HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1979.06.11 - 2981HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT (LEGAL 1,1..:1'.1..AF OF c1CH171474'1-- OAKLAND ANNUAL ELECTION AND SPECIAL RECALL ELECTION D ON JUNE 11, 1979 (DATE OF ELEC-170?-4) g 4 2 TOTALS • : - f i ' -.ger 1 2 L 3 IAVCB1 1 i 1 :J 1 - 1 I 1 i 1MEMBER OF BD. OF EDUC. ] i ,4 Yr. Term - Vote for 2,1F 1 ' 1 I -7,---1 i -----t---- --1- .._ I I i 1 I James R. Buckley ,.r „ .,''! i C1,- -,.---/i---' '', 1 0 . .."--, ,.', ,/' i 1 ,...! 1).5 1 1 t) i 1 - I [ : 1 Dolores S. Coleman bl 2 02:1')1./ ! - q 4 1 , -- - - -- L-, 1 . 't f ,, j).-,,-„../ 1 :, ( .,,..... , ---,... Y / 1 I 1 1 I Harold E. Rose ._j1:', - I -; ': I Le ' 1- I i 1 11 L _ I George A. Tuson II ci ,, h? I 1 L2 7-1 - - I i I 1 , 1 I ! -L I: 1 , 1 j i _..._ _ '6 _______.1 . , 1 P - L_ 1 i i, T r i ii-- , i TOTAL 1 , „, -,--r(i-elc?: L, -7 1 -1 ,<,-, . .. v>,:;- 1_ i ; ; I- • i i , --T-- 1 1 I . , MEMBER OF B. OF,EDUC. II- 1 ' -- T _L 1 Yr. Term-vote or t I_ 1 i r --).‘ 1 T , 1 ----i- ...0 Sharon L. Vogel .,.,,..--....- ,-,........,,---,-.......,-- 1 i 1 i L... I ,,4 . Frank Wh i tman Young 11/ 0 ;LI _1'7, . i :i ( 1111111111111 r____.... L ------- .,..t- . , i--- 1 _I 1 , „_1_, 1 1 1 1, 1 TOTAL ,1 ni ,--.1 •.L1',--'''' =. ' ,- ,-, E ) 0 i r---- 1 .-t-- 1 1--- i I -----_ -I -----f------t- ' - • ••••• - 1 i I H I 1 f i ---- J.- ---- . at 1 1 ] 4---- i-- '11 3 1- - h- -1--- " J 1, I II. ,---.- . :-. 1 L 1 i L ' 1 I : : ; f"---7--' --- I 1 _ € i , , 1 , ,: , - 1 i - 1 ll [ 1 J__ E -,L- ! : H. 1 1 1 1 - ----) : 1 I _ - ..H1 I - i tr" II 4 ii I I l' _ i I ----Al I L h---- ,_ [ i •h- 7-- i ' ._ -] L L....,.. -- - -•-• -f- .•II _. ! 1 , ; PROPOSITION A l PROPOS ITION #2 PROPOSITION 11 i 1 111 22 TOTAL L YES _1 NO 1 TOTAL I YES , NO 1 TOTAL NO i 1- I;- :1 , I i 1 , 4- 1 I : • • 2 : • : 2 , 1 . .•• I I; ....._ 1 -L— -r, ; li_________ 11 .. 1 Il I • 1 1. I ; , 11 1 a 1 II 11 t1 1; L ':-.,._, 4 1 'I •'-' '''''' i , 1 . , d : 2 2 -,.-1 li 1; ,I ;. 1 ;. ;I 11 11 1; 1r ; -14 1; 1; 1; 11 -1•1•• -11 4 11 T 4 l• H r 1 !I 1; -7 Li •ii '1 ;I 11- 1: H . , t- , , 1 , r , F i 1 : 1 I 1 1 IL KjL;Y ARF'A SCHOOLS JUNE M, 1979 STATCETT nF VOTES, ANNUAL ELECTION AND SPECIAL RECALL ELECTION • • PREC I NETS ] r, Shal l S ha ll 1 1 James R. Buckley T ;;;[. Harebell Childress 9 ,I I: 1 i 11 II 1; 1 I. 1 II i d II L i: be recalled? I 1 ,1 1I be recalled? u :1 4 I; YES ......._._ - . II i 3 / Lii, .3 'I — 4--- 1 ' --., „--- II 1 11 7-, . / 7," _4 • , ._... I / ,'" -", 1 - 11 ') '-' I -{---.. ' — ',;:--) 1 11 / • i--;., I H- '' ' • ' • <•-,) .--. /--'-- ; — -.) r 1 ,.--,—, I" ; II . IL- ----";:I --- -- I.___gc ,-) I .,,,= ,/' I; -'. --7' '-"I I 7 7 ,.A .2- :1 .4--- -<" 9 1 ,_. ,. * -1- '` -----:- ,---; ,,-- / _L / -11 11 Shall John H. Sennett; be recalled? '1 1 . t : !•• .. : , • H-- —, :1 Il I.•-I :I i I i 1 H 1 I ! I1 11 1' :1 F,T1.rI cr. r term i I! I II James R. Buckley Dolores S. Coleman Harold E. Rose George A. Tuson ; ' 7'1 I ) 11 • ' I 1 - 2 - , 6. 11 ' Sharol L. Vogel 1 4 , „ -TY I :A 1 1 14. r-1-7-71 117 11N 11 nore than two) ! , . . , ! ! 1 ! 1 I 1 1 1 • 1 ! : f ' I • .1 I I .1 f, FOY the c4fice VOTES V(P,',"Mi,..H f 1, I I d I 11 , , j . ! 1 1 1 I I TOTAL !; I i I a Two Year „m f•Aff P,Iff4 Vva 1!1' I 1i I 1 7 11 • 1 .1 11 'd 11 li il '11 or Dine il if i .!-.. If 1 I r H 10. TC.T George F. Feeman Frank Whitman Young 1 PCTS. 1 Y ES ' 133 3 • f P - r- NO /e.. / / -42 c/ Ili //). f, /i — — ! !! 4. : , : 1 1 .•••• • • li II „ r [ ' ' : , ! -JI ' 1 II I I . : .: ;• : il 11 :1 ! r il I! 1 i, 1 ., IT 11 1 1 11 I 11 1' —11 ! , 1 + : i, .1: -,, ---it H 4,1 1 I! 1: L. !I I I HOLLY AREA SCHOOLS I'."TrUZ 7' 7r PROPOSITION # 4 Shall Jane A. Stone be recalled? JUNE 11, 1979 ANNUAL ELECTION AND SPECIAL RECALL PROPOSITION #5 Shall Charlene Wright be recalled? 11 ELECTION MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION Renewal of 11.47 mills for 5 years 11 1, !I YES I NO 1 TOTAL 1 YESI NO i TOTAL 1 — -- :•• •=F1- 1 2 3 AVCB: 7 -1-4 -'-:i Li7 • m•Z., / i --, ..' I !• 2 — I - ----1) I ,.._... f-r•-•-- ,=y/ 11 _5 / /- L.-; 11 11 ? 62C) ;1 6. Lf_!) —t1- >7,- 4 -7,1 11 , IF) z- 5-{ 1 , ,' ----,o 1-[1 : 1! ? 1: -0-- 1 i 1 11 11 1 !1 4 f 1 1! . - 11 1 it i, -L . ] k , :: 1-' ,11 1.1 -111 I I 11 1, 11 11 11 -14 11 1! 1, 17- 1 111 lr in ; 11 11 > 1 11 1 ! 1 II I 1' .: — 1 --1, 11 • I ! •,. 1 1 1 11 11 11 1! 11 11 : : .•••' : : .• : L- . 0 i---- h . ! d " TOTAL -; -11 11 111 1: 1.! 4 1! 1, 11 11 1,11r 11 :1 11- -1 1 p/11 1: 1: • ;• i t or a our .1 ear ie,rrri , ii ; 5. I ; I : 1 I Tel; 1: I : :I . 11 1 :1 ! f 1 1 I , I : 111 ,1 • 1: El :1 1 ; [l [11 i 4, I! I 1 , 4, 9 tr, rrr o which r„',-nbet votes were nrriork:Lrl anal votes were marked Ct. ^ ,ol—rirotr esH the PROPOSITION # 3 1r rr,e I !! ; I I; I Shalj_Johnjk Sennett be recalled from the office of school board member of Holly Area School District, Oakland County, Michigan? / ,==, -"" e rr-tr'• , r PT4 r' jj The whoio. mr.'mber of votes for and ogo '9.st the PROPOSITION # I iL SiTa-1-1-4amo-s—R--Buckl-ey be re-callGd —f-ram—the. offi-ce—of s-chool—broa-rd—memb_er—of--Holly.Are_a. 111 School District s Oakland County, Michigan? . 1r I r TOT,60 VOT7 _11; PROPOSITION # 2 1 1. Shall Harebell Childress be recalled from the office of school board member of Holly Area J School District Oakland County, Michigan? ri The r.,,,rir7 c!..- r;.:„„ i —71 7 1 , I --111 i! 1 ! .. I , I =,- 1 i --'1". L 1 t r.' I I il 1 i 1 ll I ' it ---1 (11'-/-7 i L—..1—........L.—Hi 11 1 ! !I I ' I 'll IL I I 1 .., kk„vras k. i „,..._.....„.ir,c5,_„..-„,,,,,,,,„:„.„7„.„-7, IL !! Oi :==:.'• :: :!_.;-: f 1.: := :7 !=:::::=-• :- ? -,,,,-.4,.---ryi--,. '. \ "= fk,,,,-,...--V- 1 ! . . . .. , - Y — votes wero P IOTAL VOTES Li CANVA, ' & ' STATE OF OAKLAND SS. c ,... Ty CIF I , .,-- _ for - L, Oakland We ; the t.,,-,;--ie,si,-..-..,r, 0, c - rur the ,,, , from on exnmitv,-,ti on of the Election Returns Hol ly_ Area School District received by scild Bo:7rd of Conva7.,sel-5, LEGAL : the Annual election held ord. une 11 , 1979 ,shat the persons listed below were Lly DATE ,=)" of the • E ,f Edur:77t; c..-.: of the said Schooi 7..)itHt.tt for the terms of office set opposte their , , elected For ..:.., four 1 year i-P -rn e.,,: 1 11 I 1 I 1983 -- 11 i •A persons elected fa: a °krde 1 I 1 year teffri exp.:,,,,i H- 1 1 1 ..._ i L I , 1 Names or persons elected For a two year term expj 1 _..,......._ for a one - , 1980 1.-- ..,_....._ ......_. iL 1 Do 1J H:-.-.:RF.By DETE ,:::, E: That the ;-....1l-,.,,,::-.t-, Propo ,i ,,,s or 01.reoons were ed or I — PqC,POT=FICiN # 1 1 I s oss.c..<1 ' Shal 1 James R, Buckley be ,-) 1-1....„;_ Rece:yt?fol „,.nt votes wc 1 i 1 :.--1, 1, .r, ‘i ..... •- I recalled? i , i 2 1 . Shall Harebell Childress be 1 RPcd , , :71 ,-,,:.:---.71 1 . ta-FHPrit votes -,,,,C.7, '.-2--1-----:-"' J recalled? I - --',-Ne-t--P-c-ei.v-eci . ' " l l .I Prtr,-POY.TP:w #3 ... i , Shall John H. Sennett be Re.ceived. , ". - , ,,,i-ri,ient ,...!s Passed I recalled? C:47.,,,:5'0 — ' D.,„r,eated 11 IT— - - , ,1 4 d Shall Jane A. Stone be ; Recei• Passed rvi - reca I led? L_ 1, a 11 li k '..',!":ha,.s Whereof, We have 1-15-_,,,--..,..-Itc-, set our7.nr-1 ,gix.p.d .1 ,-,p-'-':;,-.:al of the li Oakland :i :I „ day of _ Jime 1 19_7g • I /12 I I .0---t ----, BOARD _ 6 ,....,2 0 PROPOSITION #4 acainst the The v-ihe:e. 1 2 5: Shall_dane A- &tome be recalled_f_rom_the offire_..oi_school board_memher afAally_A_rez School District, Oakland County, Michigan? PROPOSITION #5 Shall Charlene Wright be recalled from the office of school board member of Holly Area S-Choor DISIFFct,-Oakland County, Michigan? 1 TOTAL H H i !! Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes Oi"fei may be assessed against all property H in Holly Area School District, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased by_11,47 ($11.47 on P each $1,000.00) on state.egualized valuation for a period of 5 years, 1979 to 1983, inclusivJ h for the purpose of providing additional funds for operating purposes (this bei .mq a renewal ri 1 r Of 11.47 miffs for operating purposes which expired with the 1978 tax levy)? d , 1. ,,,, . . Q. ... ,,,\ . .Z-45---7,4 ,,._ : i W a 5 (.. . •F [..1......._, 1 , ,.. ,/ L[[/ --/ . 1 1 -7 ; 1211 ,[ - .. - -1,)--r— ; Th r, ' we ri-f7-rke ,---.3. , --.; - • I '•-• PI --- , and ,, ,..—• %.. t _i it 1 .., MO vefes. , ,... _. , , FOTAL VOTES ii the MILLAGE , RENEWAL PROPOSITION --1 STATE c ss. COUNTY OF OAKLAND We, ',- :, s for the C ,:, '-,° of _ (:)_k_l_a_ncL from an exr7,7 ,-ition of the -Elect , -m Retur -- — Hol 1 y _Area School District received by said Bcord.: of Ccnvos.3ers, Annual -ejection ho ld on June 11, .1 97 f tbot the person= listed be!ow we7e duly , DATE OF ELET,TV.:`, , - r.sot ene, Bonrci of Eduotics,P, of the F..:.' ,:'! SC1100! IT) L7,77 ot for the terms of office set opposite their , ted iccit a year term g , ., 61' 2,,, I— ,I, , '' VQ---/ri\--Arl"\-- ----) il _ 1 I i o:f persa,,s elected for a three 1 1 yeisi:r term ,..,-pir1ri; 1- ei.iicted for a two year term c:- - , i i Narne5 o r,..: -....-, ehRoted far a one ---3 4.--- ". ''' ' ''''', year ,-rm e-pi-i , 3 .....-,v.t..,-. - --- Do F1.2 -cTHER HEREBY IDETE1- : That the :110 iii7 ,,,,ii,:g Pri-gposi ,ie_-ins or 01..re.-,:'ions were. passed or —...,.. #5 I Shall Charlene Wright be Received ,- recalled?1.....a.,..,,e_ "1 1 • 1 votes was POSSed --Defect-e—d — _ 6: -'," -- „v,• -., —,.... , _ - 1 c , MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION , 4.7=----gii......,..,.iin Received , p,,,,,,..1 — ' - NONE i ' - Not- K.,,,c-F:Hrc----L-1 — Jetec7fect i , Passed NONE Hci ,.A,-,:-. . , . , ..S;Mc...1- -f:'S Wai , ,c--- , -. Keceivect uereateci -- In '',A,11111-ie.,:s \=,11Aereir:,, We ha:v. here,w7'fo set our h,7r,ds and c,:qixaci the Seal of the Oakland this day o June 19_19_, , : ... _,,,,-.... -.)....__ ',...: : ..,..:,_,(.,-/---,, . BoA,RD c,F 411# t if 77'` ,,._,',._„.---.... , , 11 CL'=F ,77) F CANVAaszrs 1 i i