HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1990.06.11 - 2983OF IOTE! XX ANNUAL OF OAKLAND COUNT'T- 4 REM UN HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT LIII GENERAL AT THE E SPEC IA L HELD ON JUNE 11, 1990 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES, HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 1 ,J990 MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION Four Year Term-Vote for Two PRECINCT NUMBER L-1 /3- F- AVCB 1 —g TOTAL = uJ = (f) OG 1-P, G MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES UR10_4-4-EAR T TWO - SIX_YEARTERM !I" lh STATEMENT OF VOTES, OAKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE BIENNIAL ELECTION - JUNE 11, 1990 STATEMENT OF VOTES, T I I Ir II ! I I I I I I I I I I Ir i I 1 1 i I I I I I ' I I 1 P G HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 11,j990 Four Year Term EMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION -Vote for Two The whOe number of votes given for the office of was STATEMENT C TIM J. BURNS received and they were given for the folio\ votes LI I I II MICHAEL H. THERRIAULT TOTAL received votes V otes votes The vvhole r of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the fallowing named persons: received received received TOTAL The vvhoke number of votes eiven for the office of was and they w :e TOTAL votes :I votes votes i votes h votes v otes votes votes II VOWS V otes V otes V otes VOWS VOWS VOWS VOWS VOWS VOWS VOWS VotaS P re ce ed received rec.eived reccived : received received TOTAL The whole number c-'••:‘•:-• the officr.,' of was and they vv -!.-: the toll CAAr 2.G votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes volcis vow 13 votes votes V otes received votes received votes votes TOTAL votes STATEMENT OF VOTES 0 Put figures in this column = '1 J they were g e fohovvi tie P‘ersons: ved ber of vote. of•fice of ed persons: ved ecl received given for .••• the ton ovvino named nersons: received 11 votes received votes V otes votes ved • • votes votes votes votes riled and mietal the Votes of said Holly Area School District (coc.,3,-r-r, CITY, Tomt-r4-3.E.irt, 00 VU..LOG.S.1 at the Annual one thousand ribb hundred and ninety Do That votes is elected MEMBER 11th day of June having received a se -.mt r • iether of Election, held on the OARD OF EDUCATION - Four Year Term votes is elected MEMBFR _O_F BOARD OF EDU_CATION - Four Year Term That havi gig ••• a sufficient ri siecher of That _ That _ /112-aiti!, r of That havi h ci a sufficient - That votes is elected The., votea is havirig, votes. That votes is elected That votes is elected nunader of hevinci a sufficient rei That •fficient That votes is e CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND SS. The Board of Cciete7c.'S of the County • of Oakland • (COUNTY, CTV TOWUSEUP OR V;LLAGZ) crry. votes is elected ••• haviaii •-! a sufficient it votes is elected hav ing rece ived a at: ticet number of votes is elected That That votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected havirg entelted e. sufficient rnire cf That ••• • having received a s-i'fle°••e--it b•im r of votes is elected That having received a suffie votes is elected That havin g received a sufficient number of votes is elected 4-G That votes is elected ired it number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of NONE NAME OF P ROPOS1 Ti ON 4 NONE OF PROPOS! TION (COUNTY, ,-.:rr/v, •ouvr.1.0.06, OR V?1,1-.ONE) of the Co un ty Oakland (COUNTY, STY, Tow, ,tIte OR V2CLOGE) June this in the a NONE a sufficient number of That a ad h, vu :her of votes is elected • That • 1;-..-••::-g received a sufficient number of votes is elected That votes is elected That H • a sufficient number of votes is elected That .... : elected That votes is elected That a sufficient number of votes is elected Do Fult That the foli CiLoStiOnS rs NAME Ot r- as indicated below: NONE \!A-1E OF PROF'O!'_;1 -1- ON 2 NONE kONF NAME. ON Having Having Having Received Not Received Received Not Received Received Not Received Not ideceived Not R....It:Avail Not votes was es was Sufficit Sufficient votes was votes was Sufficient vutes was Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Defeated Dcdrrted Passed Defeated Passed_ Defeated in We have hereunto set our hands and the Seal of day of -A nine • tiad ninety Ri< on SCARE% OF C,AN ACZE RS. CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. -0