HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.02.19 - 2909SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF HAZEL PARK HE OAKLAND M-397 NV SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION I i 1 1 FEBRUARY 19, 1980 (DATE OF ELECTCON) MANUFACTIRE-',..? BY M' Ted persons: and tey ccAccercc.c:: , •ci. VOTES ',..,c'qTTEN rl TOTAL . WCIS n d ie WVWT 1E1 pen;OnS: NUMDER OF VOTES WR;TTEN ;N WORDS ••S•NS iiEcTE,"1 THE cc „ votcsi VMS for rhe o-ific, ccc.-;,c CI cc.co.ccd i E Ecc" ISO n IOTA\ I Y the pH'ic.e THE VOTES Mn nameo persons: 1 Eccuccc"' 1.0F Cc 4 0. V( Mfl Hor THe of-; NUMBER OF V55 :.s \cc,c1BITEN ft: WORDS FEBRUARY 19, 1980 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF HAZEL PARK SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION PROPOSITION MILLAGL RENEWAL PRECINCTS YES 1 / 17i LAGE RENEWAL Shall the limitation on the Total 'amount of taxes which may be assessed against 611 property_ in the School Distrct of the City of Hazel Park, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, continue to be levied on seven and forty-two -O-ne—h'undredths (7:42)-1i0J1s ($7_,42_op each _$_1,09900 of State Equalized Valuation) on all property in the School District for one (1) year only f1980) for the purpose of payinga5r t of the operating expenses of the school district? TOT.A.L, s TOTAL_ V EYES , d TOTAL V 0-IFS County Oakland Tc.-,,,r=sHp Corwed the Votes 01 said_ School District of the City of Hazel Park 19th Februaryday c..4 Special School E!. >n held on tka Ighty , M I LLAGE RENEWAL NA MC CA' NONE NAME CD-t' Rp er. 1-1c;..y]nci ' NONE vOTeS a 5 February uncimci eighty. i P E - - I ATT. / -CLERK OF I CLITG , OAKLAND hclving roceived o f hov .h,19 miff:1)er of vIng receiver! E jcccds icie Fil 'be( received suHic!ent Fm.mberr !loving recel ,,,e6 sut-,c.ient number of hoving .,:-rufficiervr , n ni r 0 1 - - received sufficeut number 011S Were Qa7,!:-;ed cn de7+E.=d Not Roc Del.euted nereuntr, set county _of Oakland