HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.03.27 - 2948I I ELZ7.7- FORM PRfr7 Order by CANVASSEi'l I:.rq General, Prirrte.:Tp,,, Specil SCHOOL D I S TR I CT CC THE C I TY OF HAZEL PARK (SPECIAL) MARCH 28, 1972 SPECIAL LD ON MARCH 28, 1972 (DATE CF ELLCTION) OAKLAND 4 XXMOM00000(NXXXXX*XKUMXXXXX (-.91 hed v,Tic.-3 LrYiNc TH office .Ths.rnec.i. persons: THE VOTES NUMSZR U VOTFS KREVIE W 3 Tr,.7 Q . V,73,TTTS 1 D 1 STR 1 CT OF THE C I TY OF HAZEL ()ARK SFLCI AL) STATEMENT OF VOTES MAKCH rj/2 MI LLAGE RENEWAL TOTAL YES NO •: YES NO YES NO YES NO 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T :"../ • 1 1 -F 1 2 14 • • •• 15 •• •• 1 3 C • •• TOTAL PREONCT OR WARD NUMBER r11:0' MILLAGE RENEWAL Shall the existing tax of three (3.00) mills on each dollar ($3,00 per $1,000,00) of assessed valuation aS _State equalized for opera_t_ifto purposes LD eL<ces_s af_the fifteen.. (15) mill limitatiAuLan_the.. total_ amount of taxes which may be assessed each year against property in the School District of the City of _Hazel_Park„Dakiand.County,_be continued_a_s_provLded tri &ectIon 6, Artic12 9 of the Canctitution o_f_tEe State of Michigan, for a period of two (2) years, from 1972 to 1973 both inclusive and said tax of ($3,00 _per....$1,..00_0_0a at the. asseasedNalliatjon as_ equanzed to be_ levied for. all WE:j e TOTAL VOTES OP.1-j tke • ttCrly;t1t... number of numbe..- eiected___ That votes is ..s.:Hected ;hat vet es - yete5 is elected Ti7at c;ecte.d o _ ,rotes ThQf vCqe-s electe, c-oce.st nunlbeF h•Qving receiyea : , twesitiq the c7,i• . . hayin,-.73 the tclveje..st ro:.:€inbe.:, of y: rr recerved ho oges number of r, .• AJT47: '[...:((-..,ent -votes was M I LLAGE RENEWAL NAMF 0.F PR,o3Pc.]:, NONE PROPOSITION! NONE PC:5' - _ATE OF 2'11 OAKLAND The. nard o f t he COUNTY re o OAKLAND sa id SCHOOL_DIS_TRI ETHC _E TY _OE HAZEL _RARK., _ , keld on . day of tilikThCH thousand. d . SON...en t D.* That 1-!e Tr.,-;:cerved the .:Arge.st number at