HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1988.06.13 - 2992Al _RD 01 CANVASS S C.2:NVASSED HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT CANVAS t OF VOTE XX ANNUAL AL SCHOOL ELECTION El GE NERAL LI ELECTION SPECIAL HELD ON June 13 9 1988 (DATE OF ELECTION) OF Of—I.:LAND COUNTY, MANUFACTURT5' VOLEM 101 ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTL :RS STATIONERS AND 'PRINTI:RS 1919 East n'i;"i Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN THEODORE J. PATRICIA L. LLI (-) CD LU Cr) I- C) F-- - 1 I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 HOLLY AREA, SCHOOL DISTRICT - ANNUAL ELECTION, June 13, 1988 jMEMBER OF BOARD OF ED:ATION Vote for 2 - Four Year Term 2 3 AVCB Totals It --f I L F 1 1 f MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - is: Four Year Term 11 Vote for 2 votes votes votes TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons; received votes .• re or ved votes votes votes The whole number of votes given for the office of votes TOTAL TOT votes votes votes votes vo<7"; votes votes votes votes votes votes votes HOLL Y AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT YEN/TNT OF VOTES - ANNUAL ELECTION, June 13, 1988 The whole number of votes given for tha office of was • and they were given f'-)r. 'le following PATRICIA L. COUCKE THEODORE J. WITTE was and they were given for the following named persons; received votes votes votes votes The whole number of votes given for the fr of was and they were given for the following ne c:;ved ru rece ived received received received TOT/ _ 2.G STATEMENT OF VOTES ---- • Put figures 1 The whole number of votes given for the office of in this.colurnn . was e given for . P fo l u g named persons: rec d votes received votes 1 I 1 i received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given efor the office of L was -,- and they were given for the following named persons: i r received . votes . , rec,eived votes received votes 1• received votes 1 . d II received votes votes received votes received votes _ votes e votes , votes i .. TOTAL I I Ir.__ The whole number of votes given for the office of 1 i 0 as , ' and the were glee: for -I': r narned persons: ::c1 votes received votes f t received votes 11 received votes 1 : . , received votes I I received votes , received votes received votes , received votes 1 received votes 1 I received votes TOTAL votes JJ 3G MAXIMUM AUTHORIZE MI LLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION Yes I 0 Tota II Yes PRECINCT NUMBER 1 2 3 AVCB Total s STATE HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT - ANNUAL ELECTION, June 13, 1988 XIITEMIL=LE 2.P STA Eivi_ • 11 11 11 11 Total 11 Yes Yes I No No Yes To tal Tr.te Totoi 1 ' 1 11 1 1 1 1 T1 1 , 11 r 11 11 II fi 2-F STATEMENT OF VOTES HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL ELECTION, June 13, 1988 PUS The whole number of votes given for and against the APPROVAL TO LEVY MAXIMUM AUTHORIZED MILLAGE 1 inthisc., I Shall the maximum authorized millage rate of Holly Area School District, Oakland County, Michigan, be approved for levy in 1988 without the reduction required by -q section 31 of article 9 of the state constitution Of 1963? „ , . - , „ was , 1 of whir 'T number votes were marked YES ' 1 and ' votes were markod NO y - , , TOTAL VOTES, 1 The whole whole number of votes given for and against the MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION 1 „ , Shall the 23.15 mills limitation ($23.15 on each $1,000.00) on state equalized , 1 1 valuation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in i Holly Area School District, Oakland County, Michigan, which will expire with the 1988 tax levy, be renewed for 5 years, 1989 to 1993, inclusive, for operating ! I purposes? „ „ - -II 1 1 „ ! was of ),Athich number ; l : , votes were marked YES 1 1 : 1 1 and , l , l , votes we re marked NO , l ' 1 _ , ! 1 , 1 1 i / 1 TOTAL VOTES, 1 - 1 TOTAL VOTES, VOTES, I was hich number STATEMENT OF VOTES and against the was II of vvilien number 11 .i•e marked YES and votesw NO I---- TOTAL VOTES, T The whole of votes given for and against the 6P IN) 10 Lla) .....--• ,(f) z C m m - rn z c") ICHARD A. BLONDE AMES A. DOYON DITH L. GONZALEZ EN E. PEARLMAN ENE P. STANLEY fl) .b ii 03 cz:7 ri 1 73 1•) rn cc, in in in 7-r DAVID W. HACKETT HURTICENE HARDAWAY- SHEPHERD AMICHAEL R. LEWIS RALPH V. MARANDA DAVID WALKER MELDMAN THOMAS S. NELSON UCIUS THEUS ARCIA VAN CREVELD DIAL TOTAL -103 rn > < 0 0 (-) C) r— Fri Ph Ph r— r^. Ph C) rt CD 1/4* 00 IL ] ANNUAL -ski on the 13th ! day of June 11 Thah „tes ise lected MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION-Four Year Term . having receivcd That: That votes is elected te -• votes ' votes is That Th II votes is elected Ths• . votes heel - havi-- • • ihei a sufficient' ,;-iirrither of hadd - ei ‘a suffice •it „ num bei- fificient VOS,E.s is 11 HOLLY AREA O DISTRICT ANNUAL ELECTION, June 13, 1988 STATE OF MICHIGAN" SS OAKLAND • The BnPsd of Canvassers of the COUNTY of OAKLAND (-0—.0—, -0 .. • 00 , OF and Canvassed the Votes said - HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT II one thousand SI - ••; and. eighty-eight. •` tcid votes it MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION - Four Year Term V017: • That __ votes is elected Thiet ere votes is electe.d 1 1 1 Votes iS - u 1! II 't It ![ That having received a is:if-fie:Lent niurther of II !III That ,. „...... I is elected havines • sof:tic-Met number of . elected That dlected Tha' vote:. The:. TO LEVY mAxiru MILLAGE PROPOSITION MILLAC,E RENEWAL PROPOSITION NONE PROl'OSI HON of Oakland Ccry, TOWNSH LP OR ILLRG,) driy of June eighty7ejght. We have e• ep set our hands and affixed the Seal of County this the O vaLLAGE) 1 1 HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT - ANNUAL ELECTION, June 13, 1988 That . having received a sufficient nuinher of 'rotes elected That having received a Ffl bier of having received a . _ number of reeeNed number of having received a s• • •i.i...• of a Sk, having received a sufc of votes is elected That having a •L.. di the • • • • !", ti On s vvere passed or as indi‘aated belovv: Having 2 3 4 Nri.),1\:E NONF -JP OS17 t c.)N NONE Recirivie. Not _1 Nc.)t Received votes was 6utlicient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Se; • eriesi t votes was Sufficie PeEsed Passe De.leated Passed Defeated as 5,G