes is elected That . votes is elected That . . votes is elected having received a sufficient number o having received a sufficient number o That ... votes is elected That votes is elected 'having received a sufficient number pf:: having received a sufficient number of That votes is elected That votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of __having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of Votes is elected Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION : NONE : ReCeiAied : • Passed Having: : Sufficient votes Was : No 'Roc() iVed : : : Defeated Received : •• • : PaSSed: : : Having : Sufficient Votes was : • Not Received : ::::Defeated NAME OF PROPOSITION • .. NONE:- .. • .• • .•. . 'NAME OF•PROPOSITION%... NONE Received : : • : : Passed : Having ::SOffibient votes Was Not : RLceived Defeated : Received :Passed Having :sufficient votes was Not Received : Defeated : NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION : Received " : PaSsed: ; Having Sufficient Votes Was : Not ReC011(e0 : : : Defeated . NONE ••• •••.. ••••••••• .•• Received ....••••••••, ••• ••••••••• ••••: •• • 'Having•:• • Sufficient votes was • . • : • .: • 1. • ..• -..NOt:•:Heceiverl • ••••: • • . • .. •• • ••• . ••••• ".. • :••Defeatc.itt. In Witness whéxécii, We have hereunto :set our ::handS. and 6ffi*:11 the Seal :o. the : " coUtit9.„ • : of: : Odk•1:ánd.:: " OLJNTV C liv; TOWNSHIP Olt VILLAGE) (COUNTY, CITY TOWNSHIP Oft VtLLAGE): :ithis : • : E: . day of : . June ri :trie,),e:One:thpoSdnd nine: hundiedp eighty t1,40: BOARD OF CANVASSE:RS':.:: ATTEST/ OF :I§OA kli:Oirt AN VASSE R$... • . .• . .• • • ••1 CHAIRMAN. BoAFIED. Or....CANVASSE: • . . . .