HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1981.04.13 - 2962HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION o r • ;eai (31- riarned peri 11-1 7HE VOTES Or VOTESV.i,-711'TEN N WORD 4 r TEE wRri-FEN nNt WORDS : 4. on h.) r 0 Numr-F.Fi Cr VC,,TES wR;TTEN4 , . we 0 ,- . TI-At NUMBER OF VOTES WMITEN "CN WORDS _ named. persons, PEPSIJNS R E0F rvn.:0. . - 4. , F . • : : • . . . A L. .: • • • .: : • •-•—:- : -,-- : ,- ------„: ....Y.2.cr Te r M . .. . • •• . TOTAL : PROPOSITION PROPOSITION i I Renewal of 2 mills for 5 years that expired in 19807 Increase of 4 mills for 5 years? SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTiON , MONDAY, APRIL 0, 1981 HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT )TES TOT AL VOTES I. MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in Holly Area School Di-str4.ct„Oakland County,. Michigan-,__b_e_increased_b_y 2 mil_l_s---($2,00 on_each $1,o00._0a on state equalized valuation for a period of 5 years, 1981 to 1985, inclusive, for the purpose for_ope_ratimg purposes (t.hi_s_be_i_ng a renewal of l_mills. for operating purposes which expired with the 1980 tax levy)? TO IL ADDITIONAL MILLAGE PROPOSITION Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in Holly ATea School Oak-la-Rd County, M4chi-gan be i-ncreased by-4 (S-4,G0 on -each--$1-,000.00) on state equalized valuation for a period of 5 years, 1981 to 1985, inclusive, for the purpose of providin-9 add i t -funds for operat a -s-e-p-a-ra-te--prop&s-a-1-----4n-add-44-on---------- to the increase submitted in Proposition I at this same election)? TOTAL, VOTES V,Z,'1-Ct5 hav;n9EEE suflicient ..„ ilov•;ng sufl.K::efIr nVITIbi'j CA. Hvmg recR:vesi. sufic!eni nt.,:mbel. f hvH1 roc v s ! C ! . .71 eiocjed__ Th ,•• yoh--,,s is That _ — - T1 Ce;vJ CH:'r:. of _ _ hcvving riumor..r cf _ . _ ..hravHig received P.1:I o LiTre(j MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION Hr•-'- o,H.Icl era vol.e,, ADDITIONAL MILLAGE PROPOSITION NAMi 01 PRC)Pc.:. Rec,,,iiecii • R NONE sei cot ttvtr dC OTIrj County pi Oakland Cour,ty : April eighty-one, ATTES-,/ - // CLEF. OF CANVASSERS. 01' =TIT OAKLAND CoGrity Oak 1 and _ olly _Area School D i str i c -.,. Spec i a 1 School _Eiechon Hc.-.:i on The 13th April _ e i ghty -one . _ ni.)71.-11.)er _ . huvin9 ioc.-erved sufficient. number of