HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1975.06.09 - 2915June 9, 1_925 (DAT: OAKLAy xxxxl;Arx.=0‹-Ak.Xnx,KKX-XXXWAXx ANNUAL ELECTION JUNE 9, 1975 SCHOOL DI'STRICT OF THE nTY OF HAZLL HELD ON SCHOOL EISTft7 OF THE CITY OF HAZEL PARK JUNE 9, 1975 IGT,AL vote's votes 7.teE.1. William C. Hitchcock received votes votes received received 11.01 recei ,ed received Gail J. McPherson received recei ved TOTAL — voes VOi?5 votes votes votes k STATEMENT OF VOTES nrn-nLer of vok>s given for the Ace: of they were 9.ven for the fellowner nrruned rece;ved received TOTAL The whole rILJ ocher of votes 9iven for lice Ake of and they were c...3e,en for tl.ric• rtameo, pFJ,S0;13:: received tecefved received votes votes votes votes ” 0 Tie whore number of votes given for the office of and they wore given for the roileyfung nomed riff,i,ern receivc4..f: teceivea rec:t.iffed TOTAL _ -076-fe tor not more th-dii-To) socH number of votes fr)t e4iice MEMBERS OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Four Yr. Term 1,Na 5 . 3 they were g iven for te Lloyd E. Dalton nornEd ,eenfons: received ._;CHOCL DISnICT or THE CITY OF HAZEL PARK JUNE 9, 19'75 ••• PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO STATEVY OF VOTES, STATIMAT OF VOTES, Members of the Four Yr. Te 0 tn 0 4.0 S- +J Co Co CoCU 0 Co PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER rAL 9 .(C) 1 I F 12 15 TOT?LS STE CT OF TEES IT or HAZEL PARK 9, 1975 ,ti: d• 'nq norired ' "I',-;;T AL t €.!'S recetved received rteceiveu • i•,ikoile number of verfes given for .012.! c'Eice I S riiey were irne • 1: - C W I e I) mber or ::or. the TO .-..imber of ote keen ko he office of ncf they ,• ; 1€2:€the •••ii votes c..-iiven for the of •-•;.:;;;cr,fotthe oiIowLr rich We'd received votes 11 votes 1: TOTAL • • :„ .. voter, •• • — - . . . ,.------------2 ' --i l whole number of votes g wen for T here v 10,1 the Ic l owno volar. •'.' .••'' . . • , reZ.Enved TOTAL viTfr ..itr voice YO: TErFI ,r OF VOTES The whoTe number of ,f,..rets sg;,vert for the r4h c.o. of 'A US and they were given for the te:'•otwitIg. earned pets-0ms L- .. . The wh•-.f.re r:Lirnir.f.c of votes given for the ofthfcs of .. .. . .. : ... . . . .. • • .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . , . . .. :. . . . .. — —11.-- was. . .. my were g iven for the followirm rt. vOteV The w;()Je r votes coven the orrice of ,0 For the rcnorts: re cc: tt..2 :7 • I TOIAL The whole i-n.irn6et of votes given FOT of t.,ey were gwen for the followin g named r,F•,,oris; reCc received received 1 rece'tyed TOTAL V C: 9tven for and a-3(.:Lnst he __ The wham an STATE `Y TT V. vaieS cvn r0an d aao 6" votes were ri and --- -- votes -,,yee OTA[_. VOTES: he veies given o vote• Were TOTAL VOTES, SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF HAZEL PARK E oF JUNE 9, 1975 C u.Narz or Oakland The B0Cli'd A SCE-nt0 edcn a seventy-five ae thciUSar.:- Do He Th at line Eledibn,on the Annual Triat. iivb.1.5 is, elected rec'eived t!-Ae. icitiictest niit -noerr ,ot - Mc:T. vofes is elected having icitioesi ended That votes is elected That_ _ --YcAt.s yoTes aelecteo Mott votes is elected Thcit 1.. or of. STATE Of G A County e).. Oakland Votes c::;• School District of the Ci -ty of Hazel park, 9th d,:ya f June t it,ct nun ,7,4,0t,d Member of the Board of Education - Four Year Term - Expi riny 1979 i'Ved th C votes ts elected Member _of the Board _of__Education Four Year Term - Expiring 1979 butvinf.-1 received th0 larciesi ni.tribeti or hi:vying trnie largest nuimber of .hayinq received hovn.reCetVettir ov the -la.itigQ.st number havilinct nurnlit,er of hitirciest votes i el:t.-cted Plut ..t: ,ttlectect . Tkatt voter', is eiecteri—_ tttt "V 3 _ r.hcit vte is ekoted _ vof es is ziet:fed That June rind yfi ye i COLN7v CANVASSERS .er one- thousand nine 1-tuf...fii HOOL DiSTRiCT OF THE NTY OF HAZEL PARK JUNE 9, f97f; Ihc! ..:dected kciv"Ino received the [orgost number having received the k.zrg.es number of: nui-rFbe, _ ....... - - - - .. - - - -- - - -.„. - - - - - . .... . ... .. ... „ ... _._ _ _ .. __ .. ...... _._ .... __ .. _._. . . ...._.._ ..___ . ..._ _ . havin9 received file lotg-t:?sf of ._ _having reee -tYed. Ole largest number of eive,d the 'largest- number of in W!:,7f7 I Vie of the_ _ ftto set our Hndc end alliNed the Seat Oakland