HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1981.06.08 - 3024JUNE 8, 1981 HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF OAKLAND AND LIVINGSTON COUNTIES VOTES CANVASSED BY OAKLAND MEMBERS OF BD, OF EDUC, 4 Yr, Term-Vote _.,for Z John T. Sheffler Lyle B. Tyler, Jr, TOTAL _211:j i) 1-Lt ,••••( - • ------4 TOTAL", 4 5 Avcp Morgan L Fredericksorr_ ^ ... : . • • .• • .. . : .. . . .........,,,,...,V,:-........... , .: . i : .: . . • : . ..••• : • • .•• - r- HURON ALLY SCHOOL D STR i CT - - V E JUNE 8 1981 OAKLAND SCHOOLS INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL The whole number of votes for and against the EDUCAT I ON MI LLAGE I NCREASE QUEST ION Shall the one (1) ni 1 t limitation on the annual property tax previously approved by the electors of Oakland Schools, an intermediate school district, State of Michigan, for the education of handicappedpersons be increased by two (2) mills? - - , / -- was ki--a (.,, - r //` 0-- p _ ,v ---A-- 1-A . I I , I of which number _ A AL", ,t._,..t./uc c__--1.7_, _ A(.4 - °' -7.`": votes were marked YE ----) f - and votes were marked NO ill TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the W a 5 III I _ of which number III I votes were m Aed YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES The whole number of votes for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES and , r7 HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 8, 1981 PROPOSITION NO, ONE PROPOSITION NO. TWO i PROPOSITION NO. THREE RENEWAL OF 24.4 MILLS FOR THREE YEARS INCREASE OF 2,5 MILLS INCREASE OF 2.6 MILLS FOR THREE YEARS NO' FOR THREE YEARS TOTAL YES NO TOTAL ; 7 •77'1---H"'••• OAKLAND SCHOOLS: INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL EDUCATION MILLAGE INCREASE QUESTION " . ... . .. PRECINCTS YES NO TOTAL 2"7 z • 2- n . 3 4 • • ) • r:2 ./ 5 AVC3 TOTAL , PROPOSITION NO, ONE PROPOSITION NO. TWO PROPOSITION NO, THREE RENEWAL OF 24.4 MILLS FOR 'THREE YEARS INCREASE OF 2.5 MILLS 1 INCREASE OF 2.8 MILLS FOR THREE YEARS ! FOR THREE YEARS PRECINCTS YES NO TOTAL /0 YES NO W-7(4 IE TOTAL YES 7 .7) NO ! TOTAL / TOTAL OAK LAN SCHOOL - SCHOOLS: INTERMEDIATE DISTRICT SPECIALjDUCATION AVCB 7 7 S.77 E.MENT IF VOTES, HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT JUNE 8, i981 . •. • .. • :. : . ••• MORGAN L. FREDRICKSON JOHN T. SHEFFLER LYLE B. TYLER, JR. ! W ORDS er/ Ff. •F • 1-1-,FeE7 TOTAL Two Ye.0 1' term -OF /VOTE FOR TWO TO -i AL e •! tn e 0.4 Lr,F •. pe tr4 WORDS T-- °— nd 07:n5tthe M1LLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSITION - NUMBER ONE The wnoie ,cir 14 0 fOTAL VC Shall the limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property . Hors - ••• Court chigan for al 1 purposes, be increased by 24,4 mills of the assessed valuation, as finally equalized, of all prop_erty in the_lchooL District_for,a_perioO of _Olree„.(3)yealls from July-4, .198-1, to June 1 30, 1984, both inclusive, which millage is a renewal of an expired 24,4 mill levy, for the 1 parpos_e_of providipg flulds for operatiil_g_explems_es2_ TOT A L VOTES nst Shall the limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in the Huron Valley School District, Counties of_Daklaad and LIv_i_ngs-ton, MiGh4gan-, for all 1 purposes be increased by 25 mills of the assessed valuation, as finally equalized, of all 1 property. in the School DistriLt for a perLacLaf_three43)—y_ears.from-Ju4y 4, 4-9-84-4-e-J-u-n-e-a&H 1984, both inclusive, which millage is a transfer of an existing 2,5 mill levy from debt retirement, for the purpoa_e of_provIding_fun_ds for operati419-e..4/en-s-es-2 MILLAGE TRANSFER PROPOSITION - NUMBER TWO MILLAGE INCREASE PROPOSITION - NUMBER THREE Shall the limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in the Huron Valley School District Counties of Oakland Living_s_ton, purposes, be increased by 2.8 mills of the assessed valuation, as finally equalized, of all property in the School District for a period of three ._(3) yearc from --41 1*-4-,-198-1-,---4-o-Junc --TO, T84, both inclusive, for the purpose of maintaining existing programs and restoring others heretofore eliminated? 7.ER • rh _ ;;;-, , F • MiLLACE RENEWAL PROPOSITION MILLAGE TRANSFER PROPOSITION M I LLAGE INCREASE PROPOSITION " Not Keceiveci voles • dQy C•f JUNE . 19_111 / CHAIPMAN C vasser .5 i'or the LounTy OAKLAND from ari OAKLAND AND .L 1 V i N.TON : COUNT I ES HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT of receiveo by scwi cH.).7, le.c. On rd ,Dri JUNE 8, 19 81 thot trie perl-Ons ] bejow were du:/ du-c ation ---;;:f the st.tid S oc itne terms of Qlfce set oppo.site ; VOTE FOR TWO per,cns eiected i-oY a one NAME NAME NONE .17‹,cetved: . Huy,.no . -- • . •••4 • .'UT OAKLAND